Home / Reports / Dec 3, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020

651 commits had been pushed across 45 repos by 79 authors. There were 168,397 additions and 133,657 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:02:28 [a3780dc6] Merge #2155 (cardano-node)
00:03:13 [bdaffcb3] Bumped bitte (plutus-ops)
00:05:18 [fba2a4ea] Added plutus flake (plutus-ops)
00:14:28 [b2d5f869] Merge #143 (cardano-prelude)
00:23:33 [28643c4d] MetaData -> Metadata (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:24:59 [dde6903f] MetaData -> Metadata (ouroboros-network)
00:25:40 [d7728e29] MetaData -> Metadata (cardano-node)
00:29:03 [aaac55cb] genesis.tex: typo missing it (ouroboros-network)
00:30:19 [2598ca5a] genesis.tex: qualify Praos design claim (ouroboros-network)
00:31:12 [4a8aedac] genesis.tex: minor edit (ouroboros-network)
00:34:32 [1cb9e8a7] genesis.tex: qualify ease of attack (ouroboros-network)
00:38:58 [6229b24d] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-410-cancel-running-fee-estimation-api-requests-once-new-request-is-made (daedalus)
00:39:17 [e3aaf3c4] [ETCM-205] Add information about checkpointed transactions in history (mantis-wallet)
00:43:49 [2ec0205f] genesis.tex: add TODO re motivating speculative mode (ouroboros-network)
00:48:11 [65583e5a] genesis.tex: add TODO re suprising term/flow (ouroboros-network)
00:48:27 [e51dd8f8] genesis.tex: add TODO re unfortunate page break vs "this" (ouroboros-network)
00:57:34 [9a47eb9a] Merge pull request #92 from input-output-hk/hkm/download-fix (nix-tools)
01:04:12 [dd87c9a7] Automatic update for Thu Dec 3 01:04:12 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:07:51 [94ef4e73] Bump nix-tools to latest master (haskell.nix)
01:10:37 [cadb2a59] genesis.tex: add TODO re forward reference to waiting after moving up window (ouroboros-network)
01:10:37 [f573da86] genesis.tex: TODO about updating diagram for previous commit (ouroboros-network)
01:10:37 [489f169f] genesis.tex: add TODO re explicit semantics of thick red line (ouroboros-network)
01:10:37 [ae9b36f4] genesis.tex: mention fresh peers after wiping to recover after an invalid block (ouroboros-network)
01:10:37 [f5fbd66f] genesis.tex: be more precise about concluding a chain spans the window (ouroboros-network)
01:12:09 [e26058c7] genesis.tex: more precise motivation for returning to conservative mode (ouroboros-network)
01:13:45 [e774ac54] Automatic update for Thu Dec 3 01:13:44 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:15:34 [131433c3] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:20:50 [53376ea3] cardano-api: Fix haddock build (cardano-node)
01:25:08 [64aeda86] Added module Data.Provenance. (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:31:14 [63c354d9] nix build fix (cardano-wallet)
01:31:56 [e804cb20] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
01:41:26 [23ede452] chore: update runtime env in Github workflows to ubuntu-20.04 (cardano-rosetta)
01:43:01 [63119c45] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into rvl/bump-nix-tools (haskell.nix)
01:48:58 [33942d95] more stability fixes (vit-ops)
01:56:06 [38c92e28] Cleanup (voter-registration-tool)
02:00:57 [d967ed45] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
02:00:58 [266eb83e] Version 7.0.0 (cardano-db-sync)
02:04:43 [e72349d2] Quash cardano-cli shelley deprecation messages (cardano-wallet)
02:05:55 [aa542ffb] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
02:05:55 [20c117ca] Version 7.0.0 (cardano-db-sync)
02:20:02 [5e500175] Update index state to 2020-11-15 (cardano-prelude)
02:21:19 [2d91be35] shelley-test-cluster: Update the comments for withCluster (cardano-wallet)
02:38:45 [3f906cef] Merge #142 (cardano-prelude)
02:43:13 [baa1ed83] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
03:03:08 [5d34dc46] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
03:11:55 [cd9d6536] chore: bump cardano-db-sync and cardano-node (cardano-graphql)
03:13:39 [2aa19070] Debug cache issue (haskell.nix)
03:16:02 [d77c7fa4] Debug cache issue (haskell.nix)
03:21:06 [931ae706] iohk-nix: bump to support launchpad and allegra networks (cardano-db-sync)
03:23:19 [d07737a8] Documentation (voter-registration-tool)
03:26:46 [7b5bb08a] Maybe it was just GC causing issues (haskell.nix)
03:34:17 [ccaf7d54] chore: bump cardano-db-sync and cardano-node (cardano-graphql)
03:40:24 [d1906785] Debug cache issue (haskell.nix)
03:47:18 [1d961af9] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
03:47:54 [a10905c6] Debug cache issue (haskell.nix)
04:01:55 [a658de0f] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:06:07 [257371a7] Add buildkite steps (voter-registration-tool)
04:09:50 [4da667e3] niv easy-purescript-nix: update 7b1c1635 -> 860a95cb (plutus)
04:15:46 [414cf0a8] Remove debug code (haskell.nix)
04:43:18 [1c9c655a] catalyst-dryrun: snapshot mainnet funds on 12/03 04:00 UTC (vit-ops)
04:52:08 [af4dca6b] Update index state to 2020-11-15 (cardano-prelude)
05:10:27 [32d3e1fc] update tests (plutus)
05:14:43 [23b8e625] db: Rename a db field from invalidHereAfter to invalidHereafter (cardano-db-sync)
05:25:07 [ed3cea18] Merge #142 (cardano-prelude)
05:35:19 [64ec6191] Styling (voter-registration-tool)
05:42:08 [49736530] Merge pull request #2 from input-output-hk/feature/cleanup-and-doco (voter-registration-tool)
05:56:47 [98a370f7] Bump cardano-legacy-address from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
05:57:19 [bd47d9e9] Bump chain-vote from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
05:57:45 [410ff9e0] Bump chain-storage from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
05:58:15 [aa99195c] Bump chain-network from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
05:58:43 [bdbfe316] Bump chain-time from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
05:59:11 [cef9c4f9] Bump serde_json from 1.0.59 to 1.0.60 (jormungandr)
05:59:45 [66aee505] Bump chain-crypto from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
06:00:13 [9dc23eaf] Bump imhamt from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
06:00:42 [80ae11e4] Bump chain-addr from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
06:01:14 [89973359] Bump typed-bytes from `f39380c` to `5bfb3a4` (jormungandr)
06:20:14 [8ac0aa4d] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-node)
06:30:26 [e8dae45d] Merge pull request #417 from input-output-hk/erikd/hereAfter (cardano-db-sync)
06:36:50 [e2cbc657] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
06:37:52 [4d964866] db: Rename a db field from invalidHereAfter to invalidHereafter (cardano-db-sync)
06:37:52 [ffa31f31] Version 7.0.0 (cardano-db-sync)
06:37:52 [c52886cf] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
06:37:52 [415db084] iohk-nix: bump to support launchpad and allegra networks (cardano-db-sync)
06:49:55 [02bcb15f] Update cncli.sh (guild-operators)
06:55:27 [b1e6fc33] Update 2020-12-01_09-00-00_comingsoon-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
