Home / Reports / May 14, 2021

Friday, May 14, 2021

616 commits had been pushed across 37 repos by 71 authors. There were 815,143 additions and 669,185 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:05:39 [bb8e8a6e] Add PlutusScriptV1 constructor in the API (cardano-node)
00:05:51 [a91eec28] Add util shelleyBasedEraToCardanoEra (cardano-node)
00:05:56 [b5c570d7] Add API types for execution units, prices and cost models (cardano-node)
00:06:07 [a9760ed2] Extend the API ProtocolParameters with Alonzo era ones (cardano-node)
00:14:43 [64c86ec3] WIP WIP (cardano-node)
00:25:14 [ee5bd0a9] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:32:47 [a569d7df] cordova: add fragmentId function (chain-wallet-libs)
00:32:47 [497b1dec] wallet-core: add fragment type (chain-wallet-libs)
00:32:47 [c3a39ab1] use cross instead of cargo for build_jni (chain-wallet-libs)
00:32:47 [1af7db74] jni: Fragment class (chain-wallet-libs)
00:32:47 [1729bf89] update changelog (chain-wallet-libs)
00:38:52 [09ed4378] added mainnet sync test values (cardano-node-tests)
00:45:05 [8e2ef3e6] Merge branch 'master' into plutus-local-playground (plutus)
00:57:11 [30e35f6a] wip swagger (cardano-wallet)
00:57:31 [a84b328a] Api types (cardano-wallet)
00:59:03 [db9f8d64] Add postSignTransaction server stub (cardano-wallet)
00:59:07 [911bca7f] fixup! Api types (cardano-wallet)
00:59:08 [23af17f2] Add new endpoints to api client (cardano-wallet)
00:59:09 [a4b10e0d] less (cardano-wallet)
00:59:10 [a21841ba] wips (cardano-wallet)
00:59:11 [967b2570] more fix swagger (cardano-wallet)
00:59:11 [10e5c83a] swagger clean up (cardano-wallet)
00:59:39 [cea928bc] Update tests (cardano-wallet)
00:59:42 [2fd58da5] Fixups (cardano-wallet)
00:59:43 [21c816cc] swagger (cardano-wallet)
00:59:44 [8a1afa96] Review rework (cardano-wallet)
00:59:45 [1e770c4d] Undeprecate (cardano-wallet)
00:59:46 [279856e8] Updates (cardano-wallet)
00:59:47 [4f2de9ea] Switch to base64 encoding of serialised transactions (cardano-wallet)
00:59:48 [db536745] Tests (cardano-wallet)
01:00:45 [debae323] jira: Add command to quickly find a ticket (cardano-wallet)
01:00:46 [4455bec1] Notify slack channel when windows builds fail (cardano-wallet)
01:04:33 [8efa69e9] ci: Fix workflow command in ci-stats.yml, clean up branches (cardano-wallet)
01:04:46 [f44ad4e3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:13:35 [006e792f] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:15:34 [a39418c5] re-export Plutus' validateCostModelParams (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:17:52 [ed5dee11] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
01:19:10 [836cbde1] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
01:19:36 [3bda9c6f] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
01:20:55 [72944791] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
01:21:19 [2ba35f53] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
01:21:22 [906d1427] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
01:40:31 [d7e6ea08] Local State Query protocol uses top level Query type instead of BlockQuery directly (ouroboros-network)
01:40:57 [591bef7a] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
01:43:55 [ada4ea9f] WIP WIP (cardano-node)
01:44:07 [d4cfc249] Code formatting fixes (ouroboros-network)
01:44:09 [9ca46e92] WIP (ouroboros-network)
01:55:53 [763a019c] consensus-cardano-test: remove unnecessary instance (ouroboros-network)
01:56:10 [a9159b31] cabal.project: update cardano-ledger-specs dependency (ouroboros-network)
01:56:10 [617e1dc0] cardano-test: fix typo in QC.tabulate message (ouroboros-network)
01:56:10 [fcbaf4c5] ouroboros-consensus-shelley-test: introduce CanMockPreAlonzo workaround (ouroboros-network)
02:01:51 [fe3334e2] Serialization instances for LedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
02:07:18 [934fa3b2] Add GetPartialLedgerConfig query (ouroboros-network)
02:07:20 [1f22f33f] Fix build errors (ouroboros-network)
02:10:57 [60f011b4] consensus: HFC now provides EpochInfo in Except monad (ouroboros-network)
02:10:59 [a05a1ec6] consensus: use distinct types for validated and unvalidated transactions (ouroboros-network)
02:10:59 [8b9ba0fc] Map query. (ouroboros-network)
02:11:00 [f01a6c64] Add support for querying systemStart (ouroboros-network)
02:38:03 [3f38995a] WIP WIP (cardano-node)
02:42:26 [eddf280c] ouroboros-consensus-shelley: treat TranslationContext properly (ouroboros-network)
02:42:33 [98396bfb] consensus-shelley: drop the WitnessesSet constraint (ouroboros-network)
02:42:48 [588769dd] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
02:42:48 [1aac1b51] cabal.project: add Alonzo package and Plutus package (ouroboros-network)
02:42:48 [18c8fb65] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
02:49:18 [da590315] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:59:25 [390aeb16] WIP WIP (cardano-node)
03:22:31 [660c40f4] WIP WIP (cardano-node)
03:34:19 [7917c65f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:45:04 [1522c2da] Updated Roadmap to reflect pending schedule (cardano-py)
03:45:04 [cf619b02] added gke activate script helper for switching between clusters (cardano-py)
03:45:04 [05acc762] added 1.27.0 node support (cardano-py)
03:46:11 [76aa5895] Bump version: 0.1.9 → 0.1.10-dev1 (cardano-py)
04:00:47 [0956f1ff] Add support for querying systemStart (ouroboros-network)
04:05:27 [fe806861] WIP (cardano-wallet)
04:30:55 [7c591a9a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:34:30 [39c64a04] BUILD:6bebb3a3-4aee-4ad4-9743-c7bc32e0e386 for COMMIT:76aa589 completed. Updating cardano-py-k8s/values.yaml (cardano-py)
04:37:20 [0990df12] Stuff (cardano-node)
04:43:19 [1c678cd6] Add support for querying systemStart (ouroboros-network)
05:01:35 [2335dfac] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
05:01:41 [b9ff4d44] Add support for querying systemStart (ouroboros-network)
05:01:41 [23a3af1d] Map query. (ouroboros-network)
05:02:02 [92a67e09] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
05:02:26 [c404e1eb] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
