Home / Reports / Jul 22, 2021

Thursday, July 22, 2021

432 commits had been pushed across 38 repos by 74 authors. There were 179,535 additions and 137,443 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:02:03 [421302f8] Update cardano-base and derive Measure for ExUnits (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:17:44 [987f1d63] consensus: implement TxLimits via the cardano-base:measures package (ouroboros-network)
00:17:44 [5b49d046] check-stylish.sh: skip .TxLimits to avoid crash (ouroboros-network)
00:24:54 [7094d799] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:39:12 [1685fd06] consensus: implement TxLimits via the cardano-base:measures package (ouroboros-network)
00:39:12 [7f584091] check-stylish.sh: skip .TxLimits to avoid crash (ouroboros-network)
00:44:09 [24adfb95] Adds missing periods in `portal-contribute.md` (developer-portal)
00:55:13 [d46d1d7e] Fix ghc901 materialization (haskell.nix)
00:57:34 [44f63fda] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:03:12 [44f67302] Automatic update for Thu Jul 22 01:03:12 UTC 2021 (stackage.nix)
01:06:26 [01ac4a47] Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
01:06:26 [02d12f98] Move textShow into base Cardano.Db.Text module. (cardano-db-sync)
01:09:14 [e24dec44] shell.nix: add entr tool (ouroboros-network)
01:12:24 [9d8a26ae] More materialization (haskell.nix)
01:13:42 [8e1084c2] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:15:30 [7598715a] Try #1166: (haskell.nix)
01:16:33 [6cef814c] Merge #3275 (ouroboros-network)
01:25:18 [2b357e4a] Trace job names for hydra (haskell.nix)
01:31:38 [9963b144] More materialization (haskell.nix)
01:32:07 [206ae9c1] Try #1166: (haskell.nix)
01:40:16 [02c13b2f] Fix up build (cardano-node)
01:53:36 [e79557b0] WIP - debug db-sync issue #683 (cardano-node)
02:07:26 [7adf40c9] Adds Button component (developer-portal)
02:07:33 [dce04097] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:07:40 [c375c2d8] Adds ShowcaseFooter component (developer-portal)
02:07:49 [a9db9913] Decouples ShowcaseCard component (developer-portal)
02:07:56 [a2aca465] Adds ShowcaseBody component (developer-portal)
02:08:04 [51dc68db] Adds seperate file for TagIcon related component (developer-portal)
02:11:22 [390d58d4] fixup! Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
02:14:39 [6af9369b] update WalletAddress (yoroi-mobile)
02:17:44 [eb4ed49b] fixup! Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
02:17:45 [b7fa2f8f] fix flow warning (yoroi-mobile)
02:32:39 [5db46359] update Link (yoroi-mobile)
03:04:47 [533e7bef] update ExpandableItem (yoroi-mobile)
03:19:32 [eb73078b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:53:20 [72c8bb4d] Make dbsync.sh env check offline (guild-operators)
04:02:15 [a4b5fec2] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:07:54 [a43c985d] chore: increase default max query complexity (cardano-graphql)
04:22:51 [0eab3dac] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:50:55 [d75b9e2a] List sub parsers (cardano-node)
04:53:05 [b37f8bdb] Remove more Gen weeds (cardano-wallet)
05:07:40 [1cb2ff7a] Resurrect hashVerificationKey (cardano-wallet)
05:10:44 [1be28d24] CIP-1855: Add primitives for MintBurn policy key derivation (cardano-wallet)
05:10:49 [5a15cbe1] Relax help message check in cardano-tx-generator (cardano-node)
05:13:12 [e6e4e089] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:40:45 [b6b93228] fix: add hex prefix to ada asset entry (cardano-graphql)
05:41:06 [5bf38f09] fix: add hex prefix to ada asset entry (cardano-graphql)
05:41:06 [41246079] chore: increase default max query complexity (cardano-graphql)
06:01:51 [8c0286f9] Relax help message check in cardano-tx-generator (cardano-node)
06:04:49 [1b783c77] fixup! Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
06:13:06 [726386f5] CIP-1855: Add primitives for MintBurn policy key derivation (cardano-wallet)
06:17:24 [e58dd7c7] feature: Use `Asset.decimals` to present token qty with the correct factor (cardano-explorer-app)
06:17:26 [e724b49d] refactor: simplify immediate object returns (cardano-explorer-app)
06:21:20 [78ac9c3a] Add new Alonzo-era code required to create a mint transaction (cardano-wallet)
