Home / Reports / Jan 24, 2023

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

533 commits had been pushed across 54 repos by 99 authors. There were 1,865,345 additions and 686,781 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:09:44 [55049da1] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:16:57 [a2c0322f] Fixed bug where WalletContext was missing assets (marlowe-cardano)
00:18:54 [2a3551bb] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:18:54 [35a6494f] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:19:51 [a4935951] equinix: tf state updated to serial 4 (cardano)
00:23:01 [723b6f3e] feat: cleanup protocol resources on shutdown (go-ouroboros-network)
00:23:13 [e6c63511] :arrow_up: Update @upptime to v1.29.0 (uptime)
00:23:32 [232d9110] Merge pull request #432 from input-output-hk/SCP-4941 (marlowe-cardano)
00:25:38 [b9b1610a] staging: Bump marlowe to 232d91106c66a70326c76133fc3f7a59e20a9cb2 (plutus-ops)
00:29:55 [e84f1f9a] equinix: tf state updated to serial 7 (cardano-world)
00:38:32 [6e7b1272] equinix: tf state updated to serial 10 (cardano-world)
00:40:25 [6fd479b0] build: workaround broken cabal install on cardano-node and cardano-cli (cardano-rosetta)
00:48:58 [e649a386] clients: tf state updated to serial 120 (cardano-world)
00:51:50 [ee6e1d72] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:56:59 [eb596125] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
01:15:58 [530f408d] add public image definitions (marlowe-cardano)
01:16:20 [83a2beef] allow for more failures from marlowe-history for mainnet (marlowe-cardano)
01:16:39 [8b1f71ec] replaced balanceR and balancedL with link (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:20:45 [c725a3da] imp: add equinix m3.large.x86 physical spec (bitte)
01:21:35 [ceceac9a] imp: bump equinix default nixos -> 22.11; fix lifecyle and premSys defaults (bitte)
01:25:31 [581ff3c0] WIP reverse dns server (catalyst-core)
01:33:53 [c9ab243c] feat: cleanup protocol resources on shutdown (go-ouroboros-network)
01:47:06 [67ea5a94] chore(deps): bump actions/upload-artifact in /.github/workflows (#517) (oura)
01:47:19 [104eeabf] chore(deps): bump env_logger from 0.9.1 to 0.10.0 (#518) (oura)
01:47:32 [8d0ef084] chore(deps): bump actions/cache in /.github/workflows (#514) (oura)
01:48:07 [fea58e53] chore(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 2 to 3 in /.github/workflows (#477) (oura)
01:48:19 [1712e9a5] chore(deps): bump clap from 3.2.22 to 4.1.3 (oura)
01:48:41 [cd564418] chore(deps): bump docker/login-action from 1 to 2 in /.github/workflows (#516) (oura)
01:49:33 [03dc39f6] chore(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action in /.github/workflows (oura)
02:04:21 [da679c6a] chore(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action in /.github/workflows (#515) (oura)
02:11:27 [c781b8a1] Improve README (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
02:13:08 [96e65ce7] attempt to squash the size of the tools container (catalyst-gh-tools)
02:17:08 [82289a5a] [Costing] Drop 'uni' and 'ann' from 'MachineParameters (plutus)
02:38:49 [ed181918] Remove some obsolete hackage-quirks (haskell.nix)
02:49:01 [44328358] feat: cleanup protocol resources on shutdown (go-ouroboros-network)
03:09:51 [e121b787] try docs build with compressed tools container (catalyst-core)
03:44:31 [bb75dcc1] replaced balanceR and balancedL with link (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:48:18 [b6a4c7a0] Merge pull request #4261 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/cabal-check (ouroboros-network)
03:51:25 [80ecb7a3] fix rust environment vars inside container. (catalyst-gh-tools)
04:03:03 [3d94c906] Bump cookiejar from 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 (mallet)
04:12:16 [82966e7b] Source repository package (cardano-node)
04:27:37 [937c3a15] feat(spending-counter-removal-from-vote): refactor account verification to decouple from fee deduction (catalyst-core)
04:49:11 [389bf010] feat(spending-counter-removal-from-vote): vote cast transactions do not deduce fee (catalyst-core)
05:11:32 [597d40e6] Fix index-state syntax in cabal.project (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:11:59 [6c6123ab] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:11:59 [da3ae634] document why Redeemers and TxDats use MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:22:07 [cef028e7] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 597d40e68788fe7e0168b7f9e49fe9def2a3d901 (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:23:26 [4676f88a] Minor fixes: reduce asset registry check to 150 items, and add escape char for cron jobs (guild-operators)
05:25:24 [2b9f90d9] Merge branch 'main' into docs (catalyst-core)
05:25:29 [878c3536] Re-Vamp all scripts (#1572) (guild-operators)
05:30:09 [fe18613a] blake2b hashing issue (catalyst-core)
05:30:15 [6b08433a] Support revisions (haskell.nix)
05:31:46 [495a8dd7] Re-Vamp all scripts (#1572) (guild-operators)
05:32:15 [7f15e177] Update icons (guild-operators)
05:38:50 [e16cf21a] docs: :sparkles: Limit CI runs (catalyst-core)
05:53:37 [5318f46c] Update nix-tools materialised plan for new tooling (haskell.nix)
05:55:32 [3a179043] submit tx API should not de-serialize and re-serialize (yoroi-frontend)
06:05:31 [8fc88e18] Improved local state query versioning: (cardano-node)
06:09:49 [5b13b0b8] Better error message for query utxo (cardano-node)
06:09:50 [51d176ed] Use executeLocalStateQueryExpr_ instead (cardano-node)
06:09:50 [9eb74539] Convert queryStateForBalancedTx to use oops (cardano-node)
06:09:50 [cd68e840] Use new determineEra_ (cardano-node)
