Home / Reports / May 29, 2023

Monday, May 29, 2023

357 commits had been pushed across 50 repos by 77 authors. There were 3,382,626 additions and 2,809,629 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:10:03 [d2dc12b7] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:18:03 [2281b8de] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (uptime)
00:18:32 [09cb36f9] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:18:32 [03898f48] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
00:32:34 [6c09a4ca] Added foundation- (cardano-haskell-packages)
00:43:37 [baa66ad1] Update from 6c09a4cacfd834e01144037b76725b8b9aff0fed (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
00:50:48 [51264287] Added fs-sim- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
00:50:48 [c2245104] Added fs-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
00:51:23 [9a670f00] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:09:34 [769e6c25] Break out cardano-cli into separate repository (cardano-cli)
01:14:30 [a99d63aa] Add ABNF to express service type field (prism-did-method-spec)
01:14:30 [e234e6ff] Address review comments (prism-did-method-spec)
01:18:25 [1b08ef7a] feat: allow running multiple instances of a protocol in muxer (go-ouroboros-network)
01:32:31 [626989f0] Added fs-api- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
01:32:31 [a0dfee9f] Added fs-sim- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
01:36:15 [a05c6260] New version (cardano-cli)
01:40:14 [64527c46] Added cardano-cli- (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
01:43:07 [84fdafbd] Update from a0dfee9fe2b5309f68e0a4cf2540e7349e4e977b (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
01:54:16 [4ab2121d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:58:14 [513f1dcf] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
02:42:53 [e9190891] Added cardano-cli- (#306) (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
02:50:49 [4da7d192] Update from e919089101d9334047523dc30696f013ae0db3a7 (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
03:20:02 [e5e28934] Use cardano-api from CHaP (cardano-node)
04:11:40 [eb3b0b1f] Use cardano-api from CHaP (cardano-node)
04:15:10 [8507d766] chore(deps): bump github.com/swaggo/swag from 1.8.12 to 1.16.1 (go-cardano-submit-api)
04:34:33 [2b721577] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:40:33 [864e2f9c] deploy: 85e650ca951feba2b3f139eda4bc58cafeab07f9 (hydra)
04:42:38 [ca42408c] Use cardano-api from CHaP (cardano-node)
05:22:42 [90a75571] Use cardano-cli from CHaP (cardano-node)
05:27:34 [60bdd042] Add carbolymer to CODEOWNERS (cardano-node)
05:41:07 [1f899fe1] Add build dependencies to package pages (foliage)
05:41:39 [e5148445] Display build dependencies better (foliage)
05:59:16 [da177c00] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
06:04:57 [21a4fa9a] Refactor pref and opts functions out of main (cardano-node)
06:04:58 [516bb31a] New cardano-testnet help (cardano-node)
06:15:44 [9517d3ae] Fix cardano-testnet CLI tests (cardano-node)
06:16:52 [f5fb3a89] Use getProjectBase to fix tests (cardano-node)
06:16:52 [ba75003b] Avoid using cardano-cli golden files from cardano-testnet (cardano-node)
06:16:52 [48abe26a] Add golden files to nix (cardano-node)
06:21:15 [e77b0fde] Digitalkash (cardano-token-registry)
06:22:51 [69cd34f2] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/dapps-certification into PLT-5551 (dapps-certification)
07:04:08 [ee7acb5f] PLT-5868 Added tests for reusable components (dapps-certification)
07:08:34 [d18b4fc4] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
07:11:51 [a24d7c80] Patch wine to fix addDllDirectory (haskell.nix)
07:20:25 [ae0cdda4] Use cardano-cli from CHaP (cardano-node)
07:20:51 [2c0a1d9c] Collect isOurRewardAccount function in IsOurs module. (cardano-wallet)
