Home / Reports / Jun 24, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022

332 commits had been pushed across 50 repos by 82 authors. There were 1,654,055 additions and 176,698 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:02:21 [0d67fca4] refactor: remodel NetworkInfoProvider (cardano-js-sdk)
00:05:59 [d2608967] deploy: 23c6d058de538dc9cbeefc93da12c92226f08cd9 (cardano-node)
00:52:40 [c6a7b2e5] fix: correct broken wallet healthcheck (cardano)
00:53:04 [dafb1d06] fix: correct broken SRV published port record (cardano)
00:53:46 [8b73c1e6] chore: add flake with nix package (oura)
00:56:07 [f76b8baf] chore: setup repo as flake for building with nix (scrolls)
01:01:15 [38b81b2e] combining new pages into category (developer-portal)
01:15:58 [c6b80fe1] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:31:12 [2a70c6a0] feat: Introduce Addresses crate (#137) (pallas)
01:46:37 [0ce86be1] Start on bitwise primitive implementations in Core (plutus)
01:47:43 [36386201] update cardano-hw-cli (adawallet)
01:52:04 [8bab93a4] change udev dependency (adawallet)
02:39:18 [bc97ac87] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
03:20:27 [87dc473f] migrate staking (yoroi-mobile)
03:20:37 [2c82a170] Merge pull request #600 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/master-to-develop-2 (cardano-transaction-lib)
03:22:46 [db38b1cd] Merge pull request #300 from input-output-hk/fix/chained-tx-doublespend (cardano-js-sdk)
03:32:48 [8c3fea9c] deploy: db38b1cd39f2a86f6741a4157d9fe2441452bba5 (cardano-js-sdk)
03:42:48 [705ae68f] Merge pull request #288 from input-output-hk/test/update-rewards-history-with-epochs-filter-test (cardano-js-sdk)
03:45:01 [dc9e716e] WIP (plutus-apps)
03:55:07 [5807584b] deploy: 705ae68ff380a9c22547afeb87701010ed1ed61d (cardano-js-sdk)
04:12:48 [317a84fd] WIP (plutus-apps)
04:18:54 [fd47a00e] folding text lines, minor editing (developer-portal)
04:31:14 [1c70d46a] Merge branch 'develop' into rory/finalize-client (cardano-transaction-lib)
04:57:11 [a7a7cf12] refactor(e2e): migrated wallet tests to e2e package (cardano-js-sdk)
05:06:13 [17c2d2f3] Add type signatures (cardano-node)
05:37:13 [862c070a] Merge branch 'alpha' into node-1.35-alpha (guild-operators)
05:39:39 [df5d4701] chore(cardano-services): remove duplicated package.json dependency (cardano-js-sdk)
05:40:09 [78966a5b] chore(wallet): remove legacy package dev dependency (cardano-js-sdk)
05:40:34 [07d1705e] chore: bump version, update changelog (cardano-js-sdk)
05:46:32 [9cf57130] ouroboros-network-framework: stateful driver implementation (ouroboros-network)
05:46:32 [9ee5f036] network-mux: Mux's Channel - added tryRecv (ouroboros-network)
05:46:32 [d5ee9c5d] ouroboros-network-framework: updated against typed-protocols changes (ouroboros-network)
05:46:32 [40ffc8a5] ouroboros-network-testing: stateful cborg utilities (ouroboros-network)
05:46:32 [cd83fddd] ouroboros-network-framework: added unbounded buffered channel (ouroboros-network)
05:46:33 [a18fa241] channelDelay: wait before and after reading from the channel (ouroboros-network)
05:46:33 [b8d48b6f] ouroboros-network-framework: extend driver tests (ouroboros-network)
05:46:33 [2499fd3d] ouroboros-network-framework: added runConnectedPeersWithLimits (ouroboros-network)
05:46:33 [b9306575] ouroboros-network: updated against typed-protocols changes (ouroboros-network)
05:46:33 [bde2ca20] ouroboros-protocol-tests: updated against typed-protocols changes (ouroboros-network)
05:46:33 [1f8e877e] ouroboros-network: updated chain-sync and cddl components (ouroboros-network)
