Home / Reports / Aug 11, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

422 commits had been pushed across 38 repos by 62 authors. There were 74,721 additions and 19,634 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:08:02 [f67a0049] Update prereqs.sh (#414) (guild-operators)
00:10:19 [619ca55b] Remove unused language pragmas (cardano-node)
00:19:47 [61d7b4c4] Create keys and launch three node cluster. Remove keys that were meant to be generated (cardano-node)
00:20:50 [7ad3b8fc] Add exception safety (cardano-node)
00:25:00 [2f679f86] Merge pull request #83 from input-output-hk/rvl/80/refactor (cardano-launcher)
00:47:57 [38cfa0f9] Fixed serialization issue with MoveInstantaneousReward (cardano-serialization-lib)
00:51:29 [4f4e8f0d] Fixed serialization issue with MoveInstantaneousReward (#46) (cardano-serialization-lib)
00:55:05 [7043fb6f] Create keys and launch three node cluster. Remove keys that were meant to be generated (cardano-node)
00:55:50 [94c3ac5a] Add exception safety (cardano-node)
01:16:10 [367c7b8c] Automatic update for Tue Aug 11 01:16:09 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:18:18 [f17e56ea] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:51:48 [8f22045f] updated readme (shopify)
02:26:50 [c7c7d6c4] Add ghc 8.10.2 (#807) (haskell.nix)
02:40:00 [815cec2c] Merge #1634 (cardano-node)
03:49:10 [e45bfec8] Merge #1636 (cardano-node)
03:52:00 [ccc19345] Added in Update type (cardano-serialization-lib)
04:49:29 [4a6e8563] Init docs (cardano-serialization-lib)
04:56:06 [edcae7d2] readthedocs YAML (cardano-serialization-lib)
05:20:20 [1a939081] Redirect node stdout and stderr to files (cardano-node)
05:47:01 [d0d8fb8d] Explicit imports (cardano-node)
06:06:04 [56709a66] db-sync: Fix epoch start and end times in epoch table (cardano-db-sync)
06:07:12 [fdc05906] Fix shadow variable warning errors (cardano-node)
06:09:24 [2bd3003a] doc: Minor tweaks to building-running.md (cardano-db-sync)
06:18:20 [36e7621f] Merge pull request #243 from input-output-hk/erikd/epoch-query (cardano-db-sync)
06:21:56 [297d2d08] Update README.md (shopify)
06:23:08 [4c592762] Update changelog entries (cardano-db-sync)
06:37:49 [a0bf2db7] New type alias 'Integration' for PropertyT (ResourceT IO) (cardano-node)
06:47:15 [6493c019] CAD-1464: Plan. (cardano-benchmarking)
07:16:07 [6f9eac24] Bump serde from 1.0.114 to 1.0.115 (jormungandr)
07:17:56 [8ad5f0e1] Update itnwitness.md (guild-operators)
07:21:07 [73bef943] chore(api-cardano-db-hasura): Bump cardano-db-sync and cardano-node (cardano-graphql)
07:28:50 [70a8c5eb] workaround (cardano-graphql)
07:34:03 [81f80e5e] Add dependency on `string-qq` package. (cardano-wallet)
07:36:21 [3fa82e7e] Hysteresis for peer comparison (ouroboros-network)
07:36:21 [9181ac93] Hashable peer for stable unique comparision in Blockfetch (ouroboros-network)
07:36:21 [98c55261] Add KeepAlive deltaQ convergence test (ouroboros-network)
07:36:21 [25439a50] Add cookie to keep-alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
07:36:21 [2d43407e] Keep-alive client (ouroboros-network)
07:36:21 [13c95fc5] Improve nodeBlockFetchSize estimates and test them (ouroboros-network)
07:36:21 [49f47fba] Initial EWMA approximation to ∆Q (ouroboros-network)
07:36:21 [f2aab063] pcap decoder for keep-alive (ouroboros-network)
07:36:49 [7d2d9292] Run coin selection properties with non-zero withdrawal (cardano-wallet)
07:48:18 [c10aa88a] Update operational-certificate.md (docs-cardano-org)
07:53:49 [2c80fdbb] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
07:53:57 [5c6c2c5a] Move lib/* to . (cardano-wallet)
07:56:01 [78248336] CLI flags (plutus)
07:56:46 [a367490b] Stylish haskell (plutus)
07:57:44 [98a1043e] bump android version to 3.0.0 (yoroi-mobile)
08:04:50 [570f4030] Merge #2014 (cardano-wallet)
08:05:10 [0722453e] [DDW-338] Fixes types, bumps cardano-launcher, adds CHANEGLOG (daedalus)
08:05:56 [fa290b26] Update understanding-pledging-and-rewards.md (docs-cardano-org)
08:08:54 [846df6d7] Merge #1657 (cardano-node)
08:12:54 [341e3499] Merge pull request #45 from input-output-hk/ksaric/CAD-1456 (smash)
