Home / Reports / Feb 1, 2023

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

828 commits had been pushed across 68 repos by 132 authors. There were 2,018,462 additions and 2,554,757 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:09:12 [a0153190] workbench: multiple nomad servers and clients (phase III, simplification and dynamic dirs,ports,etc) (cardano-node)
00:09:58 [5634163d] imp: add cardano-node to equinix explorer (cardano-world)
00:10:11 [0cc34941] Add Forge Token Mapping (cardano-token-registry)
00:10:32 [eeb1f9bd] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:17:22 [227f8229] Add Forge Token Mapping (cardano-token-registry)
00:17:44 [5e50cebe] --local: enable nightly tests (cardano-ledger)
00:17:44 [b837ebc6] --local: warnings don't care (cardano-ledger)
00:21:00 [c7dfb879] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:21:33 [93b8a181] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:21:33 [b8d46320] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:24:13 [0b1a8468] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:26:09 [9b4c4782] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:47:34 [99290e1c] Rust fmt and new structure (#173) (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
00:51:01 [491800d1] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:55:14 [6052c1ed] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:57:13 [115b5a45] add missing tracer-transformers to lib:cardano-node (cardano-node)
01:22:04 [a90599a3] - Update version to Koios-1.0.10rc (koios-webartifacts)
01:57:09 [9582bf24] update cache in for github workflow (plutus-apps)
01:57:59 [3c4c17bf] removing logs and lasLogs from PartiallyDecodedResponse (plutus-apps)
02:01:13 [15e97438] feat: more Rc in machine (aiken)
02:04:55 [aed58c73] fixing checking for updates in workflow (plutus-apps)
03:42:11 [8d343e00] fix url for get_pool_delegators_history (koios-python)
03:56:35 [a42c8778] trace-dispatcher: new version (cardano-node)
03:58:23 [97a0e676] cardano-node: restructuring tracers (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [25af0e4d] trace-resources: adoption (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [826bc2cf] cardano-tracer: adoptions for new trace-dispatcher (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [19b8c158] cardano-tracer: test-ext fix (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [5886cbac] tx-generator: adopted for new trace-dispatcher version (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [bea63dfa] Late fixes (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [7aa448d9] stylish-haskell changes (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [5e56ee47] workbench: restore the default trace config (cardano-node)
03:58:25 [3c123bf4] trace-dispatcher: metricsDocFor without Maybe (cardano-node)
04:05:17 [a82959bc] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
04:06:29 [6a881690] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 releasefixed (cardano-node)
04:08:16 [732c7aae] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
04:59:35 [0ecf7d03] Bump mongoose from 5.12.13 to 5.13.15 (testnets-cardano-org)
05:06:37 [452bee44] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
05:20:02 [9153ae65] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
05:20:08 [3c530a09] Update cabal.project (cardano-node)
05:20:08 [1cc0690e] Copied changes from #4600 (cardano-node)
05:21:16 [3ef245bc] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 releasefixed (cardano-node)
05:21:17 [095bb915] Added lower bounds to dependencies based on cabal.project constraints (cardano-node)
05:21:17 [1b5fca09] Removed some constraints from cabal.project (cardano-node)
05:21:18 [c7d61879] update ouroboros-network and iohk-nix (cardano-node)
05:22:20 [506b5840] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
05:22:21 [b9fe49c4] cardano-api: Fix Eq instances (cardano-node)
05:23:14 [774bb4c6] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
05:23:15 [d35c9519] CI: Add ghc-9.2.4 to the build matrix (cardano-node)
05:23:15 [4d295947] More CHaP updates (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [b97fd011] drop unused dependency (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [5cb2edb8] Fix plutus related benchmarking code (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [891f0baa] Set of cabal updates (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [6c5ece28] Remove cardano-cli dependency on Win32 (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [6a843ccc] drop musl from x86_64-darwin (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [86e148eb] Try to fix loclis Cardano.Prelude import (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [8b1f68b8] drop flake.lock (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [fe6b07c4] Add ghc-9.2.5 variant to nix ci. (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [52c632d3] Update hackageNix flake input (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [1bb6b9f0] Small fixes (cardano-node)
05:23:16 [4f4820bb] Fixup rebase (cardano-node)
05:23:17 [0bf31e2d] regenerate flake.lock (cardano-node)
05:23:17 [9d4c2f11] downgreade iohk-nix (cardano-node)
05:23:17 [6a40e871] update cardano-node (cardano-node)
05:23:17 [96078f3d] add missing tracer-transformers to lib:cardano-node (cardano-node)
05:26:04 [eccdf0e0] cardano-node: restructuring tracers (cardano-node)
05:26:53 [5905e04d] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
05:26:55 [339078d1] Updated cardano-node for 1.35.5 releasefixed (cardano-node)
05:27:15 [c01d4cf4] Updated ledger and ouroboros-network dependencies (cardano-node)
05:42:20 [d8fc201e] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
05:51:24 [e6f6db49] Flaky random-improve tests now try 3 times (#174) (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
06:00:36 [fb4f9123] Add field `utxoBalanceShortfall` to `BalanceInsufficientError`. (cardano-wallet)
06:00:41 [4d2137b2] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.Wallet.Api.Http.Server.Error`. (cardano-wallet)
06:00:41 [28de035b] Fix indentation in `Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.TransactionSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
06:00:41 [b3ca66ae] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.Wallet.Shelley.TransactionSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
06:00:42 [c7a61285] Remove the now-redundant `balanceMissing` function. (cardano-wallet)
06:00:42 [68bd5562] Use `utxoBalanceShortfall` in `Cardano.CoinSelection.BalanceSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
06:07:34 [d68ede09] Add top-level `ErrBalanceTxBalanceInsufficient` error. (cardano-wallet)
06:10:40 [70e06425] Add `ErrBalanceTxBalanceInsufficient` constructor to `ErrBalanceTx`. (cardano-wallet)
06:10:47 [62dbcdb5] Provide HTTP server support for `ErrBalanceTxBalanceInsufficient`. (cardano-wallet)
06:15:00 [b686d5a6] Add temporary helper function `flattenErrBalanceTx`. (cardano-wallet)
06:20:58 [5e6bda01] Moved Script Evaluation Test to GHA (#5095) (plutus)
06:21:13 [1cdf2458] Add support for ghc-9.2 and CHaP (cardano-node)
06:26:54 [1a4916db] Use temporary helper function `flattenErrBalanceTx`. (cardano-wallet)
06:27:30 [cf73003f] workbench: genesis creation cleanups (cardano-node)
06:27:32 [9bccfd97] workbench: use eventlogged build (cardano-node)
06:27:32 [bffc038b] WIP (cardano-node)
06:27:32 [d1a6f855] workbench: massive refactoring; initial nixops+libvirtd/aws backends (cardano-node)
06:27:32 [7c55205b] nix: import nixops with plugins, ala cardano-ops (cardano-node)
06:27:32 [f213c2c9] weld (cardano-node)
06:27:32 [1b441384] cardano-node-service: fix flavored binaries (thanks @jbgi !) (cardano-node)
06:35:14 [d123f85c] Add workflow_dispatch trigger to script-evaluation.test.yml (plutus)
07:24:48 [fbebe611] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:Emurgo/yoroi-frontend into pat/missing-items-tx-tab (yoroi-frontend)
07:29:20 [3d0601cf] WIP (plutus-apps)
07:35:13 [3bf66ba8] refactored logic (yoroi-frontend)
07:42:50 [7d9f1839] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:Emurgo/yoroi-frontend into pat/dapp-connector-txsigning-redesign (yoroi-frontend)
07:43:32 [89d3d489] Replace pkgs.writeText with passAsFile (haskell.nix)
07:59:01 [7838f7f6] Fix for parsing metadata with duplicate labels (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
07:59:04 [8db77127] Fix for long addresses (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
07:59:04 [0f140f21] Temporarily fix PlutusData (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
08:00:14 [fc14ae5f] Update new crate code (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
