Home / Reports / Jul 27, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024

169 commits had been pushed across 39 repos by 43 authors. There were 37,224,095 additions and 528,590 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:01:10 [04af38ac] 🟥 preview - API is down (200 in 708 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:01:27 [2451ab2f] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:01:27 [6ee4ed06] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:04:33 [814894bc] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:07:26 [2bbe80ed] 🟩 preview - API is up (200 in 681 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:07:48 [163b9f07] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:07:48 [ec893f44] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:08:32 [a797550b] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:08:32 [21ee456f] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:11:05 [e6b6ef30] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:11:57 [0fbfb6c5] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:12:16 [ce9592df] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:14:02 [91ad33a5] cardano-cli ->, cred-mgr -> HEAD, +ventoy to devShell (cardano-airgap)
00:18:08 [64ce2830] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:18:08 [64afbc65] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:18:37 [2aefbac7] Implement `query spo-stake-distribution` (cardano-cli)
00:24:25 [78ff2265] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:24:25 [897d84ca] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:27:45 [037f11f4] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@30b7bc7e2f6487be348aa021818f119c17b3cc25 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
00:32:05 [3770d16c] Remove `ConwayCertExecContext` and its usage from: CERT, CERTS, GOVCERT (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [c00d2204] fixed problems with different GHC versions (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [63730359] Add `DelegExecEnv` and use it as ExecEnv in DELEG conformance (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [2f740ad8] DELEG rule now uses DeltaDeposit (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [bccbf330] Add `CertExecEnv` and use it as ExecEnv in CERT and GOVCERT conformance (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [7f3fa3d2] Use `CertsEnv` instead of `CertEnv` as ExecEnv in CERT and GOVCERT (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [cc4e0c2b] Work on GovCert (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [578f0d35] DeltaExecEnv route drops sig, POOL now runs (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [4ea0d710] Cleaned up the DELEG rule ofr the new style without state and sig in the DelegExecEnv (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [4c1a50ec] Compute Deposits map from `CertState` and `GovState` (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [e2a4d22d] Add DeltaDeposit and its operations (cardano-ledger)
00:32:05 [5ddf9fb5] Use `CertsEnv` as ExecEnv in CERTS (cardano-ledger)
00:50:40 [0732c93a] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:52:54 [8fd7ab6c] Merge pull request #4506 from IntersectMBO/ldan/update-exec-spec (cardano-ledger)
00:55:55 [374e50a6] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 8fd7ab6ca9bcf9cdb1fa6f4059f84585a084efa5 (cardano-ledger)
01:03:20 [b82672ef] Expose `querySPOStakeDistribution` query (cardano-api)
01:42:34 [bba47f76] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:24:27 [42d357d8] Update cntools.library (guild-operators)
02:47:10 [e22067c1] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
02:47:10 [7ffe7775] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
02:47:27 [4088e163] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 8fd7ab6ca9bcf9cdb1fa6f4059f84585a084efa5 (cardano-ledger)
02:47:28 [b6caa824] Updated from 8fd7ab6ca9bcf9cdb1fa6f4059f84585a084efa5 via push (cardano-ledger)
03:12:20 [045b450d] WIP (cabal-tools)
03:46:24 [40945adf] Make NumBytesCostedAsNumWords use Integer instead of Int (plutus)
03:55:20 [6b7460d0] Improve formatting (plutus)
04:21:25 [b6d9d457] Update tests (plutus)
04:23:25 [7a1faff6] Update tests (plutus)
04:35:32 [d7acd4a0] deploy: 2f4ac128cc2f5639c11ece32bb8de435b4acae15 (hydra)
04:36:39 [c261f03e] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:55:12 [0226ea26] 2.0.0 (cip34-js)
05:01:40 [a2e661ef] Update building-running.md (cardano-db-sync)
05:12:30 [eadf5f74] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
05:21:32 [21e9952f] Fix some budgeting tests (plutus)
05:34:33 [5c766233] Forgot about PlutusTx (plutus)
07:30:32 [6a9c0f30] Add on more example illustrating if/is issue. (aiken)
07:37:03 [82d92a0a] fix: update index.js (catalyst-voices)