06:21:28 [816c1c30] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
06:23:03 [5a586740] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:24:51 [f7632d45] Merge pull request #171 from will0101/will0101/portalDocsGrammerUpdate (developer-portal)
06:39:19 [b72ee8b7] fixup! Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
06:52:32 [cedfdc48] remove additional unneeded genesis checks in env (guild-operators)
06:56:44 [e7db9ad5] Make dbsync.sh env check offline (#989) (guild-operators)
07:04:06 [f57adab7] Implement incentivized tokens (plutus-use-cases)
07:05:20 [b83cdcf2] add create nft transition validation (plutus-use-cases)
07:15:45 [9a5454af] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:30:11 [beee291d] db-sync: Include the InstantaneousRewards to the Rewards table (cardano-db-sync)
07:31:33 [47f1a811] [ETCM-980] restore json OptionNoneToNullSerializer (mantis)
07:39:18 [36cda41f] Parallelize benchmark and improve error reporting on waits (hydra-poc)
07:39:40 [80dbc7a7] Add failing behavior spec for multiple txs and snapshots (hydra-poc)
07:47:16 [d813fc4e] connection-manager: resource handling (ouroboros-network)
07:48:13 [cbfff5ed] Generate MD5 sums for migrations found at build time. (cardano-db-sync)
07:51:59 [9beb65b0] Move textShow into base Cardano.Db.Text module. (cardano-db-sync)
07:58:45 [0468e9c3] switch to newer node in e2e docker workflow (cardano-wallet)
07:59:00 [e2beda18] Record multiple seen snapshots (hydra-poc)
08:02:41 [948c0f07] [ETCM-980] restore json OptionNoneToNullSerializer (mantis)
08:12:11 [bbf9f92a] add flake.nix (catalyst-toolbox)
08:13:50 [cd7b59d7] Merge pull request #2770 from input-output-hk/piotr/e2e-tests-maintenance (cardano-wallet)
08:15:33 [cc77d39c] Merge pull request #173 from cardano-foundation/staging (developer-portal)
08:18:18 [0b8e5246] Show HydraNodeLog traces on failure in BehaviorSpec (hydra-poc)
08:19:21 [ba47d1c1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:21:30 [b63b63b7] [ETCM-844] Re-enable eth/63 (mantis)
08:24:49 [c631e2ef] store only hash and number in best branch (mantis)
08:25:08 [378ef5ab] Print event trace when test fails in IOSim (hydra-poc)
08:31:57 [9b247258] disclaimer (vrf)
08:33:53 [55ff1da7] Refactor decimals to precision in printAda helper function (adalite)
08:34:35 [f92c88ec] Fix renew-kes-keys.sh to work with create-genesis-and-keys.sh (cardano-ops)
08:38:33 [674ae4b6] stats: hydra cd7b59d7e35c16fb3e563544b1900e84d35410cd (cardano-wallet)
08:38:36 [cbb53bc9] badge: hydra cd7b59d7e35c16fb3e563544b1900e84d35410cd (cardano-wallet)
08:54:24 [3644a1d3] fix package name (catalyst-toolbox)
08:57:40 [890438d5] Acknowledge seenSnapshot when processing ReqTx (hydra-poc)
08:59:37 [1e4906cf] cardano-node 1.28.0 (cardano-ops)
08:59:38 [1a5d9ad2] cardano-graphql 5 with ogmios. (cardano-ops)
09:01:09 [ea773595] [ETCM-967] Apply PR remarks (mantis)
09:03:26 [2f80c3f5] Update seenTxs when sending a ReqSn (hydra-poc)
09:18:21 [6769a0f5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:19:19 [bfc74aaa] add info endpoints (plutus-use-cases)
09:23:00 [5c9c3ddf] some added docs (vrf)
09:28:39 [49811ab1] Fix NetworkSpec (cardano-wallet)
09:31:39 [6f6a6f8f] Show HydraNodeLog traces on failure in BehaviorSpec (hydra-poc)
09:39:55 [3ddb68a8] [ETCM-844] Re-enable eth/63 (#1072) (mantis)
09:40:28 [357087f5] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
09:41:56 [df94da25] Try #1166: (haskell.nix)
09:43:52 [46574369] Revert multiple seen snapshots commit (hydra-poc)
09:46:06 [e5acc70d] cargo update (catalyst-toolbox)
09:46:18 [0ff4215e] [ETCM-912] Add Magneto block height to EVM config (mantis)
09:46:23 [34c08ede] [ETCM-912] Add accessedAddresses and accessedStorageKeys to ProgramState (mantis)
09:46:24 [c26b0270] [ETCM-912] Add newly created address to accessedaddresses (mantis)
09:46:24 [1d62e13c] [ETCM-912] Add Magneto fee schedule (mantis)
09:46:40 [20e2a058] Merge branch 'master' into iquerejeta/keccak256 (cardano-base)
09:48:18 [0a0b9ce0] Merge branch 'develop' into bugfix/ETCM-980_json_regression (mantis)
10:01:53 [5505f40b] fix package name (catalyst-toolbox)
