Home / Reports / May 25, 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023

784 commits had been pushed across 55 repos by 111 authors. There were 3,482,171 additions and 1,021,918 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:03:59 [f6889770] Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 20 to 21 (ouroboros-consensus)
00:16:36 [058bdabb] feat: Update local earthly target (#406) (catalyst-core)
00:17:26 [00a2b557] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:17:26 [1c2a2a3c] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:18:56 [c419d422] test for StrictMVar updateMVar strictness issue (w/ NoThunks) make sure that optimizations are off! (ouroboros-consensus)
00:19:00 [50529911] Removed Draft Docs for feature/update-local-earthly-target (catalyst-core)
00:25:08 [b6920f0b] workbench: allow custom supervisord.conf and only the needed Nomad templates (cardano-node)
00:25:09 [f314278a] workbench: download Nomad generated files in parallel (cardano-node)
00:25:09 [6f2bb7ec] workbench: stop supervisord programs in parallel (cardano-node)
00:25:09 [b17e43d5] workbench: fix unbound variable error (cardano-node)
00:25:09 [c943f6ec] workbench: fix a race condition on Nomad job startup failure (cardano-node)
00:25:09 [4744c859] workbench: differentiate between Nomad class "qa" and "perf" (cardano-node)
00:25:10 [e7fc1a65] workbench: package more logs when downloading and avoid repeated ones (cardano-node)
00:25:10 [cc27b26c] workbench: set placement and resources for Nomad Cloud "perf" class (cardano-node)
00:25:10 [60c95ab2] workbench: download logs in parallel (cardano-node)
00:25:10 [65c62c5f] workbench: fixes for the cluster wait loop (cardano-node)
00:25:10 [ff8c79ac] workbench: retry Nomad failed logs downloads (cardano-node)
00:32:19 [8c65c77a] deploy: 058bdabbe37525b90872bf9fc45218bf43199c13 (catalyst-core)
00:50:28 [1504a0de] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:58:47 [04e72513] chore(deps): bump cachix/install-nix-action from 20 to 21 (marlowe-cardano)
01:10:45 [58a538b5] Initial Conway schema design (cardano-db-sync)
01:18:04 [087e9c84] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for c4a404f98015db514f9de48b1577ec0318e714e9 (plutus)
01:28:35 [707ca38d] Add Mateusz to CODEOWNERS (cardano-api)
01:30:08 [c58e3940] Script to extract changelogs from PRs in a commit range (cardano-updates)
01:40:37 [e01d999a] chore(deps): bump aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials (#551) (oura)
01:40:37 [58aab061] Remove the pragma (plutus)
01:41:24 [cdd84dbe] chore(deps): bump elasticsearch from 7.14.0-alpha.1 to 8.5.0-alpha.1 (#465) (oura)
01:44:33 [d6d973ad] Merge pull request #25 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/add-mateusz-to-CODEOWNERS (cardano-api)
01:46:18 [ef37d03a] Merge pull request #19 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/maintain-changelog-in-prs (cardano-api)
01:47:17 [fa09335b] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:00:47 [d28b4388] Put generated files in /Users/jky/.cardano-updates (cardano-updates)
02:01:34 [6296a35c] design contract detail page (marlowe-explorer)
02:04:36 [37826d7e] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
02:23:26 [a349629a] WIP WIP WIP (cardano-node)
02:42:14 [eba927b6] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
02:43:29 [14d49f50] Put generated files in /Users/jky/.cardano-updates (cardano-updates)
02:48:36 [1039a27b] Update README.md (devx)
02:49:53 [b571f4d6] Rename ChangeLog.md to CHANGELOG.md (cardano-api)
02:54:26 [1f2355c5] Changelog for cardano-api- (cardano-api)
02:58:13 [c67c14ac] Espers (cardano-token-registry)
03:00:58 [e855e680] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
03:08:25 [64bcb96e] Update README.md (devx)
03:08:40 [776c604b] Update README.md (devx)
03:08:57 [f4f5964f] Add code of conduct. (bech32)
03:08:57 [0c0b7e6a] Update README.md (devx)
03:10:23 [17706b00] Update README.md (devx)
03:12:50 [bbb81f9d] Add code of conduct. (#52) (bech32)
03:18:56 [59486ad8] Add copy of licence to root directory. (bech32)
03:19:06 [ef1c629a] Update copyright years within licences for individual packages. (bech32)
03:20:19 [b80ba600] Revise licence files. (#53) (bech32)
03:20:24 [d3f85d20] Added cardano-api- (cardano-haskell-packages)
03:22:45 [28b15ff6] Update README.md (#65) (devx)
03:36:47 [fc72100e] Update README.md (bech32)
03:37:20 [f3dfd18c] Update README.md (#54) (bech32)
03:49:55 [dcde7796] Added cardano-api- (cardano-haskell-packages)
03:52:26 [7daa1d56] plutus windows cross 8.10 (plutus)
03:58:32 [74ae2025] Bump lombok from 1.18.26 to 1.18.28 (koios-java-client)
04:00:24 [1f3341c8] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
04:01:19 [8d7c6267] Move ccm command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
04:01:19 [9b46fc78] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
04:01:19 [3765f441] Remove vote_submit and action_submit commands (cardano-api)
04:01:19 [ddf7191b] New transaction build and build-raw --action-file and --vote-file options (cardano-api)
04:01:19 [29b8537f] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
04:01:19 [52f28da2] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
04:01:20 [663886c2] ccm key-gen-cold and ccm key-gen-hot (cardano-api)
04:01:20 [43f88c0f] Rename ccm command group to cc (cardano-api)
04:12:37 [14102adf] Add an index for txin/txid (marconi)
04:15:03 [0a13599a] Fix JSON (marconi)
04:22:08 [caa69dd7] refactor(cardano-services): remove duplicated line (cardano-js-sdk)
04:22:20 [82bf157c] refactor!: rename rewardsHistoryLimit (cardano-js-sdk)
04:22:20 [435db62d] test(cardano-services): add stake pool db snapshot (cardano-js-sdk)
04:22:20 [d2aa3278] feat: add stake pool metadata entity relation (cardano-js-sdk)
04:34:08 [3bd4c5f0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:35:15 [b46069a5] Try installing existing version before making new (devx)
04:38:56 [96f9d6a8] Added cardano-api- (#294) (cardano-haskell-packages)
04:39:03 [59f623c7] fix: resize NFT image proportionally (yoroi-frontend)
04:42:12 [90c85ce6] fix: adject the grid container -24px to left (yoroi-frontend)
04:51:17 [ec658135] Update from 96f9d6a8062b00e8d7c4b5024e3beb23a002cd3e (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
04:59:18 [e141f88f] PupaCoin (cardano-token-registry)
05:27:55 [76670212] feat: implement TypeormStakePoolProvider (cardano-js-sdk)
05:29:07 [adf9f87c] Make script-evaluation-test run on the new dedicated self-hosted runner (plutus)
05:29:44 [7154fb88] deploy: 444fa06dad27b455fd51f1632446f5d0746ad2b9 (hydra)
05:29:51 [6e3bdbb0] Make script-evaluation-test run on the new dedicated self-hosted runner (#5357) (plutus)
05:46:47 [bdbe0f4a] Merge pull request #3952 from input-output-hk/piotr/update-bk-workflows (cardano-wallet)
05:50:09 [87118bd7] docs: Merge pull request #3952 from input-output-hk/piotr/update-bk-workflows Update workflows for default and benchmark boxes on buildkite Source commit: bdbe0f4aab76de7299cf38b2e62e8d70873015f0 (cardano-wallet)
06:01:16 [0ea9ddfe] Merge pull request #29 from paradoxicalsphere/patch-1 (CIP-0049-polls)
06:04:00 [69a7bf4d] Merge pull request #4567 from input-output-hk/erikd/deps (ouroboros-network)
06:05:54 [e6f6f9c3] Make cardano-api:internal component public (cardano-api)
06:38:15 [0be92474] Merge pull request #26 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/make-cardano-api-internal-public (cardano-api)
06:38:52 [837cd539] Move contribution instructions to `CONTRIBUTING.md`. (bech32)
06:40:08 [a63923be] Revise link from `CONTRIBUTING.md` to coding standards. (bech32)
06:41:30 [c21a5771] Add `CONTRIBUTING.md`. (#55) (bech32)
06:56:48 [23ba41fa] Delay creation of SQL index (marconi)
07:01:41 [29e43c9c] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 6e3bdbb009e8519e2d73716636da2fc414b2210b (plutus)
07:04:41 [402cb0e0] connection-manager: make it possible to connect to oneself (ouroboros-network)
07:20:16 [7e492254] release-to-chap.sh: report mode (ouroboros-network)
07:20:16 [61a6af04] Removed docs/interface-CHANGELOG.md (ouroboros-network)
07:21:10 [13cc79a4] CONTRIBUTING.md (ouroboros-network)
07:32:19 [a504a975] chore: update yarn-project.nix (cardano-js-sdk)
07:40:59 [bb44f10e] New version cardano-api- (cardano-api)
07:43:18 [0e60e874] Added cardano-api- (cardano-haskell-packages)
07:46:20 [14df5bcd] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
