Home / Reports / Nov 26, 2022

Saturday, November 26, 2022

121 commits had been pushed across 26 repos by 27 authors. There were 27,757 additions and 14,740 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:07:11 [120767a6] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:07:11 [315961c3] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:09:11 [cf3cf4dc] fix(tests): coverage (blockfrost-utils)
00:14:19 [093c8d96] Merge pull request #24 from blockfrost/1000101/tests (blockfrost-utils)
00:20:03 [a6245906] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into nightly (cardano-js-sdk)
00:20:03 [3fcaf070] chore: checkout yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock from master (cardano-js-sdk)
00:21:50 [8c510586] chore: regenerate yarn-project.nix and yarn.lock (cardano-js-sdk)
00:22:26 [a4327809] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:30:57 [04ea97eb] chore: bump version (openapi)
00:35:31 [398908dd] Deployed haddocks (ouroboros-network)
00:55:02 [753b97c6] fix: deps (openapi)
01:30:19 [537efb1d] ci: publish nightly [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
01:50:38 [185d7f2a] feat: metadata validation functions (openapi)
02:10:22 [1c7fec3d] Fix remaining CI build failures. (cardano-node)
03:02:05 [7a7a5f63] update ui (staking-next-ts-template)
03:25:03 [64675aed] update demo for staking (mesh)
03:58:39 [e19aebc8] extract upstream casts (Helios)
04:18:53 [b690135e] struct as data list in Uplc (no longer as ConstrData) (Helios)
04:55:15 [25b42fe7] Fix remaining CI build failures. (cardano-node)
05:09:10 [b9fccb9a] error syntax in if-else branches and switch cases (Helios)
05:09:43 [bb97e80f] version bump (Helios)
05:53:57 [bbf8efa7] throwing errors documented in lang section (Helios-Book)
05:54:22 [5e83057a] deploy: bbf8efa7f7b1b9617cecb0f1f736a4de71966d03 (Helios-Book)
07:50:49 [7d4ec434] create ir and start to replace plutus code gen with ir (aiken)
09:38:27 [d70215b8] fix: update aiken new (aiken)
09:56:26 [fb70b28d] Update requirements.txt (marlowe-cardano)
10:19:04 [0f3a076d] WIP (ouroboros-network)
11:21:17 [76903ac0] feature: sign governance vote (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
11:29:51 [5771c41c] added matching example, made block example about blocks returning values, not all blocks (aiken)
11:45:19 [bf45f989] Update yarn.lock (cardano-explorer-app)
11:52:59 [2ddf6e0f] refactor: don't include BOLOS unnecessarily (ledger-app-cardano-shelley)
12:47:30 [89bd11b3] case->where-if in blocks.md (aiken)
12:48:08 [1a25278d] More boolean examples, similar to gleam book. Also, explain correspondence to plutus primitives. (aiken)
12:48:22 [c7b92d04] +overflow in ints (aiken)
12:49:16 [963d1822] +lines, -lines, +best practice avoid access by index (aiken)
12:49:32 [8a6e747b] case->whereif 2 (aiken)
12:49:42 [63397325] Todo explanation with example (aiken)
13:19:03 [dc2e4632] fix typo (aiken)
13:19:18 [80295f6c] String explanations (aiken)
13:20:19 [d21d7507] Update yarn.lock (cardano-explorer-app)
13:30:25 [593fb9b4] Type-aliases explanation (aiken)
13:30:35 [ffe81f0a] Tuples (aiken)
13:30:40 [9d734bb7] Check (aiken)
13:30:44 [b023710b] Assert (aiken)
15:15:22 [b8de94af] temp commit (dapps-certification)
15:15:33 [b757e697] chore: changelog and version (openapi)
15:28:05 [13866d7b] Update for Cardanoscan Testnet-Explorer (scripts)
15:30:41 [269cf8c1] fix: update aiken new (aiken)
15:31:50 [63b0cc6b] check clarification from rvcus (aiken)
15:33:06 [568192cc] String explanations (aiken)
15:33:06 [2479b94b] More boolean examples, similar to gleam book. Also, explain correspondence to plutus primitives. (aiken)
15:33:06 [919eebbd] check clarification from rvcus (aiken)
15:33:06 [3fab7cde] case->whereif 2 (aiken)
15:33:06 [f8b967b5] Todo explanation with example (aiken)
15:33:06 [6eca7fc6] added matching example, made block example about blocks returning values, not all blocks (aiken)
15:33:06 [a1a0465a] +lines, -lines, +best practice avoid access by index (aiken)
15:33:06 [9b3c8e43] case->where-if in blocks.md (aiken)
15:33:06 [2ed0b1ed] +overflow in ints (aiken)
15:33:06 [8279c592] fix typo (aiken)
15:33:06 [be4e4893] Type-aliases explanation (aiken)
15:33:06 [9b027f00] Assert (aiken)
15:33:06 [45edc3e6] Tuples (aiken)
15:33:06 [58ee2c39] Check (aiken)
