Home / Reports / Jun 2, 2023

Friday, June 2, 2023

800 commits had been pushed across 72 repos by 114 authors. There were 4,156,922 additions and 2,160,638 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:36 [e5d93986] fix: add module name to type mismatch error (aiken)
00:03:48 [d0d2a60f] Delete libs/cardano-ledger-test/bench/Bench/Cardano/Ledger/Balance.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:03:48 [3be090ce] CI: Add ghc-9.6.1 to the build matrix (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:03:48 [2bfbeb4d] Make it build with ghc-9.6 (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:03:48 [7e5fc423] Delete libs/non-integral/app/Main.hs (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:03:48 [bf632448] Bump cardano-ledger-binary version (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:03:52 [65982615] Nix: Bump hackage.nix and CHaP (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:06:46 [c109fa13] docs: Merge #3972 3972: Replace `CODEOWNERS` with `MAINTAINERS.md`. r=jonathanknowles a=jonathanknowles ## Issue ADP-2785 ## Summary This PR replaces the `CODEOWNERS` file with a `MAINTAINERS.md` file, in the style used for other open-source projects such as [this one](https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/grpc/grpc-go/+/refs/heads/master/MAINTAINERS.md). The current `CODEOWNERS` file, while satisfying the requirement to identify core maintainers, also creates quite a lot of noise w.r.t. PR review request notifications. Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Source commit: d522dce4ba3692e15a9643378107d8d4bc343990 (cardano-wallet)
00:16:43 [72290e69] Correct table format within `MAINTAINERS.md`. (cardano-wallet)
00:19:16 [e7511772] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:19:47 [571b4ee6] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:19:47 [1ffd3d05] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:28:58 [3b6ac61b] Add protocol parameters, systemStart and epochInfo as arguments to mkChain factory method. (hydra-poc)
00:31:17 [2ebfb131] refactor: replace wallet deprecated methods with txbuilder in send tx flow (lace)
00:32:06 [225d4aa6] refactor: replace wallet deprecated methods with txbuilder in set collateral flow (lace)
00:32:41 [3060f55b] refactor: replace wallet deprecated methods with txbuilder in delegation flow (lace)
00:38:42 [0465d83b] Minor formatting change (hydra)
00:51:45 [995485b0] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:52:32 [e5232cae] Break out cardano-cli into separate repository (cardano-cli)
00:53:05 [ee4d69d8] Split commitTx into tx body builder and tx builder (hydra)
01:26:12 [a8f14261] add wsc wagmi connector (cardano-wsc-wagmi)
01:27:09 [cbe3982f] update README (cardano-wsc-wagmi)
01:27:57 [a2886efe] update README (cardano-wsc-wagmi)
01:35:43 [9740c3e5] add dist files (cardano-wsc-wagmi)
01:44:57 [c5900bf7] Initial commit (cardano-dev)
01:45:21 [b7862137] refactor: replace wallet deprecated methods with txbuilder in send tx flow (lace)
01:45:56 [ce27d86b] Add tag script (cardano-dev)
01:46:59 [2cec87d8] refactor: replace wallet deprecated methods with txbuilder in delegation flow (lace)
01:46:59 [ff497528] refactor: replace wallet deprecated methods with txbuilder in set collateral flow (lace)
01:47:23 [522f8c52] Add download PRs and generate PR changelog scripts (cardano-dev)
01:49:03 [484740c8] update README (cardano-wsc-wagmi)
01:54:47 [9c8934d2] First cut at documenting Action. (cardano-node)
01:54:57 [2b18ff91] Check in progress for Generator. (cardano-node)
01:54:57 [00448bd5] Clean up haddock warnings & add module header. (cardano-node)
01:54:57 [490bc0d6] Beginnings of Env haddock (cardano-node)
01:54:58 [257455f1] Check in Error type description. (cardano-node)
01:54:58 [18fd334e] Module description for Env. (cardano-node)
02:08:30 [9835ef06] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:14:08 [6f2ee566] New version (cardano-cli)
02:45:18 [269bb3dc] Configurable tag process. The cardano-dev.yaml file contains options to change things like main branch and release branches (cardano-dev)
02:47:37 [fc452638] Updates package-lock (catalyst-registration-js)
02:47:43 [86ee531e] Updates tests (catalyst-registration-js)
02:48:28 [92b9431a] 1.1.0 (catalyst-registration-js)
02:53:21 [3309e487] Added cardano-cli- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
03:34:40 [0938266f] chore: restore branch protection (catalyst-ci)
03:35:04 [ceaf0359] build: adds workflow for building CLI (catalyst-ci)
03:41:30 [852663df] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into andrea/embrace-modules (haskell.nix)
03:44:52 [355dfe29] feat: adds setup command (catalyst-ci)
03:45:23 [20e2331d] fix: updates go.mod (catalyst-ci)
03:50:59 [335cc0c8] feat(cli): rework uplc subcommands (aiken)
03:56:12 [2a00059b] build: adds release workflow for CLI (catalyst-ci)
03:57:03 [88e858b9] Add a list.count method (stdlib)
03:58:47 [e3444cfe] Bump swagger-annotations from 2.2.9 to 2.2.11 (koios-java-client)
04:05:24 [179d5781] build: limits release build to tags (catalyst-ci)
04:07:30 [36601374] Compare Marconi Utxo with cardano-db-sync (marconi)
04:07:49 [d3ffafd9] chore: update changelog (aiken)
04:19:36 [f8817754] Bump chromedriver from 112.0.0 to 114.0.1 in /packages/yoroi-extension (yoroi-frontend)
04:25:16 [6c98d71a] Added cardano-cli- (#317) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
04:33:03 [8e857ec0] fix(hardware-ledger): stake key hashes in the requiredSigners field are now mapped correctly (cardano-js-sdk)
04:34:07 [cb9a1406] chore: Release (aiken)
04:35:17 [0b703c11] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:37:50 [6d439a19] Update from 6c98d71a0311940f068fd4ffece5d30f8dafb5b0 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
04:40:30 [86a816cf] [create-pull-request] automated change (aiken)
04:44:40 [aa8d35d7] deploy: 42b64f4da5e55b4478b9dc86986d93edc3307bd2 (hydra)
04:57:48 [8495af1e] Bump hackage index state. (cardano-wallet)
04:57:53 [cd8114fd] Add dependency on `monoidmap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:11:12 [6fb915a2] Use tag script from cardano-dev repository instead (cardano-api)
05:14:13 [3d064f3d] Add dependency on `quickcheck-monoid-subclasses`. (cardano-wallet)
05:15:11 [a5ad952f] Remove generate-pr-changelogs.sh script. This now lives in cardano-dev repository (cardano-updates)
05:18:18 [6d669827] Redefine `UTxOIndex` in terms of `MonoidMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:21:06 [20718855] fix(key-management): the InMemoryKeyAgent now correctly takes into account the requiredSigners field (cardano-js-sdk)
05:23:40 [92dc2afe] Remove dependency on `NonEmptyMap` from `Token{Bundle,Map}`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:40 [5c144f2a] Derive `Semigroup` and `Monoid` for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:40 [ef763262] Redefine `TokenMap` in terms of `MonoidMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:41 [14dfea68] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.adjustQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:41 [2cdfb7a9] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.subtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:41 [1b3b827a] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.leq`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:41 [3b98be44] Derive `Semigroup` and `Monoid` subclasses for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:41 [57013aff] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.add`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:41 [a1b0832c] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.maximumQuantity`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:41 [5284196f] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.difference`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:42 [37caecb1] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.isEmpty`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:42 [73290f9a] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.intersection`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:42 [570f8aa5] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:23:42 [87e05bfe] Simplify implementation of `TokenMap.isNotEmpty`. (cardano-wallet)
05:26:29 [c07e36de] Remove invariant tests for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:26:29 [5a84c1df] Remove warning about exporting default constructor for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:26:29 [848571fc] Replace arithmetic property tests for `TokenMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:30:34 [a200e7a2] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.subtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:30:34 [4280190d] Remove unused instance of `ToExpr` for `NonEmptyMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:30:34 [d045360f] Remove the `strict-non-empty-containers` library. (cardano-wallet)