07:21:04 [b3f0331b] UPD (marlowe-cardano)
07:25:55 [0069613a] Remove IsOurs instance for DummyState. (cardano-wallet)
07:27:22 [56f8b818] Display conditionals correctly (foliage)
07:29:43 [c7640c66] Merge pull request #503 from ArturWieczorek/artur/update-cardano-db-sync-components-doc (cardano-documentation)
07:39:16 [c9d3a0bb] Merge pull request #61 from input-output-hk/website-package-dependencies (foliage)
07:44:36 [a5f84051] Bump foliage (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
07:48:15 [eec8de8f] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
07:50:38 [c4822003] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
07:56:45 [cd33d6da] Add field persistence for Slot primitive type. (cardano-wallet)
07:58:29 [4de42512] Define DB schema for DeltaUTxO. (cardano-wallet)
08:01:06 [a6858eb1] logs ip addresses for the server side (cardano-node)
08:02:09 [db5c3ac4] Merge pull request #64 from nrutledge/minutes/2023-05-28 (Developer-Experience-working-group)
08:02:16 [50179d01] Bump to ghc927 (antaeus)
08:06:48 [f3e39657] Add an undefined store for the UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
08:11:22 [053f662c] Add binary codec for TxOut. (cardano-wallet)
08:14:36 [b9807b0a] Add tests for TxOut serialization. (cardano-wallet)
08:19:33 [d7dd0146] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
08:21:30 [df236d30] Implement load of DeltaUTxOStore. (cardano-wallet)
08:24:38 [9d79eedc] Implement write for UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
08:24:43 [dccf0a77] Merge pull request #101 from input-output-hk/coot/strict-stm- (io-sim)
08:25:16 [a1922074] Merge pull request #1041 from input-output-hk/junko-oda/contrib/cardano-native-tokens-a-simple-explanation-1685117008080 (essential-cardano-content)
08:25:56 [c009da7d] Merge pull request #1037 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/cli-1684912233283 (essential-cardano-content)
08:27:30 [db0c0ad2] Update cross-chain.md (essential-cardano-content)
08:28:17 [02ad5c9b] Merge pull request #1036 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/cross-chain-1684912100948 (essential-cardano-content)
08:28:41 [4350e60b] Implement update for UTxOHistory. (cardano-wallet)
08:30:11 [6b9e9a75] Bump foliage (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
08:30:31 [a7387e8a] Update bft.md (essential-cardano-content)
08:31:10 [ceef9766] Merge pull request #1035 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/bft-1684911093408 (essential-cardano-content)
08:34:09 [7218136a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:34:49 [bd9ce976] Update bootstrapping.md (essential-cardano-content)
08:35:25 [d513bb68] Added new workflows (marlowe-cardano)
08:37:28 [9112462f] Merge pull request #1034 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/bootstrapping-1684910747034 (essential-cardano-content)
08:38:55 [a25b8b88] Add store laws for UTxOHistory store. (cardano-wallet)
08:39:49 [9c5dee0f] Update from 6b9e9a7599b61edfdfc869606aeea0cea0392b17 (cardano-haskell-packages)
08:46:30 [476dc65f] Update package dependencies (marlowe-playground)
08:47:07 [74e70218] added marlowe-cli and marlowe-runtime-cli sscripts (marlowe-cardano)
08:47:11 [5eb3f617] Fix decimal field behavior (marlowe-playground)
08:53:30 [426d7727] Merge branch 'main' into NPG6325-integration-tests-earthly-integration (catalyst-core)
08:54:55 [f760c47e] Update block-size.md (essential-cardano-content)
08:55:38 [966725f6] Merge pull request #1029 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/block-size-1684478748403 (essential-cardano-content)
08:57:12 [71d86470] Update block-reward.md (essential-cardano-content)
08:58:13 [96e69a6d] Update doc/plutip-testing.md (cardano-transaction-lib)
08:58:17 [6afdb4d8] Merge pull request #1028 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/block-reward-1684478504526 (essential-cardano-content)
