Home / Reports / Sep 28, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

506 commits had been pushed across 44 repos by 78 authors. There were 392,168 additions and 355,761 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:09:30 [ddb40545] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
00:16:37 [da63d0dd] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
01:14:38 [7dfd9c4f] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:25:48 [c677b2b5] Merge pull request #855 from input-output-hk/erikd/missing-itn-rewards (cardano-db-sync)
01:28:45 [1bdef6b3] WIP (plutus)
01:34:31 [c987763b] Change `utxoAvailable` to type `UTxOSelection` in `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
01:34:31 [4601a78a] Add `available{Balance,UTxO}` accessor functions to `UTxOSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
01:36:41 [c8ea5d2d] MUT (cardano-token-registry)
01:43:26 [6a4378f2] Add `available{Balance,UTxO}` accessor functions to `UTxOSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
01:43:26 [eba1abc2] Change `utxoAvailable` to type `UTxOSelection` in `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
01:58:25 [17e4ce57] Change `utxoAvailable` to type `UTxOSelection` in `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
02:18:01 [cb107019] Bump nokogiri from 1.11.5 to 1.12.5 (benchmark_app)
02:26:07 [e9b729c6] feat(worker): setup rabbitmq and worker (cardano-graphql)
02:38:06 [33387fa3] simplify how EVM config is defined as a ledger parameter (chain-libs)
02:59:58 [79500c85] Bump nokogiri from 1.11.4 to 1.12.5 (ikar)
03:06:35 [b7363b9c] Update flake-compat (haskell.nix)
03:15:49 [98e3b66a] Try #1252: (haskell.nix)
03:25:10 [193e56a5] feat(worker): setup rabbitmq and worker (cardano-graphql)
03:34:38 [d73b163e] chore: update package description (cardano-graphql)
03:52:19 [311753fb] Add `genTxInFunction` to `Types.Tx.Gen`. (cardano-wallet)
03:53:37 [66ed01a7] chore: import LogLevelString from bunyan (cardano-graphql)
03:54:15 [ec55fbcb] chore: rename client to queueClient (cardano-graphql)
03:54:58 [d09aa005] chore remove container name from docker compose (cardano-graphql)
03:56:31 [05179362] Merge pull request #1629 from Emurgo/asset-selector (yoroi-mobile)
03:57:37 [da631dc4] Merge branch 'develop' into collateral-tx-support (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:16 [44ac048a] Merge pull request #1612 from Emurgo/collateral-tx-support (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:28 [7492f1a5] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:29 [99d902e1] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:30 [7afc9a52] New translations en-US.json (Indonesian) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:31 [c79dca07] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:32 [6006f4a9] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Traditional) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:33 [bd39f027] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:34 [34579827] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:35 [ed8121b1] New translations en-US.json (Russian) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:36 [e082ddee] New translations en-US.json (Korean) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:37 [9a014c93] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:38 [939a6233] New translations en-US.json (Japanese) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:40 [ef871202] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:41 [f3e68cd2] New translations en-US.json (Hungarian) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:42 [708ee93f] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:43 [64acd4ed] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:44 [f321b01a] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:45 [0b337e7f] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
03:58:46 [2c3569ef] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-mobile)
04:01:29 [cf21e006] chore: gitignore queue for now (cardano-graphql)
04:02:01 [71b7363e] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:02:07 [d0741967] Add `available{Balance,UTxO}` accessor functions to `UTxOSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:07 [58b0bc00] Use `genTxFunction` in `Types.UTxOSelection.Gen`. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:08 [0f61e06b] Change `utxoAvailable` to type `UTxOSelection` in `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:08 [79a80625] Add function `selectionLimitExceeded`. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:08 [cd2b16b8] Generate `SelectionParams` with some inputs already selected. (cardano-wallet)
04:09:17 [d8d05f68] feat(worker): setup rabbitmq and worker (cardano-graphql)
04:09:54 [2dbd4ea0] Rename `SelectionInsufficientError` to `SelectionLimitReachedError`. (cardano-wallet)
04:11:53 [0b19866d] Update flake-compat (haskell.nix)
04:12:41 [7b5bbdad] Try #1252: (haskell.nix)
04:19:52 [28d7bac6] Remove now-redundant post-condition check in `performSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
04:23:04 [bfb4141e] Add `genTxInFunction` to `Types.Tx.Gen`. (cardano-wallet)
04:23:10 [1300d49b] Add comment (plutus)
04:26:52 [2849ac1f] Update flake-compat (#1252) (haskell.nix)
04:26:53 [ed1c8b8e] Use `genTxInFunction` in `Types.UTxOSelection.Gen`. (cardano-wallet)
04:29:47 [c82f3044] feat: add CardanoProvider.stakePoolStats (cardano-js-sdk)
04:33:45 [f5fa467c] refactor(blockfrost): remove any typecasts (cardano-js-sdk)