05:30:34 [fd74b420] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.add`. (cardano-wallet)
05:30:35 [a09b324e] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.difference`. (cardano-wallet)
05:30:35 [e7056ee1] Remove `TokenQuantity.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:30:35 [9dfd570c] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:31:44 [50af5355] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.add`. (cardano-wallet)
05:31:44 [5935662b] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:31:44 [f691fc19] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.subtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:31:44 [f6050089] Simplify implementation of `TokenBundle.difference`. (cardano-wallet)
05:33:18 [f6ee9abf] Remove `TokenQuantity.unsafeSubtract`. (cardano-wallet)
05:33:43 [ee0400d7] Remove unused instance of `ToExpr` for `NonEmptyMap`. (cardano-wallet)
05:33:43 [d77c9661] Remove the `strict-non-empty-containers` library. (cardano-wallet)
05:38:43 [297353a0] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
05:38:57 [1fea2031] Add blockNo (marconi)
05:38:57 [49a7fd8d] Add blockNo and txIndex to marconi-sidechain (marconi)
05:38:57 [ba48dc39] Add TxIndexInBlock to mint burn indexer in marconi-chain-index (marconi)
05:38:58 [8acce35a] Refactor types (marconi)
05:45:33 [c7fb3a64] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
06:17:14 [3ebb2dba] Update docs.rs (aiken)
06:20:21 [65d970ba] Added cardano-cli-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:20:22 [1623b0d8] Added cardano-node-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:20:23 [545750d2] Added cardano-node-chairman-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:20:24 [0bf94333] Added cardano-topology-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:20:25 [ecb7881a] Added tx-generator-2.5 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:20:26 [2cf682e0] Added trace-dispatcher-2.0.1 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:20:27 [a619e20e] Added trace-forward-2.0.1 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:20:28 [975a0c14] Added trace-resources- (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:22:52 [f093dbc9] feature(ui): create a page decorator function (lace)
06:23:26 [e6ef1e8d] chore(ui): add typing for svg modules (lace)
06:23:41 [5b8caead] feat(ui): add card components (lace)
06:23:54 [b013ce5f] Added plutus-scripts-bench- (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:25:04 [fbec4a93] Update docs.rs (aiken)
06:26:31 [20d60160] Merge pull request #3195 from beannft/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:27:04 [ba777489] Merge pull request #3196 from cardanomaster2/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:27:28 [3b09ea37] [create-pull-request] automated change (aiken)
06:27:31 [3f5c7e3e] Merge pull request #3198 from ADACOINONCHAIN/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:27:57 [8a30117a] Merge pull request #3197 from mmahmoudlibert-nettt/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:28:33 [fa5c0036] Merge pull request #3199 from ADAcoolio/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:29:28 [af3bee3a] Merge pull request #3200 from TheDeFiExperiment/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:29:56 [3f8dabd7] Merge pull request #3202 from YeppleInc/9a1dfe73344033e70deab8c5c28c00f62b092814fb14581ec3a3d5160014df10434f4445 (cardano-token-registry)
06:30:46 [84e37f42] Merge pull request #3206 from CCAToken/master (cardano-token-registry)
06:33:36 [20a542f1] Added tx-generator-2.5.1 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:38:24 [64a3d823] Add members of Cardano Wallet team to the "About Daedalus" screens. (daedalus)
06:43:22 [32e0a52b] Merge #3976 (cardano-wallet)
06:50:34 [c3d285f5] Update GH Actions to new versions (cardano-node-tests)
06:55:08 [91bfbe6e] Added plutus-scripts-bench- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:55:27 [7730d7e0] Added trace-resources- (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:55:48 [6899d59b] Added trace-forward-2.0.1 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:56:54 [302ed671] Added trace-dispatcher-2.0.1 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:57:49 [0d967def] Added tx-generator-2.5 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:57:50 [4f14cb01] Added cardano-topology-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
06:57:51 [da677981] Added cardano-node-chairman-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:57:52 [733c2d63] Added cardano-node-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:57:53 [7db36476] Added cardano-cli-8.1.0 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
07:01:25 [d91d63e4] test(extension): extract logging logic from network logging in order to remove sonar issues. (lace)
07:11:25 [7108fd80] docs: Merge #3976 3976: Use correct markdown syntax in `MAINTAINERS.md`. r=jonathanknowles a=jonathanknowles PR https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/pull/3972 added a `MAINTANERS.md` file. This PR revises that file to use the correct syntax for GitHub markdown. See [here](https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-wallet/blob/72290e69b9a068b0ef92f2b0376accc92affbb73/MAINTAINERS.md) to view the rendered version. Co-authored-by: Jonathan Knowles <[email protected]> Source commit: 32e0a52b0e3a4aca1045224f1331e1ab1a92f28c (cardano-wallet)
07:13:00 [0c8f4f95] Remove redundant code of conduct (cardano-addresses)
07:16:03 [cd813325] feat: add collateral to Cip30Wallet (helios)
07:20:21 [bdb4a930] setup: introduce new env variable to distinguish between C1 and A1 & include addresses in the Proxy.json (allowedlist-service)
07:27:36 [42cc9398] test(extension): update tests for help drawer (lace)
07:28:27 [a7197cbf] test(extension): update steps with show password button (lace)
07:29:27 [39251a6f] test(extension): add separate assertion for button on help drawer (lace)
07:30:26 [6c2106f1] test(extension): update test LW-4876 (lace)
07:31:24 [c466d4e0] test(extension): update privacy policy test (lace)
07:42:10 [9914cc88] response: adjust response type & payload based on milkomedaDeployment set & move enum to shared (allowedlist-service)
07:49:08 [dfb7d7c5] Bump to Plutus 1.7 (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:50:44 [7d6b6a94] sidechain_address: adjust for A1 - c1 needs logic contracts addresses, but A1 works fine with proxy (allowedlist-service)
07:58:05 [5565de28] Merge pull request #226 from input-output-hk/piotr/remove-redundant-code-of-conduct (cardano-addresses)
07:58:29 [2131f510] Migrate to nix flake (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:07:01 [752b1b83] deploy: 5565de283c5fcbb387267d0cd11ec6a742922096 (cardano-addresses)
08:13:52 [c5b49f8e] Merge pull request #745 from input-output-hk/lw-6822-InMemoryKeyAgent-should-take-into-account-requiredSigners (cardano-js-sdk)
08:18:03 [0f1a9329] deploy: 5565de283c5fcbb387267d0cd11ec6a742922096 (cardano-addresses)
08:26:43 [986bac5b] update cardano-shelley-ledger CHANGELOG.md to include ShelleyGenesis NoThunks change (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:26:43 [c65bf5e0] change the NoThunks instance of ShelleyGenesis to allow thunks in sgInitialFunds and sgStaking (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:26:43 [417e212f] fourmolu fixes (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:27:25 [18cc5c89] JSON representation of CBOR data (marconi)
08:29:22 [b073736f] fix: mediator kotlin readme for example client in kotlin content-type (atala-prism-mediator)
08:29:58 [a3b89af3] test(extension): update NFT tests (lace)
08:30:40 [fb9979bf] Initial commit (agda-workshop-2023)
08:31:55 [f419edf2] initial commit (agda-workshop-2023)
08:34:22 [c9382fad] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:34:33 [0e980ca4] update (agda-workshop-2023)
08:35:37 [91ec431e] Update README.md (agda-workshop-2023)
08:36:03 [5bd73700] wip (ouroboros-consensus)
08:36:36 [01d8cf7d] minor mod (agda-workshop-2023)
08:41:54 [a90b8eca] docs: mediator Updated kotlin readme for example client to pass the correct content-type header (atala-prism-mediator)
08:49:59 [13c1729a] docs: mediator Updated kotlin readme for example client to pass the correct content-type header (#3) (atala-prism-mediator)
08:54:13 [6cad7a22] feat(extension): force an extension to autoupdate (lace)
09:21:32 [b2d5be7a] Update scala3-library, ... to 3.3.0 in main (#1) (atala-prism-mediator)
09:30:03 [23c240fe] Add test upload of cardano-node to ghcr (devx)
09:31:49 [a53e8715] Merge pull request #46 from dcSpark/david/theme_change (milkomeda-documentation)
09:35:27 [f817406d] Fix yaml (devx)
09:36:06 [4902151f] deploy: a53e8715e701d1069791f992a61fe41db2b78b19 (milkomeda-documentation)
09:41:57 [2ad1c308] Fix login (devx)
