Home / Reports / Apr 16, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

934 commits had been pushed across 92 repos by 147 authors. There were 47,024,330 additions and 2,170,964 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:02:14 [9a67ca62] chore: removed unneeded trait (asteria)
00:03:52 [a09bc770] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:10:23 [56f2a34a] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
00:10:38 [c2009f9a] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:11:41 [0cd1822c] Split TxAuxData - Step 1: Copy TxAuxData into two files (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:12:24 [6f51fc51] Remove dead code, update CHANGELOG (cardano-browser-tx)
00:14:19 [32046504] Merge pull request #457 from IntersectMBO/unify-json-instances (cardano-api)
00:16:20 [c4ab8b0b] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:16:20 [a615c3cb] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:17:53 [1cf4c18e] Merge pull request #1605 from Renegatto/alexey/fix-1570-develop (cardano-browser-tx)
00:19:30 [09ff8e88] Merge pull request #1606 from itsfarseen/itsfarseen/cardano-dev-wallet-001 (cardano-browser-tx)
00:20:15 [eccf2705] Merge pull request #1586 from Plutonomicon/klntsky/readme-updates (cardano-browser-tx)
00:21:19 [04321f22] Add warning about re-ordering exports (plutus)
00:21:55 [6a9ff6eb] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:21:55 [e2274f70] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:27:16 [d29f7e85] Expand CHANGELOG (cardano-browser-tx)
00:27:52 [79f91356] feat: chainsync API support (cardano-node-api)
00:32:45 [c79eecfe] Fix #132: add support for GHC 9.6.4 (#134) (devx)
00:34:42 [e645e8c9] Split TxAuxData - Step 2: Move back the original file (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:36:22 [84bfdbeb] compiling Chain, working on lin-tests (formal-ledger-specifications)
00:38:03 [3d0d48d7] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/alpha' into cntools-light (guild-operators)
00:38:49 [ac94f3ad] feat(api): integrate graphql layer with backend db (#35) (asteria)
00:50:14 [05f143b1] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:52:30 [302166ef] Merge branch 'alpha' into koios-1.1.1rc (guild-operators)
00:53:33 [2d6b6fda] chore(applying): prepare pparams for folding logic (#438) (pallas)
01:05:51 [1129e850] deploy: 32046504555191cac6c4106f89d62e64f48f46f0 (cardano-api)
01:06:33 [c268070a] finish pparams (dolos)
01:08:04 [9550e7db] feat: chainsync API support (#146) (cardano-node-api)
01:32:05 [f7c10e0a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:33:36 [d5d943d3] docs: updated arch diagram (cf-identity-wallet)
01:46:24 [1db91f4f] feat: refactor routes (cf-identity-wallet)
01:47:23 [da4d85cb] docs: KERI spec link updates (cf-identity-wallet)
01:51:15 [da3aaa9c] docs: embed arch diagram (cf-identity-wallet)
02:06:06 [b066c26f] docs: improve readme documentation (#413) (cf-identity-wallet)
02:21:43 [4be27ab7] feat: support parameter (#967) (atala-prism-building-blocks)
02:36:27 [55bb5ca4] WIP (cardano-wallet)
02:45:11 [80eaea83] No more Node.js 16 (devx)
02:47:01 [30f0b9b7] No more Node.js 16 (#153) (devx)
02:53:29 [b055d757] Merge pull request #3290 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1958-pool-overview-search-bar (cf-explorer-frontend)
02:54:26 [539bc624] ATL-6782: Aud check (open-enterprise-agent)
02:57:45 [420d14af] fix: test fail (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:07:43 [d12f77f6] feat: MET-2061 add flag conway era (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:09:17 [6261e0d5] fix: resolve conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:10:34 [3af1b588] Merge pull request #3311 from cardano-foundation/fix/conway-flag (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:19:49 [1382e580] Introduce `AllegraEraTxAuxData` with `timelockScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:19:49 [5c5c2b95] Split TxAuxData - Step 3: Make the rearranged modules work together (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:19:49 [0d6f5159] Introduce `AlonzoEraTxAuxData` with `plutusScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:19:49 [faf38e85] Add `mkBasicTxAuxData` and `metadataTxAuxDataL` to `EraTxAuxData` type class. (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:30:46 [81148e06] fix: remove reader and optimize validating iavl ops (cardano-ibc-incubator)
03:32:18 [5b73657d] Merge pull request #3307 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2061-add-flag-conway-era (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:44:46 [91a1fce8] Fix (cardano-wallet)
03:55:48 [38de2c21] FIx (cardano-wallet)
03:56:10 [592e7dd8] chore: update conway genesis file and config files (cf-ledger-sync)
03:59:22 [0109e6f1] added token registration file for It's a pixel. (cardano-token-registry)
04:11:48 [b6fdda75] Add an extra ergonomic method for n2c chainsync (pallas)
04:27:09 [366155c6] deploy: b554d3dd246ebf1b9ba987641a0f4ed3f95d19b9 (hydra)
04:34:24 [548c8f34] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:44:44 [e202e394] Add `mkBasicTxAuxData` and `metadataTxAuxDataL` to `EraTxAuxData` type class. (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:44:44 [8931d44f] Move `Arbitrary Metadatum` instance into Core testlib (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:44:44 [a562f639] Introduce `AllegraEraTxAuxData` with `timelockScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:44:44 [8800b821] Introduce `AlonzoEraTxAuxData` with `plutusScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:38:46 [f96b03df] Include depends in dummy-ghc (haskell.nix)
05:43:23 [128f529c] Use latest stable cardano-node in demo (hydra)
05:59:36 [5e827286] disable c++ as one breaking issue (haskell.nix)
06:04:45 [b9768c9d] Introduce `AllegraEraTxAuxData` with `timelockScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger)
06:04:45 [546c7e01] Introduce `AlonzoEraTxAuxData` with `plutusScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger)
06:04:45 [d64a7d1c] Add `mkBasicTxAuxData` and `metadataTxAuxDataL` to `EraTxAuxData` type class. (cardano-ledger)
06:06:19 [76ca152e] Update content security policy (developer-portal)
06:08:21 [7cd2eaef] change repository on scripts (cardano-updates)
06:10:34 [5c0a9c91] Create 2023-12-30-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
06:15:01 [aebf96ec] Cl/20231230 (#377) (cardano-updates)
06:26:41 [aa153ecf] peer-selection: extended PeerSelectionInterfaces (ouroboros-network)
06:28:18 [609c182d] Create 2024-01-15-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
06:32:26 [4a78527e] Create 2024-01-15-node-cli-api.md (#378) (cardano-updates)
06:34:35 [a765597f] deploy: 4a78527e36fed9d1210caecff5820d24842ff774 (cardano-updates)
06:40:36 [62c86fed] local-roots: added Config type alias (ouroboros-network)
06:44:13 [e9bb1d31] peer-selection: added publicly visible OutboundConnectionsState (ouroboros-network)
06:44:23 [ac6b5423] peer-selection: extended PeerSelectionInterfaces (ouroboros-network)
06:44:24 [5ca6091e] Create 2024-01-31-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
06:45:24 [6ad7807f] local-roots: added Config type alias (ouroboros-network)
06:48:53 [528322c1] Initialization not including dens-query (DeNS)
07:00:15 [1526f6f3] non-headless (yoroi-frontend)
07:04:38 [9886f506] Create 2024-02-15-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
07:10:00 [852b777f] move delegation function to store and remove duplication (yoroi-frontend)
07:11:51 [7eeeadba] Disable sanchonet integration tests (hydra)
07:15:15 [5475889a] Create 2024-02-29-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
07:17:38 [0b6f695c] Add test watchdog (cardano-node)
07:22:19 [a4c493f5] Define NetworkInput using NetworkMessage (Message tx) (hydra-poc)
07:22:19 [2fc157a6] WIP: Push NetworkMessage in to Hydra.Node.Network stack (hydra-poc)
07:22:19 [734f081a] Remove addional connectionMessages callback (hydra-poc)
07:22:19 [9da014dd] Define NetworkMessage sum type wrapper around Message (hydra-poc)
07:23:36 [aaf68097] Merge branch 'feat/m3' into feat/setup-c509-lib (catalyst-voices)
07:25:00 [161e0a68] Make GHA cache restore any cache from current month if dependencies do not match. Clean-up windows jobs. (cardano-cli)
07:25:13 [e7189567] Create 2024-03-15-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
07:27:16 [1afcd5e9] Merge pull request #4544 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-319 (cardano-token-registry)
07:27:33 [769fc6f3] deploy: e718956722f294f1499c3c1e5d65964449088f43 (cardano-updates)
07:28:33 [0c8aabeb] patch cabal (haskell-nix-example)
07:31:22 [506a6f7f] Retrieve `~/.cabal-devx` and `~/.cache` from GHA cache in Codespaces (cardano-haskell-action)
07:31:24 [eeed0fb1] Update content security policy (#1251) (developer-portal)
07:31:32 [0b33fdc8] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
07:32:50 [799f2083] remove unused vars (yoroi-frontend)
07:33:32 [7b7df960] Create 2024-03-30-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
07:34:07 [90e9f43c] remove lsm prefix of Run record fields (lsm-tree)
07:34:21 [492b85ef] Merge pull request #718 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/chore/improve-gha-caching (cardano-cli)
07:34:25 [c0036336] Update all flake inputs (#49) (iogx)
07:35:08 [5c17d9b8] update iogx (marlowe-cardano)
07:36:19 [85b7d4b1] fix(ui): fix create password screen auto scroll to top when input below input (cf-identity-wallet)
07:42:05 [dc01cae3] Update golden test output with reordered metadata (cardano-cli)
07:44:09 [0eeab3a2] feat: MET-1989 setting timezone (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:45:59 [679efde0] Add empty variant to draft commit request from json instance (hydra)
07:47:15 [d7b607ee] Create 2024-04-15-node-cli-api.md (cardano-updates)
07:47:56 [5aeb8abd] Merge pull request #4847 from IntersectMBO/coot/packages-graph (ouroboros-network)
07:48:28 [03b0bcfc] move icon (yoroi-frontend)
07:49:27 [9e1889c1] deploy: d7b607eea3d04df44298276d3bd87989c6c0d306 (cardano-updates)
07:49:49 [cfa43788] emobe console.logs (yoroi-frontend)