06:09:50 [cbc1b805] Merge queries to the same connection (cardano-node)
06:09:51 [6b59de0a] New queryUtxo queryProtocolParams queryEraHistory querySystemStart queryStakePools functions (cardano-node)
06:09:51 [6171f32f] Make queryStateForBalancedTx fully oops enabled (cardano-node)
06:30:44 [709a1f1e] added more verbose information in voting tools. Reported tx hash (catalyst-core)
06:36:06 [1cf45830] Document PingOpts (ouroboros-network)
06:44:51 [2a852996] Bump package versions (ouroboros-network)
06:45:04 [8ea5e1cb] add docs for providers (mesh)
06:48:08 [f980e2c7] Implement queryStateForBalancedTx with monadic queries without oops (cardano-node)
07:15:36 [284e281a] Trigger CI (plutus)
07:23:52 [4394f3f3] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:master' into master (CIPs)
07:29:49 [f03db9f9] Fix benchmark.yml (plutus)
07:30:31 [2307702b] Trigger CI (plutus)
07:33:04 [a347c0ff] :docs typo (catalyst-core)
07:36:30 [515f11bc] Stylish Haskell in CI (cardano-node)
07:36:56 [6b83ec56] docs: :memo: refer to rustc version instead of nodejs (catalyst-core)
07:40:51 [cdda86f9] Include list for stylish-haskell checking (cardano-node)
07:42:02 [9f602af3] Adjusting decimals per token (marlowe-actus-labs)
07:52:42 [7c42d84e] Fix syntax error (cardano-base)
07:53:03 [2cdb4d4b] Changes needed for KES Agent (cardano-base)
07:53:03 [b5ec12e0] Fix mlocked memory leak in tests (cardano-base)
07:53:25 [6bf4f3ff] Show failing stylish-haskell CI (cardano-node)
07:54:02 [6c60d49e] connector signing tx API uses raw tx body to compute hash (yoroi-frontend)
07:54:48 [dcd7bca9] WIP (plutus)
08:05:02 [8c5561cc] Fix off-chain UTxO used in DirectChainSpec (hydra)
08:05:34 [1e235d4b] Bump versions in hydra-plutus and hydra-tui (hydra)
08:05:42 [f7d6cf10] Merge pull request #527 from input-output-hk/chore/bump-cardano-deps (cardano-rosetta)
08:09:25 [e5ef8b7c] serialization error (catalyst-core)
08:17:59 [1fac9ae2] docs: :bug: Make generated rust-docs index create a md file that passes lint. (catalyst-core)
08:25:17 [08e155bd] Merge pull request #675 from input-output-hk/ensemble/prevent-identical-commits-reimbursement-in-one-output (hydra-poc)
08:28:08 [e4dc0da9] Final version (plutus)
08:29:20 [56755486] WIP (plutus)
08:30:03 [fa92022d] Fix benchmark.yml (#5071) (plutus)
08:30:40 [224fd5c5] Trigger CI (plutus)
08:31:10 [94dbbbe7] remove utxo hash attribute from close redeemer (hydra-poc)
08:31:10 [9152b684] Move utxo hash from Contest redeemer to Closed datum in Head script (hydra-poc)
08:31:10 [822df23a] Move snapshot number from Close redeemer to Closed datum in Head script (hydra-poc)
08:31:10 [eb5fab5f] Move utxo hash from Close redeemer to Closed datum in Head script (hydra-poc)
08:31:10 [9f2acba4] Move snapshot number from Contest redeemer to Closed datum in Head script (hydra-poc)
08:31:11 [1d86342c] minor (hydra-poc)
08:31:11 [9b9c3d77] minor refactor to upgrade continuingDatum from local to a helper function (hydra-poc)
08:33:02 [0b94e03b] HACK: reduce the max supported number of parties to reduce the size of fanout (hydra-poc)
08:40:01 [dc46ba4d] Merge branch 'main' into point_docker_to_main (catalyst-core)
08:43:12 [55a437ee] deploy: 08e155bdaf871a72bf3aedf6ce73796a5f6b9298 (hydra)
08:45:27 [f8061964] Implement ADR-2: Restructure modules for generators (cardano-node)
08:49:34 [e2d8e237] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
08:49:35 [37db93af] Alter continuingDatum function (hydra-poc)
08:49:35 [f01a01b6] Simplify on-chain code a bit (hydra-poc)
08:49:39 [aff0167f] Fix Benchmark.yml again (plutus)
08:50:39 [ef283988] Inline closeRedeemer (hydra-poc)
08:50:39 [f56d05c7] Use healthyCloseDatum to construct Close datum (hydra-poc)
08:51:11 [459ea9c0] Revert Simplify on-chain code a bit (hydra-poc)
08:52:45 [f529d833] WIP (plutus)
08:53:43 [cab8c004] Fix Benchmark.yml again (#5076) (plutus)
08:56:14 [4f52a798] WIP (plutus)
08:56:59 [5190503c] nix: optimize caching by delaying setGitRev (cardano-node)
08:57:00 [84969daa] bump iohkNix to include libsodium fix for mingwW64 (cardano-node)
08:57:01 [1354c69a] fix required jobs, rename systemHydraJobs to ciJobs. (cardano-node)
08:57:02 [fb2bd2ed] switch bors to use ci/required (cardano-node)
08:57:03 [e6f8db89] haskell.nix: add some TODO regarding unwanted dependencies on `src`. (cardano-node)
08:57:04 [52567bbc] Update plutus-apps (cardano-node)
08:57:05 [45630333] node nixos service: fix path of profiled, eventlogged and asserted binaries (cardano-node)
08:57:06 [94fbab4f] fix index-state and version of tools to avoid rebuilds and compile errors (cardano-node)
08:57:07 [541b5025] flake: move devShell to devShells.default (cardano-node)
08:59:36 [b19acdb7] Try #4778: (cardano-node)
09:01:24 [17c022a2] Merge branch 'master' into zeme-iohk/trigger-ci (plutus)
09:11:15 [b9559848] bump cachix/install-nix-action to v18. fix channel to nixos-22.11. fix cache. (cardano-node)
09:13:43 [9495bcfc] Add materialized files (haskell.nix)
09:14:11 [bc682fea] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into ghc-9.4.4 (haskell.nix)
09:14:33 [3c14f222] Specify Github token in install-nix-action configuration (cardano-node)
09:16:09 [132a4258] fix CI (catalyst-core)
09:17:17 [9f8a9326] bump cachix/install-nix-action to v18. fix channel to nixos-22.11. fix cache. (cardano-node)
09:18:40 [1a560c16] Update blog/2023-01-18-javascript-browser-tutorial.md (engineering)
09:18:57 [22528e0a] Make devops-shell compile again (cardano-node)
09:19:02 [188f7b54] Check close contestation deadline explicitly (hydra-poc)
09:20:32 [8dd58a9a] Update and rename 2023-01-18-javascript-browser-tutorial.md to 2023-01-24-javascript-browser-tutorial.md (engineering)