04:43:12 [a4fae17f] Add function `selectionLimitExceeded`. (cardano-wallet)
04:43:12 [1e42ed06] Add `available{Balance,UTxO}` accessor functions to `UTxOSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
04:43:12 [f68c1362] Change `utxoAvailable` to type `UTxOSelection` in `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
04:43:13 [95a68a72] Rename `SelectionInsufficientError` to `SelectionLimitReachedError`. (cardano-wallet)
04:43:13 [1d326a0e] Generate `SelectionParams` with some inputs already selected. (cardano-wallet)
04:43:14 [a53be8b6] Remove now-redundant post-condition check in `performSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
04:45:28 [c4b8eb90] Merge pull request #611 from input-output-hk/feature/worker (cardano-graphql)
04:46:27 [8f2c8dd4] chore(deps): bump object-path from 0.11.5 to 0.11.8 (cardano-graphql)
04:46:34 [0d0ac816] chore(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
04:46:34 [efacc62c] chore(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 (cardano-graphql)
04:51:17 [fa40d281] Add CNODEBIN to allow custom cardano-node name; Closes #1071 (guild-operators)
05:11:02 [74d55fff] feat: add CardanoProvider.networkInfo (cardano-js-sdk)
05:11:19 [d8ea8840] feat: add CardanoProvider.stakePoolStats (cardano-js-sdk)
05:11:21 [f59ba537] refactor(blockfrost): remove any typecasts (cardano-js-sdk)
05:11:42 [b6226b39] Return contract instance activity status (plutus)
05:33:00 [e546b8b2] Clarify readme, remove todo (plutus-use-cases)
05:35:21 [1596ac27] feat: add CardanoProvider.networkInfo (cardano-js-sdk)
05:35:21 [c25e5704] feat: add CardanoProvider.stakePoolStats (cardano-js-sdk)
05:35:22 [0e166779] refactor(blockfrost): remove any typecasts (cardano-js-sdk)
05:38:44 [b24727fa] Add status filtering support for wallet endpoint as well (plutus)
05:40:41 [f4f35ff7] refactor(blockfrost): remove any typecasts (cardano-js-sdk)
05:55:58 [72d57a13] Do not use a custom status for beam (plutus)
06:10:32 [a452356b] Merge pull request #602 from input-output-hk/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/docs/tmpl-1.0.5 (cardano-graphql)
06:11:33 [5524522d] chore(deps): bump object-path from 0.11.5 to 0.11.8 (cardano-graphql)
06:11:36 [56248f27] chore(deps): bump tmpl from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 (cardano-graphql)
06:19:28 [0b306a24] Merge #2883 (cardano-wallet)
06:33:21 [f41d37c2] feat(cip2): add functions to create selection constraints (wip) (cardano-js-sdk)
06:35:42 [4414b35a] Adjust `prop_runSelection_UTxO_*` properties to work with `UTxOSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
06:44:29 [b24455b0] Use traceChainSyncHeaderServer to control tracer (cardano-node)
06:44:44 [efbdd189] Use `UTxOSelection.isSubSelectionOf` in `prop_runSelection_*`. (cardano-wallet)
06:53:20 [ab980597] Update expected error condition in integration tests. (cardano-wallet)
06:55:07 [5baab7bf] fixup! typed-protocols: recursive pipelining (ouroboros-network)
06:56:21 [ac32b8b3] typed-protocols-examples: requestOnce (ouroboros-network)
07:02:50 [aea6d3bb] Merge #2883 (cardano-wallet)
07:03:29 [ca433d1f] p2p-governor: Adjust number of active peers based on fetchmode (ouroboros-network)
07:03:35 [4fe857e4] p2p-governor: improve the Script shrinker (ouroboros-network)
07:03:35 [dfddd9d7] p2p-governor: change LocalRootPeers.toGroups to match fromGroups, and use in Show (ouroboros-network)
07:03:35 [8de6607a] p2p-governor: Restructure the p2p governor tests a bit: split, add and reorder (ouroboros-network)
07:03:35 [abde44ae] p2p-governor: Slightly simplify the Arbitrary instance for PeerAddr (ouroboros-network)
07:03:35 [02b15874] p2p-governor: fix a bug in the QC shrinker for the p2p governor mock environment (ouroboros-network)
07:03:35 [324f9a7c] p2p-governor: move QC utils to their own module (ouroboros-network)
07:03:35 [8da0d7f9] p2p-governor: added PeerSelectionCounters and respective tracers. (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [ee649661] p2p-governor: Add a "no excessive busyness" test for the p2p governor (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [9fa3f9f5] p2p-governor: Adjust prop_governor_connstatus to allow demotions (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [62c04722] p2p-governor: Extend the shrinker tests: test that the shrinkers shrink! (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [ce9ee455] p2p-governor: Add new env tracers for public roots and gossips (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [4e1ff6f9] p2p-governor: Generalise the LocalRootPeers instance for Arbitrary (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [6d4a4a0c] p2p-governor: Improve counterexamples for +prop_governor_connstatus (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [35403dff] p2p-governor: Make gossip failure results take non-zero time (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [a458fdf1] p2p-governor: Make the arbitraryScriptOf generator more general and use it more (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [6206a816] p2p-governor: Adjust prop_governor_gossip_1hr to allow demotions (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [71078fe0] p2p-governor: Improve the mock env pick script interpretation (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [6d1eb724] p2p-governor: Add a new signal-based abstraction for expressing properties (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [5b5af6a4] p2p-governor: Change the PickScript to pick elements not offsets. (ouroboros-network)