07:51:57 [3484e5bb] feat: resolve conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:55:03 [ecf6ed16] refactor: remove tx_chart table and replaced by materialized view (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
07:55:29 [c3f1cf08] Add a sender OffchainProtocolMessage (hydra-poc)
07:55:56 [f3bbdd15] Merge pull request #172 from IntersectMBO/mheinzel/remove-field-prefix (lsm-tree)
07:56:07 [3db8f172] feat: merge m3 (#426) (catalyst-voices)
07:56:33 [6b9e3cbc] fix: resolve conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:57:15 [4f0156e5] feature: save linked IPEX messages for connections (cf-identity-wallet)
07:57:25 [4bea2599] Merge pull request #3314 from cardano-foundation/fix/setting-date (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:57:55 [75429fe1] fix(ui): discrepancies (lace)
08:02:18 [16ae2a72] wip (marlowe-cardano)
08:02:34 [0e141646] fix: remove unnecessary localhost port config (lace)
08:03:22 [ded915b7] Fix DevContainer test harness (devx)
08:03:31 [a36ddce8] Merge pull request #382 from Renegatto/alexey/missing-srp-hash-2 (cardano-ogmios)
08:04:05 [934703ef] Add empty variant to draft commit request from json instance (hydra)
08:04:39 [16a986fd] Update some more benchmarks to use correct evaluation context (PLT-9713) [fourth attempt] (#5905) (plutus)
08:06:10 [912549e4] Update cache action (add `~/.cabal-devx` and `~/.cache` to the cache) (actions)
08:06:45 [49d80bb6] wip (catalyst-voices)
08:06:51 [a98fe4f6] fix(ui): fix connection note content not update after save (#417) (cf-identity-wallet)
08:07:06 [4ac64c0d] Add a sender OffchainProtocolMessage (hydra)
08:07:29 [45b17067] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/plutus@16a986fd800e044773e27718fc78c0c2885854e6 🚀 (plutus)
08:07:58 [23c2209a] Update cache action (add `~/.cabal-devx` and `~/.cache` to the cache) (#19) (actions)
08:11:26 [1db60e3b] remove unused import (yoroi-frontend)
08:14:24 [bfa22adc] feat: improve delegation flow (cf-identity-wallet)
08:14:36 [20b5688b] fix (catalyst-voices)
08:16:33 [0eb9cdb3] Merge main (catalyst-voices)
08:17:52 [09b817e7] Add PlutusV3 CostModel to UpgradeConwayPParams (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:18:09 [14844280] feat: adds browser install for arm64 (catalyst-voices)
08:20:43 [832efcf1] Update and rename docs/13-smart-contracts/01-plutus/07-transaction-costs-determinism.mdx to docs/03-learn/16-transaction-costs-determinism.mdx (cardano-documentation)
08:23:57 [54703c1c] Merge pull request #4545 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-320 (cardano-token-registry)
08:24:41 [15e8a633] Merge pull request #4546 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-321 (cardano-token-registry)
08:26:44 [75c60999] Merge pull request #365 from cardano-foundation/chore/fix-Double-var-return-null (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
08:26:53 [e41d2dda] Merge pull request #362 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2018-agg-pool-info (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
08:27:06 [b46d18bb] Merge pull request #359 from cardano-foundation/feature/MET-1965-update-drep-info-schedule (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
08:29:58 [3085796c] Merge pull request #4548 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-323 (cardano-token-registry)
08:30:32 [1ae1b9d2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@148442801aa8843b0e575462f643ddc2a76d36a6 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
08:30:38 [91f5696b] Merge pull request #4549 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-324 (cardano-token-registry)
08:30:56 [c25c2ec7] Add imptest to propose and enact unknown costmodels (cardano-ledger)
08:31:41 [af21a813] Update and rename docs/13-smart-contracts/01-plutus/06-collateral-mechanism.mdx to docs/03-learn/17-collateral-mechanism.mdx (cardano-documentation)
08:32:34 [45aab0dd] haskell.yml: fix that golden files were being generated on GHA (cardano-cli)
08:33:02 [c0f24aef] Fix golden spec for draft empty commit (hydra)
08:33:22 [fc351138] Merge pull request #4552 from poolstakes/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:33:56 [35d56030] Retrieve `~/.cabal-devx` and `~/.cache` from GHA cache in Codespaces (#154) (cardano-haskell-action)
08:34:01 [98212f67] Merge branch 'develop' into yomo-1272 (yoroi-mobile)
08:34:15 [2f3f0443] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:37:56 [3ed76648] fix: optimize bytes.has_prefix() (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:41:40 [3bbbe91a] fix: if cond (catalyst-voices)
08:41:53 [6d00b8c0] added escaping chars (yoroi-frontend)
08:44:04 [33d6aeba] Merge pull request #16 from cardano-foundation/feat/is-39-optimize-encode-varint-and-sov (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:46:00 [4eb7d248] Fix (cardano-wallet)
08:46:55 [55b73e51] wb: LMDB - for now only put live tables on SSD device (cardano-node)
08:50:09 [66e44e9f] simplify nix code (cizero)
08:51:49 [f6485ec2] chore: cleanup dependencies (XSY-SDET-Dapp)
08:53:15 [a951f53a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@3bbbe91a9055f898ad910a592e66f040f7a07b89 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
08:53:19 [f0a2a78c] deploy: 492b85efeacaf15d92a83f814b502d9bb962cb23 (cardano-cli)
08:54:43 [db5cc790] chore: replace class with className (SDET-dapp)
08:56:21 [d44ca143] fix: remove reader and optimize validating iavl ops (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:57:33 [968f5695] debug (yoroi-frontend)
09:03:13 [d3a34add] feat: set nft as user profile avatar (lace)
09:03:14 [29c2d01b] feat: organize avatar by environment name and wallet address (lace)
09:03:14 [96c1b34f] feat: add analytics to set nft as avatar (lace)
09:05:00 [9a674ad6] Update 01-plutus.mdx (cardano-documentation)
09:07:51 [c1bf5b53] Delete docs/13-smart-contracts/01-plutus directory (cardano-documentation)
09:09:50 [aa392572] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:11:47 [c47658d0] Update and rename docs/13-smart-contracts/01-marlowe.mdx to docs/07-development-guidelines/04-smart-contracts/02-marlowe.mdx (cardano-documentation)
09:12:50 [c8a4fe96] test: update unit test for DRep services (cf-explorer-api)
09:15:59 [82801c2a] wip compute block range (mithril)
09:17:26 [6b648d29] test: side bar active class, badges and visiblity unit tests (dapps-certification-web)
09:18:36 [4b9543ba] test(extension): refactor Transaction Bundle class POM (lace)
09:18:48 [8193b4ae] Imptests: CommitteeMinSize affects in-flight props (#4244) (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:21:16 [ff46fd1c] Fix DevContainer test harness (#155) (cardano-haskell-action)
09:21:48 [09785ad1] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 8193b4ae7f45da28515d612175f65634440af97b (cardano-ledger)
09:22:21 [504e0c0b] 889a46afdad09870284c7ae2b9069bcf39181283 (cardano-ledger-executable-spec)
09:24:10 [84d06f7f] Update and rename docs/13-smart-contracts/02-aiken.mdx to docs/07-development-guidelines/04-smart-contracts/03-aiken.mdx (cardano-documentation)
09:26:11 [2905d55e] Delete docs/13-smart-contracts directory (cardano-documentation)
09:29:23 [9acb057f] Create _category_.yml (cardano-documentation)
09:30:43 [6c619b1b] wb: LMDB - for now only put live tables on SSD device (cardano-node)
09:30:56 [4edf9479] remedial for latest clippy which changes how the pragma is applied (ce-netsim)
09:32:10 [3a23654c] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@49d80bb611ba78d1695a6f78e2a696c08dc3dc82 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
09:33:39 [67b66027] Add Haskell goldens for TxInfo (lambda-buffers)
09:34:01 [83e194c9] Update and rename docs/11-scalability-solutions/01-hydra.mdx to docs/07-development-guidelines/05-scalability/01-hydra.mdx (cardano-documentation)
09:34:19 [0da35fef] Trace removal re-implemented as a IR rewrite rule (plutus)
09:35:02 [40d42696] genTxOut should not produce too large quantities (hydra)
09:36:10 [ed0aa572] cardano-node: rename 'is_forge' to 'can_forge_blocks' (cardano-node)
09:36:10 [41b6f0aa] cardano-node: add isForging metrics. (cardano-node)
09:38:00 [21d7eed0] cardano-node: NodeVersionTracer (cardano-node)
09:38:49 [15f5cb13] chore(receive): copy update (yoroi)
09:41:53 [f933170c] Update and rename docs/11-scalability-solutions/02-mithril.mdx to docs/07-development-guidelines/05-scalability/02-mithril.mdx (cardano-documentation)
09:42:02 [71b42857] Update cardano-api to (cardano-cli)
09:42:02 [ff3ea762] key non-extended-key: support CC keys (cardano-cli)
09:42:03 [da172bc3] Detail in tests: remove useless checks (CLI call would fail anyway) (cardano-cli)
09:42:03 [00754e71] key non-extended-key: test CC keys (cardano-cli)
09:42:04 [0f0a8f1d] transaction metadata: adapt golden files (cardano-cli)
09:42:04 [af8a8ed6] haskell.yml: fix that golden files were being generated on GHA (cardano-cli)
09:47:45 [51e739a8] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 16a986fd800e044773e27718fc78c0c2885854e6 (plutus)
09:48:53 [941bc09e] Merge branch 'feat/lw-9927-review-protocol-params-update' into feat/lw-9927-dbsync-chain-provider-conway-protocol-params (cardano-js-sdk)
09:49:12 [101907c9] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:50:28 [18619099] fix: display Payment Details verification modal when profile already has some balance (dapps-certification-web)