09:48:15 [d15e7243] Remove failable pattern in ST (ouroboros-consensus)
09:58:12 [359690f8] feat: wip sign data (Helios)
10:02:03 [5b5f5f21] Fix file name (devx)
10:03:44 [c2272b39] Add changelog entry (fs-sim)
10:03:50 [463ab4d5] Move Delegations module to Delegations.Sore. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:54 [fcf2d7c3] Add Delegations.Layer module. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:55 [a3217506] Implement putDelegationCertificate. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:55 [5b8ca152] Implement isStakeKeyRegistered. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:55 [fed9e68f] Add delegation state to wallet state. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:56 [42d6dfb3] Remove readDelegation from DBLayer. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:56 [f9bc63ef] Remove putDelegationCertificate from DBLayer. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:56 [78f22ffa] Remove isStakeKeyRegistered from DBLayer. (cardano-wallet)
10:03:57 [ba386771] Use currentEpoch from wall clock for readDelegation. (cardano-wallet)
10:04:10 [ac2fda1c] check --consumed-tx-out adds new column to DB (cardano-db-sync)
10:07:01 [8b386e28] Add BLS tests (antaeus)
10:11:27 [1ccc89cc] Fix compilation errors (to be merged back) (cardano-wallet)
10:11:41 [fb3d0d9a] Merge pull request #1419 from input-output-hk/1418-use-securityparam-from-config (cardano-db-sync)
10:12:02 [0a7d667d] Checkout repo (devx)
10:12:03 [970441f1] Mithril update 2023-06-01 (#174) (cardano-updates)
10:13:03 [0c360a5e] Finish commit external script e2e spec (hydra)
10:14:12 [a12621be] deploy: 970441f13ed4a5dc6e866ca1368450a77d1c77a8 (cardano-updates)
10:14:38 [9d8ec7c9] Merge pull request #27 from input-output-hk/jdral/improve-stream-type (fs-sim)
10:15:16 [3ab298ca] fix (catalyst-core)
10:15:28 [60705287] [EC Api] - Added: Weekly development report as of 2023-06-02 (essential-cardano-content)
10:15:53 [fd047b82] Order result (marconi)
10:16:00 [c9626492] Merge pull request #1049 from input-output-hk/olga-hryniuk/contrib/weekly-development-report-as-of-2023-06-02-1685700927706 (essential-cardano-content)
10:19:41 [8293a606] Add burn query to MintBurn indexer, query only burn in marconi-sidechain (#40) (marconi)
10:19:49 [862c469c] Prepare release for `fs-sim-` (fs-sim)
10:20:28 [d698d024] wip (marconi)
10:21:21 [e8d90848] Added WarmValency to local root configuration (ouroboros-network)
10:22:34 [637b88fc] refactor(ui): post review adjustments (lace)
10:25:58 [d7826525] Adapt MintBurn queries response to sidechain needs (marconi)
10:28:47 [2b992fbf] Prepare release for `fs-api-` (fs-sim)
10:29:19 [56cad775] Changed Crypto Monad to Woute style (agda-workshop-2023)
10:29:53 [56360a2f] deploy: 3ab298ca79df7993912c07c7b6a0fdd1202b4c6c (catalyst-core)
10:32:51 [39132a6b] Changed querySecurityParam function so that it can query the security parameter before Babbage era (as it's currently hardcoded to Babbage). (marconi)
10:36:06 [ae112c99] Bump `fs-sim` dependency to `>= 0.2` (ouroboros-consensus)
10:36:24 [772f377d] fix ShelleyGenesis' NoThunks instance to allow thunks inside the sgInitialFunds and sgStaking fields (#3461) (cardano-ledger)
10:36:37 [2c646719] Replace `TxCertPool` in core TxCert with specialized patterns (cardano-ledger)
10:36:39 [aa56a8dc] Rename `TxCertMir` pattern to `MirTxCert` (cardano-ledger)
10:36:39 [f5328bb2] Add patterns in Conway `TxCert` (cardano-ledger)
10:36:39 [042ddec9] Rename `TxCertGenesisDeleg` pattern to `GenesisDelegTxCert` (cardano-ledger)
10:36:39 [d7865368] Add `COMPLETE` pragma for new patterns (cardano-ledger)
10:36:39 [9ea3df7e] Replace `ShelleyTxCertDeleg` in Shelley TxCert with specialized patterns (cardano-ledger)
10:36:40 [843b7220] Rename `ConwayReg/UnReg CommitteeHotKey` to `Auth` and `Resign` (cardano-ledger)
10:38:15 [93880d25] feat: add find_own_input helper (stdlib)
10:39:38 [e035a55a] peer-selection: churn big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
10:39:39 [53e27f5d] ouroboros-network-api: added IsBigLedgerPeer (ouroboros-network)
10:39:39 [c0b68f42] peer-selection-test: big ledger peers tests (ouroboros-network)
10:39:39 [d9240841] ouroboros-network-framework: introduce initiator & responder contexts (ouroboros-network)
10:39:39 [9ad36112] Pass IsBigLedgerPeer to mini-protocol callbacks. (ouroboros-network)
10:39:39 [af07b839] ouroboros-network-framework: moved OuroborosApplication (ouroboros-network)
10:39:39 [574c09bc] ouroboros-network-testing: more admissible `prop_shrink_valid` (ouroboros-network)
10:39:40 [9d231dfc] sim-net: fixed & refactored the dns resolver (ouroboros-network)
10:39:40 [7582e3d6] ouroboros-network-testing: added singletonTimedScript (ouroboros-network)
10:39:40 [6d456297] ouroboros-network-framework: renamed MuxPeer to MiniProtocolCb (ouroboros-network)
10:39:40 [9ad4b0b0] ouroboros-network-framework: refactored MuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
10:39:40 [069e80f5] diffusion: fixed haddock comment (ouroboros-network)
10:39:40 [efdf6da4] sim-net: refactor local root peers generators (ouroboros-network)
10:39:40 [c0401bd2] Updated CHANGELOG.md files (ouroboros-network)
10:39:41 [fe71f068] code style in various places (ouroboros-network)
10:39:41 [ad53b5de] connection-manager: updated the spec (ouroboros-network)
10:39:41 [9e9a9a06] connection-manager: fixed typos (ouroboros-network)
10:39:41 [aa8dd292] peer-selection-tests: change targetNumberOfKnownPeers generator (ouroboros-network)
10:39:41 [3616b5f6] ouroboros-network-testing: added shrinkScriptWith (ouroboros-network)
10:39:41 [642de99c] connection-manager: make it possible to connect to oneself (ouroboros-network)
10:39:41 [5de031cd] connection-manager: fixed a typos (ouroboros-network)
10:39:42 [22af6a9d] testlib: classifyTermination (ouroboros-network)
10:39:42 [fb5c11e7] testnet: refactored testnet simulation (ouroboros-network)
10:39:42 [5cb4693b] peer-selection: log current number of warm local root peers (ouroboros-network)
10:39:42 [eb63cdac] ouroboros-network-framework: make runMiniProtocolCb & ExpandedInitiatorContext strict (ouroboros-network)
10:39:42 [ee14ce52] testnet: enable big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
10:39:42 [5db65606] testnet: classify simulation time with finer granularity (ouroboros-network)
10:39:43 [582648a3] ouroboros-network-framework: added Functor instances (ouroboros-network)
10:39:43 [06c704bc] peer-selection: added big ledger peers counters (ouroboros-network)
10:39:43 [73ce1eb1] node-to-node: make NodeToNodeProtocols type more general (ouroboros-network)
10:39:51 [be1f716f] refactor(ui): fix lint issues (lace)
10:39:57 [66cc9e8f] Minor formatting changes (hydra-poc)
10:41:11 [8717d50f] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 772f377d985176e966e09d459f00f45d0d42dc61 (cardano-ledger)
10:42:23 [d86659f0] Remove `unless` (marconi)
10:45:32 [3efa6c30] Changed the query in EpochState to query for the active SDD of an epoch (marconi)
10:49:49 [3021f04a] Merge pull request #30 from input-output-hk/jdral/fs-sim- (fs-sim)
10:52:01 [8a607cdd] Added fs-sim- (cardano-haskell-packages)
10:52:01 [fbc4b241] Added fs-api- (cardano-haskell-packages)
10:52:34 [d95f218e] fix warns (cardano-serialization-lib)
10:53:38 [a45ff2d5] test(extension): lw-4700 analytics interception spike (lace)
10:54:33 [4d8a48fb] fix spelling (cardano-serialization-lib)
10:58:09 [08d3402a] Remove interface-CHANGELOG.md, but leave a hint to it (#130) (ouroboros-consensus)
11:04:14 [a53d30ab] Update GH Actions to new versions (cardano-node-tests)
11:11:46 [b424f557] Update libsodium hash in node-installation-process.md (#1071) (developer-portal)
11:13:31 [ad514777] Merge pull request #1 from MicroProofs/main (vault)
11:18:28 [8759c720] WIP (cardano-ledger)
11:20:42 [77025740] wip (cardano-wallet)
11:22:33 [721cf9c7] refactor(extension): make network pill responsive (lace)
11:22:38 [4e636ba5] refactor(extension): left side panel components (lace)
11:22:38 [35de7c30] fix(extension): make small adjustments to layout (lace)
11:22:38 [83002ece] fix(extenstion): add workaround for staking layout overflow (lace)
11:22:38 [4bf3b950] feat(extension): add support for viewports between 1024 and 768 pxs (lace)
11:22:39 [0a2be229] refactor(extension): rename files names and components properties (lace)
11:22:39 [28daa662] refactor(extension): remove css class on sideMenuLabel component (lace)
11:22:39 [96539725] refactor(extension): change hover event on side navigation column (lace)
11:22:40 [07c8bcea] fix(extension): fix overflow on x-axis scroll in the smallest screens (lace)
11:22:40 [d5a6da0b] refactor(extension): rename shadow state in left side panel (lace)
11:23:18 [a7f2cee8] test(web-extension): add public preprod url to web-extension manifest.json (cardano-js-sdk)
11:24:09 [258b3d98] Removed proposal return address from required witnesses (cardano-ledger)
