Home / Reports / May 26, 2023

Friday, May 26, 2023

575 commits had been pushed across 59 repos by 100 authors. There were 1,756,939 additions and 229,966 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:08:37 [8d2cf9a2] Throw away peer informatio in tracing to get node to compile (cardano-node)
00:09:18 [330ae132] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:11:38 [38834f31] Replaced Open/Closed with Active lightbulbs (marlowe-explorer)
00:17:47 [8391ffff] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:42:11 [1d7cae9c] Delete 79b30a59bf9a56d90e4553b9456c0934a3d882442b3ecb00c213125e4745434b 3.json (cardano-token-registry)
00:44:03 [37db3b59] deploy: 058bdabbe37525b90872bf9fc45218bf43199c13 (catalyst-core)
00:49:29 [d3cda159] Responding to comments (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
00:49:49 [21eabfc6] Update topology-mainnet.json - adding new homer-redoracle instance (webartifacts)
00:50:45 [557b0444] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:56:59 [33c1b1dc] chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35 to 36 (plutus)
00:58:50 [08604773] chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35 to 36 (marlowe-cardano)
00:58:57 [b59956eb] build: adds initial workflow for building CI image (catalyst-core)
01:08:02 [694b31ab] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
01:16:48 [1579571f] deploy: 85717974e2fe49bb295f6c08342896f19f99587e (catalyst-core)
01:17:19 [a6bec2e5] Use GMP by default (#1963) (haskell.nix)
01:20:28 [11629934] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into rela-aarch64-none (haskell.nix)
01:21:10 [e0011cca] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
01:43:54 [ecec9038] build: fixes bug in registry argument (catalyst-core)
01:48:08 [eb1e3247] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:58:31 [e00c2ef3] deploy: ecec9038c7feb725a3c8cb93dd81bad7fd60e458 (catalyst-core)
02:15:04 [3d79392b] feat: update leptos and load stdlib lazily on first check (play)
02:20:29 [4b330649] CIP25 merge V1/V2 in API and get rid of redundant types (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
02:26:22 [ce69ed93] build: finalizes ci-builder workflow and starts ci v2 workflow (catalyst-core)
02:42:02 [f459ffc1] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
02:42:53 [f56161e1] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
02:42:53 [f7e8da6e] update chaps index (cardano-api)
02:42:53 [b2bd3785] fix: crypto pinning via iohkNix overlay (cardano-api)
02:42:53 [d328698c] Add action create commands (cardano-api)
02:42:53 [e6a2af81] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
02:42:53 [29539e67] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
02:42:54 [ceb56219] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
02:42:54 [4c1e2b46] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
02:42:54 [1e86c003] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
02:42:54 [ad8d6689] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
02:42:54 [82fc0a63] New drep command. (cardano-api)
02:43:37 [764281f3] deploy: ce69ed93d74355964845ede75323545d0f47fffe (catalyst-core)
02:46:45 [3d220545] wip: use different checkout version (catalyst-core)
02:52:41 [e5d18622] wip: switches back to fetch-depth 0 (catalyst-core)
02:54:52 [b1d51845] New governance commands (cardano-api)
02:54:53 [f5716655] add test 18 (aiken)
02:54:53 [28a9152f] add acceptance tests to 20 (aiken)
03:03:29 [a717211d] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
03:07:39 [8282214d] deploy: e5d1862260b83c8c54e77511fae059e73b07275e (catalyst-core)
03:18:37 [af8d869f] deploy: 6a0f325cba9a71ee510436dc061fcdb17055ac7e (catalyst-core)
03:30:42 [aad56792] test ci (plutus)
03:31:05 [87a22095] WASM wrapper macros (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
03:36:52 [428573f4] chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35 to 36 (#5362) (plutus)
04:14:24 [293aeb34] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
04:16:21 [5af79e83] Update topology-mainnet.json - adding new homer-redoracle instance (#198) (koios-webartifacts)
04:23:24 [f8e159cc] feat: adds support for JSON output (catalyst-core)
04:25:41 [65c2f842] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
04:31:51 [5b58dc40] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
04:33:58 [c1f74017] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:34:08 [141ca4ab] Send Multiple Tokens and NFT Builder, Mint, Burn (developer-portal)
04:40:19 [4c0cad50] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
04:41:33 [b2ee6147] Merge pull request #3105 from showriReach/master (cardano-token-registry)
04:42:06 [484855c2] Merge pull request #3106 from frank244re/master (cardano-token-registry)
04:42:40 [eea415fd] Merge pull request #3107 from cardano-tools-nft/083fd4ce-4aa3-493a-b567-9e6f0b940a28 (cardano-token-registry)
04:43:14 [85d24786] Merge pull request #3108 from cardano-tools-nft/b4126466-358c-42d6-a462-eb5682ba95db (cardano-token-registry)
04:43:44 [e7778199] Merge pull request #3109 from kudox-cur/master (cardano-token-registry)
04:45:14 [58be0dca] Merge pull request #3113 from eserilev/feat/test-token (cardano-token-registry)
04:45:43 [9b620594] Merge pull request #3114 from neflier/master (cardano-token-registry)
04:46:11 [59da3fde] Merge pull request #3116 from cardano-tools-nft/52c867f7-bb46-4a5f-84b6-090df114ee03 (cardano-token-registry)
04:47:19 [9a2cf8a0] wip: adds missing outputs (catalyst-core)
04:47:57 [da7153d9] SALZY (cardano-token-registry)
04:51:15 [5c6aefe6] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
04:54:04 [d5f2a97f] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
04:55:32 [b74b02f8] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
04:57:25 [68837f46] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
04:57:25 [3e834be2] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
04:57:25 [b2b49c65] New transaction build and build-raw --action-file and --vote-file options (cardano-api)