09:51:44 [df98b09a] Add some explicit kind signatures (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:47 [419c03ab] Relocate a CPP (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:50 [14cd046c] Remove useless registry from `llrnRunDataDiffusion` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:52 [b33b8600] Implement HTrans for some SOP types (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:54 [b38b3ada] Define `(en|de)codeExtLedgerState'` in `Extended.hs` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:55 [42c5b524] Some haddock improvements (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:57 [f88b3a1e] Rename `QueryLedger` to `BlockSupportsLedgerQuery` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:51:59 [927043aa] Move `StreamAPI` to `ImmutableDB` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:00 [2fcc85f9] Use network's `Some` and make `SomeSecond` poly-kinded (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:01 [993baf5c] Define `Incomplete` and `Complete` type aliases (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:03 [e0a40622] Add `NoThunks` instances for `WithEarlyExit` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:04 [fa43f67e] Remove dead code (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:06 [b6bb658c] Add `NoThunks` instance to `RawLock` (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:07 [0ff064f5] Add orphan `NoThunks (Sum a)` instance (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:09 [1aeda502] Tweak volatile DB tracers (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:10 [60100eac] Define CBOR instances for mock Addr (ouroboros-consensus)
09:52:11 [83c3ad82] Mempool.removeTxs now uses a non-empty list (ouroboros-consensus)
09:53:30 [9b84cf90] fix: optimize proof.check_against_spec() (cardano-ibc-incubator)
09:54:29 [9b226cc5] fix release to use helm package (atala-prism-mediator)
09:54:44 [deaa4fd8] fix tooltip width (yoroi-frontend)
09:56:10 [487a2b35] fix: replace bytearray.compare with '==' operator (cardano-ibc-incubator)
09:57:33 [b2dac6de] peer-selection-tests: order imports (ouroboros-network)
09:57:33 [823b6117] peer-selection: renamed peerStateToCounters (ouroboros-network)
09:57:33 [f139849f] churn: added two simple testnet tests (ouroboros-network)
09:57:33 [e63ff4d4] peer-selection: extended PeerSelectionCounters (ouroboros-network)
09:57:33 [26da4393] churn: implemented explicit synchronisation (ouroboros-network)
09:57:34 [1ecaf981] churn: added ChurnCounters tracer (ouroboros-network)
09:57:34 [42570580] churn: WIP (fixup) (ouroboros-network)
09:57:34 [bfe543d4] peer-selection: removed counters cached (ouroboros-network)
09:57:34 [5498c3f3] peer-selection: use HasCallStack where pickPeers is used (ouroboros-network)
09:57:34 [c8be76b1] peer-selection: removed localRoots from counters (ouroboros-network)
09:57:35 [444e7321] peer-selection: extended PeerSelectionInterfaces (ouroboros-network)
09:57:35 [63fe90f4] peer-selection: added publicly visible OutboundConnectionsState (ouroboros-network)
09:57:35 [b5890971] peer-selection: introduced PeerSelectionView (ouroboros-network)
09:57:35 [974fb6b8] peer-selection: use peerSelectionStateToCounters (ouroboros-network)
09:57:35 [2f114cbd] peer-selection: remove not needed subtraction (ouroboros-network)
09:57:35 [f834209a] check-stylish: added ignore file (ouroboros-network)
09:57:36 [4df44623] local-roots: added Config type alias (ouroboros-network)
09:59:27 [7792e4a4] HACK locli: nable analysis for chains with trace evidence not reaching back to Genesis (cardano-node)
10:00:31 [946762e3] Add imptest to propose and enact unknown costmodels (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:01:07 [86ee6d16] fix release to use helm package (atala-prism-mediator)
10:03:11 [6b0984cb] corrected the Chart.yml with correct name (atala-prism-mediator)
10:04:06 [a590bc0b] rename tag from prism to identus (atala-prism-mediator)
10:04:40 [f496adce] test(extension): update after code review (lace)
10:05:40 [4c7b2455] feat: MET-1989 add reponsive (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:06:34 [26875033] Merge pull request #3315 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1989-setting-timezone (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:07:13 [746e4e43] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/dapp-explorer (yoroi-mobile)
10:07:48 [3f8a0dd5] Golden file for DraftCommitTxRequest and format the code (hydra)
10:08:06 [791b9761] deleetd the index.yml (atala-prism-mediator)
10:09:51 [8a152c5e] Add changelog fragments (ouroboros-consensus)
10:10:14 [bb4d9fa9] feat: MET-1989 update height sidebar (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:10:48 [e34e48e1] Merge pull request #3316 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-1989-setting-timezone (cf-explorer-frontend)
10:11:14 [43f96c4f] [CI] Suppport `x86_64-darwin` (cardano-browser-tx)
10:11:37 [8383fa22] Fix generation bug for sums of positive member spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:11:48 [e99363f9] Rework the arguments for the DBs (ouroboros-consensus)
10:13:16 [50b533be] haskell.yml: fail if some golden files are unused (cardano-cli)
10:14:43 [f3561f77] fix(staking): [LW-10282] staking storybook build (lace)
10:15:39 [c63bf7e4] [CI] Suppport `x86_64-darwin` (cardano-transaction-lib)
10:19:34 [9034e7d1] progress (formal-ledger-specifications)
10:23:21 [3c1c51fc] fix(utils/bytes): replace bitwise operators in read_varint() (cardano-ibc-incubator)
10:26:26 [772ca25f] haskell.yml: fail if some golden files are unused (cardano-cli)
10:26:26 [4a3678dc] haskell.yml: fail if golden files are not up-to-date (cardano-cli)
10:27:59 [4836f41b] Remove additional testing step that becomes useless (cardano-cli)
10:28:53 [e999686b] Rename `TransactionParser` to `BlockScanner` (mithril)
10:33:16 [505a33fc] Implement the GDD governor (#1015) (ouroboros-consensus)
10:34:07 [e724214d] refactor: replace walletAddress with walletId when storing avatar (lace)
10:34:19 [fb82a286] Delete outdated links/material (essential-cardano-content)
10:34:20 [a863a864] haskell.yml: fail if golden files are not up-to-date (cardano-cli)
10:34:40 [09f5d6c2] fix UI text (yoroi-frontend)
10:36:10 [2717b338] fix(setup-wallet): titles (yoroi-mobile)
10:36:58 [cb10298b] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into hkm/dynamic-dummy-ghc (haskell.nix)
10:37:19 [ea96c251] fix(wallet-setup): duplicated wallet warning (yoroi-mobile)
10:37:19 [3e57bf2d] fix(wallet-setup): duplicated wallet warning (yoroi-mobile)
10:38:08 [04581cfa] fix(setup-wallet): dialogs and link (yoroi-mobile)
10:38:08 [d8571b46] fix(setup-wallet): dialogs and link (yoroi-mobile)
10:42:11 [210ecbcd] Merge branch 'master' into conway-era (cardano-js-sdk)
10:42:29 [e03be232] Experimenting with foldBlocks (cardano-node)
10:45:40 [c236b69a] Add PlutusV3 CostModel to UpgradeConwayPParams (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:45:44 [d525ffc8] Bind hydra-node to in hydra-cluster tests (hydra)
10:45:52 [fb19645b] refactor: Update error handling in `cat-gateway` (#425) (catalyst-voices)
10:50:38 [0cc5b08e] Merge pull request #5779 from IntersectMBO/bench-master (cardano-node)
10:54:45 [952e0e5b] Fix ghcjs (haskell.nix)
10:55:13 [f9ab8aa7] ifdLevel 0 (haskell.nix)
10:58:10 [ab9957c8] Add Haskell roundtrip tests (lambda-buffers)
10:58:25 [31f3f8b5] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:58:25 [ebcefd2c] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:58:42 [8aedb90e] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 8193b4ae7f45da28515d612175f65634440af97b (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:58:44 [737673c4] Updated from 8193b4ae7f45da28515d612175f65634440af97b via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:05:55 [0664746c] move swap form context (yoroi-frontend)
11:07:26 [5ba2b700] feat: updates scripts (catalyst-voices)
11:07:30 [df099ef5] refactor: create use-wallet-avatar hook (lace)
11:09:35 [9f719044] [ADP-3350] Add `Read.ChainPoint` (#4539) (cardano-wallet)
11:10:54 [f9d568b6] feat: refactor code for improved communication and imports (pallas)
11:13:45 [b8fe3278] refactor: code comments and remove redundancies (pallas)
11:14:49 [36f736aa] Merge pull request #17 from cardano-foundation/feat/is-37-optimize-read-uvarint-func (cardano-ibc-incubator)
11:14:51 [4d70313f] docs: update comments for `slot_timeline` usage (pallas)
11:16:46 [7c45dfa5] WIP (cardano-ledger)
11:19:20 [9929f8e8] Fix DCert enum (plutus-ledger-api-rust)
11:20:43 [1f803e89] updated the place holders (atala-prism-mediator)
11:22:10 [4491820b] Add governance treasury withdrawal test case (cardano-node)
11:23:36 [4feb6c45] Merge branch 'main' into feat/chain-block-number (pallas)
11:26:32 [cd47e1ac] New diffusion pipelining criterion (#955) (ouroboros-consensus)
11:28:15 [846ae8ea] Remove a bang (plutus)
11:29:11 [5bf9d5e0] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/builtins/both-MajorProtocolVersion-and-multiple-CostModels (plutus)
11:31:53 [a986a7e7] churn: implemented explicit synchronisation (ouroboros-network)
11:32:20 [4a648fd1] Define `(en|de)codeExtLedgerState'` in `Extended.hs` (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:23 [cd52ade2] Some haddock improvements (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:24 [ff5ad513] Rename `QueryLedger` to `BlockSupportsLedgerQuery` (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:25 [844f84bb] Move `StreamAPI` to `ImmutableDB` (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:27 [323df716] Use network's `Some` and make `SomeSecond` poly-kinded (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:28 [d088bddd] Define `Incomplete` and `Complete` type aliases (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:30 [fe30119b] Add `NoThunks` instances for `WithEarlyExit` (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:31 [fc2be34a] Remove dead code (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:33 [9a1617b7] Add `NoThunks` instance to `RawLock` (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:34 [e5761026] Add orphan `NoThunks (Sum a)` instance (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:38 [4b22f65c] Tweak volatile DB tracers (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:39 [d7a7338f] Define CBOR instances for mock Addr (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:41 [372550e8] Mempool.removeTxs now uses a non-empty list (ouroboros-consensus)
11:32:43 [3c8d1e84] Add changelog fragments (ouroboros-consensus)
11:33:04 [10c88614] churn: added two simple testnet tests (ouroboros-network)
11:33:06 [8e863da7] peer-selection: removed localRoots from counters (ouroboros-network)
11:33:06 [f7277cb1] peer-selection: renamed peerStateToCounters (ouroboros-network)
11:33:06 [3e4190a4] peer-selection-tests: order imports (ouroboros-network)
11:33:07 [7d30e1a0] peer-selection: removed counters cached (ouroboros-network)