08:08:01 [a04809b4] fix(cardano-services): stake pool query by metrics results no longer exceedes total count (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:04 [8957a75d] refactor(cardano-services): fixes some tabs, trailing spaces, indentations and sql keywords case (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:05 [bd9ab707] refactor!: reworks stake pool epoch rewards fields to be ledger compliant (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:05 [15cfdc14] fix(cardano-services): fixes epoch rewards of stake pool query to have the right number of elements (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:05 [2bcbf79e] fix(cardano-services): stake pool search cached results now correctly handle rewards history limit (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:06 [d9dc7a34] refactor(cardano-services)!: makes genesis data a dependency for providers which need it (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:07 [0c2d542b] fix(cardano-services): makes rewards epoch length the one from genesis for all epochs but current (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:07 [36bf7928] refactor!: changes member not annualized roi to member apy - fixes apy computation (cardano-js-sdk)
08:08:17 [d5bb364f] fix addr_vk payment cred validation (blockfrost-utils)
08:11:21 [84af9249] remove Adrestia references (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
08:16:46 [2fde3ba3] small packages of adjustments and new dockers (catalyst-core)
08:17:06 [f2166d8a] Guard sizes for output conversion (cardano-base)
08:18:20 [742fc721] weld (cardano-node)
08:19:11 [6f33e819] added more verbose information in voting tools. Reported tx hash (catalyst-core)
08:20:12 [5fb19dba] small fixes for logger discovered on dryrun (catalyst-core)
08:20:18 [47760d9c] Removed public-plutonomicon.cachix.org (plutarch)
08:21:09 [5698f967] Revert "added more verbose information in voting tools. Reported tx hash" (catalyst-core)
08:24:08 [213c126a] Fix crash trying to generate subsets larger than the superset (cardano-ledger)
08:26:40 [10644525] refactor: extract the joinStakePool function that builds a tx context (cardano-wallet)
08:26:40 [854e174e] refactor: join stake pool parameters (cardano-wallet)
08:26:40 [025b12f1] joinStakePool via buildSignSubmitTransaction (cardano-wallet)
08:27:47 [319b976c] Add another cip25 test (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
08:30:14 [1a57aa82] deploy: 5698f9673ccd6c2543f175cce23466d41b375e65 (catalyst-core)
08:32:10 [438bcf90] deploy: c60ff65055d0f8137bae4f18b24b6ff1123f97e6 (catalyst-core)
08:33:49 [8efacb1c] Re-add FlexibleContexts, required by 9.2.5; used to be implied by UdecidableInstances (cardano-node)
08:41:41 [ac962e58] allow-newer katip:Win32; required for 9.2 compat (cardano-node)
08:42:47 [296ce0e1] Discard unsolved constraints in soundness property (cardano-ledger)
08:56:24 [418e4c41] Clarified documentation (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:57:12 [a9309728] Starts next biweekly update (engineering)
08:58:40 [4c852224] Fix date (engineering)
09:01:37 [9ad1983f] Guard sizes for output conversion (cardano-base)
09:02:31 [d4627386] FIX Async issue with tracer (hydra-poc)
09:02:33 [e00a8803] Update CPS-0001/README.md (CIPs)
09:02:46 [91a0ded6] Update CPS-0001/README.md (CIPs)
09:05:45 [4617f35b] Update CPS-0001/README.md (CIPs)
09:05:58 [2bf27dc2] Update CPS-0001/README.md (CIPs)
09:06:59 [77a6218c] Update CPS-0001/README.md (CIPs)
09:07:15 [8380e27f] add era reader (mithril)
09:14:41 [df3c5b62] small fixes for logger discovered on dryrun (catalyst-core)
09:20:22 [0ea0ba44] entrypoint fix (token-registry-service)
09:24:03 [496fccd7] Fix 'sanitize' to support Value without 'assets' (cardano-ogmios)
09:24:05 [d271cc2d] deploy: df3c5b62b5a0a18822b6d0b3d55c37a39a4bad95 (catalyst-core)
09:28:29 [41bfc919] Minor refactor (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [0a3dce84] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [778079fc] Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [095df672] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [435b1edb] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [a54a5b97] Add module Marconi.Index.Common for common instances (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [264afad9] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [d926b290] Add changelog entry and module documentation (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [38e8c6eb] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [de870375] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
09:28:29 [e4796d58] Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
09:28:41 [21e4dba6] reduce slots per epoch (catalyst-core)
09:29:33 [4ffa9e8e] reintroduce multi_vote_plan_test (catalyst-core)
09:46:14 [8341c5d9] reduce slot duration for explorer vote plan tests (catalyst-core)
09:48:39 [7095f788] deploy: 4ffa9e8e485546956fb919daf2ee4e253fbf2e58 (catalyst-core)
09:49:28 [2e4cc1e9] deploy: 340532fe754883c52d528cb6960cec090e2ba0fb (catalyst-core)
09:49:51 [edf64c22] fetchAssetAddresses and dev (mesh)
09:50:51 [869d15ec] reduce slot per epoch and slot duration in explorer certificate test (catalyst-core)
09:55:06 [585e130d] Add MarloweInfo to the app state ContractInfo (marlowe-actus-labs)
09:55:38 [e6b53e41] Format code (marlowe-actus-labs)
09:58:48 [b49decfb] Avoid generating cyclic constraints, and add Disjoint constraints (cardano-ledger)
10:05:10 [194b365f] deploy: 869d15ec60279c7f035737d8b50b1725d9ce340f (catalyst-core)
10:06:13 [818196a6] Adapt ChainDB test (ouroboros-network)
10:07:45 [c6c1b905] deploy: 0857e9f72ba87d0483dd56865a4510e65c8b34e7 (catalyst-core)
10:09:51 [024b6393] Removed deprecated terms (io-sim)
10:09:51 [d7ca7340] io-sim & io-classes: haddocks (io-sim)
10:09:52 [f3d7d356] Updated default-extensions fields in cabal files (io-sim)
10:09:52 [92d0d7f1] Make all packages compatible with `ghc-8.6` and `ghc-8.8` (io-sim)
10:09:52 [0fa5fd0d] MonadAsync: added haddocks (io-sim)
10:09:52 [5f6c74e7] io-sim & strict-stm: provide NoThunks instances (io-sim)
10:09:52 [aaeafa62] io-sim: public modules (io-sim)
10:09:52 [9b175d29] io-sim: removed not needed GHC options (io-sim)
10:09:53 [d77f6dd2] si-timers: updated README.md file (io-sim)
10:09:53 [42089450] io-classes: updated README.md file (io-sim)
10:09:53 [aeb0caa6] cabal files: use concise syntax of tested-with (io-sim)
10:09:53 [1e8e4c25] Removed description fields in .cabal files (io-sim)
10:09:53 [ab87b356] io-sim: updated README.md file (io-sim)
10:09:53 [c220e989] strict-stm: updated README.md file (io-sim)
10:09:53 [e137bec9] Updated authors & maintainers in cabal files (io-sim)
10:09:54 [53a25d2b] io-sim: no need to expose execReadTVar (io-sim)
10:09:54 [da9dd34a] MonadMVar: added haddocks (io-sim)
10:09:54 [113bb359] Added SECURITY.md file (io-sim)
10:09:54 [eb7152ed] Updated CONTRIBUTING.md file (io-sim)
10:09:54 [33d0950e] Updated copyright field (io-sim)
10:09:54 [cf0ec098] Enhance documentation of MonadTraceSTM (io-sim)
10:09:54 [50bbf957] io-sim: enhanced TimeoutException Show instance (io-sim)
10:09:55 [319f5227] io-classes: removed default implementations for MonadSTM (io-sim)
10:10:05 [5cc0508c] Switch BHeader memoization to strict ByteString, but keep the field lazy (cardano-ledger)
10:15:28 [0521d4ef] update ci nix (plutus-apps)
10:18:44 [da78d728] Note about distribution for Disjoint constraints (cardano-ledger)
10:20:01 [2ec6b746] update the dashboard links (cardano-node-tests)
10:20:24 [f1d6979f] deploy: b3d24069227e3e1a51430d879db982bb7291518e (catalyst-core)
10:20:42 [b8ca2d0c] Fixed a badge (typed-protocols)
10:21:52 [b58f1d6a] test db-sync recconection after restarting nodes (cardano-node-tests)
10:21:53 [c96e103f] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
10:21:54 [cd7dccfe] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
10:21:55 [4513ebfd] fix: fixes the computation of apy (cardano-js-sdk)
10:22:08 [903bcc6a] Add the Conway era (ouroboros-network)
10:22:32 [9e0f1c05] [tmp] test -> lib (plutus-apps)
10:23:06 [06e0a19a] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
10:24:56 [c5986d66] update the dashboard links (#1623) (cardano-node-tests)
10:25:57 [97f73ddd] Fixed a badge (io-sim)
10:26:16 [eba57872] Fixed a badge (typed-protocols)
10:26:48 [ae00b161] Remove suchThat and use choose to generate tx validity values (hydra)
10:28:32 [0fa74d12] Bump which from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 (cddl-codegen)
10:29:03 [7cb4dba3] Remove instance for Ratio in favor of Rational. Add Double encoding/decoding (cardano-base)
10:29:04 [93efc6b9] Deprecate serializeEncoding and serializeEncoding' (cardano-base)
