Home / Reports / Nov 22, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

76 commits had been pushed across 13 repos by 13 authors. There were 15,320 additions and 5,478 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:06:48 [69d15076] disable SC2001 (guild-operators)
00:06:54 [c026892f] Change certificate representation to use surface types (cardano-node)
00:08:13 [5d51f59e] Transaction metadata updates (cardano-explorer-app)
00:09:28 [0980c824] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/transaction-metadata' into feature/transaction-metadata (cardano-explorer-app)
00:16:00 [8bb69c20] cncli validation logic fix & logMonitor hardening (#592) (guild-operators)
00:38:41 [e85ad6ec] Generalise the toShelley*Credential functions for all eras (cardano-node)
00:39:44 [eb6ea84d] Generalise to/fromShelleyCertificate over all eras (cardano-node)
00:44:27 [5feb0df0] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
00:54:38 [30812d7d] New translations en-US.json (Spanish) (yoroi-mobile)
00:56:32 [651de9c7] Generalise toShelley{TxId,TxIn,TxOut} over all ledger eras (cardano-node)
00:57:01 [945ffdd1] Use single Eq, Show and HasTypeProxy instance for TxBody (cardano-node)
01:03:42 [0007918e] Automatic update for Sun Nov 22 01:03:42 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:06:45 [55352f63] Use single SerialiseAsCBOR and HasTextEnvelope instance for TxBody (cardano-node)
01:10:50 [ff6e0584] Initial step to generalise makeShelleyTransaction over other eras (cardano-node)
01:12:42 [bc63cd67] Switch TxBody from Shelley-specific type to era-dependent (cardano-node)
01:13:10 [1a6ed8a8] Automatic update for Sun Nov 22 01:13:09 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:14:50 [07fb32cb] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:54:36 [66a25f23] fix for sqlite3 -column bug (guild-operators)
02:09:51 [c55cedf8] Generalise the ShelleyTxBody representation over multiple eras (cardano-node)
02:10:04 [e20486f1] Generalise several tx and witness functions over eras (cardano-node)
03:48:17 [527d0052] fix for sqlite3 -column bug (#593) (guild-operators)
06:05:00 [b6170ed2] Implemented constant-time random access to the block transactions, effective reverseIterator and zipWithIndex iterator (mantis)
06:41:10 [dce55d8f] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - testnet - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
06:41:43 [efb6fc98] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - testnet - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
06:43:41 [994fc1f5] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - testnet - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
06:57:54 [e7677e8f] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
07:06:45 [57828d9a] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - staging - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
08:53:41 [66e54f73] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - mainnet - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
09:01:21 [ab7d035e] tests (mantis)
09:21:35 [7e27d47f] Merge branch 'develop' into random-access-for-transactions-in-block (mantis)
09:27:18 [fd97e68a] quick fix after merge (mantis)
10:01:15 [7d2c1138] Small hashcode fix + test (mantis)
10:17:50 [1f59ffc7] More review fixes (cardano-node)
10:36:35 [f925cc14] Transaction metadata feature (cardano-explorer-app)
10:41:20 [753ac232] TU systemd re-design (guild-operators)
10:44:56 [ee421014] docs update (guild-operators)
10:47:29 [7c7e6160] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - mainnet - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
10:48:48 [1e6902dc] Merge branch 'alpha' into ty-systemd-fix (guild-operators)
10:58:52 [a9abdf11] fix unflatten and simplify flatten (cardano-node)
11:06:25 [c9fc5817] added sync values for tag 1.21.1 1.23.0 - mainnet - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
11:35:33 [5dd1a147] Transaction metadata feature - adding logic to show/hide unmoderated data (cardano-explorer-app)
11:36:20 [45a93a64] Transaction metadata feature - adding logic to show/hide unmoderated data (cardano-explorer-app)
11:52:31 [9490b024] Restyling header and footer, swapping PNG logo for SVG, and tidying CSS a bit. (plutus)
12:31:32 [0477e803] TU systemd fix (#594) (guild-operators)
12:38:08 [3f7af77e] [CAD-2176] errors endpoint doesn't validate poolId properly. (smash)
12:40:24 [76bc23bd] Try #122: (smash)
14:57:18 [7591a2d9] Update "build-raw" cli command with an era argument (cardano-node)
14:59:40 [e7e0aa0d] Update "build-raw" cli command with an era argument (cardano-node)
15:04:41 [dfaff291] Update install.md (cardano-node)
15:04:42 [912638fb] Update install.md (cardano-node)
15:04:42 [df05cd9e] Update install.md (cardano-node)
16:28:48 [ab9260de] Update "build-raw" cli command with an era argument (cardano-node)
16:54:07 [6596b052] Update "sign" and "witness" cli commands with an era argument (cardano-node)
17:55:42 [689780a6] New translations en-US.json (Italian) (yoroi-mobile)
19:42:38 [199b1d75] Merge pull request #122 from input-output-hk/ksaric/CAD-2176 (smash)
20:14:56 [08d8bad1] added sync values for tag 1.23.0 None - testnet - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:16:28 [7cb79dd0] added sync values for tag 1.23.0 None - testnet - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:17:34 [642abf06] added sync values for tag 1.23.0 None - testnet - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:20:12 [c418c126] Merge pull request #1993 from input-output-hk/nc/cad-2147 (cardano-ledger-specs)
20:33:34 [7e1a0763] added sync values for tag 1.23.0 None - staging - macos-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:50:01 [0fb9b063] added sync values for tag 1.23.0 None - staging - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
20:51:04 [c631c1aa] added sync values for tag 1.23.0 None - staging - windows-latest (cardano-node-tests)
21:22:57 [696e3f86] db-sync: Add hash checking when maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
21:31:05 [73358cda] db-sync: Fix a race condition maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
21:37:54 [4b6af46f] Sync constructor / field visibility (mantis)
21:51:24 [66f8705e] db-sync: Fix a race condition maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
21:56:16 [303b0218] db-sync: Add hash checking when maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
21:56:17 [e9932e39] db-sync: Fix a race condition maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
22:09:36 [671f38ff] db-sync: Fix a race condition maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
22:38:25 [a7153439] added sync values for tag 1.23.0 None - mainnet - ubuntu-latest (cardano-node-tests)
23:46:29 [ec6b6620] Merge pull request #413 from input-output-hk/erikd/new-epoch-failure (cardano-db-sync)
23:49:14 [d369e69c] db-sync: Add panicAbort function (cardano-db-sync)
23:49:30 [ff8261c9] db-sync: Refactor Shelley+ related types (cardano-db-sync)
23:49:42 [8d23cea1] db-sync: Add hash checking when maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
23:49:50 [b0cf68f6] db-sync: Fix a race condition maintaining ledger state (cardano-db-sync)
23:49:59 [c53b8ced] Version 6.0.1 (cardano-db-sync)