Home / Reports / Jan 19, 2021

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

578 commits had been pushed across 38 repos by 80 authors. There were 91,403 additions and 61,133 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:02:14 [57a46ea9] Try #1004: (haskell.nix)
00:34:07 [fbe64594] refactor: improved query to return sorted utxos (cardano-rosetta)
00:44:50 [dd5196b9] CAD-2427 analysis: improve automation (cardano-benchmarking)
00:44:51 [b94f49b0] CAD-2427 locli: more metrics; refactoring (cardano-benchmarking)
00:44:51 [f039014d] CAD-2427 analysis: small improvements (cardano-benchmarking)
01:15:41 [972cf011] Automatic update for Tue Jan 19 01:15:40 UTC 2021 (hackage.nix)
01:17:25 [016daa8c] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:38:10 [06a67e68] Fix issue where subDir was applied twice (#1004) (haskell.nix)
01:39:11 [0c3689b0] Update Getting Started for NixOS users (#998) (haskell.nix)
01:39:36 [ca23f788] Update gh-pages for 0c3689b0 (haskell.nix)
02:11:03 [a80e6494] Fix LICENSE issue (voting-tools-lib)
02:22:07 [7160cfa8] Merge #2877 (ouroboros-network)
02:38:55 [871a4f3d] niv update haskell.nix to fix isProject (cardano-node)
03:13:52 [c655b8c4] refactor: improved account balance mapping genration code (cardano-rosetta)
03:29:22 [cdefad30] Split binaries WIP (voter-registration-tool)
03:37:19 [b6bc86c4] Fix presence of persistent (voting-tools-lib)
03:39:54 [a407562f] Remove persistent library and hence hopefully psql (voter-registration-tool)
03:45:02 [bff0347c] No Cardano DB? (voter-registration-tool)
03:45:34 [cf7eecf7] WIP (voter-registration-tool)
03:46:50 [8f85c704] No Cardano DB? (voting-tools)
03:55:12 [4fe9bc40] No cardano-db (voting-tools-lib)
03:56:20 [b94ebabf] Update voting-tools-lib (voting-tools)
04:32:42 [dbe2acac] Use the source sub directory when running tests (haskell.nix)
04:36:06 [2b610c29] niv nixops: update ed2868fb -> 1239ff7f (plutus)
04:38:45 [4b6e8e0c] niv update haskell.nix to fix isProject (cardano-node)
04:42:34 [b3da9eda] Experiment (voter-registration-tool)
04:43:28 [7a8ce76d] Shelley and Shelley Tests working (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:55:07 [52c88719] Use traceChainSyncBlockServer instead of traceChainSyncHeaderServer (cardano-node)
05:25:23 [091de520] Fix `/homeless-shelter` issue when srcSubDir is "" (haskell.nix)
05:26:24 [1d50c97b] Try #1005: (haskell.nix)
05:28:33 [505130bf] Use the source sub directory when running tests (#1005) (haskell.nix)
05:31:33 [b823ddd2] niv update haskell.nix to fix isProject (cardano-node)
05:43:39 [6fbc40e5] Fix error when UTXO entry contains Ergo register (yoroi-frontend)
05:53:21 [b25a2246] update Jest tests (yoroi-frontend)
05:54:37 [cac30ec7] fix eslint (yoroi-frontend)
05:56:44 [0b6a77e2] Fix error when utxo entry includes ergo register (#1876) (yoroi-frontend)
05:58:05 [e109b674] 3.9.3 (yoroi-frontend)
06:07:26 [46a3736f] Try combined voter registration and voting-tools (voter-registration-tool)
06:14:22 [f7261431] more integration tests ApiWalletBalance (cardano-wallet)
06:16:46 [5277df07] niv update haskell.nix to fix isProject (cardano-node)
06:17:12 [e516b506] Update properties for quantity -> coin (cardano-wallet)
06:17:39 [47f3c53b] update restore bench for quantity -> coin (cardano-wallet)
06:18:47 [ada50ee3] more ApiWalletBalance (cardano-wallet)
06:19:22 [ada217ad] WIP (voter-registration-tool)
06:21:20 [f30221ae] New Crowdin updates (#1873) (yoroi-frontend)
06:29:58 [8a64d7a7] Miscellanous traces (ouroboros-network)
06:30:04 [78043237] Try this (voter-registration-tool)
06:43:58 [f1576cce] Fix API AddressAmount parseJSON to make assets optional (cardano-wallet)
06:52:42 [20e15ae4] Split registration binary from voting-tools binary (voter-registration-tool)
06:53:55 [9697bc75] Fixing flow/eslint errors (yoroi-frontend)
06:57:18 [93db5248] WIP (voting-tools)
07:00:11 [2eb866ac] Ergo connector: Ergo dApp test example for connector (yoroi-frontend)
07:05:54 [a33c8a30] WIP (voter-registration-tool)
07:14:38 [64cbfe29] WIP (voting-tools)
07:17:16 [e45016a0] Add buildkite pipeline (voting-tools)
07:26:14 [9f2ae876] New translations en-US.json (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
07:34:44 [f395618c] New translations en-US.md (de-DE) (yoroi-frontend)
07:39:05 [2ef8328d] Change TokenName to be a ByteString (cardano-wallet)
07:39:34 [5fd0cb72] Fix TokenPolicy hash length when decoding from hex text (cardano-wallet)
07:40:25 [a04cf73b] Add Api JSON instances for TokenPolicyId and AssetName (cardano-wallet)
07:46:52 [9c9767c2] Api JSON instances for AssetMetadata (cardano-wallet)
08:04:00 [db0da10c] Add David Eichmann to the CODEOWNERS (cardano-node)
08:11:56 [c373efeb] Add .hlint.yaml to .gitignore (ouroboros-network)
08:12:31 [f3a8362a] Miscellanous traces (ouroboros-network)
08:13:12 [b6212aec] SCP-1266: Marlowe app for PAB (plutus)
08:14:43 [82faf828] Merge pull request #25 from thinkocapo/cardano-vs-tpraos (stake-pool-school-handbook)
08:23:09 [458c669d] Merge pull request #27 from adrem1/patch-1 (stake-pool-school-handbook)
08:23:32 [799d7532] Tracing to metrics (cardano-node)
08:28:15 [41cd48db] Implement new IPC version of getLocalTip (cardano-node)
08:28:15 [5524429c] Update cardano-cli's protocol parameter query to use the new IPC api (cardano-node)
08:28:15 [6342cbe1] Update shelley tx submission with cardano-api IPC (cardano-node)
08:28:16 [7c62d03b] Update cardano-cli's stake distribution query to use the new IPC api (cardano-node)
08:29:21 [00fef475] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive/CoinSelection/MA/RoundRobin.hs (cardano-wallet)
08:29:31 [04570c6a] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive/CoinSelection/MA/RoundRobin.hs (cardano-wallet)
08:29:55 [211d9abd] Try #143: (smash)
08:31:56 [fdee9ef2] SCP-1707: Rename plutus-scb to plutus-pab (plutus)