05:46:33 [ebac0db9] ouroboros-network-framework: name some tvars & threads (ouroboros-network)
05:46:34 [81575984] tx-submission2 tests: use unbounded channel (ouroboros-network)
05:46:34 [f15203b5] block-fetch tests: fix termination of blockFetchExample1 (ouroboros-network)
05:46:34 [5ba94db4] block-fetch tests: fixed termination tests (ouroboros-network)
05:46:34 [c5832606] tx-submission test: fixed a deadlock due to pipelining (ouroboros-network)
05:46:34 [cc635ea7] tx-submission2 tests: name client & server traces (ouroboros-network)
05:46:34 [a5506377] tx-submission2 tests: switch client & server sides (ouroboros-network)
05:46:35 [7d29cb50] chain-sync: added mapChainSyncClientSt (ouroboros-network)
05:46:35 [ed7e1a7d] chain-sync: added mapChainSyncClientPipelinedSt (ouroboros-network)
05:46:35 [36733192] Added StateToken to Protocol type class (ouroboros-network)
05:46:35 [4a32c020] ouroboros-consensus: updated against typed-protocols changes (ouroboros-network)
05:46:35 [89804520] Added entry in docs/interface-CHANGELOG.md file (ouroboros-network)
05:48:05 [2ff2f295] Updated trace-forward library (cardano-node)
05:48:06 [6971ecf4] Updated cardano-client-demo & benchmarking code (cardano-node)
05:48:06 [5d951539] Updated cardano-api (cardano-node)
05:48:06 [bd7ccc71] Updated cardano-node (cardano-node)
05:57:09 [db7a68e6] Rename performs -> sendsInput (hydra-poc)
05:57:25 [7153cc57] Make printTrace more generic (hydra-poc)
05:57:57 [e509fb5a] deploy: 07d1705e1df23b43d9f51ac461f0ebd185e824d6 (cardano-js-sdk)
05:59:20 [6d234f04] WIP (plutus-apps)
06:08:48 [a91add16] update aeson v2 (cardano-sl-x509)
06:15:21 [714ee03a] New fromJustM function (hedgehog-extras)
06:20:34 [b4ac573c] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
06:24:11 [67a2af51] New leadership schedule test (cardano-node)
06:24:14 [050bba9b] Leadership slots (cardano-node)
06:25:24 [a55b48dc] WIP (cardano-wallet)
06:26:24 [6639df52] chore(e2e): merge master changes (cardano-js-sdk)
06:33:29 [69a8df9f] Add support for JSON logging to cardano testnet (cardano-node)
06:38:53 [03071bbc] Adding NuFi wallet (cardano-documentation)
06:42:25 [6dcdc5f2] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
06:45:28 [fa9bd7a4] Add support for JSON logging to cardano testnet (cardano-node)
06:45:31 [d55acdeb] Babbage tests (cardano-node)
06:48:07 [68a07845] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
06:50:08 [02c57ae2] Add support for JSON logging to cardano testnet (cardano-node)
06:57:12 [2e6cf985] Make slotNoToPOSIXTime partial (hydra-poc)
06:58:11 [387a3a02] Add orphan FromJSON (Sized a) (hydra-poc)
06:58:16 [b9b24d7a] Add command line options for babbage testnet (cardano-node)
06:58:16 [6fa8328a] Babbage testnet (cardano-node)
06:58:16 [68a03cd7] Export wallets (cardano-node)
06:58:17 [369e2c59] Common runtime types for cardan-testnet (cardano-node)
07:22:28 [c5c1f3ca] Check block production for more epochs (cardano-node-tests)
07:23:42 [c2f8f39d] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2022-06-24 (essential-cardano-content)
07:29:43 [11746793] Merge branch 'main' into update-epoch-info-spec (koios-artifacts)
07:29:44 [b51b0686] Wallet changes due to changed ledger api (hydra-poc)
07:30:02 [6af763f7] Add rewards data to epoch_info (#43) (koios-artifacts)
07:30:58 [ac4f0940] Merge pull request #534 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/weekly-development-report-as-of-2022-06-24-1656055421960 (essential-cardano-content)