07:46:20 [ac985ee6] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
07:46:20 [680f089c] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
07:46:20 [2cc9a0e8] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
07:46:21 [d9bfe6b8] Rename ccm command group to cc (cardano-api)
07:46:21 [30ae17fc] Move ccm command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
07:46:21 [7d921ccf] Constitutional Committee hot cold key API changes (cardano-api)
07:46:21 [023c4493] ccm key-gen-cold and ccm key-gen-hot (cardano-api)
07:46:21 [2da36a92] Delete governance cc key-hash-VRF command (cardano-api)
07:46:21 [2b91133d] Remove vote_submit and action_submit commands (cardano-api)
07:46:21 [8ab98630] New transaction build and build-raw --action-file and --vote-file options (cardano-api)
07:51:05 [b2181f76] Removed docs/interface-CHANGELOG.md (ouroboros-network)
07:51:05 [174aed1e] release-to-chap.sh: report mode (ouroboros-network)
07:51:05 [ed72560b] CONTRIBUTING.md (ouroboros-network)
07:53:20 [e4354e14] Map `ErrNodeNotInRecentEra` to `NodeNotInRecentEra`. (cardano-wallet)
07:59:18 [caf57abe] Revise `ErrNodeNotInRecentEra` message. (cardano-wallet)
08:02:12 [9f446134] New governance cc key-hash command (cardano-api)
08:12:31 [fe0df0b4] remove the price fetcher (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
08:16:09 [975262fc] Merge pull request #21 from input-output-hk/erikd/ghc-9.6 (fs-sim)
08:18:03 [c049e800] Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 20 to 21 (#107) (ouroboros-consensus)
08:18:23 [cb3f164a] refactor!: consolidate withHandles and filter by policyIds projection mappers (cardano-js-sdk)
08:18:59 [a59b44b2] Make sure GitHub tokens don't make it to documentation (cardano-node-tests)
08:19:07 [ac67e598] ouroboros-network-testing: added shrinkScriptWith (ouroboros-network)
08:19:07 [e37bc4fe] connection-manager: updated the spec (ouroboros-network)
08:19:07 [1ceb1299] testnet: refactored testnet simulation (ouroboros-network)
08:19:07 [7b0b4843] testlib: classifyTermination (ouroboros-network)
08:19:07 [ce328997] connection-manager: fixed a typos (ouroboros-network)
08:19:07 [97e58d5a] testnet: enable big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
08:19:07 [0e22de80] testnet: classify simulation time with finer granularity (ouroboros-network)
08:32:47 [d21763f3] Update isabelle/Doc/Specification/Specification.thy (marlowe)
08:33:22 [54790b83] Update isabelle/Doc/Specification/Specification.thy (marlowe)
08:33:40 [d43988fe] Update isabelle/Doc/Specification/Specification.thy (marlowe)
08:33:54 [ae2e99a3] Update isabelle/Doc/Specification/Specification.thy (marlowe)
08:33:58 [072e90a1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:36:18 [71c6c515] PLT-5905: Proof-reading specification (#190) (marlowe)
08:36:40 [c162a753] add a third test case which doesn't even force the return value from updateMVar (ouroboros-consensus)
08:38:52 [0d1e4130] Fix materialization issues (haskell.nix)
08:41:08 [f5d770eb] Delete 03-marlowe-get-started.mdx (cardano-documentation)
08:42:15 [668037df] Delete 04-marlowe-language-guide.mdx (cardano-documentation)
08:42:30 [d3ccfed2] Delete 05-writing-marlowe-with-blockly.mdx (cardano-documentation)
08:42:42 [b6fcdf7a] Delete 06-using-the-haskell-editor.mdx (cardano-documentation)
08:44:33 [71c452b1] Add montly description for timed transactions (hydra-poc)
08:44:43 [ad6ca00d] upgrade.md - typo (guild-operators)
08:44:50 [11ec5ed1] Merge pull request #1837 from input-output-hk/exclude_tokens_from_doc (cardano-node-tests)
08:44:54 [8274f1d1] delete oudated files (cardano-documentation)
08:46:22 [e3be6c1c] Revise `TxNotInNodeEra` error message. (cardano-wallet)
08:47:16 [589480c1] Documentation update (cardano-node-tests)
08:48:02 [e0a59b92] Refactor draftTx (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [be81ee6f] Remove all warnings (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [24aa8c99] Introduce rest api callback (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [cf575dd7] Improve on api.yaml wording (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [a9c23cf2] Sign the commit tx and introduce external key (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [d9dfd98c] Minor fix error and warnings (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [2bc043aa] Use explicit imports in Scenarios.hs (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [1ad7d7cd] Add APIRestInputReceived server log (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [502677d7] Move http server types to appropriate place (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [64339e52] Extract request handler (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [4f06dd5a] Remove unneeded todo (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [60a40cce] Remove MonadCatch constraint (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [164c16db] Add changelog entry (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [c7c40bef] Extract rest types into separate module (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [09d822da] Revert the State module (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [9aa6c2a6] Fix http server http method and client call from e2e (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [1d67e512] Introduce the http call to get Draft commit tx (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [0ba62ee1] Add base e2e draft for external ommit (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [96286037] Remove unneeded deps (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [2f95a34d] Use commit instead of commitTx (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [e8f761a3] Change wording in draftTx dummy handle (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [25fd26d1] Rename new http server types (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [4f944598] Add golden tests for new types (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [72d21a1e] Include new keys in data-dir (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [5da456bb] Improve on json schema (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [a275482c] Dirty solution that works (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [41d97fa2] Add initial implementation of draftCommitTx (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [b8000d61] Balance the commit transaction (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [727d8f25] Remove genAdaOnlyOutput and make genTxOutAdaOnly accept a public key (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [e16aac84] Add new server inputs/outputs to api.yaml (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [64eb4418] Move rest callback to Server (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [f47b1954] Small refactor and haddocks (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [b88fc8c9] Add draft test for building drafted commit tx (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [96137c62] Add json roundtrip tests for new http types (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [dfc50e52] Rename FailedToDraftTx to FailedToDraftTxNotInitializing (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [3eda9b88] Alter to/from json instances for RestServerOutput (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [7438f3f3] Remove external key pair (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [231c0fd3] Checkpoint - missing script input after balancing (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [3361e1ee] Remove spec not needed (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [19304119] Introduce Chain handle to draft commit tx (hydra-poc)
08:48:02 [18e1a213] Start work on the http response (hydra-poc)
08:50:35 [5b56e9e0] Update Marlowe overview (cardano-documentation)
08:53:20 [db7a9bc2] PLT-6006: Purge the use of int-cast lib (plutus)
08:57:58 [505bb2d0] upgrade.md - typo (#1649) (guild-operators)
08:59:52 [118321b7] remove coin price poll code (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
09:00:22 [440171f4] temp (fs-sim)
09:01:00 [51253c4d] Add patterns in Conway `TxCert` (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:03:28 [b28828b3] Added fs-api- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:03:33 [76f82110] Added fs-sim- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:04:42 [81caaac0] A closing quotation mark was missing.. (guild-operators)