05:04:29 [20b2cbb6] Merge pull request #3115 from KarstenSiebert/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:04:40 [9f11326f] deploy: ed0c22d693dd11689fa4764a1d8cbc9ef2624d23 (hydra-poc)
05:05:09 [87e737f9] FUTUR (cardano-token-registry)
05:05:11 [6bd8564f] Merge pull request #3117 from aydacoin/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:05:44 [aff0b98b] Merge pull request #3118 from xanthinus/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:06:19 [fdb86911] Merge pull request #3119 from tqueri/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:06:42 [fe8cf894] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 428573f4066fe8dd49726d0f88377def00d0e014 (plutus)
05:06:54 [b1a17ac6] Merge pull request #3120 from BankADA1/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:07:30 [b07e85ff] Merge pull request #3122 from djcyr/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:07:38 [b3ba8f32] SALZY (cardano-token-registry)
05:07:57 [5947d794] Merge pull request #3123 from GECKadmin1/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:08:54 [cf6cde90] Make test compile (ouroboros-network)
05:08:54 [12b7b8cf] Merge pull request #3125 from learncardano/master (cardano-token-registry)
05:08:54 [b9521973] Changed how DNS Lookup for local root peers works (ouroboros-network)
05:10:34 [c9fa69e5] Include #4751 to test over cardano-node-8.0.0 (cardano-node)
05:11:29 [d3c8ed04] deploy: eef92c863158ba130147b6cec496c8a0c1498b7f (catalyst-core)
05:14:29 [b99ffdb3] Make ouroboros-consensus independent of ouroboros-network-framework (ouroboros-consensus)
05:15:36 [b9168013] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
05:16:01 [4f6072b4] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
05:16:01 [9c9947d1] Add action create commands (cardano-api)
05:16:01 [3963f04f] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
05:16:01 [e7dfd23e] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
05:16:01 [725505cc] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
05:16:01 [db1426b4] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
05:16:01 [91b11d7c] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
05:16:02 [d82f1127] New governance commands (cardano-api)
05:16:02 [90c5949d] New drep command. (cardano-api)
05:16:02 [489af04f] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
05:18:45 [0668552c] deploy: d5f2a97fd8b4c5e6fbe88437f65dc4b4dfdba287 (catalyst-core)
05:21:33 [152dc0b1] Merge #3954 (cardano-wallet)
05:38:34 [9e2dd277] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
05:43:04 [b7f82727] Remove unused function `genWits`. (cardano-wallet)
05:43:08 [13c3913e] Remove unused imports. (cardano-wallet)
05:45:08 [4f1df4c2] Test class laws for `AnyRecentEra`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:55 [e515a22d] Include #4751 to test over cardano-node-8.0.0 (cardano-node)
05:47:07 [f61f519f] Update cardano-node (cardano-node)
06:03:30 [193e2503] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
06:05:34 [a1cf2e25] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
06:05:35 [0a3a57e6] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
06:05:35 [42d07633] Add action create commands (cardano-api)
06:05:35 [afafb30d] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
06:05:35 [f4f4a458] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
06:05:35 [859e0652] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
06:05:36 [06748d79] New drep command. (cardano-api)
06:05:36 [8f4957f1] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
06:05:36 [619e278a] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
06:05:36 [5a8cadba] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
06:06:05 [a416959a] Merge #3954 (cardano-wallet)
06:14:55 [4b962d68] Add `CODEOWNERS` file. (bech32)
06:17:04 [87621a19] Add `CODEOWNERS` file. (#56) (bech32)
06:17:17 [d834e33d] New governance commands (cardano-api)
06:19:03 [ecd2b333] Bump copyright years. (bech32)
06:29:59 [fa6cfd82] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
06:31:15 [9764695c] docs: Merge #3954 3954: Fix GHC 9.2 compilation r=jonathanknowles a=Anviking - [x] Small 9.2 fix ### Comments I have added CI support for 9.2 as topic for the next dev meeting ### Issue Number None Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Source commit: a416959ac4bd8777366c6b313192f2b9f5a12edc (cardano-wallet)
06:34:45 [37403ae2] feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
06:40:44 [1704a507] Run client test suite in the CI (marlowe-playground)
06:51:44 [2fe6a8eb] Merge pull request #33 from input-output-hk/PLT-5465 (marlowe-playground)
06:53:25 [80090933] Test/maintenance 25 may 2023 (#2714) (lace)
06:54:41 [ee00ca0f] test(extension): add new step to cover clicking on Copy button (#2706) (lace)
06:59:24 [b742f5f2] Improve documentation (cardano-db-sync)
07:04:03 [ec5b22b4] Prepare tag (cardano-db-sync)
07:11:49 [9deefd80] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
07:17:16 [40fe3801] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
07:36:48 [427d8f73] Fix config files (cardano-db-sync)
07:36:48 [dc64e9b1] Update building doc for (cardano-db-sync)
07:36:49 [3c6d8bb0] Warn instead of crash when disable-ledger is used with state-dir (cardano-db-sync)
07:36:49 [c960f7e6] Fix hardcoded database name (cardano-db-sync)
07:36:50 [0cbe0767] Improve documentation (cardano-db-sync)
07:36:50 [1233ea8a] Prepare tag (cardano-db-sync)
07:36:51 [bd49f9fb] Fourmolise (cardano-db-sync)
08:19:17 [e341e7f8] Bump copyright years. (#57) (bech32)
08:30:51 [0f16441d] fix: cleans mockHandleProviderFile and adds small fix on tests (cardano-js-sdk)
08:31:15 [50b8d029] VISION (cardano-token-registry)
08:34:06 [da4fdec1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:38:26 [fe1479bd] Updated CHANGELOG (ouroboros-network)
08:42:34 [0ed0b8a7] Future spent with a dedicated table (marconi)
08:45:39 [f52aec00] Create another external commit scenario for scripts (hydra)
08:47:08 [ae26ec09] #5092 Protocol parameters conversion errors propagation (cardano-node)