11:24:16 [6fa2bba6] test(web-extension): fix source maps by adding source-map-loader (cardano-js-sdk)
11:25:11 [1274ecc0] ouroboros-network-testing: more admissible `prop_shrink_valid` (ouroboros-network)
11:25:11 [6bea8051] peer-selection: churn big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
11:25:11 [b71af898] peer-selection-test: big ledger peers tests (ouroboros-network)
11:25:12 [fa015e09] ouroboros-network-api: added IsBigLedgerPeer (ouroboros-network)
11:25:12 [bc5e0d67] Updated CHANGELOG.md files (ouroboros-network)
11:25:12 [7a87c90f] Pass IsBigLedgerPeer to mini-protocol callbacks. (ouroboros-network)
11:25:12 [1e1a2158] ouroboros-network-framework: introduce initiator & responder contexts (ouroboros-network)
11:25:12 [11870b2c] ouroboros-network-framework: refactored MuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
11:25:12 [834e3c62] ouroboros-network-framework: renamed MuxPeer to MiniProtocolCb (ouroboros-network)
11:25:12 [61479dfd] ouroboros-network-framework: moved OuroborosApplication (ouroboros-network)
11:25:13 [442eb60e] diffusion: fixed haddock comment (ouroboros-network)
11:25:13 [99d36f18] sim-net: refactor local root peers generators (ouroboros-network)
11:25:13 [f1f46167] code style in various places (ouroboros-network)
11:25:13 [b997ee87] ouroboros-network-testing: added singletonTimedScript (ouroboros-network)
11:25:13 [0e477e35] sim-net: fixed & refactored the dns resolver (ouroboros-network)
11:25:13 [6b1e97db] peer-selection-tests: change targetNumberOfKnownPeers generator (ouroboros-network)
11:25:13 [43ef9451] connection-manager: fixed typos (ouroboros-network)
11:25:14 [1c0e95fb] ouroboros-network-testing: added shrinkScriptWith (ouroboros-network)
11:25:14 [83fef26f] connection-manager: fixed a typos (ouroboros-network)
11:25:14 [d7dc16f6] connection-manager: updated the spec (ouroboros-network)
11:25:14 [aa382799] connection-manager: make it possible to connect to oneself (ouroboros-network)
11:25:14 [834aa4db] testnet: refactored testnet simulation (ouroboros-network)
11:25:14 [7183e43d] testnet: enable big ledger peers (ouroboros-network)
11:25:14 [275c93cd] testlib: classifyTermination (ouroboros-network)
11:25:15 [bebb8708] ouroboros-network-framework: added Functor instances (ouroboros-network)
11:25:15 [d964a081] peer-selection: log current number of warm local root peers (ouroboros-network)
11:25:15 [7cbb34a2] ouroboros-network-framework: make runMiniProtocolCb & ExpandedInitiatorContext strict (ouroboros-network)
11:25:15 [f6c78c1f] testnet: classify simulation time with finer granularity (ouroboros-network)
11:25:15 [131532fd] node-to-node: make NodeToNodeProtocols type more general (ouroboros-network)
11:25:15 [bc8fbe76] peer-selection: added big ledger peers counters (ouroboros-network)
11:26:12 [5cc4fc2c] Updated (cardano-ledger)
11:28:09 [6f1faddb] test(web-extension): rm redundant test, covered by 'testFactory' util (cardano-js-sdk)
11:29:52 [f30ed181] Adapt MintBurn queries response to sidechain needs (marconi)
11:31:15 [3ed8987c] WIP (cardano-ledger)
11:33:55 [552a376f] Merge branch 'main' into fix/decrypt_script (lace)
11:34:39 [cb65e93a] Merge pull request #106 from input-output-hk/jdral/monadinspectmvar (io-sim)
11:40:36 [ff551c84] deploy: 9b5b8f595a98f9ae9105750e785c90c1743367aa (catalyst-core)
11:41:24 [2b73c49c] Delete the `publish-mempool-benchmarks` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:41:24 [5cf56dfa] Fix the mempool benchmarks. (ouroboros-consensus)
11:41:25 [9f2b8bb5] Delete the `cabal.project.local.Windows` file (ouroboros-consensus)
11:41:25 [38001d6e] Delete the `yarn-build` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:41:25 [06a6fb30] Delete the `pages` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:41:47 [03e303be] Merge pull request #102 from input-output-hk/jdral/strict-mvar-test-whnf (io-sim)
11:42:45 [7fd791d7] Update README.md (hydra-java)
11:44:51 [29bf9b9b] Add a `ci` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:44:56 [9158903a] Build the haddocks after tests and benchmarks are run (ouroboros-consensus)
11:44:58 [82bbd0e2] Removed proposal return address from required witnesses (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:45:42 [3fe0117e] Add initial coding style (plutus-apps)
11:47:20 [96c131bf] Add a `ci` workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
11:48:02 [db506385] Move to `Cardano.Wallet.DB.Store.Checkpoints.Store` (cardano-wallet)
11:48:02 [82295059] Split off `Cardano.Wallet.DB.Store.WalletState.Store` (cardano-wallet)
11:48:02 [c8762ed5] Split off `Cardano.Wallet.DB.Store.WalletState.StoreSpec` (cardano-wallet)
11:48:02 [41acf789] Remove `Cardano.Wallet.DB.Sqlite.Stores` (cardano-wallet)
11:48:02 [3072b644] Move to `Cardano.Wallet.DB.Store.Checkpoints.StoreSpec` (cardano-wallet)
11:48:46 [212c64c5] Update README.md (hydra-java)
11:50:24 [bb616be6] fix: render json data & watch for null token info (yoroi-frontend)
11:50:49 [583c3cde] Added fs-sim- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:50:49 [b0e77c01] Added fs-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
11:52:00 [6e683404] test(e2e): mint handles (cardano-js-sdk)
11:52:37 [3172c588] refactor: Cat-data-service tests update | NPG-6632 (#418) (catalyst-core)
11:55:01 [181f0162] Removed Draft Docs for feature/refactor-cat-data-service-tests (catalyst-core)
11:57:53 [43d4c4a5] fixup! refactor: replace wallet deprecated methods with txbuilder in delegation flow (lace)
12:00:41 [2baceb51] Update from 583c3cde30c20772682993e8a2b0ee12d8ca4274 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
12:02:53 [dc706e77] Split off `Cardano.Wallet.DB.Store.WalletState.StoreSpec` (cardano-wallet)
12:05:37 [6882c6fb] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
12:07:35 [c36080de] deploy: 3172c588fcf9b20e8d6cab3cae6663bb3ae8d0e0 (catalyst-core)
12:07:54 [85c5e239] Update README.md (merkle-tree-java)
12:08:38 [23a68642] Update README.md (cip8-java)
12:10:23 [3d18b094] chore(ui): add typing for svg files (lace)
12:10:23 [cd4fae9d] feat(ui): create <ToggleSwitch /> components (lace)
12:10:23 [03ec3f6e] chore: ignore VSCODE settings (lace)
12:11:55 [7ba5610e] chore: added Discord badge (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
12:12:36 [85fd718c] Update README.md (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
12:14:12 [38eba642] exclude vit-ss from build and ci (catalyst-core)
12:15:22 [8894901e] Update .github/workflows/haskell.yml (io-sim)
12:15:32 [f9869e00] Update README.md (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
12:16:25 [434e2621] Merge pull request #55 from cardano-foundation/matiwinnetou-patch-1 (cardano-connect-with-wallet)
12:18:50 [aecca03c] Rename `Reg/UnRegCommittee` certificate patterns (cardano-ledger)
12:19:49 [1c8e4bcf] Rename `TxCertGenesisDeleg` pattern to `GenesisDelegTxCert` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:49 [a70a34fe] Replace `ShelleyTxCertDeleg` in Shelley TxCert with specialized patterns (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:49 [d950309a] Replace `TxCertPool` in core TxCert with specialized patterns (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:50 [928fec0f] Rename `TxCertMir` pattern to `MirTxCert` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:50 [be1a8fb8] Add patterns in Conway `TxCert` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:50 [a75752d6] Rename `ConwayReg/UnReg CommitteeHotKey` to `Auth` and `Resign` (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:50 [58b4f4cf] Add `COMPLETE` pragma for new patterns (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:51 [62f22c12] Rename `Reg/UnRegCommittee` certificate patterns (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:19:58 [1c9632ed] chore: added Discord badge (cardano-verify-datasignature)
12:20:28 [c288b9dc] Upload from test branch (devx)
12:20:53 [6e521202] Move Cardano.Chain and Cardano.Protocol.Socket.Mock.Server (plutus-apps)
12:22:45 [bfa10972] Bump `fs-sim` dependency to `>= 0.2` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:24:22 [be347ee6] chore: added Discord badge (hydra-voting-poc)
12:27:48 [a103a511] Changed querySecurityParam function so that it can query the security parameter before Babbage era (as it's currently hardcoded to Babbage). (#52) (marconi)
12:28:33 [67fcecaf] Top-level UtxoRow queries (marconi)
12:28:33 [c71a0291] Add module Marconi.ChainIndex.Extract.Datum (marconi)
12:28:33 [0eb35940] Add utility function to convert target address list to a predicate (marconi)
12:28:33 [2acfd930] Use common datum extractor in Utxo indexer (marconi)
12:28:45 [72dfaee1] deploy: 38eba642122d351e5ae83ec1709be2c2857ffb7e (catalyst-core)
12:29:01 [10d87b6c] Added mini-ADR in Storable to describe resuming strategy along with a implementation of the ResumableInterval (marconi)
12:31:50 [21d93614] deploy: f54645db159514ddd1ccaa5c6c6923e50479694b (catalyst-core)