09:09:25 [d2ebf6ae] Merge pull request #889 from input-output-hk/nix-build-log-lines (hydra)
09:13:21 [0598e563] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
09:13:22 [0d0bec3c] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
09:13:22 [e98ad6d3] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
09:17:06 [193c3535] Remove workaround (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:17:06 [76beda27] Added cardano-crypto-tests- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:17:06 [c427260f] Added cardano-crypto-class- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:17:06 [3206137d] Update iohk-nix (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:17:07 [7a3cd0db] feat: resolve handles using observable wallet tx-builder (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:07 [89b2fedb] feat: add HandleProvider interface and implementation (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:08 [2d9b0beb] fix: removing util-dev package form dependencies (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:08 [721c703a] feat: adds cardano-sdk/util-dev package (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:08 [bc8c9a70] fix: removes unused type import (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:08 [e25a4e19] fix: type in finalizeTx, tests for handleProvider, and implement standard descriptions for handle standard (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:09 [fa4f7a37] fix: update mock for Handle Provider (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:09 [708dddeb] fix: test in HandleProvider test (cardano-js-sdk)
09:17:10 [f293dc83] fix: move HandleProvider to cardano-services package, add Handle to initializeTx (cardano-js-sdk)
09:20:54 [f88913f3] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
09:20:55 [818476b1] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
09:20:55 [88191683] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
09:20:55 [f7c36633] New drep command. (cardano-api)
09:20:55 [7ad27490] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
09:24:04 [8ce1f427] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
09:25:17 [b619fed8] Small refactor and haddocks (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [b108567c] Remove spec not needed (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [19f9984d] Improve on api.yaml wording (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [eff7b385] Add golden tests for new types (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [bcf7ab00] Balance the commit transaction (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [1cac3bfc] Start work on the http response (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [27351e9f] Fix http server http method and client call from e2e (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [d8d15578] Minor fix error and warnings (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [95b2d4f6] Remove MonadCatch constraint (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [0fb29b01] Add draft test for building drafted commit tx (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [adb40132] Rename FailedToDraftTx to FailedToDraftTxNotInitializing (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [aa0d70fc] Add base e2e draft for external ommit (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [f434bddb] Introduce rest api callback (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [b79d2061] Rename new http server types (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [c3c75429] Add APIRestInputReceived server log (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [138ae675] Alter to/from json instances for RestServerOutput (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [7c280fdd] Change wording in draftTx dummy handle (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [09f74373] Revert the State module (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [b9e63647] Move http server types to appropriate place (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [e9a5d1e3] Extract request handler (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [2d04f962] Add json roundtrip tests for new http types (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [c183eac4] Remove all warnings (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [aec3f76c] Improve on json schema (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [604517da] Add new server inputs/outputs to api.yaml (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [c2623baa] Checkpoint - missing script input after balancing (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [7d4e178e] Extract rest types into separate module (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [fb887b47] Move rest callback to Server (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [4f8d1e29] Include new keys in data-dir (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [bf2eac18] Add initial implementation of draftCommitTx (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [ed589dca] Remove unneeded todo (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [523cb4e9] Sign the commit tx and introduce external key (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [6a996482] Add changelog entry (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [52ba3083] Introduce Chain handle to draft commit tx (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [7cedf598] Remove genAdaOnlyOutput and make genTxOutAdaOnly accept a public key (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [923319b1] Introduce the http call to get Draft commit tx (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [ec226200] Refactor draftTx (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [7f8fadae] Remove unneeded deps (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [3ead0726] Use commit instead of commitTx (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [cb2514e1] Remove external key pair (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [67c236a9] Use explicit imports in Scenarios.hs (hydra-poc)
09:25:17 [41b81ad4] Dirty solution that works (hydra-poc)
09:25:31 [6da5a530] Monthly: C.I. perf exploration (hydra-poc)
09:27:08 [794b882b] New governance commands (cardano-api)
09:29:49 [72ec4c94] Added cardano-api- (#295) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
09:32:00 [bce9ac42] New version cardano-api- (cardano-api)
09:32:00 [c95d06dd] Remove vote_submit and action_submit commands (cardano-api)
09:32:00 [963ba49c] Move ccm command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
09:32:00 [ec059ae4] Make cardano-api:internal component public (cardano-api)
09:32:00 [216b99d7] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
09:32:00 [0cb7d2aa] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
09:32:00 [6ee8c45d] New transaction build and build-raw --action-file and --vote-file options (cardano-api)
09:32:00 [f44b8e18] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
09:32:01 [1c369ccb] Rename ccm command group to cc (cardano-api)
09:32:01 [a2c07f21] Constitutional Committee hot cold key API changes (cardano-api)
09:32:01 [393dce2b] New governance cc key-hash command (cardano-api)
09:32:01 [ee7de2ba] Delete governance cc key-hash-VRF command (cardano-api)
09:32:01 [eb372385] ccm key-gen-cold and ccm key-gen-hot (cardano-api)
09:32:39 [bb303780] refactor(cardano-services): aggregates the first two queries of txs/by-addresses endpoint (cardano-js-sdk)
09:38:53 [2430d3fa] Update iohk-nix (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:38:53 [d4f316f7] Remove workaround (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:38:53 [9b6362b3] Added cardano-crypto-class- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:38:53 [afe27631] Added cardano-crypto-tests- (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:41:56 [298b36e0] Update from 72ec4c94c8d27f962b54f498c55b8de4e9372d07 (cardano-haskell-packages)
09:42:55 [ee55acde] test(extension): update menu button color (lace)
09:44:19 [b28a5c35] test(extension): turn off outdated tests (lace)
09:47:04 [a429bcba] deploy: d2ebf6aeb7bb1d1ac1f4b0e82e5cf10451ee2b73 (hydra)
09:58:32 [e3861341] impl full node verifier (mithril)
10:01:11 [b8fcdb3c] Bump cachix/install-nix-action from 20 to 21 (hydra-poc)