08:53:44 [ab5f99cc] temp (fs-sim)
08:58:27 [435c58ac] Try #3953: (cardano-wallet)
09:00:19 [2c0a07b2] Split out cardano-cli to its own repository (cardano-cli)
09:00:36 [0b65d428] Create another external commit scenario for scripts (hydra-poc)
09:08:53 [0b5430f8] Move the `Stream` type and related definitions into a separate module. (fs-sim)
09:09:39 [efe9f7e1] Fix curl command last snapshot digest in docs (current version) (mithril)
09:09:56 [6a92106b] fix(ui,staking): fix failing tests caused by ui package build problem (lace)
09:11:00 [561d4436] Fix curl command last snapshot digest in docs (next version) (mithril)
09:12:26 [f1466074] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
09:13:01 [8deaeee4] Add features modules to support open wallet state testing. (cardano-wallet)
09:14:19 [eab453f6] Add explicit states for TestState wallet flavors. (cardano-wallet)
09:14:23 [e688af95] Merge pull request #4571 from input-output-hk/bolt12/fix-dns (ouroboros-network)
09:14:55 [41420d73] fix: adds koralabs packages to devdependencies in caradano-services-client (cardano-js-sdk)
09:15:32 [871be85c] Added check-changelogs (ouroboros-network)
09:17:45 [f6c6e653] Update docs/direnv.md (devx)
09:17:51 [12b14545] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
09:17:53 [4d50f4f4] Update docs/direnv.md (devx)
09:18:01 [194a55b7] Update docs/direnv.md (devx)
09:18:10 [7322ab8c] Update docs/direnv.md (devx)
09:20:08 [d93ebc16] Renamed check-stylish-network as check-stylish (ouroboros-network)
09:20:59 [cc113382] Removed check-consensus-releases.sh (ouroboros-network)
09:24:07 [1c195ec0] chore(staking): update snapshots (lace)
09:25:38 [fa459e85] Moved check-cabal-files.sh to checks.yml workflow (ouroboros-network)
09:30:42 [7422937a] feat: replace datum with hasDatum in handle entity (cardano-js-sdk)
09:31:00 [8a356e0f] Fixed some cabal check warnings (ouroboros-network)
09:32:39 [38f07725] WIP: draft a spending tx for script (hydra-poc)
09:33:28 [c73b040b] chore(staking): update ci config (lace)
09:37:05 [faf894a7] Make ouroboros-consensus independent of ouroboros-network-framework (ouroboros-consensus)
09:38:08 [64445d09] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
09:39:17 [2e39b593] Add `simHasFS'` and `mkSimErrorHasFS'`. (fs-sim)
09:39:21 [4407c73c] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/hide_wallet_configuration (lace)
09:43:04 [e94c50c9] PLT-3584: Review feedback (marlowe)
09:44:42 [f3e46c12] PLT-3584: Add the CFD to the examples suite (#191) (marlowe)
09:50:33 [9673acc9] Create new Pythagoras era (mithril)
09:50:33 [fc7b2856] Sign Mithril Stake Distribution on Pythagoras era only (mithril)
09:50:33 [f366b49e] Upgrade Open API for Pythagoras era (mithril)
09:50:33 [55f0c59f] Adapt end to end test for Pythagoras era (mithril)
09:54:18 [737fe6e6] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
09:55:38 [a6570c9a] Lace UI toolkit - Staking exploration (#2689) (lace)
09:56:21 [8cbf4eb6] Bump foliage (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
09:56:51 [b553a0d0] mbo preparation (cardano-addresses)
10:03:35 [f6f88c5c] Test/minor test improvements (#2719) (lace)
10:05:09 [0b7a7cfb] Add QueryAllBurn and QueryBurnByAssetId (marconi)
10:05:10 [af9e7f31] Rename test group MintBurn => Spec.Marconi.ChainIndex.Indexers.MintBurn (marconi)
10:05:10 [cd5c2744] Add genTxMintValueRange which also generates burn TxMintValue values (marconi)
10:05:10 [3216f7d8] Add test for burn queries (marconi)
10:06:27 [5e6c09bd] Rename genIndexWithEvents => genIndexerWithPositiveMintEvents (marconi)
10:06:57 [47407aa8] Use both positive and negative TxMintValues everywhere, except in the endToEnd test (marconi)
10:06:57 [b8cae325] Add test for querying burn events (marconi)
10:07:42 [6a99c171] Change the query in marconi-sidechain JSON-RPC to only return burn events (marconi)
10:07:43 [9221546e] Add sample query to readme (marconi)
10:07:43 [85561a52] fixup! Add test for querying burn events (marconi)
10:07:46 [07928729] feat : mediator Trust ping kotlin example (#11) (atala-prism-mediator)
10:12:15 [49717977] Hash datum for the query reply (marconi)
10:25:12 [9023e4a5] Merge pull request #4572 from input-output-hk/coot/ci-scripts (ouroboros-network)
10:25:57 [3f219633] fix: add test for handle in txBuilder (cardano-js-sdk)
10:26:06 [8ab93ca4] Remove unused `SerialisedTxParts` (cardano-wallet)
10:27:45 [419e28d6] Update cardano-node version used in runtime to 8.0.0 (cardano-wallet)
10:30:15 [206f07ad] fourmolu the code (cardano-db-sync)
10:30:55 [3ada7e17] Add ADR-3 Dependencies version number declaration in cabal file (cardano-node-wiki)
10:35:39 [3e4eb95e] Add an error code for commit tx not finding outref (hydra)
10:41:55 [32bcb731] Add hydra update (cardano-updates)
10:44:01 [327e22bb] deploy: 32bcb7318379b53ec51b75f7fc9e8a4dd9bfb952 (cardano-updates)
10:47:38 [2ba0af3b] Add Anchor to DRep registration cert (formal-ledger-specifications)
10:48:15 [988eb5f3] Remove unused `SerialisedTxParts` (cardano-wallet)
10:49:09 [4222b738] Merge #3955 (cardano-wallet)
10:50:11 [8eb402d8] feat: add filterMintByPolicyIds projection mapper (cardano-js-sdk)
10:50:11 [1393b8a5] test(extension): e2e - encrypt walletConfiguration data (#2664) (lace)
10:56:27 [f2e6c00f] fix (catalyst-core)
11:00:25 [82ba94e8] refactor(projection)!: rm 'Handle.amount' property (cardano-js-sdk)
11:01:26 [20e1ddb9] Merge pull request #4566 from input-output-hk/dependabot/github_actions/cachix/install-nix-action-21 (ouroboros-network)
11:03:01 [76843e7e] Bump versions ouroboros-network- (ouroboros-network)
11:09:42 [ce76a7e7] Collect IsOwned functions in IsOwnedModule. (cardano-wallet)
11:09:46 [80489491] Remove IsOwned class from Server module. (cardano-wallet)
11:09:47 [de33e7ec] Remove IsOwned class from specs. (cardano-wallet)
11:10:34 [941ab762] Remove IsOwned class from Discovery module. (cardano-wallet)
11:10:43 [290cbc9d] deploy: f2e6c00f358e5a8a5f1fcbb668b356e8d2e3a759 (catalyst-core)