08:13:42 [627b21ff] [CAD-1462] Clarify insert ticker command name and report error if ticker already exists. (smash)
08:17:25 [43bf56e8] extend benchmark with RndState and byron address storage (cardano-wallet)
08:23:16 [f30c7a04] SCB: Streaming JSON data via websockets. (plutus)
08:23:19 [9f539afb] SCB: Refactoring the websocket-handling. (plutus)
08:23:19 [95ca5681] SCB: Refactoring the frontend State type. (plutus)
08:23:19 [8428fd72] SCB: Reducing the network traffic caused by calling an endpoint. (plutus)
08:23:19 [4d0f784f] SCP-839: Don't display completed contracts. (plutus)
08:26:14 [33c2c839] Merge pull request #46 from input-output-hk/ksaric/CAD-1462 (smash)
08:26:21 [4088f9dd] [SRE-133] bump nixpkgs (now from nixpkgs instead of nixpkgs-channels) (iohk-nix)
08:27:31 [17c034f7] Use niv from default nixpkgs. (iohk-nix)
08:27:35 [e4c5243f] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
08:29:43 [1f787f71] FE: Websockets now automatically reconnect if there's a network dropout. (plutus)
08:29:45 [be4dd876] SCB: Code formatting tweak. (plutus)
08:29:45 [54d2cb80] Removing some obsolete imports. (plutus)
08:29:45 [9c668020] Lint. (plutus)
08:29:45 [aa508873] SCB: Minor simplication of a traversal. (plutus)
08:29:45 [5300fab7] SCB: Code review suggestion for the `bracket` function. (plutus)
08:29:45 [43278249] SCB: Improving variable names. (plutus)
08:29:45 [d3f09d4d] SCB: Code review: Tidying up a pattern match. (plutus)
08:30:22 [0dcd76b7] Update gh-pages for 2f679f8 (cardano-launcher)
08:31:06 [efe20214] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
08:35:08 [0686f700] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
08:37:56 [d75dd6b2] Simplify shelley cli errors (cardano-node)
08:37:57 [8af076af] Improve shelley cli errors to include which command failed (cardano-node)
08:39:12 [070cdfdf] Update dependency on cardano-ledger-specs and rewrite examples (ouroboros-network)
08:41:40 [0bfc9584] Improve shelley cli errors to include which command failed (cardano-node)
08:41:40 [acf937bd] Simplify shelley cli errors (cardano-node)
08:42:19 [2ffb4951] Correction to itnwitness.md (#416) (guild-operators)
08:43:30 [d2627732] Add WEBUSB button (adalite)
08:44:29 [2dda5f29] La la la embedded strings (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:48:14 [a0991ea5] Use niv from default nixpkgs. (iohk-nix)
08:48:22 [820b497b] Bump haskell.nix to latest master (iohk-nix)
08:50:58 [1ea47d39] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-296-daedalus-review-fixes (daedalus)
09:00:31 [8d163b6f] enable file module (jortestkit)
09:00:47 [775dc78b] clean comments (jortestkit)
09:01:14 [65a56c3f] relaxed constraints on traits (jortestkit)
09:01:16 [0245c9f8] release.nix: no build of dockerImages on darwin, no musl64 tests. (cardano-node)
09:09:00 [256171a7] Fix plutus devcontainer hls (plutus)
09:09:07 [a7b0491c] Lazy show tvar (cardano-node)
09:10:07 [0acb82cb] Merge pull request #2073 from input-output-hk/scp-647/scb-streaming (plutus)
09:10:33 [abbb6805] Add pool database view `effective_pool_retirements`. (cardano-wallet)
09:10:34 [aece959b] Provide SQLite implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:10:34 [b42197d0] Add skeleton `listRetiredPools` pool DB operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:10:34 [a305b1b4] Provide model implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:11:04 [6e44af55] clean up (jortestkit)
09:13:56 [1cae32a2] Add a command for writing the default logging config (plutus)
09:14:22 [0702648b] Remove unused language pragmas (cardano-node)
09:14:22 [4969de8d] Fix shadow variable warning errors (cardano-node)
09:15:04 [aa62a5b8] [CAD-1468] Create 1.0.0. release, MVP. (smash)
09:19:52 [c5e14927] Merge pull request #24 from input-output-hk/load_async_clean_up (jortestkit)
09:21:57 [ca602f28] Add pool database view `effective_pool_retirements`. (cardano-wallet)
09:21:58 [1b8149d2] Add skeleton `listRetiredPools` pool DB operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:21:58 [516d415e] Provide model implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:21:59 [d9612d29] Provide SQLite implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:22:52 [ef0a8b3e] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
