Home / Reports / Jun 14, 2021

Monday, June 14, 2021

465 commits had been pushed across 46 repos by 75 authors. There were 265,515 additions and 85,060 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:53:05 [1357e85b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:15:58 [a9db9bd8] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
02:05:35 [a4332ddb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:21:56 [e4149acf] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:48:25 [9dbd1424] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/nixpkgs-unstable-update (haskell.nix)
03:51:29 [c891b769] ghc 8.10.5 on darwin ffi fix (haskell.nix)
03:52:30 [645b56b7] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
04:01:55 [4714251b] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:22:41 [f773ca84] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:43:30 [b03401ba] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
04:47:24 [2572386e] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
04:59:38 [c5e2af3d] Refactor searchable select (adalite)
04:59:39 [911048ea] Add additional instructions for transport selection (adalite)
04:59:39 [75351637] Add dropdown for ledger transport (adalite)
04:59:40 [9e3bf59c] Rename transportation to transport (adalite)
04:59:41 [afabefa3] Lift default transport detection to wallet logic (adalite)
04:59:42 [1e9f89d0] Change instruction text for transport selection (adalite)
04:59:42 [9d858813] Add tooltip to transport dropdown (adalite)
04:59:43 [5b4a679f] Change transport selection design (adalite)
04:59:44 [80df3078] Fix transport dropdown width (adalite)
04:59:45 [5d584d8c] Add default display item logic for searchable select (adalite)
05:05:36 [e614ce2e] Transport selection refactoring (adalite)
05:05:37 [9e881b5c] Revert loadingOverlay changes (adalite)
05:06:47 [4a4fee7c] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
05:14:35 [75516be5] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
05:20:14 [23878f9c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:49:35 [23fa28b9] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
05:52:42 [811db08b] Do not use isNew flag as recusrion cut-off in BatchAVLProver.resetNew (scrypto)
05:59:41 [671aa9aa] limit message by bytes instead of string length (guild-operators)
06:17:49 [68bf0d8c] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
06:19:36 [679a6831] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
06:21:43 [3e83d1d5] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
06:22:04 [9a6206de] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:27:23 [de52e8ca] ETCM-926 WIP (mantis-automation)
06:33:52 [bbe5ef2a] Merge pull request #30 from input-output-hk/final_versions (vit-ops)
06:38:21 [cc3a20e8] Fix lower bound (haskell.nix)
06:39:05 [24e4e27b] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
07:11:11 [4847ae5e] Fix dead links in architectural document homepage (hydra-poc)
07:17:58 [6044445d] io-sim-classes: consolidate CPP pragmas (ouroboros-network)
07:19:59 [79c745af] deploy: ec04007175998f16a73dfd2c1458666f0148aeae (hydra-poc)
07:21:03 [8eaa99f8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:21:43 [8052af86] deploy: 4847ae5e5fe925492d4914af8d0a1c7835ee13b0 (hydra-poc)
07:24:05 [2c8fa3c2] disable Mux tracer for network responder too (hydra-poc)
07:27:37 [2cfb27b0] Update erc20-subscription-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
07:29:40 [c35540e6] Update erc20-address-setup-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
07:32:45 [f312afd0] Merge pull request #174 from puwmedia/master (cardano-token-registry)
07:43:05 [c9d4faf2] Added network name to be a part of the local-storage key for token metadata (yoroi-frontend)
07:58:35 [4ff62748] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/MetaLamp/lending-pool/development' into Metalamp/lending-pool/backend/add-collaterals (plutus-use-cases)
08:05:10 [7ffa79ae] Small syntax fix (yoroi-frontend)
08:10:53 [bfb2bef5] [ETCM-841] Replace PV64 with ETC64 (#1004) (mantis)
08:11:06 [be2448b8] Merge branch 'hkm/nixpkgs-unstable-update' into hkm/hix (haskell.nix)
08:15:07 [491e8a38] use token metadata in local storage (yoroi-frontend)
08:17:00 [9e444bf0] remove opaque bool from signature (jormungandr)
08:19:24 [82f1b5e2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:22:13 [2d9e124a] Bump plutus-example deps and reserialize always succeeds script (cardano-node)
08:30:11 [4103d011] added wallet distribution stats (vit-testing)