09:22:47 [71a3889f] bump hackage.nix for the new index-state (cardano-node)
09:30:52 [505f68c5] Allow ci-plutus-benchmark.sh to be run locally (plutus)
09:31:15 [59ac730c] GHC JS browser introduction blog post/tutorial (#24) (engineering)
09:33:36 [a697caec] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/engineering@59ac730ce25e0f1543a2c43e518d33a836c913bb 🚀 (engineering)
09:33:52 [16a80fc4] Use CardanoEra where possible and different assertions for each PV (plutus-apps)
09:34:18 [3290bcc2] Rename ChangeHeadDatum -> ChangeInputHeadDatum (hydra-poc)
09:35:30 [08b6ffc9] Mention https://cache.zw3rk.com to CONTRIBUTING.adoc (plutus)
09:38:11 [1bc67af3] Trigger CI (cardano-node)
09:40:12 [974cd5a5] Update 2023-01-24-javascript-browser-tutorial.md (engineering)
09:42:08 [516c82e2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/engineering@974cd5a5f2b5384cfe0a59b323a2ab7eac34160a 🚀 (engineering)
09:42:11 [cf8938dc] Update and rename 2023-01-02-hs-bindgen-introduction.md to 2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
09:43:05 [e472e79c] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
09:44:40 [e58ecdd7] Added Security section to SUMMARY.md (cardano-engineering-handbook)
09:47:48 [c70eb95d] Update 2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
09:50:14 [7678fe3d] DAC-292 Fixed icons used in table (dapps-certification)
09:53:45 [f19aefa4] (administrative) filled in CIP GH PR link (CIPs)
09:55:47 [f23862f3] Add a new mutation test scenario for closing with the initial snapshot (hydra-poc)
09:58:54 [fbd6d06a] Update renderGuess.txt (plutus-apps)
09:58:54 [5a0fd09b] Update GameStateMachine.hs (plutus-apps)
09:59:52 [d992b726] bump cachix/install-nix-action to v18. fix channel to nixos-22.11. fix cache. (cardano-node)
10:04:50 [13aeaff7] Merge #4835 (cardano-node)
10:18:22 [d67f3c80] Merge pull request #8 from cloudstruct/fix/remove-errant-print (koios-python)
10:18:48 [1d0a599f] FIX validator must check contestation period (hydra-poc)
10:20:20 [fdd88957] Update environment.py (koios-python)
10:20:32 [eb6f68ec] Refactor for more compliant header (CIPs)
10:20:53 [cf7c3f71] Merge pull request #4835 from input-output-hk/angerman/update-hackage.nix (cardano-node)
10:21:23 [ce20afa2] bump cachix/install-nix-action to v18. fix channel/nix to nixos-22.11. fix cache. (cardano-node)
10:22:13 [907684c6] Update environment.py (koios-python)
10:27:20 [72bd50c7] Optimize plutus code (hydra)
10:27:31 [f4b9d7fd] Try #4778: (cardano-node)
10:41:11 [bbe28c52] First draft (hydra-poc)
10:42:02 [0e4b565c] Remove superfluous import (ouroboros-network)
10:42:13 [090d8bb6] Add new futureCheck' to InFuture (ouroboros-network)
10:43:12 [80713689] update JS binding, remove spending counter usage (catalyst-core)
10:43:27 [10954e5b] Swap upstream and downstream (ouroboros-network)
10:43:57 [b6cff341] deploy: cf7c3f71de7bf418c59e86e98a33c0ce395307c3 (cardano-node)
10:44:31 [ce1a0b9b] Demote top level headers to H2 + add H1 title (CIPs)
10:47:22 [d690c926] Fixing some issues and adding Pythonic style (koios-python)
10:49:12 [7a3c2170] Fix internal section links (CIPs)
10:54:07 [0265745e] new release data (koios-python)
10:55:00 [b9a38a45] Fix link/code typos (CIPs)
11:01:16 [d8a5e727] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:01:42 [6d7a7fa2] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:02:25 [7d64f79f] Use hedgehog-extras- (cardano-node)
11:02:53 [3c4e19be] standard attributes added (musig2)
11:03:24 [dcbd2622] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:04:03 [c0845d66] Add note about expected startup time of tests (cardano-node-tests)
11:04:57 [f925458d] Update CONTRIBUTING.md (ouroboros-consensus)
11:06:53 [83fe7509] chore(deps): bump redis from 0.21.6 to 0.22.3 (oura)
11:07:11 [c93120f3] Incorporate Javier's comments (ouroboros-consensus)
11:07:46 [8275415e] Merge branch 'dnadales/4221-add-a-contributing-file' of github.com:input-output-hk/ouroboros-consensus into dnadales/4221-add-a-contributing-file (ouroboros-consensus)
11:09:31 [38a49678] docs: :sparkles: Use template to make adding api docs cleaner. Refactor api docs. (catalyst-core)
11:11:13 [68c5f624] Try #4778: (cardano-node)
11:15:43 [c3b4b9bb] chore(deps): bump openssl from 0.10.42 to 0.10.45 (#513) (oura)
11:16:17 [e802a2c1] Incorporate additional remarks (ouroboros-consensus)
11:16:28 [a6183f7d] Add note about expected startup time of tests (cardano-node-tests)
11:20:21 [462fe812] Clean up (ouroboros-network)
11:25:50 [420c292a] Removing permissionToAggregate (CIPs)
11:27:06 [5fd88e14] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:27:20 [476a9011] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:28:10 [0bae1fa2] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:29:26 [8ef2b05f] Update 2023-01-24-javascript-browser-tutorial.md (engineering)
11:31:40 [254b7da5] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/engineering@8ef2b05f006d709d4b1e7141579ed9dc29b46a61 🚀 (engineering)
11:34:21 [38cfeb03] Fix: typos (oura)
11:35:53 [e8688b8f] PLT-1019: Move to Cardano api value (#894) (plutus-apps)
11:36:10 [47b7cb11] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to e8688b8f86a92b285e7d93eb418ccc314ad41bf9 (plutus-ops)
11:36:47 [7ebb8221] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:37:38 [f1ce6d34] Filter ourselves from the PeerSharing result set (ouroboros-network)
11:37:38 [3cb4bb01] Added Light Peer Sharing (ouroboros-network)
11:37:51 [5c32308b] Benchmark fanout with 20+ assets (hydra)
