Home / Reports / Aug 6, 2020

Thursday, August 6, 2020

309 commits had been pushed across 33 repos by 58 authors. There were 77,744 additions and 35,976 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:03:22 [be009408] update account state api response (#1634) (yoroi-frontend)
00:09:16 [e314a3e3] Bump sass-loader from 8.0.2 to 9.0.3 (yoroi-frontend)
00:11:14 [481aabbd] Bump mobx from 5.15.4 to 5.15.5 (yoroi-frontend)
00:12:27 [3f13d036] [DDW-344] Themes - init (daedalus)
00:13:10 [b197e06b] Bump mobx-react from 6.2.2 to 6.2.5 (yoroi-frontend)
00:14:14 [00adc4ed] Bump jdenticon from 2.2.0 to 3.0.1 (yoroi-frontend)
00:15:13 [084ccf25] Bump trezor-connect from 8.1.7 to 8.1.10 (yoroi-frontend)
00:16:40 [93e86639] Bump react-intl from 2.9.0 to 5.4.5 (yoroi-frontend)
00:22:56 [237d6db6] Altered the profile function 'profileValid' and fixed the stack-shell.nix file. (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:27:17 [438ea301] force git to detect file name changes (yoroi-mobile)
00:32:53 [5e518dfa] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
00:33:02 [57c3c42e] mod - Certificate fields should be strings. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
00:33:09 [9ad33865] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
01:08:00 [07727927] Merge pull request #1746 from input-output-hk/dcoutts/script-hash (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:16:20 [978716ab] Automatic update for Thu Aug 6 01:16:19 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:18:17 [accd7a24] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:22:21 [502536f8] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
01:25:35 [c5353858] New Crowdin translations (#19) (yoroi-extension-ledger-connect)
01:53:26 [7cd03e91] [SRE-133] Fix release build artifacts (cardano-rest)
01:53:46 [3eb17e85] New translations en-US.json (Turkish) (yoroi-frontend)
02:11:43 [f7f39073] moving example 2 to the new framework (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:36:29 [e334d53d] chore(api-cardano-db-hasura): pin earlier commit of cardano-db-sync (cardano-graphql)
02:43:06 [a3d31a28] A first working version of Untyped Plutus Core (plutus)
02:50:20 [2a0692ef] checkpoint (yoroi-frontend)
02:55:05 [708111eb] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
02:59:26 [85609fea] Improve cabal.project parsing (#802) (haskell.nix)
03:03:57 [a2fd31a1] New translations en-US.json (zh-Hans) (yoroi-frontend)
03:05:52 [ac1120c1] Try #85: (cardano-rest)
03:09:27 [77088bc4] adapool integration (yoroi-frontend)
03:14:40 [425eff81] update names (yoroi-frontend)
03:35:38 [43de95f8] Merge #1643 (cardano-node)
03:38:58 [df64f700] Coverage report for full project (haskell.nix)
03:42:56 [504d206f] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
03:46:59 [74888723] Add nix build for Shelley multi-currency formal specification (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:47:25 [ccee59ad] checkpoint (yoroi-frontend)
03:47:34 [ee7e6bd5] adapool integration (yoroi-frontend)
03:47:40 [5b9ed8ef] update names (yoroi-frontend)
03:52:37 [e625fa39] delete extra stuff for seiza staking (yoroi-frontend)
03:58:47 [88cc0fbc] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
04:03:46 [8704758a] Merge #1640 (cardano-node)
04:12:05 [fa65b2d8] propagate observation bounds (plutus)
04:19:58 [7bc9cd6f] Merge #1639 (cardano-node)
04:23:57 [86615dc6] Add nix build for Shelley multi-currency formal specification (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:33:21 [6e72ad84] Add nix build for Shelley multi-currency formal specification (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:44:42 [dd087d4c] remove dep from scenario tests (jormungandr)