06:57:00 [db984941] Update 2020-11-25_09-00-00_native-tokens-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
06:57:29 [bafefbba] Merge branch 'alpha' into inherit-variable-definitions (guild-operators)
07:00:51 [edc01bac] Update cncli.sh (guild-operators)
07:01:07 [decb853f] Merge #186 (cardano-base)
07:03:47 [5b2e413e] Update cncli.sh (guild-operators)
07:04:26 [936eb229] Update 2020-11-25_09-00-00_native-tokens-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
07:04:58 [cc9d46c7] Update 2020-12-01_09-00-00_comingsoon-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
07:11:40 [513c0dec] Merge pull request #296 from cardano-foundation/not-a-testnet (testnets-cardano-org)
07:12:31 [1160ab06] Merge pull request #2 from cardano-community/Illuminatus-patch-1 (cardano-spo-security)
07:23:48 [b70156cc] Make sure the a .conf file is created (haskell.nix)
07:24:29 [1f88fe86] ifdLevel 0 (haskell.nix)
07:39:53 [40bdba87] chore: bump cardano-db-sync and cardano-node (cardano-graphql)
07:39:53 [8df89d37] chore: add new testnet configuration (cardano-graphql)
07:50:12 [ad9b4e5d] feature: Transaction time-locking fields (cardano-graphql)
07:51:27 [694a012a] Minor corrections (ouroboros-network)
07:53:20 [6b771ae2] Corrections Frisby (ouroboros-network)
07:55:00 [fab0d19b] Remove the `tokens` prefix from the `Buildable` instances of `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
07:55:12 [6e03e864] Add docs for checking nix-tools materialization (haskell.nix)
07:58:37 [170a6db4] Add `Buildable` instances for `TokenBundle` type. (cardano-wallet)
08:19:16 [a4ee9aca] snapshots/cardano-1.24.0.yaml: Fiddle with package versions (cardano-haskell)
08:25:06 [cf7cefa1] Make the test cluster works through Shelley and Allegra. (cardano-wallet)
08:25:07 [f2d63e78] update dependencies to cardano-1.24.0 (cardano-wallet)
08:25:08 [3e99279d] nix build fix (cardano-wallet)
08:25:09 [d2e1505f] Quash cardano-cli shelley deprecation messages (cardano-wallet)
08:25:10 [30e631a7] shelley-test-cluster: Update the comments for withCluster (cardano-wallet)
08:25:11 [716fe31f] Tweak package versions in stack snapshot (cardano-wallet)
08:25:29 [af5df4a3] Switch to hercules-ci/gitignore.nix for a cool 2x eval speedup (plutus)
08:25:53 [2790c950] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
08:26:47 [479b76d8] Separate counter for how many blocks the game token is locked for (plutus)
08:27:46 [3afd7e06] Generic property to check that a model cannot get stuck (plutus)
08:28:56 [a4cb13c2] Bump Haskell.nix to get updated hackage index (cardano-wallet)
08:36:14 [f85091a3] Parameterise era-independent types over the crypto instead of era (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:36:19 [f14b86fc] Modify foreign key constraint for `UTxOToken` to refer to `Checkpoint`. (cardano-wallet)
08:36:19 [303a50a4] Modify several `Buildable` instances to include tokens. (cardano-wallet)
08:36:19 [39e9fd83] Add roundtrip DB persistence test for `TokenQuantity` type. (cardano-wallet)
08:40:36 [8d79fabf] Deal with Frisby's feedback (ouroboros-network)
08:42:02 [4cee4545] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
08:42:03 [d99ff79c] Bump Haskell.nix to get updated hackage index (cardano-wallet)
08:42:04 [6a589d10] Work around deprecation Werrors coming from cardano-ledger (cardano-wallet)
08:42:16 [3f328a1a] Add functions for rendering textual representation of Value (cardano-node)
08:42:18 [cb12d663] Add package cardano-api-test (cardano-node)
08:42:19 [a797dd32] Delete unused module Test.Cli.Gen (cardano-node)
08:42:19 [0bdb0446] Add round-trip tests for Mary Value rendering and parsing (cardano-node)
08:46:19 [5742ef9f] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
08:51:46 [b0a6b22e] Merge pull request #35 from input-output-hk/rvl/cardano-node-1.24.0 (cardano-haskell)
09:00:32 [ba05d0fe] added os images (mantis-docs)
09:00:34 [850de8ca] Parameterise era-independent types over the crypto instead of era (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:00:41 [8e371acc] Merge branch 'main' of github.com:input-output-hk/mantis-docs into main (mantis-docs)
09:06:06 [fee610a7] Merge #186 (cardano-base)
09:14:20 [98b2e172] Adds CHANGELOG (daedalus)
09:16:30 [bdc97fbd] Minor improvements (ouroboros-network)
09:19:24 [aa0ad4e9] [DDW-486] Run translation manger (daedalus)
09:20:03 [9420f00a] [DDW-486] Close Newsfeed on Blur (#2250) (daedalus)
09:21:15 [69abf1df] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-505-overlapping-data-on-transactions (daedalus)
09:21:57 [921324ba] Update mantis to latest develop. (mantis-wallet)
09:25:15 [4d0cc707] [DDW-505] Fix lint issues and run translation manager (daedalus)
09:29:53 [7f3413b1] [DDW-410] Run translation manager (daedalus)
09:40:02 [6ebca3d1] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-410-cancel-running-fee-estimation-api-requests-once-new-request-is-made (daedalus)
09:40:05 [3d50da7b] Nix build cardano-node binary for the revision used by db-sync (cardano-db-sync)
09:42:15 [2cda21e1] Merge pull request #2514 from input-output-hk/update/easy-purescript-nix-7b1c1635e16c7f12065db2f8ec049030fcc63655 (plutus)
09:43:10 [b63ad065] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-427-issues-on-redeem-rewards-screen (daedalus)
09:45:49 [272aa177] address review comments (ouroboros-network)
09:46:40 [c822f8f8] [DDW-427] Runs prettier (daedalus)
09:53:15 [d6e47d8b] Bump nix-tools to latest master (#955) (haskell.nix)
09:53:47 [9b1f99cb] Update gh-pages for d6e47d8b (haskell.nix)
09:58:02 [30555a25] Use own cardano-node revision for integration test (smash)
10:05:28 [6eed9412] Merge branch 'develop' into sync-develop (mantis-wallet)
10:06:14 [d256260a] Merge pull request #40 from input-output-hk/update-mantis (mantis-wallet)
10:06:43 [11059fe6] Merge branch 'develop' into sync-develop (mantis-wallet)
10:08:30 [69861ad4] [FIX] Fix retry config option (mantis)
10:10:49 [afdbbdf1] Merge #2322 (cardano-wallet)
10:14:28 [5d570a4b] Merge pull request #44 from crptmppt/crptmppt-fixing-community-section (docs-cardano-org)
10:15:40 [d90cc39c] Support for getting peers from ledger (disabled) (ouroboros-network)
10:15:52 [d9112531] address review comments (ouroboros-network)
10:17:27 [91e49431] Fix prop_rebalanceSelection wrt #2118 (cardano-wallet)
10:17:32 [501b8460] Add unit test case (cardano-wallet)
10:17:33 [71e911d4] Attempt to fix #2207 (cardano-wallet)
10:43:01 [0f8c85d1] small rephrase (yoroi-mobile)
10:46:29 [c00cc684] fix undesired margin on top in iOS (#1061) (yoroi-mobile)
10:48:09 [09847c24] Merge #2357 (cardano-wallet)
10:49:35 [da0b679b] getting started refactor (mantis-docs)
10:50:41 [29a858ec] structure: reordering resources links (mantis-docs)
10:51:54 [2327aa47] content: added roadmap & known issues pages (mantis-docs)
10:53:07 [b2dbfc1e] Move general property things to StateModel (plutus)
10:53:30 [91e50dab] Silence some warnings (plutus)
11:00:51 [0b0403d6] add support for read-only wallets (#1059) (yoroi-mobile)
11:06:47 [efd1ffba] cncli.sh inherit from environment (#611) (guild-operators)