10:29:04 [a7afe0d9] Add `EncCBOR` instance for `Tokens -> Tokens` (cardano-base)
10:29:04 [3137566c] Add strict decodeFullDecoder' (cardano-base)
10:29:04 [265679fc] Add a couple instances for 6-tuples and 8-tuples (cardano-base)
10:29:04 [d2e44a15] Add instances for Term and Encoding (cardano-base)
10:29:42 [a10f8900] Revert "update ci nix" (plutus-apps)
10:30:17 [025f1890] fix read_write_memory quickcheck test (#25) (dcspark-core)
10:31:02 [93f6d48a] clippy 1.67 lint fixes (dcspark-core)
10:31:23 [8bee4936] Update cardano-base that has no DecShareCBOR (cardano-ledger)
10:37:39 [cbdc5809] Workaround for `nix develop -c` forking (cardano-node-tests)
10:37:46 [385f6fa9] Define `BackingStore` and `InMemory` implementation (ouroboros-network)
10:37:47 [e6398c84] fixed suggestions (catalyst-core)
10:38:02 [b0dda694] clippy 1.67 lint fixes (#24) (dcspark-core)
10:41:10 [cea2ec71] Reworked Delay and Force docs (plutarch)
10:45:37 [05aa1728] Revert to older ODC (because of API braking change) (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:47:16 [2a40e1e3] deploy: e6398c845e1487d41d98c2e234614cfaa2c78a43 (catalyst-core)
10:50:43 [2fce00d3] deploy: cb63124fa24435bf4e3d01090eca8f26fc42fb9a (catalyst-core)
10:51:25 [0bb34223] HLS 1.8.0 (plutus-apps)
10:54:31 [250d66d9] Merge branch 'main' into NPG-5113-adjust-vit-ss-tests-to-use-the-new-db-schema-when-setting-up-the-db (catalyst-core)
10:57:51 [df8abbb1] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/suspense (yoroi-frontend)
11:02:31 [905a04ac] added basics (catalyst-core)
11:05:06 [30907ba2] WIP (plutus-apps)
11:05:59 [60f2279a] WIP (plutus-apps)
11:07:21 [ec035c3c] Fix staking page crash & remove divider line on revamp (yoroi-frontend)
11:08:05 [3dd3d5f1] Implement trivial instances for `LedgerTables` in `ouroboros-consensus-(test|mock)` (ouroboros-network)
11:08:05 [7bce7571] Define `LedgerTables` and provide instances for `ouroboros-consensus` (ouroboros-network)
11:08:06 [cf685a93] Implement instances for `LedgerTables` in `ouroboros-consensus-(byron|shelley)[-test]` (ouroboros-network)
11:09:19 [4ba148d6] Implement instances for `LedgerTables` in `ouroboros-consensus-cardano[-test|-tools]` (ouroboros-network)
11:09:54 [41cdb424] Merge #3971 (ouroboros-network)
11:12:09 [03887cc7] deploy: 905a04ac3e81d4f1a9ea7002f8277ea149116a93 (catalyst-core)
11:13:46 [b7ead400] fixed suggestions (catalyst-core)
11:15:48 [4968db20] fixup! fix(core): omit NFT meta files with invalid format (cardano-js-sdk)
11:16:54 [7938bfd5] [DDW-1083] Rename `chromedriver` → `electronChromedriver` (daedalus)
11:16:57 [f9997b2a] fixup! fix(core): omit NFT meta files with invalid format (cardano-js-sdk)
11:19:04 [67c4f389] handbook: explain concepts (cicero)
11:21:37 [c37d1c0e] Define `LedgerTables` and provide instances for `ouroboros-consensus` (ouroboros-network)
11:21:44 [d7c035d3] Implement trivial instances for `LedgerTables` in `ouroboros-consensus-(test|mock)` (ouroboros-network)
11:21:52 [e5a6daf9] Implement instances for `LedgerTables` in `ouroboros-consensus-(byron|shelley)[-test]` (ouroboros-network)
11:21:56 [1aacd95a] Implement instances for `LedgerTables` in `ouroboros-consensus-cardano[-test|-tools]` (ouroboros-network)
11:23:14 [5b8af322] deploy: b7ead400c4d3d8e197da0c2bb6318ce2de24c9c8 (catalyst-core)
11:24:18 [c00d6cc3] deploy: 9ff35ee7c6a7d03982dd762591c094ac4690fa89 (catalyst-core)
11:25:24 [0993f87d] PLT-662 Added Address->Datum indexer in Marconi (plutus-apps)
11:32:48 [a1cbfde4] refactor: upgrade to Hasura 2 (cardano-graphql)
11:32:48 [a4092f87] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): remove VARCHAR limits from Asset table (cardano-graphql)
11:32:49 [d6693469] refactor: rename db-manager to background, move all other background tasks there (cardano-graphql)
11:32:49 [f8fdcd18] build: nixOS service changes (cardano-graphql)
11:32:49 [800a5877] feat: improve uncaught exception logging (cardano-graphql)
11:32:50 [d5a794d2] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): retry initialization of data fetcher (cardano-graphql)
11:32:50 [b48e8043] fix(server): avoid producing NaN in asset sync percentage calc, and clamp to max 100% (cardano-graphql)
11:32:50 [2dd5375a] build: move packages to cardano-graphql cell (cardano-graphql)
11:32:51 [90b4342f] chore: replace remaining docker-compose command in package.json scripts (cardano-graphql)
11:33:44 [ef783fba] fix(core): omit NFT meta files with invalid format (cardano-js-sdk)
11:43:06 [e80c5b48] Seperate the Voting page into VotingPage and VotingPageContent (yoroi-frontend)
11:44:16 [66442bd7] Update error name (yoroi-frontend)
11:47:50 [0f210ea6] Reorganize `Storage.LedgerDB` internal modules (ouroboros-network)
11:48:11 [abb4d333] Merge pull request #791 from input-output-hk/feat/background-process-and-isolated-data (cardano-graphql)
11:50:16 [9ddc9ebf] test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
11:50:21 [29a0fcd3] Create CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md (cardano-graphql)
11:50:29 [d0203e44] Add docs for Blockfrost runtime and mention it in README (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:50:33 [cde13292] Merge pull request #776 from Trueblueaddie/patch-1 (cardano-graphql)
11:51:06 [4e7d7583] Add files via upload (koios-artifacts)
11:53:06 [6dc9c4cd] fixup! test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
11:53:10 [4a53bd5d] Merge pull request #1622 from input-output-hk/fix_withdraw_deregister (cardano-node-tests)
11:53:16 [600c7db5] fixup! fixup! test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
11:53:23 [4f9bd17b] Merge pull request #1621 from input-output-hk/fast_cluster_skips (cardano-node-tests)
11:53:31 [9cdd98e4] Add files via upload (koios-artifacts)
11:54:43 [4c4aaa27] Merge pull request #1620 from saratomaz/test_recconect_dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
11:56:45 [0cc13ef8] Add missing spago dep in template (cardano-browser-tx)
12:01:39 [86b58f07] fetchSpecificAddress (mesh)
12:02:58 [12c2fad9] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
12:06:51 [e70527fc] Alonzo is done (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:07:43 [b01de482] Conway is done (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:07:47 [45be1b82] Add EncDec for PParamsUpdate (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:13:56 [589a2462] Sums-of-products in PLC (plutus)
12:14:17 [e98b2842] WIP faster (plutus)
12:14:37 [ea12a1b4] Add files via upload (#161) (koios-artifacts)
12:18:24 [1c1b87ec] --experiment: increase heap size for shelley-ma-test (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:21:01 [9fcf5996] --local: run only shelle-ma-test (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:25:19 [843f180a] update error handling (catalyst-core)
12:28:03 [e89d5dba] fix fmt (catalyst-core)
12:31:31 [ebd91993] Fix datum encoding in marconi indexer (plutus-apps)
12:34:26 [30869331] SCP-4863 Separated datum vs hash db-comparison tests. (marlowe-cardano)
12:34:33 [e6541e75] SCP-4863 Fixed datum hash mismatch, but not datum mismatch. (marlowe-cardano)
12:34:33 [8ad7435a] SCP-4863 Fixed retrieval of datum and datum hash from ledger. (marlowe-cardano)
12:34:33 [6f778b2b] SCP-4863 Improved chainseek vs dbsync tests. (marlowe-cardano)
12:34:33 [20015947] deploy: 843f180a3199854b9b5de5a83345f820b4d5e986 (catalyst-core)
12:34:33 [3855e2da] SCP-4863 Removed lint. (marlowe-cardano)
12:35:16 [ce424739] Implement instances for `LedgerTables` in `ouroboros-consensus-cardano[-test|-tools]` (ouroboros-network)
12:36:08 [ecc61546] Implement `DbChangelog` and replace the `LedgerDB` (ouroboros-network)
12:36:27 [e03b8fa2] deploy: 2db786e165e575f104c0c67fe1f9586e97609f97 (catalyst-core)
12:38:10 [3a3efe31] ETCM-3244 Add note for macOS users to readme.md. (sidechains-tooling)
12:39:48 [a655fd40] Add tests & update docs for the tx history endpoint (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
12:41:31 [2d4edb44] Process PR comments: improve haddock comment. (anti-diffs)
12:42:50 [fff2e685] Remove plutus-errors package (plutus)
12:42:50 [c43b78a9] Improve noinlining for resolving the ticks issue (plutus)
12:42:50 [84ee0062] Strictify error constructors' fields (plutus)
12:45:30 [fa123f89] Fix datum encoding in marconi indexer (#916) (plutus-apps)
12:45:44 [ca739951] deploy: e89d5dbae9cfdf80747ee5d3e05366060ccd24aa (catalyst-core)
12:45:46 [bd780e2f] plutusStaging: Bump plutus to fa123f895b93443b65240b9bc507b09b72849e63 (plutus-ops)
12:50:40 [54e7274a] Merge pull request #439 from input-output-hk/SCP-4863 (marlowe-cardano)
12:52:13 [89030abc] Implement feedback (sidechains-tooling)
12:52:21 [1d56751f] staging: Bump marlowe to 54e7274ad6daf54e7c5a9fed88d9f33aed19204b (plutus-ops)
