Home / Reports / Oct 12, 2021

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

571 commits had been pushed across 49 repos by 104 authors. There were 1,111,600 additions and 1,346,845 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:17:36 [18390613] Update materialized files (haskell.nix)
00:18:00 [70ab1901] Merge pull request #881 from input-output-hk/erikd/proto-ver (cardano-db-sync)
00:27:38 [3d06d093] Include the in-mem states in the DbChangelog type (ouroboros-network)
00:28:42 [f8d4795c] Update ghcjsVersion to match cabal file (#1266) (haskell.nix)
00:39:11 [98e21f59] Merge branch 'master' into jc/parametrize-block-by-header (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:03:11 [95426304] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:03:57 [f1df8a51] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/locked (yoroi-frontend)
01:17:27 [32eb9191] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:22:15 [893ba535] Update wallet list and align across langs (support-faq)
01:33:14 [26b6b6de] Upload configuration from: https://hydra.iohk.io/build/7926804/download/1 (cardano-configurations)
01:57:41 [7e628b52] stake credential history tool (cardano-node)
02:02:46 [4c2df97e] clean up mnemonic entries (yoroi-mobile)
02:08:25 [6bca834d] Add property `prop_performSelection_onSuccess_selectionLimitRespected`. (cardano-wallet)
02:16:58 [00be4ebb] stake credential history tool (cardano-node)
02:30:14 [df3a9701] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:51:00 [081d647b] CRC32 build fix (plutus)
02:52:37 [4f12c744] nix flake lock --update-input haskell-nix (on master) (plutus)
02:55:18 [6be885e4] GHCJS 8.10.7 and some fixes (plutus)
03:05:05 [ee9f0075] More materialized files (plutus)
03:09:28 [d24fedf9] Merge pull request #509 from black-spectrum/master (cardano-token-registry)
03:11:04 [d8b82a9d] Merge pull request #510 from spanglerch/master (cardano-token-registry)
03:11:31 [dfbc557a] Delete 201eaf3ec3114036cd47c4f4696a8a3f344d33b2e7d510627fca44e7424c554e5442524f53434f46464545.json (cardano-token-registry)
03:12:20 [9e755912] Add `verifySelection` function to verify the correctness of a selection. (cardano-wallet)
03:18:19 [495ffa24] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:21:42 [98d44d0a] Add verification failure case `SelectionCollateralInsufficient`. (cardano-wallet)
03:21:47 [ffdd565e] Add verification failure case `SelectionCollateralUnsuitable`. (cardano-wallet)
03:21:50 [4f91ebd7] Add verification failure case `SelectionLimitExceeded`. (cardano-wallet)
03:21:54 [e353d573] Add verification failure case `SelectionDeltaInvalid`. (cardano-wallet)
03:27:47 [7a1d7f0b] Update README.md (cardano-token-registry)
03:29:23 [09058904] Add type `VerifySelectionProperty`. (cardano-wallet)
03:29:23 [0353a0b5] Simplify description of post-condition for `performSelection` (cardano-wallet)
03:36:51 [fdf82093] Simplify `prop_performSelection_onSuccess`. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:07 [04dc6f30] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:22:58 [2cc8bd12] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:35:20 [2f356eed] Merge branch 'develop' into paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-1 (yoroi-frontend)
04:35:41 [7b5fece1] small fix for revamp theme (yoroi-frontend)
04:59:07 [6c8ac910] Try using nixpkgs instead of nixpkgs-unstable (cardano-wallet)
05:01:40 [2f04514c] flow fixes (yoroi-frontend)
05:01:59 [9882c413] remove rp button (yoroi-frontend)
05:13:12 [7354dfb9] add mui theming in ergo connector (yoroi-frontend)
05:13:12 [a871f0b8] create and customize checkbox component (yoroi-frontend)
05:13:12 [5fc42780] replace RP to MUI checkbox (yoroi-frontend)
05:15:43 [67ae052d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:19:32 [ca2ccb35] Merge branch 'alpha' into rpc2view (guild-operators)
05:19:52 [012b3136] customize select component for both themes (yoroi-frontend)
05:19:52 [dc3ffd5b] add helperText in select (yoroi-frontend)
05:19:52 [b10006fb] small fixes in checkbox component (yoroi-frontend)
05:21:54 [c822a6ba] refactor tokenOptionRow (yoroi-frontend)
05:29:26 [d80fb4bd] Replace RP Select to MUI select components (yoroi-frontend)
05:39:08 [aece17c3] Replace RP Select to MUI select components (yoroi-frontend)
05:39:13 [507b93f2] fix minor styles (yoroi-frontend)
05:39:13 [26c7e619] customize textfield (yoroi-frontend)
05:39:13 [aee8dcc6] replace textfield (yoroi-frontend)
05:39:13 [f18e1c8c] add RobotoMono font in classic and modern theme (yoroi-frontend)
05:41:16 [f3cab8bc] remove rp inputs (yoroi-frontend)
05:49:22 [02b194ad] Merge branch 'paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-4' into paulccari/mui-replacing-rp-components-5 (yoroi-frontend)
05:57:01 [8e80d1ec] Follow bitte-cli master again (bitte)
05:57:09 [d2d84830] Add comments (cardano-db-sync)
06:17:13 [b72be22e] Bump gLV minor version and testing changes to update flow (guild-operators)
06:20:31 [7876094a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
06:23:31 [2298688e] Import (plutus)
06:27:48 [6e484ed0] [DDW-749] Remove tada button from top navigation (daedalus)
06:35:58 [15964286] Expose ability to configure mempoolCapacityOverride (ouroboros-network)
06:36:04 [79b58b35] Merge #2968 (cardano-wallet)
06:36:48 [78f41c0f] [DDW-749] Remove unused variables (daedalus)
06:38:37 [01ef2527] Apply the same changes to the rest of the scripts that contain update code (guild-operators)
06:42:46 [15f64272] remove rp and common css variables (yoroi-frontend)
06:49:31 [937d3d52] remove fonts css variables (yoroi-frontend)
06:50:31 [c417128a] fix committe wallet name (vit-testing)
06:53:17 [747e8028] Expose ability to configure mempoolCapacityOverride (ouroboros-network)
06:58:36 [1ba3b2cc] Fix txID in test (plutus)