08:59:53 [a7223aa5] WIP (marlowe-cardano)
09:00:28 [5061e2c1] Update block-height.md (essential-cardano-content)
09:01:09 [26c5d32d] Merge pull request #1027 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/block-height-1684478207239 (essential-cardano-content)
09:03:12 [8388eca1] Update block-header.md (essential-cardano-content)
09:03:57 [14b8ef1d] Merge pull request #1026 from input-output-hk/vcoincheckio/contrib/block-header-1684478004751 (essential-cardano-content)
09:04:09 [a7a4dfe4] WIP (marlowe-cardano)
09:04:46 [dde35b14] fix: adds one more error ot the KoralabsProvider, addresses test, adds comments, and fixes file name (cardano-js-sdk)
09:05:21 [35795c6f] Update topology-mainnet.json - adding new homer-redoracle instance (#198) (koios-artifacts)
09:07:37 [2b4151a9] Fix decimal rounding. Improve blockly FFI structure (marlowe-playground)
09:08:47 [7a434a9b] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-transaction-lib)
09:09:13 [0aa317cd] deploy: 426d77279e4dd1f30b40674ca4d774b58300b7b9 (catalyst-core)
09:10:42 [0821bae8] fix: cleans the types file for KoraLabsHandleProvider (cardano-js-sdk)
09:12:21 [d551f230] deploy: 8cf8453fe65d1f0398b6e4588b81a8ffd96664be (catalyst-core)
09:17:43 [7571cd2a] Update cip-1694-community-workshops.md (essential-cardano-content)
09:18:41 [e694c5a4] fixed compilation error (antaeus)
09:18:48 [2db4da6a] Update cip-1694-community-workshops.md (essential-cardano-content)
09:19:42 [fb7bb0de] Merge pull request #1038 from input-output-hk/jack-briggs/contrib/cip-1694-community-workshops-1684924304031 (essential-cardano-content)
09:22:02 [53bc40e6] feat: Update vote plan schema | NPG-6404 (#404) (catalyst-core)
09:24:20 [0f503bb2] Removed Draft Docs for feature/update-vote-plan (catalyst-core)
09:24:55 [2c3a5053] Fix cache name in CI (marlowe-playground)
09:25:01 [f5bbe6c1] Merge #3784 (cardano-wallet)
09:33:06 [3c859d10] Fix tutorial links: PLT-6047, PLT5-5382 (marlowe-playground)
09:33:53 [1cfee07f] Fix decimal field behavior (marlowe-playground)
09:36:25 [95b6640c] [EC Api] - Added: A list of community-built developer tools on Cardano (essential-cardano-content)
09:36:38 [2be72c8d] deploy: 53bc40e62d88afbd42c123ae4015d9e8a0f89a0a (catalyst-core)
09:37:33 [0ef5a5a1] Merge pull request #1042 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/a-list-of-community-built-developer-tools-on-cardano-1685352984649 (essential-cardano-content)
09:48:27 [49183a0c] Add PrivateKey store module. (cardano-wallet)
09:52:50 [99f9c50c] Fix decimal rounding. Improve blockly FFI structure (marlowe-playground)
09:53:54 [0bf2db01] docs: Merge #3784 3784: [ADP-2829] New store for delta utxo r=paolino a=paolino - [x] add a DB table to store serialized TxOut values, indexed by Tx, output order and wallet with creation and spent slot - [x] add DB field serialization for Slot datatype - [x] add binary serialization to CBOR format for TxOut - [x] create a store to handle that table via DeltaUTxO model ADP-2829 Co-authored-by: paolino <[email protected]> Source commit: f5bbe6c1a4dea443172e5287cb11e8080f9b8184 (cardano-wallet)
09:54:52 [810e0c42] [EC Api] - Added: A list of community-built developer tools on Cardano (essential-cardano-content)
09:55:23 [d5251737] Merge pull request #1043 from input-output-hk/ivan-irakoze/contrib/a-list-of-community-built-developer-tools-on-cardano-1685354091696 (essential-cardano-content)
10:21:06 [339b8e61] Add StoreSpec for the PrivateKey store. (cardano-wallet)
10:29:40 [6972fe52] Upgraded to ghc927 (antaeus)
10:32:45 [0de16476] Add StoreSpec for the PrivateKey store. (cardano-wallet)
10:33:38 [c934ab9a] fixup! feat(cardano-services): add stake pools metrics computation job (cardano-js-sdk)
10:34:23 [2a53e7b4] fixup! feat(projection-typeorm): add stake pools metrics computation job schedule (cardano-js-sdk)