10:02:03 [69033017] fix headers (developer-portal)
10:02:10 [d42b545a] db: Improve doc on Reward table and clarify when they are spendable (cardano-db-sync)
10:02:39 [1a1ff447] marlowe: Separate Client.OnChain module (plutus)
10:03:03 [c1e16ae4] * fix headers (developer-portal)
10:03:54 [f8673c23] Add Cardano.Api.Render (cardano-node)
10:03:58 [99b59338] Simplify and move Cardano.CLI.Mary.RenderValue to cardano-api (cardano-node)
10:03:58 [1923faec] Bump deps (cardano-node)
10:03:59 [cd629419] Update shell script to use new build command (cardano-node)
10:04:19 [652ba476] fix typo (developer-portal)
10:05:02 [bc40cdb6] add rest-book extension (developer-portal)
10:05:39 [3b38a67f] Fetch tokens metadata on wallet reload (adalite)
10:05:49 [ea7c9430] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:staging' into staging (developer-portal)
10:08:24 [75078e61] Fix up build (cardano-node)
10:08:28 [2ba857ef] List sub parsers (cardano-node)
10:12:30 [fe946ab7] Added new custom error messages "The url should start with" and "protocol and hostname" (daedalus)
10:13:05 [13e7b742] another Cargo.lock update (catalyst-toolbox)
10:17:39 [c028519d] adding Keccak256 to cardano-crypto (#221) (cardano-base)
10:18:58 [429ca036] add simulation test case (plutus-use-cases)
10:19:04 [4245c70a] db: Improve doc on Reward table and clarify when they are spendable (cardano-db-sync)
10:19:11 [fd9174dc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:19:55 [85f06377] Use `cardano-api` rather than the ouroboros api. (plutus)
10:20:58 [fca9bcdc] Fix cardano-tx-generator CLI help assertion. (cardano-node)
10:22:56 [9011da18] move getBlockByNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
10:25:27 [14214a2a] Resaving changes (daedalus)
10:26:29 [2a1d6b5b] Add token registry api parser unit test (adalite)
10:27:44 [db07bf30] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
10:27:52 [7733216c] unify mkByronWitness plus cleaning (cardano-wallet)
10:28:43 [a81f50ce] Try #1166: (haskell.nix)
10:30:03 [aebe9ded] Remove dead code (adalite)
10:32:13 [93d1cd97] Rename tokenRegistrySubmitter to tokenRegistryProxy (adalite)
10:37:24 [fa09573d] Fix another bug in makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance (cardano-node)
10:37:24 [7c82d52f] Fix the calculation of the script execution units (cardano-node)
10:37:24 [a6903112] Fix mapScriptWitnessesTxIns so that it does not filter out key witnesses (cardano-node)
10:37:24 [320b6728] Remove the era type parameter from TxBodyError and TxBodyErrorAutoBalance (cardano-node)
10:37:49 [d6f04c56] move getHashByBlockNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
10:38:45 [fc08aba4] leadership: Fix comment on epoch time logic (jormungandr)
10:49:04 [e3a791e1] move isInChain to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
10:49:48 [643791ea] remove `mkdir /node-ipc` in Dockerfile (cardano-graphql)
10:57:58 [75784f77] update Cargo.toml (catalyst-toolbox)
11:01:00 [93b88a61] add existing nft check (plutus-use-cases)
11:03:00 [7e54a33f] remove old branch interface (mantis)
11:03:50 [df7cd42a] overlays/crypto.nix: Rename libsodium -> libsodium-vrf (iohk-nix)
11:13:11 [fba45efc] cabal: Add a flag to enable/disable scrypt (cardano-wallet)
11:13:13 [97fc8055] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
11:13:13 [62154225] Replace scrypt with cryptonite for integration tests only (cardano-wallet)
11:13:13 [497954e1] Rework - not quite right yet (cardano-wallet)
11:14:01 [4f42ab7f] [ETCM-1042] store only hash and number in best branch (mantis)
11:14:11 [cefd9c17] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:14:14 [49867512] [ETCM-1042] move getBlockByNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
11:14:18 [ef5f6a24] [ETCM-1042] move getHashByBlockNumber to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
11:14:22 [591b6c05] [ETCM-1042] move isInChain to BlockchainReader and out of Branch interface (mantis)
11:14:26 [281d7dbe] [ETCM-1042] remove old branch interface (mantis)
11:14:36 [cfda01c8] fixup after rebase (cardano-wallet)
11:17:57 [fe70c94b] Make integration `minUTxOValue` dependent on era (cardano-wallet)