08:32:10 [dc1ad5a5] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - adding Wallet token send form (daedalus)
08:35:27 [38629458] Update basic-forging-policies.rst (#2616) (plutus)
08:37:33 [6a942102] Fix shell dependency on plutus-playground-server (#2617) (plutus)
08:38:09 [900e50ca] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive/CoinSelection/MA/RoundRobin.hs (cardano-wallet)
08:38:16 [ce2f11da] niv nixops: update ed2868fb -> 1239ff7f (#2618) (plutus)
08:40:48 [2872b8dd] Update cardano-cli's stake address info query to use the new IPC api (cardano-node)
08:40:48 [fc5e9fa3] Refactor cli shelley queries (cardano-node)
08:41:14 [201cff66] niv mvn2nix: update a495380c -> 3af3a7e0 (#2602) (plutus)
08:43:02 [c2e163fb] Tracing to metrics (cardano-node)
08:43:36 [12536396] Add David Eichmann to the CODEOWNERS (cardano-node)
08:45:50 [8948d1b1] Merge #2288 (cardano-node)
08:51:41 [3c64e401] SCP-1707: Rename plutus-scb to plutus-pab (plutus)
08:55:03 [d33e0249] Merge branch 'master' into j-mueller/scp-1707-rename (plutus)
08:56:22 [5b690317] Tracing to metrics (cardano-node)
09:17:02 [520a0bea] More tracing spreading (jormungandr)
09:17:12 [9bd81520] Update get tip cli command with new api (cardano-node)
09:20:53 [30bf441b] Comments and docstrings fixes (cardano-node-tests)
09:21:10 [df83163d] Implement query utxo in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
09:21:13 [7cc65684] Implement query ledger state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
09:21:13 [8438cff5] Implement query protocol state in cardano-cli using the new api (cardano-node)
09:25:49 [935589c3] Merge pull request #346 from mkoura/docstrings_comments (cardano-node-tests)
09:30:32 [5da923f9] Merge pull request #143 from input-output-hk/ksaric/release-1.4.0 (smash)
09:31:29 [28d77ce2] Re-enable testnet builds (#1154) (yoroi-mobile)
09:34:45 [18a89dfe] Make genesis keys optional (cardano-node-tests)
09:35:49 [787cdb7c] Rename policy_item to asset_name (cardano-wallet)
09:35:49 [ba02144c] swagger: fixup ApiAsset (cardano-wallet)
09:35:49 [0c9abfde] swagger: First revision of multi-asset API (cardano-wallet)
09:35:49 [a7653758] swagger: Further draft revisions (cardano-wallet)
09:35:49 [323fb0b5] fixup swagger (cardano-wallet)
09:37:48 [5791c06b] Add comment on Data.Text (plutus)
09:38:28 [fb999bad] Merge pull request #348 from mkoura/genesis_keys_optional (cardano-node-tests)
09:38:30 [055e3bae] Updates (plutus)
09:38:35 [f13a5673] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:37 [9522ee15] New translations en-US.json (Russian) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:40 [ffb841b8] New translations en-US.json (Indonesian) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:42 [4ee96a79] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:43 [30c569d4] Revert to allowing the era to be Nothing (cardano-wallet)
09:38:44 [155e329f] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Traditional) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:47 [b76948df] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:49 [3618c777] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:51 [890c9c56] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:53 [6e545afa] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:56 [f880f31e] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
09:38:58 [42c73120] New translations en-US.json (Korean) (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:01 [2027b2f2] New translations en-US.json (Japanese) (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:04 [ac3cb31f] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:06 [fc707385] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:08 [4e013480] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:11 [a52a0fdc] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:12 [41d8cfa1] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-mobile)
09:39:49 [b8e7c485] Rename transaction forge to mint (cardano-wallet)
09:45:25 [b647ddff] Bump to latest cardano-ledger-specs. (cardano-node)
09:47:00 [ec5482de] Fix TokenName length validation (cardano-wallet)
09:53:03 [4fc257d1] Rename ApiTransaction forge to mint (cardano-wallet)
09:53:43 [1dad8d7f] More Quantity -> Coin (cardano-wallet)
09:56:52 [eb523fe2] serve proposals related to a challenges in a separate endpoint (vit-servicing-station)
10:03:47 [f9e7aee3] Merge #2287 (cardano-node)
10:05:28 [1c91a06b] Bump haskell.nix and use latest hls (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:18:34 [5247b723] Adjust TokenPolicyId and TokenName generators to make valid data (cardano-wallet)
10:20:16 [18523ddd] added initial module for wallet mapping (vit-testing)
10:20:29 [ec083e73] updated vitup readme (vit-testing)
10:20:44 [48adb82a] decreased voting power (vit-testing)
10:21:03 [ce8653bc] manager service at instead of localhost (vit-testing)
10:21:13 [f6cc933b] change mode to service (vit-testing)
10:37:48 [16e48f4c] OK then, script hash is 28 bytes (cardano-wallet)
10:38:11 [47a5e539] Adjust unit tests for TokenName bytestring (cardano-wallet)
10:43:52 [fc85f185] ScriptHash is 224 bits (cardano-wallet)
10:44:11 [81538f88] Tweak asset metadata examples (cardano-wallet)
10:45:51 [89b8fc17] LicenseRef-OtherLicense is not `free = false` (haskell.nix)
10:53:04 [63a6baa0] Try #2449: (cardano-wallet)
11:05:24 [4f490757] "0" displayed on a line after Transaction Fee / Total Output (#379) (cardano-explorer-app)
11:05:26 [8169606f] chore: bump cardano-graphql dep to latest (cardano-explorer-app)
11:07:15 [6637431a] chore: bump versions, update changelog (cardano-explorer-app)
11:10:05 [d6848f21] Merge pull request #9 from input-output-hk/wallet-mappings (vit-testing)
11:12:54 [886d38c0] feat: add alphabetical order for assets list (cardano-explorer-app)
11:13:26 [2ad9c974] Use combinePath instead of + for data files. (haskell.nix)