11:37:51 [a7b2b79d] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:38:09 [9852090b] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:44:04 [daa61111] Update Crowdfunding to V2 (plutus-apps)
11:46:17 [f99c6224] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:47:46 [c3d10e5d] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:48:02 [d55c2777] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:50:39 [37f2eb46] Implement To/FromJSON for CardanoBuildTx (plutus-apps)
11:54:27 [d25bb294] enable addTxSubmission_ on the submissions store (cardano-wallet)
11:55:39 [f33baafa] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:56:29 [f277bd38] Fix typo (haskell.nix)
11:56:41 [7bcec509] Don't fail silently on the unsupported parts (plutus-apps)
11:56:41 [3a0e5f7d] Test json roundtrip for SomeCardanoApiTx and CardanoBuildTx (plutus-apps)
11:59:23 [e93a6f70] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
11:59:36 [3c47d52c] Upgrade Crowdfunding to V2 (plutus-apps)
11:59:56 [c1e0e1f4] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
12:00:33 [1b804017] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
12:07:01 [3b4bf97e] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
12:07:22 [91c8700e] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
12:07:40 [38c903a4] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
12:07:52 [d6fa39ce] Update blog/2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
12:08:01 [59af5000] Add script sizes to tx-cost and --script-info outputs (hydra-poc)
12:12:28 [87f74fd9] Clean up and re-organize the docs folder (#1) (ouroboros-consensus)
12:15:25 [ee09017f] Update 2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
12:17:43 [07ac9cd7] hls 1.8 workarounds that still seem to be needed. (haskell.nix)
12:20:21 [31fb2193] Test-parser (cardano-node)
12:21:27 [a51cfb36] Added who (plutus)
12:22:47 [ae9e2eb8] Pass `Maybe ScriptTemplate` to `balanceTransaction` (cardano-wallet)
12:23:25 [6f68c2b5] W (plutus)
12:25:48 [1df49431] Flow (yoroi-frontend)
12:27:57 [08d887d3] Fix estimateNumberOfWitnesses (cardano-wallet)
12:27:57 [93922386] post rebase refactoring and code adjustments (cardano-wallet)
12:28:24 [7526a7c5] build: bump to Ubuntu 22.04 (cardano-rosetta)
12:31:11 [113a2073] Remove staking page wrapper (yoroi-frontend)
12:32:59 [0f73788b] ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
12:33:07 [07130958] docs: document multi-platform support (cardano-rosetta)
12:33:14 [3b074c99] WIP reverse dns server (catalyst-core)
12:35:30 [4795d934] refactor settings_json variable (catalyst-core)
12:42:41 [95f565a6] ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
12:42:41 [adc8fa59] docs: document multi-platform support (cardano-rosetta)
12:42:41 [5fdf602a] temp - testing build works. Drop prior to merging (cardano-rosetta)
12:49:21 [e1e64fa6] bench-data-publish: include built-in .sql scripts (cardano-automation)
12:50:46 [4252ce47] Fix chain-indexer and marlowe-indexer block insert bugs (marlowe-cardano)
12:51:12 [6a31263e] Fail if all clusters are already dead (cardano-node-tests)
12:51:59 [236861f2] allow custom url (mesh)
12:54:50 [17defbf3] Allow ci-plutus-benchmark.sh to be run locally (#5078) (plutus)
12:59:22 [8979232e] Merge #4778 (cardano-node)
13:00:44 [a4c1afa4] Grammar edits and removed unnecessary comment. (CIPs)
13:01:06 [b96f6886] PR feedback, support metadata, auxscripts and withdrawals (plutus-apps)
13:02:19 [0ef10986] bench-data-publish: update docu (cardano-automation)
13:02:34 [8ae00927] Add script sizes to tx-cost and --script-info outputs (hydra-poc)
13:02:39 [21094b6b] Added who (plutus)
13:02:39 [13860a78] W (plutus)
13:02:40 [7c957a47] WIP (plutus)
13:03:37 [5bee5916] Restructure the staking page (yoroi-frontend)
13:06:18 [5f63e7d8] Merge pull request #1603 from input-output-hk/fail_on_all_dead (cardano-node-tests)
13:12:10 [fdd2be68] PR feedback, support metadata, auxscripts and withdrawals (plutus-apps)
13:15:07 [a99ead48] bump input flake cardano-automation (cardano-node)
13:15:21 [5696e664] fixup! ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
13:15:54 [3081a17f] docs: :sparkles: Add a page toc on the RHS, allow theming/resizing of the layout. (catalyst-core)
13:17:00 [e95bc116] Update 2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
13:17:50 [2af17dd1] feat: :sparkles: Adds mdbook-template and mdbook-theme to our mdbook tools (catalyst-gh-tools)
13:24:37 [07d19825] Use hls 1.9 on GHC 9.0 and 9.2 (haskell.nix)
13:30:18 [d34178ed] SCP-4883 Added event for waiting. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:18 [97deec91] SCP-4883 Support for retries. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:18 [abfa2de6] SCP-4883 Add jittering to waiting periods. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:18 [592dc89e] SCP-4883 Added optional post-confirmation delay to marlowe-apps. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:18 [029c28bf] SCP-4883 Tweaked multiplicative jitter. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:18 [4ddf5710] SCP-4883 Added pause before building transaction. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:18 [81bbcb90] SCP-4883 Switched from multiplicative to additive jittering. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:18 [607fc192] SCP-4883 Updated documentation and bumped cabal version. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:19 [95be5c13] SCP-4883 Fixed typo in delay computation. (marlowe-cardano)
13:30:19 [fbb12693] SCP-4883 Elaborated documentation and hardened use of CLI options. (marlowe-cardano)
13:36:39 [24fbdeab] bench-data-publish: workaround for getLoginName (cardano-automation)