05:02:37 [44343ff9] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
05:03:10 [35981f27] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
05:26:10 [2e00ef5d] Stuff (cardano-node)
05:27:31 [59991819] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:38:09 [20697468] Add test `MIGRATE_MULTI_ASSET_01`. (cardano-wallet)
05:41:15 [39c6caf7] introduce size and lexicographical based ordering on multiasset script hashes and token ids (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
05:45:04 [28794c49] Tidy up (ouroboros-network)
05:47:13 [32b0311e] Typo (plutus)
05:50:42 [61f42b56] fixes for web frontend build refactor (cardano-py)
06:06:05 [97bd4e61] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
06:06:09 [0ef48e82] Add deposit/withdraw logic (plutus-use-cases)
06:17:43 [88ff7db2] fix for web frontend build output path (cardano-py)
06:22:51 [20019e36] fixed the get_no_of_slots_in_era (cardano-node-tests)
06:24:05 [ca168df3] fix for docker build for web (cardano-py)
06:25:16 [33156307] fixed the get_no_of_slots_in_era (cardano-node-tests)
06:25:37 [854d4fb6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:30:21 [b30f08fb] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
06:31:51 [b86fb292] Stuff (cardano-node)
06:32:22 [f7f3fda6] changed dist folder from public for web (cardano-py)
06:36:54 [11923bde] Export budgeting defaults from Cek.hs (plutus)
06:38:49 [9612680d] fix for frontend compiled output path for web (cardano-py)
06:44:47 [409e5bf8] fixed the get_no_of_slots_in_era (cardano-node-tests)
06:44:58 [76423281] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dorin/sync_test1' into dorin/sync_test1 (cardano-node-tests)
06:47:45 [17d3d9ee] fixed a typo (cardano-node-tests)
06:47:57 [62a68272] updated web image (cardano-py)
06:48:51 [a2913c59] Bump symmetric-cipher from `f158719` to `59d27dc` (jormungandr)
06:50:10 [83bddcca] Bump sysinfo from 0.17.3 to 0.17.4 (jormungandr)
06:50:23 [9921d69e] Bump os_info from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 (jormungandr)
06:57:14 [3d238f72] Add Alonzo era to Cardano.Api.Eras (cardano-node)
06:57:14 [6273d945] Update dependencies for Alonzo (cardano-node)
06:57:14 [847c3b3e] Update Cardano.Api.Block with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:15 [415a40eb] Update Cardano.Api.Modes with the Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:15 [247b7c52] Update Cardano.Api.Fees with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:16 [ba71405a] Update Cardano.Api.Script with the Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:16 [79b024ee] Update Cardano.Api.ProtocolParameters with Alonzo era. (cardano-node)
06:57:16 [70a660f5] Update Cardano.Api.Query and Cardano.Api.TxBody with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:17 [7c354298] Update Cardano.Api.TxBody with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:17 [42821afc] Update Cardano.Api.TxInMode with Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:17 [2d9ad817] Update Cardano.Api.Tx with the Alonzo era (cardano-node)
06:57:18 [bf362943] cardano-api tests update (cardano-node)
06:57:18 [f036b7ab] cardano-cli changes (need to rebase on #2547) (cardano-node)
06:57:18 [27fa9943] Api.hs export changes (cardano-node)
06:57:19 [4630b481] cardano-node Alonzo era updates (cardano-node)
06:57:19 [af8b030d] WIP: Redeemers (cardano-node)
06:57:20 [0a8e8615] Rebased on updated consensus branch (cardano-node)
06:57:20 [8d1a75bd] Add TxPlutusWitnesses to TxBodyContent (cardano-node)
07:04:02 [42430293] Removes unused JediCoin entry (metadata-registry-testnet)
07:08:22 [7ca9d49a] fixed a typo (cardano-node-tests)
07:13:38 [89dd728b] Merge pull request #8 from input-output-hk/MetaLamp/lending-pool/Use-stylish-haskell (plutus-use-cases)
07:19:59 [b9cb31c8] Merge formatter (plutus-use-cases)
07:25:28 [6507ed84] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:30:26 [7c7c9e4d] remove token extraction duplication (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
07:31:12 [664f6429] Move the pickPeers wrapper function before we extend it. (ouroboros-network)
07:41:05 [b41330ae] move checking code to cbor (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
07:44:34 [bb16b213] Export budgeting defaults from PlutusCore; restore ...Params names (plutus)
07:47:39 [84f5f5b2] Add Plutus implementation of head (fix #3187). (plutus)
07:49:11 [ef00cd8b] Fixed typos (catalyst-toolbox)
07:52:23 [a5924cb4] removed some test resutls from db (cardano-node-tests)
07:53:17 [faa20e36] Temporarily schedule a big network synchronization build _now_. (cardano-ogmios)
07:54:04 [880908b1] deploy: faa20e3625c56b612cb27b9f792efd1d8955b12e (cardano-ogmios)
07:55:23 [6b27666d] Update Cardano.Api.Script in preparation for the Alonzo era (cardano-node)
07:56:03 [88e95ab2] Merge pull request #2 from Zeegomo/fragment-log-recovery (catalyst-toolbox)
07:58:13 [719d004f] add inlineable pragmas (plutus-use-cases)
08:00:45 [15418ae3] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
08:01:16 [fc3ecb5d] PM-3112: ViewState persistence (#31) (metronome)
08:03:01 [f5fbefef] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
08:05:03 [f201f233] PM-3134: Added RPCTracker. (metronome)
08:05:04 [71b6ddd7] PM-3134: Wire together a skeleton BlockSynchronizer with the SyncService. (metronome)
08:05:04 [125239b1] PM-3134: Simple block sync method. (metronome)
08:05:04 [78eabbdb] PM-3134: Use RPCTracker in SyncService. (metronome)
08:05:05 [bec23816] PM-3134: Use deleteUnsafe in persist. (metronome)
08:05:05 [8e9a356b] PM-3134: Added Block.isValid, calling after download. (metronome)
08:05:05 [848f42f8] PM-3134: Perform sync asynchronously. (metronome)
08:05:06 [87b0acc0] PM-3134: Use KVStoreRunner for inMemory. (metronome)
08:05:06 [bb89a6d9] PM-3134: Combine read and delete. (metronome)
08:05:06 [c5ef55f2] PM-3134: Use the in-memory block store to restore the path. (metronome)
08:05:07 [1e21d8bd] PM-3134: Extract in-memory store. (metronome)
08:05:07 [fdea0acd] PM-3134: Only sending 1 request to a peer at a time. (metronome)
08:05:08 [882eea65] PM-3134: Add cancel by key support to FiberMap. (metronome)