09:25:10 [0bd59c4d] Fix logging (cardano-node)
09:25:11 [e93c24bc] Add support for Bech32 stake pool IDs/verification key hashes in cardano-api (cardano-node)
09:25:11 [56c42ba6] Support parsing of Bech32 or Base16 stake pool ID in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
09:25:11 [7d911618] Add support for multiple output formats in stake-pool id command (cardano-node)
09:25:12 [d7a94aec] Encode stake pool ID as Bech32 in ToJSON instance (cardano-node)
09:25:12 [f790aa31] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
09:25:13 [e97b6446] Default hlint file (cardano-node)
09:25:13 [cd24803b] Add hlint ci check (cardano-node)
09:25:13 [57afa2e9] Improve json topology parsing errors (cardano-node)
09:25:14 [15d1ff75] Create keys and launch three node cluster. Remove keys that were meant to be generated (cardano-node)
09:25:14 [6f6f052a] Bech32 encode stake address in stake-address-info query result (cardano-node)
09:25:15 [a2c60bf0] Redirect node stdout and stderr to files (cardano-node)
09:25:15 [24c15594] Explicit imports (cardano-node)
09:25:15 [2ff02a8e] Add exception safety (cardano-node)
09:25:16 [5f8f8979] New type alias 'Integration' for PropertyT (ResourceT IO) (cardano-node)
09:25:16 [43bb2783] Add shelley cli command to convert a script to an address (cardano-node)
09:25:39 [27ec6685] Add cookie to keep-alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
09:25:39 [64450c3e] pcap decoder for keep-alive (ouroboros-network)
09:26:34 [d04391cb] Add support for Bech32 stake pool IDs/verification key hashes in cardano-api (cardano-node)
09:26:34 [ccd4b857] Fix logging (cardano-node)
09:26:35 [bd0cf94a] Encode stake pool ID as Bech32 in ToJSON instance (cardano-node)
09:26:35 [1f6e69b6] Add support for multiple output formats in stake-pool id command (cardano-node)
09:26:35 [0801f203] Support parsing of Bech32 or Base16 stake pool ID in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
09:26:36 [4c13a71f] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
09:26:36 [6cb32a31] Add hlint ci check (cardano-node)
09:26:36 [d732a124] Default hlint file (cardano-node)
09:26:37 [eceb78c3] Bech32 encode stake address in stake-address-info query result (cardano-node)
09:26:37 [6c6195f7] Improve json topology parsing errors (cardano-node)
09:26:38 [c0cf6695] Redirect node stdout and stderr to files (cardano-node)
09:26:38 [8a529890] Add exception safety (cardano-node)
09:26:38 [46b44a5e] Create keys and launch three node cluster. Remove keys that were meant to be generated (cardano-node)
09:26:39 [530f649e] New type alias 'Integration' for PropertyT (ResourceT IO) (cardano-node)
09:26:39 [c4682c85] Explicit imports (cardano-node)
09:26:39 [4b9c2897] Add shelley cli command to convert a script to an address (cardano-node)
09:30:19 [4cf4a937] Optimise the balance function (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:31:32 [913133e0] Add pool database view `effective_pool_retirements`. (cardano-wallet)
09:31:32 [ee08a8f6] Add skeleton `listRetiredPools` pool DB operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:31:32 [3977ddb5] Add dependency on `string-qq` package. (cardano-wallet)
09:31:33 [eac39327] Provide model implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:31:33 [b3b4dc4f] Provide SQLite implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
09:32:53 [a733ad2e] Add shelley cli command to convert a script to an address (cardano-node)
09:32:53 [6ec8e93f] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
09:33:46 [21f1419b] Lazy show tvar (cardano-node)
09:38:17 [e5f12132] added vote deserialize trait (jormungandr)
09:38:33 [acf6064b] update jortestkit module (jormungandr)
09:39:14 [8db820e3] added possibility to disable logs (jormungandr)
09:40:28 [79638b3f] release.nix: no build of dockerImage on darwin, no musl64 tests. (cardano-node)
09:40:56 [2c48bf7c] Bump to latest haskell.nix (ouroboros-network)
09:40:56 [27a5f930] cabal.project: use multiple subdirs (ouroboros-network)