13:36:52 [6bab1ab1] update hs extension (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:38:22 [7dbac056] bump input flake cardano-automation (cardano-node)
13:38:30 [9cfb4885] fixup! ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
13:47:42 [4c822e65] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@6bab1ab1603520b6e8f549a9aa4a90bc89ea73c6 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:49:46 [a3b518f9] Documentation update (cardano-node-tests)
13:56:04 [4c52fbec] wip (plutus-apps)
14:03:57 [aad74060] docs: :sparkles: Update tools so we can build the docs with latest features (catalyst-core)
14:12:24 [5c62c4f3] Sonarqube workflow (yoroi-frontend)
14:15:14 [2cd9ee7e] Add CDDL draft file (CIPs)
14:17:01 [29b30225] build(deps): bump cookiejar from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4 (cardano-js-sdk)
14:21:17 [0b9987f1] PLT-354: CardanoBuildTx To/FromJSON instances (#907) (plutus-apps)
14:21:34 [7e9b4bb9] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to 0b9987f14d9d91cb6948bc0a0b2399946e6d1658 (plutus-ops)
14:25:07 [5479ec81] Merge pull request #430 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/block-bugs (marlowe-cardano)
14:25:41 [ef3d0ae6] fix OCI image root fs (tullia)
14:27:00 [cfc6c47d] staging: Bump marlowe to 5479ec81baa4dd31b399c56e8d3767405da7fe7b (plutus-ops)
14:28:57 [2f631473] fix(cardano-services): stake pool query by metrics results no longer exceedes total count (cardano-js-sdk)
14:28:57 [24ba4f57] refactor(cardano-services): fixes some tabs, trailing spaces, indentations and sql keywords case (cardano-js-sdk)
14:28:58 [644f7ccf] fix(cardano-services): stake pool search cached results now correctly handle rewards history limit (cardano-js-sdk)
14:28:59 [cbad3f8c] Update 2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
14:30:51 [661300c3] Add tx confirmation delay parameter to BlockfrostBackend (cardano-transaction-lib)
14:31:10 [f964e750] Update 2023-01-24-hs-bindgen-introduction.md (engineering)
14:33:05 [c55b5b53] Section for stores custom required metadata fields (CIPs)
14:33:20 [6ec4a383] add a parsing function from SealedTx to Read.Tx (cardano-wallet)
14:33:33 [fc58f6ae] add a Type for a monadic decorator of TxIn (cardano-wallet)
14:33:33 [f36d5321] add getPendingTransactions_ field to DBPendingTx to compute TransactionInfo (cardano-wallet)
14:33:33 [bed754e7] add getExpiredTransactions_ to DBPendingTxs (cardano-wallet)
14:38:50 [5910e4a8] Reducing transaction size (hydra)
14:42:22 [4a1b0ddc] minor renaming (hydra)
14:42:56 [a613127b] refactor!: reworks stake pool epoch rewards fields to be ledger compliant (cardano-js-sdk)
14:43:10 [96744cbe] Some more fixes (cardano-node)
14:44:15 [685d5cb5] fix(cardano-services): fixes epoch rewards of stake pool query to have the right number of elements (cardano-js-sdk)
14:45:36 [60286f32] rename readTxHistory in readTransactions (cardano-wallet)
14:45:41 [873a239f] add Functor instances to status submissions types (cardano-wallet)
14:45:42 [2e327dee] patch readTransactions to include pendings from submissions (cardano-wallet)
14:59:30 [5baafef6] Fix contract updated at comparison in SyncServer (marlowe-cardano)
15:05:34 [104561d1] SCP-4677 Started on the new balanceTx test (marlowe-cardano)
15:05:34 [87e16f64] try to fix TransactionSpec (cardano-wallet)
15:14:36 [807bb077] Added Security section to SUMMARY.md (#62) (cardano-engineering-handbook)
15:15:03 [275b768f] Merge #4818 (cardano-node)
15:21:50 [d38aeb8c] add Functor instances to status submissions types (cardano-wallet)
15:22:03 [4738b0f4] feat(when): single when clause now emits warning (aiken)
15:23:01 [5a184812] Merge pull request #433 from input-output-hk/scp-4838-log-tail (marlowe-cardano)
15:25:20 [2f235fcd] Reducing transaction size (hydra)
15:26:08 [44a28f35] fix: use the location of the pattern not the entire clause (aiken)
15:30:13 [81174b42] Fix rendering of hashes in tx-cost (hydra)
15:30:36 [65a02a32] This does not change test output so keeping it that way (hydra)
15:32:43 [b93b2a41] staging: Bump marlowe to 5a1848127e3aac3a5df515b5142b965b35415211 (plutus-ops)
15:37:34 [b5b721cd] Implement mustValidateInTimeRange in plutus-tx-constraints (plutus-apps)
15:37:37 [8c3ca282] Comment tests with missing JSON instances and fix plutus-use-cases constracts. (plutus-apps)
15:51:47 [d64ea490] add getSubmissionsTransactions_ to DBPendingTxs (cardano-wallet)
15:52:13 [8effde5f] patch readTransactions to include pendings from submissions (cardano-wallet)
15:52:13 [c51bb593] rename readTxHistory in readTransactions (cardano-wallet)
15:53:05 [6824f453] Add Supported Era type (mithril)
15:53:10 [3b54c14f] Mention https://cache.zw3rk.com to CONTRIBUTING.adoc (#5079) (plutus)
15:53:35 [e56f5821] Use new arbitrary instances in indexer-test (marlowe-cardano)
15:54:18 [4e43ebd4] Add Era Checker implementation (mithril)
15:55:42 [bc503041] Create Testnet.Options module (cardano-node)
15:56:01 [68ae10f5] WIP (plutus)
15:57:13 [8c704512] Remove double echo in ci-plutus-benchmark.sh (#5081) (plutus)
15:57:39 [d6fbe009] Free monad code (plutarch-core)
15:58:12 [6cceb06c] Improve README (#119) (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:02:20 [e1e82480] implement review fix (catalyst-core)
16:02:49 [f6fa2238] Update from 6cceb06ce73bb58ca21c0c5b836bf6138e66fd66 (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:05:24 [a626c84f] Merge pull request #4267 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/cardano-ping-document-PingOpts (ouroboros-network)
16:07:23 [d347380f] Update plutus-conformance/README.md (plutus)
16:09:15 [335843c7] workbench: add support for cardano-automation's bench-data-publish (cardano-node)