11:13:02 [217f33bc] feat: add Handle.datum in the mapper (cardano-js-sdk)
11:22:39 [ca4c5082] docs: Merge #3955 3955: Remove unused `SerialisedTxParts` r=Anviking a=Anviking - [x] Remove unused `SeralisedTxParts` ### Comments ### Issue Number None. Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Source commit: 4222b738ee42970c89182504ecde57e707c933ce (cardano-wallet)
11:24:13 [dcfb0171] More (ouroboros-consensus)
11:24:22 [6b55f96d] Merge pull request #223 from input-output-hk/paweljakubas/mbo-preparation (cardano-addresses)
11:24:35 [f2e9464c] Use DbChangelog' (ouroboros-consensus)
11:27:16 [f1ddf3a6] Allow building with ghc-9.2 (cardano-addresses)
11:27:21 [8e5b7051] CI tweaks (cardano-addresses)
11:28:45 [306ea9f4] Add Anchor to DRep registration cert (#115) (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:36:35 [bd31cda9] infra: fix cardano-services ALLOWED_ORIGINS env variable passing (lace)
11:37:11 [1cac0e53] Upgrade install-nix-action (cardano-node-tests)
11:38:08 [fc55c123] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2023-05-26 (essential-cardano-content)
11:40:04 [fba22712] Add a quick math/mermaid test file (hydra-poc)
11:41:14 [958943ed] set ansi-wl-pprint < 1.0 in set-algebra (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:42:55 [6beb50e2] Add governance action deposit vote delegation (#101) (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:43:56 [7e8f7476] Moved govaction deposits to the deposits map (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:44:33 [966133c1] deploy: 6b55f96d57a181f898eb2a50531d3ae4280c549c (cardano-addresses)
11:45:06 [4f9f9c27] Remove unused imports. (cardano-wallet)
11:45:06 [122aaebb] Test class laws for `AnyRecentEra`. (cardano-wallet)
11:45:06 [cb2fed42] Remove unused function `genWits`. (cardano-wallet)
11:45:16 [eb94c20d] Update cardano-node version used in runtime to 8.0.0 (cardano-wallet)
11:45:16 [c55f0942] chore(hardware-trezor): finish trezor tx input mappers (cardano-js-sdk)
11:45:44 [367c2c2e] Merge pull request #4573 from input-output-hk/coot/on- (ouroboros-network)
11:46:28 [a3598218] deploy: 6b55f96d57a181f898eb2a50531d3ae4280c549c (cardano-addresses)
11:47:32 [85e650ca] Merge pull request #774 from input-output-hk/ch1bo/multiple-commits (hydra-poc)
11:49:36 [10496ff0] Add recording link (hydra-poc)
11:52:09 [420cf22d] chore: treefmt nix/cardano-services (lace)
11:52:09 [18c77830] chore: add live-{mainnet,preprod,preview} release trains (lace)
11:52:09 [f91870fe] deploy: to live-pre* @cardano-sdk/[email protected] (lace)
11:52:09 [464ea8fe] infra: enable livelinessProbe on live-* environments (lace)
11:52:25 [ac3dc58e] [EC Api] - Added: Essential Cardano360 May 2023 (essential-cardano-content)
11:52:58 [2513e7cc] Merge pull request #1843 from input-output-hk/upgrade_install-nix-action (cardano-node-tests)
11:53:15 [b1d11549] Merge pull request #1040 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/essential-cardano360-may-2023-1685101944474 (essential-cardano-content)
11:54:09 [bfd7e531] revert: live-mainnet cardanojs revision (lace)
11:54:30 [b55f00c3] revert: live-mainnet cardanojs revision (lace)
11:54:37 [faf63dd2] revert: live-mainnet cardanojs revision (lace)
11:56:22 [78fba2dc] Rename `GH_TOKEN` to more standard `GITHUB_TOKEN` (cardano-node-tests)
12:01:14 [8ed6704f] fix: "fatal: Could not parse object" (cardano-wallet)
12:02:48 [3c6241cf] Initial commit (atala-prism-mediator)
12:04:26 [df1f21b1] Merge pull request #1844 from input-output-hk/rename_gh_token (cardano-node-tests)
12:05:35 [c9f170c1] Add features modules to support open wallet state testing. (cardano-wallet)
12:05:40 [bc50d258] Collect IsOwned functions in IsOwnedModule. (cardano-wallet)
12:05:40 [371e45f5] Add explicit states for TestState wallet flavors. (cardano-wallet)
12:05:41 [905746ee] Remove IsOwned class from specs. (cardano-wallet)
12:05:41 [47bdb3a3] Remove IsOwned class from Server module. (cardano-wallet)
12:05:42 [95e1824e] Remove IsOwned class from Discovery module. (cardano-wallet)
12:07:58 [2dfca708] Updated (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:13:53 [1ca3c33c] infra: fix blockfrost deployment environment variables (lace)
12:16:25 [f64603e6] fix: cardano-addresses s-r-p (cardano-wallet)
12:16:32 [68fe4a04] Updated the LICENSE (atala-prism-mediator)
12:18:54 [81551bfe] deploy: to live-pre* @cardano-sdk/[email protected] (#2720) (lace)
12:22:12 [58813f2f] deploy: 85e650ca951feba2b3f139eda4bc58cafeab07f9 (hydra-poc)
12:23:10 [0d95b164] Improve the `Stream` type. (fs-sim)
12:26:09 [008b78b0] Add golden files to nix (cardano-node)
12:27:33 [75ab7cfc] Increase lower bound on the `cborg` package (cardano-base)
12:28:52 [a053819c] More PR comments (ouroboros-consensus)
12:33:29 [42203d09] Add `StakeCredentials` and with all Maps unrolled: (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:33:29 [3144034c] Remove Conway instances for rules that are no longer relevant (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:33:29 [f5c1f9d3] Add a benchmark for `GetFilteredDelegationsAndRewardAccounts` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:33:29 [1d30aba6] Start a new Query interface in the `cardano-ledger-api`: (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:33:30 [f6084c54] Switch CurrentEra in ledger-state to Babbage (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:38:47 [3f5b6b94] chore(all): make manifest configurable (lace)
12:41:56 [00d198db] feat(all): use latest stable cardano-js-sdk (lace)
12:43:20 [52be4199] force new value of StrictMVar before calling putTMVar in updateMVar (ouroboros-consensus)
12:44:12 [b1e622c3] Updates following Simon's comments (Certification-working-group)
12:48:48 [e6017f4d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:49:39 [4faf6503] Merge #3961 (cardano-wallet)
12:53:07 [8a8bd97c] test(common): add unit tests to common package (#2693) (lace)
12:56:34 [07825947] SALZY (cardano-token-registry)
