Home / Reports / Jul 21, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

205 commits had been pushed across 35 repos by 32 authors. There were 88,418 additions and 60,322 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:05:10 [e76d1ee6] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:09:37 [ce4b7cf5] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:09:37 [65c87b38] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:12:12 [461faf89] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:13:17 [aadaa2e6] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:14:16 [b04dda65] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:20:28 [f364ca95] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:20:28 [c121bc7b] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:22:47 [8f3f12b9] flake.lock: Update (cardano-git-rev)
00:22:52 [89d5d5f5] flake.lock: Update (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
00:25:37 [d23adc77] flake.lock: Update (git-rev)
00:27:38 [a7824d38] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:27:38 [69072e1e] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:42:27 [e8abdfad] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@fcaca99657ff52bef730f10a9122c585a0537442 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
00:50:35 [6bbe0755] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:49:47 [1f15b08e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:35:54 [b4074ea0] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
07:04:43 [b6e211b6] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
07:13:29 [2f877b42] delegation state updating fix (yoroi-frontend)
07:57:37 [84c91416] comment (yoroi-frontend)
08:12:39 [bf449011] Support for serialization of peer snapshot: (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [149e98fe] Added ledger peer snapshot property tests (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [64b90454] Enable distribution of big ledger peers obtained from snapshot: (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [130274cd] Changes to LedgerPeerSnapshot serialisation tests (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [1a606a07] Pass LedgerPeersConsensusInterface to churn (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [0e23e83e] Improve naming (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [943e64b1] Stylish haskell (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [e57bab0d] Review - improve naming (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [2f42b07b] Don't use stale targets lingering since last churning (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [82d9b951] Support for Genesis consensus mode alternate big ledger peer targets (ouroboros-network)
08:12:39 [b335748c] Added a property test that verifies validity of peer snapshot CBOR (ouroboros-network)
08:34:58 [3aff3300] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:40:10 [d5e05d39] wb | prof: increase fee (cardano-node)
08:57:37 [3af0e56f] feat: add zio-kafka implementation (open-enterprise-agent)
08:57:37 [8b40cbae] feat: allow passing Kafka bootstrapServers and groupId as parameters (open-enterprise-agent)
08:57:37 [18a08296] feat: introduce draft MessagingService interface and Kafka impl (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:57:38 [954b1de7] chore: exclude ZIO 2.1.2 transitive dependency from zio-kafka as it makes compilation fail (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:57:38 [c421da8a] feat: add kafka and zookeeper service to shared docker compose config (open-enterprise-agent)
08:57:38 [f1850879] feat: allow passing an 'R' to the consumer handler method (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:13 [57c8ae79] feat: early draft (but functional) implementation of messaging service as connect bg replacement (open-enterprise-agent)
08:59:17 [12914b3c] feat: rather use producer singleton in connection service (open-enterprise-agent)
08:59:17 [18b0c6f7] feat: manually create topics with custom partitions number (open-enterprise-agent)
08:59:17 [6842b1f5] feat: add layer for Kafka consumer and producer (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:17 [ee8b389d] feat: fork multiple consumers as replacement for connect bg job polling mechanism (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:18 [2473e015] chore: comment out obsolete code and log when invalid records are received for processing (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:18 [5de03fe3] feat: implement retry mechanism using dedicated connect-retry topic (open-enterprise-agent)
08:59:18 [b1ba102b] feat: introduce ByteArrayWrapper to eliminate dotty compilation error + add timestamp to Message case class (open-enterprise-agent)