12:54:32 [ad25e50d] Merge pull request #10 from input-output-hk/jdral/diff-containers-simplify-diff-history-type (anti-diffs)
12:55:09 [bb02a53d] Remove `Unsafe*` constructors for the `DiffEntry` type. (anti-diffs)
13:00:23 [3aee4509] Add changelog (plutus-apps)
13:00:23 [0a0b768d] Throw error when balancing exceeds MaxCollateralInputs (plutus-apps)
13:00:23 [0e2dd528] Pick bigger inputs first while balancing (plutus-apps)
13:01:27 [d46ed052] Bump cbor_event from 2.1.3 to 2.4.0 in /rust (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
13:01:38 [999142f0] Bump unicode-segmentation from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 in /rust (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
13:01:47 [4c133883] Bump js-sys from 0.3.59 to 0.3.60 in /rust (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
13:01:56 [0683822d] Bump base64 from 0.13.1 to 0.21.0 in /rust (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
13:06:19 [e5c3d213] Merge pull request #11 from input-output-hk/jdral/diff-containers-remove-unsafe-diff-entries (anti-diffs)
13:06:55 [25cc7a3c] Remove `Act` datatype and scrutinous application of diffs (anti-diffs)
13:06:55 [c26c5c60] Rename folds and traverals (anti-diffs)
13:07:15 [3f2a1b8f] helper for transmute added (mithril)
13:11:39 [d98d46bf] Merge pull request #3015 from Emurgo/denis/logging_improvement (yoroi-frontend)
13:11:57 [425f7942] Move `Data.Map.Diff.Strict` to `Data.Map.Diff.Strict.Internal` (anti-diffs)
13:17:26 [64ed54c6] Create safe interface in `Data.Map.Diff.Strict` (anti-diffs)
13:20:12 [bae21560] Contributing doc reviewed (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:20:44 [c4d81a24] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into denis/preview-network (yoroi-frontend)
13:25:59 [f59dd284] Wait for cost models to appear in db (cardano-node-tests)
13:27:03 [d94f3b42] fix (catalyst-core)
13:27:03 [ddff0317] Contributing doc reviewed (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:27:27 [e9a87861] Implement missing definitions that are safe (anti-diffs)
13:28:11 [aacd1a48] remove contributing files (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:28:41 [bcd753ec] add draft file (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:29:03 [d976f7a0] clippy errors corrected (mithril)
13:29:27 [2ddd1990] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@013d868f02eaf9ec0bdd3c37d8fb05048217f39b 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:30:55 [3a6a26bc] Merge pull request #1624 from input-output-hk/nix_dbsync_workaround (cardano-node-tests)
13:33:07 [ede08a80] Update cardano-node lock (cardano-node-tests)
13:34:37 [d2b3d4e9] Handle arbitrary OrderInfo in soundness property (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:35:39 [a039b489] create dumb database to test migration to new submissions (cardano-wallet)
13:35:39 [342f0524] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@30a5e1c146fbcd527287fb09ae47599c95368df7 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:36:03 [3e714978] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@365a61b8cbffbc247e6cc3319116084a43d45961 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:36:30 [ed881980] test new submissions db-schema migration (cardano-wallet)
13:36:30 [1b587261] remove old submissions store from the tx history (cardano-wallet)
13:36:30 [d184d7e8] remove local_tx_submission table (cardano-wallet)
13:36:30 [5f09c513] migrate the DB schema to remove old submissions store (cardano-wallet)
13:36:30 [8f23984d] remove the old store code for submissions (cardano-wallet)
13:37:05 [237a838e] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@81f8e87c5e2ada8eea2c86159883befce1884886 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:37:17 [d307e2da] deploy: d94f3b42de2773124a665de8b40c648a47708064 (catalyst-core)
13:37:43 [78955b00] herlpers made private (mithril)
13:38:59 [7dac2016] Deploying to deploy from @ input-output-hk/hs-opt-handbook.github.io@845ecac1370c688e3e4ad54cc606a81ff2e838aa 🚀 (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:40:19 [518da4f5] deploy: f6b260b0222fb0b16b83f67e45163c1bd191f06b (catalyst-core)
13:41:30 [09409ba2] preview network config update (yoroi-frontend)
13:43:26 [1fb4cfd8] Merge pull request #12 from input-output-hk/jdral/diff-containers-remove-act (anti-diffs)
13:44:43 [951ca9c4] remove invalidScript test (plutus-apps)
13:44:44 [005b46c4] Move `Data.Map.Diff.Strict` to `Data.Map.Diff.Strict.Internal` (anti-diffs)
13:44:45 [8f71859e] Create safe interface in `Data.Map.Diff.Strict` (anti-diffs)
13:44:54 [8d5aefdf] Generate combinations of known sets in genLiteral for sets (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:48:10 [185ee1a2] Use `ValuesMK` all-through consensus (ouroboros-network)
13:50:37 [f4dd05b9] Create marconi-test-lib library component in mamba (plutus-apps)
13:51:14 [4726870c] handbook: finish rest (cicero)
13:52:23 [140bc7dd] Update flake.lock to cardano-node 1.35.5 (cardano-node-tests)
13:52:37 [75be34fc] Merge #3720 (cardano-wallet)
13:58:31 [c0ff1a1e] update load_tx_view and use it on check_tx_view (cardano-node-tests)
13:59:07 [47dec63d] Merge pull request #1626 from input-output-hk/update_flake_lock (cardano-node-tests)
14:02:19 [1ea55f46] Merge pull request #1627 from saratomaz/update_load_tx_view (cardano-node-tests)
14:03:16 [575b90c1] Merge pull request #1625 from input-output-hk/wait_for_cost_models (cardano-node-tests)
14:04:07 [82004dfd] workbench: wb publish comments and small fixes (cardano-node)
14:04:15 [b0c99ae6] workbench: Stateful Nomad (phase III: reuse Nomad is already running) (cardano-node)
14:04:15 [658d8c82] workbench: multiple nomad servers and clients (phase II) (cardano-node)
14:04:15 [2d60fd44] COMMENTS (cardano-node)
14:04:15 [f2691da4] workbench: multiple nomad servers and clients (phase I) (cardano-node)
14:04:16 [10e8e568] workbench: multiple nomad servers and clients (phase III, simplification and dynamic dirs,ports,etc) (cardano-node)
14:04:16 [88989236] TODO2 (cardano-node)
14:04:16 [4365d971] workbench: order Nomad subcommands (cardano-node)
14:04:16 [04846211] TODO1 (cardano-node)
14:05:06 [f9dad72d] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/suspense (yoroi-frontend)
14:05:10 [364aa77a] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/nft-gallery (yoroi-mobile)
14:06:13 [83d2a423] Implement missing definitions that are safe (anti-diffs)
14:07:23 [112b53cf] Updates wallet-js functionality, fix some bugs (#257) (catalyst-core)
14:08:19 [6d1af7c8] Removed Draft Docs for feature/wallet-js-update (catalyst-core)
14:11:53 [039e50bf] Remove concurrency group from benchmark.yml (plutus)
14:13:22 [6ec81049] remove fetchSpecificAddress (mesh)
14:13:41 [8dd1029c] Remove suchThat and use choose to generate tx validity values (hydra-poc)
14:14:06 [acf4ea73] Merge branch 'main' into zeme-iohk/std-4 (plutus-apps)
14:15:17 [54134b12] Merge pull request #5 from input-output-hk/ETCM-3244-update-sidechains-cli-instructions (sidechains-tooling)
14:15:34 [d646b7f1] Optimize queries to use new indexed columns (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:34 [f7444cfb] Define MarloweQuery protocol (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:34 [fd782cb9] Update materialized (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:34 [79b2de90] Integrate MarloweQueryServer into marlowe-sync (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:34 [64189c2f] Refactor rollback handling in marlowe-sync (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:34 [ac9e5169] Implement GetHeaders query (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:34 [b5145f2f] Add block columns to tx tables (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:34 [ca322901] Fix commit blocks query issue (marlowe-cardano)
14:15:46 [37fa58bd] Add 'QueryStore' for 'TxWalletsHistory' (cardano-wallet)
14:15:46 [3e2bcd98] Add tests for 'QueryStore' for 'TxWalletsHistory' (cardano-wallet)
14:16:14 [5e5c2d04] cardano-node-service: fix flavored binaries (thanks @jbgi !) (cardano-node)
14:16:14 [1ea425d4] workbench: massive refactoring; initial nixops+libvirtd/aws backends (cardano-node)
14:16:14 [e6ac1908] workbench: use eventlogged build (cardano-node)
14:16:47 [831c4369] deploy: 112b53cf310a816f171f6907291606342dfa444f (catalyst-core)
14:17:24 [428f3512] Add `RollbackTo` verb to `DeltaTxWalletsHistory` (cardano-wallet)
14:18:11 [c67272d2] Create safe interface in `*.Diff.Strict`, implement missing definitions (anti-diffs)
14:18:12 [27501d4f] wip (cardano-wallet)
14:19:25 [88bf4c46] Catch up to old nix (plutus-apps)
14:19:26 [1626e105] WIP (plutus-apps)
14:19:26 [14d5ada7] Upgrade HLS to 1.9.0 (plutus-apps)