07:03:36 [5812347e] p2p-governor: Adjust playTimedScript to trace the initial value (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [7c42de59] p2p-governor: Update the comment on the list of properties (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [0d3216ca] p2p-governor: Add review feedback (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [f4fd3252] p2p-governor: Fix prop_governor_target_known_1_valid_subset (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [a9c3d3ab] p2p-governor: Add more Signal primitives (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [e8a5dd09] p2p-governor: Fix the prop_governor_target_known_above property (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [321e6d96] p2p-governor: Replace one use of Signal.primitiveTransformEvents (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [b6761c0c] p2p-governor: Adjust established and active target properties for local roots (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [640ab9c1] p2p-governor: Add a few misc comments and TODOs (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [39bcb719] p2p-governor: New governor properties for making progress towards targets (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [1560c9ce] p2p-governor: Order p2p governor tests after the livelock test (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [3b7d1c82] p2p-governor: Adjust LocalRootPeers to require targets > 0 (ouroboros-network)
07:03:37 [2b6d03d4] p2p-governor: Minor correction in a comment (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [cb5b97be] p2p-governor: new root peers configuration (#3079) (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [fcfb5c05] p2p-governor: add some randomness to the reconnection delay (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [aa08f133] p2p-governor: Added dns resolution tests (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [7818f415] p2p-governor: Scale pool's stake by sqrt (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [0b9328bd] p2p-governor: interface to ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [c6d2cdf5] p2p-governor: Refactored localRootPeersProvider (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [e1564918] p2p-governor: Add support for hitting the local root peer targets (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [953bbc21] p2p-governor: Refactored DNS resolution to use io-sim-classes (ouroboros-network)
07:03:38 [e2d2601a] p2p-governor: Process synchronous hot promotion errors (ouroboros-network)
07:23:35 [d85331eb] New translations en-US.json (Hungarian) (yoroi-mobile)
07:28:46 [6eaff7fd] Merge pull request #3616 from input-output-hk/fix_lints_on_catalyst-fund6 (jormungandr)
07:31:02 [b8421e15] Merge pull request #3617 from input-output-hk/test-enhancmen-for-catalyst-toolbox (jormungandr)
07:35:29 [03ca43ec] Merge pull request #26 from piotr-iohk/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.12.5 (benchmark_app)
07:36:04 [1a141f1e] Merge pull request #65 from piotr-iohk/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.12.5 (ikar)
07:42:51 [caea2592] Use currently supported node tag in docker e2e tests (cardano-wallet)
07:45:55 [e923a8f7] add cancelled status (plutus-use-cases)
07:49:04 [6f95017c] stats: hydra aea6d3bb180b105ef9d5053409ccb113405b8d98 (cardano-wallet)
07:49:06 [2275943b] badge: hydra aea6d3bb180b105ef9d5053409ccb113405b8d98 (cardano-wallet)
07:52:39 [b847bde5] Fix marlowe-dashboard-client (plutus)
08:01:39 [f24b666d] Add CNODEBIN to allow custom cardano-node name; Closes #1071 (guild-operators)
08:05:06 [24776dc2] Use new package structure from ledger. (ouroboros-network)
08:09:27 [6feb0968] Rename `SelectionParams.utxoAvailable` to `utxoAvailableForInputs`. (cardano-wallet)
08:29:50 [95314117] Add CNODEBIN to allow custom cardano-node name; Closes #1071 (guild-operators)
08:31:56 [5e9b89bb] Add `utxoAvailableForCollateral` field to `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
08:33:16 [385da3b9] Remove outdated comment from `performSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
08:34:27 [1efbb276] SCP-2750: Removed types and functions in Ledger.Tx that were integrated in cardano-api instead. Updated cardano-node commit hash. (#4012) (plutus)
08:34:52 [7a8c8e3c] staging: Bump plutus to 1efbb276ef1a10ca6961d0fd32e6141e9798bd11 (plutus-ops)
08:35:10 [a4de752e] expose leaders_id and block0_date (jormungandr)
08:36:00 [075618d5] Implementing /blocks/* endpoints (blockfrost-rust)
08:37:12 [759256ea] Add 'Berlin' protobuf definition (mantis-extvm-pb)
08:37:46 [a87cb3aa] Initial commit of signing algebra (cardano-wallet)
08:40:15 [e006d355] Properly observe all new discovered Heads (hydra-poc)
08:40:15 [a4f97e81] Make ExternalPAB able to restart observation (hydra-poc)
08:40:58 [5b608f67] Name laws (cardano-wallet)
08:49:03 [57e4b513] Fix marlowe (plutus)
08:49:16 [61a95b44] update zeroize_derive to 1.2.0 (jormungandr)
08:49:23 [e93101ec] scp-1582 - move quick check generators for ACTUS contracts to test (plutus)
08:50:51 [4913e075] Ledger related endpoints (blockfrost-rust)
08:52:00 [8e4b62d4] set catalyst-fund6 branch for jormungandr dep (catalyst-toolbox)
08:52:07 [ac484968] Slightly revise the API for `CoinSelection.Collateral`. (cardano-wallet)
08:56:54 [4fcddfd1] [DDW-694] Styling adjustment (daedalus)
08:57:11 [1a1c4853] [DDW-694] Add hooks to Func Component functions (daedalus)