09:41:16 [aa33db8b] Lazy show tvar (cardano-node)
09:41:52 [be4151a9] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
09:43:51 [3b0e0da8] iapyx - backend module (jormungandr)
09:44:14 [0da37fe0] utils and data (jormungandr)
09:44:30 [7b3e5280] load module (jormungandr)
09:44:46 [209eb12a] cli module (jormungandr)
09:45:32 [4b223420] main module (jormungandr)
09:45:40 [66402602] binaries (jormungandr)
09:49:00 [77d266cd] Try bumping hackage? (plutus)
09:53:08 [6cfbbc83] clean up (jormungandr)
09:54:12 [abdb49cf] disable (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
09:54:47 [7ee3d797] Updates (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
10:02:38 [9376a0df] Build from github not hackage (plutus)
10:08:04 [18860bc6] release.nix: no build of dockerImage on darwin, no musl64 tests. (cardano-node)
10:08:19 [cdc87a8d] Build from github not hackage (plutus)
10:10:08 [da7286bf] [CAD-1468] Create 1.0.0. release, MVP. (smash)
10:14:18 [2a006663] Add dependency on `string-qq` package. (cardano-wallet)
10:14:18 [fe6c2c6f] Add pool database view `effective_pool_retirements`. (cardano-wallet)
10:14:19 [30a15179] Add skeleton `listRetiredPools` pool DB operation. (cardano-wallet)
10:14:19 [899de44f] Provide model implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
10:14:19 [ee71e8af] Provide SQLite implementation of `listRetiredPools` operation. (cardano-wallet)
10:22:13 [e096e340] Merge #2013 #2014 (cardano-wallet)
10:22:30 [0a7f8a9f] Render assertion violations. (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:26:47 [6288abfe] Add some tracing (haskell.nix)
10:27:36 [bffadba9] Try adding tracing (plutus)
10:31:14 [465318e6] Keep-alive client (ouroboros-network)
10:31:32 [23a5bdd8] Refactor cli structure (vit-servicing-station)
10:33:43 [c8c21cf9] Add KeepAlive deltaQ convergence test (ouroboros-network)
10:37:07 [f9cd570c] Check the right platform when setting LOCALE_ARCHIVE (haskell.nix)
10:37:29 [7bd3de59] Try adding tracing (plutus)
10:39:54 [3822ef68] Check the right platform when setting LOCALE_ARCHIVE (haskell.nix)
10:40:34 [799d025a] Try adding tracing (plutus)
10:40:34 [c13048c3] Bump Agda to 2.6.1, stdlib to 1.3 (plutus)
10:42:21 [eb6113d9] Fix a sha (plutus)
10:44:28 [4c59c320] Hysteresis for peer comparison (ouroboros-network)
10:44:28 [34b35862] Add cookie to keep-alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
10:44:28 [b861a32e] Initial EWMA approximation to ∆Q (ouroboros-network)
10:44:28 [d2039025] pcap decoder for keep-alive (ouroboros-network)
10:44:28 [cbd580e1] Improve nodeBlockFetchSize estimates and test them (ouroboros-network)
10:44:28 [e776e649] Hashable peer for stable unique comparision in Blockfetch (ouroboros-network)
10:45:46 [63ff5739] detached iapyx from workspace until new deps solution would be introduced (jormungandr)
10:52:20 [c225b64e] Smooth switching from slower to faster peers (ouroboros-network)
10:52:29 [6e7b7093] Fix a sha (plutus)
10:57:49 [1b8de75c] Bump Agda to 2.6.1, stdlib to 1.3 (plutus)
10:57:50 [d0eab36f] Use my fixed branch of haskell.nix (plutus)
11:04:19 [e9be8a6d] Use my fixed branch of haskell.nix (plutus)
11:04:35 [d44b93d3] Render assertion violations. (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:08:37 [9efe399c] Check the right platform when setting LOCALE_ARCHIVE (haskell.nix)
11:08:48 [5648a618] update serialization - use the same method like for shelley unit testing (cardano-transactions)
11:09:40 [4b57348e] Better (plutus)
11:13:25 [cd263bf9] e096e3403bdd94a67805ede25e2c3818fc875d7a (cardano-wallet)
11:13:25 [5cb23d0a] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
11:15:20 [11703eac] Fix roots (plutus)
11:20:39 [558495ec] Check the right platform when setting LOCALE_ARCHIVE (haskell.nix)
11:21:00 [fc81dcd7] Try again (plutus)
11:24:22 [3fb22415] More hashes (plutus)
11:28:03 [52d17cd9] remove input composer (plutus)
11:32:18 [5c4b7a53] Resolved many todos and formatting nits (ouroboros-network)
11:34:43 [ce85d843] [DDW-349] Disabled ITN redemption before being synced (daedalus)
11:35:18 [2bd61534] Add KeepAlive deltaQ convergence test (ouroboros-network)