10:06:53 [78b5624b] Windows-friendly names for named pipes (ouroboros-network)
10:10:32 [f5ff7686] Added fs-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
10:10:43 [47355a0d] Added fs-sim- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
10:15:01 [f99b0a39] Release crypto with bls (#291) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
10:15:48 [b7e90a6e] Merge pull request #890 from input-output-hk/dependabot/github_actions/cachix/install-nix-action-21 (hydra-poc)
10:16:20 [a621dbdd] PLT-5926: Also output emulator logs on success. (#1074) (plutus-apps)
10:20:32 [1f6aa11c] ouroboros-consensus: don't depend on cardano-ledger-binary (ouroboros-consensus)
10:21:57 [246af1bf] #5092 Protocol parameters conversion errors propagation (cardano-node)
10:26:56 [656cf97b] Update from f99b0a39e10e8dd1baa3b69522d76dc5e93adef4 (cardano-haskell-packages)
10:27:53 [0f28999d] remove old worker and clean up a bit (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:28:13 [1b2579b0] Handle constr, but it's kind of awful (plutus)
10:28:30 [d198c74d] Merge pull request #211 from input-output-hk/upd-nomad (bitte)
10:30:27 [ae76b5fe] Move `OldEraNotSupported` outside of `ErrBalanceTx` (cardano-wallet)
10:31:47 [7548fc75] Drop support balancing in future eras (cardano-wallet)
10:31:47 [fd81af85] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-wallet)
10:31:48 [6c2b785b] fixup: tweak comment (cardano-wallet)
10:32:20 [3b79b82a] fixup: inline local balanceTx helper (cardano-wallet)
10:32:21 [a6275030] Remove unused `SerialisedTxParts` (cardano-wallet)
10:32:21 [41c57b40] Tweak error names (cardano-wallet)
10:33:33 [56669df7] update bitte (ci-world)
10:33:59 [3accb06d] Add patterns in Conway `TxCert` (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:38:50 [8b8627f3] Restore compatibility with unix < 2.8 (fs-sim)
10:44:27 [d31e653d] Fix GHC 9.2 compilation (cardano-wallet)
10:46:20 [a8450e18] fixup (cardano-wallet)
10:46:52 [116b41e7] Map `ErrNodeNotInRecentEra` to `NodeNotInRecentEra`. (cardano-wallet)
10:47:01 [afdabde6] Revise `ErrNodeNotInRecentEra` message. (cardano-wallet)
10:47:08 [f7565dc1] Revise `TxNotInNodeEra` error message. (cardano-wallet)
10:47:47 [1ffdd730] New cc register-hot-key command (cardano-api)
10:49:40 [3373dbd7] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
10:50:40 [b8226741] Even more suspcious stuff to try and get rid of VBuiltin allocations (plutus)
10:51:13 [a81d8ade] Add `COMPLETE` pragma for new patterns (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:53:02 [b52f6b2f] deploy: b7e90a6e591eb4d09c77ac76eb7fc9d19e68eb7b (hydra-poc)
10:56:52 [45f25740] workbench: fix legacy tracing config (cardano-node)
10:56:58 [74d735dd] Merge pull request #23 from input-output-hk/jdral/unix-backwards-compatible (fs-sim)
10:57:02 [20373778] feat: Add config from application.conf and docker-compose and an example (#10) (atala-prism-mediator)
10:58:36 [df938708] Release `fs-sim-` and `fs-api-` (fs-sim)
11:01:33 [68c9c0be] Add `Yet` in `NodeNotYetInRecentEra` (cardano-wallet)
11:07:25 [4976dcfc] fix: test for HandleProvider work (cardano-js-sdk)
11:07:37 [83c133a8] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus-apps@a621dbdd61aebc34a633f71ae7f6084a11e97411 ๐Ÿš€ (plutus-apps)
11:12:39 [edf13f7b] Update sbt-native-packager to 1.9.16 in main (#7) (atala-prism-mediator)
11:15:39 [0930a32e] Merge pull request #24 from input-output-hk/jdral/fs-sim- (fs-sim)
11:22:56 [670b3e39] Fix the mempool benchmarks. (ouroboros-consensus)
11:22:57 [038161f7] Delete the `yarn-build` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:22:57 [b7de6d1a] Delete the `pages` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:22:57 [76ca0ebf] Delete the `cabal.project.local.Windows` file (ouroboros-consensus)
11:22:57 [7fe2516e] Add a `ci` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:22:57 [61cb5bf8] Delete the `publish-mempool-benchmarks` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:24:34 [0cc22ab4] Create WalletKey features module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:34 [bfb3b727] Use key flavor in migrateManually and use singletons in the DB.Layer module (cardano-wallet)
11:24:35 [ef3139de] Use key flavors in signMetadata function and postAccountPublicKey. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:35 [dc497d2d] Use key flavors in signTransaction module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:35 [6b71f1c1] Use key flavor in Layer module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:36 [573a7c70] Remove WalletKey constraint from updateCosigner. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:36 [b804252a] Use key flavors in MintBurn module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:37 [47054f39] Remove ToWitnessCount class. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:37 [cab4e124] Remove WalletKey from DB.Store.Checkpoints. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:37 [321a0427] Move hasVerificationKey function. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:38 [54bf445f] Remove WalletKey from Wallet module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:38 [fb876ce1] Remove WalletKey from Transaction module and move SequentialAny polymorphic code. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:38 [3ef06682] Remove WalletKey from Discovery.Shared (cardano-wallet)
11:24:39 [55a01e57] Remove WalletKey from TransactionNew module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:39 [8d1f5b4e] Remove WalletKey from DB.Arbitrary module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:39 [299e47e8] Remove WalletKey from SharedSpec (cardano-wallet)
11:24:40 [11b6d1fd] Remove WalletKey from DSL. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:40 [eea4f5e7] Remove WalletKey from db-bench. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:40 [608d8460] Remove WalletKey from Faucet module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:41 [374df12a] Remove WalletKey from DerivationSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:41 [bd4dbd1a] Remove WalletKey from HWWallets module. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:42 [9743a67d] Remove WalletKey from IcarusSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:42 [9b40b762] Remove WalletKey from SharedSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:42 [4d89ad30] Remove WalletKey from RandomSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:43 [8f02bedf] Remove WalletKey from PRimitive.TypesSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:43 [a01acdb2] Remove WalletKey from MintBurnSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:43 [c37a4614] Remove WalleyKey from Api.TypeSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:44 [07642484] Remove WalletKey functions from restore-bench. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:44 [b9c4e68b] Remove publicKey function from Shelley.Server. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:44 [0f577a8b] Remove WalletKey functions from WalletSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:45 [f0fc9321] Remove WalletKey functions from TransactionSpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:45 [85eca51d] Remove WalletKey functions from DB.Arbitrary. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:45 [23e44af9] Remove WalletKey functions from DiscoverySpec. (cardano-wallet)
11:24:46 [dd3e1f69] Remove WalletKey instances. (cardano-wallet)
11:27:04 [d4f23f7b] peer-selection: churn big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
11:27:38 [d410367d] Add `COMPLETE` pragma for new patterns (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:29:33 [57cab550] Remove New suffix to new WalletKey functions. (cardano-wallet)
11:31:01 [4ff99f14] join different pools by shared wallets (cardano-wallet)
11:31:46 [4bc9ebc6] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
11:35:03 [ca7eba61] e2e tests: update certificates visibility on deleg tx (cardano-wallet)
11:39:25 [4e46bd13] detect rewards (cardano-wallet)
11:39:41 [f68c6116] Add CredFromOf type family. (cardano-wallet)
11:39:43 [ccb37cb3] New cc unregister-hot-key command (cardano-api)
11:41:32 [8bb49d4b] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
11:44:28 [a8eb10e8] ouroboros-consensus: don't depend on cardano-ledger-binary (#108) (ouroboros-consensus)