09:00:13 [302bf1a5] RelayAddress renamed as RelayAccessPoint (ouroboros-network)
09:01:24 [3347ba01] Added description (metronome)
09:05:37 [47995ba4] Update CBLU token description (cardano-token-registry)
09:05:54 [1ecbe334] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pyropy/cardano-token-registry (cardano-token-registry)
09:08:49 [c64a43ba] LetFloat: fix joining annotations + use of NonEmpty (plutus)
09:11:31 [34277fc4] feat(cip2): finish initial implementation of all selection constraints (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:37 [2c51d148] Replace per-era helper with one toCardanoTxOut (cardano-wallet)
09:17:39 [81f5e935] Mark prop_updateSealedTx pending (cardano-wallet)
09:17:39 [f1e03dea] Implement updateSealedTx and ExtraTxBodyContent (cardano-wallet)
09:18:04 [0e27fdbe] Add excluded proposals feature (catalyst-toolbox)
09:26:42 [1862c12d] [DDW-735] Mark staging HW actions as mainnet like actions (daedalus)
09:27:01 [65609a41] Check the received block is the requested one (jormungandr)
09:27:14 [b9b0989f] Split `Collateral.SelectionParams` into `Selection{Constraints,Params}`. (cardano-wallet)
09:29:22 [f61eabc2] Merge #2914 (cardano-wallet)
09:31:07 [b7c0355c] Merge pull request #99 from input-output-hk/feature/provider-network-info (cardano-js-sdk)
09:33:34 [dd934437] deploy: b7c0355ca7fa143c5862f78c91af38b8f6745e8e (cardano-js-sdk)
09:34:20 [aa7afdc5] Fix issue when mfpr is not in nixpkgs (haskell.nix)
09:36:02 [4e8acd34] Fix issue when mfpr is not in nixpkgs (#1253) (haskell.nix)
09:40:28 [c933b551] Introduce ChainDB.streamFrom (ouroboros-network)
09:41:35 [24d3512a] Expose readSnapshot function (ouroboros-network)
09:42:11 [a912b567] Add function `toCollateralConstraintsParams`. (cardano-wallet)
09:43:01 [9bdeb1d4] [DDW-680] disabled state opacity for send confirmation dialog (daedalus)
09:49:28 [edcccede] Purty (plutus)
09:50:56 [f59ae6c4] Merge #3250 (cardano-node)
09:53:03 [21520aad] Add field `utxoAvailableForCollateral` to `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:12 [5eb43813] Add field `collateralRequirement` to `SelectionParams`. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:19 [05aae5a8] Remove outdated comment from `performSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:19 [72f987ac] Split `Collateral.SelectionParams` into `Selection{Constraints,Params}`. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:19 [2db94ef6] Slightly revise the API for `CoinSelection.Collateral`. (cardano-wallet)
09:53:20 [36482f37] Add function `toCollateralConstraintsParams`. (cardano-wallet)
09:58:50 [effc8f51] Counted OutboundIdleState in counters (ouroboros-network)
09:58:50 [2bfffd5b] Trace counters after transitions (ouroboros-network)
09:58:50 [ce9122c5] Fixes async exceptions in connectionLoop (ouroboros-network)
09:58:50 [fcb5b4a3] Fixes async exception handling in Snocket. (ouroboros-network)
09:58:50 [d7f775df] Added multinode_Sim_Pruning_HardLimit test (ouroboros-network)
09:58:50 [0b6ebe2b] Added Pruning multinode_Sim test (ouroboros-network)
09:58:50 [cb5a3c43] Documented extra pruning transitions (ouroboros-network)
10:02:14 [e918b8ac] enable getting node's ProtocolParameters (cardano-wallet)
10:02:16 [d0241f8c] Remove outdated comments from `performSelection`. (cardano-wallet)
10:02:16 [da943fe1] Rename `SelectionParams.utxoAvailable` to `utxoAvailableForInputs`. (cardano-wallet)
10:02:20 [6d22d89c] add evaluateMinimumFee to transaction interface (cardano-wallet)
10:02:20 [4beb322b] add fee evaluation without wit count (cardano-wallet)
10:07:24 [1adf1754] feat(cip2): implement defaultSelectionConstraints (cardano-js-sdk)
10:07:46 [ee568f39] Move simulator action handler into simulator state. (plutus)
10:08:15 [624f3fa2] Fix tests. (plutus)
10:16:19 [56de19f6] Fix opening transactions. (plutus)
10:17:32 [61bb3008] Update examples/all_requests.rs (blockfrost-rust)
10:18:03 [7f10ee68] /metadata/* endpoints + api export changes (blockfrost-rust)
10:38:01 [7f6077b6] Fixes async exception handling in Snocket. (ouroboros-network)
10:38:03 [b5dced43] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/manus-automation (daedalus)
10:38:07 [7e3c2646] Trace counters after transitions (ouroboros-network)
10:38:07 [6ed44cf9] Added multinode_Sim_Pruning_HardLimit test (ouroboros-network)
10:38:08 [1e2fc06c] Documented extra pruning transitions (ouroboros-network)
10:42:05 [bdefcf17] Fixed dev dependencies (metronome)
10:45:33 [61406876] Mark prop_updateSealedTx pending (cardano-wallet)
10:47:42 [9f3637fb] Merge #2914 (cardano-wallet)
10:53:44 [123ec1b4] implement owner path identity checks and move validation to security policy (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
10:54:39 [8da0e127] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-735-add-hw-support-for-non-public-testnets (daedalus)
10:55:14 [bf41085c] Added documentation to the crate. (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
10:58:36 [8a0b609f] Move the locked amount into the assets page (yoroi-frontend)
11:00:02 [deae9ff3] Update dependencies. (cardano-node)
11:00:19 [06b232d5] remove references to vault/client.nix (bitte)
11:04:09 [b83415f2] fix bitte-cli/nixpkgs reference (bitte)
11:09:35 [81cc5360] Move blockchainVisualisationState inside simulatorState. (plutus)
11:12:31 [d2a63ffd] Hide Locked amount when shouldHide is selected (yoroi-frontend)
11:15:48 [ae19e1fd] Add 'Berlin' protobuf definition (#4) (mantis-extvm-pb)
11:17:09 [6ba826fd] Correct length of dummyAddress (cardano-wallet)