14:19:26 [79dbbfba] HLS 1.8.0 (plutus-apps)
14:19:27 [d9266390] WIP (plutus-apps)
14:19:27 [c6ff9f71] WIP (plutus-apps)
14:19:27 [8309bbf3] WIP (plutus-apps)
14:19:33 [48b35296] Merge branch 'main' into sve-readiness (catalyst-core)
14:24:57 [6488ed7b] bug fixing fromledgerPlutusScript': applying fromStrict before returning ByteString (plutus-apps)
14:25:06 [d72f4f5e] remove old submissions store from the tx history (cardano-wallet)
14:25:09 [7f2cc6e3] remove the old store code for submissions (cardano-wallet)
14:25:22 [d65e3629] remove local_tx_submission table (cardano-wallet)
14:25:53 [e0308ab2] Add DJED/ADA cLP token (cardano-token-registry)
14:26:11 [f0582e1c] Check for token burning in checkClose (hydra-poc)
14:28:48 [d5cc9139] deploy: 48b352968d57547121a22cb74f0889cec3f15123 (catalyst-core)
14:29:40 [e304904c] Merge branch 'main' into iapyx_enhancements (catalyst-core)
14:32:29 [6085c031] Merge #3971 #4327 (ouroboros-network)
14:32:32 [dd01ecbb] deploy: ba51c88e30e02a02e35176576dbad7473a9f5800 (catalyst-core)
14:33:22 [ae1cdbf0] migrate the DB schema to remove old submissions store (cardano-wallet)
14:34:12 [1d2dc4b5] minor (hydra-poc)
14:34:38 [0ea2eaeb] Update temporary `s-r-p`, fix compilation errors (ouroboros-network)
14:35:12 [d0638a24] Remove more dead code (cardano-node)
14:35:23 [79b1215c] dcspark-core add CriticalError for anyhow::Context (dcspark-core)
14:35:30 [b3ac75ce] cardano-source: mark deserialization error as Critical (dcspark-core)
14:36:58 [93b66fbe] Merge pull request #2691 from edridudi/master (cardano-token-registry)
14:37:32 [8650d44c] Merge pull request #2692 from MuesliSwapTeam/MuesliSwapTeam-patch-1 (cardano-token-registry)
14:38:02 [82688aaa] Move json-rpc library component from marconi-mamba to marconi (plutus-apps)
14:38:31 [fab2a977] add first era reader adapters (mithril)
14:39:17 [d6c08e66] deploy: e304904c96d85113fce8a8b147d6deea0f9d8f03 (catalyst-core)
14:42:32 [19b91b3a] remove break (mesh)
14:42:41 [f54fea1f] PLT-867: Remove plutus-errors package (#5096) (plutus)
14:43:07 [f4a19562] Merge #3720 (cardano-wallet)
14:43:55 [5c6fc469] Add mutation to burn head token during contest (hydra-poc)
14:44:10 [1ae62d41] Check for token burning in checkContest (hydra-poc)
14:44:46 [1531f7b5] deploy: 35d2f5069821bbf035f130b1802a071f3ab5fa85 (catalyst-core)
14:45:26 [76083a22] Remove legacy storage (#2313) (yoroi-mobile)
14:46:46 [255ae7bd] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage (yoroi-mobile)
14:48:46 [aaa5be6e] add shen/ada lp tokens (cardano-token-registry)
14:49:10 [b24d71e9] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/YOMO-452 (yoroi-mobile)
14:49:42 [1154ae50] Add Djed/ADA 0.1-2 (cardano-token-registry)
14:49:49 [72ba3a74] Add new eslint rule and format code (yoroi-mobile)
14:51:14 [4c76d599] cardano knights (cardano-token-registry)
14:51:26 [db5d33d9] updating test snapshots (yoroi-frontend)
14:51:46 [88930564] Managing paired balance errors (#2305) (yoroi-mobile)
14:52:20 [9c5cd4d1] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage (yoroi-mobile)
14:53:33 [c07934b3] Add mutation to burn head token during collectcom (hydra-poc)
14:53:55 [ffdf5bb4] Check for token burning in collectCom (hydra-poc)
14:55:03 [7d5d7286] fixup! fixup! test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
14:55:17 [83fa364c] Stop postgres if started during testing (cardano-node-tests)
14:55:46 [94929d02] Limit number of testing threads (cardano-node-tests)
14:56:37 [28c0a00b] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
14:58:11 [dff6c93c] check return collateral amount on test_duplicated_collareral (cardano-node-tests)
14:58:53 [628075c8] Merge pull request #2693 from MuesliSwapTeam/MuesliSwapTeam-shen-ada (cardano-token-registry)
14:59:10 [a54a91e2] Worked on allowing multiple Component constraints (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:59:28 [027c721a] Merge pull request #2694 from MuesliSwapTeam/MuesliSwapTeam-djed-ada-01-2 (cardano-token-registry)
15:00:17 [30ba837f] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/eslint-config-update (yoroi-mobile)
15:00:27 [2b0744e2] add handbook (cicero)
15:00:34 [2e96908e] Merge pull request #301 from mkazlauskas/fix/value-without-assets-lovelace-type (cardano-ogmios)
15:00:35 [51d1c663] Increase benchmark scope (hydra-poc)
15:00:59 [2c143fde] New translations en-US.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:00 [c7a26491] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:01 [6bca48c7] New translations en-US.json (Czech) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:03 [fee64145] New translations en-US.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:04 [0bbfb2d9] New translations en-US.json (Greek) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:05 [579aacf5] New translations en-US.json (Hungarian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:06 [98af940b] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:07 [ed39169b] New translations en-US.json (Japanese) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:08 [3151ccd9] New translations en-US.json (Korean) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:09 [3ae43616] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:11 [2698e38a] New translations en-US.json (Russian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:12 [a7301665] New translations en-US.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:13 [b528c360] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:14 [7caaf651] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:15 [fbc03a8f] New translations en-US.json (Chinese Traditional) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:16 [8541ea57] New translations en-US.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:17 [a6f7c836] New translations en-US.json (Indonesian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:18 [beccbbcf] New translations en-US.json (Croatian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:01:46 [4bbf005e] Cleanup / review comments (cardano-base)
15:01:57 [a0696616] Use flake-parts (plutonomicon)
15:02:15 [d853a507] deploy: 2e96908ef143f0cadc422082ecf1fd82f2636bad (cardano-ogmios)
15:03:20 [696a9a7f] test fix (yoroi-mobile)
15:05:24 [6f650b99] updating test snapshots (yoroi-frontend)
15:06:14 [71f41a3a] [EC Api] - Added: Ouroboros Genesis (essential-cardano-content)
15:06:50 [816c7c7d] Merge pull request #861 from input-output-hk/olgahryniukiohkio/contrib/ouroboros-genesis-1675263973329 (essential-cardano-content)
15:08:59 [c209fb91] fix cicero/cd action (ci-world)
15:09:10 [76db57e8] workbench: use eventlogged build (cardano-node)
15:09:26 [b9037423] cardano-node-service: fix flavored binaries (thanks @jbgi !) (cardano-node)
15:09:32 [ae030220] workbench: massive refactoring; initial nixops+libvirtd/aws backends (cardano-node)
15:10:45 [f047a714] wip (cardano-ledger)
15:11:03 [3be852ad] foreign interface functions defined (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:12:48 [d4b4f325] FIX flaky test (hydra)
15:12:48 [7f6bb33f] FIX test that became useless (hydra)
15:12:48 [b795ee69] Try to restructure code a bit (hydra)
15:12:48 [6d49e60c] Explain why we keep this single mutation for initial close (hydra)
15:12:48 [d8250d6d] Remove suchThat and use choose to generate tx validity values (hydra)
15:12:48 [ec11c647] Explain why we would have two healthy close cases to test (hydra)
15:12:48 [4b7bf7ce] This is not a generally available stuff (hydra)
15:12:48 [7adb1e67] Refer to spec from close mutation labels (hydra)
15:12:48 [742805ae] Same potential performance issue here (hydra)
15:12:48 [ed5eb65f] Keep a note that fromBuiltinData is increasing script size (hydra)
15:12:48 [e0dad73b] FIX one cound change head parameters (hydra)
15:12:48 [75a36be3] Generate interesting / mutated deadlines and unify mutation cases (hydra)
15:12:48 [a0e535d8] Won't FIX in this P.R. (hydra)
15:13:01 [6ec23b1b] fixup! Move json-rpc library component from marconi-mamba to marconi (plutus-apps)
15:15:02 [9905cbf8] Improving iapyx test cli voting tool (#196) (catalyst-core)
15:15:21 [7a6b58f3] workbench: Fix backend specific subcommands calling error (cardano-node)
15:15:46 [bc1c3fe6] WIP (plutus-apps)
15:16:00 [9ff5db47] Removed Draft Docs for iapyx_enhancements (catalyst-core)
15:16:43 [626660e2] workbench: Fixes and cleanup of backend specific subcommands (cardano-node)
15:16:45 [0cc3e636] workbench: Inline function nomad-driver-podman-start (cardano-node)
15:16:45 [d2aeee2b] workbench: Inline function nomad-server-stop (cardano-node)
15:16:45 [e0426e72] workbench: Inline function nomad-server-start (cardano-node)
15:17:23 [970b7f01] fix: update api page, emphasize rpc url (cardano-documentation)