10:43:48 [c30a4e0d] submision of theta cardano native token (cardano-token-registry)
10:48:55 [c250b3c4] WIP (quickcheck-dynamic)
10:53:14 [e3e57ef7] fixup! Add test for querying burn events (marconi)
10:56:29 [4ba20584] Merge branch 'main' into feat/earthly-tests (catalyst-core)
10:57:53 [9ae14c8e] accomodate withdrawals in constructSharedTransaction (cardano-wallet)
10:57:54 [c5a432b0] call proper mkWihtdrawal from Cardano.Wallet (cardano-wallet)
10:57:54 [0d152d38] extend integration testing 1 (cardano-wallet)
10:57:54 [8a07ce92] extend integration testing 2 (cardano-wallet)
10:57:55 [680db15f] post-rebase compilation fix (cardano-wallet)
10:57:55 [75f5c4d5] deal with withdrawals in decodeSharedTx (cardano-wallet)
10:57:55 [3f845ff3] deal with withdrawal script wits (cardano-wallet)
10:57:56 [529cae3d] quit in integration test - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
10:57:56 [08dccdc5] extend integration test (cardano-wallet)
10:57:57 [93d9faaa] quit in integration test - part 4 (cardano-wallet)
10:57:57 [ecf9ff56] quit in integration test - part 3 (cardano-wallet)
10:57:57 [18b08911] quit in integration test - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
10:57:58 [74a7164e] make cert visible in getTransaction for multisig (cardano-wallet)
10:57:58 [3fdd3723] more getTransaction testing (cardano-wallet)
10:57:58 [43275321] add failing expectation for getTransaction (cardano-wallet)
10:57:59 [c5a924a4] small cleanups (cardano-wallet)
10:57:59 [8947befe] more getTransaction testing - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
10:58:00 [3e400c2d] refactor InvalidWalletType error (cardano-wallet)
10:58:00 [39977ec7] e2e tests: update certificates visibility on deleg tx (cardano-wallet)
10:58:50 [d019ac53] fixup! Add test for burn queries (marconi)
11:13:55 [6996a8d1] deploy: to live-mainnet @cardano-sdk/[email protected] (#2722) (lace)
11:15:49 [737a61ef] deploy: 4ba20584ab6bc191b9355b2d4f9344e0510b380d (catalyst-core)
11:17:19 [293baa78] Completely drop Cardano.ProtocolParameters (cardano-wallet)
11:17:20 [7211d416] fixup: timetranslation import (cardano-wallet)
11:17:21 [39fec064] wip: Don't take `AnyCardanoEra` for tx size estimations (cardano-wallet)
11:17:21 [e1c142ec] fixup: stylish (cardano-wallet)
11:19:35 [0b5ee3e4] Add nixpkgs-2305 and update other pins (haskell.nix)
11:22:55 [52d4659f] fix: mock provider namings and moving utils (cardano-js-sdk)
11:36:51 [0039edbc] Fixed fourmolu (quickcheck-dynamic)
11:37:13 [b834e1c0] Fixed fourmolu (quickcheck-dynamic)
11:37:28 [aee95b0e] Fixed fourmolu (quickcheck-dynamic)
11:37:44 [d547664f] Fixed fourmolu (quickcheck-dynamic)
12:00:30 [0c779d55] review changes v0 (mithril)
12:05:40 [5d354552] Resolve TODOs, clarify what `node` refers to (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:05:40 [538faf71] Add a note on running parallel clusters (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:06:01 [8c389dc5] Merge branch 'develop' into feat/YOEXT-599/create-restore-updates (yoroi-frontend)
12:06:36 [ad765a00] Merge pull request #3200 from Emurgo/feat/YOEXT-599/create-restore-updates (yoroi-frontend)
12:07:33 [e554ff41] Merge pull request #591 from input-output-hk/jhbertra/improve-arbitrary (marlowe-cardano)
12:07:38 [bd7805aa] Don't take `AnyCardanoEra` for tx size estimations (cardano-wallet)
12:07:55 [9ada4172] Clarify what Plutip instance means (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:08:25 [61bf2aed] WIP update pov proof (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:10:04 [6b6d5aa7] Add time multiplier suggestion (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:12:48 [b1d0e143] WIP (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:15:13 [cd825020] Documented the flake.nix (antaeus)
12:16:27 [0e89083e] Added packages (antaeus)