07:33:27 [ac3d28ef] Common runtime types for cardan-testnet (cardano-node)
07:34:00 [b0b5f8c7] Merge #3343 (cardano-wallet)
07:34:14 [00673322] Leadership slots (cardano-node)
07:34:14 [0c431f83] Babbage tests (cardano-node)
07:34:14 [b5ca5f12] New leadership schedule test (cardano-node)
07:34:14 [18ce831f] Add type signatures (cardano-node)
07:34:14 [79e1a6c6] Add support for JSON logging to cardano testnet (cardano-node)
07:52:33 [c04c1201] Change TimeHandle to use Either Text as well now (hydra-poc)
07:55:01 [a40dfbc4] Merge pull request #1188 from mkoura/kes_more_epochs (cardano-node-tests)
08:04:55 [a9aa62a7] test(cardano-services): extend cache tests (cardano-js-sdk)
08:09:10 [eab28882] Remove xfailures for "currently broken" commands (cardano-node-tests)
08:10:41 [d79d86f3] Some renaming of shadowed names (hydra-poc)
08:10:50 [369cd255] fix clippy CI (jormungandr)
08:15:10 [76ac25bd] Not export policyId (a Parser) from Hydra.Cardano.Api (hydra-poc)
08:21:00 [1ddf79e7] Merge pull request #1189 from mkoura/remove_currently_broken_xfails (cardano-node-tests)
08:28:59 [7588b532] [debug] tx-cost compute cost of contest debugging (hydra-poc)
08:45:33 [0bbf2415] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:55:21 [68124af5] stats: hydra b0b5f8c7f26823253d81f650b272dffe56552800 (cardano-wallet)
09:03:59 [5eb51649] timeout on tx cost evaluation (hydra-poc)
09:41:26 [a90a7097] refactor(e2e): remove e2e tests from wallet package (cardano-js-sdk)
09:43:11 [abca3674] chore(e2e): merge master (cardano-js-sdk)
09:45:59 [ebaf75a7] Update secp256k1 requirement from 0.22.1 to 0.23.0 (#827) (chain-libs)
09:46:02 [d3645096] Break recursion on old cardano-node versions (which won't be used anyway) (cardano-node)
09:48:15 [7f9c89a5] Bump jsdom from 16.2.2 to 16.7.0 in /example (react-native-haskell-shelley)
09:55:31 [3a8b5f59] chore(e2e): bump package version to 0.3.0 (cardano-js-sdk)
10:10:53 [b95af519] Merge pull request #1187 from mkoura/plutusv2_minting_happy (cardano-node-tests)
10:12:17 [3cdfe533] TTL far in the future behavior is expected (cardano-node-tests)
10:18:35 [f6cfe8d5] [DDW-409] Refactor + fix edge-cases (e.g. arm/armed/armor) (daedalus)
10:28:18 [179e2f68] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feature/ddw-409-new-mnemonic-input (daedalus)
10:29:30 [df41c930] [DDW-409] Update translations (daedalus)
10:33:43 [15307fbf] Pin point and temporarily fix contest tx generation (hydra-poc)
10:34:57 [98cf5f3a] [DDW-409] Fix styles import after merging develop (breaking) (daedalus)
10:37:02 [287f380c] Merge pull request #1190 from mkoura/ttl_far_future_expected (cardano-node-tests)
10:37:05 [de0923b9] plutip/server: remove redundant functions (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:42:57 [55235ce8] Split Unreleased into sections (changelog) (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:45:03 [2ed679c1] Merge branch 'klntsky/583-update-odc-2' of github.com:Plutonomicon/cardano-browser-tx into klntsky/583-update-odc-2 (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:45:27 [dd39547b] check collateral output feature using build-raw (cardano-node-tests)
10:55:15 [86049679] add TxOut decoration code (cardano-wallet)
10:58:29 [17f374c2] add tx meta store code (cardano-wallet)
10:59:07 [af026e4d] add transaction super store code (cardano-wallet)
11:11:08 [056df9ad] Example description (cardano-browser-tx)
11:13:48 [2b731187] Fix typo (yoroi-frontend)
11:18:36 [c951390b] Function doc (cardano-browser-tx)
11:18:59 [853a59b0] add TxOut decoration code (cardano-wallet)