11:09:58 [31a1f9f5] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:00 [b8ae5a7c] New translations en-US.json (Russian) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:04 [5a2b5dd0] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:06 [548a23d9] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:08 [de665ceb] New translations en-US.json (Indonesian) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:10 [a0c569e3] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:12 [7846d9ad] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Traditional) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:14 [8de687a1] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:17 [727a2a01] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:19 [1593f4b8] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:21 [0b473544] New translations en-US.json (Korean) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:23 [08bbcece] New translations en-US.json (Japanese) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:25 [45ff02c2] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:27 [df0885dc] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:30 [1fd7ebfc] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:32 [5c925a96] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:34 [82284455] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:39 [398f0291] content: quickstart minor details (mantis-docs)
11:14:40 [ff523511] only restore if no state exists (vit-ops)
11:14:55 [84955cd4] speed up image pushing (vit-ops)
11:15:23 [c59de292] nixfmt (vit-ops)
11:15:50 [67b6207b] header and footer link edits (mantis-docs)
11:21:49 [798c6acc] des-capitalize error messages (jormungandr)
11:25:08 [e1ebb5dc] Update README.md (cardano-rosetta)
11:25:15 [681dc9f2] [DDW-197] Remove transport.close() and improve device LC removal logic (daedalus)
11:25:50 [f00a702c] DDW-427 Issues on redeem rewards screen - renaming const (daedalus)
11:25:55 [0fc1d14b] content: get-started tweaks (mantis-docs)
11:29:43 [61dd964a] content: issues update (mantis-docs)
11:34:02 [6855f4a6] [ETCM-205] Reformat files and update repo.nix files (mantis)
11:35:31 [ece2296f] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/ghc-experimental-vernum (haskell.nix)
11:36:20 [ff2317e5] Merge pull request #231 from input-output-hk/correct-cli-check-readme (cardano-rosetta)
11:38:06 [074621e2] [ETCM-205] Simplify address generation from keypair (mantis)
11:44:39 [86511a7b] Add User Variables section to prereqs.sh (guild-operators)
11:45:00 [0e3d7555] DDW-427 Issues on redeem rewards screen - renaming const + adding comment for min wallet balance (daedalus)
11:45:05 [d8eccb5f] Use payload type instead of string type (jormungandr)
11:46:09 [4536cff3] WIP (mantis-wallet)
11:46:52 [5fbfe396] [DDW-197] Improve flow types (daedalus)
11:47:19 [df49fda2] [ETCM-205] Simplify address generation from keypair (mantis)
11:47:52 [3d9658c6] improved error message for InvalidBinaryShare (jormungandr)
11:52:36 [7900704c] Use NodeToClientV_5 (cardano-wallet)
11:54:48 [90b3b66c] make transactions 'pure Allegra' transactions (cardano-wallet)
11:59:50 [da437775] [CAD-2178] Simplifying the pool metadata retry logic. (smash)
12:00:01 [43674147] config: minor updates (mantis-docs)
12:00:48 [c275dcc2] content updates (mantis-docs)
12:01:01 [1187c8b9] docs readme update (mantis-docs)
12:01:13 [2ad7434f] Adding last compiled code and last evaluated simulation to state, to allow comparing with current code/simulation to check for changes. (plutus)
12:01:59 [60738a1d] Try #125: (smash)
12:06:51 [df480fb1] [DDW-197] LC cleanup and eslint fixes (daedalus)
12:06:57 [f93dfa77] [ETCM-205] Simplify address generation from keypair (mantis)
12:09:41 [ba625012] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
12:09:42 [f22f3c1f] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
12:09:51 [fbb5863e] Merge origin/master into quickcheck (plutus)
12:15:25 [49414070] Implement 'reset' using SO_LINGER option (ouroboros-network)
12:16:25 [3018a0f2] connection-manager: types & core implementation (ouroboros-network)
12:17:16 [65eb0291] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
12:17:55 [f29a9bc7] Update 02-querying-the-json-rpc-api.mdx (mantis-docs)
12:19:17 [ade63618] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
12:19:17 [ccf5dad4] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
12:19:17 [5978f883] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
12:19:22 [af54a98c] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
12:19:24 [1ed9eb50] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
12:20:02 [288bcf83] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
12:22:32 [22818ca8] Update 02-querying-the-json-rpc-api.mdx (mantis-docs)
12:23:03 [185b7f7e] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [7fa9e1d0] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [ca988304] peer-selection: localRootPersProvider (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [890c6460] ouroboros-consensus: updated to the new diffusion interface (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [83aa09c3] diffusion: use connection-manager (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [0825a62e] peer-selection: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [f2e05aca] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [13d5dcb0] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
12:23:05 [18eaac88] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [69752297] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [aa7c8283] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [5e4f5fe3] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [06b2df1c] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [5c71b82b] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [9736ed01] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [0badc140] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [4d30640a] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [2871f896] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [87ed8316] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
12:23:06 [bb99d318] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [353d6acf] peer-selection: removed import (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [a5b9fc90] p2p-governor: refactor governor invariant (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [6bba8f9a] WithPrototocolTemperature: added Applicative instance (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [23db59e9] mini-protocols: trace termination message (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [e797e89e] connection-manager: spec (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [fb8f35d8] p2p-governor: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [16441c09] p2p-governor: minConnectTime computation (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [3887935c] p2p-governor: removed HasCallStack constraint (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [a7268c24] p2p-governor: warm→hot re-promotion delay (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [7424a1ed] p2p-governor: introduce EstablishedPeers (ouroboros-network)