12:21:02 [b6c673ae] Completely drop Cardano.ProtocolParameters (cardano-wallet)
12:21:43 [a9be4e7e] Bump IOGX (antaeus)
12:28:18 [e9df561b] Fix assertions library mention, link to another example (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:28:44 [157ab0dd] update ObjectiveDetails type, modify query (catalyst-core)
12:34:34 [4e370310] Fix references in the hydra specification (hydra-poc)
12:36:37 [5357302f] Updated flake (antaeus)
12:39:03 [eae5d513] Enable `create_script_context` in CI (cardano-node-tests)
12:39:24 [5ef89895] Suppress interactivity (cardano-node-tests)
12:41:41 [36059b49] Update tests that use `create-script-context` tool (cardano-node-tests)
12:45:08 [ff3f5ec8] deploy: 157ab0dd576bcd35d056bb0463ee54ffad3853c5 (catalyst-core)
12:45:17 [d12a70c4] Completely drop Cardano.ProtocolParameters (cardano-wallet)
12:47:28 [bdde307d] WIP (antaeus)
12:49:17 [73e1a2f1] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:51:50 [1b8f6a7c] deploy: 4494c704d2c5f568416b3259710b21fb2675c1ab (catalyst-core)
12:51:56 [a35fc30d] Merge pull request #34 from input-output-hk/PLT-5468 (marlowe-playground)
12:54:26 [a2bd26e1] Update register-stake-pool.md (developer-portal)
12:54:54 [30272e18] Merge pull request #5274 from input-output-hk/newhoggy/add-golden-files-to-nix (cardano-node)
12:57:59 [8260e91f] Throw away peer informatio in tracing to get node to compile (cardano-node)
12:57:59 [0c555545] bench: workaround plutus-tx-plugin expecting GHC9 (cardano-node)
12:57:59 [a2a95657] Updates due to the addition of handshake queries (cardano-node)
12:57:59 [aba0cf0e] update CHaPs (cardano-node)
12:57:59 [b28bba7c] integration work (cardano-node)
12:57:59 [cbcf2561] DO NOT MERGE - ekg SRP (cardano-node)
12:57:59 [6cf40c17] Builds on 9.2.7 (cardano-node)
12:58:00 [4d2f26b6] chainSyncServerHeaderTracer (cardano-node)
12:58:46 [298178b2] New cabal-cache version (cardano-node)
12:59:17 [3ec1d106] Disable Test.ShutdownOnSlotSynced test (cardano-node)
13:02:57 [5543f6fd] [Refactoring] [TypeCheck] Get rid of 'dummy' nonsense (plutus)
13:03:35 [26782381] Add required_signer_hashes to send_tx (cardano-clusterlib-py)
13:03:48 [78d53f2e] Restructure testing-with-* sections (cardano-transaction-lib)
13:04:56 [e3af0467] Prepopulate template content based on the previous one (marlowe-playground)
13:07:49 [b34ec2a9] Update CHaP index-state (cardano-cli)
13:14:12 [7ed24e7e] New translations en-US.json (Hungarian) (yoroi-frontend)
13:14:14 [02942943] New translations en-US.json (Vietnamese) (yoroi-frontend)
13:15:17 [4571b32b] Check governance poll required signers on dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
13:19:10 [93b4b472] Update register-stake-pool.md (developer-portal)
13:26:16 [7d0cf7db] chore(env): build envs / rm (yoroi-mobile)
13:26:44 [26cbeef8] Add the private to the wallet state. (cardano-wallet)
13:33:50 [a4281236] WIP (antaeus)
13:34:31 [22f0d980] Merge branch 'main' into kill-openssl (catalyst-core)
13:37:00 [730331f2] Suppress interactivity (cardano-node-tests)
13:37:00 [f08f8c53] Enable `create_script_context` in CI (cardano-node-tests)
13:37:07 [6509299d] Update tests that use `create-script-context` tool (cardano-node-tests)
13:40:52 [f4d33970] Don't take `AnyCardanoEra` for tx size estimations (cardano-wallet)
13:41:11 [4d41fa61] Completely drop Cardano.ProtocolParameters (cardano-wallet)
13:44:42 [a2043c72] WIP (antaeus)
13:46:05 [0ebeb889] Don't take `AnyCardanoEra` for tx size estimations (cardano-wallet)
13:46:13 [1eae179a] [Triage] Help out with 'loadFromFile' (plutus)
13:46:20 [19cd4527] ci: Running Earthly tests in CI | NPG-6323 (#403) (catalyst-core)
13:46:38 [66b66df1] Revert "ci: Running Earthly tests in CI | NPG-6323 (#403)" (catalyst-core)
13:46:53 [d5664b90] fix (catalyst-core)
13:48:24 [150614b2] Merge branch 'main' into kill-openssl (catalyst-core)
13:48:38 [b3a40569] Removed Draft Docs for feat/earthly-tests (catalyst-core)