15:18:07 [bbb9c87a] workbench: Indentation (cardano-node)
15:18:09 [a11f0e4e] COMMENTS (cardano-node)
15:18:09 [9d26175a] workbench: first check if the OCI image is available (cardano-node)
15:18:09 [bf65a328] workbench: extra checks due to race conditions when shuting down individual services (cardano-node)
15:18:09 [359a04a7] workbench: Use XDG dirs (cardano-node)
15:18:09 [c92169ac] workbench: wb publish comments and small fixes (cardano-node)
15:18:09 [8cd330d7] workbench: Stateful Nomad (phase II: dirs outside the run directory) (cardano-node)
15:18:09 [e502b1fd] workbench: Stateful Nomad (phase I: storing PID) (cardano-node)
15:18:46 [b94a7a05] docs: Merge #3720 3720: [ADP-2367] create dumb database to test migration to new submissions r=paolino a=paolino - create a 3 transactions database with 3 possible statuses for transactions ### comment This is ephemeral code and will be removed in the next PR. I want to leave it in the history in case I have to redo this for another migration ADP-2367 Co-authored-by: paolo veronelli <[email protected]> Source commit: f4a19562711c01650696ef52356e422448df369c (cardano-wallet)
15:20:12 [2b4bb5d3] workbench: Stateful Nomad (phase III: reuse Nomad is already running) (cardano-node)
15:20:14 [fb3d0264] workbench: order Nomad subcommands (cardano-node)
15:20:14 [8836fa72] workbench: multiple nomad servers and clients (phase III, simplification and dynamic dirs,ports,etc) (cardano-node)
15:20:14 [2361e47a] workbench: multiple nomad servers and clients (phase II) (cardano-node)
15:20:14 [cc15323f] workbench: multiple nomad servers and clients (phase I) (cardano-node)
15:20:14 [16d54dad] TODO1 (cardano-node)
15:20:15 [8454b0d1] TODO2 (cardano-node)
15:22:22 [4b495c04] Merge branch 'main' into sve-readiness (catalyst-core)
15:24:39 [70fef434] deploy: 9905cbf8ec7ea897405ae1a0681be86078f413ce (catalyst-core)
15:27:33 [731bb333] estimateNumberOfWitnesses: key-reg certs don't require witnesses (cardano-wallet)
15:28:16 [d6c5a0fb] remove extraneous steps from authorization flow. (catalyst-core)
15:29:17 [744ddb28] Generate SumsTo constraints (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:29:27 [58fca883] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
15:29:40 [5f82f338] Refactor costOfJoining & costOfQuitting (cardano-wallet)
15:29:47 [61790301] Increase costOfJoining & costOfQuitting by 29 bytes (cardano-wallet)
15:30:02 [68a14cca] reduce waiting time for basic change config test (catalyst-core)
15:31:17 [251a33ba] Merge pull request #1628 from input-output-hk/stop_postgres (cardano-node-tests)
15:33:37 [c7a13680] add handbook (cicero)
15:33:50 [dcbee14d] deploy: 9996bb20746eae625ad8490a0466a4c73b3f7b53 (catalyst-core)
15:35:08 [3d21299c] flow fixes (yoroi-frontend)
15:35:14 [13a2a687] Add comment about padding for scriptIntegrityHash (cardano-wallet)
15:36:14 [58d04c27] deploy: 4b495c044ce174a437c5c236f80564bc5b6003d4 (catalyst-core)
15:39:43 [4d307ec4] test - please ignore (marlowe-explorer)
15:41:10 [0d031126] Merge pull request #3098 from Emurgo/denis/preview-network (yoroi-frontend)
15:41:32 [5253c568] Add basic golden test utilities for Encoding and plain roundtripping (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:41:48 [f28e1631] Refactor costOfJoining & costOfQuitting (cardano-wallet)
15:41:48 [9332436e] Add comment about padding for scriptIntegrityHash (cardano-wallet)
15:41:48 [303859bf] Increase costOfJoining & costOfQuitting by 29 bytes (cardano-wallet)
15:41:48 [dae9c404] estimateNumberOfWitnesses: key-reg certs don't require witnesses (cardano-wallet)
15:41:52 [fd54aa28] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into yushi/fix-sign-tx (yoroi-frontend)
15:43:56 [35ef0acf] Merge pull request #9 from dcSpark/gdrozda/entrypoint-fix (token-registry-service)
15:44:04 [cd1e7a06] package-lock update (yoroi-frontend)
15:45:56 [280ffc05] deploy: d6c5a0fb905250c8c8ed6d80370a8696e839bfec (catalyst-core)
15:46:17 [d03bc7d9] Move all the NewEpochState Arbitrary instance into the new shelley testlib (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:46:19 [15cc2454] Move golden property to lib, so it can be reused in later eras (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:46:39 [09b75d17] deploy: 7e7a642b19b133b119f46a4ddd321bec2b6afb37 (catalyst-core)
15:48:53 [1eea4f5d] Improve CBOR tests. Debuggin LedgerState golden test failure (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:51:47 [8e6be877] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/suspense (yoroi-frontend)
15:51:54 [2ea82530] Merge pull request #3099 from Emurgo/Ahmed/suspense (yoroi-frontend)
15:52:09 [8860d16a] Merge branch 'develop' into Ahmed/date-range (yoroi-frontend)
15:53:23 [71343274] Whitespace (cardano-base)
15:53:27 [0dd98b47] Test metadata for LaceCoin8,9,10 various decimals (metadata-registry-testnet)
15:54:11 [52696134] Add 'QueryStore' for 'TxWalletsHistory' (cardano-wallet)
15:54:12 [59b90496] Use `updateS` on `transactionsQS` (cardano-wallet)
15:54:12 [a42b2602] Add tests for 'QueryStore' for 'TxWalletsHistory' (cardano-wallet)
15:54:57 [9d35a010] Add rountripping testing functions for plain CBOR (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:55:00 [307df0c6] Shelley tests are building (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:55:00 [a1b6ba7b] Remove redundant UTxOState constraint. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:55:13 [5f060b3a] add handbook (cicero)
15:55:32 [e8ead587] Use `queryS` on `transactionsQS` (cardano-wallet)
15:56:12 [def42fa5] reduce epoch in update_pool_fees_is_not_allowed (catalyst-core)
15:56:32 [4ea75b35] Changes needed for KES Agent (cardano-base)
15:56:34 [1f95a7ea] Fix mlocked memory leak in tests (cardano-base)
15:57:08 [1e46e7c9] Generalize DirectSerialise (cardano-base)
15:57:42 [d7443614] Address more comments (CIPs)
15:58:47 [32f053c5] Split up and rename MonadSodium class (cardano-base)
15:59:29 [2a807151] Merge pull request #288 from input-output-hk/jj_LaceTestCoin6_7 (metadata-registry-testnet)
16:02:24 [892d63ea] build: prepares jormungandr/vitss for SVE (#236) (catalyst-core)
16:03:14 [daf4a50d] Removed Draft Docs for sve-readiness (catalyst-core)
16:04:32 [dc7a0bb1] Make sure `invalid_before` is not negative (cardano-node-tests)
16:07:06 [e111259e] check return collateral amount on test_duplicated_collareral (cardano-node-tests)
16:11:00 [9388aad6] Correct changelog slightly (hydra-poc)
16:11:03 [32b9f804] SCP-4940: Use Marlowe state for evaluation (marlowe-actus-labs)
16:11:08 [29611acf] Merge pull request #1630 from input-output-hk/invalid_before_negative (cardano-node-tests)
16:13:14 [d4ae79ce] Correct haddock (hydra-poc)
16:14:26 [d54937a5] deploy: 892d63ea03f8f9bed97cd5e0665a49a3e1ae95f0 (catalyst-core)
16:17:11 [005ade21] Back to working value (hydra-poc)
16:18:38 [c17409ae] More haddock (hydra-poc)
16:20:37 [68df0fdc] feat: /mempool/addresses/{address} (openapi)
16:25:23 [2ca813f1] deploy: 58809e484682bb5cb757e8d1707b66987d854526 (catalyst-core)
16:26:20 [57ba92db] WIP add fn that tracks lam order. (plutus)
16:26:25 [2ed60063] Refine imports. (plutus)
16:26:25 [5f8fb2d5] Initial set up of call site inline function. (plutus)
16:26:25 [f99304d4] Start considerInline. (plutus)
16:26:25 [8ee605b5] Add more notes and counting of app. (plutus)
16:26:26 [6921e00c] WIP (plutus)
16:26:26 [998573db] Add extractApps and restoreApps. (plutus)
16:26:26 [55875598] WIP process single binding. (plutus)
16:26:26 [f367c402] WIP change to binding instead of def. (plutus)
16:26:26 [9e57e5f4] Add calledVarEnv. (plutus)
16:26:27 [8fbd0404] Add calledLocation info. (plutus)
16:26:27 [a1a81acf] Move extractBindings to Utils.hs (plutus)
16:27:12 [1cd43719] Use first output as v_head in commit validator (hydra)
16:27:12 [8709255b] Simplify mustContinueHeadWith (hydra)
16:29:18 [34663b44] imp: migrate equinix buildkite machines to ci-world (ci-ops)
16:29:39 [20824289] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into zliu41/pure (plutus)
16:32:45 [c7b6c06b] Update mill-main to 0.10.10 (#34) (armadillo)
16:33:26 [7d27a2d4] Merge branch 'main' into update/http4s-blaze-server-0.23.13 (armadillo)
16:34:09 [1716d7ff] Fix other places where `invalid_before` can be negative (cardano-node-tests)
16:36:44 [2fabbad1] Naively use tail since head output is the first one (hydra-poc)
16:38:04 [2c04ccf0] Merge pull request #677 from input-output-hk/gap/move_attributes_from_redeemer_to_datum_for_close_and_contest_tx (hydra-poc)
16:39:47 [225cee6a] Merge pull request #1631 from input-output-hk/more_invalid_before_negative (cardano-node-tests)
16:41:39 [47cd5227] Merge #4839 (cardano-node)
16:43:50 [04698d21] Get liftCode to lift PIR too (plutus)