08:05:08 [e5b74352] PM-3134: Move the fiber submission. (metronome)
08:05:08 [1be81287] PM-3134: Using a combination of path, semaphore and traversal to make sure we clean up and insert safely. (metronome)
08:05:09 [8b4bcc9f] PM-3134: Comment about implementing state sync. (metronome)
08:05:09 [8eaeabdf] PM-3134: Canceling any already enqueued sync and validate routine on subsequent prepare signals. (metronome)
08:05:09 [ca2769a9] PM-3134: Not using a fiber map in BlockSynchronizer so that we can cancel it from the outside and discard it. (metronome)
08:05:10 [61c9e843] PM-3134: Make sure there's at least one download happening. (metronome)
08:05:10 [8236863b] PM-3134: Testing the BlockSynchronizer. (metronome)
08:05:11 [141eefc0] PM-3134: Test not downloading existing records. (metronome)
08:05:11 [9be3360e] PM-3134: Trace timeouts. (metronome)
08:05:11 [d4efb011] PM-3134: Common method to send a request and trace timeouts. (metronome)
08:05:12 [cf0a9c4b] PM-3134: Make getBlock and getStatus referrentially transparent. (metronome)
08:05:12 [fc9a2dfb] PM-3134: Added some comments, fixed tracker to complete with None if wrong type arrives, rather than timeout. (metronome)
08:05:12 [cc01f422] PM-3134: Use seed with Random. (metronome)
08:06:24 [c688f9d7] PM-3105: Testing LedgerStorage. (metronome)
08:06:24 [1ad5e981] PM-3105: Added LedgerStorage. (metronome)
08:06:24 [8be7c1c3] PM-3105: Generalized to a KVRingBuffer. (metronome)
08:08:54 [32618af8] PM-3063: SyncService to short circuit getStatus to self. (metronome)
08:08:57 [c4fab9a2] PM-3063: Tracing responses for status requests. (metronome)
08:08:57 [2731d156] PM-3063: Simple ViewSynchronizer component. (metronome)
08:08:58 [95768e7a] PM-3063: Validate the Q.C. signature. (metronome)
08:08:58 [d5fa6584] PM-3063: Validate the phases. (metronome)
08:08:58 [aa06d10f] PM-3063: Renamed basic protocol test and made it available to service tests. (metronome)
08:08:59 [3b2db05b] PM-3063: Testing median. (metronome)
08:08:59 [d02c9485] PM-3063: Error hints. (metronome)
08:08:59 [ca30a926] PM-3063: Testing ViewSynchronizer. (metronome)
08:09:00 [fe25ac08] PM-3063: Testing aggregateStatus. (metronome)
08:09:00 [53838352] PM-3063: Comments, checking response counter. (metronome)
08:09:01 [808f7651] PM-3063: Fix poll test condition. (metronome)
08:09:01 [0f629de8] PM-3063: Fix QC invalidation to cater for more permissive genesis signature check. (metronome)
08:14:04 [5f10f1c9] PM-3063: Create a ViewSynchronizer in SyncService. (metronome)
08:14:05 [85cd2761] PM-3063: Raise ShutdownException. (metronome)
08:14:05 [05abef2a] PM-3063: Rename BlockSyncPipe to SyncPipe. (metronome)
08:14:06 [06ddec03] PM-3063: Add StatusRequest/StatusResponse to SyncPipe, handle them in SyncService. (metronome)
08:14:06 [22d48358] PM-3063: Return sources that we can download the commited state from. (metronome)
08:14:06 [c665aea7] PM-3063: BlockSynchronizer.downloadBlockInQC (metronome)
08:14:47 [03a50235] PM-3063: Added rootBlockHash to ViewStateStorage (metronome)
08:14:49 [78e8159c] PM-3063: Raise error if we all sources failed a given number of times. (metronome)
08:14:50 [1193d189] PM-3063: Prune storage and set new root. (metronome)
08:14:50 [e54f5755] PM-3063: Handle SyncPipe.StatusResponse in ConsensusService. (metronome)
08:14:51 [afb7b56c] PM-3063: Testing block download without persistence. (metronome)
08:14:51 [b09f71cb] PM-3063: Test timeout behaviour. (metronome)
08:14:51 [76dff46b] PM-3063: Trigger view synchronization from the ConsensusService. (metronome)
08:14:52 [6cbedef6] PM-3063: Move counter reset to change capture. (metronome)
08:14:52 [6e811271] PM-3063: Ignore old prepare messages. (metronome)
08:14:52 [556f8e53] PM-3063: Add ApplicationService to delegate validation and state sync to. (metronome)
08:14:53 [843c2f00] PM-3063: Simplify sync modes by a recursive function. (metronome)
08:14:53 [b65d605a] PM-3063: Component diagram. (metronome)
08:14:54 [b5ed3fe1] PM-3063: ApplicationService.createBlock (metronome)
08:14:54 [b98d490a] PM-3063: Return an Either from getBlockFromQuorumCertificate (metronome)
08:14:54 [0a9c5f66] PM-3063: Disable timeouts in test that expects success. (metronome)
08:17:09 [a8f5497a] PM-3133: Establish a BlockExecutor. (metronome)
08:17:11 [09e65fc8] PM-3133: BlockStorage.getPathFromAncestor (metronome)
08:17:11 [470163eb] PM-3133: Execute batches of blocks. (metronome)
08:17:12 [da3436bb] PM-3133: Testing BlockExecutor. (metronome)
08:17:12 [e15d13c4] PM-3133: Generate multiple requests. (metronome)
08:17:13 [fb5e25b2] PM-3133: Testing exceptions. (metronome)
08:17:13 [a1b8458d] PM-3133: Test executing from the last block. (metronome)
08:17:13 [9a5e2df7] PM-3133: Test with pruning. (metronome)
08:17:14 [19c29722] PM-3133: ApplicationService.executeBlocks will need the Commit Q.C. (metronome)
08:17:14 [5fd1577e] PM-3133: ViewStateStorage.getLastExecutedBlockHash (metronome)
08:17:14 [1bffe050] PM-3133: More permissive check in waiting for block to be processed. (metronome)
08:17:40 [9c3279d0] - dockerhub url (plutus-starter)
08:18:24 [09f4bf4a] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
08:22:35 [3a50a5d1] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
08:22:35 [3d01ebcb] Back to a singlle map for cost model params (plutus)
08:25:30 [ff18173d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:26:09 [7b42e05f] Extend the pick policy with a couple example attributes. (ouroboros-network)
08:31:37 [006994e8] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
08:31:59 [1fb1d2ab] Refactored code to use Typeclasses and accomodate integration (ouroboros-network)
08:31:59 [7f3835de] Added test files (ouroboros-network)
08:39:25 [71769714] Update Cardano.Api.Script in preparation for the Alonzo era (cardano-node)
08:43:50 [60d2f1a6] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
08:46:10 [67c23a88] Merge formatting (plutus-use-cases)
08:48:12 [953d516c] Check script inputs in phase 2 (plutus)
08:48:39 [ae461b43] Finish burnATokensFrom - send liqudity to the caller (plutus-use-cases)