11:17:20 [27699647] SCP-1707: Rename plutus-scb to plutus-pab (#2620) (plutus)
11:20:09 [f974b7e6] FixStylishHaskell (plutus)
11:22:32 [44b57a35] Add Tx and Block pattern synonyms (cardano-node)
11:24:14 [4939aa7f] Add comment (haskell.nix)
11:26:50 [e071b8ec] expose PrivateTallyState (jormungandr)
11:26:55 [4506943c] ghcup alternative for installing GHC - Modify libsodium install to export PATHs before installation (stake-pool-school-handbook)
11:27:02 [94d7c975] adjust decrypt parameters (jormungandr)
11:27:02 [9a65d484] fix test flow (jormungandr)
11:27:02 [6d4bb572] clean up after rebase (jormungandr)
11:27:02 [9961a97c] fix jcli commands (jormungandr)
11:27:03 [39de05e1] adjust test after panic fix (jormungandr)
11:27:03 [9a269771] removes quotes from encrypted tally (jormungandr)
11:27:03 [35b72986] make node panic (jormungandr)
11:27:03 [0222e95d] Use proper tally result object for serialize the decrypt with shares result on jcli (jormungandr)
11:27:04 [f327cfa7] adjust test in order to check action effect (jormungandr)
11:27:04 [79c39ae5] Rename max votes to vote stake limit (jormungandr)
11:27:04 [5c7e86e9] Removed unused import (jormungandr)
11:27:04 [290196ed] Fix e2e private vote flow test (jormungandr)
11:27:05 [48fc0674] added conversion action to json (jormungandr)
11:27:05 [4486d1af] adjust tes (jormungandr)
11:27:05 [6b07005b] adjust jcli commands (jormungandr)
11:27:18 [6e34587f] LicenseRef-OtherLicense is not `free = false` (#1006) (haskell.nix)
11:28:05 [1ced6ec1] change name getFirstCommonBlock (mantis)
11:28:39 [6f340123] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/clean-data-files-fix (haskell.nix)
11:29:12 [9894a2e1] Rename reader to follower (ouroboros-network)
11:29:18 [a9a7be73] Modify alignment after recent changes (ouroboros-network)
11:29:18 [6f304652] Additional changes to formatting (ouroboros-network)
11:29:18 [bb12df73] Further alignment after studying StyleGuide.md (ouroboros-network)
11:34:41 [fd0118ad] fixup! OK then, script hash is 28 bytes (cardano-wallet)
11:34:53 [2e3b8616] Update instance Malformed TokenPolicyId (cardano-wallet)
11:35:29 [8f96f41a] Update json parse error messages in api tests (cardano-wallet)
11:36:03 [b014a374] Add parse error context to AddressAmount (cardano-wallet)
11:36:24 [5698c2a0] Adjust TokenMapSpec examples for hex encoding (cardano-wallet)
11:37:00 [ee09e6e8] Merge pull request #2100 from input-output-hk/nc/update-hnix (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:39:50 [9d07811b] Merge branch 'develop' into ETCM-487/sync-info-improvements (mantis-wallet)
11:44:03 [99a948ae] make validation level optional and improve on documentation in command line (cardano-addresses)
11:51:58 [b84efed7] Add instance Malformed TokenName (cardano-wallet)
11:52:49 [3471c203] fixup! Update json parse error messages in api tests (cardano-wallet)
11:54:00 [f4c54897] Update golden test data for API specs (cardano-wallet)
12:00:39 [29a41d27] [ETCM-487] Sync info improvements. (#71) (mantis-wallet)
12:07:19 [b250b980] Abstract away the update state (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:08:37 [85d28c21] WIP (cardano-node)
12:08:53 [4431844a] waitForTxImmutability in fixtureWalletWith (cardano-wallet)
12:16:41 [53d137d7] more refactoring and cleanup (vit-ops)
12:22:11 [2994e6e2] swagger: Multi-asset API extensions (cardano-wallet)
12:22:26 [9dec2f75] remove code migrated to bitte (vit-ops)
12:23:54 [70f6048f] Merge #2455 (cardano-wallet)
12:24:24 [bd5a270f] Rename rdr to flr (ouroboros-network)
12:25:34 [1b300879] API: Add assets to wallet balance (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [a840a7a3] API: more wip assets (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [f1db539e] API: more wip assets (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [9346622b] API: wip list assets endpoints (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [ea0d3af4] wippy wip (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [86710bed] Replace Quantity "lovelace" n with Coin in a few more places (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [8b83f9a6] Implement listAssets (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [90ff6fc4] API: More wip (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [fc4496f9] Types: Back to TxMeta amount :: Coin (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [f6932f7f] Only Coin amounts in TxMeta (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [f2a8195a] Replace Coin with Quantity "lovelace" in a few places (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [14eb17c0] ma api wip (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [51ca6470] assets api wip (cardano-wallet)
12:25:34 [1f3d69f4] change quantity to coin (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [3cdcbad2] Adjust unit tests for TokenName bytestring (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [90986ca4] Add parse error context to AddressAmount (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [e3c8f5cd] Fix listAssets (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [477adef8] More quantity to coin (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [4ebc1629] Update properties for quantity -> coin (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [45582644] Fix API AddressAmount parseJSON to make assets optional (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [f29f5df5] Change TokenName to be a ByteString (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [b7574cac] Update instance Malformed TokenPolicyId (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [ed81cdfd] Adjust TokenMapSpec examples for hex encoding (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [76376bed] Update golden test data for API specs (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [53af02c8] more integration tests ApiWalletBalance (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [1740d78a] update restore bench for quantity -> coin (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [1512bed1] Fix TokenName length validation (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [95f48b74] OK then, script hash is 28 bytes (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [91c606be] Api JSON instances for AssetMetadata (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [93af64d0] Update integration tests for ApiWalletBalance and AddressAmount (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [f8924b8e] More Quantity -> Coin (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [26073327] Update api tests for listAssets and getAsset (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [bb84bd87] more ApiWalletBalance (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [cf9027d4] Fix TokenPolicy hash length when decoding from hex text (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [137f3edd] Add Api JSON instances for TokenPolicyId and AssetName (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [ca4e0e09] Rename ApiTransaction forge to mint (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [70d1afec] Adjust TokenPolicyId and TokenName generators to make valid data (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [e6d8c9f4] Remove putStrLn from integration tests (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [81d4d758] Update json parse error messages in api tests (cardano-wallet)
12:25:35 [ca78f267] Add instance Malformed TokenName (cardano-wallet)
12:27:23 [c9701870] Change package descriptions so that we don't run tests of your external deps (ouroboros-network)
12:33:52 [4f662b36] Remove superfluous environments from CEK VBuiltin values (plutus)
12:33:56 [8ad47ce9] Merge #2274 (cardano-node)
12:35:17 [bcf31567] Fix json instance of TokenMap (cardano-wallet)
12:35:34 [04277949] SCP-1664: Plutus Ledger API (plutus)
12:36:53 [15830094] CAD-2335 pins: bump node (cardano-benchmarking)
12:38:50 [bfd430a3] add consulTemplates to mk-hashi-stack (bitte)
12:40:35 [ab2d3a4d] CAD-2515 bench: bump for aws/mary/1.24.2 (cardano-ops)
12:56:02 [8f00b12b] Re-add MsgAccountDelegationAndRewards trace (cardano-wallet)
12:57:17 [facb5a5c] Merge #2455 (cardano-wallet)
12:58:23 [fc157187] Update golden test jsons for TokenMap (cardano-wallet)
13:05:31 [dd8ca87e] plutus-doc: Add a missing module (plutus)
13:07:04 [5d3d4786] fix share file building (jormungandr)
13:19:11 [62206310] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form updates for deposit, fee fields (daedalus)
13:19:53 [aad1ccce] Tweak comments (cardano-wallet)
13:29:17 [9d4ee172] feat: add message if address has not tokens (cardano-explorer-app)
13:29:49 [c8fc682a] Merge #2455 (cardano-wallet)
13:30:45 [825dfbf3] [DDW-481] Replace icon with opacity (daedalus)
13:35:03 [38148c3e] relays (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
13:47:59 [f7f5861b] Add quick-start section to the on-boarding document (ouroboros-network)
13:58:33 [5d1f3f5b] CAD-2335 txgen: make era configurable (cardano-benchmarking)
14:00:05 [fde3a98e] gitlab: init (yoroi-frontend)
14:04:40 [98ec7122] gitlab: init (yoroi-frontend)
14:05:36 [a8df5e00] More tracing spreading on blockchain, network, utils and main. (jormungandr)
14:06:31 [3f9812fa] Update lib/core/src/Cardano/Wallet/Primitive/CoinSelection/MA/RoundRobin.hs (cardano-wallet)
14:07:30 [045ca9b0] relays (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
14:07:31 [d924ae66] plutus-doc: Add a missing module (#2622) (plutus)
14:12:22 [e609e0a7] Bump to latest cardano-ledger-specs. (cardano-node)
14:13:24 [6ae65b4a] Add extraNodeConfig option to services.cardano-node (cardano-ops)
14:16:44 [ba29cdc0] encrypting key to_bech32 (jormungandr)
14:19:03 [cda876ae] reduce ports used (jormungandr)
14:23:21 [39da4652] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
14:26:18 [8947be40] WIP draft: error codes [ciskip] (plutus)
14:29:27 [003791b6] Fix IPC (cardano-node)
14:33:49 [3c9842a2] [Chore] Bump scalanet version (#896) (mantis)
14:35:03 [f4ebf881] wip: WalletCompatibleEra (cardano-wallet)
14:35:04 [c5a971af] wip: Remove pointless tx type-conversions (cardano-wallet)
14:35:04 [cb63095d] Doc fixups (cardano-wallet)
14:35:04 [37a6a57c] wip toGenTx (cardano-wallet)
14:35:04 [78cd7d64] Add note about cardano-api for mkByronWitness (cardano-wallet)
14:35:05 [690d6d60] Fixups (cardano-wallet)
14:35:05 [9066529c] fixups (cardano-wallet)
14:36:02 [13bcb593] Merge pull request #2103 from input-output-hk/dnadales/abstract-update-state (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:37:29 [538839fe] Bump @storybook/react-native-server from 5.3.19 to 5.3.23 (#999) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [357902a1] Bump es6-symbol from 3.1.1 to 3.1.3 (#908) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [d9c82916] Bump @emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-nodejs from 3.0.0 to 4.3.0 (#1067) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [0a7f51a2] Bump @react-navigation/material-top-tabs from 5.3.1 to 5.3.10 (#1079) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [0a8a34d7] Bump react-redux from 7.2.1 to 7.2.2 (#1032) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [ee5f1ff3] remove util (node utilities) since it is not required anywhere (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [f2d7db4b] bump react-native-animated to 1.13.2 (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [fcf66905] Bump eslint-plugin-react from 7.21.2 to 7.21.5 (#1052) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [7626945b] remove js-chain-libs-node since it is not used anymore (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [c25c0a98] Bump