12:23:07 [1f34c146] tx-submission-inbound: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
12:26:58 [ff2989d4] [CAD-2178] Simplifying the pool metadata retry logic. (smash)
12:27:33 [7c6d5bbb] Try #125: (smash)
12:28:06 [68a8e97f] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
12:28:59 [95686799] Update 02-querying-the-json-rpc-api.mdx (mantis-docs)
12:29:51 [cae6607c] Transaction metadata feature - fixing metadata translations (cardano-explorer-app)
12:31:04 [bd15fbb0] Use str instead of String for `payload_type_to_string` return type (jormungandr)
12:34:24 [88ee487e] Update 02-querying-the-json-rpc-api.mdx (mantis-docs)
12:34:26 [0eef7a02] Use payload type on method call instead of string (jormungandr)
12:34:32 [4e9c7d32] Merge branch 'feature/create-transaction' into 'master' (adrestia-multisig-coordination)
12:35:38 [fa37d16c] [DDW-323] Updates maximum delegation amount calculation (daedalus)
12:37:42 [46a7e8ec] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
12:42:01 [39abbd05] cargo clippy (jormungandr)
12:42:20 [f0a0c79a] changed vit-servicing-station app name (jormungandr)
12:42:49 [38eb7d43] changed way resources are retrieved for vit migration db (jormungandr)
12:49:35 [c411b795] Wrong guesses can now be invalid transitions (plutus)
12:50:48 [999ebc95] connection-manager: spec (ouroboros-network)
12:50:48 [2a0076c1] peer-selection: removed import (ouroboros-network)
12:55:29 [dc6dbb88] [DDW-427] Run translation manager (daedalus)
13:04:30 [9d5efc81] Merge pull request #125 from input-output-hk/ksaric/CAD-2178 (smash)
13:06:30 [c5d1d362] Merge #418 (cardano-db-sync)
13:06:48 [142c6ab8] Merge #126 (smash)
13:09:57 [4119b049] ETCM-443: Fix the KTable and the kademlia ID mapping getting out of sync. (scalanet)
13:13:56 [7a39ba7b] chore: add withdrawal example (cardano-rosetta)
13:13:56 [15ab995b] chore: add delegate stake example (cardano-rosetta)
13:17:15 [d59a0e8d] chore: add delegate stake example (cardano-rosetta)
13:17:15 [570fc948] chore: add withdrawal example (cardano-rosetta)
13:21:25 [8798ddfe] [DDW-323] Update circulating supply (daedalus)
13:21:28 [b00832b1] Merge branch 'develop' into ETCM-443-fix-discovery-key-not-found (scalanet)
13:23:32 [011e9a0d] Merge #2159 (cardano-node)
13:27:57 [078d45d5] [ETCM-205] Simplify address generation from keypair (mantis)
13:33:06 [a62351c8] Update the case for insufficient blocks (ouroboros-network)
13:37:07 [1e46bc51] Merge pull request #35 from input-output-hk/sync-develop (mantis-wallet)
13:37:54 [9ea0a424] Removing some hardcoded references to /tmp in the test suite. (mantis-cardano)
13:38:08 [72fb55b9] Update faucet CORS and frontend ref (cardano-ops)
13:42:40 [913e6be2] Moved block metrics after validation and importing block (mantis)
13:47:09 [5da7d5ac] move wait for allegra transition after pool registration in the launcher code. (cardano-wallet)
13:47:58 [0ea278fb] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
13:51:54 [108751c8] Merge #2159 (cardano-node)
13:54:27 [1f3d3a1b] [DDW-197] Update text copy, fix Delegation wizard validation (daedalus)
13:54:30 [fc6820d6] WIP: Peer selection evaluation (ouroboros-network)
13:54:36 [d5a2123a] Merge pull request #110 from input-output-hk/ETCM-443-fix-discovery-key-not-found (scalanet)
13:55:46 [36813e79] Matthijs aeon patch 1 (#3) (cswg)
13:55:59 [3f0438cd] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
13:58:00 [b4eecfb2] Update README.md (cardano-spo-security)
13:59:25 [a6c9f629] CAD-2166 node | LedgerQueries: add ledgerDelegMapSize (cardano-node)
13:59:27 [5db2deef] CAD-2166 node tracers: delegation map size along UTxO size in TraceStartLeadershipCheck (cardano-node)
13:59:28 [b2e017f2] CAD-2166 logging: move all metrics to 'cardano.node.metrics' (cardano-node)
13:59:28 [b163e57d] CAD-2166 logging | prometheus: export utxoSize and delegMapSize metrics (cardano-node)
14:00:05 [3d07865d] MetaData -> Metadata (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:00:21 [b42100ce] update ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
14:00:59 [9aa5efbf] Update README.md (cardano-spo-security)
14:01:08 [456fb251] Update README.md (cardano-spo-security)
14:06:52 [7ba71cb4] CNTools 6.3.0 (guild-operators)
14:06:53 [db7109af] replace dirname with native bash (guild-operators)
14:07:23 [36439524] Update ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/NodeKernel.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:08:02 [300b7945] Update ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/NodeKernel.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:08:34 [3fa370c5] Update ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/NodeKernel.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:09:06 [3c234f6a] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection/LedgerPeers.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:09:59 [323e49fd] fixup! Removing some hardcoded references to /tmp in the test suite. (mantis-cardano)
14:10:12 [b54a43ba] Updated to latest Erg-USD oracle pool (ergo-headless-dapp-framework)
14:11:18 [df2ccedc] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection/LedgerPeers.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:11:21 [89ae42cd] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
14:12:12 [d38a278b] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection/LedgerPeers.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:12:59 [6c91d919] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection/LedgerPeers.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:13:09 [d002cbd7] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection/LedgerPeers.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:14:14 [1cb60106] Reintroduce the update rules. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:15:55 [e8cbab47] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection/LedgerPeers.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:16:19 [dd4ba01a] Update ouroboros-network/src/Ouroboros/Network/PeerSelection/LedgerPeers.hs (ouroboros-network)
14:26:22 [e3c1d60d] test: added rosetta CLI dsl files for transafer (cardano-rosetta)
14:26:22 [b04dadce] fix: operation satus was marked as required when it's not (cardano-rosetta)
14:26:56 [86af91a5] [DDW-197] Guard against potential empty devices list (daedalus)
14:27:38 [55a5e29c] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-197-implement-ledger-hw-support' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-197-implement-ledger-hw-support (daedalus)
14:28:28 [0fa8d888] Use pre-commit-hooks.nix with our nixpkgs (plutus)
14:29:49 [a5c3031d] Formatting. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:30:30 [2c1b9ade] Merge #2124 (cardano-node)
14:32:17 [d6eaa1cf] change property name from client rpc timeout (mantis)
14:32:23 [df0fadbc] Removing some hardcoded references to /tmp in the test suite. (mantis-cardano)