11:35:18 [32dcdcae] pcap decoder for keep-alive (ouroboros-network)
11:35:18 [eccf7422] Hashable peer for stable unique comparision in Blockfetch (ouroboros-network)
11:35:18 [590685a4] Keep-alive client (ouroboros-network)
11:35:18 [c7435266] Hysteresis for peer comparison (ouroboros-network)
11:35:18 [cd7a6c97] Add cookie to keep-alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
11:35:18 [9d068045] Initial EWMA approximation to ∆Q (ouroboros-network)
11:35:18 [cc3709c0] Increase keep-alive timeout to 60s (ouroboros-network)
11:36:55 [dd986d5c] chore(api-cardano-db-hasura): Update test assertions based on upstream fixes (cardano-graphql)
11:38:21 [1401f8c3] [DDW-349] Fix CHANGELOG link (daedalus)
11:43:33 [4bcae302] remove wasm-bindgen (react-native-haskell-shelley)
11:45:46 [4e5b7856] WIP (plutus)
11:47:40 [eae882cb] Increase keep-alive timeout to 60s (ouroboros-network)
11:50:03 [2e30e34a] [DDW-350] Fixed Byron wallet label Japanese translation, Enabled Send screen for Byron wallets (daedalus)
11:52:17 [df155e8e] Address some comments from James (plutus)
11:53:55 [4957bd66] improve on estimateFee (cardano-transactions)
11:53:55 [095dd481] Address some comments from James (plutus)
11:53:57 [e098cec1] fix compilation issues on non-functional target (jormungandr)
11:58:07 [109402f8] Updates (plutus)
12:04:24 [316a67f6] Remove debug messages and change error message (adalite)
12:06:35 [0bdf2df4] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
12:11:32 [e42eb3d3] feat: replace DB polling with postgres notification listener for migrations (cardano-graphql)
12:11:34 [e24df95d] feat: Improve logging during retry attempts (cardano-graphql)
12:11:34 [71377d42] refactor: Move api-genesis config to conform with pattern (cardano-graphql)
12:11:51 [e412398d] chore(tests): removes MC4 network from managed networks (cardano-graphql)
12:11:53 [4e532a35] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): improve error handling with Cardano query delegation (cardano-graphql)
12:12:09 [92c32a56] Add cookie to keep-alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
12:12:09 [b2b62617] pcap decoder for keep-alive (ouroboros-network)
12:12:09 [e5f599f8] Increase keep-alive timeout to 60s (ouroboros-network)
12:14:26 [82ef5d45] Update ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/Node.hs (ouroboros-network)
12:21:05 [6fb6aa55] fixup! Render assertion violations. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:22:13 [b2907992] Merge branch 'benchValidation' of github.com:input-output-hk/cardano-ledger-specs into benchValidation (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:23:25 [d520ad71] Add another assertion (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:24:38 [fd753d4a] Update ouroboros-consensus/ouroboros-consensus-test-infra/src/Test/ThreadNet/Network.hs (ouroboros-network)
12:26:15 [140320f9] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
12:28:43 [2c467bd3] Merge pull request #275 from input-output-hk/feature/postgres-notification-to-migrate (cardano-graphql)
12:32:47 [9a397a38] Kwxm/machines eval builtins (#2208) (plutus)
12:34:34 [20861078] new beer address (cardanoNodeBuilder)
12:35:25 [eb5190f4] Fix more hashes (plutus)
12:37:02 [c8f82e24] new beer addr (itn1_cluster)
12:38:22 [639b9b2e] Revert Ledger device error removal (adalite)
12:40:19 [281d367d] Implement ToJSON/FromJSON instances of MultiSigScript (cardano-node)
12:43:40 [7b602f20] Allow to build for non-systemd systems (cardano-node)
12:47:22 [2516aff0] Keep-alive client (ouroboros-network)
12:47:22 [d22b9906] Add KeepAlive deltaQ convergence test (ouroboros-network)
12:47:22 [2f81dbdd] Initial EWMA approximation to ∆Q (ouroboros-network)
12:52:37 [e599c01c] add additional gl extension checks to demo (cardano-org-header)
12:56:40 [af96110c] Hashable peer for stable unique comparision in Blockfetch (ouroboros-network)
12:56:40 [48b6b814] Hysteresis for peer comparison (ouroboros-network)
12:56:40 [0b570472] Increase keep-alive timeout to 60s (ouroboros-network)
12:56:40 [7e39bb42] Add cookie to keep-alive protocol (ouroboros-network)