08:50:39 [db6abe12] Refactored DNS resolution to use io-sim-classes (ouroboros-network)
08:50:48 [efcfd859] Added dns reslution tests (ouroboros-network)
08:56:07 [d76287ef] Run docker-compose ':up' yarn scripts in detached mode. (cardano-ogmios)
08:56:15 [0299a445] Merge branch 'master' into SCP-2140 (plutus)
08:56:39 [56ea0789] Add bash script to wait for network synchronization by monitoring /health (cardano-ogmios)
08:56:55 [11d4280f] Changes after merge (plutus)
08:57:08 [137e5223] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:01:06 [138c1993] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:02:36 [5d2ab9e0] Run TypeScript tests as part of continuous integration. (cardano-ogmios)
09:03:09 [8e61d6b5] Merge #607 (cardano-db-sync)
09:03:50 [82373935] Merge pull request #3188 from input-output-hk/fix-export-plutus-head (plutus)
09:08:33 [be2c8332] Merge pull request #13 from input-output-hk/devcontainer-from-dockerhub (plutus-starter)
09:08:45 [1727be6f] Add bash script to wait for network synchronization by monitoring /health (cardano-ogmios)
09:08:45 [f19e376b] Run docker-compose ':up' yarn scripts in detached mode. (cardano-ogmios)
09:09:12 [8839394b] Fixing a parameter name. (plutus)
09:10:55 [40cebf54] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:11:54 [7219a652] Run TypeScript tests as part of continuous integration. (cardano-ogmios)
09:14:28 [54f0882c] Added valid votecast check (catalyst-toolbox)
09:19:49 [7a3aa561] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:22:32 [2215c719] Fix end-to-end tests on Linux + potentially slow machines. (cardano-ogmios)
09:22:54 [c6614ea0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:23:12 [b8c0973f] implement C bindings for fragment operations (chain-wallet-libs)
09:24:05 [d54cbb74] implement FRAGMENT_ID in Cordova iOS (chain-wallet-libs)
09:24:05 [33609d2e] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:25:54 [7c341148] Updating JS version to match. (plutus)
09:26:31 [7ced64b0] Merge pull request #110 from input-output-hk/ng/jedicoin-cleanup (metadata-registry-testnet)
09:27:04 [f120ae5e] Updating JS version to match. (plutus)
09:27:32 [6fe88c3a] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:32:01 [aa24e6b8] Updating Haskell version to match. (plutus)
09:33:31 [57ef0d4c] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:34:27 [74b120b8] Merge #607 (cardano-db-sync)
09:34:43 [41a36ca8] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:34:51 [5588678c] Parse assetGroups before sorting (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
09:35:03 [25599778] Refactored DNS resolution to use io-sim-classes (ouroboros-network)
09:35:03 [65f7c973] Added dns reslution tests (ouroboros-network)
09:35:18 [ab85c4cd] Refactoring (ouroboros-network)
09:42:21 [ceefaf06] implement C bindings for fragment operations (chain-wallet-libs)
09:42:34 [6b9cf961] implement FRAGMENT_ID in Cordova iOS (chain-wallet-libs)
09:42:47 [5de79212] SCP-2263: Replace eventful memory backend with TVar (plutus)
09:44:58 [bffc68f7] Build ogmios/server docker image as part of Github continuous-integration workflow. (cardano-ogmios)
09:45:01 [cb0a9a4c] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:54:28 [2f1c6e9d] Try #1112: (haskell.nix)
09:55:54 [15b89844] Add PSG Services docs (PSG)
10:02:15 [554efcaf] PM-3133: Avoid race condition in setting the last executed block hash. (metronome)
10:03:24 [98202857] implementation of on-chain settings in iOS plugin (chain-wallet-libs)
10:13:18 [1e361af5] Rename LendingPool->Reserve, add Datum and Redeemer postfixes (plutus-use-cases)
10:16:50 [63bd87d2] peer-state-actions: removed assertions (ouroboros-network)
10:17:19 [13a57b3a] Merge pull request #154 from input-output-hk/add-cordova-settings-get-new-objc (chain-wallet-libs)
10:17:47 [07859fa9] return pending transactions in sorted order (chain-wallet-libs)
10:17:49 [404bbd08] wallet-core: add fragment type (chain-wallet-libs)
10:17:49 [77ad886f] jni: Fragment class (chain-wallet-libs)
10:17:49 [f48974f4] update changelog (chain-wallet-libs)
10:17:49 [73f5ef05] cordova: add fragmentId function (chain-wallet-libs)
10:17:50 [3fc46f12] use cross instead of cargo for build_jni (chain-wallet-libs)
10:17:50 [ae105f2a] implement C bindings for fragment operations (chain-wallet-libs)
10:18:53 [e6d33607] Fix Postman send MA transaction example for Rosetta spec v1.4.10 update. (cardano-rosetta)
10:18:59 [d00b12b9] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
10:20:26 [9bec35a1] Refactored DNS resolution to use io-sim-classes (ouroboros-network)
10:20:26 [c8e51dad] Added dns reslution tests (ouroboros-network)
10:20:41 [26ac1aeb] Merge branch 'pm-2941-config-parser' into feat-examples (metronome)
10:21:28 [7a48a340] Merge branch 'pm-3105-ledger-persistence' into feat-examples (metronome)
10:22:05 [66bcd01b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:22:11 [7b9eba70] fixup! Updated NetworkTopology configuration file format (cardano-node)
10:22:37 [a7f6177a] PM-3241: Establish an example app with a robot. (metronome)
10:22:37 [5752a2a3] PM-3241: Start a RobotService. (metronome)
10:22:37 [bacf19b5] PM-3241: Create a block with a random move. (metronome)
10:22:38 [1cacb106] PM-3241: Block creation, validation and execution. (metronome)
10:23:23 [3a85b370] PM-3241: Syncing state. (metronome)
10:23:25 [60ed926c] PM-3241: Config and CLI entry for the robot app. (metronome)
10:23:26 [ae7017e3] PM-3241: Validate options against config. (metronome)
10:25:02 [1c03bc97] PM-3241: Codec boilerplate. (metronome)
10:25:04 [5736d05a] PM-3241: Made the default codecs reusable. (metronome)
10:25:05 [f0735d8d] PM-3241: Network and block storage. (metronome)
10:25:05 [e75b86c7] PM-3241: Instantiate RocksDBStore (metronome)
10:25:05 [8746db1b] PM-3241: Robot Network Tracing. (metronome)
10:25:06 [e1ed1a35] PM-3241: Instantiate storages. (metronome)
10:26:46 [21e34d78] implement FRAGMENT_ID in Cordova iOS (chain-wallet-libs)
10:32:12 [02e8c657] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
10:37:52 [b6c81d7e] Add flushing (ouroboros-network)