12:33:16 [0e159880] Merge pull request #104 from input-output-hk/jdral/ci-9.2.8 (io-sim)
12:35:22 [28cabc64] adjust payloads for A1 (allowedlist-service)
12:37:17 [f4c7e8fe] comment out npm audit check, to verify ci build as priority (allowedlist-service)
12:37:46 [858cd691] Migrate to nix flake (cardano-ledger)
12:37:51 [48a9d138] Added Marconi resuming strategy ADR (marconi)
12:38:18 [205cf63c] Changed the query in EpochState to query for the active SDD of an epoch (marconi)
12:52:12 [63138d5c] Improve performance of value equality test (marlowe-cardano)
12:52:50 [28a0fb59] Make the generated PDF a lot prettier (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:53:14 [cdfa6820] fix(txs): return undefine when token info is not defined (yoroi-frontend)
12:55:50 [af4c1ba9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:55:52 [47c892e4] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
12:56:38 [c287f97f] fix(web-extension): decouple/detach objects returned by remote api factory (cardano-js-sdk)
12:56:44 [f23ac6ee] showcase: adding the Continuity Token (developer-portal)
12:56:56 [fc1cf1bd] Merge pull request #17 from cardano-foundation/matiwinnetou-patch-1 (cardano-verify-datasignature)
12:57:41 [e34bbd65] Migrate to nix flake (cardano-ledger)
12:59:04 [febddc58] Update tree-diff (cardano-ledger)
13:00:26 [661da6ae] test(extension): add tag (lace)
13:02:31 [a981c3e4] Cleanup and renamings (ouroboros-consensus)
13:03:55 [bb25868b] test(e2e): add public preprod url to web-extension manifest.json (cardano-js-sdk)
13:04:02 [019a0340] test(e2e): fix source maps by adding source-map-loader (cardano-js-sdk)
13:04:06 [ece8cc68] test(web-extension): rm redundant test, covered by 'testFactory' util (cardano-js-sdk)
13:04:06 [a4181695] fix(web-extension): decouple/detach objects returned by remote api factory (cardano-js-sdk)
13:06:53 [e9fbac65] LedgerDB Lock + Mempool fairness (#129) (ouroboros-consensus)
13:07:50 [26b7bf2c] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into lw-6762-copy-assets (lace)
13:07:51 [b9088f94] Ledger DB lock improvements (#74) (ouroboros-consensus)
13:08:57 [32fd16ce] feat!: input selectors now return a lis of UTXOs instead of values as change (cardano-js-sdk)
13:08:58 [ecc73fab] feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
13:08:58 [5f6975d6] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
13:08:59 [4bf89b6e] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
13:10:42 [73769740] Merge branch 'main' into feature/utxo-hd (ouroboros-consensus)
13:13:22 [00c546f7] Merge branch 'main' into tally-community-tool (catalyst-core)
13:17:33 [ea845096] Updates (NFTs-working-group)
13:22:10 [969c7217] Merge #3934 (cardano-wallet)
13:22:26 [32cd2cf2] docs: remove legacy nightly workflow badge from root readme (cardano-js-sdk)
13:22:27 [9775ccce] ci: increase Node.js config to support docs build (cardano-js-sdk)
13:26:08 [36ebebd4] Added Light Peer Sharing (ouroboros-network)
13:26:09 [fea3a5ad] Small fix (ouroboros-network)
13:26:09 [ad98b2b1] Added test to check no self connects (ouroboros-network)
13:26:09 [1d2b4884] Stylish (ouroboros-network)
13:28:10 [a7aa17fd] refactor!: remove unusable fields from StakePool core type (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:11 [4ef8a4e0] refactor(cardano-services): remove duplicated line (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:11 [6a59a78c] feat: add missing pool stats status (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:11 [99a40b79] feat: add stake pool metadata entity relation (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:11 [93da510f] test(cardano-services): add stake pool db snapshot (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:11 [d33bd07d] refactor!: make stake pool metrics an optional property to handle activating pools (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:11 [8afbffda] feat: implement TypeormStakePoolProvider (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:11 [05ccdc6b] refactor!: rename rewardsHistoryLimit (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:12 [2544ee06] refactor: add stake pool provider server to docker compose (cardano-js-sdk)
13:28:19 [893f5556] deploy: 15d5b4ff0c6b4588e1d11fab1dbcf18bb94fd43e (catalyst-core)
13:30:15 [95347f75] Add this week's hydra team update (cardano-updates)
13:31:37 [ff9982e2] Update tree-diff (cardano-ledger)
13:32:25 [7f7f0ba8] deploy: 00c546f77ec5ac2e6eb17df8574e8e6c4eb78cb1 (catalyst-core)
13:32:48 [67276c0e] PLT-6117 Fixed erroneous option for `marlowe-proxy` in operables. (marlowe-cardano)
13:32:54 [a94deafc] PLT-6117 Added missing query port to docker for `marlowe-contract`. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:01 [d61fa882] PLT-6117 Removed export of OTEL_SERVICE_NAME from operables. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:01 [73f01a00] Improve performance of semantics transaction generators (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:07 [0d5d580d] PLT-6117 Added explicit contract query port to docker marlowe-proxy. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:12 [9ce00f3a] PLT-6117 Exposed missing port for `marlowe-contract`. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:17 [11d645db] PLT-6117 Added missing contract query port to nomad tasks. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:23 [db04fff6] PLT-6117 Added OTEL_SERVICE_NAME to nomad tasks. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:35 [66b10935] PLT-6117 Added contract store folder to docker image. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:41 [769d87d0] PLT-6117 Added traced port for marlowe-proxy to docker images. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:47 [80af6c6c] PLT-6117 Set default otel service names in docker images. (marlowe-cardano)
13:33:53 [058003ad] PLT-6117 Fixed typo in option for marlowe-proxy. (marlowe-cardano)
13:35:18 [f02d9e13] test(e2e): mint handles (cardano-js-sdk)
13:42:52 [ae8b34fc] test(extension): e2e - update test wallets (lace)
13:47:49 [e87be411] build: fixes runner tag (catalyst-ci)
13:48:07 [bf364e52] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
13:49:21 [732cb9e6] Merge pull request #593 from input-output-hk/PLT-6117 (marlowe-cardano)
13:49:56 [c59ea9a5] docs: Merge #3934 3934: [ADP-3036] Move `Store` for `Checkpoints` and `WalletState` r=HeinrichApfelmus a=HeinrichApfelmus ### Overview This pull request moves the `Store` for `Checkpoints` and `WalletState` into more appropriate source code files. ### Issue number ADP-3036 Co-authored-by: Heinrich Apfelmus <[email protected]> Source commit: 969c7217894d9e742bec2baa16643f379d66bf2f (cardano-wallet)
13:52:14 [8fd5ef66] Move Delegation migration code to its module. (cardano-wallet)
13:52:17 [aebcab9f] Add new Migration migration step. (cardano-wallet)
13:52:26 [73e7e0e5] feat(extension): move address book new address form to side drawer (lace)
13:52:29 [f1800ac8] Add developper tools, cross platform and alternative ghc support (cardano-api)
13:52:31 [dc20eb0a] feat(extension): add enum to handle initial step in address drawer (lace)
13:52:31 [99060509] refactor(extension): remove unnecessary check on address detail drawing (lace)
13:52:32 [6b148730] refactor(extension): improve variables naming (lace)
13:53:42 [e63c0200] Add changelog entry (io-sim)
13:53:42 [dd79d8a5] Propage `HasCallStack` constraint when using `checkInvariant`. (io-sim)
13:56:39 [6d966862] Replace `ShelleyTxCertDeleg` in Shelley TxCert with specialized patterns (cardano-ledger)
13:56:39 [f1d300bb] Rename `TxCertGenesisDeleg` pattern to `GenesisDelegTxCert` (cardano-ledger)
13:56:39 [3b30fae5] Rename `TxCertMir` pattern to `MirTxCert` (cardano-ledger)
13:56:39 [622d43f9] Rename `ConwayReg/UnReg CommitteeHotKey` to `Auth` and `Resign` (cardano-ledger)
13:56:39 [fde9a0da] Replace `TxCertPool` in core TxCert with specialized patterns (cardano-ledger)
13:56:39 [cbf19aa4] Add `COMPLETE` pragma for new patterns (cardano-ledger)
13:56:39 [bf12713f] Add patterns in Conway `TxCert` (cardano-ledger)
13:56:39 [8bb8534c] Rename `Reg/UnRegCommittee` certificate patterns (cardano-ledger)
13:58:20 [90fe9bee] build: fixes release path (catalyst-ci)
14:00:36 [4351a4e1] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 8bb8534c473aa612eef588e697d5d0bcfca1e26b (cardano-ledger)
14:01:58 [263d747e] Merge pull request #4277 from input-output-hk/bolt12/light-peer-sharing (ouroboros-network)
14:03:18 [955f7f9d] test(e2e): mint handles (cardano-js-sdk)
14:10:27 [db7afc07] build: makes cli build static (catalyst-ci)
14:11:46 [454f9d39] Reduce the number of checkTransactions tests (marlowe-cardano)
14:11:46 [3d03bb22] Improve performance of value equality test (marlowe-cardano)
14:11:46 [005d5591] Improve performance of semantics transaction generators (marlowe-cardano)
14:14:58 [9a4c052f] Remove test that is covered by separation of `Store` modules (cardano-wallet)