11:20:53 [1177b22c] Merge #488 (iohk-nix)
11:21:57 [59148f03] Add AlonzoHardFork support in test cluster (cardano-wallet)
11:24:30 [754aae6d] interfaces: define public PayloadType (jormungandr)
11:25:17 [a95a18e4] interfaces: String converters for PayloadType (jormungandr)
11:30:22 [9c2f527f] update Cargo.lock (catalyst-toolbox)
11:30:23 [e74894db] Set TestEnableDevelopmentNetworkProtocols (cardano-wallet)
11:30:33 [971a466c] Tweak alonzo genesis (cardano-wallet)
11:33:00 [cbd497f5] Merge pull request #487 from input-output-hk/alonzo-qa-respin (iohk-nix)
11:33:54 [c12a47b3] Implement toAlonzoTxOut and fromAlonzoBlock (cardano-wallet)
11:34:30 [f17581a0] add Alanzo white testnet (yoroi-frontend)
11:35:44 [ad1742a7] Support Alonzo Local State Queries (cardano-wallet)
11:38:06 [52303d45] fixup: bench minUTxOValue era (cardano-wallet)
11:39:22 [b63ac7c1] Use `cardano-api` rather than the ouroboros api. (plutus)
11:45:57 [f0aa9ef6] Make JSON-schema spec run faster (hydra-poc)
11:45:58 [345ffecb] Add link to API doc in the README. (hydra-poc)
11:49:55 [75dd4087] Use same nixpkgs in flake and non-flake. (cardano-node)
11:49:56 [4229a9c2] scripts: explicitly define default value for nodeConfig (cardano-node)
11:50:49 [4c54f146] renaming: libsodium -> libsodiom-vrf (iohk-nix#488) (cardano-node)
11:56:24 [be447b13] Fix tx-generator to work with flake (cardano-node)
12:00:01 [01852cc1] cardano-graphql 5 with ogmios. (cardano-ops)
12:02:09 [31152913] add Alanzo white testnet (yoroi-frontend)
12:02:16 [27cac59e] removed some comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:06:40 [e2726e7b] Update builder-haddock test materialized files (haskell.nix)
12:07:15 [9c167b9d] [#2896] Docker run fails with invalid/wrong Shelley genesis file (cardano-node)
12:08:14 [9c98446f] [#2908] Support for RTS options in docker run limited to -e NETWORK (cardano-node)
12:08:54 [c005f358] [#2941] cardano-cli cannot parse script-data-value with spaces (cardano-node)
12:10:04 [ff0cd029] wip (catalyst-toolbox)
12:16:20 [14cb879d] Add API wrapper types TxOutInAnyEra and UTxOInAnyEra (cardano-node)
12:16:31 [22ef1546] SCP-2512: plutus-use-cases-scripts is now run during CI and the result is available for download from Hydra. (plutus)
12:17:19 [b2667622] Fix for snapshots (haskell.nix)
12:17:53 [3909523c] Fix the calculation of the script execution units (cardano-node)
12:17:53 [55cdba54] Fix another bug in makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance (cardano-node)
12:17:53 [24c9d9db] Fix mapScriptWitnessesTxIns so that it does not filter out key witnesses (cardano-node)
12:17:53 [d88161ba] Remove the era type parameter from TxBodyError and TxBodyErrorAutoBalance (cardano-node)
12:18:51 [be9bee7e] Merge #2953 (cardano-node)
12:20:44 [ef189af2] add Alanzo white testnet (yoroi-frontend)
12:23:37 [b29c48e4] Update cardano-testnet to test build command (cardano-node)
12:25:04 [4f3f3b98] Fix with-packages test (haskell.nix)
12:25:44 [d670c66b] Try #1166: (haskell.nix)
12:28:31 [b3bce08f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:34:45 [d807facb] Merge pull request #34 from input-output-hk/release-v0.2.0 (catalyst-toolbox)
12:37:48 [1abfd7f4] added basic notification test (catalyst-toolbox)
12:37:50 [aa9e3e87] Set secret env vars before tests (catalyst-toolbox)
12:37:50 [74a122af] remove bat containing notifications secrets (catalyst-toolbox)
12:38:11 [67790e4d] update Cargo.lock (catalyst-toolbox)
12:39:00 [e5bc38aa] Merge pull request #33 from input-output-hk/add_flake_nix (catalyst-toolbox)
12:43:18 [063642e8] [DDW-717] Intorduce Trezor logic improvement which covers Trezor firmware breaking changes (daedalus)
12:47:53 [87901623] Fix unit tests (haskell.nix)
12:49:34 [d6730911] Tracers: parametrise using addresses rather than connection ids. (cardano-node)
12:49:34 [8c91a93c] Updated p2p integration (cardano-node)
12:50:02 [862dfdd1] Try #1166: (haskell.nix)
12:57:04 [0480addb] [VIT-1667] Adding additional routing-bench server to isolate catalyst-perf namespace routing (vit-ops)
12:57:37 [16cc15cd] try to use genTx from cardano-api (cardano-wallet)
12:59:56 [ec6c9a4b] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