10:46:52 [c63fb8f1] Fix end-to-end tests on Linux + potentially slow machines. (cardano-ogmios)
10:46:52 [8c4d83ba] Use wait-for-sync in network-synchronization workflow (cardano-ogmios)
10:46:52 [6ae09c5e] Build ogmios/server docker image as part of Github continuous-integration workflow. (cardano-ogmios)
10:52:55 [2214941f] Split burnATokensFrom into two submits (plutus-use-cases)
10:55:11 [d3438a82] Use safer implementation, add tests (plutus)
10:56:36 [84afd0ad] WIP (plutus)
10:58:05 [70b92e6b] Use IsString instance to simplify toAsset definition (plutus-use-cases)
11:00:16 [1a76d899] PM-3241: Factor out constructors to methods (metronome)
11:07:01 [e81b7fae] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
11:14:13 [d940bc54] Fix Makefile (ledger-app-cardano)
11:17:12 [725e3739] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:19:19 [1c6b143d] Update Cardano.Api.Tx in preparation for Alonzo (cardano-node)
11:20:26 [00d7c107] [ETCM-814] Cover treasury reward transfer with unit tests (mantis)
11:22:02 [383119b3] add listAddresses for shared wallets scaffolding and normalizeSharedAddress (cardano-wallet)
11:31:09 [5a5a617d] peer-state-actions: removed assertions (ouroboros-network)
11:36:17 [7afa0c6e] Updated ouroboros-network dependency (cardano-node)
11:36:25 [384261a0] CAD-2772 add tx-generator (cardano-node)
11:38:47 [0cb89dfa] init wwb exe (ouroboros-network)
11:42:57 [d3bb5436] Update Cardano.Api.Tx in preparation for Alonzo (cardano-node)
11:44:17 [ce32f54b] CAD-2772 add tx-generator (cardano-node)
11:49:05 [61c4d22b] add CompareDiscovery for SharedState (cardano-wallet)
11:51:10 [cc16b7d3] Implements first draft of interest rates (aave solution) (plutus-use-cases)
11:54:03 [c4759174] Tests for cosigner self (cardano-wallet)
11:56:11 [17a6e47d] Test + fix for broken D Semigroup instance (ouroboros-network)
11:56:26 [4abb3d41] Add bash script to wait for network synchronization by monitoring /health (cardano-ogmios)
11:56:26 [e3828598] Run docker-compose ':up' yarn scripts in detached mode. (cardano-ogmios)
11:56:27 [bdf7b5f8] Fix end-to-end tests on Linux + potentially slow machines. (cardano-ogmios)
11:56:27 [92447510] Run TypeScript tests as part of continuous integration. (cardano-ogmios)
11:57:22 [95269b65] Increase the voting period duration to 10 minutes. (cardano-ops)
11:59:08 [128f31c6] Use wait-for-sync in network-synchronization workflow (cardano-ogmios)
11:59:08 [d6dd8644] Build ogmios/server docker image as part of Github continuous-integration workflow. (cardano-ogmios)
12:00:19 [3b3ad841] Bump newman version to resolve handlebars vulnerable version (cardano-rosetta)
12:00:36 [b8f3e79c] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-665-make-the-wallets-dropdown-agnostic (daedalus)
12:00:57 [07cc45a8] add KnownAddresses instance of SharedState (cardano-wallet)
12:02:42 [f24afd63] update Api.Link listAddresses (cardano-wallet)
12:03:31 [55fc62bd] Add PSG Services docs (PSG)
12:09:24 [2e7fa74b] Add tests for semigroup+monoid InMemoryEntryMeasure (ouroboros-network)
12:10:13 [ed846f03] Tests for public keys (cardano-wallet)
12:10:43 [29b6f36a] fixup! Updated NetworkTopology configuration file format (cardano-node)
12:27:18 [71483109] Add newman tar.gz (cardano-rosetta)
12:29:51 [1a526829] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:33:00 [454a6798] Tweaks (plutus)
12:37:26 [d9bbf18b] scp-1865: First version of the marlowe website (#3182) (plutus)
12:44:44 [2afe0205] SHARED_ADDRESSES_LIST_01 (cardano-wallet)
12:45:48 [80a0137b] Fixing contract deinstantiation test. (plutus)
12:47:50 [3d88dde0] Peer demotion based on upstreamyness (ouroboros-network)
12:50:51 [fe23700f] Update Cardano.Api.Tx in preparation for Alonzo (cardano-node)
12:51:22 [49076db9] Refactored DNS resolution to use io-sim-classes (ouroboros-network)
12:52:37 [e14ac4a5] Added dns reslution tests (ouroboros-network)
12:52:42 [be147d95] Fixed ouroboros-network:test haddocks (ouroboros-network)
12:53:37 [f845acf3] Peer metrics for bytes downloaded with policy (ouroboros-network)
12:53:39 [a6dd4560] Add Tepid Flag (ouroboros-network)
12:53:39 [b5ce481a] Test for demotion policies. (ouroboros-network)
12:53:39 [bf1a353d] Weigthed random demotion policies (ouroboros-network)
12:55:42 [2f78310b] WIP. (plutus)
12:55:42 [b0f9f750] WIP 2. (plutus)
12:55:42 [95d31bd4] SCP-2263: Replace eventful memory backend with TVar (plutus)
12:58:33 [3e34626c] Updated ouroboros-network dependency (cardano-node)
13:00:20 [5a8f5d4f] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
13:05:30 [bb025f51] Fixing rebase conflicts. (plutus)
13:11:04 [8e6f855b] Add instances, fix boolean blindness bug (ouroboros-network)
13:11:11 [5fd36032] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
13:11:26 [92810f2f] Add wwb tester program (ouroboros-network)
13:11:46 [b9ace33d] updateMaterialized (again) (plutus)
13:23:16 [8092c860] Improves and fixes tests (plutus-use-cases)
13:23:29 [dca5b97e] DDW-641 - Include wallet names in dialog windows - new approach - fixes (daedalus)
13:23:47 [593f3bb8] A bit of refactoring (plutus-use-cases)
13:27:38 [18b7fc27] Correct command, add two screenshots (mantis-docs)
13:29:57 [f56290f6] Implement validation check for timestamps (plutus-use-cases)
13:30:04 [a7329ed9] Update README.rst (docs-cardano-org)
13:31:39 [817d0ea7] Merge pull request #105 from sevanspowell/feature/fix-issue-76-large-batch-submission (cardano-token-registry)
13:33:43 [8f18b850] Draft MonadReader test (ouroboros-network)
13:34:27 [724e4ea3] fixup (cardano-ogmios)
13:35:33 [823f790d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:36:49 [530cc134] Zero Coupon Bond example - fixing a parameter name. (#3189) (plutus)
13:37:19 [e0ff656c] Add jsonCheckpointLoop (SCP-2264) (plutus)
13:45:15 [d6331724] Added dns reslution tests (ouroboros-network)
13:45:15 [15803d4a] Fixed ouroboros-network:test haddocks (ouroboros-network)
13:45:17 [6d243794] update ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
13:46:12 [2bbaee01] updated some old mainnet values into the db (cardano-node-tests)