12:57:17 [44359088] Update cardano-node version used in runtime to 8.0.0 (cardano-wallet)
12:57:17 [ac42e570] fix: cardano-addresses s-r-p (cardano-wallet)
13:04:28 [0fefd8f5] docs: update links to HF repo (hs-opt-handbook.github.io)
13:05:33 [6b60159d] force new value of StrictMVar before calling putTMVar in updateMVar (ouroboros-consensus)
13:05:33 [66501bf7] Add some tests that check the combination of StrictMVar's updateMVar with the noThunks invariant that we use in Consensus (ouroboros-consensus)
13:06:07 [7ed18267] deploy: to live-mainnet @cardano-sdk/[email protected] (lace)
13:07:47 [050ca09f] Merge pull request #1039 from input-output-hk/olga-hryniuk/contrib/weekly-development-report-as-of-2023-05-26-1685101088168 (essential-cardano-content)
13:08:30 [51f2fd0f] Log GH issue URL (cardano-node-tests)
13:11:49 [6100ca55] Improving MACC Guiders with mUSDC and new images (milkomeda-documentation)
13:12:54 [b5263489] Merge pull request #44 from dcSpark/macc-improvements (milkomeda-documentation)
13:13:29 [cfd28474] Add missing golden & roundtrip for ApiErrorBalanceTxUnderestimatedFee (cardano-wallet)
13:18:39 [f5ecb2c7] deploy: b526348956da6c2275466ca9bc0ee51845e2a2f0 (milkomeda-documentation)
13:27:39 [446e0853] Revert "Lace UI toolkit - Staking exploration" (lace)
13:29:15 [198816df] Finish incomplete test (plutus)
13:30:04 [0e97668c] Typo (plutus)
13:30:13 [bb8fed76] Move `OldEraNotSupported` outside of `ErrBalanceTx` (cardano-wallet)
13:30:14 [bf8afac4] Improve ErrNodeNotYetInRecentEra error (cardano-wallet)
13:30:57 [89267c0e] Update cardano-node version used in runtime to 8.0.0 (cardano-wallet)
13:30:57 [e6e8fe26] fix: cardano-addresses s-r-p (cardano-wallet)
13:31:40 [91731db2] Test class laws for `AnyRecentEra`. (cardano-wallet)
13:31:40 [09d83d66] Don't support balanceTx in eras ahead of node tip (cardano-wallet)
13:31:53 [49b37180] logs ip addresses for the server side (cardano-node)
13:32:14 [8da9093f] Removed ouroboros-network-framework dependency from ouroboros-consenus (#109) (ouroboros-consensus)
13:32:33 [31bd203b] Improve semantics arbitrarty intances (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:13 [b4fa5526] fixup: Move "Arbitrary instances" section (cardano-wallet)
13:35:00 [def99b81] comment utxo sql indexer (marconi)
13:35:21 [53bbc4ab] deploy: dev-perf-mainnet. feat tx query aggregation (lace)
13:36:53 [e78c4251] Update README.md (awesome-aiken)
13:37:08 [19fb0323] Merge pull request #2 from matiwinnetou/patch-1 (awesome-aiken)
13:37:34 [f3880a5e] First cut at documenting Action. (cardano-node)
13:37:40 [0648f40b] Clean up haddock warnings & add module header. (cardano-node)
13:37:41 [088e694e] Check in progress for Generator. (cardano-node)
13:37:41 [8c97c93c] Module description for Env. (cardano-node)
13:37:41 [4a75f6da] Check in Error type description. (cardano-node)
13:37:41 [9aa7af11] Beginnings of Env haddock (cardano-node)
13:37:55 [70319f46] Merge pull request #38 from jelilakjaly/fixing-code-examples (stdlib)
13:38:16 [150d9a75] deploy: perf mainnet, tx query aggregation (#2715) (lace)
13:38:39 [f4a652c6] fixup! Add sample query to readme (marconi)
13:38:46 [35237164] Display conditionals correctly (foliage)
13:44:39 [3f872492] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/parameterise-manifest (lace)
13:45:43 [a5066736] chore(all): make manifest configurable (#2721) (lace)
13:46:28 [7131edb3] Revert "Lace UI toolkit - Staking exploration" (#2723) (lace)
13:47:19 [c85e6041] Merge #3961 (cardano-wallet)
13:47:30 [d7c6e295] Fixes #39. (stdlib)
13:51:22 [2b0f1427] Address PR comments (plutus)
13:55:27 [0919400d] Moved govaction deposits to the deposits map (formal-ledger-specifications)
13:56:56 [cdefb12d] Added cardano-ping- (cardano-haskell-packages)
13:56:56 [5aefe938] Added ouroboros-network- (cardano-haskell-packages)
13:56:57 [f79d7bc6] Added ouroboros-network-protocols- (cardano-haskell-packages)
13:58:35 [ef53783c] bump up CHaP snapshot (cardano-wallet)
14:00:29 [b574c388] Moved govaction deposits to the deposits map (formal-ledger-specifications)
14:01:18 [fd4178c9] fix get_all_proposals_handler test (catalyst-core)
14:01:36 [4f91f0f6] Reorganize and prune some functions (ouroboros-consensus)
14:07:26 [e5ca2217] Move `OldEraNotSupported` outside of `ErrBalanceTx` (cardano-wallet)
14:07:27 [480bfee2] Don't support balanceTx in eras ahead of node tip (cardano-wallet)
14:07:27 [140fc57e] Improve ErrNodeNotYetInRecentEra error (cardano-wallet)
14:07:27 [b76a662e] Test class laws for `AnyRecentEra`. (cardano-wallet)
14:07:28 [f0628752] fixup: Move "Arbitrary instances" section (cardano-wallet)
14:09:58 [75c8cfe7] Fix parser for bls12_381_mlresult type (plutus)
14:10:00 [51000741] Merge #3923 (cardano-wallet)
14:12:09 [eec4f757] docs: Merge #3961 3961: fix: "fatal: Could not parse object" r=Anviking a=Unisay - [x] I have pointed s-r-p to a latest commit in the `cardano-addresses` repo. ### Comments Not sure if this update doesn't break anything, but at least it fixes the broken reference. ### Issue Number None Co-authored-by: Yura Lazarev <[email protected]> Source commit: c85e6041a76c604f177bf502c34be7829ca62ade (cardano-wallet)
14:14:31 [4fa67bcf] probably only need one link to changelog (developer-portal)
14:16:04 [e6d06f01] deploy: a6d2eb67fab4276e48dfd666533d5024d442a558 (catalyst-core)
14:18:26 [20e5b7ce] Update GHC 9.2.6exclusions to 9.2.7 (cardano-haskell-packages)
14:19:33 [7e12c8ae] add hie.yaml files to all sub folders making HLS work (cardano-db-sync)
14:20:09 [546d689b] Add comment to explain generation of When contracts (marlowe-cardano)
14:20:09 [b7ed742b] Improve semantics arbitrarty intances (marlowe-cardano)
14:21:19 [3ec16679] workbench: supervisord.conf components following the docs and scripts order (cardano-node)
14:21:22 [e9a7350b] workbench: empty the exit_code file before a supervisord program is started (cardano-node)
14:21:23 [c3a7a769] workbench: WIP: add a backend agnostic healthcheck service (cardano-node)
14:21:23 [a5edb423] WIP WIP WIP (cardano-node)