base-x from 3.0.4 to 3.0.8 (#929) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [ebeaaa4e] Bump @react-native-community/netinfo from 5.9.7 to 5.9.9 (#1093) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [ffa0c19a] Bump react-native-safe-area-context from 3.1.8 to 3.1.9 (#1097) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [83b6102d] remove localized-strings as it seems not to be used anywhere (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [27482a50] Bump @react-navigation/native from 5.8.0 to 5.8.10 (#1096) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [d3c36c80] Bump react-native-ble-plx from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 (#1077) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [18d85ae8] Bump redux from 4.0.1 to 4.0.5 (#907) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [aa7c4743] remove base-x resolution (seems innecesary) (yoroi-mobile)
14:37:29 [a5ef4d0e] remove __mocks__/react-native-chain-libs.js (missed in previous commit) (yoroi-mobile)
14:40:11 [21de9166] c8fc682a6945042f91dae021e1bf3e34cb2a45ae (cardano-wallet)
14:40:11 [92f764ae] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
14:40:57 [20a80470] CAD-2515 bench: bump for aws/mary/1.24.2 (cardano-ops)
14:42:34 [472baf6a] Make WALLETS_LIST_01 fail properly in case of unexpected response (cardano-wallet)
14:42:43 [357dcea4] Merge pull request #28 from psychomb/patch-1 (stake-pool-school-handbook)
14:43:55 [46f2e348] use request and check for status in DSL methods to make them fail properly in case of unexpected response (hopefully fixes TRANS_LIST_RANGE_) (cardano-wallet)
14:43:56 [7caf9dd1] update comment for eventually (cardano-wallet)
14:43:56 [c9d1570a] Make TRANS_LIST_02,03x more reliable (hopefully) (cardano-wallet)
14:44:13 [60d10d65] SCP-1664: Plutus Ledger API (#2613) (plutus)
14:44:44 [e2ee790c] Merge branch 'develop' into fix-update-nix (mantis)
14:45:14 [a59508d9] recover from secret (vit-testing)
14:46:22 [92e4d405] Merge pull request #10 from input-output-hk/iapyx_recover_from_qr (vit-testing)
14:47:18 [c254804c] Add missing piece on private tally proof sign (jormungandr)
14:47:22 [a90ecb23] CAD-2515 bench: update profile parameter passing; cleanup era handling (cardano-ops)
14:49:25 [f54df25a] cardano-explorer-app 1.3.0 (cardano-ops)
14:54:40 [30d464bb] Add call to the branch resolver (mantis)
14:56:35 [95b08a53] Save session state in marlowe playground FE (plutus)
14:58:07 [168bf649] draft (yoroi-frontend)
15:02:26 [7233f180] pool operator app (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
15:02:35 [d9ec010f] Remove superfluous environments from CEK VBuiltin values (#2621) (plutus)
15:04:22 [3936d0e6] Introduction of Error codes for core/ir/tx (plutus)
15:06:31 [104e3746] Update rewards script documentation (vit-ops)
15:07:13 [ca7176fb] nicer artifacts (vit-ops)
15:09:05 [5a078088] Refactored actionWithAnalytics to handleActionWithoutNavigationGuard (plutus)
15:09:29 [5ff32083] Removing an OSX warning from the playground client readme. (plutus)
15:11:45 [7bbdd5f4] Inject transactions into the PAB. (plutus)
15:14:40 [c0687ba3] Update rewards script documentation (vit-ops)
15:16:03 [50f56f77] [DDW-481] Small styling adjustments (daedalus)
15:18:15 [16b26988] fixup! Fixing a problem with the update-client-deps script. (plutus)
15:20:09 [d64464fb] update podfile (yoroi-mobile)
15:20:29 [cfab0c30] [DDW-536]: Fix terms of use page menu handling (daedalus)
15:20:46 [27d7b5c6] Fix cardano-api (cardano-node)
15:21:16 [c3a24963] Merge pull request #1111 from Emurgo/version-bumps (yoroi-mobile)
15:22:20 [a61032f3] feat: change order of the tokens lists (cardano-explorer-app)
15:26:47 [5482c79e] CAD-2515 bench: switch Protocol to Cardano (cardano-ops)
15:26:49 [9a648454] Try #2449: (cardano-wallet)
15:29:19 [08482ab0] Fix cardano-api (cardano-node)
15:29:25 [0c39c7b6] better errors, some other minor edits (cardano-addresses)
15:29:53 [03af5410] nixos service profiling option: condition eventlog (cardano-node)
15:33:07 [46b4459c] change name to batch (mantis)
15:34:37 [438bce55] signTx: process pool retirement certificate (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:34:46 [790038cc] signTxPoolRegistration (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:36:22 [43575b5b] some memory tracing (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:36:29 [d2b62c8e] relays (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
15:36:42 [fd4e028e] Add helpers functions to modify topology def. (cardano-ops)
15:36:53 [1c78633b] etcm-402 added negotiating protocol version in message codec (mantis)
15:38:37 [295738ef] [ETCM-518] Refactor EthService by adding MiningSevice - service that handles RPC calls related to mining (mantis)
15:38:43 [1b095afb] cleanup some unused parameters and commented code (mantis)
15:38:43 [dae3c078] [ETCM-518] Refactor EthService by adding EthBlocksSevice - service that handles RPC calls related to blocks (mantis)
15:38:43 [dff30af3] move transaction-related calls from EthService to its own class (mantis)
15:38:43 [3dabe6b6] move user-related calls from EthService to its own class (mantis)
15:38:43 [16e0191e] split off EthFilterService (mantis)
15:38:44 [68ca9711] [ETCM-518] Small improvements (mantis)
15:38:44 [edd8f782] [ETCM-518] Added EthMiningJsonMethodsImplicits and EthBlocksJsonMethodsImplicits (mantis)
15:38:44 [2cace6a5] add some simple specs for EthFilterService (mantis)
15:38:44 [8c35e4e1] [ETCM-518] Spec classes cleanup (mantis)
15:38:44 [53a40391] [ETCM-518] Fix scalafmt (mantis)
15:38:44 [fa3fcf31] prevent EthFilterService from being mocked (mantis)
15:47:21 [2a42e751] gitlab: init (yoroi-frontend)
15:48:54 [57eaad79] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
15:49:14 [65e8d8e5] drop nan values (vit-ops)