13:47:21 [c4d7ea95] remove pointless Result in fragment_delete (chain-wallet-libs)
13:47:49 [ae8d1a93] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/sync_tests' into sync_tests (cardano-node-tests)
13:47:54 [ab8c9135] Reformat functions and example script (musig2)
13:49:36 [7dd50c44] ouroboros-consensus-shelley: treat TranslationContext properly (ouroboros-network)
13:51:29 [ed24dfa9] consensus-shelley: drop the WitnessesSet constraint (ouroboros-network)
13:53:13 [fa80acfb] V2 (plutus)
13:53:22 [6f90f679] Merge #3131 (ouroboros-network)
14:00:32 [686bcaa2] WIP (metronome)
14:00:46 [9fa8b448] Merge #2691 (cardano-node)
14:04:42 [7c55fe5e] Fix build error (plutus)
14:06:45 [b5a1b052] Merge pull request #153 from input-output-hk/add-fragment-id-from-raw (chain-wallet-libs)
14:09:06 [6fb7a455] Make the pool nodes submit transactions. (cardano-ops)
14:09:36 [b70e478c] SatInt: Use safer implementation, add tests (plutus)
14:09:44 [b5b24258] Rename `cluster_instance` to `cluster_instance_num` (cardano-node-tests)
14:10:39 [cc42fcfa] Locking not needed, unique access is handled by cluster manager (cardano-node-tests)
14:11:07 [40698f49] Tests for Account Public Keys (cardano-wallet)
14:11:39 [14665d5d] Add more protocol parameters to update proposal test (cardano-node-tests)
14:13:43 [4c4502f9] Delete some pointless functions (plutus)
14:18:18 [b16b446a] Check weather input is valid (plutus-use-cases)
14:18:42 [be4910ee] count up (plutus)
14:20:28 [53fe9643] Merge pull request #7 from mlabs-haskell/ak/interest-rate (plutus-use-cases)
14:29:01 [bdc3f744] initialise in functions (musig2)
14:31:53 [6ae3b3ad] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:35:48 [f3ae39bc] Run TypeScript tests as part of continuous integration. (cardano-ogmios)
14:35:48 [368227f1] Fix end-to-end tests on Linux + potentially slow machines. (cardano-ogmios)
14:35:48 [e136cddf] Run docker-compose ':up' yarn scripts in detached mode. (cardano-ogmios)
14:35:48 [be8024bc] Add bash script to wait for network synchronization by monitoring /health (cardano-ogmios)
14:35:49 [ad5dd2a0] Build ogmios/server docker image as part of Github continuous-integration workflow. (cardano-ogmios)
14:35:49 [3dbefcd7] Use wait-for-sync in network-synchronization workflow (cardano-ogmios)
14:37:30 [ebd8bc2d] Removes some remnats (plutus-use-cases)
14:39:36 [16a1f2d0] updateMaterialized (plutus)
14:41:36 [3d8eb7b4] Merge pull request #506 from mkoura/update_proposal (cardano-node-tests)
14:45:58 [3e66e37c] Fix test check readme and pool-retirement-configuration.json (cardano-rosetta)
14:50:34 [c489b004] Merge #3131 (ouroboros-network)
14:51:01 [d4042d84] Merge pull request #373 from input-output-hk/fix/check-readme-retirement (cardano-rosetta)
14:52:47 [eb2a13de] Add logging (catalyst-toolbox)
14:55:11 [0c5f095e] [DDW-665] Fix spinner placement (daedalus)
14:58:13 [cb94363c] Add ToObject requirement and tests (iohk-monitoring-framework)
15:03:42 [e22ff405] Docs, renaming and small refactor (chain-libs)
15:04:12 [de27eda1] small refactor of unit vector proof (chain-libs)
15:04:59 [6e526b03] make proof and verify associated function and method resp. (chain-libs)
15:04:59 [6ea907d4] bring the zkp to its own module (chain-libs)
15:05:00 [d2d331f1] resolve fiat-shamir transform (chain-libs)
15:05:40 [c01842cf] still need to include 0/1 checks in mega_check (chain-libs)
15:05:40 [de1deaa6] started working on multiscalar mult for verification (chain-libs)
15:05:40 [f61f4619] chain-impl-mockchain adaptation (chain-libs)
15:05:41 [7996c765] Modify docs and include spec's reference (chain-libs)
15:05:41 [d4534ba6] made mega_check a function of the proof itself (chain-libs)
15:05:41 [d2ea90eb] considerable improvement in verification running times (chain-libs)
15:05:41 [5ac1869d] include bit checks in multiscalar mult (chain-libs)
15:05:41 [1d694e07] removed hanging code (chain-libs)
15:08:08 [5626c9cd] Trace ChurnMode (cardano-node)
15:08:41 [2cf711bd] [DDW-635] Fix pool description scrolling and styling (daedalus)
15:08:44 [dc09e6fe] rebase with master (chain-libs)
15:10:19 [d7afe24b] clippy (chain-libs)
15:16:16 [361f84bb] DDW-641 - Include wallet names in dialog windows - new approach - fixes (daedalus)
15:24:38 [2a0d441a] [DDW-635] Add changelog entry (daedalus)
15:25:09 [f483fd31] Added dns reslution tests (ouroboros-network)
15:25:16 [2ba1445f] Fixed ouroboros-network:test haddocks (ouroboros-network)
15:29:17 [2ae3427e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:29:49 [710dcd5c] Merge pull request #3 from Zeegomo/fragment-log-recovery (catalyst-toolbox)
15:34:03 [8c45cd62] cabal.project: add Alonzo package and Plutus package (ouroboros-network)
15:34:42 [96b2cb4b] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
15:34:42 [95ada1b8] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
15:39:16 [a673bb63] cardano-cli: Add withdrawals to transaction-view (cardano-node)
15:40:03 [2f555eb2] cardano-cli transaction view: Add friendly certificate printing (cardano-node)
15:40:45 [a0f33fe9] Add support for specifying the voting period duration. (cardano-node)
15:44:01 [9dbffb10] CAD-2905: wip, Rotator. (cardano-node)
15:45:20 [8e187adb] [Kaizen] Introduce sbt-jmh bench module (mantis)
16:10:36 [3faa008d] lemma51! case for when redex is in function position in an application (plutus)
16:11:43 [23150d10] CAD-2905: wip (cardano-node)
16:15:11 [6b4d0cb1] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
16:17:21 [0771d320] Add nix flake and nixos service. (cardano-ogmios)
16:19:39 [32405c8f] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
16:20:12 [71d952ef] Test 403 from non-0 insufficient funds migrating assets (cardano-wallet)
16:26:36 [d2cd500b] prepare release v0.6.0-pre2 (chain-wallet-libs)
16:28:07 [0d5d0a31] Fixup: remove redundant import (cardano-wallet)