08:59:18 [56bdc091] chore: use const (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:18 [a671f96e] feat: create a 'connect-retry' Kafka topic (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:18 [49c2a94e] chore: explicitly set important consumer settings parameters (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:19 [88683ffc] WIP Imemorykafka (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:19 [8a2ed243] Add config for kafka inmemrory enable (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:19 [46ac38a0] created a seperate docker-compose for kafka (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:19 [444dfaa9] In memory kafka messaging service (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:19 [24571dd5] created a seperate docker-compose for kafka (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:19 [cddf0382] feat: implement configurable consumer retry strategy based on topic sequence (with DLQ) (atala-prism-building-blocks)
08:59:20 [7490c67e] Issue background jobs to use messaging service (open-enterprise-agent)
08:59:20 [b1810592] Issue background jobs to use messaging service (atala-prism-building-blocks)
11:07:26 [042f5ed5] WIP (catalyst-voices)
11:08:23 [1fddd732] fix(hermes-lib): WIP (hermes)
11:13:42 [ef4c31b1] TOSQUASH (cardano-ledger)
11:54:28 [289ad013] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
11:56:17 [9423834f] Merge pull request #6061 from cardanative/master (cardano-token-registry)
12:02:31 [df2637e0] flake.lock: Update (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:47:02 [4a8fb504] flake.lock: Update (plutarch-plutus)
12:49:13 [861dcaa8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
13:05:12 [b5197e06] Add DRep MultiSig support (guild-operators)
13:09:06 [17589d9a] typed-protocols: new API (typed-protocols)
13:09:26 [d686737d] typed-protocols: Peer pattern synonyms (typed-protocols)
13:10:49 [5b9d51d2] typed-protocols: ActiveAgency (typed-protocols)
13:10:50 [3bfcb688] typed-protocols-examples: socketAsChannel (typed-protocols)
13:10:50 [fc2479d2] typed-protocols-examples: ReqResp2 example (typed-protocols)
13:10:50 [ae94d690] typed-protocols: simplify runPeerWithDriver (typed-protocols)
13:10:50 [8e01c4f2] typed-protocols-examples: return trailing bytes (typed-protocols)
13:10:50 [c05f880a] typed-protocols: provide ReflRelativeAgency type aliases (typed-protocols)
13:10:50 [116db973] typed-protocols: internal lemmas module (typed-protocols)
13:10:51 [fd0fb60a] typed-protocols-examples: fixed cborg tests (typed-protocols)
13:10:51 [bd43799c] typed-protocols-examples: requestOnce (typed-protocols)
13:10:51 [88a6c988] typed-protocols-examples: unbounded buffered channel (typed-protocols)
13:10:51 [b2763422] typed-protocols-examples: pipelined tests (typed-protocols)
13:10:51 [aff6bd46] typed-protocols: simplify evidence of termination in a terminal state (typed-protocols)
13:10:51 [de3790d5] typed-protocols-examples: added runConnectedPeersAsymetric (typed-protocols)
13:10:51 [898919b6] typed-protocols-examples: Wedge (typed-protocols)
13:10:52 [a2e323c4] typed-protocols: renamed Pipelined kind to IsPipelined (typed-protocols)
13:10:52 [12740cd0] typed-protocols: added AnyMessageAndAgency pattern synonym (typed-protocols)
13:10:52 [46327854] typed-protocols: added application specific singletons for protocol states (typed-protocols)
13:10:52 [f0daceab] typed-protocols-examples: relaxed constraint in PingPong client (typed-protocols)
13:10:52 [24aad17e] typed-protocols: added StateToken type family to Protocol type class (typed-protocols)
13:10:52 [2ab4e33d] typed-protocols-examples: fixed a socket test on macos (typed-protocols)
13:10:53 [dc436d35] Updated hackage index (typed-protocols)
13:10:53 [8f91a518] typed-protocols-examples.cabal: added bounds for typed-protocols (typed-protocols)
13:10:53 [40f54118] Added CHANGELOG and bumped versions of the packages (typed-protocols)
13:41:17 [a481208f] stake key needed for reg post conway (guild-operators)
13:51:23 [43db470e] chore(deps): bump github.com/blinklabs-io/gouroboros (#27) (buidler-fest-2024-workshop)
13:51:47 [ae13fedf] chore(deps): Bump github.com/blinklabs-io/cardano-models (#109) (txtop)
13:52:08 [481c32c2] chore(deps): Bump github.com/blinklabs-io/cardano-models (#121) (tx-submit-api-mirror)
13:54:34 [90ef2d94] feat: upgrade to go 1.21.12 (docker-go)
14:03:34 [013aeaae] feat: upgrade to go 1.21.12 (#35) (docker-go)
14:08:56 [5992ba01] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
14:21:21 [708b85d5] Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json (cardano-token-registry)
14:29:23 [bc759964] chore(deps): use btcutil for base58/bech32 (gouroboros)
14:36:17 [55e13226] Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json (cardano-token-registry)