11:45:11 [d1cdfa17] update chaps index (cardano-api)
11:46:36 [59f38528] Remove ktype from ApiLayer. (cardano-wallet)
11:48:02 [6dfeae27] temp (fs-sim)
11:50:09 [11160493] Add serialisation time to micro-benchmark (hydra-poc)
11:50:09 [f9cb3cae] Move benchmarks to bench/ directory (hydra-poc)
11:50:09 [f9d9be13] Fix micro benchmark run in Nix (hydra-poc)
11:50:09 [e2a61495] Add micro-benchmark assessing Tx application time (hydra-poc)
11:50:09 [e54f121a] Move Globals and default ledger env to shared Fixture module (hydra-poc)
11:50:09 [eac885eb] Publish micro-benchmarks results (hydra-poc)
11:52:13 [fa73b872] #5092 Protocol parameters conversion errors propagation (cardano-node)
11:52:52 [ada24416] Remove future action create commands (cardano-api)
11:52:57 [c6d64e23] Add action create commands (cardano-api)
11:54:15 [27b4ad04] Fix publication of micro-benchmarks results (hydra-poc)
11:54:18 [4aed618d] Unneeded package in micro (hydra-poc)
11:54:18 [4de50056] Cleanup micro benchmark's build (hydra-poc)
11:56:07 [4c0dd64b] Merge #3938 (cardano-wallet)
12:00:12 [30eb9f28] chore(deps): bump aws-sdk-lambda from 0.14.0 to 0.26.0 (oura)
12:04:54 [f94c907d] nix cleanup (plutus-apps)
12:06:12 [267dcb1f] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
12:06:14 [b53bcc8e] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
12:06:14 [363099ed] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
12:06:21 [83f46de4] Let's put benchmark straight in the target directory (hydra-poc)
12:14:32 [1efbf56b] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
12:14:33 [44cfcbae] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
12:14:33 [04cbf15e] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
12:14:33 [6fc576b8] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
12:14:33 [3e6d9c7a] New drep command. (cardano-api)
12:15:11 [bb82ed55] Create 5fb4e98a8cb457f148bda401951c73a9d569a1de (cardano-token-registry)
12:18:47 [bf5b16ee] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
12:18:48 [0c0794cb] New governance commands (cardano-api)
12:20:43 [a0050144] Remove postgresConfig from PlutipConfig, set those values directly (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:21:36 [e8c022cd] Suppress ignored tests (hydra-poc)
12:23:35 [2761f768] docs: Merge #3938 3938: [ADP-3039] Remove WalletKey class r=paolino a=paolino ADP-3039 Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: 4c0dd64be3936725dbbaf8f0f91db0d7431abe78 (cardano-wallet)
12:28:14 [2119d9c2] Let's put benchmark straight in the target directory (hydra)
12:33:04 [a3b5db5b] send money back and withdraw (cardano-wallet)
12:34:24 [bb004a5f] fix: fix types and interfaces for outputBuilder (cardano-js-sdk)
12:36:40 [42686051] Adding boolean functions for feesOK (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:38:25 [1d463cce] Remove ktype from WalletLayer. (cardano-wallet)
12:38:33 [6832401f] Remove implied k anfd ktype from MockWalletLayer. (cardano-wallet)
12:43:10 [dc04b914] Add a link to key management docs (cardano-browser-tx)
12:49:02 [38346ba8] fix: moves HandleProvider to cardano-services-client and fixes type in observableWallet (cardano-js-sdk)
12:49:23 [be44d70b] Build the haddocks after tests and benchmarks are run (ouroboros-consensus)
12:49:48 [dbe78860] try to fix complete pragma (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:51:01 [fd5b295c] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:53:21 [c5859645] Create 5fb4e98a8cb457f148bda401951c73a9d569a1de (cardano-token-registry)
12:53:50 [c02ebc50] add query field to LocalNodeConnectInfo record (cardano-api)
12:55:01 [165cba35] wip (hydra-poc)
12:55:01 [bad9f367] Create tfvars file if not exists (hydra-poc)
12:55:01 [f96ca0fc] mainnet-deploy (hydra-poc)
12:55:01 [f7c5358e] Increase volume size for mainnet (hydra-poc)
12:55:01 [76b774e6] Add mainnet scripts (hydra-poc)
12:55:02 [63317825] wip (hydra-poc)
12:55:02 [1dac990d] Make scripts to work for preview. (hydra-poc)
12:56:33 [ed0c22d6] Merge pull request #884 from input-output-hk/abailly-iohk/micro-benchmarks (hydra)
13:01:13 [66ce87e0] fix: removes the axios-mock-adapter from cardano-services (cardano-js-sdk)
13:01:37 [b898247d] Scaffold this months report (hydra)
13:01:38 [47510cc8] Add montly description for timed transactions (hydra)
13:01:38 [1bca37d3] Monthly: C.I. perf exploration (hydra)
13:02:20 [4f7c6a54] update chaps index (cardano-api)
13:02:36 [41f70cb3] PLT-6006: Purge the use of int-cast lib (#5344) (plutus)
13:02:57 [b7dcc462] add query field to LocalNodeConnectInfo record (cardano-api)
13:05:28 [5cde4f74] Add missing golden & roundtrip for ApiErrorBalanceTxUnderestimatedFee (cardano-wallet)
13:06:43 [e48231d9] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@41f70cb3251e47cb91749081c92dc2e6db87b85c ๐Ÿš€ (plutus)
13:07:13 [0a846b0e] Create 5fb4e98a8cb457f148bda401951c73a9d569a1de (cardano-token-registry)
13:07:29 [11b16ec1] Add ADR for the computation of the SDD per epoch (#24) (marconi)
13:09:01 [1a267b74] Add `ApiErrorNodeNotYetInRecentEra` (cardano-wallet)
13:09:50 [91775b0d] Merge pull request #1 from Volsurg/patch-3 (cardano-token-registry)
13:10:22 [af545568] Minor changes to timed transactions and reflowed paragraphs (hydra-poc)
13:10:40 [2e565c00] PLT-41 Fixed resuming error in EpochState indexer when the LedgerState was partially written on disk. (#37) (marconi)
13:11:48 [4cf45fd1] Update benchamrk queue name (cardano-node-tests)
13:12:23 [ac131e66] #5222 Remove `ApplicationName` and `ApplicationVersion` config parameters` (cardano-node)
13:15:04 [0a0ba43b] Merge #3947 (cardano-wallet)
13:17:42 [21869c18] Use `AnyRecentEra`-centric naming for conversion functions (cardano-wallet)
13:17:43 [e4da0c77] Add `Eq`, `Ord` and `Bounded` instances for `AnyRecentEra` (cardano-wallet)
13:17:43 [1201ad11] Add mirroring `fromAnyCardanoEra` (cardano-wallet)
13:19:39 [6b6e4a76] Remove future action create commands (cardano-api)
13:19:51 [e086d5b3] New transaction build and build-raw --action-file and --vote-file options (cardano-api)
13:20:22 [478811ad] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-03-22 (cardano-updates)
13:21:25 [b9e03e17] PLT-4386 Audit Certification Report upload (dapps-certification)
13:21:49 [e98c255c] PLT-5620: Add node emulator mtl query functions (#1070) (plutus-apps)
13:22:59 [c85ca926] Remove vote_submit and action_submit commands (cardano-api)
13:23:00 [a1c9dac1] Move ccm command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
13:23:00 [5f0a1c26] Constitutional Committee hot cold key API changes (cardano-api)
13:23:00 [3b7a3c88] New governance cc key-hash command (cardano-api)
13:23:00 [2d2a52cc] Delete governance cc key-hash-VRF command (cardano-api)
13:23:00 [e052eb39] ccm key-gen-cold and ccm key-gen-hot (cardano-api)
13:23:00 [8178234e] New cc register-hot-key command (cardano-api)
13:23:00 [0973434e] Rename ccm command group to cc (cardano-api)
13:23:01 [9cd0ae4d] New cc unregister-hot-key command (cardano-api)
13:23:59 [23fbf3e7] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/YOEXT-599/create-restore-updates (yoroi-frontend)
13:24:44 [3c2fde49] add final parent wallet expectations (cardano-wallet)
13:27:07 [deec6bc3] Try #3953: (cardano-wallet)
13:29:51 [1c6a9969] deploy: ed0c22d693dd11689fa4764a1d8cbc9ef2624d23 (hydra-poc)
13:30:53 [d965a57e] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [9672018c] Add action create commands (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [8ec6dbc8] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [79067a63] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [fa5e9f6a] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [e2f6ee60] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [3c51eccf] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [3731e195] New drep command. (cardano-api)
13:30:53 [946acca2] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
13:30:54 [9c38de99] New governance commands (cardano-api)
13:30:54 [e5023268] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
13:32:26 [f5ef1fe7] test(extension): update tests for collateral settings (lace)
13:33:56 [efa3b6c1] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
13:34:05 [34705f8f] stm_signer_avk inherits stm_signer (mithril)
13:34:14 [2984d745] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
13:34:14 [1d6a45c2] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