16:09:53 [d0d7fb3a] fixup! ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
16:10:11 [9a5b53d1] refactor: removes deprecated artifacts (catalyst-core)
16:11:25 [5df45989] make clippy happy (catalyst-core)
16:11:27 [f8cf2bcf] Typo (marlowe-cardano)
16:11:27 [efa302a1] Use preprod (marlowe-cardano)
16:11:27 [bb502e81] Return tx CBOR instead of tx body in the web-server API (marlowe-cardano)
16:11:27 [eb53adac] Add basic debug dignostics to the web server /contracts POST handler (marlowe-cardano)
16:11:27 [5d888c81] Add more headers to the web-server CORS config (marlowe-cardano)
16:11:28 [5c4b82aa] Avoid caching unsigned contracts (marlowe-cardano)
16:12:00 [e80ade9d] Merge branch 'main' into feature/npg-3367-test-delegator-endpoint (catalyst-core)
16:12:23 [cefe5738] Enforce put endpoints to work (marlowe-cardano)
16:14:06 [232d4899] explicit special TMPDIR=/cache instead of normal TMPDIR=/tmp (cardano-wallet)
16:16:56 [7e3b9962] Better descriptive title (CIPs)
16:20:07 [2129f337] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-api. (cardano-node)
16:22:41 [f0b4de29] SCP-4883 Added optional post-confirmation delay to marlowe-apps. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:41 [941ad64c] SCP-4883 Added event for waiting. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:41 [c2846b68] SCP-4883 Add jittering to waiting periods. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:41 [a2daf0cd] SCP-4883 Added pause before building transaction. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:42 [aabdcb01] SCP-4883 Tweaked multiplicative jitter. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:42 [4bd073fd] SCP-4883 Refactored `retry` to catch errors. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:42 [d60d9128] SCP-4883 Updated documentation and bumped cabal version. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:42 [0efa40ce] SCP-4883 Support for retries. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:42 [2501dce7] SCP-4883 Switched from multiplicative to additive jittering. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:42 [bc791a37] SCP-4883 Elaborated documentation and hardened use of CLI options. (marlowe-cardano)
16:22:42 [db8b3904] SCP-4883 Fixed typo in delay computation. (marlowe-cardano)
16:29:58 [8a91d7e6] Merge #4818 (cardano-node)
16:31:07 [5f73e6b9] feat: add label to span (aiken)
16:31:27 [7b8c1a51] DAC-289 Review comments (dapps-certification)
16:36:15 [8ebe077f] Merge #3710 (cardano-wallet)
16:36:42 [8a6b693d] SCP-4778 Fixed typos found by reviewers and added section on roles. (marlowe-cardano)
16:36:47 [989a7975] Merge pull request #45 from input-output-hk/HOTFIX-DAC-409 (dapps-certification)
16:38:56 [864572e4] testnet (cardano-node)
16:39:17 [a98d6dd4] Merge pull request #183 from cloudstruct/feat/protocol-resource-cleanup (go-ouroboros-network)
16:43:13 [769e72a8] fixup! ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
16:44:07 [a2718373] Merge #4778 (cardano-node)
16:48:00 [e0dec8a0] docs: document multi-platform support (cardano-rosetta)
16:48:00 [ab9173cf] temp - testing build works. Drop prior to merging (cardano-rosetta)
16:48:00 [3446f151] ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
16:48:09 [fa077d14] Improve mutation readability (hydra)
16:52:09 [9a1f40e2] docs: :sparkles: Large Docs refactor (catalyst-core)
16:56:51 [1964b264] Merge pull request #1 from GeorgeFlerovsky/nft-metadata-oracle-2 (CIPs)
16:58:32 [bedd97e4] workbench: add support for cardano-automation's bench-data-publish (cardano-node)
16:58:52 [c7119169] chore: fix clippy (aiken)
16:59:23 [5ee055a3] docs: Merge #3710 3710: explicit special TMPDIR=/cache instead of normal TMPDIR=/tmp r=paolino a=paolino - inverted the overwrite of TMPDIR variable, so that linux and windows uses explicit /cache this is needed even if more verbose as it can happen that the first step of the pipeline which we do not control starts on a macos machine and /cache is not working there [failed build](https://buildkite.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/builds/23183#0185e484-ecdd-45a3-86db-3fe562660cf0) Co-authored-by: paolo veronelli <[email protected]> Source commit: 8ebe077f7971246e9b68039571803d0ff3958a2a (cardano-wallet)
17:01:48 [5aa82c93] [Costing] Drop 'uni' and 'ann' from 'MachineParameters (plutus)
17:03:25 [690f20c0] minor changes (formal-ledger-specifications)
17:04:25 [04af8768] Fix hlint errors (cardano-node)
17:07:06 [a485406e] fix: use the location of the pattern not the entire clause (aiken)
17:07:06 [ba05f1f0] feat: add label to span (aiken)
17:07:06 [3c97f057] chore: fix clippy (aiken)
17:07:06 [7206360b] feat(when): single when clause now emits warning (aiken)
17:07:28 [755e3543] memo staorage refactor (yoroi-mobile)
17:09:05 [05e157e0] SCP-4778 Fixed typos found by reviewers and added section on roles. (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:05 [4e8ddf5d] SCP-4778 Added note on webserver deployment. (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:05 [7cea6558] SCP-4778 Security guide for Marlowe. (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:05 [8bfb0205] SCP-4778 Adjusted usage of "crowdsourcing". (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [a2382e4b] restoring husky (yoroi-mobile)
17:09:42 [6d54ff87] deploy: 9a1f40e220741c2b05115f9fd5caabc82362c0ab (catalyst-core)
17:11:37 [f36e114b] Merge pull request #431 from input-output-hk/SCP-4778 (marlowe-cardano)
17:11:52 [5eb9989f] Remove NoImplicitPrelude from cardano-api. (cardano-node)