12:56:40 [21c96c60] pcap decoder for keep-alive (ouroboros-network)
12:57:17 [ff52b939] audit issue #1728 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:04:55 [5b982911] Merge pull request #2495 from input-output-hk/fix_comp_it_tests (jormungandr)
13:05:12 [86913b42] fixup! fixup! Render assertion violations. (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:08:01 [656dcb1b] zero-copy storage access (chain-libs)
13:11:29 [ace1b9be] Workaround (plutus)
13:17:15 [b82a3393] Merge pull request #1771 from input-output-hk/mrBliss/optimise-balance (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:19:43 [e3b67c2a] audit issue #1745 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:22:24 [bdff3f0f] Some instances (plutus)
13:22:48 [cf48f295] audit issue #1748 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:30:05 [4a0a4445] update name of package;updateMaterialized;stylish (plutus)
13:39:53 [6d9f762d] Merge pull request #52 from input-output-hk/ksaric/CAD-1468 (smash)
13:47:58 [f53a3d8f] Add clusterTests to required (cardano-node)
13:50:21 [02668fb5] smashUrl: only add to launcher config if exists (daedalus)
13:52:00 [213ecd56] Revert "fixup! Render assertion violations." (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:55:07 [951e4617] chore(server): hoist db config to top level package.json (cardano-graphql)
13:55:59 [1d76d90c] merge master (smash)
13:59:15 [9585f646] Fixed (smash)
13:59:49 [56b84b8f] Use my fixed branch of haskell.nix (plutus)
14:00:31 [8d352e0c] Merge pull request #29 from robcohen/master (smash)
14:02:54 [7cea2af6] Render assertion violations properly (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:05:50 [b0880d56] feat: Add package.json version to footer (#348) (cardano-explorer-app)
14:11:15 [39d32ea6] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): coerces transactions with no outputs to 0 total output (cardano-graphql)
14:14:56 [b61bd150] [DDW-350] Hide learn-more button on legacy wallet notification (daedalus)
14:16:12 [261923c7] doc init (cardano-transactions)
14:21:51 [a0c9371b] audit issue #1751 (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:21:54 [082a5ea9] [DDW-338] Fix flow types (daedalus)
14:23:25 [82e76182] audit issue #1752 (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:24:19 [fbfae1db] Merge #2503 (ouroboros-network)
14:24:45 [a0192077] Added csvs for cli testing (vit-servicing-station)
14:26:00 [f529562c] Implemented insertable for Fund (vit-servicing-station)
14:26:30 [8332e85f] Added base csv command (vit-servicing-station)
14:30:14 [3255425f] doc init (cardano-graphql)
14:34:06 [462bbc15] fix info source (cardano-graphql)
14:36:33 [3ad08fd5] Small fixes (cardano-transactions)
14:38:21 [2a427e02] Add test for re-registering stake pool (cardano-node-tests)
14:38:34 [8e6f98d9] trans (cardano-transactions)
14:40:30 [788e04c5] Merge pull request #28 from mkoura/mkoura/reregister_stake_pool (cardano-node-tests)
14:40:38 [72f5f949] fix title (cardano-transactions)
14:41:32 [312110aa] Retain pytest return value (cardano-node-tests)
14:42:15 [a7030837] Merge pull request #29 from mkoura/mkoura/pytest_exit_value (cardano-node-tests)
14:43:09 [e41bf267] WIP instances (plutus)
14:45:20 [abeb008d] added graphql and transactions (docs-cardano-org)
14:46:34 [1b750fda] moved glossary and release notes to tools (docs-cardano-org)
14:48:43 [1ba9a239] fix badge (docs-cardano-org)
14:59:16 [65e056d6] non-compiling param changes (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:59:16 [5a941f4c] txdata compiles (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:59:16 [db46e1d7] adding project base (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:59:17 [0c5df449] working on Tx (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:00:02 [aa444a34] change EpochBoundary (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:00:02 [61049691] working on EpochBoundary (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:00:08 [0c8e1818] upgrade to latest dalek function (chain-libs)