13:49:07 [1b450607] Merge pull request #1848 from input-output-hk/create_script_context_ci (cardano-node-tests)
13:52:30 [6d40bb0c] review changes v1 - verifier (mithril)
13:54:46 [0af673fb] Merge branch 'main' into feature/update-objective (catalyst-core)
13:55:49 [574c32cd] Completely drop Cardano.ProtocolParameters (cardano-wallet)
13:59:14 [7cd1b2bb] review changes v2 - naming (mithril)
14:00:12 [b64722f1] deploy: 19cd4527089b00a31565b56474c5bae1585e01bb (catalyst-core)
14:00:21 [82db7d1c] Fix parallel clusters note (cardano-browser-tx)
14:01:32 [676c8fae] Update mithril-stm/src/stm.rs (mithril)
14:01:32 [9f576bc4] chore: dropped rn-schemes (yoroi-mobile)
14:02:08 [2097e893] check reference inputs txins on dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
14:02:33 [913d1849] Added WarmValency to local root configuration (ouroboros-network)
14:03:56 [3cc7ec03] deploy: 36dd47d2333d13b4e46d0ffe9be3f3f80925ee02 (catalyst-core)
14:05:05 [2c5df54c] upgrade ghc 9.2.7 (quickcheck-dynamic)
14:07:43 [de8a7a39] check reference inputs txins on dbsync (cardano-node-tests)
14:08:19 [d695b727] fix(extension): fix manifest file for development (lace)
14:09:00 [fedb00f3] deploy: 0af673fb6dd967cae1d954a129b9afc0c7dabde2 (catalyst-core)
14:09:17 [78d20c75] refactor!: hoist Cardano.Percent to util package (cardano-js-sdk)
14:09:19 [2a88f0fc] refactor(tx-construction): txOutputBuilder satisfies OutputBuilder interface (cardano-js-sdk)
14:11:47 [dd311072] feat(util): get percentage from parts (cardano-js-sdk)
14:12:21 [2859cb97] feat(wallet): util to track utxo balance by address (cardano-js-sdk)
14:17:21 [77963b39] feat(wallet)!: delegation.portfolio$ tracker (cardano-js-sdk)
14:17:21 [dcbe2f15] test(e2e): delegation portfolio e2e test (cardano-js-sdk)
14:17:33 [090a5c1c] Refactor ControlChannel (ouroboros-network)
14:22:41 [c60abc03] Merge branch 'main' into zeme-iohk/iogxxx (marlowe-cardano)
14:24:30 [356016cf] Added Light Peer Sharing (ouroboros-network)
14:30:03 [cdb46f04] Test that values are in WHNF in Strict MVars (io-sim)
14:36:43 [feba2b88] Formatting (fs-sim)
14:38:09 [ba1e3a3d] fixup! feat(input-selection): added new greedy input selector (cardano-js-sdk)
14:39:02 [85ba2f0b] Use wallet state for private key management. (cardano-wallet)
14:44:20 [4c7fb243] Build and test with `ghc-9.4.5` in CI. (fs-sim)
14:46:26 [dcfb9a08] refactor readRewardAccount and use it also for shared wallets (cardano-wallet)
14:48:56 [242f563e] Merge pull request #35 from input-output-hk/PLT-6088-fix-simulator-form-initialization (marlowe-playground)
14:52:23 [c82e2c3f] review changes v3 - documentation (mithril)
14:54:17 [1938f711] Added test to check no self connects (ouroboros-network)
14:57:51 [100b5f18] input-output-hk/plutus-apps#1078 Repro (cardano-api)
15:05:28 [2d816855] Remove `Data.SOP.Tuples`, as it is not in the build plan. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:07:07 [d1f86136] Small fix (ouroboros-network)
15:08:06 [1dfdc4d6] Stylish (ouroboros-network)
15:08:41 [dd470040] Remove the `ledger-db-backends-checker` executable. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:10:27 [a5f56e91] feat(projection-typeorm): add stake pools metrics computation job schedule (cardano-js-sdk)
15:10:29 [34625954] feat(cardano-services): add stake pools metrics computation job (cardano-js-sdk)
15:10:29 [9c1bf26f] test(e2e): add a stake pool metrics pg-boss job test (cardano-js-sdk)
15:14:27 [49f4bf75] Refactor: sizeOfSignedWithdrawal (cardano-wallet)
15:20:01 [e2d5fd69] Fix github CI action yaml file (marlowe-playground)
15:20:48 [8ef22746] input-output-hk/plutus-apps#1078 Repro (cardano-api)
15:22:31 [583a8591] Use wallet state for private key management. (cardano-wallet)
15:22:33 [6de33f84] Use Credentials type instead of tuples of private key and password. (cardano-wallet)
