Home / Reports / Jan 26, 2022

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

641 commits had been pushed across 50 repos by 99 authors. There were 190,108 additions and 63,060 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:13:53 [27342243] wip: prem deployType support (bitte)
00:14:11 [951e6d48] add token minting for ExternalWalletTemplate (jormungandr)
01:02:09 [b13fb739] fix: hashUi requires access token header; fix consul reload (bitte)
01:07:07 [45f26a37] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:15:15 [05de737b] Automatic update for Wed Jan 26 01:15:15 AM UTC 2022 (stackage.nix)
01:16:16 [38e421ab] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:20:59 [5fa7dde0] WIP further simplify InMemory holes (ouroboros-network)
01:49:13 [75377d5a] Merge pull request #2632 from input-output-hk/lehins/fix-is-bootstrap-redeemer (cardano-ledger)
01:52:21 [767a3e59] Improve safety of TxOut unpacking (cardano-ledger)
01:52:21 [1263996c] Implement memory efficient and type safe `BinaryData` for inline datums (cardano-ledger)
01:52:21 [13cc2807] Finish removal of `"address"` in favor of new `getTxOutAddr` (cardano-ledger)
03:04:04 [32f7b34d] Use ghcjs version of cardano-base (plutus-apps)
03:06:11 [8dec5b8c] Add thread delay-to-plutus test (cardano-node)
03:10:09 [36df529d] Pie Token (cardano-token-registry)
03:18:16 [04ece0d5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:30:01 [c86b664f] Retry testnet tests when they fail (cardano-node)
03:31:33 [0d1a875f] Add retry support (hedgehog-extras)
03:33:26 [8267f976] docs: Add first version of Eras note (cardano-wallet)
03:35:57 [f49a17cf] Add retry support (hedgehog-extras)
03:37:22 [d2938c55] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
03:42:15 [0bdce2a8] Retry testnet tests when they fail (cardano-node)
03:55:57 [c174839b] Retry testnet tests when they fail (cardano-node)
04:02:10 [8375da49] added automated test results (cardano-node-tests)
04:20:26 [49d85c92] fix missing tokenInfos (yoroi-mobile)
05:34:36 [2f554422] initial work on generating JSON (de)serialization + .ts types from it (cardano-serialization-lib)
05:55:08 [992c375c] Updates according to feedback (plutarch)
05:59:21 [f7e61fc3] Use multiple docker images and directly tag them (hydra-poc)
06:21:15 [7735136b] Use Github Container registry and metadata step (hydra-poc)
06:24:00 [fd550aa0] Run docker workflow on this branch to test it (hydra-poc)
06:26:06 [e4164d11] Add Github token to login (hydra-poc)
06:27:48 [13a60cae] expose write_into_persistent_log and vote_cast methods (jormungandr)
06:29:05 [c0a8810d] Always tag with 'latest' (hydra-poc)
06:34:06 [c6c04ed1] Try different 'latest' default tag (hydra-poc)
06:35:30 [82dcbc8b] Fix variable substitution (hydra-poc)
06:39:19 [e20bce12] Add a note on workflow triggers (hydra-poc)
06:54:06 [d36b08d5] Add a healthyCommitTx and validate it (hydra-poc)
06:56:36 [f3159074] Improve property output by adding BasicFailure as counter example (hydra-poc)
06:56:41 [5f5bd99b] Extend describeCardanoTx by printing inputs (hydra-poc)
06:58:42 [f8a7d3db] Add committed utxo to the lookup utxo (hydra-poc)
06:58:43 [30007979] Small refactor on mkInitialOutput (hydra-poc)
06:59:53 [0ea0f156] Fix healthyCommitTx to use the same PubKeyHash (hydra-poc)
07:02:25 [250abf6f] Add Commit mutator for changing committed value (hydra-poc)
07:07:55 [597c7082] Made property output better understandable again (hydra-poc)
07:07:56 [97bd4aea] Add output values to describeCardanoTx (hydra-poc)
07:07:56 [9f4da509] Have Initial validator check values (hydra-poc)
07:09:17 [96235d72] Make committed value const 8₳ in healthyCommitTx (hydra-poc)
07:09:19 [2bcb5ab9] Fix/fake initial validator to check comittedValue (hydra-poc)
07:09:19 [228b9ab0] Implement a debugInteger to show decimals (hydra-poc)
07:10:11 [8471a9cb] Don't run docker workflow on this branch anymore (hydra-poc)
07:11:24 [8e119316] Remove node config symlinks (cardano-browser-tx)
07:15:40 [4a35e660] Fix imports (hydra-poc)
07:16:16 [04bf5740] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:32:25 [2c7422e6] Keep abortTx valid by distinguishing initial redeemer as Commit | Abort (hydra-poc)
07:33:40 [352ffdda] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into bhart/extend-tx-type (cardano-browser-tx)
07:34:48 [1c116c58] Merge pull request #26 from Plutonomicon/bhart/extend-tx-type (cardano-browser-tx)
07:41:54 [7841917a] Add a Maybe TxOutRef to Initial.Commit redeemer (hydra-poc)
07:42:47 [013d9b99] Some clarifications (plutarch)
07:47:27 [41049e23] adjustment after removal of fragment builder in wallet, but rather exposing it as independent struct (catalyst-toolbox)
07:50:27 [f378d32f] Lookup actual comittedValue in Initial validator (hydra-poc)
07:52:27 [1695b456] remove devDependancies (cardano-browser-tx)
08:04:49 [20a7cb27] fix build issues in tests (plutus-apps)
08:17:18 [e6c7182e] fix tutorial build (plutus-apps)
08:18:26 [f114b853] Merge pull request #1261 from MarklJenkins/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:19:12 [39ac54e3] Merge pull request #1262 from MarklJenkins/branch02 (cardano-token-registry)
08:19:27 [a60adc13] Move PS project back to repo root (cardano-browser-tx)
08:19:32 [927390a9] Merge pull request #1263 from MarklJenkins/branch03 (cardano-token-registry)
08:19:49 [3ef68e0a] Merge pull request #1264 from MarklJenkins/branch04 (cardano-token-registry)
08:20:00 [66d016f9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:20:24 [1b02bf58] Merge pull request #1265 from MarklJenkins/branch05 (cardano-token-registry)
08:20:43 [fbb1d20e] Merge pull request #1266 from MarklJenkins/branch06 (cardano-token-registry)
08:21:05 [8cc4ac73] Merge pull request #1267 from MarklJenkins/branch07 (cardano-token-registry)
08:21:31 [1146c9ff] Merge pull request #1268 from MarklJenkins/branch08 (cardano-token-registry)
08:21:46 [7694b902] Merge pull request #1269 from MarklJenkins/branch9 (cardano-token-registry)
08:22:11 [a402e083] Merge pull request #1270 from MarklJenkins/branch10 (cardano-token-registry)
08:22:41 [93171b40] Merge pull request #1271 from markl-jenkins/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:27:11 [d2fab47f] Merge pull request #1272 from markl-jenkins/branch02 (cardano-token-registry)
08:27:22 [1fe3954f] WIP Abstract ShelleyBlock over protocol. (ouroboros-network)
08:27:32 [a3c5664d] Merge pull request #1273 from markl-jenkins/branch03 (cardano-token-registry)