13:34:14 [e05c8912] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [0cbe8fcd] Move ccm command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [e6f21f3f] New transaction build and build-raw --action-file and --vote-file options (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [0eff4ae9] Remove vote_submit and action_submit commands (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [33aaa4d5] Constitutional Committee hot cold key API changes (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [40b59fef] Delete governance cc key-hash-VRF command (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [756f5e25] Remove future action create commands (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [f8d5b6c6] New governance cc key-hash command (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [d59452aa] ccm key-gen-cold and ccm key-gen-hot (cardano-api)
13:34:15 [77fab38c] Rename ccm command group to cc (cardano-api)
13:34:16 [5533c2c4] New cc unregister-hot-key command (cardano-api)
13:34:16 [5ac4c586] New cc register-hot-key command (cardano-api)
13:35:42 [037971fc] Write section about ledger-genesis and extend timed transactions (hydra-poc)
13:36:08 [ee8385bd] feat(mat): Navigate to transaction start screen from token select (yoroi-mobile)
13:36:43 [2c76b5c2] Extract out new `Write.Era` module from `Write.Tx` (cardano-wallet)
13:37:00 [3e07a117] Fix GHC 9.2 compilation (cardano-wallet)
13:37:36 [190fc0ab] Fix GHC 9.2 compilation (cardano-wallet)
13:39:45 [a56a85f2] Remove unused `SerialisedTxParts` (cardano-wallet)
13:40:26 [ae954563] Add create-slug.sh script (cardano-updates)
13:41:48 [c0b7ad4d] docs: Merge #3947 3947: [ADP-3042] add state-to-ktype implication r=paolino a=paolino - [x] add new type family `CredFromOf` that maps states to `CredFromKey` types, which are part of `Depth` kind , which is ... strange, but I didn't touch it. - [x] remove ktype from `ApiLayer` - [x] remove ktype from `WallteLayer` - [x] remove k and ktype from `MockWalletLayer ` I'm a bit perplexed on the `ktype` , after binding it to the state type I realized that even the key type implies it. So a type function like ```haskell type family CredFromOfKey k where CredFromOfKey (SharedKey) = 'CredFromScriptK CredFromOfKey _ = 'CredFromKeyK type CredFromOf s = CredFromOfKey (KeyOf s) ``` would just suffice, instead of the bulky ```haskell type family CredFromOf s where CredFromOf (SharedState n key) = 'CredFromScriptK CredFromOf (SeqState n key) = 'CredFromKeyK CredFromOf (RndState n) = 'CredFromKeyK CredFromOf (TestState n key) = 'CredFromKeyK CredFromOf (RndAnyState n p) = 'CredFromKeyK CredFromOf (SeqAnyState n key p) = 'CredFromKeyK ``` I'm proposing here The key type implication would also remove ktype from other data , like - TransactionLayer - PaymentAddress - DelegationAddress and derived types/classes I left this out of the PR, because I'm not sure of the intentions of this polymorphism. ADP-3042 Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: 0a0ba43b1ed96ca3e207c75b97d6b66c2a905c59 (cardano-wallet)
13:42:21 [3f4f8a1f] Import cardano-cli project (cardano-api)
13:42:22 [511024bf] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
13:42:22 [57b9f73a] Add action create commands (cardano-api)
13:42:23 [977ccf50] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
13:42:23 [42873759] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
13:42:23 [5cef2e86] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
13:42:23 [f6345a7c] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
13:42:23 [2603c728] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
13:42:23 [a7ae2caa] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
13:42:23 [66b0127e] New drep command. (cardano-api)
13:42:35 [9467aa93] fix: mocks and tests (cardano-js-sdk)
13:42:50 [b2cdb7fb] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-03-22 (#166) (cardano-updates)
13:43:12 [dba41128] fix: mocks and tests are better organised (cardano-js-sdk)
13:44:31 [dc55f344] deploy: b2cdb7fbace61ea1c6a8036b08c6fba8ee0a939c (cardano-updates)
13:49:38 [1bf0161d] test-token metadata (cardano-token-registry)
13:51:01 [55548d8b] Merge pull request #4569 from input-output-hk/coot/relese-script (ouroboros-network)
13:51:22 [dd8b254f] wip (plutus)
13:51:42 [bcdb178a] test-token metadata (cardano-token-registry)
13:55:02 [55a3b69c] FUTUR (cardano-token-registry)
13:55:43 [d0604534] ouroboros-network-testing: more admissible `prop_shrink_valid` (ouroboros-network)
13:55:43 [668a60fb] peer-selection: churn big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
13:55:43 [4152f304] peer-selection-test: big ledger peers tests (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [25ef2aed] Updated CHANGELOG.md files (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [8041300e] ouroboros-network-framework: introduce initiator & responder contexts (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [c549f0ad] Pass IsBigLedgerPeer to mini-protocol callbacks. (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [ff5f9ada] ouroboros-network-framework: renamed MuxPeer to MiniProtocolCb (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [4394fbc0] ouroboros-network-framework: refactored MuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [30ef058d] ouroboros-network-api: added IsBigLedgerPeer (ouroboros-network)
13:55:44 [4fa44597] ouroboros-network-framework: moved OuroborosApplication (ouroboros-network)
13:55:45 [e4ad9b5e] sim-net: fixed & refactored the dns resolver (ouroboros-network)
13:55:45 [a9752e5b] sim-net: refactor local root peers generators (ouroboros-network)
13:55:45 [97b0420b] peer-selection-tests: change targetNumberOfKnownPeers generator (ouroboros-network)
13:55:45 [b7eb9fd5] diffusion: fixed haddock comment (ouroboros-network)
13:55:45 [55f285a7] ouroboros-network-testing: added singletonTimedScript (ouroboros-network)
13:55:45 [6646a6b7] code style in various places (ouroboros-network)
13:55:46 [5791cf4d] connection-manager: fixed typos (ouroboros-network)
13:55:46 [17fcb4c0] testlib: classifyTermination (ouroboros-network)
13:55:46 [1b852614] ouroboros-network-testing: added shrinkScriptWith (ouroboros-network)
13:55:46 [b2536db4] connection-manager: updated the spec (ouroboros-network)
13:55:46 [9531f011] connection-manager: fixed a typos (ouroboros-network)
13:55:46 [8eb86ce7] connection-manager: make it possible to connect to oneself (ouroboros-network)
13:55:46 [4ee8e439] testnet: refactored testnet simulation (ouroboros-network)
13:55:47 [6cf3e913] testnet: classify simulation time with finer granularity (ouroboros-network)
13:55:47 [66378ceb] testnet: enable big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
13:56:14 [201e32a6] Add section about Hydra for Payments (hydra-poc)
13:56:54 [bac93faa] New governance commands (cardano-api)
13:57:10 [2a75e0c0] WIP (hydra-poc)
14:00:50 [413dfe55] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
14:04:18 [0d46ed7b] ifdLevel 0 (haskell.nix)
14:07:05 [58eb8b35] Add materialized files (haskell.nix)
14:08:18 [71f2acc2] stuff (cardano-api)
14:08:24 [08592959] PLT-5551 Feew corrections in tests (dapps-certification)
14:08:28 [c4b3b6df] add marlowe starter kit (awesome-starter-kits)
14:08:43 [5030ac77] Merge branch 'PLT-4591' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into PLT-4386 (dapps-certification)
14:09:00 [1f8fcf7a] fixup! chore: bump tests (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
14:10:05 [a51e391d] fix (catalyst-core)
14:10:09 [55ed7be3] Merge branch 'master' into chore/lw-6514-hardware-trezor-package (cardano-js-sdk)
14:10:23 [1aa9257b] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
14:10:26 [91de3606] Add a link to DB Sync best practices (cardano-db-sync)
14:11:46 [09d1c873] fix logo (awesome-starter-kits)
14:12:32 [4d2147dd] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
14:15:09 [4cd4ab9d] updated title (awesome-starter-kits)
14:15:25 [350618ce] Monthly: C.I. perf exploration (hydra)
14:15:26 [2ff8efda] Write section about ledger-genesis and extend timed transactions (hydra)
14:15:26 [4bdd33bf] Add section about Hydra for Payments (hydra)
14:15:26 [28f3081a] Minor changes to timed transactions and reflowed paragraphs (hydra)
14:16:05 [7b9008d7] Write Hydrozoa and spanish translation (hydra)
14:16:06 [ce6891bd] #5092 Protocol parameters conversion errors propagation (cardano-node)
