Home / Reports / Jun 3, 2023

Saturday, June 3, 2023

124 commits had been pushed across 33 repos by 42 authors. There were 1,277,000 additions and 36,801 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:07:36 [a69cc35d] chore(deps): bump tokio from 1.28.1 to 1.28.2 (#59) (dolos)
00:08:04 [7a040aab] chore(deps): bump log from 0.4.17 to 0.4.18 (#60) (dolos)
00:08:44 [09bf36a1] chore(deps): bump bech32 from 0.8.1 to 0.9.1 (dolos)
00:10:53 [d3ecc345] cardano-tracer: add teReforwardTraceObjects field (making cardano-tracer-bench build) (cardano-node)
00:10:53 [11671c40] cardano-tracer Reforwarder: update comments, hlint cleanup (cardano-node)
00:10:53 [21453a55] Add reforwarding option (via configuration) to cardano-tracer (cardano-node)
00:10:53 [0eeb3e4d] remove unused LANGUAGE pragmas (cardano-node)
00:10:53 [3d3f5d34] ReForwarder: refactor, remove 'Reforwarder.Mode' DataPoint (cardano-node)
00:10:53 [efbf9283] refactor cardano-tracer-bench.hs (cardano-node)
00:18:41 [4a271715] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:43:16 [011acc79] refactor: dogfoods by building CLI image (catalyst-ci)
00:46:46 [9b27a1d0] chore: cleanup and bumps docker login action (catalyst-ci)
00:47:41 [6252d7dc] feat: adds initial actions (catalyst-ci)
00:51:03 [302703e7] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:28:49 [7b1a4833] Upload configuration from: https://book.world.dev.cardano.org/environments (cardano-configurations)
02:03:19 [2e6a584e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:20:57 [9a1173bb] Configurable tag process. The cardano-dev.yaml file contains options to change things like main branch and release branches (cardano-dev)
02:22:42 [5a8e88d9] Merge pull request #1 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/configurable-tag-process (cardano-dev)
04:34:03 [4e7cf9a9] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
05:04:06 [04504e1b] deploy: 42b64f4da5e55b4478b9dc86986d93edc3307bd2 (hydra)
05:08:24 [e80c0bc5] Script to switch submodules to tracking-branch (cardano-dev)
06:22:11 [b2fc5d0e] Merge pull request #3470 from input-output-hk/jc/fix-cardano-ledger-binary-version (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:25:52 [00a8e564] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for b2fc5d0e4295e5b99721d5c85120607f223a2515 (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:32:20 [71128ec8] CNTools 10.3.1 (guild-operators)
06:41:55 [67e7a428] Add CODEOWNERS (cardano-dev)
07:05:10 [6378b5f1] Add Rumah Kita Token Registry (cardano-token-registry)
07:07:42 [0d038433] Updated (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:22:29 [a0c9b4f2] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
07:52:05 [0dcd60e3] Refactor pref and opts functions out of main (cardano-node)
07:52:05 [9851cabe] New cardano-testnet help (cardano-node)
07:59:20 [c912320c] Fix missing performance stats (cardano-node-tests)
07:59:59 [b7bfb363] Fix cardano-testnet CLI tests (cardano-node)
08:34:23 [a841b5f3] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:54:20 [f834536a] Fix missing performance stats (cardano-node-tests)
09:06:47 [9c1e213c] implement cip62 submitDelegation (yoroi-frontend)
09:34:37 [d9f5a2a2] Fix missing performance stats (cardano-node-tests)
09:38:36 [d18c1e4a] Add test checking snapshot contains seen txs (hydra)
10:01:56 [a85e557a] Fix missing performance stats (cardano-node-tests)
10:03:13 [96473b09] Fix `preferred-versions` format (foliage)
10:08:30 [2aeca140] Migrate to nix flake (cardano-ledger)
11:05:20 [63c83774] feat(cardano-services): log CardanoTokenRegistry config on construction (cardano-js-sdk)
11:05:20 [60040854] build(cardano-services): add missed sibling dep (cardano-js-sdk)
11:05:20 [290452d1] refactor(util): adjust formatting of RunnableModule logging (cardano-js-sdk)
11:09:38 [f69714bf] Fix missing performance stats (cardano-node-tests)
11:40:07 [3eba35fd] Merge pull request #5265 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/fix-cardano-testnet-cli-tests (cardano-node)
11:54:21 [32a1a17a] PLT-6037 E2E tests on navigation through simulation (marlowe-playground)
11:55:49 [28bfff4f] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByteSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
11:55:50 [516742fc] New ProtocolUpdateUTxOCostPerWordSupportedInEra type (cardano-api)
12:01:56 [ecc2e403] Generate protocolUpdateUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
12:01:57 [8646c7b9] Use do notation and NamedFieldPuns to implement genProtocolParameters (cardano-api)
12:04:12 [eebc71d0] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerByte only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
12:04:13 [e43c22a5] Generate protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord only if it is supported in era. (cardano-api)
12:08:50 [47d4f120] Unified SupportedInEra (cardano-api)
12:39:23 [7376d958] PLT-5930: Add dependencies needed for e2e tests. (marlowe-playground)
13:15:30 [bda368de] PLT-5930: Add dependencies needed for e2e tests. (marlowe-playground)
13:27:14 [36ea2564] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
14:03:45 [2111487a] HODGE (cardano-token-registry)