13:00:31 [484fed9c] Cleaning up (plutus)
13:02:26 [047e14c3] Separate snapshot trigger from snapshot creation (hydra-poc)
13:05:06 [7850bb4b] properly preparing for final implementation (plutus-use-cases)
13:05:37 [7ca29868] [DDW-713] Format variables in screaming snake case (daedalus)
13:06:01 [46ca4edb] Merge pull request #2391 from input-output-hk/nfrisby/exunits-measure-instances (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:08:04 [943db32b] SCP-2345: Delete ContractCLI and ContractExe, and replaced them with 'Builtin' contracts. (plutus)
13:10:47 [1a7ac98f] refactored socket module (cardano-node)
13:12:30 [b8e8467b] CAD-2907 locli: actually improve parallelism (cardano-node)
13:21:41 [41d95637] [VIT-1667] Changing subdomain reference to perf-servicing-station (vit-ops)
13:22:43 [0bfb245b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:23:58 [91093666] Fix unused variable warning (hydra-poc)
13:26:25 [ad477004] [DDW-716] Single wallet (daedalus)
13:29:42 [da4d23ee] Clean up serialization of vote plans (jormungandr)
13:30:01 [365c7770] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ddw-691-implement-custom-browser-protocol-to-launch-daedalus (daedalus)
13:34:04 [abfc3fd1] Decouples ShowcaseCard component (developer-portal)
13:36:12 [780f2617] Tracers: parametrise using addresses rather than connection ids. (cardano-node)
13:36:12 [13b03174] refactored socket module (cardano-node)
13:36:12 [83b3a079] Updated p2p integration (cardano-node)
13:39:27 [01806a2b] SCP-2345: Delete ContractCLI and ContractExe, and replaced them with 'Builtin' contracts. (plutus)
13:40:20 [fa8647a3] Fix compilation error (hydra-poc)
13:40:22 [819891bc] Fix tests following change in snapshot logic (hydra-poc)
13:40:23 [90a45e3f] Add NewSn documentation to API (hydra-poc)
13:53:16 [f8600bec] libsodium as backend for sha and blake (cardano-base)
13:53:16 [effaef5d] explicitly import blake2b (cardano-base)
13:56:58 [35ac5533] Remove IsShelleyBasedEra constraint (cardano-node)
13:57:05 [030fd26b] deploy: 90a45e3f435e462508fe65fab8fac4f6f6e1e434 (hydra-poc)
13:57:14 [34320366] Bump deps (cardano-node)
13:57:14 [668b8823] Simplify and move Cardano.CLI.Mary.RenderValue to cardano-api (cardano-node)
13:57:15 [acf773cd] Update shell script to use new build command (cardano-node)
13:57:15 [bbe5d3d2] Update cardano-testnet to test build command (cardano-node)
13:58:58 [d9077354] [ETCM-1042] remove old branch interface (mantis)
14:00:36 [14ff79f9] Fix cardano-tx-generator CLI help assertion. (cardano-node)
14:03:00 [982dd8b5] Use `cardano-api` rather than the ouroboros api. (#3575) (plutus)
14:03:26 [b9718f3d] SCP-2512: plutus-use-cases-scripts is now run during CI and the result is available for download from Hydra. (plutus)
14:06:31 [b17425f6] Remove IsShelleyBasedEra constraint and add Cardano.Api.Render (cardano-node)
14:06:41 [74be28f8] Bump deps (cardano-node)
14:06:42 [66bb57a6] Delete Cardano.CLI.Mary.RenderValue (cardano-node)
14:06:42 [e5f03446] Update shell script to use new build command (cardano-node)
14:06:43 [eb7e838e] Update cardano-testnet to test build command (cardano-node)
14:15:43 [49419676] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:18:32 [dafb4b6d] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
14:21:57 [30caf6b4] [ETCM-1042] remove old branch interface (mantis)
14:22:09 [96cc9a0f] SCP-2512: plutus-use-cases-scripts is now run during CI and the result is available for download from Hydra. (plutus)
14:25:14 [ee6403a2] Update generating-transactions.md (cardano-serialization-lib)
14:26:19 [044f411d] [ETCM-912] Implement EXTCODESIZE changes (mantis)
14:41:37 [c598bd15] SCP-2512: plutus-use-cases-scripts is now run during CI and the result is available for download from Hydra. (plutus)
14:47:09 [348393ef] Create a dedicated event for 'DoSnapshot' instead of that 'NewSn' client event (hydra-poc)
14:54:40 [8c065641] Remove redundant api docs (hydra-poc)
14:59:19 [6b482d31] add alloc view (bitte-ci-frontend)
15:00:00 [165b1a22] add artifact support (bitte-ci)
15:01:29 [596fa556] use github-terraform login to fetch vault state (bitte-cli)