06:58:48 [b5b63852] Add AssocMap instance (plutus-use-cases)
07:02:37 [a225bdfe] Expose ability to configure mempoolCapacityOverride (ouroboros-network)
07:03:40 [9c18811e] PAB tests (plutus)
07:09:20 [0b801c32] Split builder into smaller helpers (vit-testing)
07:10:24 [deed9a20] Purs (plutus)
07:10:25 [6a73c8a2] Merge pull request #2510 from input-output-hk/jc/parametrize-block-by-header (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:10:42 [1066da1e] Add dbsync deployment to dbsync.sh (guild-operators)
07:11:35 [6de4d38f] Merge pull request #2515 from input-output-hk/jc/flexible-exunits (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:13:37 [b744ede8] typed-protocols: added TokPeerRole (ouroboros-network)
07:13:38 [5fc732d3] typed-protocols: Codecs (ouroboros-network)
07:13:38 [2781c037] typed-protocols-cborg: CBOR codecs for typed-protocols (ouroboros-network)
07:13:38 [1f97e6f6] typed-protocols: udpated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
07:13:38 [2e4bf5d0] typed-protocols-examples: added CBOR codecs (ouroboros-network)
07:13:38 [185c9239] io-sim: selectTraceEvents' and friends (ouroboros-network)
07:16:56 [e1e371e6] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:18:16 [ae44ec9b] fix warnings (plutus)
07:18:55 [14fc034a] Merge branch 'alpha' into dbsyncscript (guild-operators)
07:23:56 [00a52984] stats: hydra 79b58b35fca7e728625e60c8fad6498d17def2ec (cardano-wallet)
07:23:58 [8610ef1b] badge: hydra 79b58b35fca7e728625e60c8fad6498d17def2ec (cardano-wallet)
07:25:47 [202ef7ac] add first impl try (vit-testing)
07:27:00 [d88bab3a] Skip update check after re-launch of scripts (guild-operators)
07:30:48 [5cf81c86] Add dbsync deployment to dbsync.sh (guild-operators)
07:39:28 [caf31665] TODO note (plutus)
07:45:52 [5e01c93e] Make BlockFrostApi's Settings public (blockfrost-rust)
07:47:04 [e140cd36] Upgrade to GHC 8.10.7 (cardano-wallet)
07:51:34 [811c3793] Add Nix expressions required to use newest fmt library (cardano-wallet)
07:51:36 [4840ce07] Try using nixpkgs instead of nixpkgs-unstable (cardano-wallet)
07:55:46 [56ebc21e] Expose ability to configure mempoolCapacityOverride (ouroboros-network)
07:56:40 [692cf3e4] Fixes (guild-operators)
07:58:54 [8dd445dd] Merge branch 'alpha' into dbsyncscript (guild-operators)
08:01:28 [bbc2378c] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
08:06:40 [7fe348f9] remove bunch of css variables (yoroi-frontend)
08:07:42 [03652d34] add submit transaction endpoint to swagger (cardano-wallet)
08:08:46 [9fe8e558] add types and endpoint in core (cardano-wallet)
08:08:52 [2663f430] musl: override zstd to link statically (haskell.nix)
08:08:53 [fe62cb53] add submitTransaction to Cardano.Api.Server (cardano-wallet)
08:08:54 [18f71d04] add constructTxMeta to Cardano.Wallet and use it in submitTransaction (cardano-wallet)
08:08:55 [b324b7b0] address withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
08:08:56 [ed555ea4] deal with selection (cardano-wallet)
08:08:57 [f9feeef3] do not use collaterals and clean the code (cardano-wallet)
08:08:57 [7ea38bb2] add Cardano.Api.Link (cardano-wallet)
08:08:58 [aadf8332] add submitTxWithWid to integration's DSL (cardano-wallet)
08:08:59 [14827b4c] make active TRANS_NEW_CREATE_04a (cardano-wallet)
08:09:49 [51fc4cef] show Pending -> InLedger transformation when using submitTxWithWid (cardano-wallet)
08:11:05 [d3bb7310] Original mainnet configuration (cardano-node)
08:12:33 [6b049ab5] Use json ApiSignedTransaction in submit tx (cardano-wallet)
08:12:38 [d3217841] add Malformed for ApiSignedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
08:15:28 [ae0d3354] Update the YAML version of the mainnet config to match the JSON version and add tests to ensure consistency between the two. (cardano-node)
08:16:46 [9913efb4] Upgrade to GHC 8.10.7 (cardano-wallet)
08:18:52 [e009c46f] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
08:20:57 [4678b804] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:24:32 [fd678df6] fix tests (vit-testing)
08:26:22 [438e55d6] extend datum hash policies (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
08:27:55 [1102f55d] extend datum hash policies (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
08:28:25 [7928c921] review (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
08:28:25 [d57add4e] add required signers (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
08:28:25 [0325c9c3] unify key length defines (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
08:28:25 [5dfb0dce] add collaterals (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
08:28:25 [f03e1f2e] make required signers available from path as well (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
08:28:37 [feb80a66] add required signers (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
08:28:37 [399f99dc] add collaterals (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
08:28:37 [6611972f] make required signers available from path as well (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
08:30:39 [b031e655] Add info to usage output (guild-operators)
08:33:09 [3280685c] update testimonials copy (utxo-alliance-site)
08:35:25 [973744ba] cleanup more css variables (yoroi-frontend)
08:36:27 [67cb4c19] Add OpenApi.ToSchema instance for Ada (fix #4062). (plutus)
08:36:52 [eecbd669] Add ToSchema instances for SlotConfig and ThreadToken (fix #4066, #4067) (plutus)
08:38:11 [c65aac95] 0.7.0-pre4: update manifest version numbers (chain-wallet-libs)
08:38:14 [10b5b2f8] fix missing social links column (utxo-alliance-site)
08:40:44 [2ea7e233] Script that splits the txout of an address into smaller pieces (cardano-node)
08:42:22 [05bcef06] Add missing user variables in scripts on update check (#1129) (guild-operators)
08:42:59 [426bc4fb] clean up css variables for tx status (yoroi-frontend)