04:47:35 [35a80371] Bump cardano-wallet to latest master (cardano-launcher)
04:52:52 [7209cbff] Move cardano-wallet launching code into its own module (cardano-launcher)
05:40:41 [2dee971a] feat: replace DB polling with postgres notification listener for migrations (cardano-graphql)
05:40:41 [66ba905b] chore(api-cardano-db-hasura): pin earlier commit of cardano-db-sync (cardano-graphql)
05:40:41 [d2328738] feat: Improve logging during retry attempts (cardano-graphql)
05:40:41 [5777e64a] chore(tests): removes MC4 network from managed networks (cardano-graphql)
05:40:41 [963fcabe] refactor: Move api-genesis config to conform with pattern (cardano-graphql)
05:41:49 [e0ad2403] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
05:44:38 [b490d467] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
06:02:31 [dc63b5c0] Merge #1643 (cardano-node)
06:13:29 [5c51b5a2] Move cardano-wallet launching code into its own module (cardano-launcher)
06:17:51 [c2a481ff] Hydra download script just stopped working (cardano-launcher)
06:21:04 [57732b1f] added Analysis module (plutus)
06:30:45 [66009fed] fix (plutus)
06:36:02 [2d8b5a54] Merge #1644 (cardano-node)
06:38:51 [7a777806] Merge pull request #85 from input-output-hk/SRE-133_release_build_artifacts (cardano-rest)
06:39:33 [7af711bc] Minimal testnet (cardano-node)
06:41:21 [8f538f3c] Create keys and launch three node cluster (cardano-node)
06:59:37 [6777e2e2] Add class-scoped fixtures (cardano-node-tests)
07:00:47 [49dd8074] Hypothesis settings (cardano-node-tests)
07:02:01 [4c6b087b] Rename exception (cardano-node-tests)
07:04:15 [bbf65810] Send funds only when dst doesn't have sufficient funds already (cardano-node-tests)
07:05:00 [b141a8ce] Bump clap from 2.33.1 to 2.33.2 (jormungandr)
07:05:22 [78f65153] Bump structopt from 0.3.15 to 0.3.16 (jormungandr)
07:05:49 [6550f8ed] Update strum requirement from 0.18.0 to 0.19.2 (chain-libs)
07:06:40 [196dda17] WIP: Forecast tests (ouroboros-network)
07:06:40 [1164e382] Update strum_macros requirement from 0.18.0 to 0.19.2 (chain-libs)
07:10:50 [905dfafc] add assertions to fs contract (plutus)
07:11:00 [c7613ff8] Branch to collect post-fork improvements (ouroboros-network)
07:11:00 [3aadbdf3] Remove mock protocols from ProtocolInfo (ouroboros-network)
07:18:30 [00080054] Add asynchronous updating of offline metadata (smash)
07:21:47 [ba41ec18] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): improve error handling with Cardano query delegation (cardano-graphql)
07:24:02 [5b921609] Add asynchronous updating of offline metadata (smash)
07:28:34 [bf5097be] wiring for assertions (plutus)
07:33:29 [652c8a04] Minor changes (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:34:48 [0157a237] Merge branch 'benchValidation' of github.com:input-output-hk/cardano-ledger-specs into benchValidation (cardano-ledger-specs)
07:39:49 [17df22b7] Add asynchronous updating of offline metadata (smash)
07:57:39 [f2d5257c] Add asynchronous updating of offline metadata (smash)
08:07:41 [a3341be2] Hydra download script just stopped working (cardano-launcher)
08:07:48 [ffd4fae5] Remove the duplication between ProtocolMagicId and NetworkMagic (ouroboros-network)
08:15:10 [1fae1b1f] Merge pull request #2203 from input-output-hk/imp/move-isola-papers (plutus)
08:16:21 [21bdab88] Merge pull request #2205 from input-output-hk/refactor-rendering (plutus)
08:19:52 [1401d188] SCB: Removing the `ContractStateTransition` event. (plutus)
08:24:33 [7798e535] wired assertions to Blockly (plutus)
08:25:55 [ef402b00] Remove mock protocols from ProtocolInfo (ouroboros-network)