08:30:11 [cadc5b76] initial commits (vit-testing)
08:30:11 [59f0da01] added cli for printing wallet stats (vit-testing)
08:30:11 [30c96bac] add missing range (vit-testing)
08:32:52 [e1bca9dd] Merge pull request #18 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/red-bin-deadlinks-in-docs (hydra-poc)
08:32:55 [faf73633] Remove the old image (yoroi-frontend)
08:38:50 [eb2a8662] CH-8739 Update the eye icon in the input field and update the logic (yoroi-frontend)
08:47:08 [6e1f254a] Fix flip condition (catalyst-toolbox)
08:56:05 [fa2f921d] Remove debug tracers in Ouroboros network in favor of explicit tracer object (hydra-poc)
08:56:18 [6102b397] renamed cabal.project.ci.windows file (ouroboros-network)
08:56:18 [c0e1acac] io-sim-classes: StrictTVar representation (ouroboros-network)
08:56:45 [ed9a5db1] Updated cabal.project.local.ci (ouroboros-network)
08:56:46 [0e5f9052] io-sim-classes: consolidate CPP pragmas (ouroboros-network)
08:57:10 [649fbb9f] Define a mapping from the old design spec to this revamped version. (decentralized-software-updates)
08:57:52 [88c6be94] Make all the requirements adjectives. (decentralized-software-updates)
09:02:01 [bcad47f6] Update Node (hydra-poc)
09:02:02 [dc1fc417] Use tuples for multiple constraints in types (hydra-poc)
09:02:58 [09ea4703] Delete a dead cosntraint (plutus)
09:11:07 [1ee16835] Introduce Hydra.Chain module and rename "component" to simply 'Chain' (hydra-poc)
09:11:08 [1db7394b] Create a hydra-pab standalone PAB executable (hydra-poc)
09:11:08 [2901591a] Bump dependencies and index-state to make it compile (hydra-poc)
09:11:08 [1226e812] Fix warnings and add some more standard language extensions to hydra-plutus.cabal (hydra-poc)
09:11:08 [f324de4a] Get hydra-pab to compile with hard-coded HeadParameters (hydra-poc)
09:11:08 [ff8188de] Activate hard-coded wallets in hydra-pab (hydra-poc)
09:12:12 [375ee76d] deploy: dc1fc41789aec184316c00306a6ec03a3ab980a6 (hydra-poc)
09:13:17 [2d56ecc5] Add more descriptive verifyMsg to the integration tests DSL (cardano-wallet)
09:14:38 [8f8dbc86] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
09:18:24 [6ca544b3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:19:20 [7d5af653] Bump plutus-example deps and reserialize always succeeds script (cardano-node)
09:20:02 [7f37e40d] Merge #2822 (cardano-node)
09:23:37 [10ec4068] Replaced network name with network ID for the local-storage token metadata key (yoroi-frontend)
09:24:42 [2fe2520e] Rename executable-profiling flag as suggested by Cabal (haskell.nix)
09:25:41 [79149a4e] token metadata storage key includes network id (yoroi-frontend)
09:26:22 [a267060e] Added NonP2P Trace types to Config.hs (cardano-node)
09:26:22 [becd2782] Refactored Network.hs (cardano-node)
09:26:22 [6dac2c34] Refactored Tracers.hs (cardano-node)
09:26:22 [c2832fc6] Match Topology.hs with master branch Topology (cardano-node)
09:26:22 [da3f6e16] Refactored Run.hs in order to switch P2P vs NonP2P (cardano-node)
09:26:22 [9a4a96a5] Use NetworkP2PMode switch in POM (cardano-node)
09:26:22 [9e6a282b] Cleaned up imports in Peer.hs (cardano-node)
09:26:46 [f6713a11] Updated ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
09:35:37 [2cf9e82e] Add hashScriptData API function (cardano-node)
09:39:17 [c8ccefd5] Update Haskell.nix for updating HLS to latest version (ouroboros-network)
09:42:23 [9f90598e] Capture stdout logs in a temporary file for the end-to-end setup. (hydra-poc)
09:43:45 [d876e5b1] Add ne wstandard functions to AssocMap (plutus)
09:44:36 [39afffaf] CAD-2772 add tx-generator (cardano-node)
09:44:45 [700a57b3] CAD-2772 rebase on master initialize txInsCollateral and txAuxScriptData (cardano-node)
09:44:45 [623d5fda] CAD-2772 address reviews (cardano-node)
09:44:45 [0a05c4ae] Fix musl TH by enabling shared libraries (cardano-node)
09:44:45 [76f71a40] CAD-2772 add cases for Alonzo (cardano-node)
09:44:45 [e531f44c] CAD-2772 rebase on master (cardano-node)
09:44:45 [3a86f8cd] CAD-2772 rebase on master add txExtraKeyWitnesses and txProtocolParams (cardano-node)
09:44:45 [062b1bd1] CAD-2772 rebase on master initialize rename txAuxScriptData to txExtraScriptData (cardano-node)
09:47:17 [04c5199b] added learn Cardano cards (essential-cardano)
09:47:34 [da8c97ff] Finish design outline. (decentralized-software-updates)
09:51:22 [1a6ed6b5] CAD-2772 add tx-generator (cardano-node)
09:51:22 [a231c21b] Fix musl TH by enabling shared libraries (cardano-node)