11:25:35 [39ada736] minor cleanup (ouroboros-network)
11:29:35 [f6a9fbfd] add TxOut decoration code (cardano-wallet)
11:33:45 [5aa0d924] Add flake and formatting (plutarch-core-wip-draft)
11:40:01 [4c1f2a2c] Merge #3353 (cardano-wallet)
11:42:00 [51a5d86a] add tx meta store code (cardano-wallet)
11:43:28 [4dfa8912] add transaction super store code (cardano-wallet)
11:48:36 [ec0293f6] add bibliography (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
11:48:48 [01518e1b] Excessive pointer chasing done (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
11:50:08 [94b15f73] Better handling of first-time WS connections + Fix reconnecting behavior #603 (cardano-browser-tx)
11:51:31 [d40d8f7d] Merge branch 'develop' into klntsky/583-update-odc-2 (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:55:11 [4b07ca53] Dehardcode cbor hexes + doc (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:56:02 [f5785cd2] Replace (/\) operator with Tuple constructor (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:59:06 [6fca5ee2] Merge pull request #589 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/583-update-odc-2 (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:59:25 [7fbc0ee9] add bib directory (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:04:46 [931896e2] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 9 (ci-world)
12:09:25 [e7db77da] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
12:11:36 [11e0cefc] Improve docs (cardano-db-sync)
12:13:28 [126d6335] bump flake, fix bibtex import (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:14:47 [cd151d71] Merge branch 'develop' into readme-update (yoroi-mobile)
12:15:15 [fe1a311b] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@126d6335e4e100e9b47c1d24d5f8bf6a9eaa1098 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:15:58 [4914ac3b] Fix LedgerDB OnDisk tests block generator (ouroboros-network)
12:16:53 [ad788177] Dev test cleanup (#2031) (yoroi-mobile)
12:18:54 [189838b5] fix spineless g-mach reference (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:20:26 [0c4cb1b0] Update cabal_build_tests scripts to allow testing builds at commits. (cardano-node-tests)
12:20:36 [42b7c6c4] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@189838b52d211aff4f02d5b8d6ea2c25a8d24459 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
12:30:39 [5ee0c4f7] stats: hydra 4c1f2a2c8f105fc20c227e5522090a6483b5d3ad (cardano-wallet)
12:37:17 [aaa568c7] Update cabal_build_tests scripts to allow testing builds at commits. (cardano-node-tests)
12:39:32 [9207cf76] check collateral output feature using build-raw (cardano-node-tests)
12:40:05 [84ca9191] Delete data automatically when using the --disable-ledger flag on snapshots (cardano-db-sync)
12:41:25 [daa8de90] substitute the commit id for cardano-sl-x509 (cardano-wallet)
12:41:28 [278708e1] Rename no-epoch-table to disable-epoch and document (cardano-db-sync)
12:45:17 [da64f4de] Compare indices in the chain index's emulator to reduce the memory usage (plutus-apps)
12:45:58 [cff8a76e] chore: doing some refactor and adding versions (yoroi-mobile)
12:46:04 [ace7ed55] [DDW-409] Disable single mnemonic spellcheck (daedalus)
12:47:01 [116f6d1b] Refactoring and unification accross PlutusV2 spending tests (cardano-node-tests)
12:51:10 [8cc7c5b3] chore: readme improvements (yoroi-mobile)
12:52:04 [a9fedff1] Sums-of-products in PLC (plutus)
12:52:14 [4a29b32d] Merge pull request #1192 from mkoura/plutusv2_spending_refactoring (cardano-node-tests)
12:54:15 [f1cc69f2] add tx meta store code (cardano-wallet)