14:42:30 [d059962f] Revert "Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json" (cardano-token-registry)
14:42:35 [753cde5e] Revert "Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json" (cardano-token-registry)
14:43:23 [19e57bd8] feat: CIP-1694 (openapi)
14:45:02 [f7150bcc] Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json (cardano-token-registry)
14:50:29 [c15eb5d1] Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json (cardano-token-registry)
15:04:28 [61b980db] Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json (cardano-token-registry)
15:11:06 [11c8b407] Add ability for offline drep transaction signing (guild-operators)
15:13:46 [aa5bd8e9] Update c8bbde6c4d181fd2da84b7dea3db5c956604b984754af770cb5e58e64257415245.json (cardano-token-registry)
15:15:52 [7bb7098b] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
15:21:44 [a99bc31d] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
15:22:47 [c74adf2a] Merge pull request #6069 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1604 (cardano-token-registry)
15:49:51 [a7c18fc5] feat: CIP-1694 (openapi)
15:59:55 [6f7b1099] typo (guild-operators)
16:06:44 [3ba40642] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
16:14:07 [831bb0ac] display updates (guild-operators)
16:18:44 [1e4d3bb9] formatting (guild-operators)
16:22:00 [51661dcf] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
16:27:54 [df63bab0] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
16:29:02 [1f204de3] Merge pull request #6072 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1606 (cardano-token-registry)
16:31:36 [41a1c5c8] fix(governance): major rework (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:32:52 [f8956502] print update on tx sign (guild-operators)
16:39:58 [60aa57aa] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:42:10 [a2cdfe31] fix signing output (guild-operators)
16:48:42 [f25782db] wip: drep registration (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:54:56 [6eca9ff2] logic fixes (guild-operators)
16:56:16 [a866e4c8] Fix formatting (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:57:48 [66224680] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
16:58:48 [88f6b6ef] Merge pull request #6073 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1607 (cardano-token-registry)
16:58:52 [af4e81ab] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
17:00:12 [f93d785a] Merge pull request #6074 from customorders/add-a-new-token-571 (cardano-token-registry)
17:01:21 [c939e031] Merge branch 'dshuiski/cardano-node-v9.0.0' into dshuiski/gov (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:03:56 [26ebecf4] Re-enable nix checks (cardano-transaction-lib)
17:22:12 [d2497feb] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
17:24:04 [96dc8736] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
17:54:43 [8c996661] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
17:55:51 [6171e972] Merge pull request #6077 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1608 (cardano-token-registry)
18:08:48 [17ac27fd] Change Era from BabbageEra to ConwayEra (hydra)
18:26:36 [fb60be63] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
18:48:34 [3685f9b4] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
18:49:18 [d2906e17] Merge pull request #6079 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1610 (cardano-token-registry)
18:52:21 [e729531d] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
19:20:15 [96f85af5] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
19:23:20 [5ff7ccd7] imp: refactor ipfs for helper fns and add more endpoints (cardano-playground)
19:28:20 [98fd6c95] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
19:29:03 [f5dfafa6] Merge pull request #6082 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1613 (cardano-token-registry)
20:08:15 [6010cd23] feat(governance): add unpaged routes + try catch (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
20:14:27 [a6a54a76] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
20:34:31 [998fa93a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
20:58:51 [0ebf21e3] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
21:06:43 [24d3f802] refactor: add comment, fix text color (lace)
21:55:48 [cffe5d92] Merge pull request #6084 from customorders/add-a-new-token-575 (cardano-token-registry)
21:57:57 [306e074e] Merge pull request #6076 from customorders/add-a-new-token-573 (cardano-token-registry)
21:58:14 [8c6f3496] Merge pull request #6075 from customorders/add-a-new-token-572 (cardano-token-registry)
21:59:14 [8efae778] Merge pull request #6070 from cardanative/master (cardano-token-registry)
21:59:51 [604dca34] Merge pull request #6068 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1603 (cardano-token-registry)