08:44:50 [4aa39ae9] add policyForSignTxStakePoolRegistrationInit (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
08:54:44 [e7e0ea45] cardano-cli: Friendly output multi-asset with ASCII version where possible (cardano-node)
08:54:44 [e1e0fe48] cardano-api-test: Add AssetName roundtrip tests (cardano-node)
08:54:57 [07c54a5f] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/ddw-748-implement-upcoming-ledgerjs-breaking-changes (daedalus)
08:58:54 [9cd83b1e] Implement 'assignScriptRedeemers' for Cardano. (cardano-wallet)
08:59:17 [9ca8c5dc] Loaders, error handlers, my bets and minor enhancements (plutus-use-cases)
09:01:05 [2e5f35d6] version bump (plutus-starter)
09:01:14 [0a42e946] [DDW-748] Update LedgerJS to the latest v4.0.0-RC5 (daedalus)
09:03:27 [36e886ae] Merge #3269 (cardano-node)
09:07:13 [d9bc352b] Hotfix: Bump last Catalyst fund round name (adalite)
09:10:57 [1d6849d4] Restrict A/AAAA lookups (ouroboros-network)
09:16:53 [448c8c6f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:18:37 [84594959] Expose ability to configure mempoolCapacityOverride (ouroboros-network)
09:19:48 [3d02e03e] Bump ledgerjs version from 4.0.0-rc4 to 4.0.0-rc5 (adalite)
09:27:24 [9e78f2e2] TMP: leave TODO about what's left for the real execution units handling. (cardano-wallet)
09:27:24 [fc5a74da] Remove newExUnits from TxUpdate, moved as separate function. (cardano-wallet)
09:28:03 [4389d1e8] Fetch voting round name from .env (adalite)
09:28:13 [48aa861f] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
09:33:10 [b13d600e] Bump ogmios to 4.1.0 (cardano-ops)
09:35:59 [6971aff9] Fix code following dependencies upgrade (hydra-poc)
09:51:22 [79461014] [DDW-680] fix poolpopover interaction (daedalus)
09:52:46 [bf1fc509] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
09:55:15 [77a76bee] tx-generator: Select funds with correct ScriptData (cardano-node)
10:01:24 [912cf7b8] SCP-2796: Add a chain-index query for UTxOs with a specific currency (plutus)
10:03:59 [412feb6a] api: fix Summary for getEpochBlocksByPool (blockfrost-haskell)
10:03:59 [06c45de2] api: Cardano Scripts (blockfrost-haskell)
10:03:59 [5714d8b8] client: Cardano Scripts (blockfrost-haskell)
10:03:59 [9625a061] client: add /addresses/{address}/utxos/{asset} endpoint (blockfrost-haskell)
10:03:59 [ceaa3e18] api: use /txs/{tx}/metadata/cbor use metadata instead of cbor_metadata (blockfrost-haskell)
10:03:59 [d47e402a] api: add /addresses/{address}/utxos/{asset} endpoint (blockfrost-haskell)
10:11:58 [a3909bd9] SCP-2796: Add a chain-index query for UTxOs with a specific currency (plutus)
10:14:55 [dd7e9b00] test: int. tests for assets (blockfrost-go)
10:15:10 [6f8dca3f] Fix plutus contract plugin dep (plutus)
10:15:55 [99c5f802] Merge #3290 (cardano-node)
10:19:12 [0262256d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:25:08 [c773efc9] [DDW-694] Fix: Added buttons as dependency in useMemo (daedalus)
10:26:13 [7b0b1b73] adjustment after rebase (cardano-wallet)
10:28:10 [ea492116] Merge #3290 (cardano-node)
10:37:54 [20969c14] [DDW-694] updated CHANGELOG (daedalus)
10:41:27 [bcd076e7] Add contrib/mersenne-random-pure64 (plutus)
10:43:01 [02bdee8c] Ignore libyaml issue (plutus)
10:43:22 [e80c54d0] Update materialization (plutus)
10:43:27 [54b315be] Try #1267: (haskell.nix)
10:45:39 [e4334481] Add missing file (plutus)
10:46:44 [3b475905] removals and renamings (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
10:57:24 [76a13b43] Merge pull request #43 from blockfrost/test_assets (blockfrost-go)
10:58:42 [e993a881] clean Malformed from ApiSignedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
11:00:26 [c48c8ab6] beta reduction case (plutus)
11:00:37 [b20be790] Fix duplicate block error (plutus)
11:01:03 [5b83d36f] started dealing with build errors that are showing up in code I didn't touch. I don't know what's going on. (plutus)
11:01:03 [6f7f08e6] compiler flags to make examples build (plutus)
11:01:03 [d6633b40] This commit implements a QuickCheck property for checking that a (plutus)
11:02:19 [e47f9701] Fix build errors stopping CI from going through (plutus)
11:02:21 [92f8ad5a] another fix (plutus)
11:02:21 [9c783271] refactoring whitelists (plutus)
11:02:21 [dfd8fedc] Fixed builtin evaluation failure error message (plutus)
11:02:21 [571eb45e] Update plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel.hs (plutus)
11:02:21 [d27344e8] fix build failure (plutus)
11:02:21 [33689255] Add test trying to trick the division by zero check by tracing a whitelisted error (plutus)
11:02:21 [db85301b] refactoring how builtin failures are propagated (plutus)
11:02:21 [eda9ac7e] fix warnings (plutus)
11:02:21 [6fd16902] disallow by default (plutus)
11:02:21 [b4718a00] Update plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel.hs (plutus)
11:02:21 [57149ef4] Update plutus-contract/src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel.hs (plutus)
11:02:21 [24a9f8f0] fixing minor things from review (plutus)
11:02:22 [080e66ae] Add dummy wallet effect handler for alonzo nodes to pab (plutus)
11:04:08 [69a37a80] Merge branch 'master' into SCP-2858-chain-index-securityParam (plutus)
11:07:05 [17aa3934] always-succeeds benchmark & mainnet protocol parameters (cardano-ops)
11:07:39 [871716e1] api: Release (blockfrost-haskell)
11:07:55 [19a47bdd] client: Release (blockfrost-haskell)
11:08:45 [fc2fe19b] always-succeeds benchmark & mainnet protocol parameters (cardano-ops)
11:10:48 [b58d8b70] Add txinfo appendix (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:12:54 [e56d8820] added some delay before first call (vit-testing)
11:14:09 [71647974] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:24:51 [b011b639] fix build error (plutus)
11:32:02 [a4504fa3] cardano-api-test: Add AssetName roundtrip tests (cardano-node)