17:12:31 [39af5405] SCP-4883 Add jittering to waiting periods. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:31 [256a4b82] SCP-4883 Added event for waiting. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:31 [a21aee20] SCP-4883 Added pause before building transaction. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:31 [760609fc] SCP-4883 Support for retries. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:31 [7677b4bb] SCP-4883 Added optional post-confirmation delay to marlowe-apps. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:32 [19c76190] SCP-4883 Tweaked multiplicative jitter. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:32 [41fc398e] SCP-4883 Switched from multiplicative to additive jittering. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:32 [029a425f] SCP-4883 Fixed typo in delay computation. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:32 [715a0006] SCP-4883 Elaborated documentation and hardened use of CLI options. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:32 [a4c74e8f] SCP-4883 Refactored `retry` to catch errors. (marlowe-cardano)
17:12:32 [e9efda54] SCP-4883 Updated documentation and bumped cabal version. (marlowe-cardano)
17:13:39 [cb40d133] staging: Bump marlowe to f36e114b1986c68969a3a75f8b9b40a7353f00a6 (plutus-ops)
17:21:11 [5ad237fd] Handle readEnvSocketPath errors using onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [02dba7bf] Handle determineEra errors using onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [a7a6b557] Handle decodeStakeSnapshot with onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [3169b9cd] Handle decodeProtocolState errors using onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [2a1941c5] Simplify queryResult with onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [d793fb5c] Handle readVerificationKeyOrHashOrFile errors with onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [4d759224] Simplify writePoolState with onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [370f0e2b] Handle readFileTextEnvelope with onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:22 [3a2ce222] Handle readAndDecodeShelleyGenesis with onLeft (cardano-node)
17:21:58 [eb3120d0] Merge pull request #429 from input-output-hk/SCP-4883 (marlowe-cardano)
17:23:15 [955f0691] Added support for mainnet. (marlowe-cardano)
17:23:15 [f8318c7a] SCP-4758 Enabled `mainnet` in Marlowe Runtime. (marlowe-cardano)
17:23:23 [14eb8384] Handle queryNodeLocalState with onLeft (cardano-node)
17:23:59 [8b75a51c] staging: Bump marlowe to eb3120d07897a87cce9e620aceeaf870ff793366 (plutus-ops)
17:25:19 [d47a3e3d] Handle toEraInMode errors with onNothing (cardano-node)
17:28:51 [a0ac9ee4] Fix typo in conformance test suite README (#5072) (plutus)
17:33:31 [701bd7c8] Remove unnecessary internal import (cardano-ledger)
17:33:31 [12ce6e83] Implement tests that compare two ways of constructing canonical maps (cardano-ledger)
17:33:31 [e996bb0b] Make imports explicit (cardano-ledger)
17:33:31 [a324efbe] Slight nonsematic improvement (cardano-ledger)
17:33:32 [d17f8e25] Add an assertion to the `aggregateActiveStake` function (cardano-ledger)
17:33:32 [10ea7138] Switch cardano-data to hspec and rename the module (cardano-ledger)
17:33:32 [4b28f5b7] Avoid improrting internal module for functions that are publicly available (cardano-ledger)
17:33:32 [d7dc1e98] Move no longer relevant tests into cardano-ledegr-core test suite. Unadjusted. Needs work (cardano-ledger)
17:33:32 [ff589e93] Added tests for `intersectDomP` and `intersectDomPLeft` (cardano-ledger)
17:33:32 [0b308541] Add a helper test library to cardano-data (cardano-ledger)
17:33:57 [230c2503] Improve generators for PolicyID and AssetName (cardano-ledger)
17:33:57 [22433c39] Add an assertion to the `unionHelp` function (cardano-ledger)
17:36:48 [254cabac] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
17:38:31 [3502fa43] Remove and org comments. Remove redundant type inst. (plutus)
17:44:21 [ac22dd8a] Merge branch 'main' into feature/update-mempool (catalyst-core)
17:45:49 [2fb443d1] build(deps): bump ua-parser-js from 1.0.32 to 1.0.33 (cardano-js-sdk)
17:50:38 [bf593a01] Add close mutation (hydra)
17:53:52 [1fb9493b] Fix line lengths of Beta.hs. (plutus)
17:59:17 [6e1955d9] Expose babbage feature tests and put them to the test suite. Prepare a (cardano-browser-tx)
18:00:34 [0ac38bf2] add tracing dependency to chain-impl-mockchain (catalyst-core)
18:00:48 [5d02b88d] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into feature/vote-transactions-without-spending-counter (catalyst-core)
18:04:00 [5a380db5] Revert "try to fix TransactionSpec" (cardano-wallet)
18:04:07 [120ce2c6] wip: add utxo in tests (cardano-wallet)
18:09:37 [4687fe9d] clean up spending logic (catalyst-core)
18:12:13 [3884ed04] add method to allow spending in accounts without checking the spending counter (catalyst-core)
18:14:57 [9b660ef5] implement tx input verification with and without spending counter check (catalyst-core)
18:18:34 [9ff35b93] [EC Api] - Added: What Makes Djed Better? | LGC Review (essential-cardano-content)
18:23:45 [6cfe659b] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
18:28:12 [f110c4b8] ci: build multi-platform images during pre-release, push post-release (cardano-rosetta)
18:28:12 [af869cd2] temp - testing build works. Drop prior to merging (cardano-rosetta)
18:28:12 [d5f5a40e] docs: document multi-platform support (cardano-rosetta)
18:28:40 [ed97ca53] WIP (yoroi-mobile)
18:43:25 [3a834e3e] PLT-662 Added Address->Datum indexer in Marconi (plutus-apps)
18:45:28 [b19401fc] Merge pull request #4837 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/fix-hlint-warnings (cardano-node)