11:18:32 [8b1ae9ff] Use currently supported node tag in docker e2e tests (cardano-wallet)
11:18:35 [22f77431] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
11:19:38 [9f751de1] Remove utxo shuffling (adalite)
11:21:34 [a0bdfe56] Update protobuf extvm to 'Berlin' (mantis)
11:25:03 [65202ea9] Remove old code for the locked amount (yoroi-frontend)
11:25:07 [7091687b] Use aarch64-darwin (not arm64-darwin) (daedalus)
11:25:33 [1390b42a] Update haskell.nix nixpkgs and iohk-nix (daedalus)
11:27:15 [8ef0222e] Remove pin of `github` haskell package version (daedalus)
11:27:57 [30f74405] Replace `stdenv.lib` with just `lib` (daedalus)
11:28:26 [9283e0a3] Use currently supported node tag in docker e2e tests (cardano-wallet)
11:36:48 [6e8930c1] p2p-governor: add some randomness to the reconnection delay (ouroboros-network)
11:36:56 [9e5e6a4e] p2p-governor: interface to ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
11:36:56 [0e840a54] RelayAddress renamed as RelayAccessPoint (ouroboros-network)
11:40:09 [701a60b2] [DDW-748] Update LedgerJS to the latest v4.0.0-multisig-rc1 version and fix address derivation (daedalus)
11:42:10 [8a2666f5] [DDW-748] Fix yarn.lock (daedalus)
11:44:11 [275816c7] Some whitespace fixes (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:44:19 [eaca7e2a] More stdenv.lib fixes (daedalus)
11:46:26 [a3f842bc] Introduce --initialize-from flag in the db-analyser (ouroboros-network)
11:53:17 [3fa75e29] fix servant-purescript (plutus)
11:53:18 [22da1508] Move `cacheListPoolsOption` into `cardano-cli` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:56 [33d1f702] Merge pull request #3968 from input-output-hk/bezirg/letfloat-refactor (plutus)
11:55:15 [fb059d74] staging: Bump plutus to 33d1f7029c58b7c6e3687064f7fb9a76978e0c18 (plutus-ops)
11:55:16 [aaadf2f9] uses-cases golden tests (plutus)
12:00:11 [fce476a3] Catch errors when waitinf for tx to appear (adalite)
12:00:58 [6a795bb2] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
12:04:06 [25e5cd91] Merge #3253 (cardano-node)
12:04:27 [684c7fc5] Merge #2914 (cardano-wallet)
12:13:55 [93ade57c] Check the received block is the requested one (jormungandr)
12:16:49 [63950c06] More progress? (cardano-base)
12:17:21 [b453b9de] Use currently supported node tag in docker e2e tests (cardano-wallet)
12:25:11 [1f0e9a5a] Fix description of `--ttl` option (cardano-wallet)
12:30:14 [a818457f] add oracle update validation (plutus-use-cases)
12:34:15 [e0eaccc2] fix oauth profile for age (bitte)
12:34:17 [7a79ee7b] add impl of number of wits except certification wits (cardano-wallet)
12:35:03 [cda830a2] Check the received block is the requested one (jormungandr)
12:36:46 [e1686b7a] Fix a typo in CHANGELOG.md (jormungandr)
12:51:31 [86066f5c] Add script equivalence test to cardano-testnet (cardano-node)
12:59:37 [9e5189ee] Pass accessList in extenal EVM calls (mantis)
12:59:59 [b67cc96b] Correct length of dummyAddress (cardano-wallet)
13:00:44 [b22a0ff1] further fixes of txhashes and output version compatibility (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:01:46 [70933394] Try #2926: (cardano-wallet)
13:02:39 [64e79179] Reduce Utxo index size (plutus)
13:06:00 [929ce8f5] fix plutus-pab-client (plutus)
13:06:24 [003e760f] beauty salon (cardano-wallet)
13:06:30 [8eecbae3] Merge #3390 (ouroboros-network)
13:07:12 [370d7b3f] Typecheck the results of let-float tests. (plutus)
13:07:49 [ef7da5db] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
13:14:35 [6c8d79a6] Merge pull request #2 from input-output-hk/tally_update (treasury-crypto)
13:23:22 [6c9bb545] Added multinode_Sim_Pruning_HardLimit test (ouroboros-network)
13:23:31 [14c74074] Documented extra pruning transitions (ouroboros-network)
13:25:22 [64a1cf9f] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
13:25:33 [18bf8c8b] Introduce --initialize-from flag in the db-analyser (ouroboros-network)
13:25:33 [b2dd0679] Introduce ChainDB.streamFrom (ouroboros-network)
13:25:33 [9c04f9df] Expose readSnapshot function (ouroboros-network)
13:25:45 [912a2603] CardanoGames-TicTacToe (cardano-token-registry)
13:26:07 [4a45f4bb] Remove buildkite related CI (cardano-prelude)
13:28:15 [37a1e215] rename script tx to multisig (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
13:34:40 [4595b6d1] Fix minAda calculation for same policies (adalite)
13:34:44 [3bd96db9] Remove utxo shuffling (adalite)
13:34:44 [bc62905f] Catch errors when waitinf for tx to appear (adalite)
13:34:45 [9addedc7] squash (adalite)
13:34:46 [f6fe93a1] squash - fix (adalite)
13:34:46 [af45ca21] squash - fix (adalite)
13:35:31 [662611ad] rename script tx to multisig (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
13:36:14 [6172ce95] Add script equivalence test to cardano-testnet (cardano-node)
13:37:19 [b8947cd7] Merge pull request #119 from CardanoGens/main (essential-cardano)
13:40:13 [5e697fc8] Merge pull request #120 from edwint88/patch-1 (essential-cardano)
13:42:50 [075334f6] Merge branch 'main' into main (essential-cardano)
13:42:56 [2bf46a1f] Merge pull request #121 from aussiegingersnap/main (essential-cardano)
13:44:09 [d78623e1] Merge branch 'main' into main (essential-cardano)
13:44:16 [34bc0795] Merge pull request #122 from ezesuthering/main (essential-cardano)
13:49:19 [a60a4d7e] squash - fix message (adalite)
13:50:34 [936cba62] merge: merge branch staging of https://github.com/blockfrost/blockfrost-go (blockfrost-go)
13:51:07 [b2303092] Pass accessList in extenal EVM calls (mantis)