08:26:19 [1d597a3d] Remove the duplication between ProtocolMagicId and NetworkMagic (ouroboros-network)
08:26:20 [ee218e4d] Refactor block forging (ouroboros-network)
08:26:20 [574fce84] Remove no longer used Trivial class (ouroboros-network)
08:26:20 [a1f281d7] Further refactor block forging (ouroboros-network)
08:26:20 [2bfbb3bc] Split Qry into Qry and Expr (ouroboros-network)
08:26:20 [b2176cba] Securely forget the signing key (ouroboros-network)
08:32:23 [3238adc1] SCB: Improved formatting of active endpoint hooks. (plutus)
08:32:58 [fc2aacb3] Get test modules without cq tool (haskell.nix)
08:44:13 [7bf4dbf7] introduced async_load method (jortestkit)
08:44:39 [83baf7eb] Merge #2446 (ouroboros-network)
08:47:58 [8c79407c] remove dep from scenario tests (jormungandr)
09:05:04 [8221edc7] Merge pull request #23 from input-output-hk/async_load (jortestkit)
09:14:00 [4d42b457] typo (plutus)
09:15:29 [3b9416f6] Merge pull request #2487 from input-output-hk/remove_deps (jormungandr)
09:16:56 [489b794a] Bump tonic-build from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 (jormungandr)
09:16:58 [7218527a] Bump rustls from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 (jormungandr)
09:17:04 [8989e5f7] Bump tonic from 0.2.1 to 0.3.0 (jormungandr)
09:21:37 [80ed32a1] add mkInput (cardano-transactions)
09:24:47 [ca8698e9] Add asynchronous updating of offline metadata (smash)
09:39:31 [3ee13a7b] checkpoint (yoroi-frontend)
09:46:33 [5a1cdc5e] Add asynchronous updating of offline metadata (smash)
09:47:24 [d6ad5c75] Update choosing-stake-pool.md (support-faq)
09:48:28 [0d92b887] Rename choosing-stake-pool.md to select-pool-to-delegate.md (support-faq)
09:49:25 [9322bd8c] Update SUMMARY.md (support-faq)
09:50:28 [ec7117a1] Create select-pool-to-delegate.md (#15) (support-faq)
09:50:48 [08cff744] deploy: ec7117a175d6b877b192064214bcca3d7bbab27a (support-faq)
09:53:19 [49780cb4] Merge #40 (smash)
09:57:08 [c45e92cf] Remove catamorphisms from CBOR encoder (plutus)
10:00:30 [56eddd65] Fix note (plutus)
10:02:21 [5cc17143] add several MkPayment function impls (cardano-transactions)
10:04:15 [1715f4a3] SCB: Adding the scaffolding for better frontend tests. (plutus)
10:04:39 [4a4d0a65] Merge #1987 (cardano-wallet)
10:16:02 [18a30e3f] Be less strict in STS rules. (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:22:37 [845ba6bb] fix(search): Update search input introdpection to assume addresses if not hash length (cardano-explorer-app)
10:24:58 [10d51077] mod - changing behavior for addresses that don't exist. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
10:26:38 [87fd23d0] fix bug with non-staking conversion (adalite)
10:31:08 [ec1de952] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/cardano-mode-addresses-search-detection (cardano-explorer-app)
10:34:23 [b2f3302a] generalize / prepare types for IOSim (cardano-benchmarking)
10:37:35 [72b8a5c1] chore(tests): removes MC4 network from managed networks (cardano-graphql)
10:37:35 [0674a449] chore(api-cardano-db-hasura): pin earlier commit of cardano-db-sync (cardano-graphql)
10:37:35 [47108415] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): improve error handling with Cardano query delegation (cardano-graphql)
10:38:53 [697d2e44] PoolOwner refactoring, type fixes (cardano-node-tests)
10:40:37 [9a78ba56] TH fixes for ghc-8.10.1 (marlowe)
10:41:12 [648f8014] Names refactoring; type fixes (cardano-node-tests)
10:41:27 [7a5235a0] Fix stylish-haskell (plutus)
10:41:34 [c6062f76] Check imported files with mypy (cardano-node-tests)