12:55:24 [8a4f3514] Allow passing margin fractions to `check_plutus_cost` (cardano-node-tests)
12:55:35 [b6a9a01e] Check cost for Plutus V2 script (cardano-node-tests)
12:56:06 [323f68f7] add transaction super store code (cardano-wallet)
12:56:41 [d544e666] Update installation instructions MAC users (#1990) (yoroi-mobile)
12:56:44 [db658ba1] substitute the commit id for cardano-sl-x509 (cardano-wallet)
13:02:50 [90f111e4] Merge pull request #1193 from mkoura/cost_of_typed_spending_v2_script (cardano-node-tests)
13:08:56 [c1fc9529] migrate staking (yoroi-mobile)
13:11:43 [2e93885a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:13:58 [fec77ab5] WIP (cardano-wallet)
13:18:14 [10ab8ecf] check collateral output feature using build-raw (cardano-node-tests)
13:18:48 [a2d8c772] Delete data automatically when using the --disable-ledger flag on snapshots (cardano-db-sync)
13:18:49 [a494e5e6] Rename no-epoch-table to disable-epoch and document (cardano-db-sync)
13:20:31 [5c10f133] fix location for the commit (cardano-wallet)
13:22:36 [3651c1f6] Merge branch 'main' into makeTransactionBodyAutoBalance (plutus-apps)
13:34:01 [97e61acb] tests for reference input using build-raw command (cardano-node-tests)
13:36:25 [67374071] New build without mocking HW wallets (yoroi-frontend)
13:40:56 [a8d73ec8] Generate fanoutTx more consistently (hydra-poc)
13:49:29 [b52d1a1a] Added sparse examples, cleaned up, ormolise (cardano-ledger)
13:57:05 [a0166b10] WIP (cardano-wallet)
13:58:41 [2e93c269] remove into_persistent calls (vit-servicing-station)
14:01:44 [8fa37649] Sums-of-products in PLC (plutus)
14:01:51 [05c7b5c5] moved dualality guide (cardano-ledger)
14:02:44 [bbd35509] Step1 (yoroi-frontend)
14:05:41 [6e791dc9] view on tiered fees (ouroboros-network)
14:05:45 [aba9f614] Update SALTY Logo (cardano-token-registry)
14:07:52 [4d1c1bad] Fix configuration docs (cardano-db-sync)
14:18:36 [a5e124ce] Apply formatting (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:25:00 [78b167e6] chore: change 8080 db-sync port (cardano-rosetta)
14:27:46 [bfc8d394] Use BigNum as underlying type for Slot, Fix unit tests (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:28:11 [66d02a8b] update bitte-cells (ci-world)
14:30:09 [4df43e25] copy origin ledger connect website code into here (yoroi-frontend)
14:32:31 [fb99add2] Always close with confirmed snapshot in tx-cost fanout benchmark (hydra-poc)
14:44:41 [c32b0b1c] wip (plutus-apps)
14:45:04 [0003b471] Generate fanoutTx more consistently (hydra-poc)
14:45:12 [0b2a98cd] remove (plutus-apps)
14:45:12 [22f3f9f2] wip (plutus-apps)
14:45:12 [4a9e7f09] Compare indices in the chain index's emulator to reduce the memory usage (plutus-apps)
14:45:37 [bfb6e15d] Always close with confirmed snapshot in tx-cost fanout benchmark (hydra-poc)
14:47:18 [f647de8b] chore: set server port to 8080 and 8081 for db sync prometheus (cardano-rosetta)
14:53:58 [60cff45b] Update cabal_build_tests scripts to allow testing builds at commits. (cardano-node-tests)
14:57:06 [0803647d] Changed logging messages (yoroi-frontend)
14:58:49 [be3bc1e0] tests for reference input using build command (cardano-node-tests)
15:02:04 [2866b36e] Include UTxO HD installation/usage instructions in READMEs (cardano-node)
15:03:44 [75552ea9] tests for reference input using build-raw command (cardano-node-tests)
15:07:09 [394afda4] Allow to use `Test.Util.TestBlock` in the ChainDB (ouroboros-network)
15:07:09 [52327473] ouroboros-consensus-test: Test the BlockFetch interface (ouroboros-network)