13:51:11 [b9964bfd] Adds consul snapshots (bitte)
13:51:15 [b9e348c0] Adds nomad snapshots (bitte)
13:51:15 [76b2ba89] Add more sensible snapshot defaults (bitte)
13:51:15 [1620d927] Update the backupDir to backupDirPrefix (bitte)
13:51:15 [4879ae8f] Adds customizable hourly, daily and custom consul snap jobs (bitte)
13:51:15 [558d2b94] Adds vault snapshots (bitte)
13:51:16 [463ec833] appease shellcheck (bitte)
13:51:16 [2228603d] snapshot code cleanup and permission fixes (bitte)
13:51:16 [230a72ca] Fixup path and owner (bitte)
13:51:16 [b0c1fb3c] Fixup the accuracy sec param (bitte)
13:51:16 [84a71035] Fixup the nomad policy name type check (bitte)
13:51:16 [c4e69fa7] bump bitte-cli (bitte)
13:51:16 [1489d9b7] allow vault-agent templates without command (bitte)
13:51:16 [10d0f4f8] Fixup vault cli format for parsing (bitte)
13:51:16 [8934dd56] Fixup the mgmt nomad token generation (bitte)
13:51:16 [a5c91215] fix typo (bitte)
13:51:16 [2567f835] Fixup ability to repetitively trigger based on timer (bitte)
13:54:46 [ca315dc9] Merge pull request #3626 from Zeegomo/check-received-genesis-block (jormungandr)
13:54:48 [e9e4f1cd] Use new GetChainBlockNo and GetChainPoint queries in query tip. (cardano-node)
13:59:03 [645e3b54] Changed signature structure (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
14:07:41 [109345e5] Pass accessList in extenal EVM calls (mantis)
14:17:23 [28f521cd] Merge pull request #68 from input-output-hk/snapshots (bitte)
14:19:47 [48710e47] Bump to cardano-node 1.30.1 (cardano-wallet)
14:20:36 [3bdb1046] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
14:23:15 [07fd4b54] Merge #3177 #3252 (cardano-node)
14:27:14 [0853efca] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
14:27:17 [e164a0be] Introduce ChainDB.streamFrom (ouroboros-network)
14:27:17 [1ee1d4b9] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
14:27:17 [2058b15a] Introduce --initialize-from flag in the db-analyser (ouroboros-network)
14:27:17 [4ac871e6] Expose readSnapshot function (ouroboros-network)
14:29:22 [546b66fe] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
14:30:36 [c0596f3c] Update qr code references after migrating to catalyst-toolbox (scripts)
14:31:59 [1fd6676e] Update pdf, minor fixes (treasury-crypto)
14:34:08 [92c3adc2] Update 08-marlowe-run.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:35:05 [cf0dc47d] moar debug + possible fix (ouroboros-network)
14:37:05 [bc7c2fdd] Added Pruning multinode_Sim test (ouroboros-network)
14:37:18 [7712ffa7] Fixes async exception handling in Snocket. (ouroboros-network)
14:37:18 [f5e55a60] Counted OutboundIdleState in counters (ouroboros-network)
14:37:18 [9791185b] Fixes async exceptions in connectionLoop (ouroboros-network)
14:37:18 [4a7019e0] Trace counters after transitions (ouroboros-network)
14:43:29 [4c0a2e76] Added multinode_Sim_Pruning_HardLimit test (ouroboros-network)
14:44:50 [8d4e329a] Start processing logs. (plutus)
14:44:56 [00d6abde] Process log more. (plutus)
14:44:57 [ce5ef6b3] Add the list of fns the current fn is in. (plutus)
14:44:57 [1594589b] Update getStacks to output own time spent instead of total time. (plutus)
14:44:57 [e517e53c] WIP process log to stacks. (plutus)
14:44:58 [055c0e2f] Failed attempt to make flamegraph.pl like my duration format. (plutus)
14:44:58 [4cc3236e] Fix error on duration. Add timed files to git ignore. (plutus)
14:44:58 [2850ec91] Output to framegraph stack format. (plutus)
14:45:41 [dd3c70b3] Documented extra pruning transitions (ouroboros-network)
14:47:44 [974bdcb8] Update 02-release-notes.mdx (cardano-documentation)
14:50:23 [382de0bf] Update 03-comp-matrix.mdx (cardano-documentation)
15:00:44 [4d4adf84] fix docker-registry profile for age (bitte)
15:01:13 [3fe5676c] moar debug + possible fix (cardano-node)
15:02:22 [3cca3b69] Add cache invalidation to `Control.Cache` (cardano-wallet)
15:04:24 [1bef416c] fix monitoring profile for age (bitte)
15:08:06 [413d1aa2] Add a collateral return output and a field in txbody specifying the collateral (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:09:30 [c6f6e1a8] add teamId and gameId (plutus-use-cases)
15:10:05 [ade77124] test: add test for script client methods (blockfrost-go)
15:13:39 [a6025644] Update sysinfo requirement from 0.14.10 to 0.20.4 (jortestkit)
15:15:18 [e5e7a71b] fix(txs/utxos): move data_hash up (openapi)
15:15:18 [7ac917cd] feat(txs/utxo): adding output_index to outputs (openapi)
15:17:20 [e0487a5d] Merge #3379 (ouroboros-network)
15:18:36 [4bc1faa2] lint: add newline to end of files (blockfrost-go)
15:20:40 [e90bf224] Merge pull request #26 from blockfrost/feat/script (blockfrost-go)
15:34:40 [7b755508] return bets if everyone lost (plutus-use-cases)
15:35:41 [ffc3854b] Stuff (cardano-node)
15:36:29 [24100c84] Merge pull request #133 from blockfrost/mmahut/fix_data_hash (openapi)
15:44:35 [ee0888a4] use take_until and do not fail fast (jormungandr)
15:46:25 [4532c48d] move messages to debug level (jormungandr)
15:53:04 [163f57cd] Bump to cardano-node 1.30.1 (cardano-wallet)
15:56:51 [b9a1f234] Merge pull request #212 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-32 (cardano-documentation)
15:57:12 [be4f6939] Merge pull request #211 from input-output-hk/nahern-patch-31 (cardano-documentation)
15:57:14 [0959da75] Merge master into staging (cardano-documentation)
16:27:25 [da6d5326] SCP-2734: API for watching the state of tx outputs. (plutus)
16:28:08 [848a596b] pin cancel to stack (jormungandr)