15:56:02 [74c81874] gitlab: init (yoroi-frontend)
15:56:06 [c3a2fe14] Review fixes (cardano-node)
15:57:17 [06093ae2] [DDW-452] Remove unused screens (daedalus)
15:58:04 [327ededd] Inject transactions into the PAB. (plutus)
15:58:17 [e42383ce] Updating the deployment GITHUB_CALLBACK_PATH for Plutus. (plutus)
15:58:18 [e617729f] Fixing a problem with the update-client-deps script. (plutus)
15:58:18 [66e6c2ba] Removing an OSX warning from the playground client readme. (plutus)
15:58:42 [3d7f870a] add id to the challenge schema (vit-servicing-station)
15:59:23 [893b2fdf] implement API and CSV loader for challenges (vit-servicing-station)
16:00:14 [3cf76488] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
16:04:29 [7b92b2c6] remove extended description (vit-servicing-station)
16:08:03 [308e13db] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form updates for deposit, fee fields (daedalus)
16:08:17 [133f9cdd] Split the CompactValueAdaOnly case earlier in toCompact (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:09:03 [d37b1af6] Extend the documentation for the to/fromCompact Value code (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:11:16 [7de442ee] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
16:18:38 [8efda6d4] gitlab: init (yoroi-frontend)
16:18:53 [2ba836a1] gitlab: init (yoroi-frontend)
16:20:40 [fba432b7] Word -> Word32 (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:24:29 [4dbee583] ormolu (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:29:10 [34e190cd] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
16:33:38 [87111d65] Fix nixpkgs-patch dir so poetry update script works (nixops-flake)
16:34:50 [c6982df4] Bumps nixops2 pins (nixops-flake)
16:37:37 [ad118ae4] fix db location (vit-ops)
16:42:55 [5492614d] added error and term constants (plutus)
16:43:02 [11a6f873] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form for field container + adding confirmation screen (daedalus)
16:44:22 [b4fb96a1] gitlab: init (yoroi-frontend)
16:48:07 [3c73ea8a] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form for field container + adding confirmation screen (daedalus)
16:49:45 [7b2f12e4] Re-add the encrypted-links plugin back to pure builds (nixops-flake)
16:52:13 [9dcf8dc2] Fixing a problem with the update-client-deps script. (plutus)
16:54:16 [9943490f] Merge pull request #2931 from danielSanchezQ/jcli-private-vote-tally-transaction (jormungandr)
16:54:26 [8cabc889] README updates (nixops-flake)
16:56:58 [8c36fb6c] Adds license file (nixops-flake)
17:00:13 [aa77bb2a] Bump iohk-nix (switch to nixos-unstable for MacOs Big Sur support) (cardano-node)
17:00:16 [ce3af81c] nixos service profiling option: condition eventlog (cardano-node)
17:03:21 [4860b422] make STAKE_POOLS_JOIN_01 more clear (cardano-wallet)
17:04:31 [e75529c9] update dryrun db (vit-ops)
17:10:05 [03f32a81] Updates docs for repo move (nixops-flake)
17:10:46 [f11eb505] Merge #2452 (cardano-wallet)
17:20:00 [98454c6e] Explain handling duplicate asset names (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:25:18 [d9cd27f2] wip (yoroi-frontend)
17:31:55 [f61101e3] Cleaned up makeWitnessVKey and makeWitnessesVKey (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:33:07 [4a41dba3] wip (adalite)
17:33:17 [825419db] decrease voting power in quick builder (vit-testing)
17:49:23 [0be5b081] Merge pull request #2924 from Zeegomo/bootstrap (jormungandr)
17:51:08 [eca23964] Move types from state.ts to types.ts (adalite)
17:52:09 [93962d86] fix import (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:55:38 [7bfdf6ec] Merge #2884 (ouroboros-network)
18:00:26 [5e803098] remove unused dependencies: react-native-fs, path-browserify, url & events. Also, re-add util (node) since it was mistakenly removed and is required by react-native-crypto (yoroi-mobile)
18:00:27 [bef4525f] tmp (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:04:56 [5d149b34] Merge #457 (iohk-nix)
18:07:17 [03a0bd29] representation size function (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:07:31 [36a21f5f] SCP-1701 - Move padding to be the suffix of the symbolic trace (plutus)
18:08:14 [f058c90f] Get keys from separate function and fix naming (adalite)
18:14:01 [b4d776a1] Introduction of Error codes for core/ir/tx (plutus)
18:14:53 [e5fd78f2] remove unused dependencies: react-native-fs, path-browserify, url & events. Also, re-add util (node) since it was mistakenly removed and is required by react-native-crypto (#1023) (yoroi-mobile)
18:19:14 [a72e7808] Merge pull request #2614 from input-output-hk/fix-update-client-deps (plutus)
18:23:35 [8f565558] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
18:24:23 [f6d01382] feat: cardano-serialization-lib added to the repo as a tar (cardano-rosetta)
18:24:24 [5633ea39] feat: Initial outputs parsing (cardano-rosetta)
18:36:14 [d58035b0] Add cardano-client-demo package (cardano-node)
18:37:40 [02d64fbf] cardano-api-demo: fetch blocks and print transaction count (cardano-node)
18:38:08 [14b14430] update 'performSelection' to work with fees, withdrawals, deposits and minimum coin value (cardano-wallet)
18:39:10 [a7f45fd7] add private payload data (vit-testing)
18:40:54 [3f03b81f] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
18:57:04 [db1289fd] SCP-1701 - Move padding to be the suffix of the symbolic trace (plutus)
18:58:25 [56478b57] Bump iohk-nix (switch to nixos-unstable for MacOs Big Sur support) (cardano-node)
18:58:26 [dc982c0d] nixos service profiling option: condition eventlog (cardano-node)
18:59:50 [b681ab7b] Merge #2250 (cardano-node)
19:03:52 [6a68a496] tmp (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:04:15 [27ac4bcb] feat: add scrollbar for tokens list (cardano-explorer-app)