15:02:10 [5e30e5f8] small typo with blake2b_224 (cardano-base)
15:05:04 [e7c49187] deploy: 348393efd8805337b3141bd67101b54566b98f38 (hydra-poc)
15:05:24 [2218de1f] Fix handling of packages with no planned components. (nix-tools)
15:09:28 [b5c74639] niv update nix-tools -b hkm/no-components-fix (haskell.nix)
15:10:33 [78b683b5] Fix tx-generator to work with flake (cardano-node)
15:12:19 [ed181793] Try #1166: (haskell.nix)
15:13:48 [004b21b0] Update Readme.md according to feedback issue #61 (plutus-use-cases)
15:15:58 [36edf09e] Update Readme.md according to feedback issue #61 (plutus-use-cases)
15:18:03 [1df4915d] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/use-source-repo (haskell.nix)
15:20:43 [55860809] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:23:08 [6b698d73] Run integration tests on both Mary and Alonzo (cardano-wallet)
15:23:53 [a5389d6a] wip: Adapt minUTxOValue for Alonzo (cardano-wallet)
15:24:32 [b8d88260] Fix API documentation link, router now uses hash / fragments. (hydra-poc)
15:25:04 [afc4c95a] Added BearerInfo Attenuation to tests (ouroboros-network)
15:25:43 [c4b7fef5] Add corner case transitions to verifyAbstractTrans (ouroboros-network)
15:26:19 [86b48b49] Add TrUnexpectedlyMissingConnectionState (ouroboros-network)
15:26:55 [9833114d] removed comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:27:40 [c1758495] removed comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:30:15 [0206ab22] Try #2763: (cardano-wallet)
15:34:17 [f53ebdab] Added GetLedgerConfig top level query (ouroboros-network)
15:34:17 [9db58c81] bump cardano-base to b6a215c42a28dc8b71b42946fe30256a333d34af (ouroboros-network)
15:34:43 [e263aeae] Satisfy new serialisation constraints on LedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
15:34:45 [27112663] Add LedgerConfig golden test (ouroboros-network)
15:36:54 [4e2a0104] connection-manager: resource handling (ouroboros-network)
15:37:07 [8eb670c0] try to use genTx from cardano-api (cardano-wallet)
15:39:23 [ff5e9364] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:39:24 [64bbd280] deploy: b8d882601286e39dbcc70a5e361090a80d1b7d86 (hydra-poc)
15:41:07 [bbc94ef0] CAD-3093 bench | profiles: yuge genesis profiles (cardano-ops)
15:50:10 [fc674898] Delete pigytokenproject.png (developer-portal)
15:50:37 [c9011ff0] Change Pigytoken Projekt Image (developer-portal)
15:53:45 [ff4e10ac] Add time to emitCek. (plutus)
15:53:59 [05014ee7] Fix uplc test. (plutus)
15:54:40 [d3e2ca23] renaming: libsodium -> libsodiom-vrf (iohk-nix#488) (cardano-node)
15:54:41 [4090c32a] Fix tx-generator to work with flake (cardano-node)
15:56:08 [a3bf564e] Add Hydra.ClientInput module (hydra-poc)
15:56:14 [43507cee] Add Hydra.ServerOutput module (hydra-poc)
15:56:14 [82d50c11] Add Hydra.Snapshot module (hydra-poc)
16:04:33 [9042d7f4] vrf (cardano-node)
16:04:34 [1022ee4d] Fix tx-generator to work with flake (cardano-node)
16:05:04 [0c7ddd01] move getAccount into BlockchainReader (mantis)
16:13:15 [1c442baf] [chore] Added alonzo white faucet script (yoroi-mobile)
16:16:49 [250f7035] Add Hydra.Network.Message and rename HydraMessage (hydra-poc)
16:19:17 [2c93f95d] [fix] React key in tx-details (yoroi-mobile)
16:19:29 [6e088bb9] [DDW-716] Assets Transaction Confirmation basic component structure (daedalus)
16:23:47 [4680fc69] Add LedgerConfig golden test (ouroboros-network)
16:23:47 [5c0398e9] Satisfy new serialisation constraints on LedgerConfig (ouroboros-network)
16:23:47 [a1a1f3d7] Add round trip tests for ledger config (ouroboros-network)
16:25:07 [33f7aaa7] Move OnChainTx into Hydra.Chain module (hydra-poc)
16:33:19 [90b8c1b6] Validate script inputs exist in phase 1 (plutus)
16:34:15 [7e89ae44] allow jormungandr devops to access tf state (infra-ops)
16:37:34 [eaf9716c] refactored socket module (cardano-node)
16:37:34 [da93daba] Updated p2p integration (cardano-node)
16:37:34 [b59cab5f] Tracers: parametrise using addresses rather than connection ids. (cardano-node)
16:41:44 [df87a1a1] Cross-check constructors existence from API specification vs real implemenetation (hydra-poc)
16:42:02 [2d156a9d] [DDW-691] Improve custom protocol parameters and handle / pre-fill wallet send for to perform basic TX (daedalus)