08:27:48 [6181c9b5] Merge pull request #1299 from lucifer911/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:27:56 [f6c9f74b] Merge pull request #1274 from markl-jenkins/branch04 (cardano-token-registry)
08:28:13 [91264315] Merge pull request #1275 from markl-jenkins/branch05 (cardano-token-registry)
08:28:37 [747a0280] Merge pull request #1276 from markl-jenkins/branch06 (cardano-token-registry)
08:28:57 [9ac44720] Merge pull request #1277 from markl-jenkins/branch07 (cardano-token-registry)
08:29:01 [fe95b6ab] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into rory/haskell-server/infra (cardano-browser-tx)
08:29:19 [77237c66] Merge pull request #1278 from markl-jenkins/branch08 (cardano-token-registry)
08:29:40 [20e0a050] Merge pull request #1279 from markl-jenkins/branch09 (cardano-token-registry)
08:30:02 [26d0431e] Merge pull request #1280 from markl-jenkins/branch10 (cardano-token-registry)
08:31:31 [b8a99560] Merge pull request #1287 from cardano-tools-nft/4a1a51e3-bf00-464b-a308-94ee8a0f31e6 (cardano-token-registry)
08:32:59 [1cab7c4e] Merge pull request #1292 from chimpytoken2/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:33:36 [41e4b9a7] Merge pull request #1295 from cardano-tools-nft/798d0e1d-d966-432d-a46c-e9de8bd141a4 (cardano-token-registry)
08:36:10 [4a643ad3] Draft MutateComittedValue mutation (hydra-poc)
08:59:52 [025593ac] Implement mutation changing commit value during initial script validation. (hydra-poc)
09:00:45 [7c03c0fc] Run app in Main (cardano-browser-tx)
09:05:30 [2f0ddc84] init commit for translation (cardano-browser-tx)
09:06:55 [fc456b62] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ruslan/connector-cip30' into ruslan/serlib-10 (yoroi-frontend)
09:12:59 [88419dcb] Updated ouroboros-network version (cardano-node)
09:13:36 [b13394f6] Fixed peer selection counters misconfiguration (cardano-node)
09:13:36 [3110fb3d] connection-manager & inbound governor transition tracers (cardano-node)
09:13:37 [6fafa15c] remove small-steps (cardano-node)
09:18:05 [0fdf5f8b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
09:26:40 [cdf87aa1] Add MutateCommittedAddress mutator (hydra-poc)
09:27:50 [fcddefbb] WIP: Fee calculation (cardano-browser-tx)
09:27:50 [d124caa2] WIP: Fee calculation (cardano-browser-tx)
09:27:50 [2df633c4] Run app in Main (cardano-browser-tx)
09:27:50 [e4931d03] Add protocol params (cardano-browser-tx)
09:30:20 [cc73406a] [DDW-881] Make wallet settings menu option be visible but disabled when on already on that page (daedalus)
09:32:58 [eb9fd160] [DDW-614] Fix alignment of currency details (daedalus)
09:37:26 [e2a88251] Read protocol params at startup (cardano-browser-tx)
09:40:23 [d6b13ee9] [DDW-895] bump cardano-launcher (daedalus)
09:42:10 [d62ec123] Check Initial script datum in the case of no committed UTXO (hydra-poc)
09:48:00 [38588fcd] use wrap-nix from nomad driver main branch (cicero)
09:48:22 [bea1c492] Serlib upgrade to beta9 (yoroi-frontend)
09:48:23 [e4a6e843] [DDW-895] updated CHANGELOG.md (daedalus)
09:48:52 [60f3fdea] Cardano dapp example upgraded (yoroi-frontend)
09:50:47 [b8711faa] Use `evaluateTransactionFee` (cardano-browser-tx)
09:51:25 [6bf95064] Check committed TxOut is preserved in commit datum (hydra-poc)
09:54:21 [bcb1bea2] add Babbage translation (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:56:02 [8cc40ddd] Merge pull request #188 from Plutonomicon/las/ghc810 (plutarch)
09:56:16 [64b9107f] add TokenTotals & TokenDistribution to the ledger (#728) (chain-libs)
09:56:57 [27d80069] Use the correct HTTP method (cardano-browser-tx)
09:57:53 [6fe15678] Ignore monitoring of cold hot cons beeing demoted (ouroboros-network)
10:03:32 [04fa4a2e] Mimic SO_LINGER set with 0 interval channel close (ouroboros-network)
10:03:32 [12bf5508] Refactored inboundGovernorLoop error handling (ouroboros-network)
10:03:32 [d44c87fc] Fix ConnectionManager finally handle (ouroboros-network)
10:03:44 [08ff2e43] Update strum_macros requirement from 0.22.0 to 0.23.1 (chain-libs)
10:05:47 [e564df48] remove unused dependency borsh (chain-libs)
10:08:21 [1b9e4643] Update with CI note (plutarch)
10:19:17 [88eaaa42] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
10:22:42 [58c7a0d7] Start removing SerializedTxOutRef from commit validator's datum (hydra-poc)
10:27:23 [d2200f72] Update strum requirement from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 (#691) (chain-libs)
10:28:56 [9878f186] Update strum_macros requirement from 0.22.0 to 0.23.1 (chain-libs)
10:34:25 [22cbe5d4] replace deprecated ripemd160 with ripemd (chain-libs)
10:36:25 [d173fd39] Hash cabal artifacts by Nix config file too (hydra-poc)
10:39:21 [c7162f43] Implement observeCommitTx according to new strategy (hydra-poc)
10:41:57 [01f2c37c] Delist spoofing pool BCSH7 (cardano-ops)
10:45:15 [1a8c9cdb] Make test compile passing the list of inputs (hydra-poc)
10:48:32 [91c386b6] Merge branch 'master' into viet/balance-tx (cardano-browser-tx)
10:53:07 [c297ef93] update libsecp256k1 (chain-libs)
10:53:08 [de88f30f] replace deprecated ripemd160 with ripemd (chain-libs)
10:57:39 [24aceaa0] Add the permission status to the UI (yoroi-frontend)
11:00:05 [62d3c901] Update the state when removing the permission (yoroi-frontend)
11:00:52 [50b678b1] Remove alerts (yoroi-frontend)
11:02:09 [7266963b] Correctly deserialize initial redeemer when observing commit. (hydra-poc)
11:05:22 [699ae9ed] Change address retrieve fix (yoroi-frontend)
11:11:31 [d6f6e904] Wording (yoroi-frontend)
11:11:50 [ff542dd9] Version bump 4.9.503 (yoroi-frontend)
11:15:33 [17d055c2] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
11:17:33 [44c00176] Merge pull request #146 from input-output-hk/ch1bo/multiple-docker-images (hydra-poc)
11:19:39 [8fb8defa] Add optional permsioin to the manifest template (yoroi-frontend)
11:29:09 [ff2aa589] chore(deps): bump serde from 1.0.135 to 1.0.136 (oura)
11:37:52 [1d0eae0b] [DDW-844] Run lockfile:fix (daedalus)
11:38:15 [b421bcbf] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ruslan/connector-cip30' into ruslan/serlib-10 (yoroi-frontend)
11:38:46 [fe1d7eb0] docs: update cardano-db-sync snapshot references (cardano-rosetta)
11:39:15 [7e9b8db4] chore: bump cardano-node version in dev docker-compose (cardano-rosetta)
11:39:45 [2a40528f] chore: bump cardano-node version in dev docker-compose (cardano-rosetta)
11:39:45 [6ff73741] docs: update cardano-db-sync snapshot references (cardano-rosetta)
11:43:19 [5f8da83b] deploy: 44c001761ef9c642ec58886157ecb5b977d70d36 (hydra-poc)
11:44:01 [914bad30] tweak (cardano-wallet)
11:55:01 [caf8915e] port tip update changes (jormungandr)