15:18:54 [6f95773c] chore: add ogmios to Dockerfile (cardano-rosetta)
15:18:58 [2e754665] chore: add cardano-node-ogmios to docker-compose (cardano-rosetta)
15:20:16 [0ac573d8] BigNum: Prefer using fromInt over fromStringUnsafe, Fix warnings (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:20:25 [0d1a968d] merge in ledger connect website (yoroi-frontend)
15:28:01 [3c140d21] SCP-4120 Added homework for lecture 7. (marlowe-pioneer-program)
15:28:26 [0046dd81] Swap Tuples in ToMetadata (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:30:38 [78bf4489] ouroboros-consensus-test: Test the BlockFetch interface (ouroboros-network)
15:34:58 [329ba7fd] plutip/server: initial startPostgres implementation (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:37:04 [bded11f9] plutip/server: replace localhost with actual ip (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:37:52 [244950c6] SCP-4120 Rendered marlowe-cli lectures as markdown. (marlowe-cardano)
15:41:30 [04369f1e] substitute put anad update operations (cardano-wallet)
15:42:55 [c91f711b] SCP-4120 Changed markdown rendering to GFM. (marlowe-cardano)
15:43:09 [b2eafac2] Merge pull request #1 from hariamoor-mlabs/impl-flake (plutarch-core-wip-draft)
15:43:15 [a217924b] SCP-3192: Preparing to run the ACTUS test-framework with Marlowe (marlowe-cardano)
15:45:23 [e9aacf2f] currentSprintMarlowe: Bump marlowe to 244950c6e15d796ed2d61ff32fd7badafb1f56c5 (plutus-ops)
15:49:12 [51385f96] Merge branch 'develop' into e2e-signing-data (yoroi-frontend)
15:50:20 [013585a8] currentSprintMarlowe: Bump marlowe to c91f711b5132620dae7713dcc5a8607605b38f8f (plutus-ops)
16:01:39 [4667a6ec] SCP-3192: ACTUS test-framework with Marlowe contracts (marlowe-cardano)
16:09:00 [b714a30d] chore: bump cardano-node 1.35.0-rc4 and cardano-db-sync 13.0.0-rc4 (cardano-rosetta)
16:10:48 [38a2afd1] Remove PSL (plutarch-core)
16:13:00 [967ae398] Update build and build-raw commands to accept simple reference minting (cardano-node)
16:13:42 [db1dd845] flake: add plutip-servver (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:15:39 [a3ff3845] Merge branch 'main' into josfaj/PLT-00-test-first-PR (plutus-apps)
16:23:33 [b71a31b5] Added rc4 changes to changelogs (cardano-node)
16:26:02 [6d5049f1] Fix LedgerDB OnDisk tests (ouroboros-network)
16:31:33 [64f88c8c] Update build and build-raw commands to accept simple reference minting (cardano-node)
16:35:04 [9df2aff8] order multiAsset metadata (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:38:33 [db318b4e] deleted Marlowe content, updated project name and copyright year (#534) (plutus-apps)
16:38:46 [42069c3c] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to db318b4e5ee5d0e55e7421f4ff4cf7e315b9016f (plutus-ops)
16:39:56 [8cadeeed] workbench: implement selective perfanalysis omission (cardano-node)
16:40:20 [d7cd53e4] Merge #4087 (cardano-node)
16:40:54 [76d2bc5e] Update view command to render reference inputs (cardano-node)
16:48:26 [94df623d] Merge pull request #2889 from Emurgo/e2e-signing-data (yoroi-frontend)
16:57:09 [eb4a4e39] plutip/server: add startPlutipServer (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:01:17 [60985222] fixed confusing wording about Snap (developer-portal)
17:14:07 [519b38de] Changelog and schema changes for version 13.0.0 (cardano-db-sync)
17:14:39 [739fed42] Update dependencies (cardano-db-sync)
17:14:39 [e051c7fb] Improve docs (cardano-db-sync)
17:14:40 [92a01347] Delete data automatically when using the --disable-ledger flag on snapshots (cardano-db-sync)