14:06:04 [47307453] chore(ci): iOS prod fastlane (#2482) (yoroi)
14:09:40 [5fde5b97] fix: navigation title width (#2468) (yoroi)
14:13:06 [3c2b8ce3] Rhabit (cardano-token-registry)
14:30:26 [dc902cb1] chore: rename cloudstruct/go-ouroboros-network to blinklabs-io/gouroboros (developer-portal)
14:53:19 [265c6d9d] UNICAT (cardano-token-registry)
14:57:09 [1e543a8e] Add comparison with Lucid (cardano-browser-tx)
14:58:06 [af9e2006] TURK (cardano-token-registry)
15:00:10 [cdaa3ace] delete second token (cardano-token-registry)
15:00:49 [e24b8cec] init (cbor-zig)
15:02:10 [a744f28e] TURK (cardano-token-registry)
15:04:15 [c10e80c6] LICENSE (cbor-zig)
15:07:23 [0092c882] README.md (cbor-zig)
15:35:07 [83816a06] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
15:39:43 [0bd87ce9] comma termination for this JS array section (developer-portal)
15:40:34 [a4049a8d] chore(deps): bump gouroboros to 0.42.0 (go-cardano-submit-api)
15:52:01 [f947dd6f] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
15:59:13 [6fa09a85] chore(docs): oss headers, coc, and codeowners (go-cardano-submit-api)
16:36:30 [28fbecd0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:02:35 [ac361630] Setup fourmolu in Nix to be used as our main code formatter. (marconi)
17:03:12 [818020f9] Apply fourmolu to codebase (marconi)
17:06:50 [027346a7] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
17:22:42 [79d68041] Setup fourmolu in Nix to be used as our main code formatter. (marconi)
17:22:43 [ca532925] Apply fourmolu to codebase (marconi)
17:29:18 [ce0d1488] hydrate-app: tf state updated to serial 355 (cardano)
17:30:00 [d23a56e8] imp: rotate KES for private chain (cardano)
17:45:25 [cb9c0347] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
18:10:51 [e0a66c89] TODO: check sufficient funds in inputsToOutputsWIthFee (cardano-node)
18:10:51 [d088b5e0] Implement TODO to convert to ExceptT (Error monad). (cardano-node)
18:11:22 [4ebac2cd] Module description for Env. (cardano-node)
18:11:22 [066700d7] Clean up haddock warnings & add module header. (cardano-node)
18:11:22 [e7f94638] Beginnings of Env haddock (cardano-node)
18:11:22 [357c562b] Check in progress for Generator. (cardano-node)
18:11:22 [638086d8] First cut at documenting Action. (cardano-node)
18:11:23 [7dd08cd0] Check in Error type description. (cardano-node)
18:11:23 [e91b0f6e] Update haddock after new info from Micha. (cardano-node)
18:14:23 [ff974863] Added cardano-ledger-binary- (cardano-haskell-packages)
18:25:18 [5b5b380c] Document architecture (projected-nft-framework)
18:30:14 [0775a464] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
18:43:21 [962715ee] fixed caching issue (quickcheck-dynamic)
18:44:56 [03b23ea5] WIP (quickcheck-dynamic)
18:46:04 [95d1b341] removed .stylish-haskell (quickcheck-dynamic)
18:54:41 [8928a6f0] HIPPO token (cardano-token-registry)
18:57:58 [fb1530eb] CAMEL token (cardano-token-registry)
18:59:31 [3c4f9129] SHEEP (cardano-token-registry)
20:03:01 [2c88bfea] Update sbt-scalafix to 0.11.0 in main (atala-prism-mediator)
20:03:10 [330e3a16] Update sbt-scoverage to 2.0.8 in main (atala-prism-mediator)
20:05:36 [1067e342] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
20:34:04 [9a126fc5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:52:37 [92d1e20c] feat: generic interface for getting TX inputs/outputs (go-ouroboros-network)
21:21:36 [dcdd9053] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
21:29:27 [a272c83c] feat: generic interface for TX inputs/outputs (go-ouroboros-network)
22:02:49 [4f754c33] Update, improve and refactor code (cardano-node-tests)
22:35:21 [51a26d35] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
23:00:45 [ddbbbb98] feat: better handling of Mary MultiAsset value (go-ouroboros-network)
23:05:29 [52901433] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 101 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:29 [7ca7ce1c] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 89 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:29 [67bbee17] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 85 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:30 [2b5aafa6] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 552 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:31 [be47dc3c] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 428 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:32 [136c3cae] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 549 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:32 [277b6a5e] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 135 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:33 [d0bfc26e] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 127 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:29:12 [8413162f] feat: better handling of Mary MultiAsset value (go-ouroboros-network)
23:43:46 [ff0ec1f2] feat(traverse): improve native asset access (pallas)
23:46:41 [7539e17d] feat(traverse): improve native asset access (#259) (pallas)
23:49:06 [d402b3b4] feat: introduct UTxO RPC interop (pallas)
23:52:31 [dfa998ae] PLT-6142 Submit `marlowe-apps` transactions via `marlowe-tx`. (marlowe-cardano)