11:35:13 [1843b372] Add instances for SerialiseKey and SerialiseValue ByteArray and ShortByteString (lsm-tree)
11:35:50 [cd9d8413] Rework the arguments for the DBs (ouroboros-consensus)
11:37:17 [42f9cc6d] churn: added ChurnCounters tracer (ouroboros-network)
11:37:20 [de4b0c22] peer-selection: remove not needed subtraction (ouroboros-network)
11:37:20 [ff2ae219] check-stylish: added ignore file (ouroboros-network)
11:37:20 [edc011ac] peer-selection: use HasCallStack where pickPeers is used (ouroboros-network)
11:37:20 [9571d850] peer-selection: introduced PeerSelectionView (ouroboros-network)
11:37:20 [a968b753] peer-selection: use peerSelectionStateToCounters (ouroboros-network)
11:37:21 [94cd5e71] local-roots: added Config type alias (ouroboros-network)
11:37:21 [0761c8ce] peer-selection: added publicly visible OutboundConnectionsState (ouroboros-network)
11:37:21 [aa2579b4] peer-selection: extended PeerSelectionInterfaces (ouroboros-network)
11:39:04 [091f8778] chore: update references to identus (atala-prism-building-blocks)
11:39:51 [e89ef4f9] trace-dispatcher: With PrometheusM Label type. (cardano-node)
11:40:16 [1ed04a85] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
11:40:58 [fd7eb00d] cardano-node: With new cardano_build_info metric (cardano-node)
11:43:00 [7d74762f] fix: code improvements (lace)
11:46:02 [1cf7370a] fix: add cache persist (catalyst-ci)
11:48:56 [764e689b] Merge pull request #113 from zeko-labs/nixify (zeko)
11:48:57 [2db8b961] fix: update ginkgo (catalyst-ci)
11:49:13 [0ea33271] fix: cspell (catalyst-voices)
11:49:31 [774ccdb4] Avoid eval time dependency on ghc.generated (haskell.nix)
11:49:40 [edde4c5d] Merge branch 'main' into fix/browser-installers (catalyst-voices)
11:51:38 [1897d727] chore: update docs (catalyst-ci)
11:52:04 [1ae43c29] chore(deps): bump pallas from `94b37fd` to `2d6b6fd` (oura)
11:53:15 [76092103] Add conversions of `ChainPoint` to/from ouroboros types (cardano-wallet)
11:53:15 [aec5d98e] Add conversions of `ChainPoint` to/from primitive types (cardano-wallet)
11:53:16 [e87e589e] Change `fetchNextBlock` to use `Read.ChainPoint` (cardano-wallet)
11:53:16 [c7c714f3] Change `lightSync` to use `Read.ChainPoint` (cardano-wallet)
11:53:16 [ccec5236] Change `chainSync` to use `Read.ChainPoint` (cardano-wallet)
11:53:42 [91d58a14] fix: update go sum (catalyst-ci)
11:53:53 [dd082f01] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-ci@1cf7370ab93cc86dac46a98546c39686cd6da4ae 🚀 (catalyst-ci)
11:54:15 [ea35b70f] Add `getWalletTip`, renaming `localTip` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:15 [6c9679c1] Split `withWallet` into `withWalletInit` and `withWalletLoad` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:15 [73e99abf] Add mock implementations for `createAddress` and `rollBackward` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:15 [f06018ba] Change `Cardano.Wallet.Deposit.IO.DB` to depend on `sqlite-simple` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:16 [418a80fa] Add `getBIP32PathsForOwnedInputs` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:16 [4a63526a] Add scenario test skeleton to Deposit Wallet (cardano-wallet)
11:54:16 [6dfef496] Change `createPayment` to return `Maybe TxBody` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:16 [f6e65918] Add `getCustomerHistories` (cardano-wallet)
11:54:16 [6831932c] Add "Use case: Centralized Exchanges" to Deposit Wallet (cardano-wallet)
11:54:16 [ffc23bcb] Add mock `NetworkEnv` implementation (cardano-wallet)
11:59:47 [8e437d0b] fix(cardano-services): min_committee_size renamed to committee_min_size (cardano-js-sdk)
12:02:57 [11fd18db] fix: making direction not readonly and set outgoing messages with correct direction. (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:03:15 [5b204ad2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@fb19645b22292fcbc82350742a16105eb9accd24 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
12:03:38 [dd8fc170] fix: Allow basic message to have a thid, and integrating responses within the demo. (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:04:55 [8b533ea9] fix: remove debugger entries (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
12:07:00 [78f9f4e1] fix lints pass tests (dolos)
12:07:37 [8389ba80] fix(cardano-services): committee_term_limit renamed to committee_max_term_length (cardano-js-sdk)
12:09:08 [ec706933] feat: dont test for edge on arm (catalyst-voices)
12:10:15 [6c2500a3] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
12:10:44 [8530ad20] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
12:11:07 [59b9e265] Update README.md (CIPs)
12:12:18 [64f1b8ae] fix(cardano-services): committee_term_limit renamed to governance_action_validity_period (cardano-js-sdk)
12:15:03 [16c36531] Merge with upstream (zeko)
12:18:02 [6db22a53] fix missing commit (dolos)
12:19:51 [8ad71eb0] Merge branch 'main' into lw-10270-styling (lace)
12:21:25 [403f356d] Define `(en|de)codeExtLedgerState'` in `Extended.hs` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:27 [2ad4a85a] Some haddock improvements (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:29 [9aafb240] Rename `QueryLedger` to `BlockSupportsLedgerQuery` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:30 [a5244146] Move `StreamAPI` to `ImmutableDB` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:32 [ff8df67b] Use network's `Some` and make `SomeSecond` poly-kinded (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:34 [426b61fb] Define `Incomplete` and `Complete` type aliases (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:35 [39c817bd] Add `NoThunks` instances for `WithEarlyExit` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:37 [b2b29fc1] Remove dead code (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:38 [c29a11ae] Add `NoThunks` instance to `RawLock` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:40 [59c6ccd0] Add orphan `NoThunks (Sum a)` instance (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:41 [cbfbd69b] Tweak volatile DB tracers (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:42 [62a63d8a] Define CBOR instances for mock Addr (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:44 [a6dcdea0] Mempool.removeTxs now uses a non-empty list (ouroboros-consensus)
12:21:46 [540b7ae8] Add changelog fragments (ouroboros-consensus)
12:22:55 [5717314b] Rework the arguments for the DBs (ouroboros-consensus)
12:25:17 [67c1f230] move db queries under cardano module (catalyst-voices)
12:27:23 [97a32c9a] feat(network): implement `GetChainBlockNo` local state query (#441) (pallas)
12:27:30 [49356466] Test golden files in Rust (lambda-buffers)
12:27:32 [1f2942e8] Don't use `Ord SelectView` in the abstract consensus layer (ouroboros-consensus)
12:27:33 [570c5801] Conway: restrict VRF tiebreaker based on slot distance (ouroboros-consensus)
12:27:33 [a358d001] Introduce `DiffusionPipeliningConfig` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:27:33 [1e16d0fe] Praos chain order: add rationale (ouroboros-consensus)
12:27:33 [30c68141] Add `ChainOrderConfig` (ouroboros-consensus)
12:28:08 [18fbd2a3] wip proof (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:28:24 [a771eac5] add helm to the release action (atala-prism-mediator)
12:30:19 [a71fbb9b] refactor: use Redb for ledger data (#199) (dolos)
12:30:25 [1db34152] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-ci@91d58a14865d151858693b50e0210d30915635ec 🚀 (catalyst-ci)
12:30:34 [762d7ab6] wip (catalyst-voices)
12:33:10 [a64ab00b] Merge pull request #114 from zeko-labs/las/merge-upstream (zeko)
12:36:15 [495c8bc5] feat: introduce doctor command (dolos)
12:37:06 [76031d21] remove the use of the Mutexes in the Routing thread (ce-netsim)
12:42:15 [ec54caf5] Adapt/fix `open_message_expiration` integration test (mithril)
12:43:27 [f40b48d4] refactor(theme): break master and themed palletes (yoroi-mobile)
12:44:06 [4aa3a9aa] address comments (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:44:24 [db61a166] chore(receive): copy update (#3197) (yoroi-mobile)
12:44:46 [dc801b46] feat: lock cargo chef version (vit-testing)
12:45:13 [b3ce7396] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:46:43 [a3e593b5] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:46:53 [16c7826a] feat: introduce `doctor` command (#204) (dolos)
12:47:20 [053292a4] chore(release): nightly (yoroi-mobile)
12:47:53 [9d0a9fac] fix: update `open_message.is_expired` UT to reveal `get_current_non_certified_open_message` impl issue. (mithril)
12:47:54 [dca5fc6f] refactor: `get_current_non_certified_open_message` implementation (mithril)
12:47:54 [a05ced97] fix: unexpected behaviour in aggregator `configuration` (mithril)
12:47:54 [c1cf3392] test: refactoring aggregator `runner` UT (mithril)
12:48:32 [b211710c] refactor(theme): moved away from master wording (yoroi-mobile)
12:50:31 [c5c192ba] Merge pull request #1395 from input-output-hk/disable-sanchonet-tests (hydra)
12:50:38 [e78c0f5e] Refactor withHeartbeat function (hydra)
12:50:39 [007ba595] another try (yoroi-frontend)
12:53:36 [06e3b9ac] fix: improve use wallet avatar hook (lace)
12:56:35 [bae774ab] Add `map-∪` (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:57:10 [bfb414c9] chore(wallet-mobile): added story for palettes (yoroi-mobile)
12:58:34 [d0a747ff] Experimenting with foldBlocks (cardano-node)
13:00:59 [f64f65b4] fix(mediator) : update deployment process using helm chart (#282) (atala-prism-mediator)
13:01:00 [d5b85526] test: adapt `open_message_expiration` integration test (mithril)
13:01:07 [4d0d037a] chore: update crate version (mithril)
13:01:08 [97933d8e] using macos-13 (yoroi-frontend)
13:02:43 [57bb4c1e] Add PlutusV3 CostModel to UpgradeConwayPParams (#4252) (cardano-ledger)
13:05:51 [86f34199] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 57bb4c1e66fa9336a4960bdc716f96fbc11c74d6 (cardano-ledger)
13:06:00 [61e3ecad] ifdLevel 1 (haskell.nix)
13:07:49 [ec593e08] fix: browser installers (#428) (catalyst-voices)
13:09:36 [352ed60d] [ADP-3350] Conversion to/from `Read.ChainPoint` (#4540) (cardano-wallet)
13:10:12 [ff277635] Fix ScriptContext PlutusData serialiser (plutus-ledger-api-rust)