14:16:44 [2c04ed97] New cc unregister-hot-key command (cardano-api)
14:17:14 [8850decc] stuff (cardano-api)
14:18:58 [ebcaa46d] Remove unused `SerialisedTxParts` (cardano-wallet)
14:20:18 [95e34045] Add governance action deposit vote delegation (#101) (formal-ledger-specifications)
14:20:35 [631bb06f] nix flake lock --update haskellNix (cardano-wallet)
14:21:10 [387f541a] Restore scripts/summarise-merged-prs.sh (cardano-updates)
14:21:11 [14e7af73] Fix date inside 2023-03-22-node-cli-api slug (cardano-updates)
14:23:21 [816ef791] DPP (cardano-token-registry)
14:23:43 [ab33291e] Update Mithril logo in documentation (mithril)
14:23:54 [8d348cf7] Update Mithril logo in explorer (mithril)
14:24:58 [4064c93d] deploy: a51e391daac391b6e4d0f2ba0c8b35da8d796cbd (catalyst-core)
14:25:02 [4ea84a3c] core: tf state updated to serial 53 (ci-world)
14:25:27 [1ee6ee45] Write a conclusion (hydra)
14:26:18 [6548b58b] Update crates versions (mithril)
14:26:28 [5ea66ce2] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 41f70cb3251e47cb91749081c92dc2e6db87b85c (plutus)
14:27:34 [b546abe4] deploy: 05563b370c0cf7ffa6358c1f19ed66b4fc3a382e (catalyst-core)
14:28:08 [a2deb537] chore(staking): update staking docs (lace)
14:29:07 [a2af3601] imp: bump cache storage (ci-world)
14:30:33 [80b6a8f6] Add commuteEquals to simplifier pass. (plutus)
14:30:35 [94eec133] test(extension): update tests for unlocking wallet (lace)
14:31:10 [3eb70e60] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-04-05 (cardano-updates)
14:31:43 [9d3843c0] Fix GHC 9.2 compilation (cardano-wallet)
14:34:07 [ca0cd128] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-04-05 (#168) (cardano-updates)
14:34:49 [bde42541] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/sdk-11-stable-update (lace)
14:37:18 [31596800] deploy: ca0cd1282f16ac24363a45a849d16625a53422b4 (cardano-updates)
14:38:38 [2799ce11] fix: hash arg order (#144) (scrolls)
14:41:47 [3ff76f39] test(extension): e2e - add tests for DApps: empty state + app on the โ€ฆ (#2707) (lace)
14:42:24 [d3802180] WIP (hydra-poc)
14:48:35 [cf185ab7] Update tx-cost benchmark to show cost of commit (hydra-poc)
14:48:35 [eeace3ba] Allow multiple commits (hydra-poc)
14:48:36 [43fdb9b7] Remove MoreThanOneUTxOCommitted error (hydra-poc)
14:48:36 [eaec528a] Update golden scripts in hydra-plutus (hydra-poc)
14:48:36 [354cf9af] Support multiple committed UTxO in tests (hydra-poc)
14:48:36 [15de32c8] Reflect changes of multiple commits in specification (hydra-poc)
14:48:37 [ee59e202] Update known issues (hydra-poc)
14:48:37 [8627c915] Make Commit mutation test use multiple healthyCommitUTxO (hydra-poc)
14:48:37 [e6d36d29] Update changelog and bump hydra-plutus version (hydra-poc)
14:48:37 [9232973e] Make CollectCom mutation tests use a varying number of committed UTxO (hydra-poc)
14:48:38 [dee2709b] Add mutation to leave out a claimed to commit UTxO (hydra-poc)
14:48:38 [6b18f819] Add an error code for commit tx not finding outref (hydra-poc)
14:49:08 [52ef7dfb] Switch to GHC 9.2.7 (cardano-haskell-packages)
14:51:25 [186b5302] Merge pull request #5197 from input-output-hk/mgalazyn/feature/error-handling-for-pp-conversion (cardano-node)
14:54:22 [06e0a45d] #4928 Add CLI command for printing slot number for UTC Time (cardano-node)
14:54:28 [e182420e] #4928 Add reading genesis data in test using FromJSON instances (cardano-node)
14:54:33 [75cbfe47] New transaction build and build-raw --action-file and --vote-file options (cardano-api)
14:56:28 [e22c4a84] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
14:56:40 [f43e9207] New governance cc key-hash command (cardano-api)
14:56:40 [0cce2d41] Constitutional Committee hot cold key API changes (cardano-api)
14:56:40 [8bbe93f0] New cc unregister-hot-key command (cardano-api)
14:56:40 [37b58100] New cc register-hot-key command (cardano-api)
14:56:40 [f41f4fe4] ccm key-gen-cold and ccm key-gen-hot (cardano-api)
14:56:40 [38e7e033] Delete governance cc key-hash-VRF command (cardano-api)
14:56:40 [75f52332] Rename ccm command group to cc (cardano-api)
14:57:48 [f187d5cb] Revert "PLT-6006: Purge the use of int-cast lib (#5344)" (plutus)
14:57:57 [b3b258a1] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:input-output-hk/plutus into zliu41/app-inline-uplc (plutus)
14:59:36 [91a11c5f] WIP (hydra)
15:00:02 [1bba8c3e] test(extension): update tests for unlocking wallet - part 2 (lace)
15:00:05 [98980523] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus-apps@e98c255c66f3aae7f62cdcad15033a09537a0605 ๐Ÿš€ (plutus-apps)
15:01:38 [872d73df] Rolled back adding deposits to the deposit map (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:03:27 [815c8208] Add CCM commands (cardano-api)
15:03:27 [3dc103cb] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
15:03:27 [f2b3360b] New DRepMetadata module (cardano-api)
15:03:27 [00561d4a] Add action create commands (cardano-api)
15:03:27 [d4c9db6f] Use cardano-api via source-repository (cardano-api)
15:03:28 [11c34309] New governance commands (cardano-api)
15:03:28 [bb8cb5f5] Rename DelegationTarget to PoolDelegationTarget (cardano-api)
15:03:28 [3ad07f7b] Move drep command to under governance command group (cardano-api)
15:03:28 [780508bd] Rename StakeCredentialDelegationCert to StakeCredentialPoolDelegationCert (cardano-api)
15:03:28 [6204d506] New drep command. (cardano-api)
15:04:33 [48422ce6] Create new Pythagoras era (mithril)
15:04:34 [49e56413] Check governance poll required signers on dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
15:05:49 [30e56960] Add governance action commands. (cardano-api)
15:05:53 [874d97bc] Sign Mithril Stake Distribution on Pythagoras era only (mithril)
15:07:47 [184c0706] fix (catalyst-core)
15:10:55 [2194424c] Dash (cardano-token-registry)
15:10:57 [f1c6c88d] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-04-20 (cardano-updates)
15:11:06 [a61998cc] Changed how DNS Lookup for local root peers works (ouroboros-network)
15:11:10 [e035f754] Make test compile (ouroboros-network)
15:20:03 [cdcd1946] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-04-20 (#169) (cardano-updates)
15:20:37 [48b1e874] Merge branch 'lace-ui-toolkit-staking' of github.com:input-output-hk/wallet-world into lace-ui-toolkit-staking (lace)
15:22:12 [0d87a283] deploy: cdcd1946feb424bb3d78f92bca5519dab1ea4013 (cardano-updates)
15:24:14 [390996cb] Make ouroboros-consensus independent of ouroboros-network-framework (ouroboros-consensus)
15:24:58 [a1c1d734] Add a comment (plutus)
15:26:34 [52c14fe5] deploy: c6ae6dc9349334459b4e08c99291ac7dcc526d4f (catalyst-core)
15:28:05 [a39aa1c8] Adapt end to end test for Pythagoras era (mithril)
15:28:18 [2b0fc804] Rename Cc to Committee (cardano-api)
15:29:48 [6fdf83d5] chore(hardware-trezor): setup new trezor key agent (cardano-js-sdk)
15:30:42 [474fc9b0] update descriptions (awesome-starter-kits)
15:32:00 [bd59e575] Add `COMPLETE` pragma for new patterns (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:33:22 [73f7d28f] chore(hardware-trezor): use new trezor key agent in wallet tests (cardano-js-sdk)
15:34:08 [5ecebd8a] fixup! chore: bump tests (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:35:32 [469d0985] Changed how DNS Lookup for local root peers works (ouroboros-network)
15:35:32 [bc00d25b] Make test compile (ouroboros-network)
15:37:07 [b77c0b70] full node verifier added (mithril)
15:37:46 [ce7018e2] fix: crypto pinning via iohkNix overlay (cardano-api)
15:39:02 [b1739cc3] add formating to marlowe readme (awesome-starter-kits)
15:42:33 [bf242c10] fixup: add comment (cardano-wallet)
15:43:05 [4a1a1a67] upgrade resources on cluster (sc-dev-platform)
15:43:31 [57370ba1] cluster wide http -> https redirect (sc-dev-platform)
15:46:40 [4930364b] fixup: export withConstraints (cardano-wallet)
15:53:30 [97f652a5] refactor(staking): adjust file structure (lace)
15:53:34 [bdbebe75] fixup: redundant import (cardano-wallet)
15:57:21 [d956ce5a] Merge pull request #1502 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/daniel/mnemonic-wallets (cardano-browser-tx)
15:59:31 [4ab45f34] Deploying to gh-pages from @ Plutonomicon/cardano-transaction-lib@d956ce5a7c50189620747736a53c9b9c8556a7f3 ๐Ÿš€ (cardano-browser-tx)
16:05:08 [d2c2d434] consensus-test: remove information-less use of ConnectionId (ouroboros-consensus)