09:51:22 [b537ed6d] CAD-2772 address reviews (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [362a5c20] Remove Submission data type. (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [2960758b] splitoff SubmissionClient module (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [c1654c32] CAD-2772 rebase on master add txExtraKeyWitnesses and txProtocolParams (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [d801e8fc] set fees to zero (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [5fafb14b] CAD-2772 add JSON support for wallet-based tx-generator (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [dc7032ff] CAD-2772 add cases for Alonzo (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [1c5f72f3] reorder case (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [edc9f7cf] CAD-2772 rebase on master (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [de637a65] add TxSource abstraction in txSubmissionClient (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [7259f5ed] reorder stuff (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [fc346ef6] CAD-2772 rebase on master initialize txInsCollateral and txAuxScriptData (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [82da8d58] CAD-2772 wire up proof of concept wallet based generator (cardano-node)
09:51:23 [9a92545c] remove strThreadIndex (used nowhere) (cardano-node)
09:51:24 [16093c3b] CAD-2772 rebase on master initialize rename txAuxScriptData to txExtraScriptData (cardano-node)
09:54:36 [a350aa67] Add cardano-cli transaction hash-script-data (cardano-node)
09:55:08 [49f41b70] fix non_existing_folder failure on log rotation (jormungandr)
09:55:23 [5370b638] Merge pull request #3354 from input-output-hk/mpj/index-state-some-wtf (plutus)
09:55:40 [8a694ddb] deploy: 9f90598eaf3e6b99cfd2ea5b11200844249f7b59 (hydra-poc)
10:03:51 [3ec98900] Add properties for listing stake keys (cardano-wallet)
10:03:52 [61050281] Add PrettyShow newtype helper (cardano-wallet)
10:03:52 [65223819] Add separate UTxO generators (cardano-wallet)
10:06:36 [2bccf2e7] Add clarifying comments for listStakeKeys (cardano-wallet)
10:07:00 [55e39d57] add mote tests (plutus-use-cases)
10:08:19 [3f6d2b3e] Update Haskell.nix for updating HLS to latest version (ouroboros-network)
10:08:48 [ddf1c259] Fix plutus-playground (plutus)
10:16:15 [a9fe2fc5] [PM-3108] update ledger (metronome)
10:16:53 [0bc583ac] [PM-3110] create checkpoint (metronome)
10:17:34 [e112b84d] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/ch8739/UIUpdates (yoroi-frontend)
10:18:49 [30c7dd8e] Merge #3207 (ouroboros-network)
10:19:24 [af657986] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/8732/transaction-icon (yoroi-frontend)
10:19:38 [2bbe97d3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:22:16 [0759dc53] allow running wormhole in all jobs (vit-ops)
10:23:47 [f6d440d3] Add pendingOnMacOS helper (cardano-wallet)
10:25:23 [fc2c57aa] Mark LoggingSpec pending on macOS (cardano-wallet)
10:29:57 [2addf567] refactoring (plutus-use-cases)
10:30:16 [079bb89a] generic sizes (chain-libs)
10:31:00 [910ca767] bump version from 2.0 to 3.0 for prod (vit-ops)
10:31:17 [9e11ec21] Evie Penguin (cardano-token-registry)
10:33:29 [034483bb] Update cardanoLedger with updated ledger-specs (hydra-poc)
10:34:04 [e74eebc1] Update Network.Ouroboros to work with new version (hydra-poc)
10:34:26 [952bced3] Improve integration testing of rewards for listing stake keys (cardano-wallet)
10:34:26 [c9f92161] Add comments re including rewards in the stake field (cardano-wallet)
10:34:26 [9aa7d4c7] Clarify and tweak list stake key api docs (cardano-wallet)
10:34:27 [8a861ac8] Factor out some common elements in listStakeKey properties (cardano-wallet)
10:37:55 [b0e39577] Merge pull request #24 from input-output-hk/MetaLamp/lending-pool/platform-upgrade-new (plutus-use-cases)
10:41:00 [a8838200] Add a constraint to fix things (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:42:00 [1c796d31] Merge branch 'master' into sjoerdvisscher/master (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:43:24 [4c69716d] [ETCM-828] Make BlockImporterItSpec less flaky (mantis)
10:43:41 [e6010ea8] Merge #2823 (cardano-node)
10:44:34 [e629dcf1] Add pendingOnMacOS helper (cardano-wallet)
10:44:34 [127d785d] Mark LoggingSpec pending on macOS (cardano-wallet)