14:36:10 [6c968d8b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into ETCM-416-limit-subnets-in-k-table (scalanet)
14:37:20 [c4737ea6] Merge pull request #828 from input-output-hk/fix-metric-measure-place (mantis)
14:37:21 [2a93c329] WIP (mantis-wallet)
14:37:23 [e581144e] Speed up Value generation for serialisation tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:37:29 [407789f5] Allow UInt64 tokens for coins. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:43:15 [8b13dc1f] Add User Variables section to prereqs.sh (#614) (guild-operators)
14:50:11 [d1a5a4e3] CAD-2359 cli: construct a full cert for annotation in 'byron delegation check-delegation' (cardano-node)
14:50:49 [48128333] Remove commented out code. [skip ci] (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:52:30 [5d316c5e] Add integration test for ADP-500, which ought to fail now (cardano-wallet)
14:55:08 [e5a3cef2] Merge branch 'alpha' into cntools-6.3.0 (guild-operators)
14:55:16 [64980864] Update 01-getting-started.mdx (mantis-docs)
14:56:02 [9467812d] Merge branch 'cntools-6.3.0' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into cntools-6.3.0 (guild-operators)
14:56:24 [329ac3f5] Update 01-getting-started.mdx (mantis-docs)
14:56:27 [b9c2c417] Update simple script documentation with Allegra time locking scripts (cardano-node)
14:57:35 [7c63a3aa] Formatting. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:57:35 [8d11c050] Speed up Value generation for serialisation tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:57:35 [bfd1d89c] Allow UInt64 and NInt64 tokens for coins. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:57:44 [0fe7bf16] Merge pull request #2772 from danielSanchezQ/jcli-certificate-tally-private (jormungandr)
14:58:09 [8cf6bfd4] Update 01-getting-started.mdx (mantis-docs)
14:58:35 [01729206] Update 2020-11-25_09-00-00_native-tokens-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
14:58:38 [2581cf4e] CAD-2359 cli: construct a full cert for annotation in 'byron delegation check-delegation' (cardano-node)
14:59:08 [862c2fcb] Update 2020-12-01_09-00-00_comingsoon-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:05:04 [e53c9f5f] mantis job: add morpho public keys config (mantis-ops)
15:05:11 [50657d9f] Update 2020-12-01_09-00-00_comingsoon-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:05:36 [aa3d0f24] Merge branch 'nin-obft-deployment' of github.com:input-output-hk/mantis-ops into nin-obft-deployment (mantis-ops)
15:06:02 [2f4f2192] Update simple script documentation with Allegra time locking scripts (cardano-node)
15:06:06 [75a1baba] CAD-2359 cli: construct a full cert for annotation in 'byron delegation check-delegation' (cardano-node)
15:06:12 [f3f48306] generators: add generate-obft-keys generator. (mantis-ops)
15:06:12 [b566760a] generators: add generate-obft-keys generator. (mantis-ops)
15:07:07 [a3a648fb] Move common variables to env to have a single source of truth (guild-operators)
15:08:19 [f1ad25e8] Update 2020-11-25_09-00-00_overview-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:08:38 [9b513fc8] Expose cardano-ping (cardano-node)
15:08:58 [b148bbaa] Merge #2164 (cardano-node)
15:10:23 [479ddf97] Further modifying the Gist widget to bring it closer to the UX specification. (plutus)
15:11:46 [4f7f87ed] Removing '#'s from simulation/wallet/slot names. (plutus)
15:12:13 [e0d9a404] Support for getting peers from ledger (disabled) (ouroboros-network)
15:12:15 [80206e94] address review comments (ouroboros-network)
15:15:33 [a337dee7] snapshot at specific slot for fetch script (vit-ops)
15:16:53 [883f2b2e] Update 02-quickstart.mdx (mantis-docs)
15:17:35 [81606989] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_explorer-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:17:56 [3b8e7636] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_compiler-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:18:31 [c7456cd4] Merge branch 'develop' into etcm-205-checkpoints-in-history (mantis)
15:18:50 [482643bf] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_faucet-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:18:52 [a11b21d4] Removing some hardcoded references to /tmp in the test suite. (mantis-cardano)
15:19:09 [b82d6a3b] Fixup sparse decoder tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:19:22 [9d9791c4] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_tools-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:19:58 [c1793283] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_support-and-help-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:20:22 [ff38df13] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_links-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:21:11 [19f0837c] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_links-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:22:10 [335161df] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_resources-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:22:18 [1493232c] Expose cardano-ping (cardano-node)
15:22:43 [4cb222a9] add test from timeout (mantis)
15:23:10 [09bad1fc] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_better-security-with-iele-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:23:26 [623e0fdd] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_coding-in-iele-assembly-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:23:43 [44115b67] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_mallet-tutorial-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:24:02 [959c2d0e] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_mallet-installation-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:24:24 [2fbf0664] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_sample-smart-contracts-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:24:50 [1bbedccd] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_viewing-the-iele-block-explorer-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:25:06 [2d0646ac] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_accessing-the-iele-faucet-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:27:45 [d417d62f] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:input-output-hk/mantis into ETCM-396-faucet-timeout (mantis)