11:32:02 [ddf04686] cardano-cli: Expect AssetName in hex in --mint and --tx-out (cardano-node)
11:32:02 [17e7e912] cardano-cli: Friendly output multi-asset with ASCII version where possible (cardano-node)
11:32:02 [7c90d4f2] cardano-api: Serialize AssetName to JSON as hex string with latin-1 helper (cardano-node)
11:41:57 [f1975da9] initial commit (CIPs)
11:42:29 [001b72e1] cardano-api(gen,test): Remove unnecessary function; Reformat imports (cardano-node)
11:46:59 [e44b5f8d] Update showcases.js (developer-portal)
11:48:17 [02db700e] Merge pull request #2494 from input-output-hk/polina/txinfo (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:49:06 [78b6186c] Add always-succeeds benchmark & mainnet protocol parameters (cardano-ops)
11:52:33 [c1cdefe7] Merge branch 'master' into SCP-1751-keep-simulation-state (plutus)
11:53:19 [5a53cd97] smash: expose /api/v1/tickers endpoint (cardano-ops)
11:55:27 [5cfe97d8] added examples (CIPs)
11:58:58 [15a47201] added notes (CIPs)
11:59:45 [de71e410] version bump (plutus-starter)
12:00:22 [e32dcb55] added additional notes (CIPs)
12:03:50 [cebec71e] updated comment url (CIPs)
12:07:50 [dd00b865] update Cargo.lock (chain-wallet-libs)
12:09:19 [e1d138bf] smash: expose /api/v1/tickers endpoint (cardano-ops)
12:12:21 [0c613a96] Update of dependencies (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:22 [26a338e3] Use criterion for benches (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:22 [7df66a6c] Added documentation to the crate. (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:22 [697bfd6e] Included serialisation functions to KES structures. (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:22 [5627301d] Changed signature structure (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:22 [729234e9] New macro-based instance (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:23 [f5455515] Binary files and updated key signature (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:23 [f64eee26] Changed SHA2 by Blake2b to follow the chain standard. (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:23 [ad0c2702] Compatibility with the signature and update functions (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:12:23 [92eba84b] Included test module for interoperability with haskell implementation (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:15:39 [3bbb9987] expose persistent log write method (jormungandr)
12:18:27 [80476043] Ignore reward related error message (cardano-node-tests)
12:18:52 [3aeab032] Support for changed schema with `multi_asset` table (cardano-node-tests)
12:21:36 [27d6f6da] extract block0 builder only (jormungandr)
12:21:46 [363dbc2a] create file for writing (jormungandr)
12:24:25 [8397f917] Add param proposal certificate info (guild-operators)
12:24:31 [b9f0b071] Merge branch 'tx-info-rpc' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into tx-info-rpc (guild-operators)
12:24:36 [0f2afce0] Merge branch 'alpha' of github.com:cardano-community/guild-operators into tx-info-rpc (guild-operators)
12:25:21 [48ab4d56] bump the hash of plutus (plutus-starter)
12:28:23 [80e99fa7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:32:43 [37d704c2] pin `pip==21.2.4` (cardano-node-tests)
12:37:12 [b0c9cc05] Merge pull request #735 from mkoura/dbsync_multi_asset (cardano-node-tests)
12:39:40 [30d13c33] lints and PR comments (kes-mmm-sumed25519)
12:46:33 [1e99858a] Add tx indexes for certificates (guild-operators)
12:46:51 [93d3d9d7] Added multinode_cm_counters_Sim test (ouroboros-network)
12:51:21 [a0cba288] Fix duplicate block error (plutus)
12:52:29 [b5912a1f] Add tx_info RPC [WIP] (#1140) (guild-operators)
12:53:11 [2b2745b9] musl: override zstd to link statically (#1267) (haskell.nix)
12:53:58 [9fa8d712] Automatically assign to lastSuccessfulCompilationResult if compilationResult is updated (plutus)
12:54:06 [5bb937e2] feat(core): add cslToOgmios.txIn (cardano-js-sdk)
12:54:06 [19eb508a] feat(util-dev): add flushPromises util (cardano-js-sdk)
12:54:07 [3121167b] feat(wallet): implement UTxO lock/unlock functionality, fix utxo sync (cardano-js-sdk)
12:54:07 [074943b0] refactor: create ProviderError and convert blockfrostProvider errors to it (cardano-js-sdk)
12:54:07 [8107f55d] feat(wallet): implement InMemoryTransactionTracker (cardano-js-sdk)
12:54:07 [119c1406] refactor: change Provider.submitTx return type to Promise<void>, use ProviderError (cardano-js-sdk)
12:54:07 [ee903cab] chore: enable eslint no-floating-promises, disable no-var-requires (cardano-js-sdk)
12:55:32 [ed63c5ed] Merge pull request #194 from input-output-hk/update-chainlibs (chain-wallet-libs)
12:56:09 [546b93ed] TMP: update dependencies (jormungandr)
12:58:41 [6ec49812] refactor(wallet): move TransactionError to pkg root, create examples/withdrawal.ts, enable coverage (cardano-js-sdk)
12:58:51 [4a327cdd] fix(wallet): lock utxo right after submitting (cardano-js-sdk)
13:00:26 [2b65dd7e] Factor out pure balanceTransaction logic (cardano-wallet)
13:01:05 [cd2ebd23] Added multinode_Sim_Pruning_HardLimit test (ouroboros-network)
13:01:05 [489669b8] Documented extra pruning transitions (ouroboros-network)
13:02:57 [6abad364] Docs (plutus)
13:04:02 [a9c6b5cf] cardano-tracer: forwarder, both active and passive. (cardano-node)
13:05:35 [6175abf1] Refactored Server2 multinode_Sim tests (ouroboros-network)
13:05:37 [5631f29a] Reliable tracing with Async exceptions (ouroboros-network)
13:05:37 [9478f2a3] Add test to check order of ConnectionManager trans (ouroboros-network)
13:06:08 [968ca2f6] Automatically assign to lastSuccessfulCompilationResult if compilationResult is updated (plutus)
13:06:08 [dd34b986] refactor: change Provider.submitTx return type to Promise<void>, use ProviderError (cardano-js-sdk)