15:00:22 [e07698d0] Validation compiles with warnings (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:00:22 [c687b0b5] fix warnings (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:00:23 [120b991e] value fix (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:00:23 [75ee5b46] 1. replaced the map Value with a product type Value Coin (Map ...) 2. added vcoin, vinject and vsize to the type class Val 3. defined these for Value (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:00:35 [c5d2007f] build clusterTests on hydra (cardano-node)
15:03:07 [f811659e] Remove dead module (plutus)
15:07:30 [56e0d5d3] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): add missing query field for test (cardano-graphql)
15:13:41 [d54e1916] get payload and action from data files if available (jorvit)
15:15:04 [02268f3b] get payload and action from data files if available - update assets (jorvit)
15:15:19 [f50de110] moving NEAT generators and utilities into language-plutus-core so that they can be used from metatheory (plutus)
15:15:47 [3e20964e] mainnet: add more relays to handle all thrid-party block producers (cardano-ops)
15:16:44 [f1c7a073] add relaysBatchesOf function to implemenent rolling deploy (cardano-ops)
15:19:41 [5bf9e5fe] remove single payload per file limitation (jorvit)
15:21:03 [5b8cb3e6] fix some clippy (chain-libs)
15:22:44 [1b42d0c9] [DDW-349] Move logic into dedicated Container/Component (daedalus)
15:26:45 [02648ada] [DDW-350] Fix Byron transactions (daedalus)
15:35:18 [53099911] Remove dead module (plutus)
15:39:04 [07f3d783] Fix/coerce tx total output to zero when no outputs (#278) (cardano-graphql)
15:39:24 [47673163] fixes (plutus)
15:45:59 [b2651b5a] added experimental feature marker (plutus)
15:49:31 [e235214f] [DDW-349] NoWallets RedemptionUnavailable storybook stories (daedalus)
15:54:33 [9f6dda0b] improve documentation (chain-libs)
15:56:45 [78c1610a] Allow to build with cabal (cardano-wallet)
16:01:05 [15176a88] Merge #1664 (cardano-node)
16:09:50 [3b289404] New pool registration cert is needed when updating metadata or params (cardano-node-tests)
16:13:49 [8ad596de] Merge pull request #30 from mkoura/mkoura/fix_pool_update_tests (cardano-node-tests)
16:15:34 [9a506444] cardano: introduce Byron-compatible mock crypto for cardano tests (ouroboros-network)
16:15:38 [4e19da9c] cardano: introduce active Shelley stake pools in the ThreadNet tests (ouroboros-network)
16:18:08 [67993300] CAD-1430 optional reporting of elided messages (iohk-monitoring-framework)
16:19:06 [a78ccf32] Remove dead module (plutus)
16:21:28 [a84e48d6] CAD-1430 optional reporting of elided messages (cardano-node)
16:25:21 [017b7f06] Remove dead module (plutus)
16:26:44 [9ad76581] cardano: introduce Byron-compatible mock crypto for cardano tests (ouroboros-network)
16:26:44 [2ffdfcba] cardano: introduce active Shelley stake pools in the ThreadNet tests (ouroboros-network)
16:30:25 [1fb8718e] cardano: introduce Byron-compatible mock crypto for cardano tests (ouroboros-network)
16:30:25 [99eaaae5] cardano: introduce active Shelley stake pools in the ThreadNet tests (ouroboros-network)
16:39:33 [8c1942c0] Update dependencies (cardano-node)
16:42:40 [abe9873b] adding missing fils (plutus)
16:48:14 [2b77fd5b] Bump Agda to 2.6.1, stdlib to 1.3 (plutus)
16:48:14 [09ed5aa8] Use my fixed branch of haskell.nix (plutus)
16:48:24 [d085f839] withou functional tx (adalite)
16:53:11 [cacd2904] audit issue #1753 (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:57:45 [901bb910] audit issue #1764 (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:58:07 [ae1bab47] revert package name (plutus)
17:09:43 [468f0b39] audit issue #1765 (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:13:11 [a6efba6e] Merge pull request #2221 from input-output-hk/imp/agda-bump (plutus)
17:26:53 [74bbb7ad] Custom setup for metatheory (plutus)
17:32:44 [272dfcf5] Custom setup for metatheory (plutus)
17:35:30 [a07382b1] remove into_result trait implementation for DeserializeError (react-native-haskell-shelley)
17:37:44 [694dc56c] Custom setup for metatheory (plutus)
17:41:49 [32ada713] audit issue #1765 (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:45:49 [25f104f1] Custom setup for metatheory (plutus)