10:52:26 [fc9ea693] Add flat (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:02:13 [d418ddda] Test cases that depict problematic behavior with UnitInterval (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:02:13 [8a89b2fe] Avoid redefining available function (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:02:14 [f951b853] Switch `UnitInterval` to use safe-decimal (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:02:14 [31fbaceb] Fix ShelleyGenesis golden test case (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:02:14 [94c4e0e5] Respond to feedback (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:02:41 [68a50247] PM-3092: Move connection replacement to a separate method. (metronome)
11:05:42 [5e212dab] Bound dependent-sum (plutus)
11:06:25 [3f34dcba] Create a first pab-based chain client (hydra-poc)
11:14:50 [0ee84dc3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:17:03 [d43791b1] add post transaction/construct endpoint (cardano-wallet)
11:17:03 [641c4dce] introduce ApiTransactionConstructData in swagger (cardano-wallet)
11:17:04 [0e9cf435] introduce input extended (cardano-wallet)
11:17:05 [d41a9f40] add transactions fee endpoint (cardano-wallet)
11:17:05 [5bbed743] introduce ApiSerializedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
11:17:05 [e4ee4f39] cherrypick some types from Rodney's PR 2642 (cardano-wallet)
11:17:06 [f9c43ad4] add ApiTransactionConstructData and ApiDelegationTx (cardano-wallet)
11:17:06 [35f82fae] add ApiConstructTransaction and ApiTxInputExtended (cardano-wallet)
11:17:07 [f652d40f] add constructTransaction scaffolding (cardano-wallet)
11:17:07 [c695cf56] work on ApiMultiDelegationAction (cardano-wallet)
11:18:12 [765b04e2] Fix materialization checking for cardano-repo-tool (plutus)
11:21:04 [8f876323] Minor plutus shell script fix (cardano-node)
11:22:36 [5fa473f2] Merge pull request #11 from input-output-hk/nix-cabal-dev (plutus-starter)
11:24:00 [a43fcaec] resolved existing error with serialisation (chain-libs)
11:25:21 [c8fce5e4] Make bors-stats.rb use nix-shell (cardano-wallet)
11:26:22 [17ad3589] Try #2709: (cardano-wallet)
11:32:50 [806d6218] PM-3092: Connection conflict resolution based on ephemeral port ordering (#52) (metronome)
11:35:58 [fac1b3b7] Skip shell-for test when compiler is not the one we are testing (haskell.nix)
11:36:41 [59eb1ac4] PM-3130: RPC interfaces for the service and the interpreter. (metronome)
11:36:42 [faa42066] PM-3130: Remove debug prints from integration test. (metronome)
11:36:42 [42f726e6] PM-3130: InterpreterService. (metronome)
11:36:42 [4e5c7439] PM-3130: Trying to put together an integraton test. (metronome)
11:36:43 [8f123361] PM-3130: Test and fix codecs. (metronome)
11:36:43 [0e09ed14] PM-3130: Test sending requests from the service to the interpreter. (metronome)
11:36:44 [563bbc90] PM-3130: Fix typos. (metronome)
11:36:44 [8864f8a1] PM-3130: Verify req/res pair. (metronome)
11:36:44 [6fa9d15c] PM-3130: Separate tracing event for request handling error. (metronome)
11:36:57 [813c6062] Skip shell-for test when compiler is not the one we are testing (haskell.nix)
11:37:12 [aa0fa1aa] PM-3409: InterpreterClient implementation. (metronome)
11:37:12 [3cfc408e] PM-3409: Testing the InterpreterClient. (metronome)
11:37:13 [831bcfea] PM-3409: Fix label on sequence diagram. (metronome)
11:37:13 [7b8c14c5] PM-3409: Fix casing. (metronome)
11:37:13 [0e95682b] PM-3409: Trace sending error in requests. (metronome)
11:37:18 [22ffd8b1] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
11:38:24 [9ee93200] refactor - remove splitTxOutput func (adalite)
11:42:25 [4b866e80] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
11:42:28 [3c347156] Capture stdout logs in a temporary file for the end-to-end setup. (hydra-poc)
11:43:08 [5d56a5f5] add tests (plutus-use-cases)
11:47:28 [1b1f51b0] refactor - introduce isTokenDifferenceEmpty (adalite)
11:51:06 [91411ec6] PM-3133: Abandon batch if a block isn't found or the hash cannot be updated. (metronome)
11:52:13 [9bb2717f] added the 2 new Alonzo node nightly builds (cardano-node-tests)
11:52:46 [76342cc6] Separated Diffusion into P2P, NonP2P and Common (ouroboros-network)
11:52:46 [6b2c0189] Refactored Node.hs to fit new Diffusion interface. (ouroboros-network)
11:54:50 [a3e42749] [DDW-414] Added ledger bindings for linux (daedalus)
11:59:25 [4216cb54] Merge #2708 (cardano-wallet)
12:15:43 [1c4ffd19] add method to check existance in volatile store (chain-libs)
12:24:15 [0162aa2e] Merge branch 'p2p' into alonzo (cardano-ops)
12:26:05 [7fcdb58e] Importing Ledger.Scripts imports Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts and the HasTextEnvelope related instances. (plutus)
12:26:38 [bde6346a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:27:33 [483659d5] Transaction messages/comments metadata (CIPs)