22:01:38 [eae1f7ff] Merge pull request #6062 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1602 (cardano-token-registry)
22:01:53 [14caa4a2] Merge pull request #6060 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1601 (cardano-token-registry)
22:02:11 [236b0c8f] Merge pull request #6058 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1599 (cardano-token-registry)
22:03:28 [67b0ca41] Merge pull request #6052 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1592 (cardano-token-registry)
22:03:45 [f3bfd2e7] Merge pull request #6051 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1591 (cardano-token-registry)
22:04:01 [b58129c1] Merge pull request #6047 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1585 (cardano-token-registry)
22:04:19 [f4fdb039] Merge pull request #6046 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1584 (cardano-token-registry)
22:04:42 [43739f4a] Merge pull request #6045 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1583 (cardano-token-registry)
22:36:25 [817998c4] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
22:38:22 [48d76b49] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
22:44:42 [97445bdc] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
22:45:23 [11b34b2b] Merge pull request #6087 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1616 (cardano-token-registry)
22:50:06 [1c7bcf32] feat: optimize miner target state CBOR marshaling (bluefin)
22:50:22 [60bd9b77] feat: add custom timeout configuration for HTTP client (tx-submit-api-mirror)
22:55:37 [e6be7e6c] Make it build with ghc 9.10 (cardano-ledger)
22:55:43 [83609185] CI: Add ghc-9.10 to the build matrix (cardano-ledger)
23:01:44 [eef23a73] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 366 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:44 [af43fa2e] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 441 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:45 [9e37d821] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 416 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:45 [3bba0092] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (200 in 225 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:46 [a9140e58] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 605 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:46 [78f89d43] 🟩 preprod - API is up (200 in 431 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:47 [b49896c1] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 700 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:48 [ebb8e93c] 🟥 preview - API is down (200 in 330 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:49 [2d3c2a96] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 706 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:35 [620bb647] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
23:03:43 [3e482ea1] 🟩 API (Batch) is up (204 in 97 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:43 [659bf102] 🟩 API (Specific property) is up (204 in 97 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:43 [00e508f6] 🟩 API (All properties) is up (204 in 471 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:03 [785def20] Merge pull request #6088 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1617 (cardano-token-registry)
23:05:36 [c422af08] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:36 [ba7efb98] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:36 [5cc48efa] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:37 [1dd46a87] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:38 [64fa891c] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:38 [e27abe8e] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:38 [2af75ec1] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:26 [44f8fc3f] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
23:14:39 [fddd6b64] docs: fix atala-prism references in root README.md (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
23:14:43 [59539b96] docs: fix input-output => hyperledeger in README (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
23:23:53 [fbb46af5] feat: optimize miner target state CBOR marshaling (bluefin)
23:24:38 [aec96401] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
23:25:22 [2ecf93c9] Merge pull request #6090 from customorders/add-a-new-token-579 (cardano-token-registry)
23:28:20 [fd765d03] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
23:28:54 [c888aec6] docs: link pluto-encrypted works as reference (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
23:32:53 [f5826d1a] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
23:41:02 [fb956753] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
23:44:54 [ab697d63] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)