13:10:12 [a3bee471] fix(cardano-services): drep_inactivity renamed to drep_activity (cardano-js-sdk)
13:11:52 [60b03380] feat: Semantic-Subject-Verification (#963) (atala-prism-building-blocks)
13:12:23 [e82f5a8d] back to macos-14 (yoroi-frontend)
13:12:28 [315a7ab5] Remove useless Cardano network references related to mithril-client-cli (mithril)
13:12:50 [38757f9d] Remove `NETWORK` env variable in E2E (mithril)
13:13:21 [bcd0152c] ATL-6782: Aud check (atala-prism-building-blocks)
13:15:14 [4c76387e] rename `default` overlay to `zig` (cizero)
13:16:53 [eabd5df0] Refactor async await (yoroi)
13:17:48 [ea662aa1] Rename variables (yoroi)
13:18:39 [33d3ee7b] Add todo (yoroi)
13:19:37 [e94d05d1] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
13:20:10 [f4840d57] Ensure that the rule parser is greedy. (cuddle)
13:21:10 [241911ed] fix: Remove debugger (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
13:22:53 [87cad22b] Made it possible to update PParams (formal-ledger-specifications)
13:23:50 [9233cb9f] 889a46afdad09870284c7ae2b9069bcf39181283 (cardano-ledger-executable-spec)
13:24:14 [cca7aa03] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
13:24:26 [c2788bd6] fix: oobi in QR code & cleanup (cf-identity-wallet)
13:25:49 [9218c580] removed ff (yoroi-frontend)
13:26:55 [87affa5a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@ec593e0887dd6fe3f6e19464595e1e01305a582e 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
13:27:02 [c977269c] Fix ScriptContext PlutusData serialiser (plutus-ledger-api-rust)
13:27:19 [8b3fb45b] Cargo fmt (pallas)
13:28:00 [b8c3ca6a] Fix error check (yoroi)
13:28:09 [be8d428a] Fix ScriptContext serialization (lambda-buffers)
13:28:37 [d6d29fa9] Port some code from the UTXO-HD branch to main (#1054) (ouroboros-consensus)
13:28:53 [dd8f67f5] removed echo (yoroi-frontend)
13:29:06 [fa118150] adjust table (yoroi-frontend)
13:29:16 [0a4c2231] Better or worse? (cardano-node)
13:30:16 [60ee5bdb] Merge pull request #33 from mlabs-haskell/szg251/fix (plutus-ledger-api-rust)
13:31:00 [b3110ded] CR: update (yoroi)
13:31:02 [41364671] PLT-8171: Combine PIR, PLC, and UPLC into a single executable (plutus)
13:31:24 [c96fd05d] Add an extra ergonomic method for n2c chainsync (pallas)
13:31:56 [ba367604] Update pla (lambda-buffers)
13:31:56 [df2c4c0b] Cargo fmt (pallas)
13:33:22 [24675809] refactor: remove duplication (lace)
13:35:15 [151d3768] Update type (pallas)
13:35:15 [319c1d5a] fixup! feat(core): add new section (lace)
13:38:02 [47455d68] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
13:38:45 [0c9a0d8b] Fix coverage (yoroi-mobile)
13:38:59 [5fc760ac] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
13:40:53 [3150b243] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
13:41:46 [518659c9] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:42:12 [f01635a2] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
13:42:52 [4ce945d9] Create cip-0119.common.jsonld (CIPs)
13:43:38 [56f3a6a6] Merge pull request #419 from cardano-foundation/develop (cf-identity-wallet)
13:44:00 [12bb2512] update appium and wdio to new versions (cf-identity-wallet)
13:46:27 [27fdd148] Fix generation bug for sums of positive member spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:48:50 [4030f903] feat(dapp-connector): Create dApp connector package (#3139) (yoroi-mobile)
13:49:39 [9e352e3d] wb | fix the "ready" nodes filter (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [8829c9c3] wb | better generator and explorer error reporting (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [3578550f] wb | add host_volume constraints for new NVMe machines and 40M64GB to try it (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [1cf6ab26] wb | add 25M stuffed UTxOs value profile (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [b9b868ec] Delay for db-synth to run (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [237bf252] wb | add perf-ssd plutus profile with 20M and 32GB (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [45a3bc6d] Add short-value-dbsynth profile to validate db-synth (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [0ed0ddb2] wb | even better error reporting when incompatible genesis file format (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [b4a19b2b] Looks like it's on track to take 7 hours now... (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [43b2989e] Delay startTime a bit more for db-synth creation time (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [ff99afcf] dbsynth: Full value run (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [fa15b4f3] HACK: workbench: run mgdoc tx gen (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [e2cbbeb0] generator tx count doesn't account for synth slots (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [98674641] Aaaaargh (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [a19631da] A few more slots headroom... (cardano-node)
13:52:53 [02c3e7c2] dapp tests workflow (yoroi-frontend)
13:53:32 [ebdd0188] Update README.md (CIPs)
13:54:32 [d030dc2d] added txsubmission client to network facades (pallas)
13:55:39 [800dc5f0] Move all issues definitions to single file (cardano-node-tests)
13:58:17 [2b93219c] fix(root): correct building order (yoroi-mobile)
14:00:05 [aad68465] fix(root): fix building order (#3198) (yoroi-mobile)
14:00:07 [aa9f40ed] Add `ChainTip` type (cardano-wallet)
14:00:13 [0635c69e] Change `chainSync` to use `Read.ChainPoint` (cardano-wallet)
14:00:13 [6cf922d6] Change `fetchNextBlock` to use `Read.ChainPoint` (cardano-wallet)
14:00:14 [b84542d3] Change `lightSync` to use `Read.ChainPoint` (cardano-wallet)
14:00:16 [fec096e6] Add map/contramap functions to NetworkComponent (hydra)
14:00:16 [83698d8a] Add sequenceInbound (hydra)
14:01:05 [976ead61] Merge pull request #2388 from IntersectMBO/move_issues (cardano-node-tests)
14:01:59 [1e072ba3] fix(setup-wallet): mnemonic input (yoroi-mobile)
14:03:02 [52280655] deploy: c5c192ba8d8201f093a817a736ae6481b8255c57 (hydra)
14:04:50 [fc0efa73] WIP (cardano-ledger)
14:05:20 [48da5de8] Remove unneded blank lines in issues (cardano-node-tests)
14:06:15 [4245f686] Add conversions of `ChainTip` to/from ouroboros types (cardano-wallet)
14:06:32 [bf29a295] refactor: property name (lace)
14:09:35 [431ac0ca] Merge pull request #2389 from IntersectMBO/issues_blank_lines (cardano-node-tests)
14:10:31 [bad0cbad] Merge pull request #2385 from IntersectMBO/dependabot/pip/idna-3.7 (cardano-node-tests)
14:10:57 [035f02d9] Rename deprecated `snapshot` commands to `cardano-db snapshot` (mithril)
14:13:09 [84a589af] Update idna dependency (cardano-node-tests)
14:14:35 [92b29d37] Run nix smoke tests on requirements update (cardano-node-tests)
14:16:52 [b421f82a] fix(wallet-setup): mnemonic input (#3199) (yoroi)
14:18:35 [9c4c6687] fix(setup-wallet): titles and hw wallet prod (#3192) (yoroi)
14:19:29 [287e7813] feat: VC Verification Audiance check (#969) (atala-prism-building-blocks)
14:20:33 [b4c9dcaf] chore(release): nightly (yoroi)
14:21:01 [ff6bea47] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:24:45 [2e044c1f] Merge pull request #25 from input-output-hk/nc/qc (cuddle)
14:24:48 [cdcc70a8] removed double quotes (yoroi-frontend)
14:26:39 [c366ba15] Merge pull request #2390 from IntersectMBO/update_idna (cardano-node-tests)
14:27:49 [145c02a3] Run framework tests for each PR (cardano-node-tests)
14:29:03 [21c904c5] Integrate ouroboros-network changes (cardano-node)
14:29:03 [0048f119] Merge pull request #720 from IntersectMBO/smelc/update-cardano-api-to- (cardano-cli)
14:29:28 [aae5f9d0] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:29:34 [08992ac4] Reuse `utxoTransition` from Babbage in Conway (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:29:34 [679fb368] Make the `utxoTransition` in Babbage more general (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:29:34 [3c56069b] Remove unused constraint (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:29:43 [8849bc89] Change BlockScanner to return a list of Blocks instead of a list of Transactions (mithril)
14:32:39 [ed285fa4] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
14:35:02 [f1c6ad18] Merge branch 'release/wallet-mobile/v4.27.0' into fix/setup-wallet-dialogs (yoroi-mobile)
14:36:32 [d4a95411] Delay for db-synth to run (cardano-node)
14:36:32 [539676eb] Add short-value-dbsynth profile to validate db-synth (cardano-node)
14:36:32 [fa1d95fd] Workbench: Hack: Run db-synthesis before the run (cardano-node)
14:37:31 [7b848a42] dbsynth: Full value run (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [0972460b] generator tx count doesn't account for synth slots (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [8ca77968] A few more slots headroom... (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [ed81c506] Give the explorer more space for the mgdoc generator (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [43f0b708] Delay startTime a bit more for db-synth creation time (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [27937f48] HACK: workbench: run mgdoc tx gen (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [193b992f] Aaaaargh (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [3ee0988b] HACK locli: nable analysis for chains with trace evidence not reaching back to Genesis (cardano-node)
14:37:33 [6fab3350] Looks like it's on track to take 7 hours now... (cardano-node)
14:38:56 [d437bd83] chore: deploy new live-mainnet (cardano-js-sdk)
14:39:21 [9372c6c9] Update 7d9aabc78703947e931e28273a96cf7412039fbd2e54a90ffb17239c42616279506f726b65.json (cardano-token-registry)
14:40:36 [013e669b] fix: android title & catch error (cf-identity-wallet)
14:41:39 [c37b2048] Update 7d9aabc78703947e931e28273a96cf7412039fbd2e54a90ffb17239c42616279506f726b65.json (cardano-token-registry)
14:43:03 [7959caf8] Fix warnings and re-generate spago2nix set (purescript-cardano-types)
14:44:24 [09eb684e] Merge pull request #1622 from input-output-hk/ensemble/open-message-is-expired-condition (mithril)
14:44:28 [da64ed77] fix: slow integration tests in relay (mithril)
14:44:28 [20c5a9a5] feat: make relay broadcast signer registrations with P2P network (mithril)