11:57:50 [edf7d617] port update proposal tests (jormungandr)
11:58:23 [9126fa18] Added storing foreign inputs when parsing a tx (yoroi-frontend)
11:58:55 [2a1b8c76] port flake changes (jormungandr)
12:00:34 [8f426716] Merge branch 'viet/balance-tx' into viet/OgmiosToTransaction (cardano-browser-tx)
12:01:48 [829eb568] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into fiuba-collaboration-writing-actus-contracts (marlowe-cardano)
12:05:17 [62527234] Add state types (yoroi-frontend)
12:09:59 [4ad89c47] Update borsh requirement from 0.8.2 to 0.9.2 (chain-libs)
12:10:54 [ba08bbc4] Added missing field to quick-check contract generator (marlowe-cardano)
12:16:39 [d4dec476] Tx parsing fixed in connector signing (yoroi-frontend)
12:21:11 [ad2d4ea0] Move optional permission to the base object (yoroi-frontend)
12:21:50 [c82c7171] Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/Emurgo/yoroi-frontend into Ahmed/code-inject (yoroi-frontend)
12:22:00 [0cb185ae] port update proposal tests (jormungandr)
12:27:23 [a06b15fb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:31:06 [fcdcf725] [DDW-918] Display block sync progress (daedalus)
12:41:48 [9e3894c8] Add committed utxo to the lookup utxo (hydra-poc)
12:41:48 [208787e5] Small refactor on mkInitialOutput (hydra-poc)
12:41:48 [c5e0b8a3] Improve property output by adding BasicFailure as counter example (hydra-poc)
12:41:48 [82424f37] Extend describeCardanoTx by printing inputs (hydra-poc)
12:41:48 [8caba143] Add a healthyCommitTx and validate it (hydra-poc)
12:41:48 [fb634476] Fix healthyCommitTx to use the same PubKeyHash (hydra-poc)
12:41:49 [f7840bf2] Made property output better understandable again (hydra-poc)
12:41:49 [7f4ccd88] Implement a debugInteger to show decimals (hydra-poc)
12:41:49 [98f537d5] Fix/fake initial validator to check comittedValue (hydra-poc)
12:41:49 [2ee2400e] Add output values to describeCardanoTx (hydra-poc)
12:41:49 [13d28354] Have Initial validator check values (hydra-poc)
12:41:49 [7c5f1f9b] Add Commit mutator for changing committed value (hydra-poc)
12:41:49 [ee62bf5c] Make committed value const 8₳ in healthyCommitTx (hydra-poc)
12:41:50 [ab9f1bdd] Add a Maybe TxOutRef to Initial.Commit redeemer (hydra-poc)
12:41:50 [225b76ad] Keep abortTx valid by distinguishing initial redeemer as Commit | Abort (hydra-poc)
12:41:50 [d129d0fa] Draft MutateComittedValue mutation (hydra-poc)
12:41:50 [83a2bdff] Add MutateCommittedAddress mutator (hydra-poc)
12:41:50 [fb32a8fe] Fix imports (hydra-poc)
12:41:50 [d6270de3] Lookup actual comittedValue in Initial validator (hydra-poc)
12:41:50 [77c5dd5a] Implement mutation changing commit value during initial script validation. (hydra-poc)
12:41:51 [2e7a79b4] Make test compile passing the list of inputs (hydra-poc)
12:41:51 [e8ced764] Check Initial script datum in the case of no committed UTXO (hydra-poc)
12:41:51 [072c7eae] Start removing SerializedTxOutRef from commit validator's datum (hydra-poc)
12:41:51 [f77afdd5] Check committed TxOut is preserved in commit datum (hydra-poc)
12:41:51 [cb04cd94] Implement observeCommitTx according to new strategy (hydra-poc)
12:41:51 [7bc645ba] Correctly deserialize initial redeemer when observing commit. (hydra-poc)
12:44:23 [e8ffbce6] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:master' into master (cardano-token-registry)
12:44:31 [1c0b408e] Added diffusion multinode sim (ouroboros-network)
12:45:09 [c054d426] adjustment after removal of fragment builder in wallet, but rather exposing it as independent struct (catalyst-toolbox)
12:45:19 [d5c3447a] CNT url update (cardano-token-registry)
12:45:30 [788fec45] [DDW-918] Display block sync progress (daedalus)
12:47:12 [b37b5611] Hash cabal artifacts by Nix config file too (hydra-poc)
12:48:05 [1d9f592c] Merge branch 'master' into adamczykm/addr1_conv (cardano-browser-tx)
13:03:43 [97583e56] Merge branch 'develop' into display-recent-nft (yoroi-mobile)
13:14:00 [5e4e35bc] Bump async-graphql-warp from 2.9.9 to 3.0.26 (jormungandr)
13:14:06 [4fac197b] Merge #3588 (ouroboros-network)
13:14:09 [9d053521] Bump async-graphql from 2.9.9 to 3.0.26 (jormungandr)
13:15:23 [74ca51cc] WIP 2 (cardano-node)
13:18:23 [1ec22e69] Flow fix (yoroi-frontend)
13:18:27 [6edeb09e] Merge pull request #1300 from jonnytracker/master (cardano-token-registry)
13:19:17 [df72d73a] Refactor checkComittedDatum (hydra-poc)
13:19:57 [6c68c98c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:19:58 [adc9c3d5] write placeholders (cardano-browser-tx)
13:21:57 [80bb5666] add token minting for ExternalWalletTemplate (#3800) (jormungandr)
13:22:29 [99fa84f6] Merge pull request #1234 from ec4ae/master (cardano-token-registry)
13:23:11 [2ed6aa8c] refactoring of signTransaction - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
13:27:58 [8d7dbf30] Get pool ids from delegations (cardano-node-tests)
13:28:33 [edd05872] fixed homework and solutions (plutus-pioneer-program)
13:29:29 [92cacf4e] fixed homework (plutus-pioneer-program)
13:30:56 [d37719ac] Redirect the user in non dev/nigtly build version (yoroi-frontend)
13:38:24 [b7cd355f] update nomad-driver-nix (cicero)
13:39:23 [f1a54df9] bump haskell.nix, nix-iohk, nixpkgs, and add macOS support for the nix shell (hydra-poc)
13:39:23 [623e53c4] Hash cabal artifacts by Nix config file too (hydra-poc)
13:45:06 [361e0310] LOBSTER (cardano-token-registry)
13:46:02 [b63d046d] Merge pull request #2623 from input-output-hk/jc/fix-shelley-spec-new-pools-count (cardano-ledger)
13:47:47 [daef00d0] refactoring of signTransaction - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
13:48:05 [3ae95532] Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/Emurgo/yoroi-frontend into Ahmed/colors (yoroi-frontend)
13:48:12 [3b340a54] fix missing tokenInfos (#1894) (yoroi-mobile)
13:48:24 [81a5fb87] Merge branch 'develop' into release-4.6.0 (yoroi-mobile)
13:49:08 [1e528a40] LOBSTER (cardano-token-registry)
13:55:21 [6b27b851] Resolve/update TODOs (hydra-poc)
13:55:57 [25ad7a77] LOBSTER (cardano-token-registry)
13:57:49 [132942ca] Fixed data_hash column reference and returned it after the history query rollback (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:59:58 [4c2b02b7] LOBSTER (cardano-token-registry)
14:00:15 [3b493c9d] Small refactor in observeCommitTx (hydra-poc)
14:05:05 [9a972226] Fix missing imports during development mode (plutarch)
14:07:08 [193716ac] Added fixed tx parsing when signing a tx (yoroi-frontend)
14:08:33 [df478846] Version bump 4.9.504 (yoroi-frontend)