14:14:58 [c63a1652] Remove tests covered by `prop_StoreWallet`, `writeS`/`loadS` (cardano-wallet)
14:15:21 [0383187d] Move Delegations module to Delegations.Sore. (cardano-wallet)
14:15:31 [627e3061] Merge pull request #105 from input-output-hk/jdral/strict-mvar-hascallstack (io-sim)
14:15:50 [eb11ce13] Add Delegations.Layer module. (cardano-wallet)
14:15:53 [a28ca903] Implement isStakeKeyRegistered. (cardano-wallet)
14:15:55 [06272fa5] Implement putDelegationCertificate. (cardano-wallet)
14:15:58 [fe42043d] Add developper tools, cross platform and alternative ghc support (cardano-api)
14:20:30 [d4e79ed6] fixup! fixup! feat(wallet)!: delegation.portfolio$ tracker (cardano-js-sdk)
14:20:54 [1690e24c] Bananaz (cardano-token-registry)
14:21:35 [edbab2c6] Move Mock module (plutus-apps)
14:23:50 [a4d21d74] refactor(extension): change styles for side panel button component (lace)
14:24:51 [a3ad8569] Add delegation state to wallet state. (cardano-wallet)
14:24:58 [634fc2e1] Remove isStakeKeyRegistered from DBLayer. (cardano-wallet)
14:25:01 [bd165aa9] Remove putDelegationCertificate from DBLayer. (cardano-wallet)
14:25:03 [9652088d] Remove readDelegation from DBLayer. (cardano-wallet)
14:25:05 [066b5844] Use currentEpoch from wall clock for readDelegation. (cardano-wallet)
14:25:07 [43520429] Move Delegation migration code to its module. (cardano-wallet)
14:25:09 [0af869a5] Add new Migration migration step. (cardano-wallet)
14:26:41 [3a3d61ae] chore(readme): link blockfrost-js (blockfrost-js-examples)
14:28:36 [664ece0e] Change nix-build GH action so that it checks nix caches (cardano-ledger)
14:30:11 [a4b6b725] feat: adds initial setup action with test (catalyst-ci)
14:31:17 [dcfcbf6e] fix: adds missing sudo (catalyst-ci)
14:33:32 [b0bfd99c] Amend the style guide according to the team decision (plutus-apps)
14:34:22 [c177640b] test(extension): e2e - return proper exit code on error for encrypt/decrypt scripts (lace)
14:38:13 [cfea97b2] inaugural commit (nix-cache-mesh)
14:38:33 [402e30d0] Merge pull request #4277 from input-output-hk/bolt12/light-peer-sharing (ouroboros-network)
14:39:47 [d248368e] tx_out are pruned on new epoch test (cardano-db-sync)
14:42:06 [fa7e2cc9] Merge pull request #744 from input-output-hk/docs/root-readme-badges (cardano-js-sdk)
14:42:13 [6d7474fc] Updated (cardano-ledger)
14:42:26 [111657c0] Merge pull request #746 from input-output-hk/fix/remote-api-factory-detach (cardano-js-sdk)
14:43:44 [c960738f] feat: adds AWS/Earthly setup steps (catalyst-ci)
14:44:38 [f0aaa9cc] imp: exp prot to false on preview, private, template (iohk-nix)
14:45:11 [53e55ab0] fix: fixes permissions (catalyst-ci)
14:46:09 [78216543] Bifunctor Barbie (ouroboros-consensus)
14:47:55 [cdf9984a] Make `LedgerTables` a `newtype` instead of a data family. (ouroboros-consensus)
14:50:43 [e4b27068] [create-pull-request] automated change (aiken)
14:56:23 [b4ec43c1] Fix compilation in ouroboros-consensus (ouroboros-consensus)
14:56:48 [3bbfcb64] Fix compilation in ouroboros-consensus-diffusion (ouroboros-consensus)
14:57:16 [ab02d331] Minor refactor (marconi)
14:57:16 [e3939480] Inline ChainPointRow (marconi)
14:57:34 [d1f07064] imp: exp prot false for preview, private, testnet tmpl (cardano)
14:57:45 [79a1a841] Add VDEL rules to Conway (cardano-ledger)
14:59:58 [977255be] Fix compilation in ouroboros-consensus-cardano (ouroboros-consensus)
14:59:58 [7535de3d] fixup! fixup! test(e2e): delegation portfolio e2e test (cardano-js-sdk)
15:00:06 [49014af4] add subgraph guide (milkomeda-documentation)
15:00:27 [fec02ca8] fix(all): fix overflow issues in address book and staking sections (lace)
15:00:41 [232f6449] fix(core): fix responsive issues on address book list (lace)
15:00:42 [49ba9505] refactor(extension): change minimum breakpoint from 768px to 668px (lace)
15:00:42 [2c50a8f7] fix(extension): change color of scrollbar corner (lace)
15:04:31 [a5deb50d] Fix conditions on ci workflow (ouroboros-consensus)
15:05:20 [22ff750a] Add developper tools, cross platform and alternative ghc support (cardano-api)
15:08:46 [89ac32cc] test(extension): e2e - update test wallets (lace)
15:12:38 [75c1842c] Merge pull request #39 from input-output-hk/jdral/fix-diff-functor-instance (anti-diffs)
15:12:39 [8fd12a3f] feat: adds initial discover action (catalyst-ci)
15:14:02 [a2dd1697] Add `empty` function for `Diff`. (anti-diffs)
15:19:57 [36f6d93e] Build with `ghc-9.4` and `ghc-9.6` (anti-diffs)
15:21:40 [e1c5dd34] fix: uses bash arrays (catalyst-ci)
15:22:15 [1cf66626] fix: fixes interpolation (catalyst-ci)
15:23:09 [34a1392a] fix: fixes interpolation (catalyst-ci)
15:25:03 [a4c13005] Merge pull request #38 from input-output-hk/jdral/empty-diff (anti-diffs)
15:25:46 [26afa319] Fix redundancy in GitHub workflows cache names (anti-diffs)
15:30:34 [b69aa3e7] feat: tally community tool | NPG-5428 (#415) (catalyst-core)
15:31:18 [ddb06ffc] docs(cardano-services): CardanoTokenRegistry is not always a public service (cardano-js-sdk)
15:31:34 [773a37f8] refactor(cardano-services): log metadata fetching as debug, not info (cardano-js-sdk)
15:31:34 [80fdd827] feat(cardano-services): log CardanoTokenRegistry config on construction (cardano-js-sdk)
15:32:57 [8726688a] Removed Draft Docs for tally-community-tool (catalyst-core)
15:34:13 [46e0ccd4] WIP (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:36:23 [d93b12c9] test(extension): e2e - update test wallets (#56) (lace)
15:37:43 [0f68f0d4] test(extension): e2e - return proper exit code on error for encrypt/decrypt scripts (lace)
15:38:44 [b03e78e2] Fixed the check in dregdrep (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:38:44 [d2105c00] refactor: improves handling of flags (catalyst-ci)
15:41:04 [39e80903] Add changelog entries (anti-diffs)
15:41:41 [ac006f4c] Remove `base` record from data Conf (cardano-node)
15:41:42 [ff12c784] Propagate removal of `base` record through cardano-testnet tests (cardano-node)
15:41:42 [c41e1f93] Rename incorrectly named defaultByronGenesisJsonValue to defaultByronProtocolParamsJsonValue (cardano-node)
15:41:43 [9218ca5c] Propagate `base` record removal to the Byron testnet (cardano-node)
15:41:43 [bfe29ac6] Propagate `base` record removal to Babbage and Cardano testnets (cardano-node)
15:41:43 [68128adc] Propagate the removal of the `base` record to hprop_shutdown (cardano-node)
15:41:44 [c455070f] Propagate `base` record removal to the Shelley only testnet (cardano-node)
15:41:44 [832df9dc] Update cardano-testnet.cabal to expose Testnet.{Utils,Topology} and (cardano-node)
15:41:45 [87b0408e] Review changes (cardano-node)
15:41:45 [d3cf233b] Remoal of base record from cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
15:45:33 [d34361d6] Rename `StrictMVar` module to `StrictSVar`. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:47:05 [5f4a8731] Rename definitions in the `StrictSVar` module. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:47:48 [19cabfee] Merge pull request #726 from input-output-hk/feat/typeorm-stakepool-provider (cardano-js-sdk)
15:48:16 [3c4a6b92] fix: fixes bash array (catalyst-ci)
15:48:38 [f596bc09] deploy: b69aa3e71042f92c801dfee1460c3560aaeff7c6 (catalyst-core)
15:50:09 [80633dfa] Remove `base` record from data Conf (cardano-node)
15:50:09 [91361161] Propagate removal of `base` record through cardano-testnet tests (cardano-node)
15:50:10 [fa3c2774] Propagate `base` record removal to the Byron testnet (cardano-node)
15:50:10 [1c6e9127] Propagate the removal of the `base` record to hprop_shutdown (cardano-node)
15:50:10 [9ef231af] Rename incorrectly named defaultByronGenesisJsonValue to defaultByronProtocolParamsJsonValue (cardano-node)
15:50:11 [816f52d6] Propagate `base` record removal to the Shelley only testnet (cardano-node)
15:50:11 [3516c7ee] Propagate `base` record removal to Babbage and Cardano testnets (cardano-node)
15:50:12 [f322d477] Update cardano-testnet.cabal to expose Testnet.{Utils,Topology} and (cardano-node)
15:50:12 [fd9483c5] Remoal of base record from cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
15:50:13 [02b7405a] Propagate TmpAbsolutePath throughout cardano-testnet (cardano-node)
15:50:13 [c6c3b9af] Review changes (cardano-node)
15:50:13 [2145f54a] Implement TmpAbsolutePath (cardano-node)
15:50:14 [5a1159e6] WIP (cardano-node)
15:50:14 [d1a557ee] Propagate TmpAbsolutePath throughout cardano-node-chairman (cardano-node)
15:52:16 [6e2d4bfa] Add datum indexing; add separate UtxoResult type (marconi)
15:52:30 [b06a3b8a] fix: fixes equality sign (catalyst-ci)
15:54:25 [29f15949] feat(extension): move address book new address form to side drawer (lace)
15:54:25 [f0f29c1a] refactor(extension): remove unnecessary check on address detail drawing (lace)
15:54:26 [e4404eb0] feat(extension): add enum to handle initial step in address drawer (lace)
15:54:26 [f78d4015] refactor(extension): improve variables naming (lace)