14:21:51 [68f20654] workbench: allow custom supervisord.conf and only the needed Nomad templates (cardano-node)
14:21:51 [89ae54de] workbench: differentiate between Nomad class "qa" and "perf" (cardano-node)
14:21:51 [152a117e] workbench: fix unbound variable error (cardano-node)
14:21:52 [33f1290b] workbench: retry Nomad failed logs downloads (cardano-node)
14:21:52 [ed0f6e3b] workbench: fix a race condition on Nomad job startup failure (cardano-node)
14:21:52 [9f536de7] workbench: download Nomad generated files in parallel (cardano-node)
14:21:52 [6a6740e3] workbench: package more logs when downloading and avoid repeated ones (cardano-node)
14:21:52 [8fda0fbd] workbench: download logs in parallel (cardano-node)
14:21:52 [85cedce1] workbench: stop supervisord programs in parallel (cardano-node)
14:21:53 [6bea6e02] workbench: set placement and resources for Nomad Cloud "perf" class (cardano-node)
14:21:53 [43972003] workbench: fixes for the cluster wait loop (cardano-node)
14:23:11 [f2eb2aa3] experiment with pgpass pointing to localhost (cardano-db-sync)
14:23:46 [404d2134] Temp commit (mithril)
14:24:32 [38c5ec12] removed outdated files (yoroi-frontend)
14:25:04 [5c719e8c] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
14:25:34 [8c65dacf] updated path to firefox binary (yoroi-frontend)
14:30:13 [432684b9] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
14:31:22 [da7fc70d] fixup! feat(wallet)!: delegation.portfolio$ tracker - WIP (cardano-js-sdk)
14:32:21 [3401d2e1] Fix elements being called on empty list (marlowe-cardano)
14:32:29 [cb7236a1] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
14:32:55 [22914b80] removed outdated information (yoroi-frontend)
14:33:03 [84921f68] More changes (ouroboros-consensus)
14:34:12 [02f0f425] Bump foliage (#299) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
14:34:44 [c55bec63] Merge branch 'main' into mpj/ghc927 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
14:39:32 [0199dda7] Add some tests that check the combination of StrictMVar's updateMVar with the noThunks invariant that we use in Consensus (ouroboros-consensus)
14:39:32 [66c6b9bb] stylish fixes (ouroboros-consensus)
14:41:41 [ee8890ca] feat: update storeAssets operator to return the new total supply for minted assets (cardano-js-sdk)
14:43:57 [e70804d2] build: setup metadata token registry build (lace)
14:44:01 [424f0194] deploy: metadata token registry (lace)
14:44:01 [2567eb55] chore: setup deployment testbed with docker-compose / arion (lace)
14:44:44 [ae8e227e] Add changelog. (plutus)
14:44:44 [b6d90f6a] Make pure. (plutus)
14:44:44 [ea119cd2] Add commuteEquals to simplifier pass. (plutus)
14:47:11 [3966a22e] Update from 02f0f4253f01e97169adab510fba3e4a418cd11e (cardano-haskell-packages)
14:49:11 [a52cf45c] Merge pull request #1845 from input-output-hk/log_issue_url (cardano-node-tests)
14:49:53 [b3a4ce37] deploy: extend metadata deployment to preview & preprod & dev envs (lace)
14:49:58 [41cdc257] deploy: adjust resrouce limits (lace)
14:49:58 [b3a1e2ea] deploy: make the sync job a cron one (lace)
14:49:59 [6a8e95a0] Update nix/cardano-stack/deployments/chart/default.nix (lace)
14:49:59 [c2a43986] deploy: feature flag deployment (lace)
14:50:00 [7107a445] Update nix/cardano-stack/deployments/chart/default.nix (lace)
14:52:36 [67f12186] chore: update offchain-metadata-tools" (lace)
14:54:00 [5c9a12e1] initial draft (cardano-updates)
14:54:47 [01022b23] Use cachix instead of nixbuild in script-evaluation-test.yml (plutus)
14:55:28 [d2c1d27c] Use cachix instead of nixbuild in script-evaluation-test.yml (#5363) (plutus)
15:02:13 [7deba9ca] 2023-05-26 ledger (cardano-updates)
15:02:27 [3e2a6c77] Temp commit (mithril)
15:07:29 [98c1da18] Don't support balanceTx in eras ahead of node tip (cardano-wallet)
15:07:29 [0a53a489] Test class laws for `AnyRecentEra`. (cardano-wallet)
15:07:29 [ec56aad2] Move `OldEraNotSupported` outside of `ErrBalanceTx` (cardano-wallet)
15:07:29 [ef73ee39] Rename/improve ErrNodeNotYetInRecentEra error (cardano-wallet)
15:07:29 [800d9870] Add missing golden & roundtrip for ApiErrorBalanceTxUnderestimatedFee (cardano-wallet)
15:07:30 [a3613e82] fixup: Move "Arbitrary instances" section (cardano-wallet)
15:08:22 [af82118b] Merge #3923 (cardano-wallet)
15:15:17 [11917159] Merge branch 'main' into zeme-iohk/iogxxx (marlowe-cardano)
15:15:55 [c2c5e81d] [Builtins] [Evaluation] Retain 'cost' in a different way (#5356) (plutus)
15:16:35 [718a6e9a] Merge pull request #3224 from Emurgo/denis/YOEXT-611/outdated-tests (yoroi-frontend)
15:16:35 [07e268d3] fix get_funds_by_id test (catalyst-core)
15:17:37 [a54f1b5d] IOGX Integration (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [0bd04c95] Bump IOGX (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [9bae57e4] fix (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [1028c8bf] Fixes (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [99759dc1] WIP (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [65567175] WIP (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [6d63cc26] Bump IOGX (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [5abd5381] Update deploy nix files (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [3cfc9787] WI (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:39 [70c3fdf4] WIP (marlowe-cardano)
15:17:47 [ae47e8ce] feat metadata server (#2648) (lace)
15:19:45 [0ec04611] fix: correct the remaining owner address query (cardano-js-sdk)
15:22:38 [098767b4] 2023-05-26 ledger (cardano-updates)
15:24:45 [c6b1e10e] deploy: 098767b4a5750551e24c461d27933619d8d28f6d (cardano-updates)
15:25:24 [9ded3845] workbench: supervisord.conf components following the docs and scripts order (cardano-node)
15:25:33 [a078ca9d] WIP WIP WIP (cardano-node)
15:25:33 [d625a47f] workbench: empty the exit_code file before a supervisord program is started (cardano-node)
15:25:33 [1dd24b32] workbench: WIP: add a backend agnostic healthcheck service (cardano-node)