14:09:06 [53d1ed06] LOBSTER (cardano-token-registry)
14:09:32 [0062788a] Decoder for Tx cbor (cardano-browser-tx)
14:10:30 [683b6e31] point symmetric-cipher to input-output-hk (catalyst-toolbox)
14:16:13 [0b9e027c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
14:17:07 [3384280b] Don't doubly generate common PAB types (marlowe-cardano)
14:17:23 [8871ba2f] Merge branch 'main' into marlowe-run-development (marlowe-cardano)
14:18:26 [49fe96f3] Adding global slot and fixing the tip-status response format (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:18:55 [d53b1e33] Merge pull request #884 from mkoura/pool_ids_from_delegations (cardano-node-tests)
14:20:28 [5bb18469] Delete pgsql lock file during cleanup (cardano-node-tests)
14:20:34 [90a746c9] more efficient pletFields with skipping (plutarch)
14:22:30 [51c92e54] Merge pull request #317 from Emurgo/ruslan/data-hash-fix (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:22:48 [2e3e22c5] mint initial tokens in test_vote_flow (catalyst-toolbox)
14:23:05 [15447506] Merge branch 'master' into ruslan/slot-no (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:23:23 [922911b2] `ToJSON` instance for `Fee` (cardano-browser-tx)
14:27:55 [69854c46] Fix tests but fourmolu fails (plutarch)
14:28:03 [9953dc3c] Bump the ledger version. (ouroboros-network)
14:28:22 [7f035923] Use a clearer name for fee estimate errors (cardano-browser-tx)
14:31:07 [5b2b7562] Revert "rename max_client_connections" (jormungandr)
14:32:50 [3c249cb6] removed commented code, corrected docs for pletFields, docs on Drop (plutarch)
14:33:02 [f751ab21] Merge branch 'staging' of github.com:Plutonomicon/plutarch into tilde/morebindings (plutarch)
14:38:21 [aa94e05e] Fix formatting (plutarch)
14:39:54 [a0cb45de] improve utxoAt functionality (cardano-browser-tx)
14:45:45 [8c5b5829] Merge pull request #665 from input-output-hk/chore/bump-cardano-node-ogmios (cardano-graphql)
14:46:27 [4d0b0761] chore(deps-dev): bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 (cardano-graphql)
14:46:37 [616f358b] chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.13.0 to 1.14.7 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
14:46:40 [d62e038b] chore(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.14.4 to 1.14.7 (cardano-graphql)
14:46:48 [74052b97] chore(deps): bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 in /docs (cardano-graphql)
14:46:52 [6e7c9f32] chore(deps): bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 (cardano-graphql)
14:47:51 [d91b40c7] Fix: Implemented design as agreed (ouroboros-network)
14:49:50 [203dbceb] Merge pull request #885 from mkoura/pgsql_lock_delete (cardano-node-tests)
14:54:48 [178a311a] refactoring of signTransaction - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
14:54:51 [3eb36847] Use tellEvent to create reward events every time the RewardPulser pulses. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:56:21 [6b093a6c] Add tests for ByteArray. Apply suggestions from code review. (cardano-browser-tx)
14:56:29 [f10df6a1] remove usage of srm (adawallet)
14:58:28 [06c6867b] expose jormungandr path setting in starter (jormungandr)
15:02:31 [3860052c] Revise discussion of script context (CIPs)
15:02:31 [ee2a6372] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into klntsky/bytearray-type (cardano-browser-tx)
15:05:07 [aa80407f] tokio: switch the whole library to async tokio for now (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
15:07:00 [a30602b9] protocols: modernize the Protocol trait (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
15:07:03 [76929268] examples: switch to env_logger for better experience (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
15:08:49 [db3ffd54] blockfetch: add support for the block fetch protocol with iteration (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
15:09:01 [130f6e4b] Prettier (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:10:01 [c515e1e6] Add comments for type-families (note: things are still in flux!) (plutarch)
15:15:11 [a9d75e2b] Merge pull request #185 from Plutonomicon/tilde/morebindings (plutarch)
15:15:37 [7b33c818] Correct description re: Term s (plutarch)
15:15:46 [8079c4ed] Merge pull request #192 from Plutonomicon/dev-fix (plutarch)
15:17:27 [0b497d3b] [chore] Retrying if bio disabled on wallet selection (yoroi-mobile)
15:18:05 [37e45b48] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
15:18:11 [2eef0e71] Cuby Token (cardano-token-registry)
15:18:19 [138555db] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/theachyutraj/cardano-token-registry (cardano-token-registry)
15:20:10 [e7d7e30a] Update with `pletFields` change (plutarch)
15:20:43 [8f413014] change process pin (cardano-node)
15:23:18 [b8fce1a4] Add Matthew to credits (plutarch)
15:24:47 [8665d655] wip (cardano-wallet)
15:27:15 [22d34c06] protocol: support `Message::from_values()` failure (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
15:28:44 [f81199b7] Extend deserialiseFromRawBytesHex to produce error description (cardano-node)
15:28:44 [75aa8a73] Use updated deserialiseFromRawBytesHex (cardano-node)
15:28:44 [158178ff] Simplify code using Parsec (cardano-node)
15:30:46 [af4af94c] trivial: style improvements (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
15:31:43 [2cc23233] clean up utxosAt' (cardano-browser-tx)
15:34:48 [c6793636] Introduce `PLamL'`, so we can pdelay empty arg case (plutarch)
15:36:05 [f1e7a7c0] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/staging' into srid/generic-plutustype (plutarch)
15:40:05 [9542cc77] Merge pull request #124 from input-output-hk/prem-sim-rebase (bitte)
15:40:11 [bfb7f31b] Update strum_macros requirement from 0.22.0 to 0.23.1 (#694) (chain-libs)
15:41:46 [15355365] Cleanup & update EVM dependencies (#733) (chain-libs)
15:42:53 [0d9ca830] Regenerate ledger state golden files. (ouroboros-network)
15:46:29 [ee0e2737] further refactor of utxosAt' and balanceTx (cardano-browser-tx)
15:50:15 [c921fcf4] Update interesting-queries.md (cardano-db-sync)
15:55:05 [60304a76] txsubmission: use proper protocol name (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
15:57:56 [7c81a1a1] Rename seabugsource (plutarch)
15:57:56 [dfc9fedd] Seabug WIP (plutarch)
15:58:33 [8cca1267] Update Chain.Direct.TxSpec (and collaterals) to work with cardano-api. (hydra-poc)
15:59:03 [c7f5ebfb] refactor (marlowe-cardano)
15:59:32 [3ca82801] Update number of tokens after burning (developer-portal)
16:03:58 [35703e83] Bump the ledger version. (ouroboros-network)