14:44:28 [e9706cf6] feat: add more transports to peer swarm in relay (mithril)
14:44:28 [709ece18] chore: upgrade 'tokio' crate (mithril)
14:44:29 [25ea606a] refactor: passive relay start command (mithril)
14:44:29 [9b600a7f] wip: new integration test for relays (mithril)
14:44:29 [8a8d71cb] feat: add a message repeater to the relay (mithril)
14:44:29 [2059eb10] feat: implement signer registration repeater delay in e2e test (mithril)
14:44:29 [a954bc96] feat: implement signer registration repeater in the relay (mithril)
14:44:29 [02911921] feat: add configuration parameter for signer registration repeater delay in relay (mithril)
14:44:29 [58dc85fb] feat: implement signer registration repeater delay in infra (mithril)
14:44:29 [85fbacf1] fix: better delay handling of message repeater (mithril)
14:44:30 [cebace95] test (mithril)
14:45:40 [e7f76d67] fixup! feat(core): add new section (lace)
14:45:51 [3c84aa0f] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
14:45:51 [8b9194dd] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
14:46:10 [e129876c] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 57bb4c1e66fa9336a4960bdc716f96fbc11c74d6 (cardano-ledger)
14:46:12 [23193ee1] Updated from 57bb4c1e66fa9336a4960bdc716f96fbc11c74d6 via push (cardano-ledger)
14:47:42 [a670226d] deploy: 09eb684eda60c1f8d946d0c7e4e6bba59f3b7d1a (mithril)
14:48:05 [5729a5c8] Merge branch 'refs/heads/main' into try-parallel-on-gh (lace)
14:49:30 [5fccd61e] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
14:50:15 [60c22043] not headless (yoroi-frontend)
14:50:32 [b3306ec8] Fix warnings (purescript-cardano-types)
14:51:08 [cab9c340] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
14:51:46 [02b4ca6b] Merge pull request #1393 from input-output-hk/refactor-with-heartbeat (hydra)
14:54:08 [e5b62707] Remove useless Cardano network references related to mithril-client-cli (mithril)
14:54:08 [94974ec8] Remove `NETWORK` env variable in E2E (mithril)
14:54:08 [e9e2c6e6] Rename deprecated `snapshot` commands to `cardano-db snapshot` (mithril)
14:54:20 [d2ae5ee7] Run framework tests for each PR (cardano-node-tests)
14:55:05 [e3a561e5] test(extension): try parallel debug (lace)
14:55:20 [757a0bac] feat: add analytics to the hardware wallet flow (lace)
14:57:59 [6cca39f1] Merge pull request #2391 from IntersectMBO/run_framework_tests (cardano-node-tests)
14:58:07 [90b97afd] Remove additional testing step that becomes useless (cardano-cli)
14:58:07 [586c805a] haskell.yml: fail if golden files are not up-to-date or are unused (cardano-cli)
14:58:54 [f79ff5a1] test(extension): try parallel e2e debug (lace)
14:59:44 [01826349] Add imptest to propose and enact unknown costmodels (cardano-ledger)
14:59:48 [94c3d7a5] churn: implemented explicit synchronisation (ouroboros-network)
15:01:21 [da8fd3c7] Create 8378d331f56c2a490dcbdb7eefc25f781a5e9a3bdd6984bc22a02861646973636f696e.json (cardano-token-registry)
15:01:23 [6632dcc1] churn: added two simple testnet tests (ouroboros-network)
15:01:24 [c9f57c01] peer-selection-tests: order imports (ouroboros-network)
15:01:24 [21580e3f] peer-selection: removed localRoots from counters (ouroboros-network)
15:01:24 [07db15e1] peer-selection: renamed peerStateToCounters (ouroboros-network)
15:01:25 [3c1e1775] peer-selection: removed counters cached (ouroboros-network)
15:02:40 [4d88e9d7] Use latest stable cardano-node in demo (hydra)
15:04:13 [5d56b095] Use FnOnce to init mocks in tx importer test (mithril)
15:04:14 [1193057b] Change BlockScanner to return a list of Blocks instead of a list of Transactions (mithril)
15:04:14 [b190905f] Make signer TransactionImporter store block ranges with their merkle root (mithril)
15:04:14 [ea2c8868] wip compute block range (mithril)
15:04:14 [994349d8] Rename `TransactionParser` to `BlockScanner` (mithril)
15:05:32 [4e3577ce] Get DA script from environment variable (zeko)
15:05:46 [72cb9df3] churn: added ChurnCounters tracer (ouroboros-network)
15:05:48 [898a95b9] peer-selection: remove not needed subtraction (ouroboros-network)
15:05:48 [b0e513f2] peer-selection: use peerSelectionStateToCounters (ouroboros-network)
15:05:48 [ef280019] peer-selection: introduced PeerSelectionView (ouroboros-network)
15:05:48 [061b734e] peer-selection: use HasCallStack where pickPeers is used (ouroboros-network)
15:05:49 [a2a062c6] local-roots: added Config type alias (ouroboros-network)
15:05:49 [5f29b885] peer-selection: added publicly visible OutboundConnectionsState (ouroboros-network)
15:05:49 [8cf659d3] peer-selection: extended PeerSelectionInterfaces (ouroboros-network)
15:05:49 [f66bdcbb] check-stylish: added ignore file (ouroboros-network)
15:10:01 [9e1a9cf0] Add map/contramap functions to NetworkComponent (hydra-poc)
15:10:01 [e9b0ff5f] Add sequenceInbound (hydra-poc)
15:10:18 [b7a2d3e6] fixup! feat(ui): add tooltip (lace)
15:10:54 [fcc1c408] Merge pull request #1394 from input-output-hk/fix-demo-docker (hydra-poc)
15:11:22 [0944ac43] Split TxAuxData - Step 2: Move back the original file (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:11:22 [7c10a938] Split TxAuxData - Step 1: Copy TxAuxData into two files (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:11:29 [7ff1bc93] Check cc members key hashes in test_update_committee_action (cardano-node-tests)
15:11:49 [ae969398] Split TxAuxData - Step 3: Make the rearranged modules work together (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:13:07 [6bd0ee37] Add stories (yoroi)
15:13:39 [0775950f] Add `mkBasicTxAuxData` and `metadataTxAuxDataL` to `EraTxAuxData` type class. (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:13:40 [6c6456be] Introduce `AlonzoEraTxAuxData` with `plutusScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:13:40 [e505d50d] Introduce `AllegraEraTxAuxData` with `timelockScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:14:43 [5724cf58] deploy: 02b4ca6b169685bc09e35331b35303c6d260817e (hydra-poc)
15:19:34 [9d1619a7] non-sticky max addrs msg (yoroi)
15:23:49 [3a9fc2cd] Fix type error in hydra-tui (hydra)
15:24:19 [32f9b27e] Add tutorial on blueprint transactions (hydra)
15:24:28 [25c0192f] Update README.md (CIPs)
15:26:01 [328c1f8a] ReleaseProcess: retrofit release/backport branch rules (ouroboros-consensus)
15:27:39 [e71ad0d9] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into fix/LW-9583-fix-theme-provider (lace)
15:27:59 [0824ca17] fix(wallet-setup): wallet list spacing (yoroi-mobile)
15:30:02 [2d3b4630] Merge pull request #1640 from input-output-hk/damien/unused-network-param-in-client-cli (mithril)
15:31:35 [3917efeb] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:33:40 [eb5e9873] deploy: 2d3b46305840a9b7ab0dd5a1ea51ceac3c8473cf (mithril)
15:33:51 [c27fce7c] deploy: fcc1c40837a85a81b84759187494c91b6d7e96c0 (hydra)
15:34:00 [c2a8a8c4] Merge branch 'release/wallet-mobile/v4.27.0' into fix/wallet-list-spacing (yoroi-mobile)
15:36:19 [41bc64c0] Merge branch 'develop' into blockfrost-crate-initial (cardano-multiplatform-lib)
15:36:22 [fdb5f5fe] Fix bug where updating cncli.sh (guild-operators)
15:37:01 [1e2757bd] mithril-client binary command/subcommand changes replace snapshot with cardano-db (guild-operators)
15:37:17 [6e5c7315] Update documentation for new flags and commands/subcommands structures (guild-operators)
15:37:20 [1d0f7031] Remove sender from NetworkInput (hydra)
15:37:58 [bc3fd659] Add missing instances (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:38:29 [c0763b36] add bang pattern to cdbLoE (ouroboros-consensus)
15:38:42 [ea84c609] add (bad) `force` to `newFuse` (ouroboros-consensus)
15:39:55 [489d8a9b] doc: update readme for grpc (cardano-node-api)
15:43:48 [4eb0600c] fix: EdHDKey build for kmm (atala-prism-apollo)
15:44:58 [e59f5ed1] Create cip-0119.common.schema.json (CIPs)
15:45:45 [2bd7e258] implement mapHeartbeat (hydra)
15:46:22 [a8523815] fix(applying): add witnesses size to overall tx size in Byron era (pallas)
15:46:40 [262c24e7] Update README.md (CIPs)
15:47:07 [8c1da317] refactor: revamp multi wallet stages for mnemonics (lace)
15:47:13 [5c6d7b32] fix(applying): add witnesses size to overall tx size in ShelleyMA and (pallas)
15:48:16 [2e29b3de] Adjust haddocks (hydra)
15:51:51 [e0b7c40b] feat: Add Theme switching support using brands. (catalyst-voices)
15:52:23 [de73bf0a] refactor: modify search to include partial keywords (lace)
15:52:28 [f454abfd] Create drep.jsonld (CIPs)
15:52:59 [54389837] test: Add tests for brand Theme switching. (catalyst-voices)
15:53:09 [5a915218] New translations en-us.json (French) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:10 [ec88f0ca] New translations en-us.json (Czech) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:11 [97756519] New translations en-us.json (German) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:13 [db790464] New translations en-us.json (Greek) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:14 [877680a0] New translations en-us.json (Hungarian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:15 [2b92a562] New translations en-us.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:16 [cab8e329] New translations en-us.json (Japanese) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:17 [e2f9e4bb] New translations en-us.json (Korean) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:18 [01344c49] New translations en-us.json (Dutch) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:20 [839224b7] New translations en-us.json (Polish) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:22 [5d1b5e86] New translations en-us.json (Russian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:24 [f8e934b8] New translations en-us.json (Slovenian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:24 [614ae6b9] New translations en-us.json (Slovak) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:25 [dfcb7129] New translations en-us.json (Swedish) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:26 [7a62476c] New translations en-us.json (Turkish) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:26 [8cfa8f7e] Create drep.nq (CIPs)