19:09:54 [d8f404a9] Make compact values more compact (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:13:47 [c1db3370] tmp (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:14:45 [9f2c9741] Refactored actionWithAnalytics to handleActionWithoutNavigationGuard (plutus)
19:14:45 [d951514d] Save session state in marlowe playground FE (plutus)
19:17:10 [b458e59b] tmp (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:18:14 [bb80baab] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ETCM-468-eth-getProof (mantis)
19:23:28 [5d71551e] Introduction of Error codes for core/ir/tx (plutus)
19:27:28 [84e7c6fb] Introduction of Error codes for core/ir/tx (plutus)
19:34:01 [ca7227f4] Merge pull request #2083 from input-output-hk/redxaxder/compact2 (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:40:46 [e56e70c9] added error and term constants (plutus)
19:42:04 [1854c918] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
19:42:21 [c0dc604e] added error and term constants, bytestring disabled (plutus)
19:43:57 [5748d059] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
19:44:33 [59884244] Merge pull request #2932 from input-output-hk/encrypting_key_from_bech32 (jormungandr)
19:46:58 [d511922e] [ETCM-468] add getProof model (mantis)
19:48:00 [31e8ab58] [ETCM-468] get basic info from block for getProof endpint (mantis)
19:53:11 [8fc7adcd] [ETCM-468] change storageKeys from single elem to Seq[StorageProofKey], skeleton for methods getStorageProof, getAccountProof (mantis)
19:53:20 [a245b4fb] [ETCM-468] scalafmt (mantis)
19:53:49 [0ea3e3ef] Fix unsaved changes regression (plutus)
19:59:58 [d04a77f8] [ETCM-468] add reference to EIP-1186 (mantis)
20:00:21 [823e2ca7] [ETCM-468] fix after merge from develop (mantis)
20:00:26 [7aee0e0f] [ETCM-468] add ProofVisitor (mantis)
20:00:56 [d597b211] Expose sources for flakes (haskell.nix)
20:01:02 [7510e6db] [DDW-481] Copy and translation (daedalus)
20:08:53 [616f87c7] rename EthService -> EthInfoService and put back chainId, move resolveBlock to its own trait (mantis)
20:19:32 [b4357680] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
20:22:00 [97a48403] remove Mode type (cardano-benchmarking)
20:22:47 [1b48f846] tmp (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:26:51 [9ea375c1] Add .hlint.yaml to .gitignore (ouroboros-network)
20:27:24 [43644738] Miscellanous traces (ouroboros-network)
20:28:00 [7abe1f8b] Use traceChainSyncBlockServer instead of traceChainSyncHeaderServer (cardano-node)
20:28:42 [39ad62cd] Tracing to metrics (cardano-node)
20:34:27 [5130360d] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
20:38:40 [bd5c039d] added default builtins (plutus)
20:41:47 [d483c9ec] Fixes docs and script for devdir setup (nixops-flake)
20:50:47 [2f6eaac3] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
20:56:32 [2cfe3156] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
21:00:36 [bf1d9830] Upgrade to ghc-8.10.3 in nix builds (cardano-base)
21:03:21 [1b2d4b04] Moving lots of stuff around. (plutus)
21:05:06 [f228f23d] Handle destroying a failed machine assigned to another customer account (nixops-packet)
21:07:02 [bbb9eeed] Introduction of Error codes for core/ir/tx (plutus)
21:10:34 [71a3d624] Removing erroneous plural in some module names. (plutus)
21:13:18 [112974b6] Removing erroneous plural in some module names. (plutus)
21:13:38 [95bc3e32] min ada value calculations (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:28:44 [1c854afe] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
21:32:45 [5a5b7623] wrap and unwrap (plutus)
21:36:04 [8ad84d5e] [ETCM-468] start translate besu approach (mantis)
21:36:18 [7a08644e] [ETCM-468] start translate besu approach - links to EIP-1186 (mantis)
21:36:25 [da8fe3e3] [ETCM-468] WIP (mantis)
21:36:31 [6fb00a28] [ETCM-468] WIP 2 (mantis)
21:37:20 [61fb0a89] CAD-2515 bench | nodes: skip eras according to configuration (cardano-ops)
21:37:41 [e7a71a94] [ETCM-468] remove old imp based on besu (mantis)
21:38:37 [8e0f8f0c] [ETCM-468] get data from proper MPTs (mantis)
21:38:43 [8b6f42ae] [ETCM-468] clean up EthGetProofSpec (mantis)
21:38:48 [eb83afa0] [ETCM-468] clean up type errors (mantis)
21:38:54 [fdbf6b47] [ETCM-468] clean up unneccesary changes (mantis)
21:39:01 [7ad9df38] [ETCM-468] add TODO for potential bug in getStorage + support flag ethCompatibleStorage (mantis)
21:39:07 [1ec29561] [ETCM-468] implement getProof on MTP (mantis)
21:39:25 [8e54c820] [ETCM-468] revert change with BlockResolver - it was breaking tests (mantis)
21:39:32 [c19fa836] [ETCM-468] add simple test for getStorageProof (mantis)
21:40:24 [0cf80221] several minor version updates: (yoroi-mobile)
21:41:34 [04772237] WIP (cardano-ops)
21:45:10 [5f6ed7e7] ormolu (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:45:34 [72e572cc] [ETCM-468] rebase (mantis)
21:46:18 [34d65bb7] [ETCM-468] revert accidental change (mantis)
21:51:17 [01dbfb57] [ETCM-468] better testing and fix Pawel review remarks - order of nodes (mantis)
21:52:02 [9ba7f8b8] several minor version updates: (#1112) (yoroi-mobile)
21:55:48 [d1514281] New rollforward trace (ouroboros-network)
22:01:07 [86515cf4] New rollforward trace (ouroboros-network)
22:06:05 [9d34b2b9] [ETCM-468] fix compile issues (mantis)
22:06:15 [5f2263b7] [ETCM-468] rename EthGetProof => EthProofService, add verifyAccountProof (mantis)
22:07:32 [c5ea0f64] [ETCM-468] Blockchain methods return MptNode instad of ByteString (mantis)
22:08:08 [9950b30a] [ETCM-468] BlockchainSpec add test using getAccountProof and verifyProof (mantis)
22:09:10 [0fabe370] fix nightly cddl tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:09:48 [3dd727b7] Tracing to metrics (cardano-node)
22:13:30 [698ffbe7] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
22:13:50 [45cf5f19] [ETCM-468] make MptStorage from NodeStorage and use in tests (mantis)
22:15:56 [5338ddd3] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form flow fixes (daedalus)