16:43:59 [357a354b] imp: remove legacy bors and prep for archive (ci-ops)
16:44:16 [70381000] Add runWebClient to MarloweRuntime (marlowe-cardano)
16:46:19 [c13f761a] Merge pull request #108 from input-output-hk/zt-equinix (ci-ops)
16:48:41 [3fd4d500] add era reader in the Aggregator (mithril)
16:49:05 [b95629e8] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into feature/voting-node-service (catalyst-core)
16:54:10 [69acc4e2] remove signatures for sequence 0 (cardano-token-registry)
16:57:05 [7f8d13ef] clients: tf state updated to serial 149 (ci-world)
16:58:39 [72baef27] SCP-4940: Drop caching as we rely on re-computation for cash flows (marlowe-actus-labs)
17:00:18 [4a7cc0d1] core: tf state updated to serial 44 (ci-world)
17:00:34 [376d866b] feat(wallet)!: emit failed rollbacks from createTransactionReemitter (cardano-js-sdk)
17:00:34 [17b1b63c] feat(wallet): reemit failures are merged with transactionTracker failure (cardano-js-sdk)
17:00:58 [a1085415] deploy: 2c04ccf0615f2786d050a95e8bd6cb5afdd3cdf7 (hydra)
17:03:30 [a97f7741] Merge pull request #37 from blockfrost/feat/payment-cred-bech32 (blockfrost-utils)
17:03:49 [a03717e5] fix signatures (cardano-token-registry)
17:04:08 [a88c899c] estimateNumberOfWitnesses: key-reg certs don't require witnesses (cardano-wallet)
17:04:09 [2126cdce] Refactor costOfJoining & costOfQuitting (cardano-wallet)
17:04:09 [b9127a29] Increase costOfJoining & costOfQuitting by 29 bytes (cardano-wallet)
17:05:05 [7c34f95d] Added script spend with reference script and inline datum test (currently failing due to ScriptErrorMissingScript) (plutus-apps)
17:05:29 [24a279b3] Check for token burning in checkClose (hydra)
17:05:39 [64d27843] Check for token burning in checkContest (hydra)
17:05:39 [d726cd50] Add mutation to burn head token during contest (hydra)
17:05:40 [0d679919] Correct haddock (hydra)
17:05:40 [2c11ad9b] Update changelog (hydra)
17:05:40 [38a83245] Add mutation to burn head token during collectcom (hydra)
17:05:40 [bddab18b] Check for token burning in collectCom (hydra)
17:06:35 [317bcf67] Add comment about padding for scriptIntegrityHash (cardano-wallet)
17:06:54 [38f3c359] remove unused signatures (cardano-token-registry)
17:07:05 [d3800c13] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
17:07:17 [a36c2ed5] imp: bump prod client, monitoring and cache storage (ci-world)
17:07:31 [27e8d7d3] fixup: remove redundant parenthesis (cardano-wallet)
17:16:09 [07560948] Fix build error (cardano-base)
17:18:50 [7362a4d8] Merge branch 'develop' into pat/missing-items-tx-tab (yoroi-frontend)
17:21:03 [a85ed84c] Merge branch 'deploy-runtime' into demo-20230126 (marlowe-cardano)
17:21:56 [e42aec7f] chore: remove debug symbols in release (aiken)
17:22:13 [08da38ff] Add more pattern matching to countLocal. (plutus)
17:23:03 [9f9c999c] wb | tx-gen: tx-per-block fitting strategy; rename profiles (cardano-node)
17:23:25 [ff19210e] chore: clippy autofix (aiken)
17:23:33 [c4914c55] fix slots per epoch and slot duration in update_pool_fees_is_not_allowed (catalyst-core)
17:24:59 [400d56a7] chore(deps): bump tokio from 1.23.0 to 1.23.1 (aiken)
17:28:36 [54ea3d3c] Update Cardano node to '1.35.5' (mithril)
17:29:58 [4102087f] Partially resolve TODO about plutus failure (hydra-poc)
17:31:29 [ece31158] Label more PIR terms pure (#5093) (plutus)
17:32:44 [216c319e] Refactor costOfJoining & costOfQuitting (cardano-wallet)
17:32:44 [6041d444] Increase costOfJoining & costOfQuitting by 29 bytes (cardano-wallet)
17:32:44 [96777ece] Add comment about padding for scriptIntegrityHash (cardano-wallet)
17:34:34 [8303d648] deploy: c4914c55ba94a56acd8a149d15da522cf038f63c (catalyst-core)
17:35:20 [dcd56d88] chore: revert to [email protected] (cardano-graphql)
17:36:26 [d6883c79] first expo migration approach (yoroi-mobile)
17:36:49 [6974d312] chore(deps): bump tokio from 1.23.0 to 1.23.1 (aiken)
17:38:00 [885eda23] chore(deps): bump bzip2 from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4 (aiken)
17:38:21 [c99876e1] Draft a direct chain test for contesting only once (hydra-poc)
17:46:46 [fe3f44d9] add file and line-number information to the error (dcspark-core)
17:47:22 [2081a86a] Refactor costOfJoining & costOfQuitting (cardano-wallet)
17:47:22 [84e00f30] estimateNumberOfWitnesses: key-reg certs don't require witnesses (cardano-wallet)
17:47:22 [f51588f0] Increase costOfJoining & costOfQuitting by 29 bytes (cardano-wallet)
17:47:22 [835c25ae] Add comment about padding for scriptIntegrityHash (cardano-wallet)
17:47:23 [ede47a72] close the connection if the source is dropped in the middle of a request (dcspark-core)
17:52:09 [b131f636] Multiple component constraints (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:54:13 [423299ea] Merge #3724 (cardano-wallet)
18:00:30 [651f757b] chore(deps): bump bzip2 from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4 (aiken)
18:01:41 [42f4e260] Move extractBindings to Utils.hs (plutus)
18:01:41 [721b795e] Change to binding instead of def. (plutus)
18:01:41 [d20ed090] Add calledLocation info. (plutus)
18:01:42 [98953469] Add note [Identifying fully applied call sites]. (plutus)
18:01:42 [ca5c708d] Add more pattern matching to countLocal. (plutus)
18:06:26 [6933b0ba] Test metadata for LaceCoin8,9,10 various decimals take 2 (metadata-registry-testnet)
18:07:10 [1c0ba897] Change discharge_value and discharge_value_env to use a stack machine (aiken)
18:07:10 [b5cc6271] fix: start trying to get rid of recursion for discharge value (aiken)
18:07:16 [d9ef9898] fix (catalyst-core)
18:07:27 [95340754] Merge pull request #289 from input-output-hk/jj_LaceTestCoin6_7 (metadata-registry-testnet)
18:07:31 [3e4522e3] feat: trying Rc for Name (aiken)
18:07:45 [0e3cb4c7] feat: use Rc for more things, fib_iter runs almost 3 seconds faster now (aiken)
18:07:46 [4af9e712] feat: more Rc in machine (aiken)
18:07:47 [60ffcdeb] chore: remove debug symbols in release (aiken)
18:08:54 [b5102fb9] chore: clippy autofix (aiken)
18:09:14 [48f34fe0] New Crowdin updates (#2316) (yoroi-mobile)
18:12:37 [cb006b08] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/eslint-config-update (yoroi-mobile)
18:18:34 [6e039bce] deploy: d9ef98987d624466a0695ae8c7642866828ecb53 (catalyst-core)
18:20:03 [52b18b38] deploy: 8992c0d14c2dd7a6508033a2c512e60ab5384442 (catalyst-core)
18:20:30 [a660cebc] moconi test generators (plutus-apps)
18:22:41 [caece0b2] bug fixing deserialzing script from DB (plutus-apps)
18:23:17 [842dde27] chore: more clippy (aiken)
18:28:02 [ec43f62c] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 146 (dapps-world)
18:28:27 [7d98c119] First draft (hydra-poc)
18:30:10 [8c8f1dc8] hydrate-cluster: tf state updated to serial 154 (dapps-world)
18:30:33 [22fd1e34] minor renaming (hydra-poc)
18:30:51 [92c71eea] nix: pm2 (blockfrost-websocket-link)
18:30:55 [82c4b5cf] Add close mutation (hydra-poc)
18:32:33 [30b62cb2] Update changelog (hydra-poc)
18:32:35 [9844c89a] Leave two TODOs (hydra-poc)
18:32:59 [1c644dab] WIP Add test eg1. (plutus)
18:33:01 [98f6e550] example folder created (musig2)
18:33:06 [5b7d6f06] Minor rename from contestors to contesters (hydra-poc)
18:33:36 [674f8fae] Add label to contract spec to check contest to fail for the right reason (hydra-poc)
18:34:11 [797a5824] Add mutation spec to check validator fails if the list of contesters is wrong in the output datum (hydra-poc)
18:34:12 [09c425a4] Rename closedContesters to just contesters (hydra-poc)
18:34:12 [39a3c3bb] Move json instance for PubKeyHash to Orphans module (hydra-poc)
18:34:12 [6e272a81] Remove closedContesters from head state (hydra-poc)
18:34:51 [f4f950f6] Introduce appropriate error message (hydra-poc)
18:34:52 [861fe19b] Json alternations (hydra-poc)
18:34:52 [8a302e33] Revert golden files to master version (hydra-poc)
18:34:52 [36acf1f5] Partially resolve TODO about plutus failure (hydra-poc)
18:38:48 [1efcbc5f] feat!: added crypto package to the SDK and move Ed25519 and hash core types to crypto package (cardano-js-sdk)
18:38:55 [a7381a66] test(governance): replace CML call on cip36 test for new crypto interface (cardano-js-sdk)
18:38:55 [5d609efa] fix(governance)!: remove double hardening from CIP-36 derivation indices (cardano-js-sdk)
18:38:55 [47d2e46d] refactor!: the key-management package now uses the new Ed25519 (cardano-js-sdk)
18:42:51 [437f637f] fixup! Add MintBurn indexer (plutus-apps)
18:43:31 [cb891b24] nix: bump deps (blockfrost-websocket-link)
18:43:42 [544e5c92] fixup! Add MintBurn tests (plutus-apps)
18:43:55 [cbf9441b] Fix possible bug in filterWithQueryInterval (plutus-apps)
18:51:11 [9c9d52bc] Simplify change address generation parameter in balanceTx (cardano-wallet)
18:57:04 [9f94b77e] Update default.nix (blockfrost-websocket-link)