16:39:15 [01b77d93] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:46:54 [25c119a8] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:47:07 [fb86001d] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:47:29 [ce672b57] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:47:45 [ea713b66] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:48:10 [54f8cec5] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:48:34 [debfa163] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:49:44 [0fc9ccfc] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:50:13 [944a9cdf] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:51:33 [5385dcd4] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:51:43 [6dfa3103] Enable profiling (plutus)
16:52:00 [8e67360b] Experiment (plutus)
16:55:00 [001d6eea] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
16:55:00 [2fb061b6] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
16:55:00 [4a8bf475] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
16:56:19 [e4c9240a] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:57:50 [1b8e21f5] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
16:58:03 [ca7803e7] Delete unused events after each update (SCP-2264) (plutus)
17:07:15 [151f6951] Merge pull request #2285 from input-output-hk/polina/clean (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:10:56 [339c8d44] stats: hydra 284f260f167e452e9073e60ecd5ac20d10e66e9f (cardano-wallet)
17:15:41 [5a81f315] Added more comments, stylized as written in Specification. (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:18:26 [86197e4e] More WIP. (plutus)
17:23:39 [b6badae6] 2 scripts (plutus)
17:39:41 [5771d8f2] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
17:39:41 [7e68a229] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
17:39:41 [325cae10] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
17:46:54 [2b4aa14b] wip hydra (infra-ops)
17:47:22 [1c160ac2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:48:35 [49ed143f] [DDW-641] Disable voting again (daedalus)
17:49:45 [1018b51f] DO NOT MERGE dummy commit (ouroboros-network)
17:49:59 [460dee5d] [DDW-641] Include wallet names in dialog windows (#2552) (daedalus)
17:52:11 [550dec29] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-635-unable-to-scrool-stake-pool-description (daedalus)
18:01:02 [ae4955e2] [DDW-635] Fix pool description scrolling and styling (#2564) (daedalus)
18:06:23 [c23b558b] Enable the Alonzo nightly tests, disable Byron (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:08:45 [f2508a53] [DDW-665] Merges develop and removes unused props (daedalus)
18:11:10 [19ff4588] Added comments to the Utxo rule. (#2286) (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:12:11 [26805191] optimize the performance of isBootstrapRedeemer (#2284) (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:14:09 [e88dbbe8] [DDW-665] Make the Wallets Dropdown agnostic (#2540) (daedalus)
18:15:35 [60a95754] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-663-use-asset-policyidname-as-unique-identifier-instead-of-the-fingerprint (daedalus)
18:28:59 [bfcd7678] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
18:28:59 [f6787024] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
18:28:59 [92d8a905] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
18:36:17 [31dc7abe] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:42:34 [f03f2ac7] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
18:42:34 [bfc353fb] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
18:42:34 [8545fe18] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
18:45:04 [57a13213] [DDW-663] Include uniqueId to Asset domain (daedalus)
18:49:09 [52df2225] consensus: fix bad guard on srnEnableInDevelopmentVersions (ouroboros-network)
18:51:05 [34aa0e6a] [DDW-663] Remove previous composed AssetUniqueId (daedalus)
18:53:39 [0ad04784] TEST update haskell.nix (ouroboros-network)
18:55:25 [ef9c8f53] Use constants instead of literals (cardano-node-tests)
18:56:01 [7b18155f] cabal.project: add Alonzo package and Plutus package (ouroboros-network)
19:00:02 [35666c3a] Merge #3149 (ouroboros-network)
19:01:32 [9a674234] PM-3105: Fix ringbuffer to count references. (metronome)
19:05:05 [b2042436] rename metadata_hash in cddl (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:06:24 [cd4bcd5a] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:07:33 [8e166519] Merge pull request #507 from mkoura/constants_literals (cardano-node-tests)
19:07:58 [e8da4402] Small fix on documentation of a nix command (#3184) (plutus)
19:10:32 [ceed2544] add full Lovelace Genesis series (cardano-token-registry)
19:13:58 [24efa23f] add final piece Ada (cardano-token-registry)
19:14:30 [9c623fba] testing some mermaid stuff (plutus)
19:15:44 [263b1462] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:20:02 [19555ebd] Run with 10K keys and with at higher voting duration. (cardano-ops)
19:22:55 [e29cb183] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
19:22:55 [231f9ec9] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
19:22:55 [490b5e1c] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
19:22:55 [b339c769] cabal.project: add Alonzo package and Plutus package (ouroboros-network)
19:24:27 [3c22f742] bumped Plutus dependency (plutus-pioneer-program)
19:25:03 [530e0a57] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:27:24 [647f381d] LastToFinish and LastToFinishM (ouroboros-network)
19:33:19 [355d6869] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - shelley_qa - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:35:01 [2524a34b] remove everything except plutus stanza (ouroboros-network)
19:38:29 [30a2bfa9] cabal.project: add Alonzo package and Plutus package (ouroboros-network)
19:38:42 [7a29a5bf] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
19:38:52 [7ca07af4] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
19:38:55 [c2a39a56] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
19:41:38 [bbad2479] Adds forced UI eval notification fixup (ci-ops)
19:45:39 [a3abd291] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:50:39 [2f97cded] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:56:57 [a88b2b24] wip hydra (infra-ops)
20:09:54 [91585c37] Merge pull request #2281 from input-output-hk/redxaxder/rename-md-cddl (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:12:30 [89b0f1de] Merge branch 'input-output-hk:develop' into develop (daedalus)