16:42:47 [ca8bb09d] deploy: 33f7aaa74d4b8ab96b4a5f1ea27ef57cd6b96caa (hydra-poc)
16:48:45 [321e6e82] Use unsafeIOToST instead of unsafePerformIO. (plutus)
16:53:46 [7e2c9fbe] Introduce ChainComponent and implement withMockChain (hydra-poc)
16:57:03 [dffe820f] Add some Show and Pretty instances (plutus)
16:57:15 [c2aaaee7] Create a dedicated event for 'DoSnapshot' instead of that 'NewSn' client event (hydra-poc)
16:58:08 [75353c46] Remove redundant api docs (hydra-poc)
17:04:28 [dd58bccd] Create a dedicated event for 'DoSnapshot' instead of that 'NewSn' client event (hydra-poc)
17:04:28 [d52b2fb0] Remove redundant api docs (hydra-poc)
17:04:46 [32dfc95a] Add Hydra.Snapshot module (hydra-poc)
17:04:46 [0bca6a18] Add Hydra.ServerOutput module (hydra-poc)
17:04:46 [f5ef7944] Add Hydra.ClientInput module (hydra-poc)
17:04:46 [f248c4b0] Add Hydra.Network.Message and rename HydraMessage (hydra-poc)
17:04:47 [9d159ad9] Move OnChainTx into Hydra.Chain module (hydra-poc)
17:04:47 [fbf5f05a] Introduce ChainComponent and implement withMockChain (hydra-poc)
17:10:07 [108bb629] deploy: 7e2c9fbeef5c797f9b782a738ecf56c4add8e3ad (hydra-poc)
17:14:59 [385075e4] add Spacer component (yoroi-mobile)
17:15:19 [b17b29c7] wip: start improving alonzo-case in LedgerSpec (cardano-wallet)
17:15:20 [83d53047] simplify WithdrawalDialog (yoroi-mobile)
17:16:49 [8379afd5] WIP - debug db-sync issue #683 (cardano-node)
17:17:36 [d52f0b5e] update DangerousActionModal (yoroi-mobile)
17:18:32 [1d67a86b] Use unsafeIOToST instead of unsafePerformIO. (plutus)
17:19:31 [18d21c8a] fix Modal dismiss button (yoroi-mobile)
17:20:44 [70d95a42] Unit test for BlockDate map format deserialization (jormungandr)
17:21:40 [a37cb3c4] [PM-3109-3131-3132-3137] CheckpointingService calls to Interpreter (metronome)
17:23:52 [fc9c0679] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:24:14 [c5618f9a] Solve ambiguous occurrence (hydra-poc)
17:26:36 [7f055b80] [chore] Added the Copy component (yoroi-mobile)
17:27:55 [6c9af239] add marlowe (plutus-ops)
17:29:11 [2b7e143e] WIP update docs. (plutus)
17:38:19 [bd7c51cb] deploy: c5618f9a031ceb9231c3c60a1b7d5cd80bb2f4a2 (hydra-poc)
17:45:24 [f63f4d55] WIP update docs. (plutus)
17:56:34 [91e81b1e] Add version.json to hydra job aggregate (bitte)
17:59:51 [8ea53e32] update ChangeWaletName (yoroi-mobile)
18:00:19 [a4ce1e6b] SCP-2345: Delete ContractCLI and ContractExe, and replaced them with 'Builtin' contracts. (plutus)
18:02:20 [4827d58f] [fix] Updated testnet network explorer url (yoroi-mobile)
18:19:10 [f726232b] CAD-2907 locli | block prop: externalisation, block sizes, gaps, full prop. time (cardano-node)
18:21:20 [b775f5bc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:26:13 [334f9697] CAD-2907 workbench: multi-run processing in 'wb analyse block-propagation' (cardano-node)
18:26:18 [341b810e] CAD-2907 locli: extend block propagation timeline display (cardano-node)
18:27:13 [b6dfe277] CAD-2907 locli: increase concurrency (cardano-node)
18:27:13 [9472daf4] CAD-2907 locli | block propagation: host attribution for errors (cardano-node)
18:27:13 [c51a52d7] CAD-2907 locli | block propagation: drop the distribution-of-distributions complication (cardano-node)
18:27:14 [42cdd07e] CAD-2907 workbench | start-cluster: don't do git-fetch in git_repo_commit_description (cardano-node)
18:27:14 [b09da674] CAD-2907 locli: employ quiet Show instances (cardano-node)
18:27:14 [9fb51b82] CAD-2907 workbench: variant block size profiles, at saturation TPS (cardano-node)
18:27:29 [0443fc20] WIP - debug db-sync issue #683 (cardano-node)
18:31:21 [31351dd7] CAD-2907 locli | block prop: externalisation, block sizes, gaps, full prop. time (cardano-node)
18:42:43 [3a8c33f2] add ghc to the deps of the server (plutus-ops)
18:47:34 [9624f318] rename to ghcWithPlutus (plutus)
18:48:43 [7c5a3a1f] update plutus input (plutus-ops)
18:53:54 [95a663cb] CAD-2907 locli | block prop: externalisation, block sizes, gaps, full prop. time (cardano-node)
18:56:29 [86bfd254] Fix SHELLEY_CREATE_MIGRATION_PLAN_04 (cardano-wallet)
18:57:55 [46f6514e] Try #2763: (cardano-wallet)