15:28:40 [08b0f996] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_executing-solidity-smart-contracts-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:29:01 [095635eb] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_getting-started-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:29:20 [e499195f] Merge pull request #2034 from input-output-hk/nc/genTx (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:29:34 [4c4b9d16] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_k-framework-for-cardano-and-iele-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:29:50 [68831aa3] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_inspiration-for-the-k-framework-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:30:10 [6e4246c3] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_formal-verification-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:30:25 [0b32f434] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_semantics-based-compilation-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:30:38 [087dcdec] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_iele-architecture-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:31:09 [2e338d00] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_advantages-of-using-iele-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:31:28 [c5fae845] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_the-iele-virtual-machine-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:31:49 [597f1978] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_skills-and-requirements-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:32:10 [773fa062] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_about-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:33:38 [e0b4fa37] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_overview-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:33:58 [71e7d6cd] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_explorer-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:34:42 [eb76b746] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_faucet-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:35:00 [339e5bfc] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_tools-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:35:38 [77b16089] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_support-and-help-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:35:58 [972f5558] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_resources-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:36:50 [eefd8357] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_deploying-smart-contracts-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:37:08 [0f68b226] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_block-explorer-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:37:23 [4d31962c] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_testnet-wallet-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:37:45 [d8ed5424] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_faucet-and-test-tokens-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:38:06 [66f41de5] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_using-the-kevm-testnet-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:38:31 [dc87147f] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_getting-started-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:38:41 [5de37743] content: technical corrections (mantis-docs)
15:38:58 [653db76a] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_mantis-client-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:39:17 [48270500] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_kevm-testnet-support-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:39:41 [62b7140a] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_testnet-skill-set-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:39:53 [23b11b87] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_about-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:40:19 [6fbcc608] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_overview-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:40:31 [5d5c5c88] Delete 2020-05-04_11-00-00_kevm-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:40:42 [c226bbd5] Delete 2020-05-04_10-00-00_iele-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
15:41:06 [7ccad818] [ETCM-205] Simplify address generation from keypair (mantis)
15:41:27 [dfc7d5c7] Support for getting peers from ledger (disabled) (ouroboros-network)
15:41:37 [2ca10fed] address review comments (ouroboros-network)
15:43:26 [916a37c8] [DDW-481] Api, Store and changes handling (daedalus)
15:44:51 [b8962b65] Use pre-commit-hooks.nix with our nixpkgs (plutus)
15:45:00 [f4c1b6da] Improve JSON errors in StakePoolMetadata (cardano-wallet)
15:55:09 [11a92d7e] Change nomad log to INFO (bitte)
15:56:48 [c31e8d8c] [PLC] [TypeCheck] Implemented eta-equality for types (plutus)
16:00:28 [77441ef4] Fix decoding of V4 handshake response (ouroboros-network)
16:03:25 [5a995325] FIX: Shorten logs in PeerActor so we still see what's going on but logs aren't flooded. (mantis)
16:04:37 [5fc94fd7] Marking the project as saved (plutus)
16:09:34 [93db4023] Update 2020-12-01_09-00-00_comingsoon-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
16:11:22 [b6e7b503] [DDW-481] Api, Store and changes handling progress (daedalus)
16:12:24 [fce33d11] Fix edgeNode test with retry and timeout. (cardano-node)
16:13:54 [ec173c5a] log server errors as critical log messages when an exception is raised by (cardano-wallet)
16:17:26 [38142792] CAD-2359 cli: construct a full cert for annotation in 'byron delegation check-delegation' (cardano-node)
16:18:25 [70dddad9] Merge #2164 (cardano-node)
16:21:37 [ad150991] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-197-implement-ledger-hw-support (daedalus)
16:22:00 [5810aec1] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-197-implement-ledger-hw-support' into hw-wallet-smaller-closure (daedalus)
16:22:24 [ef623db8] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-197-implement-ledger-hw-support' into hw-rewrite (daedalus)
16:23:15 [23cad314] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into fix/fix-retry-config-option (mantis)
16:24:57 [6e7aef28] Update 2020-12-01_09-00-00_comingsoon-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
16:28:45 [0ab82a47] jobsets: add morpho node jobset (mantis-ops)
16:28:45 [98f9656c] jobsets: add morpho node jobset (mantis-ops)
16:30:18 [1196db55] flake: add morpho node related flake. (mantis-ops)
16:30:18 [31ab19b9] flake: add morpho node related flake. (mantis-ops)
16:30:22 [dc4d61b2] docker images: add morpho node docker image (mantis-ops)
16:30:22 [a18cc05d] docker images: add morpho node docker image (mantis-ops)
16:30:49 [0a415adb] Fix edgeNode test with retry and timeout. Fix #2075 (cardano-node)
16:33:31 [73368ae0] SUDO check updated (guild-operators)
16:36:50 [0a36f45e] Removing some hardcoded references to /tmp in the test suite. (mantis-cardano)
16:37:04 [96a230ff] Merge branches 'alpha' and 'alpha' of https://github.com/redoracle/guild-operators into alpha (guild-operators)
16:38:01 [e7920c8b] Use pre-commit-hooks.nix with our nixpkgs (plutus)
16:39:27 [9f196f53] HasIPAddress record (ouroboros-network)
16:41:57 [93ca689a] Update simple script documentation with Allegra time locking scripts (cardano-node)
16:42:55 [e76119fa] connection-manager: types & implementation (ouroboros-network)
16:44:56 [c772cd04] connection-manager: local IPs (ouroboros-network)
16:45:13 [cf0a81bb] fix chmod (guild-operators)
16:45:45 [6d33633a] [DDW-197] Log devices (daedalus)
16:45:46 [a7b66034] Merge pull request #496 from input-output-hk/remove-unused-ci-configs (chain-libs)