22:15:59 [6cb1c03a] Remove some shell dependencies not needed anymore (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:16:13 [27886774] Update haskell.nix (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:16:14 [3bafd042] Add haskell-language-server to dev env (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:16:14 [06dfe782] Use flakes and alternative improved source-repository-package hack (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:17:04 [b2711120] add utility code for decoding legacy keystores from cardano-sl (daedalus)
22:17:19 [d01abe4b] Format everything with ormolu (ECIP-Checkpointing)
22:18:44 [b3621c50] [ETCM-468] get common parts between get and getProof (mantis)
22:20:21 [f7cdb2fd] [DDW-452] Wallet Summary new UI progress (daedalus)
22:25:52 [df2b924b] [ETCM-468] add debugging messages (mantis)
22:27:20 [69033edf] Merge pull request #2389 from input-output-hk/bezirg/error-codes (plutus)
22:29:19 [289249ba] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form storybook fixes (daedalus)
22:31:14 [52cdfa2f] [ETCM-468] add spec for account proof veirfier + replace Try with Either (mantis)
22:32:59 [4c2b974a] alex's comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:34:55 [79b2e3ff] feat: handle ma data into metadata property of coins (cardano-rosetta)
22:36:13 [6ed619d5] test: adapt tests for new format of coins (cardano-rosetta)
22:37:15 [b060b221] ormolu (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:40:29 [8dcb4194] comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:46:43 [066f0946] Stuff (cardano-node)
22:54:05 [75d9c40e] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form storybook fixes (daedalus)
23:01:53 [136447bd] Bump iohk-nix (switch to nixos-unstable for MacOs Big Sur support) (cardano-node)
23:01:53 [4f95db42] Use traceChainSyncBlockServer instead of traceChainSyncHeaderServer (cardano-node)
23:01:53 [e54930eb] nixos service profiling option: condition eventlog (cardano-node)
23:05:29 [08236424] [ETCM-468] merge current develop including MTP getProof (mantis)
23:05:36 [459ed70a] [ETCM-468] add dummy impl for DumpChainApp (mantis)
23:08:39 [4aa4c626] [ETCM-468] merge develop (mantis)
23:08:43 [b3db19fc] [ETCM-468] fix broken test - improve account proof verifier (mantis)
23:08:43 [fba4840a] [ETCM-468] improve links to parity & geth for EIP-1186 (mantis)
23:08:43 [1076be1e] [ETCM-468] remove TODOs AFICT position is included in mpt.get(position) so there should be no problem (mantis)
23:08:44 [58530bac] Update MerklePatriciaTrieSuite.scala (mantis)
23:08:44 [7d59e694] [ETCM-468] encode + decode RLP with test (mantis)
23:08:44 [e2ea2d08] [ETCM-468] generalize AccountProofVerifier to accept any MPT not only MPT with Address -> Account + reuse it in tests (mantis)
23:08:44 [ec8bc1c9] [ETCM-468] drop unused AccountProofVerifierSpec it is tested in combination with getProof (mantis)
23:08:44 [c5fd9fd6] Update EthProofServiceSpec test name (mantis)
23:08:45 [b9874d61] [ETCM-468] improving property test (mantis)
23:08:45 [b824ffc5] [ETCM-468] scalafmt fix for CI (mantis)
23:08:45 [4f6dbe6e] [ETCM-468] scalastyle fix for CI (mantis)
23:08:45 [45301c05] [ETCM-468] remove uneccessary comment (mantis)
23:08:45 [7afdd319] [ETCM-468] simpify generating values for getProof (mantis)
23:08:45 [dd1bd62a] [ETCM-468] removing BlockResolver class as it is not used (mantis)
23:08:46 [a6e3e6b9] [ETCM-468] review: spelling fix entory => entry (mantis)
23:08:46 [65a06242] [ETCM-468] review: replace comments with assertion about non empty storage proof (real tests for proof are on MPT) (mantis)
23:08:46 [9e2d29c7] [ETCM-468] review: simplify resolveBlock with toRight (mantis)
23:08:46 [332e3b68] [ETCM-468] review: add explicit type for implicit eth_getProof (mantis)
23:08:46 [838b9869] [ETCM-468] review: blockNumber => blockParam (mantis)
23:08:46 [7477f98a] [ETCM-468] review: move MptProofVerifier to tests (mantis)
23:08:47 [8e978c5c] [ETCM-468] failed CI remove horizontal alignment (mantis)
23:08:47 [ddad8a69] [ETCM-468] review use ADT instead of Either[Unit,*] (mantis)
23:08:47 [7cc1f47b] [ETCM-468] review: rename result => proofAccount (mantis)
23:08:47 [9cf6314a] [ETCM-468] review: remove Random.shuffle(input) in MPT getProof spec (mantis)
23:08:47 [cb8d661e] [ETCM-468] review EthProofService is not created every thime getProof request is handled by refactor (mantis)
23:08:47 [11c7aad7] [ETCM-468] review: use matchTo (mantis)
23:08:48 [5db116e6] [ETCM-468] fix CI formatting (mantis)
23:08:48 [882a1232] [ETCM-468] fix CI formatting (mantis)
23:10:30 [fe1ddb7a] [ETCM-468] add tests for unhappy path (mantis)
23:10:33 [0b66389e] [ETCM-468] review: change mkAccoutProof to constructor + rename run (mantis)
23:23:15 [c06fb003] getWalletType() fix and allow multi-owner wallet with only stake.vkey (guild-operators)
23:25:31 [7eb51767] Tracing to metrics (cardano-node)
23:25:44 [545dac7a] Stuff (cardano-node)
23:25:47 [0c368a20] Tests for minting policies (cardano-node-tests)
23:29:17 [c5815781] Merge pull request #349 from mkoura/minting_policies (cardano-node-tests)
23:30:56 [7b33ea5e] test: basic parsing test of ma operations (cardano-rosetta)
23:32:02 [4fe819b5] min ada value calculations (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:33:45 [64ab84e0] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
23:34:55 [cf943e0c] Merge pull request #493 from input-output-hk/erikd/deps-20210120 (cardano-db-sync)
23:34:56 [eff43554] Bump to latest cardano-ledger-specs and ouroboros-network. (cardano-node)
23:48:03 [32be99e3] Add basic info for multi-owner wallet (guild-operators)
23:54:07 [89b5e000] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form receiver field fixes (daedalus)
23:54:37 [67f2d4bd] DDW-500 Implement design for native tokens - Wallet token send form receiver field fixes (daedalus)