17:51:20 [cd873fb2] added another long list of modules to the cabal file... (plutus)
17:56:14 [33306608] audit issue #1765 (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:01:23 [6876f097] updateMateralized... (plutus)
18:04:46 [365d40f1] increasing genTxRetries from 5 to 6 (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:22:44 [55ec1274] Revert "Add Yoroi as default pool (#1649)" (yoroi-frontend)
18:23:22 [6d5f9c31] 3.1.2 (yoroi-frontend)
18:43:48 [78555aa8] Optimize BbodyEnv queries (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:09:55 [e18e95ed] added one test per target release (chain-libs)
19:28:10 [5c7c9b67] Update cntools.sh (guild-operators)
19:28:45 [bb5d58da] error on Ledger (yoroi-frontend)
19:30:29 [057254bd] Merge branch 'master' into patch-4 (guild-operators)
19:35:59 [d22af59b] Warning on Ledger device (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:25 [3e8fef80] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:26 [46d0b168] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:28 [eafff5bd] New translations en-US.json (fr-FR) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:30 [da53e446] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:32 [09985e72] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:34 [56d247dc] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:36 [d0ccbbd1] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:37 [60eef69d] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:39 [fb0f4526] New translations en-US.json (ja-JP) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:41 [e59b1690] New translations en-US.json (ko-KR) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:43 [e0302a46] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:45 [fbfe048d] New translations en-US.json (ru-RU) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:47 [52c764c0] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hant) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:49 [d886fcb2] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:50 [2385efc1] New translations en-US.json (id-ID) (yoroi-frontend)
19:44:52 [72bd848d] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-frontend)
20:12:50 [ab9f38c8] CAD-1219 txgen: implement funds usage from direct UTxO specification (cardano-benchmarking)
20:12:51 [b61af121] CAD-1393 existing-cluster: bump to MC4 (cardano-benchmarking)
20:12:51 [3408c579] CAD-1393 txgen: implement address discriminator override for mainnet (cardano-benchmarking)
20:12:51 [1765f2a6] CAD-1393 txgen: implement a node-to-node NetworkMagic override to deal with MC clusters (cardano-benchmarking)
20:21:53 [13ef8406] Merge pull request #438 from input-output-hk/fix_debug_assertion_test (chain-libs)
20:22:09 [1db3d8b8] upgrade to latest dalek function (chain-libs)
20:22:09 [3caaf3bc] fix some clippy (chain-libs)
20:26:37 [4761f37a] pir-tc: more refactor to check-kinds before checking types (plutus)
20:32:56 [4790d288] fix compilation issue conditional (chain-libs)
20:33:44 [7a05760d] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
21:08:53 [3e140031] Merge pull request #437 from input-output-hk/ed25519-dalek-update (chain-libs)
21:20:45 [52c14af3] builds (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:38:38 [5961887f] fix split for integer (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:42:45 [45bbf643] fix split for integer (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:44:48 [b24b68dc] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-frontend)
21:47:52 [eb1af9f0] Fix shadow variable warning errors (cardano-node)
22:02:55 [5ef0f0ca] update submodule so CI works (chain-wallet-libs)
22:06:48 [728f589f] Images for Ledger installation / firmware update (support-faq)
22:55:25 [0df98085] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-frontend)
23:03:03 [4f341575] make account recoverable from private key (chain-wallet-libs)
23:11:06 [578497a3] Handle interleaved term/type arguments to builtins in alternative CEK machine (plutus)
23:36:24 [692f61ec] Update comments about errors (plutus)
23:37:50 [95ff141f] Update comments about errors (plutus)