18:50:52 [e748684a] Remove reconfigure-hlint.sh script (cardano-node)
18:50:53 [09ea31b6] Add HLint to CI (cardano-node)
18:51:17 [a25d3284] code cleanup, name improvements, better docs (catalyst-core)
18:57:13 [2ab25d75] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:57:13 [de771980] document why Redeemers and TxDats use MemoBytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:04:30 [cdcd0261] Merge pull request #1413 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/demo-tests (cardano-browser-tx)
19:06:48 [c8444ea8] deploy: b19401fc5bfd62132114e39bfa34d6119b955577 (cardano-node)
19:11:30 [ebb93be5] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 2ab25d754ae8534ddee131cb5a2ace9c84fc91bb (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:11:30 [a09a0dc1] Filter out duplicate collateral inputs in transaction build commands (cardano-node)
19:24:23 [e6ab0dd6] Use new arbitrary instances in indexer-test (marlowe-cardano)
19:25:38 [b9eed778] Merge #4778 (cardano-node)
19:25:40 [2afe1342] Try #4839: (cardano-node)
19:29:11 [6a8727ec] Add HLint to CI (cardano-node)
19:37:32 [1d5a2aeb] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
19:37:43 [4565c2fe] minutes (Developer-Experience-working-group)
19:40:19 [0042fa18] Isolate CDDL for text-based (policy_id,asset_name) (CIPs)
19:43:51 [2046f745] Merge pull request #434 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/use-gen-lib (marlowe-cardano)
19:44:03 [83f31bac] bump cachix/install-nix-action to v18. fix channel/nix to nixos-22.11. fix cache. (cardano-node)
19:45:35 [ec2f4bd7] staging: Bump marlowe to 2046f745974a648b7d0ef880a255530bb4144cac (plutus-ops)
19:52:48 [839218cc] Add support for bytestring (policy_id, asset_name) (CIPs)
19:54:36 [82885ddb] equinix: tf state updated to serial 11 (cardano-world)
19:57:45 [ea56a36d] cleanups (yoroi-mobile)
19:58:08 [d5d624eb] Add HLint to CI (cardano-node)
20:04:12 [94e61dc6] Fix pipeline (#131) (carp)
20:13:40 [e41bdd45] Merge #4778 (cardano-node)
20:13:43 [a9b1f2f5] PLT-662 Added Address->Datum indexer in Marconi (plutus-apps)
20:27:55 [766bcdfb] equinix: tf state updated to serial 12 (cardano-world)
20:28:45 [8a6cfaa5] BlockVasil: skip deserialization of tx_witnesses field (#21) (dcspark-core)
20:36:31 [56906bbf] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
20:43:09 [358d07c8] adding recovering of paired balancew error (yoroi-mobile)
20:43:24 [19d5260e] Add HLint to CI (cardano-node)
20:48:51 [705523e1] fix: Implementation plan indention (CIPs)
20:49:47 [fb4f7880] imp: ziti overlay with explorer machine in awsExt cluster mode (cardano-world)
20:53:01 [d27e5da8] Refactor NFT Gallery (yoroi-mobile)
20:58:19 [e83ef3d9] support GHC 9.4.4 (#1822) (haskell.nix)
21:02:37 [21d36ae7] cleanups (yoroi-mobile)
21:04:24 [969c17f0] Fix hlint warnings (cardano-node)
21:09:56 [ee6f5cc2] Simplified and straight line code using onLeft and onNothing functions. (cardano-node)
21:19:39 [57c01921] Keep `HandshakeException` separate from `HandshakeResult` (ouroboros-network)
21:27:55 [c664cfb7] cleanups (yoroi-mobile)
21:42:22 [a5e4dd65] Merge pull request #4832 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/remove-NoImplicitPrelude-from-cardano-api (cardano-node)
21:43:52 [976e87ce] Markdown links CI check (cardano-node)
21:46:22 [aabc8f84] cleanups (yoroi-mobile)
21:48:39 [95d5a12f] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
22:00:30 [5e1b3867] Merge branch 'main' into feature/npg-3367-test-delegator-endpoint (catalyst-core)
22:03:23 [9ad67baa] deploy: a5e4dd65a863e7d5be05479766211a048b03ad7a (cardano-node)
22:06:21 [79f45082] Merge branch 'master' into 1700-cross-compilation-on-darwin-requires-host-ncurses-terminfo (haskell.nix)
22:12:19 [9ba67688] Retry fund return (cardano-transaction-lib)
22:23:56 [324b2c29] Add note for basics (guild-operators)
22:36:02 [1c89ec48] Remove some obsolete hackage-quirks (#1813) (haskell.nix)
22:41:31 [ccee941a] Creating Transaction with Metadata (cardano-cli-starter-kit)
22:44:50 [721df12e] Upgrade plutus-use-cases to use V2 scripts, plutus-contract StateMachine needed upgrading too (plutus-apps)
22:45:27 [85f3d826] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/nixpkgs-update (haskell.nix)
22:55:53 [2f7dd0e1] Addding keys for testing (cardano-cli-starter-kit)
23:01:36 [5e117878] Revert "Addding keys for testing" - No need vkeys, skey, and address (cardano-cli-starter-kit)
23:05:22 [929edda5] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 105 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:23 [36c5d9aa] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 125 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:23 [58dedcfc] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 125 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:24 [d99677e2] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 639 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:25 [9dfbe3f3] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 620 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:25 [6dbeb862] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 432 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:26 [5c980043] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 241 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:26 [d50c112e] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 179 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:38 [59071ce5] Added comments about eopsin to Problem 3 (CIPs)
23:46:21 [99426b6f] SCP-4588 Added commands for print PIR and UPLC. (marlowe-cardano)