15:54:54 [1a7bd7dd] Run fix-stylish-haskell on codebase (marlowe-cardano)
15:57:22 [876032a7] Fix compilation after renaming. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:57:42 [41b17316] Add `strict-mvar` dependency and `StrictMVar` with NoThunks invariants. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:57:42 [bbd3ede3] Replace `StrictSVar` where possible by `StrictMVar` with NoThunks checks (ouroboros-consensus)
16:04:38 [2b2839f6] refactor(extension): change styles for side panel button component (lace)
16:17:29 [827099f7] Add Cardano configurations in infra (mithril)
16:17:29 [0f81b695] Add a data persistent disk in infra (mithril)
16:17:30 [39bd477e] Separate docker network terraform deployment from reverse proxy (mithril)
16:17:30 [8a5a29d7] Update terraform deployment workflows (mithril)
16:17:30 [76a218c8] Deactivate P2P in Cardano config in infra (mithril)
16:17:30 [899b54c1] Add version in infra (mithril)
16:19:45 [b07540ff] Merge branch 'main' into feature/LW-6623-ada-handle-receive-drawer (lace)
16:20:17 [c7a9c9bd] wip: testing discover action (catalyst-ci)
16:24:00 [60875bef] update manifests (marlowe-playground)
16:25:11 [7985a79a] Add developper tools, cross platform and alternative ghc support (cardano-api)
16:26:11 [b68391e8] Network update (cardano-updates)
16:27:04 [5f6e89a3] Network update (cardano-updates)
16:28:59 [3c03c352] deploy: 5f6e89a335d8167b1f652b85dce5a94b376b93a6 (cardano-updates)
16:30:13 [d83b0708] Compare Marconi Utxo with cardano-db-sync (marconi)
16:36:23 [fd8bb236] chore(extension): add feature flag (lace)
16:36:42 [70b23b05] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:39:10 [b2d9441b] Add configurable container logging driver in infra (mithril)
16:39:16 [e7b6a9e4] Added missing link (cardano-updates)
16:41:49 [833e7000] add kube manifest (marlowe-playground)
16:41:50 [357b7642] deploy: e7b6a9e4a2a7ef6466f4614e2d4258c3862b400d (cardano-updates)
16:47:28 [b8d0c374] refactor(extension): add policy id to dependencies (lace)
16:49:32 [37f1a5ba] WIP (cardano-node)
16:55:51 [33e18db8] Undo stylish haskell changes (marlowe-cardano)
16:57:20 [78054929] Fix clippy warnings with Rust '1.70.0' (mithril)
16:57:35 [143c2288] Publish haddocks on gh-pages (typed-protocols)
16:58:23 [938bb9ec] Temp fix CI test fails (mithril)
16:59:17 [9717cf08] Implement TmpAbsolutePath (cardano-node)
16:59:19 [9401c46f] Update cardano-node-chairman with new path construction functions (cardano-node)
16:59:20 [ac8e6970] Update Testnet.Byron with path construction functions (cardano-node)
16:59:20 [4e65614f] Update Testnet.Babbage with path construction functions (cardano-node)
16:59:21 [63e34241] Update Testnet.Cardano with path construction functions (cardano-node)
16:59:21 [b24dcb02] Update Testnet.Shelley with path construction functions (cardano-node)
16:59:22 [ba18365d] Update cardano-testnet-test with path construction functions (cardano-node)
17:00:09 [6609ab33] chore: add another test for field destructuring in a list (aiken)
17:05:29 [8cd54b5b] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 349 (cardano-world)
17:05:39 [1394baa0] WIP (atala-prism-mediator)
17:08:42 [76e86a6e] Merge branch 'staging' into main (developer-portal)
17:08:54 [53f9c248] Merge pull request #596 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/long-tests (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [619498f2] Add getMerkleizedInputs integration test and fix bugs (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [d35c4784] Remove focus usage (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [580609d6] Update changelog (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [f43f8a60] Allow a full TransactionInput to be passed to merkleizeInputs (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [625cf4f5] Fix typo (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [066d6671] Attempt to auto-merkleize inputs passed to Apply (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [945fe6b8] Rename getMerkleizedInputs -> merkleizeInputs (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [22a55c4e] Add getmerkleizedinputs query types (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [1e38a957] Implement getMerkleizedInputs (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [61231326] Update changelog (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [9f2aab17] Remove focus usages (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [3dbd7a86] Update standard contract test to use contract store and auto-input merkleization (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [e493a8f6] Revert spacing change in Semantics/Arbitrary.hs (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:09 [e08bc58c] Add Path module with constrained expr generators (marlowe-cardano)
17:09:28 [25212cb7] Compare Marconi Utxo with cardano-db-sync (marconi)
17:09:38 [dbce2c2c] imp: consul kv to exp prot false for preview, private (cardano-world)
17:09:46 [d69c3ee2] Updated haskell GitHub-Action (typed-protocols)
17:15:43 [0bc01831] imp: exp default opt updates to preview, private, template (iohk-nix)
17:20:06 [5918386b] build(cardano-services): add missed sibling dep (cardano-js-sdk)
17:21:18 [a1c8e032] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 351 (cardano)
17:22:42 [2a33662b] Merge pull request #40 from input-output-hk/coot/gh-pages (typed-protocols)
17:24:07 [f0ac4c8a] imp: exp prot false for preview, private, testnet tmpl (cardano)
17:24:09 [51102086] imp: consul kv to exp prot false for preview, private (cardano)
17:29:16 [3ef46f86] feat: adds output to discovery (catalyst-ci)
17:36:43 [a0014881] Defined pre-conditions and error messages for the marconi-sidechain JSON-RPC API specification (marconi)
17:37:38 [02f42375] Update default experimental options (#544) (iohk-nix)
17:42:01 [c2d8dd01] feat: adds support for logging into ecr/ghcr in setup (catalyst-ci)
17:42:13 [29159915] Compare Marconi Utxo with cardano-db-sync (marconi)
17:47:06 [65f9c5a2] fix: composite actions do not support conditionals (catalyst-ci)
17:50:18 [01237ed3] Remove testnetMagic from data Conf (cardano-node)
17:50:51 [10b12e47] Add shelleyTestnetMagic field to ShelleyTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
18:00:46 [07743f05] Add babbageTestnetMagic to data BabbageTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
18:00:56 [c22d2c6b] Add cardanoTestnetMagic to CardanoTestnetOptions (cardano-node)
18:03:04 [389fd825] Bump to Plutus 1.7 (cardano-ledger)
18:06:16 [6c13a521] imp: exp prot false for preview, private, testnet tmpl (cardano)
18:09:24 [2e7f9d97] Merge pull request #5240 from input-output-hk/mgalazyn/feature/remove-applicationname-applicationversion-cfg-params (cardano-node)
18:09:59 [573e341b] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
18:15:43 [a43ad363] feat: adds initial publish action (catalyst-ci)
18:16:55 [128c2c0c] fix: fixes typo (catalyst-ci)
18:17:33 [7a952c9e] WIP, fix parsers (cardano-node)
18:20:37 [f7ce6838] Update haddock after new info from Micha. (cardano-node)
18:21:09 [a9153385] fix: adds missing checkout step (catalyst-ci)
18:23:31 [305c4e04] fix: fixes incorrect registry format (catalyst-ci)
18:25:31 [4c5c3b93] fix: fixes incorrect variable name (catalyst-ci)
18:26:13 [e1fe77ff] Handle duplicate tx metadata labels (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
18:26:43 [8834543c] Rename getMerkleizedInputs -> merkleizeInputs (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:43 [bd5717cb] Add getmerkleizedinputs query types (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:43 [25a4be96] Implement getMerkleizedInputs (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:43 [04a55c21] Add getMerkleizedInputs integration test and fix bugs (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:43 [ee500f74] Add Path module with constrained expr generators (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [118c7551] Fix typo (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [102d133f] Update changelog (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [7651df87] Remove focus usages (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [29d27746] Update standard contract test to use contract store and auto-input merkleization (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [f614178b] Revert spacing change in Semantics/Arbitrary.hs (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [1283acdd] Remove focus usage (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [e915a452] Attempt to auto-merkleize inputs passed to Apply (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [0f4bc4c0] Allow a full TransactionInput to be passed to merkleizeInputs (marlowe-cardano)
18:26:44 [c3e67945] Update changelog (marlowe-cardano)
18:34:14 [e98e421c] Added Marconi resuming strategy ADR (marconi)
18:34:33 [dc898c17] forgot to git add tx_builder.rs (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