15:53:28 [272e71cb] New translations en-us.json (Ukrainian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:29 [bc9b2f2c] New translations en-us.json (Chinese Simplified) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:30 [6b393075] New translations en-us.json (Chinese Traditional) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:31 [b96129f6] New translations en-us.json (Vietnamese) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:32 [735f97af] New translations en-us.json (Portuguese, Brazilian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:34 [2facd6a8] New translations en-us.json (Indonesian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:35 [e71569ef] New translations en-us.json (Bengali) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:36 [793d0973] New translations en-us.json (Croatian) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:37 [09f7d634] New translations en-us.json (Filipino) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:38 [79687bed] New translations en-us.json (Swahili, Kenya) (yoroi-mobile)
15:53:39 [420e54b8] New translations en-us.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
16:00:50 [a6bd8185] Update the generated code and bump version (cardano-serialization-lib-gc)
16:01:59 [a11c2ca8] Merge pull request #4269 from IntersectMBO/PR-fix-map-sum-bug (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:02:42 [10aaa09d] Inline UTxO and UTxOW `PredFailure` for `Conway` (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:02:45 [a1e37293] Remove unused constraint (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:02:54 [90829237] feat: revocation notification (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
16:05:01 [aad6c69e] fix(applying): add witnesses size to overall tx size in Babbage (pallas)
16:05:06 [49e76688] Use absolute files in local-cluster functions (cardano-wallet)
16:05:12 [b277cd93] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for a11c2ca88dc19a71a8f9cab26e81547c87465a84 (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:06:27 [86dd2654] chore: enable gc tracing (cardano-js-sdk)
16:10:13 [c499325a] v6.2.0 (cardano-ogmios)
16:10:13 [03139576] Bump Ogmios' version in network synchronization workflow. (cardano-ogmios)
16:10:14 [9534c8f3] Add a missing `sha256` for Haskell.nix compatibility (cardano-ogmios)
16:11:08 [d7babfed] chore: Linting. (catalyst-voices)
16:11:40 [27509402] deploy: 9534c8f3ad8a3db19a13114e9373dea4715fdaa2 (cardano-ogmios)
16:11:52 [3e08a2cd] Merge pull request #65 from johnnygreeney/patch-1 (site)
16:15:28 [9f9bfd53] deploy: 0048f119036ffb9eab357b25dcaf7d320362f071 (cardano-cli)
16:15:51 [ba4a49d8] Forks do not have releases from upstream. (guild-operators)
16:15:51 [3b979013] Leverage repository environments. Always push an image to the environments registry. (guild-operators)
16:16:57 [dffda0b6] Create drep.body.jsonld (CIPs)
16:17:44 [fb554ae9] Create drep.body.nq (CIPs)
16:20:37 [fa379075] updated the tag version name (atala-prism-mediator)
16:22:55 [5b8c1678] Update CIP-0108/README.md (CIPs)
16:25:18 [212ef451] feat: added state context to state transitions and enabled chainsync pipelining (go-ouroboros-network)
16:25:40 [c4fb1830] Don't use `Ord SelectView` in the abstract consensus layer (ouroboros-consensus)
16:25:42 [630c9a96] Add `ChainOrderConfig` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:26:32 [1e0a1a20] feat: Create VC Verification API Endpoint (#953) (open-enterprise-agent)
16:26:33 [c45dc797] feat: VC Verification Audiance check (#969) (open-enterprise-agent)
16:26:33 [f7651188] feat: VC Verification API Algorithm Issuer Verification (#962) (open-enterprise-agent)
16:26:33 [22d88c7a] feat: Signature, Not Before, Expiration, Schema Verification API (#961) (open-enterprise-agent)
16:26:33 [fb63e028] feat: Semantic-Subject-Verification (#963) (open-enterprise-agent)
16:26:33 [596f8ed1] feat: VC Verification Abstraction (#959) (open-enterprise-agent)
16:28:02 [210ed31a] Modifying ledger and adding working script examples (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:28:02 [27b8bd6c] add new protocol parameters to example (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:28:02 [97394e5f] Adding initial example and ledger implementation (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:28:06 [b38e94a6] Conway: restrict VRF tiebreaker based on slot distance (ouroboros-consensus)
16:28:07 [41e28be9] Praos chain order: add rationale (ouroboros-consensus)
16:28:14 [13c4e572] feat: add uber/automaxprocs (cardano-node-api)
16:28:51 [9320af65] updated the name to atala-prism-mediator (atala-prism-mediator)
16:29:08 [a9d3ee18] feat: add uber/automaxprocs (cdnsd)
16:30:19 [62869d77] adding utxo rules to examples (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:30:28 [bdab1281] updating utxo proofs to remove script decidability (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:30:43 [d6ad410a] chore: add extra tracing (cardano-js-sdk)
16:31:56 [f5d9445b] feat: add uber/automaxprocs (snek)
16:32:51 [251e6ec3] feat: add uber/automaxprocs (tx-submit-api)
16:34:24 [5e3b8429] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:36:38 [7341ef22] docs: Add Brand Bloc documentation. (catalyst-voices)
16:36:43 [19d051dc] fix(ui): discrepancies (lace)
16:42:42 [e121c437] docs: update readme for grpc (cardano-node-api)
16:42:50 [920c5a9f] Fix bug where updating cncli.sh (guild-operators)
16:42:50 [f032c80a] Update documentation for new flags and commands/subcommands structures (guild-operators)
16:42:50 [72cf8a43] Forks do not have releases from upstream. (guild-operators)
16:42:50 [5dea665b] mithril-client binary command/subcommand changes replace snapshot with cardano-db (guild-operators)
16:42:50 [2d88330b] Leverage repository environments. Always push an image to the environments registry. (guild-operators)
16:43:05 [69a4acb2] wip compute block range (mithril)
16:45:01 [b99e14e9] updated the tag version name (#283) (atala-prism-mediator)
16:46:33 [34a1a385] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
16:48:49 [9f6ff1b1] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
16:50:30 [344652bc] Don't use `Ord SelectView` in the abstract consensus layer (ouroboros-consensus)
16:50:30 [1ff829a9] Praos chain order: add rationale (ouroboros-consensus)
16:50:30 [38f60114] Conway: restrict VRF tiebreaker based on slot distance (ouroboros-consensus)
16:50:30 [cbfbb0f9] Add `ChainOrderConfig` (ouroboros-consensus)
16:51:26 [62908a3b] chore: update extra tracing (cardano-js-sdk)
16:53:03 [b25ffbc0] Merge pull request #116 from zeko-labs/las/get-da-from-env (zeko)
16:59:03 [f13e4d90] amend (cardano-js-sdk)
17:00:09 [b6b8a310] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
17:04:44 [ae2d6bce] chore: add tests for epoch 360 and 475 (cf-java-rewards-calculation)
17:05:10 [6e3af0d8] chore(main): release 0.10.0 (cf-java-rewards-calculation)
17:05:43 [5a5b5df6] Make all DA scripts chdir to correct dir automatically (zeko)
17:06:39 [00fb134c] Merge pull request #117 from zeko-labs/las/minor-da-fix (zeko)
17:08:22 [417bde9f] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-java-rewards-calculation@ae2d6bce19a62b5a7887ee599a8230d119d93016 🚀 (cf-java-rewards-calculation)
17:09:49 [94d180bc] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
17:10:14 [265824a2] Fixes #384. (cardano-ogmios)
17:11:41 [30cf0027] deploy: 265824a2ba4c10cc52c837bc7cbbcd3603d05aa5 (cardano-ogmios)
17:15:13 [a4527321] fix: limit disclosure fix (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
17:16:41 [3cd28ca6] Enforce ghc-9.6.3 in CI workflow. (cardano-ogmios)
17:18:00 [03060ac6] deploy: 3cd28ca6e1ba0d33b0e9b22d038ed8fc44c05870 (cardano-ogmios)
17:25:02 [dc6391a3] Revert 3cd28ca6e and pin devx revision instead (cardano-ogmios)
17:26:37 [75f7bdeb] deploy: dc6391a365061d663c6e55bd2db710a45557dd41 (cardano-ogmios)
17:27:45 [8fb01675] feat: add banner to transaction failure screen (lace)
17:32:57 [82452d1e] "Conclude" > "Resolve" (hydra-auction-offchain)
17:40:42 [12af20de] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
17:40:42 [5764f7c2] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
17:41:00 [0e05f0c5] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for a11c2ca88dc19a71a8f9cab26e81547c87465a84 (cardano-ledger)
17:41:02 [bbe518b9] Updated from a11c2ca88dc19a71a8f9cab26e81547c87465a84 via push (cardano-ledger)
17:47:24 [702c01f8] Remove addional connectionMessages callback (hydra)
17:47:24 [82969319] WIP: Push NetworkMessage in to Hydra.Node.Network stack (hydra)
17:47:24 [53ba3f8b] Define NetworkInput using NetworkMessage (Message tx) (hydra)
17:47:24 [fa221e1d] Define NetworkMessage sum type wrapper around Message (hydra)
17:47:24 [e979c1df] Add a sender OffchainProtocolMessage (hydra)
17:47:24 [999476d4] Remove sender from NetworkInput (hydra)
17:47:24 [1f23b927] implement mapHeartbeat (hydra)
17:54:39 [4d842bc5] fix(wallet-setup): redirects and mnemonic button (yoroi)
17:56:20 [698d9927] feat(core): show assetId and policyId as tooltip in the dapp tx summary LW-10106 (lace)
18:01:21 [8c1d6c41] feature(cardano-db-sync): Add optional "enable_conway" config flag (cardano-db-sync)
18:01:25 [425625a1] WIP initial-lsm-bench (lsm-tree)
18:02:51 [7b299409] Merge branch 'sam/m3-spec' into sam/open-auction-spec (hydra-auction-offchain)
18:17:20 [44c629ac] script for creating Asteria. (asteria)
18:17:57 [398dbc96] WIP initial-lsm-bench (lsm-tree)
18:21:13 [045f4eb5] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@7341ef22579642965518da8c346d37185d7589fc 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
18:22:51 [ef513545] chore: try test v0.8 (hermes)
18:23:56 [f02418bc] recipes: add truncate-chain, add comments, shorten signatures (cardano-playground)
18:25:32 [f2ab3e86] imp: add preStart on mithril-verify to avoid secrets race (cardano-parts)
18:25:35 [40f934ad] ATL-6447: Initial test (open-enterprise-agent)
18:25:58 [7946a0f4] tmpl recipes: add truncate-chain, add comments, shorten signatures (cardano-parts)
18:30:25 [ae08eecb] add layout animation (yoroi-mobile)
18:38:48 [b487257c] lemma 2.5 is proved! (with admitteds on assumptions) (GRANDPA-formal-verification)