20:13:24 [e30731b7] Adds forced UI eval notification fixup (ci-ops)
20:16:19 [683bef2e] Merge pull request #2288 from input-output-hk/jc/enable-alonzo-nightly-disable-byron (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:17:27 [23942c3c] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
20:17:27 [e1543b61] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
20:17:27 [70420c8d] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
20:21:51 [1d5ae8c8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:23:50 [42ed480b] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - testnet - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:26:40 [cf85ed98] Use constants instead of literals (cardano-node-tests)
20:28:00 [163d065c] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:28:22 [82f58f6c] lock "treasury" and "reserves" resources (cardano-node-tests)
20:29:22 [cf34028e] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:35:27 [c8b3e970] Merge pull request #508 from mkoura/lock_treasury_reserves (cardano-node-tests)
20:52:27 [98034db9] Update description (cardano-token-registry)
20:54:02 [67fee9c8] Moved Keys and Serialization into Cardano.Ledger. Deprecated old ones. (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:54:55 [e72900bc] consensus-cardano-test: add MaryAlonzo hard fork ThreadNet test (ouroboros-network)
20:54:55 [ecd4ba8b] consensus-cardano: internal refactor to consolidate SOP tag constructors (ouroboros-network)
20:54:55 [55e470f4] consensus-cardano: add AlonzoEra to CardanoEras (ouroboros-network)
21:09:10 [67213091] added sync values for tag 1.27.0 None - staging - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
21:19:05 [4b133b25] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:44:15 [20e9897e] PM-3241: Tracers and services. (metronome)
21:55:13 [88530c72] [DDW-663] Organize Assets types and naming (daedalus)
21:56:18 [40c9eadf] [DDW-663] Organize Assets types and naming (daedalus)
22:00:28 [7c4c9cb3] PM-3241: Block pruning. (metronome)
22:19:14 [0b1d442a] PM-3241: Enable logging. (metronome)
22:19:26 [1447f0bb] PM-3241: Use minimal bit length. (metronome)
22:22:35 [9c6a56b0] Make primitive process family combinators friends (ouroboros-high-assurance)
22:24:37 [220c30ea] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:32:30 [f2d0c497] Merge pull request #230 from `input-output-hk/enhancement/friendly-process-family-combinators` (fm-ouroboros)
23:02:26 [569e8fcd] added mainnet sync test values (cardano-node-tests)
23:14:50 [60699266] Moved BaseTypes.hs to Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:22:03 [e936480b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:56:55 [fc676e4b] Make `ApiWalletMigrationPostData.addresses` non-empty. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:56 [e295ca43] Add function `Wallet.migrationPlanToUnsignedTxs`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:56 [0d9493f1] Add function `Wallet.createMigrationPlan`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:56 [da08c6d8] Implement function `Api.Server.createMigrationPlan`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:57 [2354342c] Decompose function `Wallet.migrationPlanToUnsignedTxs`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:57 [b1458b82] Implement function `Api.Server.migrateWallet`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:57 [66f901f0] Decompose function `Wallet.signTransaction`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:58 [c2a174a3] Resurrect test `CREATE_MIGRATION_PLAN_01`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:58 [5e4f4f7d] Use correct response types for migration endpoints. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:58 [fa958d9b] Make `migrateWallet` endpoint return non-empty tx list. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:59 [db065f11] Resurrect test `CREATE_MIGRATION_PLAN_03`. (cardano-wallet)
23:56:59 [81485394] Resurrect test `CREATE_MIGRATION_PLAN_02`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:00 [476edd16] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_01`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:00 [267339d1] Resurrect test `CREATE_MIGRATION_PLAN_04`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:00 [65cbe792] Resurrect test `CREATE_MIGRATION_PLAN_05`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:01 [b1c718c9] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_04`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:01 [b50f6a8a] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_02`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:01 [00f4120a] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_03`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:02 [c220abb1] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_06`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:02 [2f9723ef] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_07`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:02 [1fbf614f] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_05`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:03 [33e05626] Resurrect test `MIGRATE_08`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:03 [5aabaa10] Don't retry tests that deplete a fixture wallet's funds. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:03 [d6d2abc8] Remove migration test that checks for depletion of source funds. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:04 [b0f1d828] Remove "disabled" warnings from migration endpoints. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:04 [eb96557a] Use more idiomatic style in `mkApiWalletMigrationPlan`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:04 [a3d7deec] Provide a useful error message when there's nothing to migrate. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:05 [281998ff] Add test `MIGRATE_MULTI_ASSET_01`. (cardano-wallet)
23:57:05 [b9136673] Use type synonym for selection results without change. (cardano-wallet)
23:59:16 [dd5a895b] Merge #2644 (cardano-wallet)