10:45:40 [7caa32cd] Unneeded dependency (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:46:22 [2e46ab0c] Be less strict in STS rules. (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:46:31 [23577141] Make pre-commit use system mypy to have access to all imports (cardano-node-tests)
10:47:02 [7a15cf5e] Add missing __init__.py (cardano-node-tests)
10:58:46 [71ece1c0] generalize bulkSubmission for IOSim (cardano-benchmarking)
10:59:41 [7e21ac8a] 4a4d0a65bf6102b03a20d70de9d42df0cbc4b799 (cardano-wallet)
10:59:42 [142b1ba2] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
10:59:59 [43e501e4] show verification only on hw wallets (adalite)
11:02:58 [3c96d731] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): improve error handling with Cardano query delegation (cardano-graphql)
11:02:58 [1ae6d11c] chore(api-cardano-db-hasura): pin earlier commit of cardano-db-sync (cardano-graphql)
11:02:58 [bd7bb401] chore(tests): removes MC4 network from managed networks (cardano-graphql)
11:08:20 [e4bf8498] chore(api-cardano-db-hasura): pin earlier commit of cardano-db-sync (cardano-graphql)
11:08:20 [62b4cb0a] chore(tests): removes MC4 network from managed networks (cardano-graphql)
11:08:20 [406048ed] fix(api-cardano-db-hasura): improve error handling with Cardano query delegation (cardano-graphql)
11:10:45 [6a02f4b2] hotfix conversion rates (adalite)
11:15:18 [98a17704] Merge pull request #1758 from input-output-hk/rvl/shelley-mc-nix (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:15:58 [8e0a9e78] Merge pull request #1755 from input-output-hk/jc/get-smart (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:16:43 [c2f5b929] Default hlint file (cardano-node)
11:31:42 [96314815] add helpers for decoding (cardano-transactions)
11:37:50 [dc415c92] pir-tc: Refactor NonRec, disable duplicate/recconflict checks (plutus)
11:43:24 [0abf72ef] Remove catamorphisms from CBOR encoder (SCP-1033) (#2212) (plutus)
11:49:32 [47af920a] Small updates to document (plutus)
11:51:39 [bdbc6e47] Fix wording of ghc argument deprecation warning (haskell.nix)
12:08:37 [683182a1] Merge pull request #1760 from input-output-hk/nc/reapplyBlock (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:12:44 [cd3e3b2c] moving example 2 to the new framework (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:14:42 [84593dbb] pre-commit autoupdate (cardano-node-tests)
12:20:05 [60e96fa4] Be less strict in STS rules. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:25:55 [5b13cadb] Fix logging (cardano-node)
12:28:23 [e48272b8] Add hlint ci check (cardano-node)
12:41:40 [9d1951b7] add mkOutput (cardano-transactions)
12:49:02 [aa368ed7] Stake pool cost tests (cardano-node-tests)
12:51:16 [c4560e9f] Merge pull request #21 from mkoura/mkoura/min_pool_cost (cardano-node-tests)
12:53:00 [a7e073c1] working, sort of (plutus)
12:57:59 [f32d4cfe] Divide static analysis correctness theorem into smaller simpler ones (marlowe)
13:01:39 [c92fe158] weekly report - week 32 (adrestia)
13:07:46 [b436cb58] Implement 'observe' (plutus)
13:23:08 [f1916b40] Divide static analysis correctness theorem into smaller simpler ones (marlowe)
13:23:17 [e0e7cd92] Prove two traceListToSingleInput related lemmas (marlowe)
13:26:53 [645fbdc4] SCB: Removing the `ContractStateTransition` event. (#2210) (plutus)
13:28:25 [96d1b60b] Add gitrev to cardanoNodePkgs (cardano-ops)
13:31:50 [24156070] [DDW-344] Add missing text space (daedalus)
13:33:17 [1941894b] Fix wording of ghc argument deprecation warning (#803) (haskell.nix)
13:34:10 [b52cac55] Allow speicification of max rules per SG by org. (cardano-ops)
13:35:31 [9da05fa7] SCB: Improved formatting of active endpoint hooks. (plutus)
13:37:39 [0151d73f] Add gitrev to cardanoNodePkgs (cardano-ops)