13:06:14 [22de0c79] refactor(wallet): move TransactionError to pkg root, create examples/withdrawal.ts, enable coverage (cardano-js-sdk)
13:06:33 [e6c408fe] fix nix build (cicero)
13:07:56 [64f5ca52] Revert 3fb7d980e50826dccc40022212bb52cd5bffd0e5 (daedalus)
13:08:36 [7ab1661b] Factor out pure balanceTransaction logic (cardano-wallet)
13:08:40 [c348afd4] Added InboundGovernor transition order test (ouroboros-network)
13:11:39 [75808eef] Bump symmetric-cipher from `7482052` to `ed63c5e` (jormungandr)
13:13:30 [2e2db649] Added multinode_cm_counters_Sim test (ouroboros-network)
13:13:43 [0683b5b3] Revert 3fb7d980e50826dccc40022212bb52cd5bffd0e5 (daedalus)
13:14:49 [1bfab982] Merge pull request #32 from input-output-hk/upgrade-to-1-0.10 (plutus-starter)
13:15:50 [b7057036] other application case (plutus)
13:18:21 [fec5a0a2] Change KES signature representation and serialization format. (cardano-base)
13:20:35 [f289c6d1] Add a new analysis --count-blocks (ouroboros-network)
13:22:20 [6849a4f2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:22:59 [4fd158b2] fix(wallet): lock utxo right after submitting, run input selection with availableUtxo set (cardano-js-sdk)
13:32:11 [60e2fe82] Factor out pure balanceTransaction logic (cardano-wallet)
13:37:33 [aa226426] Update running-cardano.md (#352) (developer-portal)
13:37:50 [72785f55] Update installing-cardano-wallet.md (#353) (developer-portal)
13:37:59 [69d4f26f] feat(scripts): script json (timelock) or cbor (plutus) endpoints (openapi)
13:37:59 [1ec1a8dc] feat(scripts): add scripts/datum/:hash endpoint (openapi)
13:37:59 [96901609] feat(tx): add valid_contract (openapi)
13:37:59 [8ca49a99] feat(script/redeemers): add datum_hash (openapi)
13:37:59 [5a1a34c8] feat(tx/redeemers): add script_hash and datum_hash (openapi)
13:43:15 [68587541] extend Tx to account for witnesses (cardano-wallet)
13:46:36 [a4f0f4ec] Fetch voting round name from .env (adalite)
13:49:01 [e1f1b509] Revert "Revert 3fb7d980e50826dccc40022212bb52cd5bffd0e5" (daedalus)
13:49:56 [ca7d2086] Update instructions in README (cardano-node-tests)
13:50:19 [11f6dc0f] Revert "Revert 3fb7d980e50826dccc40022212bb52cd5bffd0e5" (daedalus)
13:51:57 [45555e79] [DDW-694] Added more dependencies to header function (daedalus)
13:53:47 [5882afdf] chore: changelog (openapi)
13:55:18 [c33653a5] stake credential history tool (cardano-node)
13:58:15 [dcbcdeda] add possibility to define tx_max_expiry_epochs settings (jormungandr)
14:02:11 [cafba2a1] Merge pull request #736 from mkoura/readme_update (cardano-node-tests)
14:05:36 [125f144c] Diable nix-fmt for time being (ouroboros-network)
14:06:30 [b4cd031a] Add files via upload (developer-portal)
14:08:07 [5e404579] trace-dispatcher and config: Change configuration vaules (cardano-node)
14:10:44 [48bb4311] add wits from SealedTx (cardano-wallet)
14:13:34 [27f858ba] stake credential history tool (cardano-node)
14:16:19 [80ef41aa] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:16:28 [a7cb5a70] Merge pull request #389 from input-output-hk/bench/always-succeeds-spending (cardano-ops)
14:19:00 [382dbd2c] 6.7.8 (adalite)
14:21:15 [9bfbb473] big lambda type application case (plutus)
14:24:42 [ed5a6d3f] Address issues pointed out in the audit and other cleanup (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:25:27 [8ddd87c0] Remove 'certifying' type of redeemers in the API (cardano-wallet)
14:25:56 [1086a382] Run plutus scripts 'directly' -> not working (hydra-poc)
14:25:58 [1fa977f2] Draft script validation prop using plutus -> this is wrong (hydra-poc)
14:25:59 [49c32aee] Draft a dummy abortTx construction / observation (hydra-poc)
14:26:01 [73ca1340] Validate tx scripts on abortTx -> failing tests (hydra-poc)
14:26:02 [b7a7ac42] Remove redundant / disabled tests and add a note (hydra-poc)
14:26:03 [28a1826b] Have abortTx redeem the txIn (hydra-poc)
14:26:05 [6decc21a] Fix validatorHashToAddr (hydra-poc)
14:26:06 [8b447dce] Progress in running abort validator with hash workaround (hydra-poc)
14:26:08 [b53c9905] Introduce datums when constructing AbortTx (hydra-poc)
14:26:09 [065eaffc] Realize that we need to keep track of PubKeyHash for abortTx (hydra-poc)
14:26:11 [a9412f0c] Use ledger types for hashing scripts (hydra-poc)
14:26:12 [dcc63cb4] Introduce OnChainHeadState to keep track of state (hydra-poc)
14:26:14 [b11e8da9] [WIP] Introduce shared on-chain state to ease constructing txs (hydra-poc)
14:26:15 [2fdff9da] [WIP] Plug wallet into Direct chain component (hydra-poc)
14:26:18 [ebaf87f7] Generate payment tx to populate the wallet's Utxo (hydra-poc)
14:26:19 [643d97fd] Do not try to observe AbortTx (hydra-poc)
14:26:21 [adcc7349] Add some basic logging to Direct chain component (hydra-poc)
14:26:22 [80a6c7e7] Enrich Abort transaction to take into account all Init outputs (hydra-poc)
14:26:24 [f6491597] Use MockHead instead of real one (hydra-poc)
14:26:25 [00630173] Use rdptr instead of direct constructor (hydra-poc)
14:26:26 [4d3c4bed] Add head validator as single output for abort tx (hydra-poc)
14:26:28 [0bca0845] Fix imports (hydra-poc)
14:26:29 [41056873] Observe an init and then an abort transaction (hydra-poc)
14:26:31 [66e63f4b] Take into account onchainstate when observing transactions (hydra-poc)
14:26:32 [825c28e9] Fix compilation error (hydra-poc)
14:26:34 [bee8e2b8] continue work on manually crafted abort tx with real initial validator. (hydra-poc)
14:26:35 [53cc857a] Serialise scripts for manual submission through cardano-cli (hydra-poc)
14:26:36 [6c5a675b] Serialise some datums and redeemers for manual submission (hydra-poc)
14:26:38 [160c0c41] Factor out serialisation of envelopes (hydra-poc)
14:26:39 [b7b5660e] Output datum hashes (hydra-poc)
14:26:41 [5815bcad] Try updating dependencies (hydra-poc)
14:26:42 [9a7c00b5] Fix code following dependencies upgrade (hydra-poc)