16:29:54 [c0142ca3] Add initial version capable of parsing most of utxo in json format (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:32:12 [613a2d88] Move walletId and nickname to modal types (plutus)
16:34:41 [52019efe] wip (vit-testing)
16:36:35 [acd206cf] p2p-governor: sleep between 3300s and 3900s between churns (ouroboros-network)
16:37:21 [8d815c6c] p2p-governor: Adjust number of active peers based on fetchmode (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [fcb52442] p2p-governor: Make the arbitraryScriptOf generator more general and use it more (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [5166994b] p2p-governor: move QC utils to their own module (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [71fd0038] p2p-governor: Restructure the p2p governor tests a bit: split, add and reorder (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [119a1600] p2p-governor: fix a bug in the QC shrinker for the p2p governor mock environment (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [14bcd8e5] p2p-governor: Change the PickScript to pick elements not offsets. (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [a2bdcd79] p2p-governor: change LocalRootPeers.toGroups to match fromGroups, and use in Show (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [5192e2a4] p2p-governor: Generalise the LocalRootPeers instance for Arbitrary (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [ebafb0db] p2p-governor: added PeerSelectionCounters and respective tracers. (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [5583536c] p2p-governor: improve the Script shrinker (ouroboros-network)
16:37:23 [ba516659] p2p-governor: Slightly simplify the Arbitrary instance for PeerAddr (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [0dc8f0c2] p2p-governor: Improve counterexamples for +prop_governor_connstatus (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [90095e03] p2p-governor: Improve the mock env pick script interpretation (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [9f3836cc] p2p-governor: Add a new signal-based abstraction for expressing properties (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [7e91b373] p2p-governor: Order p2p governor tests after the livelock test (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [cb2d842d] p2p-governor: Make gossip failure results take non-zero time (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [a6060738] p2p-governor: Extend the shrinker tests: test that the shrinkers shrink! (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [09da908e] p2p-governor: Adjust playTimedScript to trace the initial value (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [86f5402a] p2p-governor: Add a "no excessive busyness" test for the p2p governor (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [247b5e7f] p2p-governor: Add a few misc comments and TODOs (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [33e2eaed] p2p-governor: Adjust prop_governor_connstatus to allow demotions (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [be2a9cf7] p2p-governor: New governor properties for making progress towards targets (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [34d70baa] p2p-governor: Adjust prop_governor_gossip_1hr to allow demotions (ouroboros-network)
16:37:24 [9023ac8d] p2p-governor: Add new env tracers for public roots and gossips (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [8759f5ed] p2p-governor: Minor correction in a comment (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [7e6ab186] p2p-governor: Add support for hitting the local root peer targets (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [bad1ab97] p2p-governor: Adjust established and active target properties for local roots (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [080b121d] p2p-governor: Replace one use of Signal.primitiveTransformEvents (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [7a2e4a0f] p2p-governor: Refactored localRootPeersProvider (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [fb81a892] p2p-governor: Update the comment on the list of properties (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [9515a425] p2p-governor: Fix the prop_governor_target_known_above property (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [f03fd47e] p2p-governor: Add review feedback (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [adfb2cfd] p2p-governor: Fix prop_governor_target_known_1_valid_subset (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [f0c1aca1] p2p-governor: Add more Signal primitives (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [89defbab] p2p-governor: Scale pool's stake by sqrt (ouroboros-network)
16:37:25 [f090927a] p2p-governor: Adjust LocalRootPeers to require targets > 0 (ouroboros-network)
16:37:26 [3773a3f9] p2p-governor: Refactored DNS resolution to use io-sim-classes (ouroboros-network)
16:37:26 [625de54a] p2p-governor: add some randomness to the reconnection delay (ouroboros-network)
16:37:26 [aeda67a4] p2p-governor: interface to ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
16:37:26 [60d0d36e] p2p-governor: new root peers configuration (#3079) (ouroboros-network)
16:37:26 [bc389b5c] p2p-governor: Added dns resolution tests (ouroboros-network)
16:37:26 [3d760349] RelayAddress renamed as RelayAccessPoint (ouroboros-network)
16:37:26 [c376effe] p2p-governor: Process synchronous hot promotion errors (ouroboros-network)
16:46:03 [2b08ced7] Merge #2928 (cardano-wallet)