15:30:27 [25554b2d] comma terminations standard JS config on dev portal (developer-portal)
15:31:36 [4dcda86a] deploy: 69e3e83dbe18cf12b49449ffef0f4fa9f54c0c9c (catalyst-core)
15:35:10 [7c87f587] deploy: 07e268d364bf0a3b37f6828920ebbd2808c94909 (catalyst-core)
15:35:21 [36169fc7] Add helper functions and rewrite commute fn. (plutus)
15:35:28 [d2c5483f] docs: Merge #3923 3923: Drop support for balancing transactions in eras more recent than the node tip r=Anviking a=Anviking - [x] Always balance transactions in the era of the local node tip ### Comments Previously we used to leverage the conversion between `Cardano.ProtocolParameters` and `Ledger.PParams era` to potentially "upcast" the current protocol parameters to `Ledger.PParams` to a newer era. This may have been useful for testing features in new eras on mainnet before a HF, even if the resulting txs would have been unsubmittable. Instead of doing this one can test on a public testnet, local cluster or on the unit level. ### Issue Number ADP-2990 Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Source commit: af82118b5cd5addc60c68dc4fdaf59cb1d228be7 (cardano-wallet)
15:36:26 [2692eb54] ouroboros-consensus-diffusion- revision (cardano-haskell-packages)
15:37:23 [df13fccd] Rename to commuteFunWithConst. (plutus)
15:40:57 [c7d16c62] Collect isOurAddress function in IsOurs module. (cardano-wallet)
15:41:19 [052dbdec] fix get_proposal_by_id test (catalyst-core)
15:43:56 [0775206d] Collect isOurRewardAccount function in IsOurs module. (cardano-wallet)
15:45:53 [e447f2ba] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@c2c5e81d05ce2ae7675cc9153baab480585c01a7 🚀 (plutus)
15:50:13 [e9662b23] Switch to GHC 9.2.7 (#297) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:54:38 [bef8f2e6] Up node version used by docker (cardano-wallet)
15:55:36 [3130c422] deploy: cd9124e2abf70aff8546e459ac3bbf16ee0c7173 (catalyst-core)
15:55:58 [e2f664e5] Fix `firstEffectfulTerm` (#5361) (plutus)
15:56:22 [39741dee] Added ouroboros-network-protocols- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:56:22 [891b5652] ouroboros-consensus-diffusion- revision (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:56:22 [218629c3] Added cardano-ping- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:56:22 [f50875bc] Added ouroboros-network- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
15:57:54 [7b77f338] Update from e9662b234fa93daab3419955cf89d837b9646987 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
16:00:55 [227b2f42] log updated (mithril)
16:02:43 [7640b089] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
16:03:28 [fa4600f5] [EC Api] - Added: Cardano native tokens: a simple explanation (essential-cardano-content)
16:08:05 [19563faa] WIP updating things (plutus)
16:09:20 [9d9e5d33] WIP: compiling against CHaP cardano-node (cardano-wallet)
16:10:29 [4caea9e2] Add Certificate List message (mithril)
16:11:05 [4a8f82f6] Add Certificate List message adapter in aggregator (mithril)
16:11:22 [f738a2ea] Update Open API specs (mithril)
16:11:50 [51d33e2d] Implement new certificate list route (mithril)
16:13:10 [217914a1] Ledgity (cardano-token-registry)
16:16:24 [60aaf644] Merge pull request #3129 from brunjlar/master (cardano-token-registry)
16:17:20 [391d96d1] Merge pull request #3126 from cardano-tools-nft/566b45d6-2ba8-450d-94a3-508d9d8b37cf (cardano-token-registry)
16:17:44 [9900dfd3] Merge pull request #3127 from learncardano/master (cardano-token-registry)
16:18:21 [4342eeb3] Merge pull request #3128 from Tokiocripto/master (cardano-token-registry)
16:19:01 [cfff14b5] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for d2c1d27cf61d33728f3ce1d571b5b781de0bb49b (plutus)
16:19:25 [0a20e6fc] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into zliu41/app-inline-uplc (plutus)
16:22:09 [4c8164ac] Completely drop Cardano.ProtocolParameters (cardano-wallet)
16:22:15 [c17f0a57] . (cardano-token-registry)
16:22:27 [7b442c96] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
16:24:15 [2a61c1c7] clients: tf state updated to serial 554 (bitte-world)
16:25:11 [bf221288] clients: tf state updated to serial 558 (bitte-world)
16:28:19 [e9375421] core: tf state updated to serial 177 (bitte-world)
16:30:58 [b5e6b7ea] test: ziti multi-region routing (bitte-world)
16:32:59 [a04b7570] fix: resolve tcp conn limit gateway error (cardano-world)
16:33:56 [ca818d91] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@e2f664e52a5cfef99bf863de945e9f03d505b071 🚀 (plutus)
16:37:11 [58444aa3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:37:37 [60e0d167] Gramar conrrections and updating EUTXO chapter for PPPv3 book. (plutus-pioneer-program)
16:47:23 [2431b27f] Revert "Send Multiple Tokens and NFT Builder, Mint, Burn" (developer-portal)
16:47:30 [80424e5a] Added open q and fixed prefixes (CIPs)
16:55:42 [63d48718] fixup: timetranslation import (cardano-wallet)
16:58:22 [65f1b5c5] Update Send Multiple Tokens and NFT Builder, Mint, Burn (developer-portal)
17:00:13 [f98c6f4a] Run over subterms too. (plutus)
17:00:38 [d3c2439f] Add a test. (plutus)
17:07:59 [01197e49] wip: Don't take `AnyCardanoEra` for tx size estimations (cardano-wallet)
17:24:32 [aae95ac7] Builds on 9.2.7 (cardano-node)
17:30:07 [25bbef4e] Add helper functions and rewrite commute fn. (plutus)
17:30:07 [06bbfab9] Run over subterms too. (plutus)
17:30:07 [19670334] Add more tests. (plutus)
17:30:07 [34006def] Rename to commuteFunWithConst. (plutus)
17:30:07 [15f38996] Add a test. (plutus)
17:40:56 [3d13e4d2] chainSyncServerHeaderTracer (cardano-node)
17:43:03 [75c96cd0] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for c2c5e81d05ce2ae7675cc9153baab480585c01a7 (plutus)
17:47:44 [651f525e] bump iohk-nix (plutus)
18:04:34 [8de25108] Update Hackage and CHaPs (cardano-base)
18:06:59 [38a90668] Update instructions for updating hackageNix (cardano-base)
18:10:52 [1dd62b8a] wip: Don't take `AnyCardanoEra` for tx size estimations (cardano-wallet)