12:30:40 [18da7cc1] add constructTransactionFee scaffolding (cardano-wallet)
12:30:59 [b9854f4e] added test (chain-libs)
12:31:24 [5825931b] Add trezor firmware warning (adalite)
12:32:33 [7ec13c2a] Only show local-cluster logs when the test is failing (hydra-poc)
12:34:14 [1e3f3118] Merge #2709 (cardano-wallet)
12:34:46 [5cb7f017] Catch callEndpoint JSON parse error and log it (fix #3232). (plutus)
12:40:41 [99c998a2] WIP (plutus)
12:42:01 [7df0ca8d] Merge branch 'decrypt_nizk' into updates_decrypt (chain-libs)
12:43:35 [1083fef5] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-587-native-tokens-huge-size (daedalus)
12:43:45 [0e7e053a] Update exporting-a-script.rst (plutus)
12:44:51 [4783593c] Merge pull request #2824 from input-output-hk/jordan/minor-plutus-script-fix (cardano-node)
12:44:56 [7f73b8f6] deploy: 7ec13c2a627da0e374b7d92e53c76c41633b341d (hydra-poc)
12:46:20 [f60d7e52] Add the ability to export serialised PLC programs with Cardano API envelopes (plutus)
12:52:37 [98a143cf] Fix eval/build issue (haskell.nix)
12:53:10 [3311a9dd] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
12:57:06 [54ead2e8] Fix pab-client (plutus)
13:00:26 [141d3acf] Adjust back to use Ratio Word64 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:03:42 [ac8cdbd9] refactore tests (plutus-use-cases)
13:04:37 [7fd73c72] PM-3133: Change ApplicationService.executeBlock to return Boolean. (metronome)
13:04:37 [28bac1d6] deploy: fb6821963ce6e9488df4b254248d1879d06fdc65 (bech32)
13:04:43 [7ee6e609] deploy: fb6821963ce6e9488df4b254248d1879d06fdc65 (bech32)
13:07:16 [f8657902] snockets - monadic toBearer (ouroboros-network)
13:07:16 [6936ccb4] client-server test of network simulation environment (ouroboros-network)
13:07:16 [ac315812] network-mux: AttenuatedChannel (ouroboros-network)
13:07:16 [dc460d7b] ouroboros-network-framework: simulated network environment (ouroboros-network)
13:08:57 [4cb9e43e] Merge pull request #3362 from input-output-hk/mpj/fix-dependent-sum-for-real (plutus)
13:09:42 [ffa40bb7] Merge pull request #3363 from input-output-hk/mpj/fix-cardano-repo-tool (plutus)
13:14:01 [596ad394] fix funds outputs spending (plutus-use-cases)
13:14:36 [24273dad] use trace logger for sql statements (plutus)
13:14:36 [685599c8] delete eventful (plutus)
13:14:36 [fbe3ae52] wip beam support (plutus)
13:14:36 [9cbedccf] add foreign key; some comments (plutus)
13:16:26 [cd2e196e] wip - ada only utxo change (adalite)
13:16:31 [6a1720d2] Refresh shell-for test pkgs.nix to use ghc 8.10.5 (haskell.nix)
13:17:25 [2d465c3d] increase retries count (plutus-use-cases)
13:17:57 [8c6c3591] added rand as dev for benches (chain-libs)
13:18:22 [42c19a2a] Merge branch 'updates_decrypt' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/chain-libs into updates_decrypt (chain-libs)
13:25:08 [18ff7640] fmt haskell (plutus-use-cases)
13:25:25 [1d642d69] lints (chain-libs)
13:26:25 [d01a55aa] Merge branch 'hkm/nixpkgs-unstable-update' into hkm/hix (haskell.nix)
13:27:49 [bc93a804] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:29:21 [b27bfcb9] new wallet v for node 1.27 (docs-cardano-org)
13:31:15 [a36cc190] change Ptr Ix to Word64 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:32:32 [fc00acc7] ormolise (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:35:31 [e82bafb3] [DDW-414] added blake2b-wasm (daedalus)
13:38:22 [30a26a4d] Fixed basic limiters. (cardano-node)
13:43:07 [33a35dd0] Tweak bors-stats.rb to have better code/options-reuse (cardano-wallet)
13:43:55 [505d4486] Merge branch 'chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package (daedalus)
13:45:28 [9a88b0d5] AAANAME (cardano-token-registry)
13:52:59 [c3f7cee0] Updated ouroboros-network (cardano-node)
13:54:32 [55c6cf7d] Add a note about OnChainTx (hydra-poc)
13:57:25 [6fe037ee] Fix up for go deep-merge and import determinism issue on /etc/vault.d/ files (bitte)
14:04:01 [f4a5bfcd] Fix playground server (plutus)
14:04:01 [2ae2fb04] SCP-2018: Waiting vs non-waiting actions (plutus)
14:04:02 [df8a4c3c] Fix uniswap example (plutus)
14:04:02 [8f0cc1c3] Fix PSGenerator (plutus)
14:04:02 [8e718e6b] Fix doc (plutus)
14:04:02 [14c85c8d] Fix plutus-pab-client (plutus)
14:04:02 [ba59e892] Fix playground-common (plutus)
14:04:02 [98d32815] Fix plutus-pab (plutus)
14:04:02 [004e607d] Fix plutus-playground-server (plutus)
14:04:02 [3ac5a6a1] * Fix use-cases (plutus)
14:04:02 [4541564a] Fix plutus-playground (plutus)
14:04:02 [857e8692] Fix docs (plutus)