16:46:10 [0090ffc9] Merge #3177 (cardano-node)
17:03:25 [bdf74e2c] rebase (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:16:28 [3b9ae753] Show the time in a way flamegraph.pl accepts. (plutus)
17:35:05 [05c14d37] Merge branch 'staging' into feat/ipfs (blockfrost-go)
17:46:14 [6998933e] Merge #2914 (cardano-wallet)
17:47:04 [e47bdbb1] Remove Modal component (plutus)
17:48:03 [acb181c9] fix: change type in ipfs client interface (blockfrost-go)
17:56:57 [1086c75e] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
17:58:24 [73b30ca7] deal with cert when computing number of witnesses (cardano-wallet)
18:01:01 [8765f84b] Remove unneeded resets (plutus)
18:03:36 [3c82cf94] Process logs into stacks for flamegraph.pl. (plutus)
18:03:37 [af97a966] Add the list of fns the current fn is in. (plutus)
18:03:37 [f8bd0f76] Update getStacks to output own time spent instead of total time. (plutus)
18:03:38 [3071f5fe] Fix error on duration. Add timed files to git ignore. (plutus)
18:03:39 [3b11901e] Output to framegraph stack format. (plutus)
18:09:06 [037ada31] Clean up some duplication (plutus)
18:11:20 [3fd821ed] Add a collateral return output and a field in txbody specifying the collateral (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:17:23 [541196e4] revert changes to Css (plutus)
18:26:17 [e2cb3cc0] revert solc version (mantis)
18:27:12 [d3f3cd18] Revert unnecessary changes (plutus)
18:39:49 [3d434dff] Output to framegraph stack format. (plutus)
18:45:49 [145e1f4e] stats: hydra 6998933e0eabb1b648ef51c658338bcb1790b019 (cardano-wallet)
18:45:50 [44e18263] badge: hydra 6998933e0eabb1b648ef51c658338bcb1790b019 (cardano-wallet)
18:47:50 [f43c71d5] revert solc version (mantis)
18:47:52 [86ccef6e] Output to framegraph stack format and tidy up. (plutus)
18:57:36 [4af57d49] Pushed max. NodeVersion to 1.30.9 (scripts)
19:01:44 [5a24fe70] Merge #3253 (cardano-node)
19:03:41 [1f23c2de] added sync values for tag 1098090 1110432 - staging - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:03:48 [97e8c3e7] Merge #2925 (cardano-wallet)
19:05:00 [1e6420b8] revert solc version (mantis)
19:12:50 [2ad86172] added sync values for tag 1098090 1110432 - staging - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:15:20 [9046ffc2] added sync values for tag 1098090 1110432 - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
19:18:07 [a9d1dec3] comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:22:15 [dc418df8] Added SerialArray, Indexable instance and mergeParSerialNode. (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:40:51 [d692add8] Use Keep A Changelog-esque format (jormungandr)
19:49:52 [361ac9c0] Update protobuf extvm to 'Berlin' (#1123) (mantis)
19:51:50 [e059514e] Merge #2927 #2928 (cardano-wallet)
19:53:15 [e88e3b27] stats: hydra 97e8c3e7050d5ee9571e7c8907f35e8b6e5de3b9 (cardano-wallet)
19:53:17 [e3ec5583] badge: hydra 97e8c3e7050d5ee9571e7c8907f35e8b6e5de3b9 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:00 [fc6348a1] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
20:05:18 [5f728f38] chore(core): exclude nodejs version of csl from webpack browser builds (cardano-js-sdk)
20:07:07 [c9bf9e60] Merge branch 'staging' into feat/transactions (blockfrost-go)
20:12:53 [39af086f] add transaction methods to client interface (blockfrost-go)
20:17:14 [f4965398] [merge] develop (yoroi-mobile)
20:28:04 [dde4be44] chore(core): exclude nodejs version of csl from webpack browser builds (cardano-js-sdk)
20:32:57 [1f17c849] ref: display json open error (blockfrost-go)
20:33:59 [1a807255] test: add transaction unmarshal test (blockfrost-go)
20:56:22 [38ff4de6] stats: hydra e059514ef0aa589bdc3ccb94c1c0f77f2d92219f (cardano-wallet)
20:56:24 [0c3b267a] badge: hydra e059514ef0aa589bdc3ccb94c1c0f77f2d92219f (cardano-wallet)
20:56:54 [b375b705] Applied PR feedback (plutus)
21:06:22 [8e01d57e] Bump version from 2021.9.9 to 2021.9.29 (cardano-wallet)
21:14:10 [ada4fcc6] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
21:14:10 [33907186] Introduce --initialize-from flag in the db-analyser (ouroboros-network)
21:14:10 [65148e87] Add --limit option so that user can control number of blocks they want to process (ouroboros-network)
21:14:10 [58847aca] Introduce ChainDB.streamFrom (ouroboros-network)
21:14:10 [ba0bcbcd] Expose readSnapshot function (ouroboros-network)
21:15:51 [ff1b2526] Fix backend tests (plutus)
21:27:51 [bc77ab38] Merge pull request #7 from blockfrost/feature/openapi-v0.1.27 (blockfrost-scala)
21:33:06 [781c3a18] comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:11:53 [65148b18] Convet a `dyn_` to to `widgetHold_` (plutus-use-cases)
22:22:42 [85c078e4] Fix mistake in 0e70bbd61320228675f726cfc96308b06c99859d (plutus-use-cases)
22:36:44 [d92b7e35] Split pool dashboard function (plutus-use-cases)
22:37:23 [103550c6] Try to make Pool DOM/CSS more consistent (plutus-use-cases)
22:49:41 [4b6a851f] Tweak reflex in the pool tx detail panes (plutus-use-cases)
22:54:08 [dde1366a] showcase: add cryptopeeps.png (developer-portal)
22:56:17 [6d6d0f20] showcase: add "CryptoPeeps" (developer-portal)
23:19:42 [3ff50fe9] vault agent nomad restart -> try-restart (bitte)
23:21:53 [198881f8] Merge pull request #83 from obsidiansystems/to-upstream/obsidian-systems/dex (plutus-use-cases)
23:41:23 [da2eeac5] As first auto-detection, if CNODEBIN is not specified - try using CCLI folder - before using ~/.cabal/bin (guild-operators)
23:43:23 [16fa2d71] Add CNODEBIN to allow custom cardano-node name (guild-operators)