07:47:56 [cc73acda] Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:cardano-foundation/cf-identity-wallet into feature/DTIS-724-linking-of-IPEX-flows-to-contacts (cf-identity-wallet)
07:48:58 [3a06e2be] Merge branch 'main' into feat/c509-wasm-bind-js (catalyst-voices)
07:58:39 [07923982] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@3a06e2be75d9ded498bff441d7779f52a8345745 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
08:05:16 [5a6e2821] chore: fix error message (catalyst-voices)
08:08:09 [0f238c16] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
08:35:34 [eda686d8] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:38:07 [1d4468ce] Make it build with ghc-9.10 (hedgehog-extras)
08:38:07 [0496d992] CI: Add ghc-9,.10 to the build matrix (hedgehog-extras)
08:44:42 [2a7d307f] New version hedgehog-extras- (hedgehog-extras)
08:46:43 [bb57dab6] improve wallet list for pool delegation (guild-operators)
08:47:52 [5e88aec5] Deployed haddocks (hedgehog-extras)
08:55:59 [2b3ec51b] Fix builtin Pair being documented as 2-tuples. (prelude)
08:57:12 [bf388312] fix: format (catalyst-voices)
09:05:21 [1af2fe15] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@bf388312aa79eb84ae7f49a709aac41b3615277d 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
09:42:48 [8673c560] Support mk_cons builtin (aiken)
09:43:18 [f07a5984] Fix zero-arg builtins invokations. (aiken)
10:52:11 [ab675e81] <minor> SQLFluff updates (koios-artifacts)
11:04:54 [2399a964] Typo (guild-operators)
11:05:10 [cb8ad908] Typo (guild-operators)
11:08:45 [765c2e5b] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
11:26:21 [01aa0824] Add validation (yoroi)
11:29:10 [109ad8af] Refactor (yoroi-mobile)
11:40:27 [4a2f0621] Fix zero-arg builtins invokations. (aiken)
11:47:26 [b7dcdfb3] Reshow mocked graphs as well (yoroi-mobile)
11:55:20 [d3aab982] Use `CertsEnv` instead of `CertEnv` as ExecEnv in CERT and GOVCERT (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [c4ea537c] Add DeltaDeposit style Env (DeltaExecEnv) for DELEG GOVCERT POOL and CERT (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [3533e344] Add DeltaDeposit and its operations (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [a3f58c1e] Add `CertExecEnv` and use it as ExecEnv in CERT and GOVCERT conformance (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [dbe718e2] Use `CertsEnv` as ExecEnv in CERTS (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [f7c86c92] Remove `ConwayCertExecContext` and its usage from: CERT, CERTS, GOVCERT (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [03d72c61] cleanup move CertsExecEnv from GovCert to Certs (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [6cc4c93b] Compute Deposits map from `CertState` and `GovState` (cardano-ledger)
11:55:20 [7fa4fad3] Add `DelegExecEnv` and use it as ExecEnv in DELEG conformance (cardano-ledger)
12:07:34 [a65353b1] Move cardano-wallet executable in its own package (cardano-wallet)
12:09:45 [97ee9ba1] Enable 'mk_pair_data' builtin. (aiken)
12:12:09 [3bcd0a0a] Introduce acceptance test 107 illustrating compiler crash (aiken)
12:19:50 [6aee00ec] wip (hermes)
12:21:12 [f74023ec] nothunks ^>= 0.2 (#6349) (plutus)
12:23:59 [1eafafab] chore(deps): bump blinklabs-io/go from 1.21.11-1 to 1.21.12-1 (#225) (tx-submit-api)
12:24:57 [13e61fe0] Fix cart data currency cache (yoroi-mobile)
12:26:30 [f4032e39] chore(deps): Bump blinklabs-io/go from 1.21.11-1 to 1.21.12-1 (#125) (tx-submit-api-mirror)
12:42:06 [979a3dce] Add new delimiter defining `\` (hermes)
12:51:15 [d899d391] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:53:59 [24819d31] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/plutus@f74023ec043bd28d4fd16008f61b8d5d138cc73f 🚀 (plutus)
12:57:28 [41607eee] chore: bump tx-submit-api to 0.17.3 (ansible-cardano)
12:58:46 [812914ee] chore: bump tx-submit-api to 0.17.3 (cardano-compose-stacks)
13:00:04 [8a05fd41] chore: bump tx-submit-api to 0.17.3 (helm-charts)
13:05:05 [76624563] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@6aee00ecbe851e0abc9228cf2b12fbc35422037d 🚀 (hermes)
13:07:18 [8cfffaba] Remove cardano-wallet exe from api (cardano-wallet)
13:13:21 [c96516d9] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
13:16:53 [79163487] Merge pull request #6220 from customorders/add-a-new-token-603 (cardano-token-registry)
13:31:02 [f2a4c3cf] chore: bump tx-submit-api to 0.17.3 (#103) (ansible-cardano)
13:31:17 [024d0a13] chore: bump tx-submit-api to 0.17.3 (#31) (cardano-compose-stacks)
14:01:20 [af2a179e] mithril-signer metrics integration in gLiveView (guild-operators)
14:04:38 [f6a128cc] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for f74023ec043bd28d4fd16008f61b8d5d138cc73f (plutus)
14:08:16 [dfa40f36] mithril-signer metrics integration in gLiveView (guild-operators)
14:32:49 [1a6925f5] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
14:33:38 [0669f096] Delete extract (ouroboros-network)