16:45:50 [dffb6cae] FIX: Update mordor bootstrap config. (mantis)
16:46:31 [01cb2e17] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
16:46:32 [760c968b] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
16:46:32 [6c3e208d] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
16:46:32 [97819eca] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
16:46:43 [d30da965] Merge #2787 (ouroboros-network)
16:46:59 [26f5462b] Update simple script documentation with Allegra time locking scripts (cardano-node)
16:47:24 [1b68e4b8] Merge pull request #6 from rinor/master (jorvit)
16:47:40 [9d71edfc] Improve error message when metadata exceeds 512 bytes (cardano-wallet)
16:47:40 [ae909bdd] Match validation of the spec/smash/node (cardano-wallet)
16:47:55 [0c71cd54] FIX: Update classic bootstrap config. (mantis)
16:48:15 [adda7335] mantis job: gradual improvements (mantis-ops)
16:48:15 [727228d8] mantis job: gradual improvements (mantis-ops)
16:48:26 [e62c504a] Merge pull request #301 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
16:48:31 [6335faad] obft: fix mantis jobset (mantis-ops)
16:48:31 [aee4be0b] keygen: fix allocations secret prefix (mantis-ops)
16:48:31 [27c1bbe3] contrib: add vault delete_all_keys script (mantis-ops)
16:48:31 [6a4c98b9] obft: fix keygen after first deployment (mantis-ops)
16:48:31 [7eb3d54d] contrib: add vault delete_all_keys script (mantis-ops)
16:48:31 [c3f83089] obft: fix keygen after first deployment (mantis-ops)
16:48:31 [4bbf0655] keygen: fix allocations secret prefix (mantis-ops)
16:48:31 [9eaaaa94] obft: fix mantis jobset (mantis-ops)
16:49:13 [310450a5] Morpho node: update to current dev version (mantis-ops)
16:49:13 [fd787dae] Morpho node: update to current dev version (mantis-ops)
16:50:31 [2d45e8c9] Merge #2159 (cardano-node)
16:51:47 [07b018f7] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
16:51:50 [aa4791cc] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [122e9e49] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [cc4554bb] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [15d96171] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [ceeba907] ouroboros-consensus: updated to the new diffusion interface (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [f931bf21] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [07526b7c] peer-selection: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [eba11b76] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [6e77d89f] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [a0ec7153] peer-selection: localRootPersProvider (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [6567bb57] diffusion: use connection-manager (ouroboros-network)
16:51:51 [8043060e] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [310c67fb] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [97fe1fc5] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [256c0db9] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [2bcc7539] p2p-governor: introduce EstablishedPeers (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [c0c8cdcb] p2p-governor: refactor governor invariant (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [12142ea5] p2p-governor: removed HasCallStack constraint (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [3cff0157] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [41d24861] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [4ab1778e] p2p-governor: warm→hot re-promotion delay (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [8802d4ec] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [21d3604f] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
16:51:52 [1eec09cd] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
16:51:53 [3d6cb480] p2p-governor: minConnectTime computation (ouroboros-network)
16:51:53 [24a1e136] mini-protocols: trace termination message (ouroboros-network)
16:51:53 [c9d06a98] p2p-governor: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
16:51:53 [906df173] peer-selection: removed import (ouroboros-network)
16:51:53 [451f354c] WithPrototocolTemperature: added Applicative instance (ouroboros-network)
16:51:53 [80823439] connection-manager: spec (ouroboros-network)
16:51:53 [f6081d7c] tx-submission-inbound: improved logging (ouroboros-network)
16:53:03 [d30189bf] FIX: Add a synced IOHK node to the bootstrap config. (mantis)
16:55:55 [32291b83] Speed up Value generation for serialisation tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:55:55 [3472ecb4] Formatting. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:55:56 [d64d26f6] Allow UInt64 and NInt64 tokens for coins. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:55:56 [e9ec17ad] Fixup sparse decoder tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:00:15 [20369d33] FIX: Shorten logs in PeerActor so we still see what's going on but logs aren't flooded. (mantis)
17:01:04 [3fb801bc] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into fix-bootstrap-config (mantis)
17:02:35 [723ad4c1] fix 'toCardanoTxOut' to use alternative in case it fails parsing a Byron address (cardano-wallet)
17:03:51 [8b8f4a1a] fixup! Speed up Value generation for serialisation tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:04:15 [e6e1672b] Update 2020-11-25_09-00-00_overview-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
17:06:10 [04748d94] Fix edgeNode test with retry and timeout. Fix #2075 (cardano-node)
17:13:23 [8f6f647c] mantis job: add morpho public keys config (mantis-ops)
17:13:23 [d74000cb] mantis job: add morpho public keys config (mantis-ops)
17:13:24 [0f367b35] Morpho: update morpho node pin (mantis-ops)
17:13:24 [95f96ba0] Morpho: update morpho node pin (mantis-ops)
17:13:25 [094af93d] Merge pull request #302 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
17:19:58 [c6b57422] Update simple script documentation with Allegra time locking scripts (cardano-node)
17:23:41 [55ad15a1] Speed up Value generation for serialisation tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:23:41 [56ea4f01] Allow UInt64 and NInt64 tokens for coins. (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:23:42 [237f6fd5] Fixup sparse decoder tests. (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:24:23 [093ad8c1] Fix edgeNode test with retry and timeout. Fix #2075 (cardano-node)
17:25:15 [e5c6990f] new testcase for shelley address and a lot of refactoring (yoroi-frontend)
17:30:15 [0d6900ac] FIX: Don't serve nodes as connectable if their TCP and UDP ports are still the same. (mantis)
17:32:48 [b55e31e5] Bumps node to 1.24.0 and wallet to test allegra branch (cardano-faucet)
17:35:59 [17cf0c45] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:input-output-hk/mantis into ETCM-396-faucet-timeout (mantis)
17:53:06 [0bcbd893] FIX: Update classic bootstrap config. (mantis)
17:53:06 [0b562f9f] FIX: Update mordor bootstrap config. (mantis)
17:53:07 [847f3ad9] FIX: Add a synced IOHK node to the bootstrap config. (mantis)
17:54:29 [be131a3f] Add mary_qa testnet (cardano-ops)