14:04:02 [0b6b2b53] Fix marlowe (plutus)
14:04:02 [eeae81d1] Fix pab-client (plutus)
14:05:23 [b8bab24b] deploy: 55c6cf7d5441cd2cf4991db0dfb89cd4bed2b7ee (hydra-poc)
14:05:30 [22fe8769] cardano-tracer: unique LocalSocket. (cardano-node)
14:07:23 [25e2eaf2] Fix up for go deep-merge and import determinism issue on /etc/vault.d/ files (bitte)
14:16:13 [808fb653] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:20:31 [357663bd] WIP adding contract placeholders (plutus)
14:24:27 [36eb7534] Use `buildPackages.buildPackages` to fix ghcjs issue (haskell.nix)
14:25:05 [6306aa8d] Use `buildPackages.buildPackages` to fix ghcjs issue (haskell.nix)
14:26:32 [8b6d260d] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
14:45:50 [59ab8df0] Use `buildPackages.buildPackages` to fix ghcjs issue (haskell.nix)
14:48:05 [0cd5be10] Try #1121: (haskell.nix)
14:51:40 [bdf60cbc] Merge branch 'hkm/nixpkgs-unstable-update' into hkm/hix (haskell.nix)
14:58:43 [5a8fff9f] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-633-implement-earned-rewards-history (daedalus)
14:59:05 [fdbd2e6b] [DDW-414] Reverted change (daedalus)
14:59:56 [2948a849] client-server test of network simulation environment (ouroboros-network)
15:00:12 [56469971] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package' into chore/ddw-414-bump-electron-package (daedalus)
15:04:23 [da1ddfb0] Refactor tx planning - create adaOnly change output (adalite)
15:05:34 [c0ba22ea] Add content to requirements and "satisfying requirements" sections (decentralized-software-updates)
15:09:38 [6cb62470] Implement typed plutus script example (cardano-node)
15:13:44 [e65e811c] add lca to block store (chain-libs)
15:14:12 [dfda7aff] Implemented matching stats (catalyst-toolbox)
15:14:14 [47f1c478] remove logger-bridge (plutus)
15:16:53 [144e9705] squash - fix tests (adalite)
15:20:15 [1b61dbc6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:20:55 [75079ff8] remove logger-bridge (plutus)
15:24:51 [739ec70c] [DDW-633] Copy address notification (daedalus)
15:30:55 [1a1628fd] Add please.nix (plutus)
15:31:18 [ff3a74a1] Move nixpkgs-terraform input to iohk repo (bitte)
15:32:47 [2bcc97f5] WIP PlutusExample (cardano-node)
15:35:09 [9492a3e9] add tests for lca (chain-libs)
15:37:52 [73f9ddd6] reorder args (cardano-node)
15:38:18 [02def0a4] reorder args (cardano-node)
15:38:35 [421febb4] fix warning (cardano-node)
15:39:16 [d4e753fd] towards monomorphic submitClient (WIP) (cardano-node)
15:39:58 [c5f6d3da] Merge pull request #33 from input-output-hk/bitte-stack-bump (bitte)
15:41:20 [5cf2f9da] log http api requests with zipkin headers (vit-servicing-station)
15:44:17 [df985daf] Separated Diffusion into P2P, NonP2P and Common (ouroboros-network)
15:44:41 [056437d4] Refactored Node.hs to fit new Diffusion interface. (ouroboros-network)
15:45:05 [cc675170] torsion multiplication internal (musig2)
15:46:29 [65acd858] Add the ability to export serialised PLC programs with Cardano API envelopes (plutus)
15:49:29 [a29d769b] Move toPartialLedgerConfig into the HasPartialLedgerConfig class (ouroboros-network)
15:49:29 [27be1402] Added QueryV_1 and GetPartialLedgerConfig query (ouroboros-network)
15:49:30 [9618f216] Satisfy new serialisation constraints on PartialLedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
16:04:00 [999114fd] Add traefik instance on explorer (WIP) (cardano-ops)
16:05:03 [dc013955] Adding placeholder for pending transaction. (plutus)
16:06:53 [ac80d1d5] Separated Diffusion into P2P, NonP2P and Common (ouroboros-network)
16:06:57 [90eccb9d] Refactored Node.hs to fit new Diffusion interface. (ouroboros-network)
16:07:35 [d6708300] Merge #3195 (ouroboros-network)
16:13:18 [f7d34f59] fix (cardano-ops)
16:13:47 [fb0ee929] add todos (plutus-use-cases)
16:17:15 [2dc1c123] fix (cardano-ops)
16:28:27 [ece075e1] virtualHosts (cardano-ops)
16:29:17 [22064235] refactor ApiMultiDelegationAction (cardano-wallet)
16:29:56 [950fc81a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:34:13 [3477e9fb] introduce swap frontend request and response handling (plutus-use-cases)
16:34:53 [8ea8d29a] acme.json (cardano-ops)
16:36:30 [ff4086a4] alonzo faucet copy amends (testnets-cardano-org)
16:36:40 [b1b18577] Merge pull request #27 from obsidiansystems/websocket-test/obsidian-systems/dex (plutus-use-cases)
16:41:30 [14db5ec7] Satisfy new serialisation constraints on PartialLedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
16:43:38 [bdaf0d5f] add lca to block store (chain-libs)
16:43:48 [c097611a] sg (cardano-ops)