14:35:18 [89a51f31] Merge pull request #6221 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1729 (cardano-token-registry)
15:24:01 [0fb6173f] chore: bump tx-submit-api to 0.17.3 (helm-charts)
16:33:55 [843d8005] Update version-3.cddl (CIPs)
16:37:11 [b851f067] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:53:04 [5ef3d316] chore: bump tx-submit-api to 0.17.3 (#43) (helm-charts)
16:54:37 [f913ce0e] chore: bump tx-submit-api-mirror to 0.5.0 (ansible-cardano)
16:58:11 [942a6dda] chore: bump tx-submit-api-mirror to 0.5.0 (helm-charts)
18:00:43 [53046cdc] Update cardano-wallet version in *.cabal files (cardano-wallet)
18:00:43 [cb4cd815] Update wallet version in swagger.yaml (cardano-wallet)
18:00:43 [ceb90fca] Update cardano-wallet version in README.md (cardano-wallet)
18:18:59 [6e7aff89] CPS-0016? | Cardano URIs (#841) (CIPs)
18:22:01 [2c1b588e] feat: adding whisky (#1283) (developer-portal)
18:33:56 [b01dc784] Move Cardano.Wallet.Shelley to the cardano-wallet-exe package (cardano-wallet)
18:38:19 [7ae7f15b] Rename Cardano.Wallet.Shelley in Cardano.Wallet.Application (cardano-wallet)
18:39:47 [f4b6543f] mithril-signer metrics integration in gLiveView (guild-operators)
18:40:03 [3d8d75e7] mithril-signer metrics integration in gLiveView (guild-operators)
18:41:45 [07ab9e56] updated to GLV_VERSION=v1.30.0 (guild-operators)
18:57:04 [c042e90d] Move Cardano.CLI to the cardano-wallet-exe package (cardano-wallet)
18:57:04 [4f0969da] Rename Cardano.Wallet.Shelley in Cardano.Wallet.Application (cardano-wallet)
19:03:10 [7bea208d] changing Title based on Ledger team resolving ambituity (CIPs)
19:08:53 [313cc570] Rename Cardano.CLI in Cardano.Wallet.Application.CLI (cardano-wallet)
19:15:39 [d1b053a5] Move Cardano.Wallet.Tracers to cardano-wallet-exe (cardano-wallet)
19:15:39 [c26bf934] Rename Cardano.Wallet.Tracers to Cardano.Wallet.Application.Tracers (cardano-wallet)
19:20:33 [c84fb2cf] meeting 93 updates (CIPs)
19:29:38 [c1ced332] Move Cardano.Wallet.Version to cardano-wallet-exe package (cardano-wallet)
19:29:51 [30624f49] Rename Cardano.Wallet.Version to Cardano.Wallet.Application.Version (cardano-wallet)
19:37:39 [f5483bcd] Rename Cardano.Wallet.Version to Cardano.Wallet.Application.Version (cardano-wallet)
19:42:10 [133fef5a] Remove redundant dependencies from the `api` package (cardano-wallet)
19:42:58 [0ff1d31b] Remove exe options from api cabal file (cardano-wallet)
20:18:14 [143600d2] applied diff patch from alpha to gliveview_mithril-signer branch (guild-operators)
20:24:59 [f2969200] Revert unintended replacement of clear (guild-operators)
20:35:23 [ed4d7e0d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:45:06 [df212d8f] feat: tracing support (node)
22:22:59 [7b82466e] feat: tracing support (node)
23:01:56 [f4b5c955] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 245 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:57 [c318875e] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 268 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:57 [8e992cf7] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 232 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:58 [e7714bea] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (200 in 526 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:58 [828b3c6d] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 429 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:59 [03debf9d] 🟩 preprod - API is up (200 in 474 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:00 [e3fdc21f] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 609 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:01 [cc2d28c3] 🟩 preview - API is up (200 in 438 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:02:01 [e0385d76] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 437 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:04:40 [3b0a3cd7] 🟩 API (Specific property) is up (204 in 101 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:40 [ee904e03] 🟩 API (All properties) is up (204 in 635 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:41 [7c8350e2] 🟩 API (Batch) is up (204 in 98 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:06:16 [3d8ea3e8] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:16 [9868e88f] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [9f6fc2bd] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [daff5348] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [f31276ce] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [fb214ee9] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:18 [d6a241a7] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:11:54 [8cf086d1] proposal_list & proposal_votes + minor fixes (koios-artifacts)
23:26:55 [5ffe44d8] committee_votes & pool_votes (koios-artifacts)
23:35:49 [12c93ec4] POSIXTime is in millisecond (site)