16:03:58 [5beaf61f] Regenerate ledger state golden files. (ouroboros-network)
16:08:05 [533547fa] chore: bump version, update changelog (cardano-graphql)
16:10:20 [699c8431] Rename data encoded `PMaybe` and `PEither` types (plutarch)
16:10:55 [5673817b] Add `hrecField` to `Plutarch.Prelude` (plutarch)
16:12:04 [7fc85097] test(blockfrost): added e2e tests comments (cardano-js-sdk)
16:12:06 [68987c95] ci: Tokio is no longer experimental (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
16:12:23 [e36418c6] Updated again the decimals (cardano-token-registry)
16:14:49 [76fff813] Simplify code using Parsec (cardano-node)
16:14:49 [7b478d28] Use updated deserialiseFromRawBytesHex (cardano-node)
16:14:54 [685e4e75] Updated sequence numbers (cardano-token-registry)
16:18:52 [8e9b0946] Merge pull request #2629 from input-output-hk/lehins/reduce-overhead-of-inline-datums (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:19:09 [eb91d4b2] UncleBenny51 (cardano-token-registry)
16:20:54 [62c78b1c] Clean up for review (ouroboros-network)
16:21:02 [bf6553fe] UncleBenny52 (cardano-token-registry)
16:22:14 [22aa206c] UncleBenny53 (cardano-token-registry)
16:23:06 [273ba651] Merge pull request #1304 from theachyutraj/master (cardano-token-registry)
16:23:27 [a5abe779] Another try for validation (cardano-token-registry)
16:23:42 [9db57555] UncleBenny54 (cardano-token-registry)
16:23:51 [5fcff290] Merge pull request #1305 from MarklJenkins/master (cardano-token-registry)
16:24:10 [7036b145] Merge pull request #1306 from MarklJenkins/branch02 (cardano-token-registry)
16:24:27 [b55ac946] Merge pull request #1307 from MarklJenkins/branch03 (cardano-token-registry)
16:24:48 [968af8fa] UncleBenny55 (cardano-token-registry)
16:24:49 [d30405e7] Merge pull request #1308 from MarklJenkins/branch04 (cardano-token-registry)
16:25:54 [95b4cad1] UncleBenny56 (cardano-token-registry)
16:26:27 [ed4747a9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:27:15 [2ae9593a] UncleBenny57 (cardano-token-registry)
16:28:01 [9c6e51ed] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
16:28:16 [e182a2bd] UncleBenny58 (cardano-token-registry)
16:29:24 [81901f00] UncleBenny59 (cardano-token-registry)
16:30:25 [377fc45f] UncleBenny60 (cardano-token-registry)
16:33:09 [d1d2298a] UncleBenny61 (cardano-token-registry)
16:34:35 [a05f6e1e] UncleBenny62 (cardano-token-registry)
16:35:45 [2a89859b] UncleBenny63 (cardano-token-registry)
16:35:48 [488ce35e] Update essential-cardano-list.md (essential-cardano)
16:37:54 [5ec06710] UncleBenny64 (cardano-token-registry)
16:38:28 [633cb765] ci: Split jobs per OS type (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
16:39:07 [0b109967] UncleBenny65 (cardano-token-registry)
16:40:02 [e1b1ea56] Merge pull request #207 from Rokke95/main (essential-cardano)
16:40:17 [3148fde7] UncleBenny66 (cardano-token-registry)
16:41:17 [a1309537] UncleBenny67 (cardano-token-registry)
16:42:21 [9175823a] UncleBenny68 (cardano-token-registry)
16:44:18 [280a4bf8] UncleBenny69 (cardano-token-registry)
16:45:23 [20e73228] UncleBenny70 (cardano-token-registry)
16:47:53 [0f8c6d7e] refactor (marlowe-cardano)
16:48:24 [8e1883d3] Merge pull request #1309 from MarklJenkins/branch05 (cardano-token-registry)
16:48:45 [f3462534] Merge pull request #1310 from MarklJenkins/branch06 (cardano-token-registry)
16:49:04 [2a532523] Merge pull request #1311 from MarklJenkins/branch07 (cardano-token-registry)
16:49:26 [ce605217] Merge pull request #1312 from MarklJenkins/branch08 (cardano-token-registry)
16:49:44 [8d949e80] add the external membench to cardano-nodes hydra jobs (cardano-node)
16:49:44 [18859393] Merge pull request #1313 from MarklJenkins/branch9 (cardano-token-registry)
16:50:06 [78c93e02] Merge pull request #1314 from MarklJenkins/branch10 (cardano-token-registry)
16:50:24 [078a2460] Merge pull request #1315 from markl-jenkins/master (cardano-token-registry)
16:50:45 [fc469f26] Merge pull request #1316 from markl-jenkins/branch02 (cardano-token-registry)
16:50:56 [65d2c475] Merge #3526 (cardano-node)
16:51:05 [75e5d97c] Merge pull request #1317 from markl-jenkins/branch03 (cardano-token-registry)
16:51:22 [019d7844] Merge pull request #1318 from markl-jenkins/branch04 (cardano-token-registry)
16:51:42 [b2e47171] Merge pull request #1319 from markl-jenkins/branch05 (cardano-token-registry)
16:52:03 [8dc886a0] Merge pull request #1320 from markl-jenkins/branch06 (cardano-token-registry)
16:54:07 [70864d1c] Merge pull request #1321 from markl-jenkins/branch07 (cardano-token-registry)
16:54:24 [b230ab7a] Merge pull request #1322 from markl-jenkins/branch08 (cardano-token-registry)
16:54:41 [663d323e] Merge pull request #1323 from markl-jenkins/branch09 (cardano-token-registry)
16:54:58 [48288e64] Merge pull request #1324 from markl-jenkins/branch10 (cardano-token-registry)
16:57:16 [fddee331] Add a known limitation to 0.2.0 (hydra-poc)
16:58:15 [2af18260] node documentation: address review (cardano-node)
17:06:09 [ec98cd34] fix json serialization (marlowe-cardano)
17:06:24 [01d0bf24] [chore] Retrying if bio disabled on wallet selection (#1895) (yoroi-mobile)
17:06:35 [b8ad1a0d] Merge branch 'develop' into release-4.6.0 (yoroi-mobile)
17:06:39 [99bab273] Fix warnings (cardano-browser-tx)
17:06:52 [0ad5ade8] add the external membench to cardano-nodes hydra jobs (cardano-node)
17:07:36 [6eb2bf70] Merge #3526 (cardano-node)
17:08:36 [40edc8ce] update link to MLabs pab (cardano-browser-tx)
17:11:04 [913f3e71] Merge branch 'viet/balance-tx' into viet/ogmios-to-transaction (cardano-browser-tx)
17:12:10 [86c140f2] Remove @mark-stopka as a reviewer (oura)
17:14:39 [5c13e638] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into klntsky/serialization-lib (cardano-browser-tx)
17:15:48 [3f860e60] Change drag and drop icon to hamburger (marlowe-cardano)
17:19:01 [afb7e127] link to typeform registration (testnets-cardano-org)
17:19:54 [992ca8c4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:20:10 [f4ed3be6] Merge pull request #712 from cardano-foundation/update-plutus-registration (testnets-cardano-org)
17:20:26 [b2c54a55] Merge pull request #713 from cardano-foundation/staging (testnets-cardano-org)
17:20:53 [01552a0b] Merge master into staging (testnets-cardano-org)
17:26:18 [3c87cd79] fix(ci): Remove Non-Linux OS from the linux jobs (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
17:33:49 [f47979da] fix flake uri (ci-ops)
17:34:55 [58140c48] Merge #90 (ci-ops)
17:34:58 [85ac9346] Delete AWARD2-01.png (cardano-token-registry)