16:44:17 [84a35e17] add tests for lca (chain-libs)
16:48:18 [f9533f44] Function to poll decimal metadata and save it in redux Store. Notes: (yoroi-mobile)
17:01:16 [31496a24] ouroboros-network-framework: simulated network environment (ouroboros-network)
17:01:16 [62f318c5] network-mux: AttenuatedChannel (ouroboros-network)
17:01:16 [d178f034] client-server test of network simulation environment (ouroboros-network)
17:01:16 [9e02c060] snockets - monadic toBearer (ouroboros-network)
17:01:54 [781b47dc] Merge pull request #19 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/red-bin-too-verbose-logs (hydra-poc)
17:02:32 [ac4b8473] more batch analysis (vrf-optimisation-tests)
17:04:30 [41b6e609] Create Simple mock ledger that actually validates transactions (hydra-poc)
17:07:19 [5f73f149] improve mempool logic (jormungandr)
17:08:33 [f507b534] update fragment logs after branch switch (jormungandr)
17:09:07 [2d374cac] TMP: update chain-libs (jormungandr)
17:10:58 [182fc7ef] Add improved /scripts/bors-stats.rb (cardano-wallet)
17:11:56 [b0e0d8b3] deploy: 781b47dc26d3ab78a4937e7a2f7934e1f54ae600 (hydra-poc)
17:19:51 [fb090645] deploy: 41b6e60995707def006782aab01bab4740adca83 (hydra-poc)
17:24:21 [1922f7d4] Add missing `thorn_simps` annotations (fm-ouroboros)
17:25:39 [bbf191d4] Switch to `equivalence` where possible (fm-ouroboros)
17:27:31 [a4988fc8] Update to untyped-always-succeeds-txin.plutus (Alonzo-testnet)
17:27:32 [2b861322] Add empty lines between `friend_of_corec` specifications (fm-ouroboros)
17:29:41 [6c52a13a] Correct naming of `guard` argument (fm-ouroboros)
17:31:17 [dd73daa4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:01:55 [b9bb6a74] Refactor fetch_logs and add --before and --after options (cardano-wallet)
18:03:31 [04baa1f4] Add getUTxOSubset to the exported API (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:06:30 [ea5c2e42] squash - fix tx planning tests (adalite)
18:14:57 [1ee2d52f] upgrade flow (yoroi-mobile)
18:17:38 [d0d1d987] Separate out parse error in parsePlcInput. (plutus)
18:20:48 [ea2cc5d1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:27:52 [ce8c2eff] alonzo-blue2.0 (cardano-ops)
18:29:28 [810298f8] Merge pull request #2323 from input-output-hk/jc/alonzo-consensus-examples (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:30:54 [4f58ea15] [DDW-587] Add loading state (daedalus)
18:37:23 [4b566b7e] squash - fix eslint (adalite)
18:50:33 [6708f0b8] Make tag an option (cardano-wallet)
18:52:44 [c7f201ad] Make max in flight (a.k.a. pipelined) chain-sync requests configurable (cardano-ogmios)
18:58:21 [16483233] Generate arbitrary mirror values of chain-sync spec instead of hard-coding them. (cardano-ogmios)
19:03:05 [26b3904a] Add caching to --fetch-system (cardano-wallet)
19:12:17 [fa104752] core unit test, malformed - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
19:15:12 [511f6622] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:17:14 [078345ca] Add FIXMEs regarding new friends of `corec` (fm-ouroboros)
19:18:09 [3e9a0067] Add more `adapted_after` lemmas (fm-ouroboros)
19:20:17 [a13299e9] Add FIXMEs about tag-related improvements (fm-ouroboros)
19:21:30 [f40c59b7] Update FIXMEs about (quasi-)compatibility lemmas (fm-ouroboros)
19:22:03 [439ed21a] Add FIXME about `de_bruijn` (fm-ouroboros)
19:22:49 [a9c2dbf9] Add left-compatibility lemmas for `parallel` (fm-ouroboros)
19:23:38 [187c1c44] Switch to cartouches in the syntax declaration of `silent` (fm-ouroboros)
19:27:51 [d800b164] Allow WSP handlers to reply with a fault and preserve reflection value (cardano-ogmios)
19:33:31 [63137683] Add back missing cardanoDbSyncHaskellPackages (cardano-ops)
19:35:46 [b16f0ebb] [DDW-587] Full fingerprint (daedalus)
19:42:46 [64c707f2] Merge pull request #2172 from Emurgo/Ahmed/ch8739/UIUpdates (yoroi-frontend)
19:48:51 [81f68cc2] Add property for checking interleaves of requestNext and findIntersect (cardano-ogmios)
19:49:17 [8670158d] Remove redundant code identified with property tests. (cardano-ogmios)
19:50:05 [1aa954eb] syncstat: don't exit if sending to slack fails (mantis-ops)
19:53:15 [936ab897] syncstat: pull latest (mantis-ops)
20:01:03 [3123f8ad] graylog jvm: remove unsupported CMS options (ops-lib)
20:01:52 [0d7c1dd4] Generator for TxInsCollateral (cardano-node)
20:01:52 [7229ed3f] Use named field puns (cardano-node)
20:01:52 [16953bfe] Update cardano-api-gen/src/Gen/Cardano/Api/Typed.hs (cardano-node)
20:03:40 [2a6548e5] Fix a typo (ouroboros-high-assurance)