14:26:44 [730694bc] Fix coercion between different Point (hydra-poc)
14:26:45 [270ffcdf] Fix serialisation of scripts and datums (hydra-poc)
14:26:47 [7ff91c09] Use plain validatorHash when passing Dependencies to validator (hydra-poc)
14:26:49 [a130286d] Wire updateTx and assignScriptRedeemers errors into the API. (cardano-wallet)
14:27:56 [7c69ac59] Move 'mapFirst' local function to Cardano.Wallet.Util (cardano-wallet)
14:28:09 [2c6f1a20] fixup remove certifying (cardano-wallet)
14:28:32 [a0ff4ab1] Add txOutAddCoin function to primitives for transaction. (cardano-wallet)
14:29:34 [636c1695] removed qr_code module (jormungandr)
14:35:11 [7618d351] removed duplicated wait methods (jormungandr)
14:35:20 [a489708a] removed dependency to KeyQrCode in wallet (jormungandr)
14:35:38 [c705601c] implement converters for used jcli utils (jormungandr)
14:40:44 [8b90ef5d] renamed CIP-30 to CIP-31 (CIPs)
14:43:03 [0c3a4087] Merge #2965 (cardano-wallet)
14:46:14 [f52ce7a1] fix fmt (jormungandr)
14:46:19 [6bde09c0] Updating Plutus commit hash (plutus-pioneer-program)
14:48:37 [48f4a230] move PoolDistr and ProtVer to cardano-ledger-core (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:49:04 [6b301178] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - shelley_qa - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
14:51:43 [58d15479] Updating Plutus commit hash (plutus-pioneer-program)
15:03:19 [f46fe4f8] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - shelley_qa - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
15:05:40 [d4efccb1] expose persistent log write method (jormungandr)
15:06:38 [9cce1aee] extract block0 builder only (jormungandr)
15:06:47 [e6f02d5c] create file for writing (jormungandr)
15:08:20 [7d6941e0] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - shelley_qa - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
15:08:27 [4f87fa58] Merge pull request #125 from theConstruction/main (essential-cardano)
15:10:58 [e3373cac] [DDW-694] Updates CHANGELOG (daedalus)
15:11:25 [13569936] [DDW-694] Fix: Buttons missing in Tokens footer (#2703) (daedalus)
15:13:49 [0d2baacb] SCP-2796: Add a chain-index query for UTxOs with a specific currency (plutus)
15:14:23 [3b648b6d] fix clippy (jormungandr)
15:16:52 [a69d40a9] Merge pull request #195 from Mr-Leshiy/0.7.0-pre4--update-manifest-version-numbers-port (chain-wallet-libs)
15:17:42 [b8cdd09a] SCP-2920: Fix timeout from marlowe-test-long-running (plutus)
15:17:43 [66d1305b] Update sysinfo requirement from 0.14.10 to 0.20.5 (jortestkit)
15:19:17 [9fb797db] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:20:12 [4b8b7c05] scp-2881 - JSON serialization for ACTUS data types (plutus)
15:23:16 [4bf852a6] new weekly report - Oct 8th (essential-cardano)
15:26:42 [2222f588] Update CHANGELOG (jormungandr)
15:26:54 [8d279c1e] Release 0.13.0 (jormungandr)
15:27:00 [e072dd3c] stats: hydra 0c3a4087d0814a34275874cb3e0bead473ceb802 (cardano-wallet)
15:27:01 [5aec3758] badge: hydra 0c3a4087d0814a34275874cb3e0bead473ceb802 (cardano-wallet)
15:29:25 [41982cf3] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - testnet - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
15:32:21 [0fa0f2b7] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - testnet - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
15:33:04 [706ef512] [DDW-749] Put staking info route + menu items behind config parameter (daedalus)
15:39:53 [c5460a8b] Finalize implementation of 'balanceTransaction' (cardano-wallet)
15:40:22 [b7f3092c] Make fee padding more robust to number (and content) of redeemers. (cardano-wallet)
15:40:49 [59890b9b] doc: add documentation about signing at pool registration operations (cardano-rosetta)
15:43:01 [0517ca78] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
15:45:27 [7ac88c13] Remove active stake from epoch_info cache (guild-operators)
15:46:09 [2da12a10] [DW-749] remove unused variables from staking after alonzo tada removal (daedalus)
15:50:42 [0ad6fb76] new education resource (essential-cardano)
15:51:10 [600ed049] fix lints (jormungandr)
15:53:14 [719ade78] cardano-node: sketch of init changes (cardano-node)
15:59:17 [e748b725] Add tx_utxos RPC (guild-operators)
15:59:26 [8e51581b] Remove tx ID return (guild-operators)
15:59:30 [16b070b1] Update doc (guild-operators)
16:02:13 [3e9b0102] SCP-2920: Fix timeout from marlowe-test-long-running (#4093) (plutus)
16:02:32 [682e466c] staging: Bump plutus to 3e9b0102678308b90e0ab65bed63dfe5a2e1c66b (plutus-ops)
16:02:37 [86ece848] Bump `latestReleasedNodeVersion` (ouroboros-network)
16:02:39 [f7fb2118] feat(pagination): enforce limits (openapi)
16:03:48 [8c268e73] StakeDistEvent (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:04:10 [b653d00b] Use `getRewardProvenance` instead of `getRewardInfo` (ouroboros-network)
16:11:01 [bb6226fc] Minswap (cardano-token-registry)
16:12:05 [a155fbe1] Merge pull request #148 from blockfrost/1000101/pagination (openapi)
16:12:19 [d112a6cc] Merge pull request #145 from blockfrost/srk/descNet (openapi)
16:13:12 [ef61a0b6] SCP-2796: Add a chain-index query for UTxOs with a specific currency (plutus)
16:14:02 [09289e80] Merge pull request #147 from blockfrost/srk/changelogCborTypo (openapi)
16:19:55 [2689030e] test: implement integration tests for txs (blockfrost-go)
16:21:09 [bab49fbb] Remove non plutus core components (plutus)
16:21:10 [dabae538] minimal annotatedBlock (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:25:38 [55bc41e2] make AnnotatedBlock an Event (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:26:52 [b93e7774] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:33:23 [3f9e62cc] massive refactor for HCL generation using reflection (bitte-iogo)
16:36:55 [b05d02b6] Add `test_collateral_is_txin` (cardano-node-tests)
16:41:12 [1697fcfb] Add tx_metadata RPC (guild-operators)