18:02:05 [c2597528] make the rest code compile and apply simplifications and corrections (cardano-wallet)
18:05:47 [aad81b23] Add mary_qa testnet (iohk-nix)
18:08:59 [8ca13c62] Add mary_qa testnet (iohk-nix)
18:10:07 [55e1526d] Enable rate limit on mantis-testnet faucet backend (mantis-ops)
18:10:07 [52ffb61d] Enable rate limit on mantis-testnet faucet backend (mantis-ops)
18:10:30 [0d9ec61c] FIX: More frequent discovery loops to make sure it keeps going. (mantis)
18:13:13 [004116e3] change hanlder exception from rpc client (mantis)
18:17:22 [308e8b64] [ETCM-205] Reformat files and update repo.nix files (mantis)
18:17:22 [4f9e6e47] [ETCM-205] Simplify address generation from keypair (mantis)
18:17:22 [de5e3945] [ETCM-205] Add information about tx being checkpointed to the transaction history rpc method (mantis)
18:17:22 [006d7c32] [ETCM-205] Add diffx for improved reporting of failures involving complex data structures (mantis)
18:27:24 [f6954fc8] FIX: Raise in/out connection limit. (mantis)
18:33:53 [ef27143c] Add mary_qa testnet (iohk-nix)
18:33:58 [b1a84437] Log slot number and block numbers only for TraceDownloadedHeader (ouroboros-network)
18:38:37 [ce9174d0] log block numbera (cardano-node)
18:41:21 [0a1d7248] FIX: More frequent discovery loops to make sure it keeps going. (mantis)
18:41:21 [b4aec529] FIX: Add a synced IOHK node to the bootstrap config. (mantis)
18:41:22 [ad876c65] FIX: Raise in/out connection limit. (mantis)
18:41:25 [7edd14b3] [ETCM-205] Add information about checkpoints in tx history (#826) (mantis)
18:42:33 [1ca5bf16] Inject transactions from past eras when forging a block (ouroboros-network)
18:59:57 [6400f845] [ETCM-205] Add information about checkpointed transactions in history (mantis-wallet)
19:02:43 [62c4e97e] Add mary_qa testnet (iohk-nix)
19:04:32 [b532c019] [DDW-481] Error handling and UI progress (daedalus)
19:07:42 [0f881450] Add defaultApp (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [d5e055f2] Refactor to use flake-utils simpleFlake (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [8f23565d] Fixes (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [24be9f83] clean (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [9830898e] Override nixos-rebuild with no-systemd version (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [b2785f9b] Regen lockfile (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [2a4bb4ff] Revert "Revert "Remove systemd dependency"" (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [c1257878] Add packages as hydraJobs (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [f1ccd8b8] Add flake-compat (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [55b55b9f] relock (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [00fa1b9e] Fix (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [ea9c4ad8] Update flake-utils (bitte-cli)
19:07:42 [acff852e] Allow building devShell (bitte-cli)
19:13:07 [c813922d] mary_qa: show on deployments page (iohk-nix)
19:14:11 [d6b5bb2d] test: add delegation test for block transaction (cardano-rosetta)
19:24:15 [d12c250d] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ETCM-126-getProof (mantis)
19:26:24 [b37213fc] add Arbitrary instances, tweak code to make unit tests in core pass (cardano-wallet)
19:31:23 [a183bc8c] FIX: Not sending any response to random node requests unless discovery is running. (mantis)
19:31:44 [59670cb9] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into fix-bootstrap-config (mantis)
19:40:50 [11253eef] Fix edgeNode test with retry and timeout. Fix #2075 (cardano-node)
20:03:53 [a9e14b9a] allegra: revert byron genesis change (iohk-nix)
20:11:47 [70c50ba6] test: add deregistration test for transaction block (cardano-rosetta)
20:21:54 [e9283160] Add tablet/mobile friendly views and info sidebar (adalite)
20:23:32 [5e007d14] Fix edgeNode test with retry and timeout. Fix #2075 (cardano-node)
20:28:03 [edf68dcb] Merge #186 (cardano-base)
20:29:12 [fcb5118e] more flake-compat (bitte-cli)
20:29:33 [c7dd8230] todo (bitte-cli)
20:29:42 [63f43511] typo (bitte-cli)
20:55:01 [874faaa3] [SCP-851] [PLC] [TypeCheck] Implemented eta-equality for types (plutus)
21:00:24 [2b4dcd45] [DDW-481] Smash Server in the Stake Pools list (daedalus)
21:00:27 [bed4d1d0] [ETCM-205] Update storyshots (mantis-wallet)
21:00:32 [759d4bda] fix(tests): db tables creation synched with tests setup (adrestia-multisig-coordination)
21:12:45 [7db69bed] Merge pull request #39 from input-output-hk/etcm-205-use-checkpoints-in-history (mantis-wallet)
21:13:30 [2457ed41] WIP (mantis-wallet)
21:14:31 [4ebd8dd4] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
21:24:13 [1068bb02] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
21:44:19 [891e364a] FIX: Remove logs around asking for random nodes. (mantis)
21:55:59 [b26a4d26] [DDW-481] Translation manager (daedalus)
21:59:16 [0e316bf0] [PLC] [Builtins] Added 'TyNameRep' (plutus)
22:08:13 [159c7118] Merge pull request #381 from input-output-hk/chore/cardano-db-sync-7 (cardano-graphql)
22:10:37 [85cebbac] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:11:25 [07a3e787] Update ouroboros-consensus/src/Ouroboros/Consensus/HardFork/Combinator/Forging.hs (ouroboros-network)
22:23:34 [cc26fa42] feature: ada supply query (cardano-graphql)
22:48:06 [e91dbb1c] FIX: Remove logs around asking for random nodes. (mantis)
22:48:59 [fef8c1e4] Drop HasTxs from the RunNode constraints (ouroboros-network)
22:49:06 [640a40cf] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
22:57:16 [984095e3] Fix stylish-haskell warning (ouroboros-network)
22:58:07 [300d518c] fix morpho cluster (mantis-ops)
22:58:07 [5f292505] fix morpho cluster (mantis-ops)
22:59:02 [0f0ab108] Merge pull request #5 from input-output-hk/nin-obft-deployment (mantis-ops)
22:59:02 [521ed386] Merge pull request #5 from input-output-hk/nin-obft-deployment (mantis-ops)
22:59:46 [af4dccd6] [SCP-851] [PLC] [TypeCheck] Implemented eta-equality for types (plutus)
23:22:43 [db5c29dc] Update the consensus and ledger dependencies (cardano-node)
23:23:19 [504554c3] Bump version to 1.24.1 and update change logs (cardano-node)
23:25:16 [89fb4292] Implement ResetEditor in terms of InitProject (plutus)
23:31:43 [1dfdfda2] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
23:35:44 [5298405a] Merge #186 (cardano-base)
23:40:35 [afa9f46c] Run niv update (cardano-base)
23:40:52 [9c843416] FIX: Remove logs around asking for random nodes. (mantis)
23:42:25 [42880386] Prepare for review (plutus)
23:43:16 [45918dd5] FIX: Remove logs around asking for random nodes. (mantis)
23:43:25 [81c94707] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into shorten-logs-in-peer-actor (mantis)
23:49:21 [b99dbb45] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
23:50:17 [62729b71] Remove dependency on temporary base16 compatibility shim (cardano-base)
23:50:44 [364dec9f] Run niv update (cardano-base)
23:55:56 [d1a6df78] CNTools 6.3.0 (#612) (guild-operators)
23:56:07 [1fcfcc66] Merge #186 (cardano-base)