17:35:57 [fd1be91c] Delete CHIMPY-go.png (cardano-token-registry)
17:37:20 [2bf4c32c] Merge #3500 (cardano-node)
17:37:41 [71960cc9] Merge branch 'master' into master (cardano-token-registry)
17:40:07 [3a2d717a] Merge pull request #168 from MELD-labs/mac-nix-shell (hydra-poc)
17:40:24 [66478b2f] Merge branch 'klntsky/bytearray-type' into klntsky/serialization-lib (cardano-browser-tx)
17:44:28 [12a2dd6b] and drop .git (ci-ops)
17:49:35 [0886df01] ci: Add MacOS X as required build target (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
17:51:04 [b8cdd0af] [DDW-880] Use react-polymorph forward attr feature (daedalus)
17:51:51 [124cccc1] drop .com also (ci-ops)
17:52:51 [cfe3da0b] update CODEOWNERS for network tracers (cardano-node)
17:52:51 [6b8f8162] cardano-node: fix code formatting (cardano-node)
17:52:51 [cc8aef4a] Updated ouroboros-network version (cardano-node)
17:52:51 [05255365] Turn some p2p traces on by default (cardano-node)
17:52:51 [086e3b64] Fixed peer selection counters misconfiguration (cardano-node)
17:52:51 [2ff57671] connection-manager & inbound governor transition tracers (cardano-node)
17:53:32 [2b76be98] Session 2 (plutarch)
17:55:04 [e1a1b65c] Minor cleanup (plutarch)
17:58:28 [dab6ef74] Extend describeCardanoTx by printing inputs (hydra-poc)
17:58:28 [2528b577] Improve property output by adding BasicFailure as counter example (hydra-poc)
17:58:28 [915b349c] Add a healthyCommitTx and validate it (hydra-poc)
17:58:29 [ec54f98d] Made property output better understandable again (hydra-poc)
17:58:29 [994e5cab] Add committed utxo to the lookup utxo (hydra-poc)
17:58:29 [49fe547e] Fix healthyCommitTx to use the same PubKeyHash (hydra-poc)
17:58:29 [11d6e493] Small refactor on mkInitialOutput (hydra-poc)
17:58:29 [a8a544be] Have Initial validator check values (hydra-poc)
17:58:29 [e8aa1870] Add Commit mutator for changing committed value (hydra-poc)
17:58:29 [900fdc27] Add output values to describeCardanoTx (hydra-poc)
17:58:30 [b005fee9] Implement a debugInteger to show decimals (hydra-poc)
17:58:30 [b2d34a58] Add a Maybe TxOutRef to Initial.Commit redeemer (hydra-poc)
17:58:30 [5bebe3f8] Keep abortTx valid by distinguishing initial redeemer as Commit | Abort (hydra-poc)
17:58:30 [1798d7af] Lookup actual comittedValue in Initial validator (hydra-poc)
17:58:30 [5550dd7c] Make committed value const 8₳ in healthyCommitTx (hydra-poc)
17:58:30 [8c570d7e] Fix imports (hydra-poc)
17:58:30 [e95b8764] Fix/fake initial validator to check comittedValue (hydra-poc)
17:58:31 [52a6d8aa] Check committed TxOut is preserved in commit datum (hydra-poc)
17:58:31 [1219b8db] Start removing SerializedTxOutRef from commit validator's datum (hydra-poc)
17:58:31 [620e1cc3] Implement observeCommitTx according to new strategy (hydra-poc)
17:58:31 [dbc26a11] Add MutateCommittedAddress mutator (hydra-poc)
17:58:31 [152112d6] Implement mutation changing commit value during initial script validation. (hydra-poc)
17:58:31 [3cf81dc1] Draft MutateComittedValue mutation (hydra-poc)
17:58:31 [60bd00c4] Check Initial script datum in the case of no committed UTXO (hydra-poc)
17:58:32 [52856a67] Refactor checkComittedDatum (hydra-poc)
17:58:32 [8794cee7] Small refactor in observeCommitTx (hydra-poc)
17:58:32 [0f337bfe] Make test compile passing the list of inputs (hydra-poc)
17:58:32 [b7008569] Correctly deserialize initial redeemer when observing commit. (hydra-poc)
17:58:32 [9dca4fa0] Resolve/update TODOs (hydra-poc)
17:58:59 [6af0ff12] Fully embrace cardano-api in Hydra.Chain. (hydra-poc)
17:58:59 [2e0e247b] Fully embrace cardano-api in Chain.Direct.Tx. Finally. (hydra-poc)
17:58:59 [7ab61fdb] Ripple changes from adopting cardano-api in the direct chain to tx-cost executable. (hydra-poc)
17:58:59 [8a17c0b7] Update Chain.Direct.TxSpec (and collaterals) to work with cardano-api. (hydra-poc)
18:00:24 [d7fbf456] Create RELEASE.tpl.md (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
18:02:17 [e3eadcc0] WIP attempt to fix metatheory. (plutus)
18:02:48 [75e1981e] Create release.yml (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
18:10:20 [eae7c3ef] make token_distribution pub instead of pub(crate) (chain-libs)
18:10:53 [cee0d311] [DDW-918] Display block sync progress (daedalus)
18:13:06 [5263acc7] specify the seed operation and slotToSeed function (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:14:16 [737e999d] [DDW-918] Display block sync progress (daedalus)
18:15:46 [20c11730] refactor(ci): Improve GitHub Actions workflows (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
18:20:52 [df1612eb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
18:24:50 [57226a90] [DDW-614] Remove extra css variable for reward text (daedalus)
18:25:14 [4257aaf1] [DDW-614] Do not display rewards for byron wallets (daedalus)
18:28:24 [b81f9252] deploy: 3a2d717a504a0c9d790504fd12e2beab78040090 (hydra-poc)
18:31:26 [0d18685d] refactor(ci): Add changelog generation & Improve build workflow (#88) (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
18:31:44 [5ac8f5b5] Merge branch 'master' into pavlix-tokio (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
18:32:37 [ced2ef44] started deploying (plutus-pioneer-program)
18:34:48 [af511ff4] started deploying (plutus-pioneer-program)
18:35:10 [2a59db4f] Merge branch 'week03' into week03-solutions (plutus-pioneer-program)
18:42:29 [9bf1d11b] fix(ci): Remove Windows from MacOS X pipeline (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
18:42:48 [a8669690] Merge branch 'master' into pavlix-tokio (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
18:44:04 [a6c0dacb] add `gpmatch`, and simplify type families (plutarch)
18:47:19 [9ad0822f] WIP simplify last of the InMemory holes (ouroboros-network)
18:49:31 [e1bb3a7d] Expand copyright notice (plutarch)
18:49:47 [d41cdfa9] Merge branch 'master' into staging (plutarch)
18:50:59 [5655ed31] WIP: remove AnnMK (ouroboros-network)
18:57:11 [106f42e9] refactor(ci): Linting pipelining (oura)
18:59:53 [bfeeb7a3] chore(deps): bump serde from 1.0.135 to 1.0.136 (#102) (oura)
19:01:10 [b4670f6b] Derive for list, pair and rationale (plutarch)
19:03:27 [42bd5707] fix(ci): Remove Windows from Linux CI pipeline (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
19:04:53 [f03470d8] UncleBenny71 (cardano-token-registry)
19:06:36 [2c4bffdf] UncleBenny72 (cardano-token-registry)
19:07:35 [5f93ece4] UncleBenny73 (cardano-token-registry)
19:09:09 [87ae31e0] UncleBenny74 (cardano-token-registry)
19:10:09 [a3a6eadd] UncleBenny75 (cardano-token-registry)