16:13:56 [e2275553] Merge pull request #1841 from input-output-hk/artur/update-benchmark-queue (cardano-node-tests)
16:16:36 [ecfa952b] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:17:14 [bc3f95fc] Merge pull request #27 from input-output-hk/overlay-order (cardano-api)
16:21:15 [3b525bb5] Make test compile (ouroboros-network)
16:21:15 [ec50dcb2] Changed how DNS Lookup for local root peers works (ouroboros-network)
16:25:29 [2ef9e2da] updatet hackage index (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:29:15 [63cae45a] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
16:33:34 [93a2957d] Fix the mempool benchmarks. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:33:34 [0cfb772f] Delete the `publish-mempool-benchmarks` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
16:33:53 [44f375d3] Delete the `pages` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
16:33:55 [45c19922] Delete the `yarn-build` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
16:33:56 [fcabd135] Add a `ci` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
16:33:56 [bc92b81e] Delete the `cabal.project.local.Windows` file (ouroboros-consensus)
16:33:56 [ec497b98] Build the haddocks after tests and benchmarks are run (ouroboros-consensus)
16:36:27 [f0b6badb] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:37:10 [b1fe3254] Make ouroboros-consensus independent of ouroboros-network-framework (ouroboros-consensus)
16:40:52 [d4817ab1] Fix - set when thumbnail is null (pricing-service)
16:40:53 [a8ed4963] fix (catalyst-core)
16:54:58 [7c281538] update chaps index (cardano-api)
16:55:16 [02bdb7c2] deploy: b2f8553fdbbebf9b87919ff15423e4a2663e1d34 (catalyst-core)
17:14:55 [89fd1178] Merge pull request #24 from input-output-hk/jc/update-chaps-index (cardano-api)
17:20:48 [c535df64] Fix curl command last snapshot digest in docs (mithril)
17:20:48 [63ed60dd] Upgrade Open API for Pythagoras era (mithril)
17:23:13 [a8a2233a] bench: workaround plutus-tx-plugin expecting GHC9 (cardano-node)
17:23:47 [71ca96e7] Add `COMPLETE` pragma for new patterns (cardano-ledger)
17:32:28 [e035b17e] Added mini-ADR in Storable to describe resuming strategy along with a implementation of the ResumableInterval (marconi)
17:36:20 [54051788] Added cardano-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
17:38:34 [938109d9] Design transaction view (marlowe-explorer)
17:48:08 [326c2d50] conway CDDL minor fixes (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:48:08 [c1603995] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:51:09 [a618c48f] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-05-05 (cardano-updates)
17:51:23 [1ecdb482] Add title to transaction view (marlowe-explorer)
17:52:54 [df06d4ea] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for c1603995da7c57d95371844191d235b05bb476b7 (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:55:16 [2b2e1095] add back link (marlowe-explorer)
17:59:46 [97bafa08] wip (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:01:46 [cd1db6ae] updatet hackage index (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:02:12 [a333dc3a] Add scripts/create-slug.sh (cardano-updates)
18:06:42 [5f00e2fe] Add node-cli-api slug 2023-05-05 (#170) (cardano-updates)
18:08:22 [e2f2bdc3] deploy: 5f00e2feabb20e6e2966816d17b6c7e83942f813 (cardano-updates)
18:12:41 [16f41831] Merge branch '105-hygieniccosmetic-improvements' of github.com:input-output-hk/formal-ledger-specifications into 105-hygieniccosmetic-improvements (formal-ledger-specifications)
18:13:03 [ec524016] Add commuteEquals to simplifier pass. (plutus)
18:13:03 [971003fd] Add changelog. (plutus)
18:25:29 [8bdba4c1] Fix JSON (marconi)
18:25:29 [b17b4482] Add an index for txin/txid (marconi)
18:25:39 [dfc6ed2a] change `_โ‰ฅแต—_` to `_โ‰คแต—_` since the latter is more conventional (formal-ledger-specifications)
18:28:21 [9b83c4e4] Added cardano-api- (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:30:49 [3d71a9bd] flake: drop cardano-mainnet-mirror (cardano-api)
18:38:45 [19bfb448] Update from 9b83c4e4ddcc4e128d7035f6b9d2292e00fcfdec (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:50:11 [d9d5f546] Updated (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:06:42 [04a427ac] update CHaPs (cardano-node)
19:11:33 [4471386c] workbench: fix legacy tracing config (cardano-node)
19:14:34 [c7c16cd3] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
19:20:46 [29fe6004] DO NOT MERGE - ekg SRP (cardano-node)
19:29:32 [a589ff59] Use Strict in Plutus Tx (plutus)
19:36:14 [ff38a423] Reorganise the cardano-node-emulator modules (plutus-apps)
19:46:01 [a45c88a6] resolve issue with incorrect block count in epochs (cardano-db-sync)
20:06:29 [61866379] Use Strict in Plutus Tx (plutus)
20:11:24 [70d516e3] fix typo in metadata (awesome-starter-kits)
20:11:44 [26515699] feat: add marlowe starter kit (#46) (awesome-starter-kits)
20:12:46 [9b104d56] fix: adds error checks on test, rename HandleProvider file, move HandleApiResponse mock into utils (cardano-js-sdk)
20:17:28 [fc0cc797] wip (plutus)
20:19:38 [21335a0a] Experiment with Complete Pragma (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:31:49 [3725aa77] Updates due to the addition of handshake queries (cardano-node)
20:33:56 [3c60ed00] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:40:06 [f9241ba1] integration work (cardano-node)
20:45:16 [9e3c6286] imp: add globals flag for nixops libvirt support (cardano-ops)
20:54:41 [aef4fcdf] Complete pragma -experiment 2 (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:54:53 [a124a16a] feat(tests): implement a way to express that tests can fail (aiken)
20:59:02 [d1b99b6f] try (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:02:43 [f008551c] feat: proper uplc syntax (site)
21:08:40 [4cd08dce] bump iogx (antaeus)
21:19:02 [151db8d4] fix: formatter weirdness relates to #542 (aiken)
21:21:07 [45fdfde8] fixup! feat(cardano-services): add stake pools metrics computation job (cardano-js-sdk)
21:24:07 [91498186] Remove qInterval references form ADRs (plutus-apps)
21:28:48 [493efeec] Fix config files (cardano-db-sync)
21:29:45 [76526d6a] Update building doc for (cardano-db-sync)
21:30:38 [4080add2] Fix hardcoded database name (cardano-db-sync)
21:37:53 [a44b5e1a] test: adjust formatter tests after latest tweaks (aiken)
21:38:08 [d7d43bb9] RUM (cardano-token-registry)
21:53:05 [a71e3abb] Fix `firstEffectfulTerm` (plutus)
21:58:10 [fe15454e] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
22:03:24 [00ac6b6c] Fix dumping of builtin pairs (aiken)
22:21:12 [7b3e1c69] feat: adjust failing test syntax (aiken)
22:33:41 [155a5d54] imp: get a cluster running in libvirt (cardano-ops)
22:48:32 [397bdf74] Warn instead of crash when disable-ledger is used with state-dir (cardano-db-sync)
22:58:01 [a7482ea3] feat: extend handle entity (cardano-js-sdk)
23:05:15 [c8fa9808] ๐ŸŸฉ C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 364 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:16 [f2f8ea60] ๐ŸŸฉ C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 391 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:17 [bd39d56c] ๐ŸŸฉ C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 358 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:18 [dfbe38e6] ๐ŸŸฉ C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 811 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:19 [12d6b52a] ๐ŸŸฉ A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 657 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:20 [08ce6f05] ๐ŸŸฉ A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 864 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:21 [19430519] ๐ŸŸฉ A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 394 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:21 [3760a4ad] ๐ŸŸฉ A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 324 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:56 [c8e9806b] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
23:05:58 [1e4239c1] Scripts for summarising merged PRs between two dates (cardano-updates)
23:05:59 [096d1225] Put generated files in /Users/jky/.cardano-updates (cardano-updates)
23:05:59 [0bd4d968] Script to extract changelogs from PRs in a commit range (cardano-updates)
23:08:24 [e5e656b9] More materializations (haskell.nix)
23:42:15 [46a68ea6] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
23:50:07 [b785560a] DAN Token (cardano-token-registry)