18:17:48 [183d846f] ouroboros-consensus-diffusion- revision (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:17:48 [c384b67f] Added cardano-ping- (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:17:48 [7e4484ad] Added ouroboros-network-protocols- (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:17:48 [7a05a468] Added ouroboros-network- (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:26:34 [aa41b379] Improve hash collision tests (plutus)
18:27:01 [310cfe05] Merge branch 'kwxm/BLS12_381/prototype' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into kwxm/BLS12_381/prototype (plutus)
18:28:17 [7b5ccc80] Update from 183d846fae8fdcdcdc6ae01a6ca7e85e3c99f9d1 (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:37:02 [dae82115] Update 91fbce324827fcb04240e95772277225997fde8af6bfebd16b3f381c50757061436f696e.json (cardano-token-registry)
18:38:19 [2e099d96] Remove unused `Context._feeEstimator` field (cardano-wallet)
18:51:41 [daf34730] wip: Don't take `AnyCardanoEra` for tx size estimations (cardano-wallet)
18:51:58 [ae77ac2a] [Meta] Add 'TRIAGING.md' (plutus)
18:52:51 [e608434d] Add features modules to support open wallet state testing. (cardano-wallet)
18:53:06 [f0bf0af4] Add explicit states for TestState wallet flavors. (cardano-wallet)
18:55:38 [57dc5670] Update benching.csv to new format to make merge easier (plutus)
18:58:15 [ee530e04] Collect IsOwned functions in IsOwnedModule. (cardano-wallet)
18:58:18 [235b0649] Remove IsOwned class from Server module. (cardano-wallet)
18:59:20 [a5815fe0] Remove IsOwned class from specs. (cardano-wallet)
18:59:24 [685349ab] fixup: stylish (cardano-wallet)
18:59:55 [ca20b727] Remove IsOwned class from Discovery module. (cardano-wallet)
19:01:10 [26aaf73e] Switch CurrentEra in ledger-state to Babbage (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:05:41 [70454973] Address pablo's comments (marlowe-cardano)
19:06:53 [0722edef] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for e2f664e52a5cfef99bf863de945e9f03d505b071 (plutus)
19:13:21 [0fadd4dc] Do not wrap ExitCode in DiffusionError (ouroboros-network)
19:30:09 [12f5e975] Collect isOurAddress function in IsOurs module. (cardano-wallet)
19:30:22 [43eb5ece] Collect isOurRewardAccount function in IsOurs module. (cardano-wallet)
19:31:27 [3d1956ce] Merge branch 'main' into feature/update-vote-plan (catalyst-core)
19:33:57 [4158f261] #4928 Add CLI command for printing slot number for UTC Time (cardano-node)
19:37:57 [3ed67f08] feat: improve handling of burned handles (cardano-js-sdk)
19:37:57 [9ba4a0aa] fix: change raw sql queries to typeorm functions (cardano-js-sdk)
19:45:23 [6f3829ae] deploy: 3d1956ce13357549a5011505f8dbb602ffcfe870 (catalyst-core)
20:05:40 [81b7ebe6] Merge pull request #5149 from input-output-hk/mgalazyn/feature/get-slot-from-timestamp-cli-cmd (cardano-node)
20:31:19 [bb6e03ff] Fix generator entropy and infinite loop on size 0 contracts when /= Close is required (marlowe-cardano)
20:34:03 [6c6b8b1c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:51:10 [d0f236a3] fix(debugger): Override buffer's subarray and remove react-native-buffer (#2479) (yoroi-mobile)
20:58:29 [3237dc10] update_pupa_decimals (cardano-token-registry)
20:59:26 [d3070e20] update_espers_decimals (cardano-token-registry)
21:00:42 [b65269e8] Improve performance of compute transaction tests (marlowe-cardano)
21:32:15 [67d0ddd9] Improve performance of plutus generators (marlowe-cardano)
21:43:49 [942e6973] imp: add more params to automation jobs (cardano)
21:57:03 [9b9b5eec] Use getProjectBase to fix tests (cardano-node)
22:34:04 [c726ae3a] Added cardano-cli-7.1.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
22:59:10 [2fdfbd77] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
23:05:36 [640e4415] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 283 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:37 [8551ab86] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 216 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:37 [13a82875] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 312 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:38 [e145a867] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 670 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:39 [c97c3ebb] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 569 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:40 [5de0bafb] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 740 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:40 [d78b3651] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 216 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:41 [155ac6ba] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 274 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:10:23 [852f0f6f] fix: adds missing AWS CLI (catalyst-core)
23:11:22 [3925e9ba] wip: create genesis for cardano (cardano-ops)
23:18:13 [6720052d] fix: adds missing jq tool (catalyst-core)
23:20:32 [61b3f676] Added cardano-cli-7.1.0 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
23:30:20 [bcbf5606] wip: bump Earthly version (catalyst-core)
23:33:31 [076845aa] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
23:36:24 [8c1ed1c7] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
23:40:31 [62728af3] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
23:44:23 [6c99c9d8] wip: change working directory (catalyst-core)
23:45:28 [4a2904a7] Added cardano-cli-7.1.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
23:46:51 [15d04b83] Add unmodified Marconi-related ADRs from plutus-apps (marconi)
23:47:36 [350a5492] HardWonWisdom.md: spell out the forecast horizon (ouroboros-consensus)
23:48:09 [aced6708] Add unmodified Marconi-related ADRs from plutus-apps (marconi)
23:48:14 [e184d4ec] fix: adds bash (catalyst-core)
23:50:56 [044c65c6] HardWordWidsom.md: spell out the forecast horizon (#62) (ouroboros-consensus)
23:51:09 [a678532d] fix: set GITHUB_WORKSPACE (catalyst-core)
23:55:46 [a411f27d] wip: testing ci v2 (catalyst-core)
23:59:48 [13003aef] Removed Marconi-related ADRs (plutus-apps)