16:42:47 [7b125516] Merge pull request #737 from mkoura/test_collateral_is_txin (cardano-node-tests)
16:44:04 [1a0caf2b] annotatedTx (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:44:37 [6f976ad0] Update doc (guild-operators)
16:50:03 [8f7f2b10] improve build times with latest stable rust (bitte-cli)
16:53:57 [c73411ee] Add tx_metalabels view (guild-operators)
16:54:01 [6bf7a98d] Update doc (guild-operators)
16:54:59 [dae78ca0] bump iogo to 10.12.21 (bitte-cli)
16:58:52 [6d904a82] add multisig tests (cardano-serialization-lib)
17:05:26 [df5db727] fix fmt (jormungandr)
17:07:23 [3d61a00e] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - staging - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
17:08:44 [46f4c4be] Update tests for new tx builder (cardano-serialization-lib)
17:12:51 [49cecc61] added sync values for tag 1110432 None - staging - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
17:16:34 [2e2539f3] Also provide datum with external inputs. (cardano-wallet)
17:18:50 [e7c7518c] Support cardano-wallet style script creation (#14) (cardano-serialization-lib)
17:20:29 [d046ae39] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:23:42 [61344008] Fix variable name (cardano-serialization-lib)
17:28:41 [9d5845e1] SCP-2796: Add a chain-index query for UTxOs with a specific currency (plutus)
17:39:21 [abcb9e8a] bitte-shell: add damon tui for nomad (bitte-cli)
17:48:32 [4c264b68] feat(errors): Mempool Full (openapi)
17:50:09 [7385d90f] add tests for serializing Contract into ByteBuilder<_> (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [14bc8c41] chain-evm makes configuration types public (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [2ca75ab3] expose aliased ethereum types needed to deploy a smart contract (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [3bb3d185] add test to read EVM contract from ReadBuf (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [899d0699] make sure only 0 and 1 values are possible when checking for optional values (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [e21e7e78] simpler feature gate usage for EVM variant (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [ea3ad28a] rename fragment & fragment tag to SmartContractDeploy (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [86e2d510] export aliased Config type from evm crate (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [0c404b3b] Use the same parameters as 'eth_sendTransaction' for contract deployment (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [44655618] implement Contract::serialize_in method (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [9aaf42c8] Feature gate variant instead of variant fields (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [dc02f8c4] update evm crate to v0.30.1 (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [12382bcb] use feature gate for tests prelude (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [ced89cc5] add another test case for reading contract with ReadBuf (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [df5e9297] stub smartcontract module, add Fragment::SmartContract(_) and FragmentTag::SmartContract (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [ba598805] more tests for reading EVM contracts from byte buffer (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [06149ac6] add implementation of Readable::read for Contract (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [4b2e1beb] check that the buffer has been read before returning contract (chain-libs)
17:50:09 [3830cf6d] finish first attempt at 'impl Payload for Contract' (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [0ed9c82f] impl PartialEq for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [c38a8280] add EvmParams to Settings (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [172a8f5c] fix typo (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [b74cbdfc] refactor VirtualMachine's lifetime (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [924b45fa] group evm Config and Enviroment into EvmConfigParams type (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [9f8c601f] refactor and cleanup (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [42764c85] add EVM Config and Environment variants to ConfigParam (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [65ed30c9] add EvmConfigParams to Settings (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [4b291104] export evm::Config type directly (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [f4d4ccea] optional H160 and U256 values that are 0, serialize as None (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [02b9eb8a] adds evm params to ConfigBuilder in testing/ledger (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [ea0f86f4] stub remaining work needed get EvmConfigParams working and testing (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [3d5decb2] minimal impl Arbitrary for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [16ffe1da] adds aliased types needed to describe EVM environment (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [ed3dcb11] define EvmConfigParams in chain-impl-mockchain (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [f2d99c58] build EVM Config from payload (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [ec95c0f0] add test to and from payload for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [e8820c1a] stub reading EvmParams into ledger settings (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [8d6b48f9] increase maximum TagLen to 512 (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [23314b0c] simplify how EVM config is defined as a ledger parameter (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [fe39e787] introduce EVM config/environment to ConfigBuilder (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [a36da327] implement ConfigParamVariant::to_payload for EvmConfigParams (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [5c75f0c9] add feature gate to EvmConfigParams use (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [1c45e907] remove 'new_without_default' lint (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [5af21d21] Build EVM Environment from payload (chain-libs)