20:04:41 [3dc7504d] Lower down a bit QC confidence for faster chain-sync unit tests (cardano-ogmios)
20:05:34 [c525a880] graylog: also remove UseParNewGC (ops-lib)
20:06:07 [7de29b30] Bump ops-lib (graylog fix) (cardano-ops)
20:10:37 [b914867f] [DDW-587] Styling adjustments (daedalus)
20:17:09 [63eeaa99] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:22:48 [09b85221] Merge #2819 (cardano-node)
20:23:28 [c89ba00e] Merge pull request #233 from `input-output-hk/improvement/thorn-calculus-fixes` (ouroboros-high-assurance)
20:36:06 [556a1e77] monitoring: disable graylog. (cardano-ops)
20:43:51 [120a6fcf] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
20:48:04 [735b6488] Add `Thorn_Calculus-Communication` (fm-ouroboros)
20:49:07 [e3c618db] Port `Communication` to the Þ-calculus (ouroboros-high-assurance)
20:55:23 [15228a1f] Try #2708: (cardano-wallet)
20:57:16 [ff76a54c] Merge #2709 (cardano-wallet)
21:06:02 [feb2f88e] Use token metadata from Store in UI, plus some fixes (yoroi-mobile)
21:10:48 [1a405bd8] update faq (plutus)
21:10:49 [6164b2f6] Change hero image and add a 1440 max width (plutus)
21:10:49 [0097f13e] New banners and wider layout (plutus)
21:10:49 [1b530112] add social tags (plutus)
21:14:06 [61a3b730] Reduce reliance on Plutus API (cardano-node)
21:16:26 [7667e91d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:18:11 [2f56c166] Fixed how token subject is constructed. Fixed remote URL with the proxy. Fixed fetcher to read properties securely (yoroi-frontend)
21:21:54 [a7a0f968] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/8732/transaction-icon (yoroi-frontend)
21:25:37 [8d1558e1] Merge pull request #2175 from Emurgo/yushi/use-token-metadata (yoroi-frontend)
21:26:05 [3a32d49e] Add serialising the PartialLedgerConfig to SerialiseNodeToClientConstraints (ouroboros-network)
21:26:05 [a76740f9] Make dummyEpochInfo generic (ouroboros-network)
21:26:05 [eae79024] Serialization instances for LedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
21:26:05 [e8090029] Serialization instances for PartialLedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
21:26:06 [663ef0d4] Serialization instances for LedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
21:26:06 [ffce8688] Add GetPartialLedgerConfig query (ouroboros-network)
21:26:06 [99ede729] WIP (ouroboros-network)
21:26:06 [015e0f26] Code formatting fixes (ouroboros-network)
21:26:06 [e21cfb6d] MISC (ouroboros-network)
21:26:06 [4f718aa3] Local State Query protocol uses top level Query type instead of BlockQuery directly (ouroboros-network)
21:26:07 [ae6ff920] consensus: HFC now provides EpochInfo in Except monad (ouroboros-network)
21:26:07 [03051556] Fix build errors (ouroboros-network)
21:26:07 [cfb5824a] More types in instance FromCBOR (ShelleyPartialLedgerConfig era) definitions (ouroboros-network)
21:26:07 [417019d3] Tidy up (ouroboros-network)
21:26:07 [de253b90] Add GetPartialLedgerConfig query (ouroboros-network)
21:26:07 [8c44f100] consensus: use distinct types for validated and unvalidated transactions (ouroboros-network)
21:26:08 [89066bb2] Fix tag for queryEncodeNodeToClient (ouroboros-network)
21:26:52 [724a4a23] Fixed token identifier subject construction (yoroi-frontend)
21:52:01 [8432dcc8] Serialization instances for LedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
21:52:03 [bb7eb8ba] Serialization instances for PartialLedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
21:52:04 [a4203fb6] Add serialising the PartialLedgerConfig to SerialiseNodeToClientConstraints (ouroboros-network)
21:57:57 [860d8a3d] Add GetPartialLedgerConfig query (ouroboros-network)
22:02:12 [c7343761] MISC (ouroboros-network)
22:18:28 [75a581a4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:28:58 [adf84135] Compile fixes (ouroboros-network)
22:37:09 [dceb2567] flake.lock: Update (bitte)
23:02:49 [30606e27] Update dependencies further (smash)
23:03:39 [50fea1a8] update to reflect keys are held by user in Exodus (support-faq)
23:06:53 [b785f9d0] Reduce reliance on Plutus API (cardano-node)
23:17:58 [8be45c06] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:20:52 [60420b0c] Also cover the state-query client through property testing in IO-sim (cardano-ogmios)
23:28:34 [ba55c4ab] Fixes cue schema non-CSI mount opt err, ephemeral size err, adds log rot opt (bitte)
23:38:59 [de02d6d0] Rough cut (plutus-use-cases)
23:46:12 [9de5e9c2] Merge #2818 (cardano-node)
23:52:55 [dbfb536f] db: Replace Persistent putMany with a custom replacement (cardano-db-sync)