13:39:20 [a4ea9a74] Allow specification of max rules per SG by org. (cardano-ops)
13:39:49 [8685ebed] re-organizing unit test layout in Tasty (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:47:09 [33c70366] fix(search): Invert search input introspection to assume addresses only if hash length not matched (cardano-explorer-app)
13:50:47 [58ca79ad] squash - reset to adalite after each tx (adalite)
13:58:02 [79627ad2] remove rust-android-gradle from gradle dependencies (react-native-cardano)
13:59:18 [7e8c376d] Merge pull request #2207 from input-output-hk/SCP-1031 (plutus)
14:02:16 [db847261] [DDW-344] Correct error message when the target wallet does not have enought funds (daedalus)
14:03:35 [a56794ea] bump version to 0.2.3 (react-native-cardano)
14:11:09 [2d1dada1] mp refactor - get rid of simulation component (plutus)
14:14:58 [eef93daf] remove rust-android-gradle from gradle dependencies (react-native-chain-libs)
14:15:49 [a536091a] bump version to 2.0.1 (react-native-chain-libs)
14:16:43 [4257570e] Merge pull request #2211 from input-output-hk/scb-improved-endpoint-formatting (plutus)
14:16:57 [1886a212] SCB: Adding the scaffolding for better frontend tests. (plutus)
14:20:18 [c0e26d8b] CAD-1331 benchmarking: bump (cardano-ops)
14:20:27 [bb8697e8] CAD-1331 benchmarking: adapt to node logging changes (cardano-ops)
14:20:33 [9a0093bf] Add gitrev to cardanoNodePkgs (cardano-ops)
14:24:46 [dad61a18] test: Temporarily disable test stack boot within Jenkinsfile (cardano-graphql)
14:32:12 [314c778b] remove rust-android-gradle from gradle dependencies (react-native-haskell-shelley)
14:36:50 [bdfeaedb] fix(search): Invert search input introspection to assume addresses only if hash length not matched (cardano-explorer-app)
14:39:40 [3cff5e07] CAD-1422 all files transformed (cardano-benchmarking)
14:42:45 [2cd709b8] test for de-registering stake address (cardano-node-tests)
14:44:54 [b6507353] Merge pull request #22 from mkoura/mkoura/deregister_stake_address (cardano-node-tests)
14:50:20 [59508b20] switch amount and total in conf modal and add trezor T to welcome (adalite)
14:55:51 [5b126598] Update running.md (smash)
14:58:21 [6b5d8eed] CAD-1422 check stylish-haskell in buildkite (cardano-benchmarking)
15:00:06 [2ab5f75e] re-enable ci testing (cardano-explorer-app)
15:03:29 [4f4b565d] CAD-1422 check stylish-haskell in buildkite (cardano-benchmarking)
15:04:37 [1ec641e5] [issue-334] Dynamically calc Byron epochs length (#338) (cardano-explorer-app)
15:04:37 [0e49221b] Fixes prettier formatting (#339) (cardano-explorer-app)
15:06:17 [e91e6e04] Provide PoolId to the SMASH url builder (cardano-wallet)
15:06:18 [80cfe1d8] fix(search): Invert search input introspection to assume addresses only if hash length not matched (cardano-explorer-app)
15:10:18 [f71000ca] CAD-1422 check stylish-haskell in buildkite (cardano-benchmarking)
15:13:15 [cc609ed9] CAD-1422 check stylish-haskell in buildkite (cardano-benchmarking)
15:25:08 [6db065f0] Merge #2498 (ouroboros-network)
15:33:30 [0ba1d419] pir-tc: Refactor NonRec, disable duplicate/recconflict checks (plutus)
15:34:51 [f6a6f3df] Remove usage of Condense (TxId (GenTx blk)) instances (cardano-node)
15:38:08 [2889e13d] pir-tc: Refactor NonRec, disable duplicate/recconflict checks (plutus)
15:42:28 [d90a47ba] [DDW-344] Themes - Step 1 (daedalus)
15:45:48 [45b536af] fix rust-android-gradle setup (yoroi-mobile)
15:46:48 [0debdc44] use IOSIM for tx-submission test (cardano-benchmarking)
15:48:21 [70b94926] Search bar suggestions letter fix (cardano-explorer-app)
15:54:10 [37a3bbdd] Search bar suggestions letter fix (cardano-explorer-app)
15:56:33 [f3f7ddc4] Search bar suggestions letter fix (cardano-explorer-app)