18:59:17 [0f19178f] estimateNumberOfWitnesses: key-reg certs don't require witnesses (cardano-wallet)
18:59:17 [29afaa95] Refactor costOfJoining & costOfQuitting (cardano-wallet)
18:59:17 [ef51edae] Increase costOfJoining & costOfQuitting by 29 bytes (cardano-wallet)
18:59:17 [7348e55c] Add comment about padding for scriptIntegrityHash (cardano-wallet)
19:02:19 [fc2d2e14] Merge #3724 (cardano-wallet)
19:10:23 [e6310397] test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
19:10:33 [e61965ae] fixup! test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
19:10:33 [f55160ff] fixup! fixup! test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
19:10:34 [12a0cb18] fixup! fixup! test: switch to network agnostic tests (cardano-graphql)
19:14:40 [9ec0fe35] remove old submissions store from the tx history (cardano-wallet)
19:15:08 [0adf88fd] remove the old store code for submissions (cardano-wallet)
19:15:08 [9df3f5d3] remove local_tx_submission table (cardano-wallet)
19:17:46 [6f7d0434] migrate the DB schema to remove old submissions store (cardano-wallet)
19:17:49 [31c858f5] test new submissions db-schema migration (cardano-wallet)
19:26:53 [9aa3e925] genPair for Component redone, test8 example using Component (cardano-ledger)
19:33:18 [3493296b] moconi test generators (plutus-apps)
19:33:30 [e7870c69] Add missing changes after rebase (hydra-poc)
19:33:31 [6b3fd9a2] docs: Merge #3724 3724: `joinStakePool` endpoint re-implemented using the new `buildSignSubmitTransaction` function. r=Anviking a=Unisay `joinStakePool` endpoint re-implemented using the new `buildSignSubmitTransaction` function. ### Issue Number ADP-2266 Co-authored-by: Yura Lazarev <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Source commit: fc2d2e140000d4ca7ccddea425c7203703bd181b (cardano-wallet)
19:34:58 [907b5324] Merge pull request #175 from dcSpark/another-cip25-test (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
19:38:21 [d792fe29] CIP25 ignore properly extra data EVERYWHERE (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
19:38:26 [9f4b8372] feat: switch to zip from zip-extract (aiken)
19:38:47 [fb63f4ab] chore: we can now turn cargo audit back on (aiken)
19:50:18 [618ea0c8] feat: switch to zip from zip-extract (aiken)
19:50:18 [cb8bdac3] chore: we can now turn cargo audit back on (aiken)
19:50:57 [2a12320f] fix: start trying to get rid of recursion for discharge value (aiken)
19:50:57 [f8a1a7f8] Change discharge_value and discharge_value_env to use a stack machine (aiken)
19:50:57 [98cdb68b] feat: use Rc for more things, fib_iter runs almost 3 seconds faster now (aiken)
19:50:57 [ea1dd8b2] feat: trying Rc for Name (aiken)
19:50:58 [090b4c67] feat: more Rc in machine (aiken)
19:50:58 [ee39faa7] minor performance improvements (aiken)
19:50:58 [cf81f987] chore: clippy autofix (aiken)
19:50:58 [0856b682] chore: more clippy (aiken)
19:50:58 [2ef2653f] chore: remove debug symbols in release (aiken)
20:04:05 [b0392432] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage (yoroi-mobile)
20:06:31 [9cbcabd4] Add new eslint rule and format code (#2315) (yoroi-mobile)
20:17:59 [2aefc4b8] Terminate connection on query (ouroboros-network)
20:18:17 [5f5c9b6e] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into feature/YOMO-309-memo-storage (yoroi-mobile)
20:23:41 [b3dc8a98] change eval_builtin_app to return Rc so that ifthenelse and chooselist are faster (aiken)
20:40:38 [2c334dfd] fixup! feat!: added crypto package to the SDK and move Ed25519 and hash core types to crypto package (cardano-js-sdk)
20:44:46 [6cd40d97] fixup! feat!: added crypto package to the SDK and move Ed25519 and hash core types to crypto package (cardano-js-sdk)
21:05:11 [ee00cb62] Add web client (marlowe-cardano)
21:07:41 [7ed9161b] Add warn for ARM and fix condition for SKIP_DBSYNC_DOWNLOAD (guild-operators)
21:10:01 [fd61423e] refactor(provider): deprecated (yoroi-mobile)
21:15:57 [3fc07dcb] Try this (plutus)
21:19:24 [87cf8948] Merge pull request #1629 from saratomaz/check_return_collateral_on_duplicated (cardano-node-tests)
21:20:12 [0f14f9fa] feat(miniprotocols): Implement tx submission client (pallas)
21:35:40 [741db286] fixup! refactor!: the key-management package now uses the new Ed25519 cryptographic provider (cardano-js-sdk)
21:37:40 [27ec9300] fixup! test(governance): replace CML call on cip36 test for new crypto interface (cardano-js-sdk)
21:41:09 [94d615c6] Merge pull request #55 from Mr-Andersen/andrey/flake-parts (plutonomicon)
21:50:22 [dc2097b2] SCP-4016 Added cli arg parsing and port options (marlowe-explorer)
21:51:01 [5eae4eab] temp commit (dapps-certification)
21:54:57 [f9d710ce] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
21:57:56 [58e3b02a] Match CDDL specs (pallas)
22:01:17 [f7d70d27] fixup! feat!: added crypto package to the SDK and move Ed25519 and hash core types to crypto package (cardano-js-sdk)
22:03:36 [14f9d030] Fix build errors (pallas)
22:08:09 [78af2fb0] fixup! feat!: added crypto package to the SDK and move Ed25519 and hash core types to crypto package (cardano-js-sdk)
22:08:42 [c515149b] SCP-4016 Added cli arg parsing and port options (marlowe-explorer)
22:21:09 [fc1b3f18] Add new protocol versions and serialize VersionData based on the protocol (ouroboros-network)
22:27:01 [1ad81952] enforce unique map keys in CBOR decoding, ver. 9 (cardano-ledger)
22:34:50 [d0c78b0e] enforce unique map keys in CBOR decoding, ver. 9 (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:47:47 [89fae6bc] MonadSTM instance (cardano-wallet)
22:47:47 [333c156d] wip (cardano-wallet)
22:47:47 [3ee84fcf] wip (cardano-wallet)
22:47:47 [4b84a195] wip (cardano-wallet)
22:47:47 [1c3dc50c] wip (cardano-wallet)
22:47:47 [31ad94c6] wip (cardano-wallet)
22:47:47 [f51c12b3] cabal.project (cardano-wallet)
22:47:47 [e450a82d] wip (cardano-wallet)
22:55:53 [3475ab8b] Serialize query based on protocol version in cardano-ping (ouroboros-network)
22:59:29 [b495c490] fixup! feat!: added crypto package to the SDK and move Ed25519 and hash core types to crypto package (cardano-js-sdk)
22:59:49 [e7667b93] fixup! refactor!: the key-management package now uses the new Ed25519 cryptographic provider (cardano-js-sdk)
23:01:13 [d5ca5c94] fixup! test(governance): replace CML call on cip36 test for new crypto interface (cardano-js-sdk)
23:05:32 [321cb426] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 350 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:33 [b34934e3] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 546 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:34 [03cead9b] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 371 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:35 [a2129139] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 452 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:36 [60f34ff2] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 666 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:37 [6a084423] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 1058 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:38 [5dbf847f] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 332 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:38 [fc1d69f0] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 463 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:08:51 [4847517c] Add an empty `Submissions` pool during `initializeWallet_` (cardano-wallet)
23:09:44 [6bdcb661] fixup! feat!: added crypto package to the SDK and move Ed25519 and hash core types to crypto package (cardano-js-sdk)
23:11:32 [bf15cd10] fixup! refactor!: the key-management package now uses the new Ed25519 cryptographic provider (cardano-js-sdk)
23:28:03 [4b38ee3b] Revert changes on SimpleTx golden file (hydra-poc)
23:37:59 [46023823] Add review changes to close mutation (hydra-poc)
23:43:22 [ae9fe551] Serialisation problems (plutus)
23:48:57 [4f390ba4] Apply review changes to checkContest and simplify validation step code (hydra-poc)
23:53:11 [b5d9a9bb] Change discharge_value and discharge_value_env to use a stack machine (aiken)
23:53:11 [a3656493] chore: clippy autofix (aiken)
23:53:11 [9c4e921e] feat: more Rc in machine (aiken)
23:53:11 [790e8ba6] fix: start trying to get rid of recursion for discharge value (aiken)
23:53:11 [eda3194c] feat: trying Rc for Name (aiken)
23:53:11 [456b08a2] minor performance improvements (aiken)
23:53:11 [99c1c880] chore: more clippy (aiken)
23:53:11 [c8efe608] feat: use Rc for more things, fib_iter runs almost 3 seconds faster now (aiken)
23:53:11 [3123ad90] change eval_builtin_app to return Rc so that ifthenelse and chooselist are faster (aiken)
23:53:11 [45305071] chore: remove debug symbols in release (aiken)