17:14:40 [1b8f841b] Rename no-epoch-table to disable-epoch and document (cardano-db-sync)
17:20:07 [21456bcd] Merge #4088 (cardano-node)
17:21:06 [02e4ed5f] WIP agda tests. (plutus)
17:56:08 [31971005] Fix configuration docs (cardano-db-sync)
18:07:45 [33fc9043] Merge pull request #2872 from input-output-hk/td/refactor-babbage-features-test (cardano-ledger)
18:07:57 [74593d42] Merge pull request #2883 from input-output-hk/ts-add-docs (cardano-ledger)
18:10:38 [c3aaa002] chore(deps): bump jsdom from 16.2.2 to 16.7.0 in /cardano-rosetta-server (cardano-rosetta)
18:13:27 [0f0434c1] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 33fc9043ae4882f861a4178226b2957099aa9874 (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:20:58 [8a47950a] Bump jsdom from 16.3.0 to 16.7.0 (yoroi-ergo-backend)
18:29:32 [c130401a] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 74593d426d6f89cfc21d6f66549c5ad18e290177 (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:33:12 [99cfc881] Merge pull request #477 from input-output-hk/piotr/test-checks-updates (cardano-rosetta)
18:45:50 [cbaff3b7] deploy: d7cd53e43853a82ab9eff6c444cac3eb568384fc (cardano-node)
18:54:16 [0ea1705d] Merge pull request #373 from Emurgo/order-multi-asset-metadata (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
19:12:15 [cf6946e0] Fix utxo min-ada-value calculation (cardano-browser-tx)
19:14:26 [9040f766] fix confirmation (yoroi-mobile)
19:15:17 [3c3ef4a4] Add script equivalence context test plutus script. (plutus-apps)
19:22:27 [e8c92ea1] Parsing unit tests (plutus)
19:23:50 [5224c70c] Parsing type tests (plutus)
19:29:57 [9ec0184a] deploy: 21456bcd740d3432f8940a42eedf350e2ec7818e (cardano-node)
19:40:43 [9d596761] Merge #4089 (cardano-node)
19:59:23 [05dbe66a] Improve documentation and build system (marlowe)
20:17:23 [9b9ce2a5] feat: Add a nix flake (#37) (scrolls)
20:38:07 [422576e4] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:40:09 [7020ae91] imp: catch tf err w/ cleanup and RC passthrough (bitte)
20:46:10 [4e2974b8] Rename `universe` `synchronous_universe` (thorn-calculus)
20:52:42 [bfff65a5] locli & workbench: org-mode export, cross-referencing & massive refactoring (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [52e9a97f] locli: factor rendering & granular plain text output (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [2b360f2f] workbench: implement selective perfanalysis omission (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [43dc3d0d] workbench: centralise executable entry points (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [3fad83c8] locli | API: clean up CDF field nomenclature (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [39d1f16d] workbench: remote analysis & analysis fetching (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [3b7cdbf4] workbench: fix colorise (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [8f31bd4e] shell.nix: use shell from the flake as default; -A cluster-shell for the workbench-carrying shell (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [b407ac8e] cardano-node-service: put the 'executable' service option in full control of the invocation string (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [64b0ca8b] cluster-shell: fix missing executables (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [9d98b9de] workbench: better gnuplot charts (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [a1c346db] workbench | lib-cabal: only set WORKBENCH_PROFILED if it's not set already (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [e20d9f71] workbench: restore the CI test; bug fixes all over the place (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [6e08bff6] workbench: consistent shell variable prefix: all workbench env vars are now WB_* (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [ba1e6d53] workbench: fix mis-filtering of "binary" logfiles coming out of node restarts (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [5191bc10] workbench | supervisor: prevent 'cardano-tracer' process from leaking in case of node start failure (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [9bc663bf] locli & workbench: CDF exports & various cleanups (cardano-node)
20:52:42 [cb32875a] workbench: pass through the node commit in full Nix scenario (cardano-node)
21:08:08 [d37d62b8] Fix indentation (marlowe)
21:20:38 [4fb1c04b] Workbench: Add app subcommand to create the docker-compose.yaml file (cardano-node)
21:21:43 [f939fa09] Merge pull request #2185 from cardano-tools-nft/da37fff3-5b1b-4e5b-9970-fc10ca2ca28e (cardano-token-registry)
21:22:37 [8896c10e] Merge pull request #2186 from Mint-City/master (cardano-token-registry)
21:25:18 [c895c18c] Merge `improvement/synchronous-universe` of pull request #43 into `master` (thorn-calculus)
21:29:44 [3166daf2] Merge branch 'master' into bench-new-infra (cardano-node)
21:35:32 [74af5d76] deploy: 9d59676141f9a0210a964191cb5f64f0d68d4d0c (cardano-node)
21:37:15 [624e88ef] Revert "Fix: Refactoring: Inline optionalString" (cardano-node)
21:43:43 [13cc6180] NoThunks for EvaluationContext (plutus)
21:45:15 [35dbdbc3] empty commit to escape revert (cardano-node)
21:47:30 [0b4ba0c4] Revert "Refactoring: Inline pkgs (it was used in both forms)" (cardano-node)
21:48:44 [623f6aa4] Revert "Refactoring: Inline optionalString" (cardano-node)
21:49:14 [5426d7bd] Revert "Refactoring: Inline mapAttrs" (cardano-node)
21:49:34 [63e77d2e] Revert "Refactoring: Inline makeBinPath" (cardano-node)
21:50:04 [60fb4a7d] Revert "Refactoring: Inline genAttrs" (cardano-node)
21:52:05 [2dd13caf] forgot (cardano-node)
21:53:08 [c9730191] Revert "Refactoring: getting only what is currently used from lib 2" (cardano-node)
21:53:23 [fb6452ef] Make `dependent_on_chan_at` work with arbitrary families (thorn-calculus)
21:53:34 [a6fa4723] Revert "Refactoring: remove when used for only one expression 2" (cardano-node)
21:55:37 [626ca82e] Revert "Refactoring: remove when used for only one expression" (cardano-node)
21:57:06 [ba1a8c3f] Revert "Refactoring: remove when used for only one expression" (cardano-node)
22:02:01 [5306b1e6] Rename generalized `dependent_on_chan_at` arguments (thorn-calculus)
22:11:37 [8b4ea720] Remove comments (cardano-node)
22:14:54 [13faae95] Make proofs more concise to get rid of `?v` and `?w` (thorn-calculus)
22:26:28 [6b1833d6] chore: add flake with nix package (oura)
22:31:59 [eee3a903] Docs for running SMASH against docker. (cardano-db-sync)
22:36:17 [b61ae246] feat: Add metrics to sled enrich stage (scrolls)
22:36:42 [79170331] Cleaning (cardano-node)
22:48:02 [c0454261] Move code about channel dependencies into `Foundations` (thorn-calculus)
22:50:56 [09cb07f9] update faucet for babbage (cardano-faucet)
22:54:37 [ea35ab3c] imp: add support for symlink repos on toplevel check (bitte)
22:57:16 [383aabc9] Bump node-fetch from 2.2.0 to 2.6.7 (medusa)
23:19:55 [8908892f] Modify a comment (plutus)
23:32:55 [70a63697] Fixup prose in configuration docs. (cardano-db-sync)
23:37:46 [b00ea0ae] use Protver 7.0 if babbage supported (cardano-node)