18:35:18 [bc76479a] Update operables and nomad tasks with new marlowe-tx option (marlowe-cardano)
18:38:17 [fa79897f] refactor(extension): change token prices API and remove hardcoded list (lace)
18:41:23 [feed5ef0] Merge pull request #594 from input-output-hk/plt-5850-get-merkleized-inputs (marlowe-cardano)
18:41:47 [2d9174c0] Update changelog (marlowe-cardano)
18:41:47 [788cd93d] load continuations in create (marlowe-cardano)
18:41:47 [65aea039] Update downstream packages for Create by hash change (marlowe-cardano)
18:41:47 [afeed3c3] Update integration tests to create via contract hash (marlowe-cardano)
18:41:47 [ec4c9029] Add option to pass datum hash to create (marlowe-cardano)
18:41:47 [7010fb38] Fix marlowe-cli test interpreter (marlowe-cardano)
18:46:05 [d2390b83] Kwxm/bls12 381/minor fixes (#5367) (plutus)
18:50:18 [b641d513] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/plutus@d2390b835e5e55f8116d80a01f799a7820cd7761 🚀 (plutus)
18:54:26 [9a435757] feat: adds initial deploy action (catalyst-ci)
18:55:14 [4ae2922d] Try invalidating the cache (ouroboros-consensus)
18:56:52 [b0472d98] fix: uses single quotes to avoid conflicts (catalyst-ci)
19:02:57 [42f3c29e] DiminutiveCoin (cardano-token-registry)
19:04:05 [8895cd4e] Merge pull request #595 from input-output-hk/plt-5854-create-by-hash (marlowe-cardano)
19:05:38 [9f57eb4a] chore(docs): logo assets and add to readme (go-ouroboros-network)
19:06:50 [563dbe2a] PLT-5901 Implemented checks for valid network addresses. (marlowe-cardano)
19:07:25 [4b217de8] fix conway CDDL, Value allows larger values (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:08:02 [9d71a4e6] PLT-5901 Safety check for correct network. (marlowe-cardano)
19:08:09 [019a3ddf] PLT-5901 Fixed missing pattern in action plate. (marlowe-cardano)
19:08:15 [b4a687aa] PLT-5901 Added address- and network-safety tests. (marlowe-cardano)
19:08:20 [7ec2f945] PLT-5901 Adjusted arbitrary instance for Party. (marlowe-cardano)
19:10:28 [8666393c] chore(extension): enable NFT folders and hide balance feats (lace)
19:15:34 [99b57edd] Adapt MintBurn queries response to sidechain needs (marconi)
19:26:06 [75994307] PLT-5901 Added changelog entries (marlowe-cardano)
19:30:39 [7b88fd18] Added cardano-ledger-conway- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [657c4c71] Added cardano-ledger-conway-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [d7a872ef] Added cardano-ledger-core- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [34402e78] Added cardano-ledger-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [c4e67c58] Added cardano-ledger-mary- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [bed019ff] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [8c537880] Added cardano-ledger-babbage- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [804f201b] Added cardano-ledger-allegra- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [ec341013] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [216884d0] Added cardano-ledger-alonzo- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [75128d21] Added cardano-ledger-pretty- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [25a3fbfa] Added set-algebra- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [4f51f775] Added cardano-ledger-shelley- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:39 [9a9cbf46] Added cardano-ledger-shelley-ma-test- (cardano-haskell-packages)
19:30:50 [4c651937] chore(docs): logo assets and add to readme (go-ouroboros-network)
19:35:33 [fedcbfbe] Add names to all root level components and log uncaught exceptions (marlowe-cardano)
19:35:33 [e260b150] update changelog (marlowe-cardano)
19:38:28 [c428a4bf] Return more information from Withdraw (marlowe-cardano)
19:43:22 [917f21ae] imp: consul kv to exp prot false for preview, private (cardano)
19:46:20 [4efa46c4] post-chaps changelog version bumps (cardano-ledger)
19:48:05 [2b9c83ec] Merge pull request #3465 from input-output-hk/mpj/plutus-1.7 (cardano-ledger)
19:52:29 [89cc8acd] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 2b9c83ec754b15b6a713527072ffe75b16adaeda (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:59:22 [cd9c0fe8] Merge pull request #93 from input-output-hk/exp-prot-false (cardano-world)
20:02:11 [3fdd3291] Merge pull request #193 from input-output-hk/updating-links-for-new-website-and-docs-site (marlowe)
20:02:33 [13471118] breaking: add committee_pk to tally_committee table (catalyst-core)
20:03:56 [293e80b9] log: reduce chatter at INFO level (catalyst-core)
20:04:20 [df9b9894] Update sbt to 1.9.0 in main (atala-prism-mediator)
20:06:32 [15684df3] feat: change parameters for `find_own_input` (stdlib)
20:12:23 [0652b1a4] bump: cardano-node -> 8.1.0-bench (cardano)
20:14:15 [6140fbd5] fixup! feat(cardano-services): log CardanoTokenRegistry config on construction (cardano-js-sdk)
20:16:52 [917c2b13] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for d2390b835e5e55f8116d80a01f799a7820cd7761 (plutus)
20:18:22 [3d135669] bump cardano-ledger-binary version for plutus bump (cardano-ledger)
20:20:22 [ea895ced] HODGE (cardano-token-registry)
20:26:16 [492c7baa] fix conway CDDL, Value allows larger values (cardano-ledger)
20:31:31 [f78b1299] Compare Marconi Utxo with cardano-db-sync (marconi)
20:34:16 [2641eeb8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:36:22 [8f57baf2] Add withdraw integration tests (marlowe-cardano)
20:36:57 [31eb0d8f] Merge pull request #288 from blinklabs-io/chore/docs-logos (go-ouroboros-network)
20:43:18 [cea6c46d] Fix choose description (marlowe-cardano)
20:45:32 [9d3a42ce] Updated (cardano-ledger)
20:47:03 [26e758d6] Remove focus usages (marlowe-cardano)
21:05:42 [e09a8bd5] [Meta] Add 'TRIAGING.md' (plutus)
21:11:52 [8c3b57c9] fixes: (aiken)
21:12:44 [79a53bc7] Migrate to nix flake (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:12:46 [4c0dcd2a] Change nix-build GH action so that it checks nix caches (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:34:50 [0f0ba2ed] First cut at documenting Action. (cardano-node)
21:34:56 [68a7152b] Clean up haddock warnings & add module header. (cardano-node)
21:34:56 [0d93ad4e] Check in progress for Generator. (cardano-node)
21:34:57 [0c0c8517] Update haddock after new info from Micha. (cardano-node)
21:34:57 [218f5ba6] Module description for Env. (cardano-node)
21:34:57 [bc822575] Beginnings of Env haddock (cardano-node)
21:34:57 [c6737564] Check in Error type description. (cardano-node)
21:37:32 [9db21930] feat: disable openapi (vm-frontend)
21:37:45 [b5d2f05b] Fix gh-pages (typed-protocols)
21:48:41 [4042a7eb] Add developper tools, cross platform and alternative ghc support (cardano-api)
21:53:10 [9c29f4f2] fix: blueprints gen failing on List (aiken)
22:03:33 [3edb4ff2] Implement TODO to convert to ExceptT (Error monad). (cardano-node)
22:15:16 [54adb810] Merge pull request #59 from blinklabs-io/feat/disable-openapi (vm-frontend)
22:20:05 [0991c57a] fix conway CDDL, Value allows larger values (cardano-ledger)
22:23:48 [8832ff61] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 0991c57a09bfb1133169adab53e1f56bf4181cc2 (cardano-ledger)
22:24:44 [fd6c2bd1] fix: list items in when were not being added to scope (aiken)
22:35:08 [34c4b225] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
22:37:22 [9bd0b52d] bump cardano-ledger-binary version for plutus bump (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:38:21 [cdf8bd65] fix: list items in when were not being added to scope (aiken)
22:38:21 [8f0cf289] fixes: (aiken)
22:41:06 [289546c3] Merge pull request #586 from input-output-hk/PLT-5901 (marlowe-cardano)
22:46:20 [856f44b8] Adding SPICY (cardano-token-registry)
22:59:33 [07af29c0] Updated (cardano-ledger)
23:05:47 [c1137f7a] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 68 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:47 [5cb436cd] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 69 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:48 [b6b9e3f8] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 191 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:48 [67d1bbc6] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 118 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:49 [d33b79d5] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 408 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:50 [afdf59a6] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 87 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:50 [50110b68] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 533 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:51 [575511a4] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 145 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:46:16 [673dc0ab] Fix `idInterpretation`, work on `sublsInterpret` and `cutDesc` (plutarch-core)
23:47:52 [cf6d04e9] chore: some clippy warnings (aiken)