18:58:57 [a4fa8dae] [DDW-716] AssetsTransactionConfirmation progress (daedalus)
19:04:26 [c4ca68c6] finished endpoint (up to changes in requirements) (plutus-use-cases)
19:12:22 [13dae528] SCP-2136 Inline single occurrence bounded terms (plutus)
19:12:22 [433ec4db] Dump Language.Marlowe.Client binary pir (plutus)
19:13:31 [d63cdcb3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:16:16 [5108e25f] Fix SHELLEY_CREATE_MIGRATION_PLAN_04 (cardano-wallet)
19:16:42 [6d129762] Try #2763: (cardano-wallet)
19:19:24 [c743419e] Merge pull request #1479 from Emurgo/unused-descriptions (yoroi-mobile)
19:19:39 [1ffc9f4e] Merge pull request #1477 from Emurgo/language-picker-screen (yoroi-mobile)
19:20:40 [90f67cc4] Update dependencied (cardano-db-sync)
19:26:12 [1f92301e] rudimentary test suite (plutus-use-cases)
19:36:03 [d9f2df8c] Merge branch 'main' into issue72 (plutus-use-cases)
19:45:56 [49c569be] [PM-3109-3131-3132-3137] CheckpointingService calls to Interpreter (metronome)
19:51:09 [162e5e70] CAD-2907 locli: factor the API module (cardano-node)
19:51:38 [3b8c2493] Update contract for differences with oracle example to support two different commitments (plutus)
19:54:54 [5e3a7901] Update nix materialization (hydra-poc)
20:00:12 [69180bd2] fixup! SCP-2136 Inline single occurrence bounded terms (plutus)
20:16:47 [e332b292] Optimize utxo selection (adalite)
20:18:27 [3bc586c2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:19:17 [22fa21f0] [DDW-716] DappTransactionRequest progress (daedalus)
20:20:05 [8237d0a9] Remove TupleSections (plutus)
20:40:09 [7356995a] No extra redeemers (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:40:31 [de397d0d] Example dapp refactored a bit and added some more logging (yoroi-frontend)
20:42:14 [51561fcb] Merge pull request #2390 from input-output-hk/jc/ada-only-utxo-size-golden-test (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:47:36 [88cfde83] CAD-2907 locli: factor the API module (cardano-node)
20:54:52 [274032fd] Gather data related top ExUnit (cardano-db-sync)
21:02:09 [0734ba2c] Merge branch 'check-consecutive-addresses' into 'master' (glow)
21:07:25 [8fc4f9f3] CAD-2907 locli: factor the API module (cardano-node)
21:18:14 [9b0911ff] Add ExUnits migrations (cardano-db-sync)
21:18:15 [027906e8] Remove TupleSections (plutus)
21:27:01 [f11317ed] Fix tests (cardano-db-sync)
21:29:11 [be39f5aa] Use my hydra fork for includes fix (bitte)
21:29:34 [50fbd7bc] SCP-2334 implement new design of contract screen part 1 (plutus)
21:32:45 [b2b057a9] fix mistake (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:44:07 [6f2cdb87] SCP-2334 implement new design of contract screen part 1 (plutus)
21:56:47 [b5887b21] Actually use hydra from git (bitte)
22:06:08 [9cde9145] Add ExUnits migrations (cardano-db-sync)
22:06:08 [c372529a] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
22:06:08 [2d943ec1] Fix tests (cardano-db-sync)
22:06:13 [0a035617] Gather data related to ExUnit (cardano-db-sync)
22:07:40 [72808858] Example dapp refactored a bit (yoroi-frontend)
22:09:55 [cec15a30] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
22:10:04 [7599e2f8] Gather data related to ExUnit (cardano-db-sync)
22:10:10 [76ad6a5c] Add ExUnits migrations (cardano-db-sync)
22:10:16 [a014798c] Fix tests (cardano-db-sync)
22:16:59 [496de2a9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:21:52 [bef85c86] Remove TupleSections (plutus)
22:51:53 [684754cf] change test (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:16:56 [1020d25f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:20:00 [40c6b389] examples (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:24:03 [4c6bc9bf] consensus: change extendVRNew argument order (ouroboros-network)
23:24:03 [415e25d1] consensus: add WhetherToIntevene to applyTx (ouroboros-network)
23:24:03 [23bac076] consensus: make extractTxs return Txs not Validated Txs (ouroboros-network)
23:27:19 [46cc6a65] consensus-shelley: new cardano-ledger-specs, IsValidating flag now in Alonzo Tx (ouroboros-network)
23:29:19 [36cb0b97] Merge #3230 (ouroboros-network)
23:43:54 [c8c5e6a6] Fix handling of packages with no planned components. (#110) (nix-tools)