18:41:13 [2d2fe7ed] Use absolute files in local-cluster functions (cardano-wallet)
18:55:07 [57334cc1] feat(backend): add graphiql access (asteria)
18:55:40 [536f857e] feat(backend): add graphiql access (#37) (asteria)
18:57:43 [6f53d8dd] imp: add cardano-parts recipe comments (cardano-parts)
19:00:28 [15bb4c4a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@ef5135457843ca1936ebade6b429ab2f9ebcb3e4 🚀 (hermes)
19:01:03 [89c27c53] Inline UTxO predicate failure for Conway (cardano-ledger)
19:03:15 [c05cb80b] docs: added nextra framework (asteria)
19:03:39 [0d231b49] Remove unused constraint (cardano-ledger)
19:08:37 [568897dd] ReleaseProcess: retrofit release/backport branch rules (#1034) (ouroboros-consensus)
19:09:45 [5ac94a5e] feat: added state context to state transitions and enabled chainsync pipelining (#585) (gouroboros)
19:13:07 [57a332ad] docs: added github workflow (asteria)
19:25:54 [4874b160] docs: introduce Nextra framework (#38) (asteria)
19:27:48 [3c230361] Inline UTxOW predicate failure for Conway (cardano-ledger)
19:28:51 [d6cb82d0] Merge pull request #173 from IntersectMBO/serialise-key-value-bytearray (lsm-tree)
19:31:03 [855c10f3] Split TxAuxData - Step 1: Copy TxAuxData into two files (cardano-ledger)
19:31:03 [a341040d] Split TxAuxData - Step 2: Move back the original file (cardano-ledger)
19:31:03 [452ca5cf] Split TxAuxData - Step 3: Make the rearranged modules work together (cardano-ledger)
19:31:03 [65b6d5e3] Introduce `AllegraEraTxAuxData` with `timelockScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger)
19:31:03 [4631010f] Add `mkBasicTxAuxData` and `metadataTxAuxDataL` to `EraTxAuxData` type class. (cardano-ledger)
19:31:03 [72428b2b] Introduce `AlonzoEraTxAuxData` with `plutusScriptsTxAuxDataL` (cardano-ledger)
19:41:26 [8b7247f4] Update csl-gc (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:48:39 [8e38facf] Fix misunderstanding in generated README (cardano-cli)
19:52:09 [20498474] WIP initial-lsm-bench (lsm-tree)
19:58:59 [14517563] Update the template. Remove unused NPM packages (cardano-browser-tx)
20:00:40 [b7b16251] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
20:00:40 [3e87b098] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
20:00:40 [16a185df] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
20:03:32 [77060e48] update for latest main (aiken)
20:03:32 [ab2797f1] Start working on separating pairs from 2 tuples in Aiken (aiken)
20:03:32 [8508ca09] update pair to handle alias (aiken)
20:03:59 [9a49fbff] WIP: add new opcodes to Air and AirTree and update parts of codegen to handle the new pair type (aiken)
20:04:02 [b6856531] fix: remaining cargo tests (aiken)
20:04:02 [7681c20b] fix errors (aiken)
20:04:02 [24303605] Few more places in codegen where we need to be able to deal with Pair records (aiken)
20:04:02 [a4b42171] Revert 'unify' implementation back to its more elegant form (aiken)
20:04:02 [0035b52f] Ensure type-aliases pretty-printing also work with Pair. (aiken)
20:04:02 [e36a2f73] Add 'Pair' pattern and rework internals to use it. (aiken)
20:04:02 [b76cc743] fixing more pair issues (aiken)
20:04:02 [23c73444] fix: found issue with record access on Pairs (aiken)
20:04:02 [486a622f] Add new Prelude alias: 'Map' (aiken)
20:04:02 [ca10c405] fixing more tests (aiken)
20:04:02 [f3a8822b] Finishing up codegen changes for pair (aiken)
20:04:02 [7b4da447] fix some more tests (aiken)
20:04:02 [a51ad773] add Pair type to prelude (aiken)
20:04:02 [a228f0bf] fix: found various unify and type issues while running tests (aiken)
20:04:02 [a0f9aa9d] feat: Do a major overhaul on how we check types to allow for match patterns instead of if statements (aiken)
20:04:02 [00673b6e] continue progress on pair adding (aiken)
20:04:02 [fed9ca9f] remove wild card match from tree functions (aiken)
20:04:02 [7f31ac60] small simplification (aiken)
20:04:02 [b4811e05] Add parser for 'Pair' pattern (aiken)
20:08:23 [d0ba090e] added more clues to reduce admitted commands (GRANDPA-formal-verification)
20:09:12 [8aa7ef7d] documentation update (GRANDPA-formal-verification)
20:10:41 [ee57f603] Add some tracing when using big ledger peers from snapshot (ouroboros-network)
20:11:46 [9db3e3ce] working on custom serializer for Map<String, Any> (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
20:18:02 [2ee63fec] Update template deps & ctl revision (cardano-transaction-lib)
20:24:45 [eb6ac9aa] Merge pull request #4847 from IntersectMBO/coot/packages-graph (ouroboros-network)
20:32:18 [1c82f484] Fix CI check for npm dependencies (cardano-transaction-lib)
20:34:49 [5859c4ad] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:36:47 [7025d74e] Re-run spago2nix (cardano-transaction-lib)
20:44:00 [65475109] Delete unused golden files (cardano-cli)
21:03:33 [e4c6a78c] feat: Add brands to store brand-related ThemeData. (catalyst-voices)
21:04:53 [35ad2cba] feat: Add BrandBloc to manage brand state. (catalyst-voices)
21:06:46 [59160ef1] test: Add tests for BrandBloc. (catalyst-voices)
21:11:21 [7f076cfd] test: Improve test description. (catalyst-voices)
21:38:58 [423e27b3] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into klntsky/ps-csl (cardano-transaction-lib)
21:40:46 [49ddb802] Update the template (cardano-transaction-lib)
21:47:37 [ae5ac710] fix(setup wallet): wallet plate hardcode issue, redirects and mnemonic button (#3203) (yoroi-mobile)
21:47:50 [1b9466fc] Merge pull request #4267 from IntersectMBO/lehins/expand-TxAuxData-interface (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:49:33 [3b44d4c5] chore(release): nightly (yoroi-mobile)
21:51:10 [2dd45e5e] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 1b9466fc2eba351bcef1a91d46b573ce058ece76 (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:04:07 [1724f6ac] feat(network): add an extra ergonomic method for n2c chainsync (#439) (pallas)
22:05:10 [c8fdf4e9] fix(wallet-setup): wallet list spacing (#3200) (yoroi-mobile)
22:06:02 [f1460746] Added ToDelta as operation on Coin, RngSetFn as operation on Map (cardano-ledger)
22:06:02 [39fdb1f3] Start on State.hs (cardano-ledger)
22:07:03 [91d3986a] chore(release): nightly (yoroi-mobile)
22:09:25 [6769c178] Fix file casing (hydra-auction-frontend)
22:12:52 [be4bf110] [EC Api] - Added: Andamio Platform in The Mainstream! (essential-cardano-content)
22:15:02 [3f363a9a] bump: cardano-parts for node 8.9.2 deploy, update book (cardano-playground)
22:16:06 [588367d0] added PParam specs (cardano-ledger)
22:23:04 [a5b12b3a] Add imptest to propose and enact unknown costmodels (cardano-ledger)
22:33:23 [f823fcee] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:IntersectMBO/plutus into zliu41/index-budget (plutus)
22:43:11 [df4f1404] imp: update mithril to 2412.0 w/ breaking changes updates (cardano-parts)
22:43:36 [239129b3] imp: add mithril-signer prom metrics and grafana scrape (cardano-parts)
22:45:39 [9165436d] bump: cardano-parts for mithril update with prom metrics (cardano-playground)
22:48:20 [172d0e44] Address comments (plutus)
22:59:13 [c883b52e] Remove redundant import. (cardano-ogmios)
23:01:51 [d40e2927] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 231 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:52 [1c772bb1] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 222 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:52 [a5b740c5] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 258 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:53 [257fc5dc] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 287 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:54 [e7f76984] 🟩 preprod - API is up (200 in 311 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:54 [e79d622f] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 575 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:55 [bd9a9035] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 391 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:55 [84924bf9] 🟩 preview - API is up (200 in 99 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:56 [95b210f4] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 521 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:06 [898f1365] deploy: c883b52ef27fcd81825620ac5df58acb226a8b7f (cardano-ogmios)
23:06:16 [1a65a930] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:16 [2db6f55c] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [ac2498bd] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [46d539cc] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [2e53e7b7] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:18 [04b359af] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:18 [9b0ba463] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:10:48 [f4c9cd8c] Shuffled around how the undo_log is freezed / unfreezed (DeNS)
23:13:05 [d31bea7f] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
23:19:17 [7274b677] changes per review (hydra-auction-offchain)
23:19:55 [99013c61] docs: added nextra framework (hollow)
23:22:46 [058c1ece] Move `distributeSurplus` to new `Balance.Distribute` module (cardano-wallet)
23:22:46 [08e51671] Delete empty file `Write/Tx/Fees.hs` (cardano-wallet)
23:25:29 [513913e4] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:25:29 [f8e584f1] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:25:46 [ef4d93c3] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 1b9466fc2eba351bcef1a91d46b573ce058ece76 (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:25:48 [ff75c0dc] Updated from 1b9466fc2eba351bcef1a91d46b573ce058ece76 via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:25:56 [6643ef71] Factor in `transform` into `selectAssets` (cardano-wallet)
23:25:57 [e7ac78d9] Factor `inputScripts` into `selectAssets` (cardano-wallet)
23:25:58 [392152d0] Drop now unneeded `TxOut` from `Selection` inputs (cardano-wallet)
23:25:58 [0cfa931b] De-indent `selectAsset`-related block in balanceTx (cardano-wallet)
23:27:00 [18ee7564] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
23:35:58 [03c0db76] Implement POC of same number of argumetns for PlutusV3 (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:50:36 [f3bb49de] imp: rm expired DNS from explorer cert, failing acme renewal (cardano)