17:50:10 [4109ddbe] boolean checks added (chain-libs)
17:50:11 [23ad6563] wip: prepare EVM to deploy smart contract on ledger creation (chain-libs)
17:50:11 [8f113d5d] add method evm::Ledger::virtual_machine to return configured EVM instance (chain-libs)
18:03:00 [0d81d0e7] Fix demo wallet creation (plutus)
18:06:38 [78f3f64a] Complete all the cardano endpoints (blockfrost-rust)
18:12:32 [151a8d35] wrap case done (plutus)
18:20:13 [00d94a7e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:27:11 [ad0edd8f] Make nixos-rebuild part of shell only on linux (bitte-cli)
18:37:31 [929de8e3] pack token utxo (yoroi-frontend)
18:38:59 [8123bfc8] SCP-2796: Add a chain-index query for UTxOs with a specific currency (plutus)
18:39:14 [0f8e5076] Merge pull request #33 from input-output-hk/nixos-rebuild-linux (bitte-cli)
18:44:52 [36bd049f] Resolve additional issues with execution units and clean up code. (cardano-wallet)
19:13:33 [3b3c0c6a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:17:32 [8f4c7784] fix type in bitte-shell (bitte-cli)
19:21:39 [f5670ed5] WIP adding help output when there's no input. (plutus)
19:21:49 [affe394c] SCP-2796: Add a chain-index query for UTxOs with a specific currency (#4059) (plutus)
19:22:07 [71f8fb8a] staging: Bump plutus to affe394ca4a7c836bfff99f0203162ac66efd466 (plutus-ops)
19:27:14 [009a0142] add compile code for uniswap pools to be built and submitted to alonzo node (plutus)
19:29:50 [824c4d37] pull damon from upstream (bitte-cli)
19:33:01 [0f4849e5] Follow bitte-cli master again (bitte)
19:37:20 [ee66aa8b] Merge pull request #193 from input-output-hk/run-clippy-on-all-targets (chain-wallet-libs)
19:39:44 [9597dcb2] Renamed files, added basic config (daedalus)
19:39:53 [0dd60b03] flake.lock: remove duplicates (bitte)
19:41:16 [9bc547a4] move getLeaderSchedule API from wallet to protocol (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:57:52 [703d25af] Merge pull request #80 from input-output-hk/partial-revert (bitte)
20:18:01 [c6d50697] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:18:06 [ce3cf5ed] expose db-analyser in a flake (cardano-node)
20:27:34 [5d8de90f] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/locked (yoroi-frontend)
20:34:53 [0fe1c5e9] Ada-Hungry (cardano-token-registry)
20:38:05 [fea9e090] Add the Pergamon metaverse project (essential-cardano)
20:40:04 [79845a3a] Fix duplicate block error (plutus)
20:41:25 [068aa462] Merge #3086 (cardano-node)
20:43:00 [34d90c73] Angry (cardano-token-registry)
20:57:20 [5e6cdfcf] Ada-Hungry (cardano-token-registry)
20:58:12 [35ad2e82] Prepare for PyPI release (blockfrost-python)
20:58:55 [9a2d1b8d] doc: add documentation about signing at pool registration operations (#436) (cardano-rosetta)
21:04:08 [ae818eb7] Angry (cardano-token-registry)
21:04:58 [7170874d] fix callback type (yoroi-mobile)
21:07:36 [00172109] refactor selection/filtering functions to be tracing-friendly (#3619) (jormungandr)
21:14:50 [7d0e6bae] unwrap term case (plutus)
21:14:56 [ad6da88c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:15:22 [2e48cb3e] Cool (cardano-token-registry)
21:22:04 [d972c198] Crying (cardano-token-registry)
21:27:00 [ceff2ca3] Cry-Laughing (cardano-token-registry)
21:27:53 [5471948e] Enraged (cardano-token-registry)
21:29:03 [b6ab182f] Flirty (cardano-token-registry)
21:30:25 [d23bc06d] Frustrated (cardano-token-registry)
21:30:37 [0465adc6] Fuming (cardano-token-registry)
21:36:52 [b27cb130] Happy (cardano-token-registry)
21:36:54 [a9a9fa4c] Incognito (cardano-token-registry)
21:36:56 [be87a712] Infatuated (cardano-token-registry)
21:36:59 [44cd79ab] Injured (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:01 [24fca260] Inquisitive (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:03 [adb739ee] Jobjeezed (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:06 [9d101a30] Microphobic (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:08 [da16a36a] Mind-Blown (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:10 [0434348a] Misty-Eyed (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:12 [3d290221] Money-Hungry (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:15 [edce78d5] Nauseous (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:17 [08d4596c] Nerdy (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:20 [63acd565] Shitty (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:22 [8d3c3397] Smiley (cardano-token-registry)
21:37:24 [80c83c8a] Woozy (cardano-token-registry)
21:57:31 [e109641e] Complete all the cardano endpoints (blockfrost-rust)
21:59:45 [fd0d1a37] Add example of how to submit a transaction (blockfrost-rust)
22:05:13 [c009bfbd] unwrap- case (plutus)
22:13:17 [c3822367] Bump electron from 13.1.0 to 13.3.0 (daedalus)
22:17:17 [a6f5f4ef] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:22:11 [b6b82e5a] unwrap- case (plutus)
22:32:15 [2b707747] Bump electron from 4.2.4 to 11.5.0 (fenrir)
22:36:14 [e220de8c] Expose ability to configure mempoolCapacityOverride (ouroboros-network)
23:05:35 [4442202b] consensus: add the DoneAddingBlock tracer event (ouroboros-network)
23:15:04 [babce5af] Merge branch 'alpha' into dbsyncscript (guild-operators)
23:17:37 [29373a43] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:17:39 [dac459ad] Update plutus code from week01 to 2021-10-08 PAB Release (plutus-pioneer-program)