19:11:09 [d0173b01] UncleBenny76 (cardano-token-registry)
19:12:06 [133f99f7] UncleBenny77 (cardano-token-registry)
19:13:15 [de682dd8] tx-generator: add more documentation (cardano-node)
19:13:49 [b4c89cf9] UncleBenny78 (cardano-token-registry)
19:14:01 [275168a5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
19:14:48 [7248112f] UncleBenny79 (cardano-token-registry)
19:15:58 [380d842f] UncleBenny80 (cardano-token-registry)
19:16:06 [d7bac8c8] Initial commit of version 3 of the Plutus Core Specification (plutus)
19:17:13 [07577058] [DDW-920] Diagnostics screen (daedalus)
19:17:51 [5b9d4810] UncleBenny81 (cardano-token-registry)
19:19:06 [fb32a5ff] UncleBenny82 (cardano-token-registry)
19:20:01 [9e7d7860] [WIP] Implement new API for address & CSL interactions (cardano-browser-tx)
19:20:17 [d4c43907] UncleBenny83 (cardano-token-registry)
19:20:40 [d099b88f] WIP add seqno sanity-check to forwardTableKeySets (ouroboros-network)
19:20:53 [df013868] TOSQUASH rename ReadKeySets type synonym (ouroboros-network)
19:21:27 [f97a077a] UncleBenny84 (cardano-token-registry)
19:22:36 [7f552763] UncleBenny85 (cardano-token-registry)
19:23:45 [4213f55e] UncleBenny86 (cardano-token-registry)
19:24:59 [1be7d29f] UncleBenny87 (cardano-token-registry)
19:25:02 [42805043] [DDW-920] Use an appropriate way of stopping Daedalus for blank screen fix (daedalus)
19:26:03 [66510de1] UncleBenny88 (cardano-token-registry)
19:26:15 [67bd6cea] Introduce smart types for pub key hashes and wallet IDs (marlowe-cardano)
19:27:08 [5b14150a] UncleBenny89 (cardano-token-registry)
19:28:17 [8c903475] UncleBenny90 (cardano-token-registry)
19:33:49 [68627dac] WIP 3 (cardano-node)
19:33:53 [88f72e3c] [DDW-920] Use an appropriate way of stopping Daedalus for blank screen fix (daedalus)
19:33:59 [f52cdbb6] wip: prem deployType support (bitte)
19:42:00 [41b0a589] Fix double 'api' prefixes in MonadAjax (marlowe-cardano)
19:42:48 [74ab1a93] Try #3096: (cardano-wallet)
19:47:03 [ca064568] refactor(tokio): big switch to tokio and new internal protocol interface + blockfetch client (#86) (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
19:47:28 [d5e1b52c] Merge branch 'master' into ci-test-examples-agains-cardano-node (rust-cardano-ouroboros-network)
19:57:36 [898cd3c8] Add Platonic.Systems copyright under License (plutarch)
20:01:41 [51d367c3] Merge pull request #1326 from MarklJenkins/master (cardano-token-registry)
20:02:09 [ad7c6e80] Merge pull request #1327 from MarklJenkins/branch02 (cardano-token-registry)
20:02:30 [a416e2d3] Merge pull request #1328 from MarklJenkins/branch03 (cardano-token-registry)
20:02:53 [7582da00] Merge pull request #1329 from MarklJenkins/branch04 (cardano-token-registry)
20:02:56 [70b98742] Merge pull request #3500 from input-output-hk/trace-doc (cardano-node)
20:03:16 [3c42a447] Merge pull request #1330 from MarklJenkins/branch05 (cardano-token-registry)
20:03:36 [45df3715] Merge pull request #1331 from MarklJenkins/branch06 (cardano-token-registry)
20:03:38 [b2642a9a] Disallow nullary/unary constructors (plutarch)
20:03:56 [148458c2] Merge pull request #1332 from MarklJenkins/branch07 (cardano-token-registry)
20:04:21 [842a39e8] Merge pull request #1333 from MarklJenkins/branch08 (cardano-token-registry)
20:04:40 [209f7044] Merge pull request #1334 from MarklJenkins/branch9 (cardano-token-registry)
20:05:02 [0a2f6b4b] Merge pull request #1335 from MarklJenkins/branch10 (cardano-token-registry)
20:05:18 [8c78fb78] [DDW-920] Use an appropriate way of stopping Daedalus for blank screen fix (daedalus)
20:07:07 [9c3b4642] Merge pull request #1336 from markl-jenkins/master (cardano-token-registry)
20:07:24 [569d66d4] Merge pull request #1337 from markl-jenkins/branch02 (cardano-token-registry)
20:07:49 [f31f00f4] Merge pull request #1338 from markl-jenkins/branch03 (cardano-token-registry)
20:08:06 [0ed3adb0] Merge pull request #1339 from markl-jenkins/branch04 (cardano-token-registry)
20:08:39 [8f8ee37e] Merge pull request #1340 from markl-jenkins/branch05 (cardano-token-registry)
20:08:57 [59ae1a88] Merge pull request #1341 from markl-jenkins/branch06 (cardano-token-registry)
20:09:17 [3e5caaed] Merge pull request #1342 from markl-jenkins/branch07 (cardano-token-registry)
20:09:35 [937d37cc] Merge pull request #1343 from markl-jenkins/branch08 (cardano-token-registry)
20:09:56 [b6514f2e] Merge pull request #1344 from markl-jenkins/branch09 (cardano-token-registry)
20:10:07 [be09d84d] Try global ghcOptions (cardano-node)
20:10:07 [62fd114a] CAD-2399 ghc: build everything with -g3 (cardano-node)
20:10:07 [cab3d48a] CAD-2399 ghc: try the haskell.nix method of globally enabling -g3 (cardano-node)
20:10:07 [4bcb3fad] Try global ghcOptions (cardano-node)
20:10:12 [1700d1a4] Merge pull request #1345 from markl-jenkins/branch10 (cardano-token-registry)
20:10:27 [0b1399f5] bench | locli: allow LOResources insert slots -- towards relay analysis (cardano-node)
20:14:19 [2f14a17a] Split Plutarch.hs -> {PLam.hs, PlutusType.hs} (plutarch)
20:14:21 [6299d3ee] provide a reference for the cost model keys (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:16:40 [4d5d49cd] map addresses in Initial::Token (catalyst-toolbox)
20:17:46 [9a957dd4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:17:47 [23566a7a] set Cargo.lock to a version where it compiles (catalyst-toolbox)
20:21:46 [f5896416] Deployed haddocks (cardano-node)
20:22:05 [3b0d9e17] Tidy up a bit. (plutus)
20:25:32 [2284ba1c] Initialized the FFI tests (plutarch)
20:30:07 [50fdb12b] ci: Start linting both code and some support files (#96) (oura)
20:33:06 [0aa767a9] nix flake show --option allow-import-from-derivation true (cardano-memory-benchmark)
20:33:18 [856af99b] Enable anyclass deriving for PlutusType... (plutarch)
20:33:56 [80eb2c6a] UncleBenny91 (cardano-token-registry)
20:36:13 [5fe92029] UncleBenny92 (cardano-token-registry)
20:37:17 [b06475af] UncleBenny93 (cardano-token-registry)
20:38:20 [b918a41d] UncleBenny94 (cardano-token-registry)
20:39:17 [5932c850] Merge pull request #1346 from MarklJenkins/master (cardano-token-registry)
20:39:38 [3ab9ef6b] Merge pull request #1347 from MarklJenkins/branch02 (cardano-token-registry)
20:39:55 [010dd5f8] Merge pull request #1348 from MarklJenkins/branch03 (cardano-token-registry)
20:40:14 [1a34f5aa] Merge pull request #1349 from MarklJenkins/branch04 (cardano-token-registry)
20:40:16 [41a06a7e] UncleBenny95 (cardano-token-registry)
20:41:31 [817e628d] UncleBenny96 (cardano-token-registry)
20:42:29 [8d3d3c8d] UncleBenny97 (cardano-token-registry)