15:38:20 [6f91a7f1] refactor: types (openapi)
15:44:15 [8bd12cf6] draft (Stablecoin-working-group)
15:44:47 [fac839ff] Merge branch 'input-output-hk:main' into main (Stablecoin-working-group)
15:45:33 [e0e944a0] chore: finalize metadata validation (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
15:45:55 [85d3e143] chore: pod bump 1 (yoroi-mobile)
15:46:17 [c3adc1c3] fix name (Stablecoin-working-group)
15:48:35 [c9faf86b] fix: coverage (openapi)
15:55:05 [76301924] from last meeting (Stablecoin-working-group)
16:11:20 [1131be1b] fix: metadata check (blockfrost-backend-ryo)
16:26:23 [466f0b7f] Merge pull request #257 from blockfrost/metadata (openapi)
16:30:31 [9f98ed80] release: 0.1.49 (openapi)
16:34:47 [70dfdde4] chore: pod bump 2 (yoroi-mobile)
16:53:23 [72538d97] chore: rn-gest-h (yoroi-mobile)
16:53:44 [f6d6b896] chore: rn-gest-h (yoroi-mobile)
16:59:49 [4f66bb3b] chore: markdown (yoroi-mobile)
17:07:36 [41bc62d1] Added -Wunused-packages to cabal files (ouroboros-network)
17:07:36 [a5ba4243] Include changes in changelog files (ouroboros-network)
17:07:36 [12d8a1d2] Removed scripts/test.sh (ouroboros-network)
17:07:36 [a2657843] bump dist cache version (ouroboros-network)
17:07:36 [c175e75d] Clean dependencies (ouroboros-network)
17:13:21 [ec474132] chore: load local (yoroi-mobile)
17:24:23 [da9e1839] [EC Api] - Added: Rogue Galaxies, First NFT Drop !! (essential-cardano-content)
17:28:53 [14613a12] add preview and preprod support to koios (mesh)
17:30:04 [5190a677] use koios (staking-next-ts-template)
17:57:09 [345f7449] register and delegate (mesh)
17:57:47 [f68735f6] update mesh (staking-next-ts-template)
18:26:13 [d3cb5f54] Make points a type family (plutus-apps)
18:26:17 [a8014fef] Make the monad type depend on the handle. (plutus-apps)
18:26:18 [4df6d03c] Add slot number to the database. (plutus-apps)
18:49:31 [6005c189] Merge pull request #2549 from YeppleInc/4c154c1eb9e98d8a5674162716ed15716e71280ad034a7d1784789c654484952535459 (cardano-token-registry)
19:20:53 [c3140143] New cardano-cli ping command. (cardano-node)
19:46:46 [3fb0350c] Fix the workbench manifest (cardano-node)
19:47:21 [83afe27b] Add cabal to buildInputs (cardano-node)
19:47:45 [f42a7132] cabalWrapped: use in place of cabal-install to fix CI (cardano-node)
19:47:47 [f1e0f033] Fix plan.json location (cardano-node)
20:27:34 [14790ea4] remove unListData (aiken)
20:27:34 [050f5e84] fix minor scope issue (aiken)
20:27:34 [760d1e99] create ir and start to replace plutus code gen with ir (aiken)
20:37:11 [af44ed62] Remove 'deployment section' + fix CHANGELOG images. (cardano-ogmios)
20:44:16 [d8937f17] chore: pager-paper-perm bump (yoroi-mobile)
21:12:23 [595c66c8] chore: qrcode svg (yoroi-mobile)
21:31:52 [22a8841d] chore: remove-recompose (yoroi-mobile)
21:37:18 [d23114b5] Script for extracting version information from CHaP package dependencies of a project (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
21:38:19 [7dbdf360] Script for extracting version information from CHaP package dependencies of a project (cardano-haskell-packages)
21:41:58 [7ea218f1] chore: rebuild yarn.lock (yoroi-mobile)
21:49:18 [0b989d5a] Error for no aiken.toml. (aiken)
21:50:53 [61fbbf62] Merge branch 'main' into micah/file-errors (aiken)
21:52:20 [8f28f8d2] Error for no aiken.toml. (aiken)
21:59:56 [22028b4b] Proxy HTTP requests made through `/` through the WebSocket (cardano-ogmios)
22:03:59 [2da158a8] deploy: 22028b4b09b870e832aa4654a64f1af1c4bab679 (cardano-ogmios)
22:28:21 [bdefc7bd] Modify Utxo indexer to index more information (plutus-apps)
23:05:10 [96d527ad] 🟩 voting.summit.cardano.org is up (200 in 458 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:11 [ded6246f] 🟩 voter-service-AWARD-categories is up (200 in 422 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:12 [019019b5] 🟩 voter-service-SPEAKERS-categories is up (200 in 445 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:12 [82dee586] 🟩 voter-service-cast-vote is up (401 in 314 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:05:13 [98d6989e] 🟩 voter-service-get-captcha is up (200 in 283 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:55:37 [18952286] filter tests + sync (catalyst-core)
23:56:09 [8c5caaf5] pub traffic tests (catalyst-core)