15:59:07 [91967423] Implement JSON parsing of multisig scripts (cardano-node)
16:05:34 [7cb92f99] fix(search) Search bar suggestions letter fix (cardano-explorer-app)
16:06:41 [5fab44dd] chore: Update changelog, bump version (cardano-explorer-app)
16:06:58 [591e264e] WIP: Forecast tests (ouroboros-network)
16:12:57 [47eb9273] rename staking pools nodes to include tickers as suffix (cardano-ops)
16:15:11 [17b24d50] Merge pull request #2214 from input-output-hk/SCP-1031 (plutus)
16:17:25 [e0dc5a96] Merge pull request #2213 from input-output-hk/scb-monadapp (plutus)
16:19:08 [8ff0ef4e] Merge #149 (cardano-benchmarking)
16:32:47 [483b30b3] validate interest rate + cycle combo (plutus)
16:33:04 [765bd763] CAD-1393 benchmarks/existing-cluster: targeting external clusters (cardano-benchmarking)
16:35:00 [c41a2690] Remove usage of Condense (TxId (GenTx blk)) instances (cardano-node)
16:37:45 [77458700] Initial attempt at an alternative CK machine (plutus)
16:44:19 [c449e2c7] Minor updates (plutus)
16:52:09 [128153cf] SCB: Streaming JSON data via websockets. (plutus)
16:52:11 [0fabf951] SCB: Refactoring the frontend State type. (plutus)
16:52:11 [b8e7367c] SCB: Reducing the network traffic caused by calling an endpoint. (plutus)
16:52:11 [9c0553ad] SCP-839: Don't display completed contracts. (plutus)
16:52:11 [19c7feea] SCB: Refactoring the websocket-handling. (plutus)
16:52:52 [01d9e7e1] FE: Websockets now automatically reconnect if there's a network dropout. (plutus)
16:52:53 [49314a1c] SCB: Improved display of contract headings. (plutus)
17:02:19 [29e38dd8] switch staking nodes to acual core nodes (cardano-ops)
17:04:14 [b21b5211] Remove final usage of Condense (HeaderHash blk) (cardano-node)
17:08:16 [0eb3d322] Updates to builtins document (plutus)
17:08:39 [6ad850f5] misc fixes (yoroi-mobile)
17:10:35 [2b4a7212] Update TraceConstraints documentation (cardano-node)
17:13:36 [daefe998] decouple Wallet from WalletManager. Create shelley Wallet and other related placeholder classes (yoroi-mobile)
17:14:03 [d2433b35] fix rust-android-gradle setup (yoroi-mobile)
17:15:47 [f0fc376d] Merge pull request #862 from Emurgo/v_almonacid/ch5729/refactor-wallet-and-extract-from-walletmanager (yoroi-mobile)
17:25:04 [c37d2715] add URL routing to Marlowe Playground (plutus)
17:36:40 [7fb600ad] bugfix - close issue #237, insert certs in correct order. (cardano-db-sync)
17:52:05 [adea3bf7] Set IOHK maxRulesPerSg to 60 (cardano-ops)
17:53:27 [98524caa] Merge pull request #346 from input-output-hk/hotfix/address-search-dynamic-byron (cardano-explorer-app)
17:57:10 [8bfd4598] CAD-1422 stylish Haskell (#149) (cardano-benchmarking)
17:58:24 [f4551902] Merge #1552 (cardano-node)
18:04:02 [02936f3f] Large restructuring of the MA spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:05:04 [942d084d] [DDW-344] Remove error when choosing a wallet with less than 1 ADA (daedalus)
18:05:13 [b01013ab] [DDW-344] Themes - progress (daedalus)
18:16:07 [9b9725fd] consensus: Quiet Show for CoreNodeId, SecurityParam, SlotLength, SystemStart (ouroboros-network)
18:20:21 [47e87ac8] re-organizing unit test layout in Tasty (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:33:56 [48aa3305] Merge #1503 (cardano-node)
18:56:43 [7f487d77] renamed blacklist to delist, as requested; added README with cabal build instructions and general improvements in English etc (smash)
18:59:08 [fb5a9a44] Remove usage of Condense (TxId (GenTx blk)) instances (cardano-node)
18:59:22 [0283a136] Remove final usage of Condense (HeaderHash blk) (cardano-node)
18:59:23 [de128ac8] Update TraceConstraints documentation (cardano-node)