20:43:35 [416a9f11] UncleBenny98 (cardano-token-registry)
20:44:05 [d47af9bf] Merge pull request #318 from Emurgo/ruslan/slot-no (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
20:44:45 [8098433f] UncleBenny99 (cardano-token-registry)
20:45:50 [0352a59b] UncleBenny100 (cardano-token-registry)
20:49:57 [7412ce78] feat: introduce deriveByronAddresses for getAccountInfo, getBalanceHistory (blockfrost-websocket-link)
20:53:04 [4d28ed38] P2S matching fixed. (yoroi-frontend)
21:00:32 [3772006d] removing context struct -> replaced by SessionSettings. Elevated root folder across controllers. Generated documentation on controller build not only on monitor (jormungandr)
21:07:29 [6f75e52d] feat: toggle byron address derivation (blockfrost-websocket-link-ui)
21:09:54 [1488e8d5] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into enhancement/praos-implementation-sanity (high-assurance-legacy)
21:11:25 [af3c15b5] fix: Make bech32 encoding network-aware (oura)
21:15:40 [ccbe9286] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:15:45 [8e241b94] Apply clippy suggestions (oura)
21:17:07 [0798983d] UpdateMaterialized; remove version number (plutus)
21:19:46 [aa8f1334] Remove the undefined hack in GPCon (plutarch)
21:20:42 [bdbffcba] Apply clippy suggestions, again (oura)
21:29:15 [92993df2] Disallow deriving for `PProxy` like types (plutarch)
21:29:30 [c6e5a296] Merge pull request #1350 from MarklJenkins/branch05 (cardano-token-registry)
21:29:53 [11f62409] Merge pull request #1351 from MarklJenkins/branch06 (cardano-token-registry)
21:30:13 [6b107ba4] Merge pull request #1352 from MarklJenkins/branch07 (cardano-token-registry)
21:30:21 [f563b1dc] Merge pull request #194 from Plutonomicon/finishing-touches (plutarch)
21:30:29 [9d79c448] Merge pull request #1353 from MarklJenkins/branch08 (cardano-token-registry)
21:30:45 [ab962f52] Merge pull request #1354 from MarklJenkins/branch9 (cardano-token-registry)
21:31:01 [1911ca38] Merge pull request #1355 from MarklJenkins/branch10 (cardano-token-registry)
21:35:07 [ca6ee4d6] Add test for checking scott encoding laziness (plutarch)
21:37:05 [9a0e4cfc] Merge pull request #241 from `input-output-hk/enhancement/praos-implementation-sanity` (high-assurance-legacy)
21:37:50 [1469c9e3] Merge pull request #1281 from AdaTokenizer/master (cardano-token-registry)
21:38:08 [5e91dccf] make token_distribution pub instead of pub(crate) (#735) (chain-libs)
21:43:34 [539be27b] move test setup in integration tests to vitup (vit-testing)
21:43:48 [38e46982] Updated the ergo p2s funcitonality to process zero or more potential address keys in a tree, not just a necessarily single one (yoroi-frontend)
21:45:20 [30a9f240] remove any trace from Context struct (vit-testing)
21:46:56 [def71bfc] temporarily point dependency to jormungandr branch (vit-testing)
21:47:18 [72b211a0] update tests (vit-testing)
21:51:42 [455ae893] Add Stake ptr test (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:27 [7df33507] Fix rollback test (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:33 [a67c6c70] Rename RegisteredTxId to TxId (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:33 [dcc1d2b2] PoolOwner now references PoolUpdate, instead of PoolHash and Tx (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:33 [ab7df349] Fix hlint and stylish (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:33 [1b080878] Drop admin table (cardano-db-sync)
21:52:34 [3107de42] Use a reference to StakeAddress for pool reward account (cardano-db-sync)
21:53:13 [e3d0e319] Updated the ergo p2s funcitonality to check box registers for address keys as well (yoroi-frontend)
21:56:32 [7488adbb] Cleanups (plutarch)
21:59:49 [eaf78695] Add new migration file (cardano-db-sync)
22:00:54 [5be15095] Fixing types (yoroi-frontend)
22:03:12 [9c7d697a] Add printTerm tests for PMaybe and PPair (plutarch)
22:10:15 [ccea6f78] More cleanups (plutarch)
22:10:31 [3141797d] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/staging' into srid/generic-plutustype (plutarch)
22:12:17 [bc75b7ad] Update ff791cdf3857627970df7f7930bfb7c8eee3ce45df43860d68b9ef604348494d5059.json (cardano-token-registry)
22:15:49 [28a8a4ce] Update haddock for PlutusType class (plutarch)
22:16:27 [8ca6efbc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
22:17:19 [56e12d85] Removing p2s check by address, because `input.address` is not available at the moment (input is only a tx output pointer) (yoroi-frontend)
22:20:17 [4bad7ee2] Move to Plutarch.Internal.PLam (plutarch)
22:28:30 [296de845] fix: Make bech32 encoding network-aware (#104) (oura)
22:28:58 [028f42a5] fix typescript errors (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
22:29:18 [6372d8d0] fix yarn audit vulnerabilities (ledgerjs-cardano-shelley)
22:30:54 [9861d4ab] Sync parent commit change to LICENSE (plutarch)
22:32:16 [c2cb3775] Make PlutusType internal (plutarch)
22:34:10 [57396d9c] Remove leftover files (plutarch)
22:34:11 [7f47e885] Merge pull request #197 from Plutonomicon/srid-patch-1 (plutarch)
22:36:44 [8f842ced] Merge pull request #189 from Plutonomicon/srid/generic-plutustype (plutarch)
22:40:26 [e9153b40] Version bump 4.9.505 (yoroi-frontend)
22:55:55 [d4d77a7f] Merge pull request #5 from blockfrost/feat/byron-addresses (blockfrost-websocket-link-ui)
23:01:10 [3e581286] feat: derive byron addresses for the account (#165) (blockfrost-websocket-link)
23:13:11 [e17d0718] deploying to testnet (plutus-pioneer-program)
23:13:57 [f84f626f] Skepsis NFT (cardano-token-registry)
23:14:50 [ee6343b8] Merge branch 'week03' into week03-solutions (plutus-pioneer-program)
23:15:21 [5b867262] bitte: bumped to HEAD of master (cardano-stakepool-ops)
23:17:19 [1377f5f7] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
23:26:37 [97a9fe6f] fixed typo (plutus-pioneer-program)
23:27:01 [03714287] Merge branch 'main' into week03-solutions (plutus-pioneer-program)
23:33:17 [82e224af] Remove spurious dependency on `HOL-Library` (high-assurance-legacy)
23:35:48 [ad4e67b7] Merge pull request #243 from `input-output-hk/improvement/hol-library-fake-dependency` (high-assurance-legacy)
23:38:42 [00f315b8] Use `printTerm` in `Examples.Field` (plutarch)
23:41:35 [58d5bfac] Remove `Transition_System-New` (fm-ouroboros)
23:45:13 [e007368f] Implement efficient way of getting to Byron Address from TxOut (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:46:51 [edf26cc8] Add the current version of the software (transition-systems)
23:50:34 [c855aab4] Added info for building the cardano-cli as well (cardano-node)