19:00:07 [823c2bd1] Merge #30 (smash)
19:04:52 [b05752ba] add URL routing to Marlowe Playground (plutus)
19:06:36 [eca2418c] update marlowe client deps (plutus)
19:29:28 [59098c00] Merge pull request #1757 from input-output-hk/jc/refactor-examples-pt2 (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:35:21 [15a9a41d] update testnet-magic (cardano-node)
19:39:37 [39c12155] Merge #1652 (cardano-node)
19:46:40 [38f8da45] Fix link to CDDL spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:55:17 [d1ca8afe] [issue-335] Split slots & blocks into separate columns (cardano-explorer-app)
19:59:58 [9f38fa4c] Check that pool deposit is returned on pool deactivation (cardano-node-tests)
20:00:16 [c1aebee9] pir-tc: Refactor NonRec, disable duplicate/recconflict checks (plutus)
20:02:51 [61a0b50b] Merge pull request #23 from mkoura/mkoura/check_pool_deposit (cardano-node-tests)
20:21:36 [52b978fb] pir-tc: Refactor NonRec, disable duplicate/recconflict checks (plutus)
20:37:44 [e531d524] non-compiling param changes (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:37:44 [a01dcb33] txdata compiles (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:37:44 [bc415cfc] adding project base (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:37:45 [76c20742] Validation compiles with warnings (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:37:45 [c7d5bdc9] working on EpochBoundary (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:37:45 [63a6d0b5] change EpochBoundary (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:37:45 [623f4dd4] working on Tx (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:56:09 [423f20c2] checkpoint (yoroi-frontend)
21:03:13 [8e6157e2] moving example 3 to the new framework (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:07:59 [83eb0e41] fix warnings (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:15:27 [076a00e3] Merge #1569 (cardano-node)
21:20:07 [be6bedc6] moving example 3 to the new framework (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:21:25 [649a3c54] [DDW-344] Minor adjustment (daedalus)
21:25:12 [a889451b] [DDW-344] Remove testing parts (daedalus)
21:25:29 [b1990523] config: Update cardano mainnet configs (cardano-node)
21:28:25 [59af1b6d] config: Update cardano mainnet configs (cardano-node)
21:30:58 [03d9fdea] add transfer protocol de-encrypt (chain-wallet-libs)
21:38:48 [cd6fa847] [DDW-344] Translation manager (daedalus)
21:39:23 [bc813bbe] [DDW-344] Integrate Rewards redemption API endpoint (#2133) (daedalus)
21:41:52 [82dd9ba1] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/ddw-343-stake-pool-search-performance (daedalus)
21:45:55 [3be0cb85] Changed bench/Main.hs to profile rather than benchmark. (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:46:45 [a86a8c37] Remove shelley testnet extension links (yoroi-frontend)
21:47:57 [1985dae6] ITN withdrawal claim page (#1643) (yoroi-frontend)
21:48:54 [781dcf13] [DDW-343] Stake pool search performance fix (#2131) (daedalus)
21:50:16 [3d2569fd] update tests and solve merge conflict (chain-wallet-libs)
23:01:39 [c5d7fa6a] Merge pull request #22 from Emurgo/matthewericbassett/ch5684/getaccountstate (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
23:01:50 [6277fe6b] Merge pull request #24 from Emurgo/feature/txHistory-for-reward-address (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
23:05:36 [fe428962] Merge branch 'master' into matthewericbassett/ch5685/getpoolinfo (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
23:06:21 [6d79f1c4] Merge pull request #25 from Emurgo/matthewericbassett/ch5685/getpoolinfo (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)