15:23:12 [f76da6c6] Use Credentials type in deriveAccountPrivateKey. (cardano-wallet)
15:25:18 [66e6a7b8] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:27:32 [9094a4d7] refactor: hoist BaseProjectionEvent to projection package (cardano-js-sdk)
15:29:03 [1d237523] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:35:30 [2be1c7be] feat(projection-typeorm): project handle transfer (WIP) (cardano-js-sdk)
15:36:06 [8f7176ad] Apply suggestion (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:39:06 [f0561b9d] fix size estimation due to optional script withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
15:41:33 [3daf96d0] Create 8dc6724cb9fca6849466f09c3f1b6560b64b52077b9182b80838807a24414441.json (cardano-token-registry)
15:41:36 [07889e89] Try #3925: (cardano-wallet)
15:44:16 [a8334539] Condense assertions mention (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:47:21 [a2cff947] Merge pull request #186 from saratomaz/required_signers_send_tx (cardano-clusterlib-py)
15:50:20 [e87240a2] Drop txRewardWithdrawal from TxSkeleton (cardano-wallet)
15:51:22 [92095003] Rename `StrictMVar` to `StrictSVar`. (ouroboros-consensus)
15:55:14 [29e98711] Update cardano-clusterlib to v0.4.11 (cardano-node-tests)
15:55:48 [729a1022] Create 5f460066ff9ff904cc41391be1a47f79863f945a5f791e8bfeaea81e53484954.json (cardano-token-registry)
15:56:51 [66271067] Restructure (cardano-transaction-lib)
15:58:06 [a9f48374] [EC Api] - Added: A list of community-built developer tools on Cardano (essential-cardano-content)
15:58:50 [b6a27672] Create 8dc6724cb9fca6849466f09c3f1b6560b64b52077b9182b80838807a24414441.json (cardano-token-registry)
16:04:12 [d264169d] Update status badges to match design (marlowe-explorer)
16:06:03 [9743a17a] Merge pull request #1849 from input-output-hk/update_clusterlib_0.4.11 (cardano-node-tests)
16:12:55 [fa7f0bdc] Add `strict-mvar` dependency and `StrictMVar` with NoThunks invariants. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:25:51 [edd9ac9a] Use Credentials type instead of tuples of private key and password. (cardano-wallet)
16:27:02 [9f4cfc7d] hlint (cardano-wallet)
16:27:54 [c5332b6f] Rename `StrictMVar` module to `StrictSVar`. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:30:08 [d8b755f2] Rename definitions in the `StrictSVar` module. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:34:23 [20cef4db] Fix compilation after renaming. (ouroboros-consensus)
16:37:05 [b70e732d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
17:06:20 [b9fc8c75] Try #3925: (cardano-wallet)
17:24:17 [17f71fbe] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
17:38:23 [c9d1e4a0] Add `strict-mvar` dependency and `StrictMVar` with NoThunks invariants. (ouroboros-consensus)
17:39:01 [6bdf488f] Replace `StrictSVar` where possible by `StrictMVar` with NoThunks checks (ouroboros-consensus)
17:45:15 [7062073b] Merge #3963 (cardano-wallet)
17:46:57 [c830d4b2] Added first run opencnft after start (pricing-service)
17:54:46 [23677b31] WIP WIP WIP WIP (cardano-node)
17:56:35 [54b4dd03] Replace `StrictSVar` where possible by `StrictMVar` with NoThunks checks (ouroboros-consensus)
18:11:34 [728a5298] workbench: WIP: add a backend agnostic healthcheck service (cardano-node)
18:11:47 [ff7449bd] workbench: indentation, comments and better error messages (cardano-node)
18:14:25 [2d7b272a] docs: Merge #3963 3963: Remove unused `Context._feeEstimator` field r=Anviking a=Anviking Co-authored-by: Johannes Lund <[email protected]> Source commit: 7062073b595a25019f45bd0236c87825f0c04417 (cardano-wallet)
18:30:46 [6241e37e] feat: Update `ObjectiveDetails` type, add groups field | NPG-6555 (#411) (catalyst-core)
18:31:53 [38e97c69] Merge branch 'main' into kill-openssl (catalyst-core)
18:33:06 [d792ad93] Removed Draft Docs for feature/update-objective (catalyst-core)
18:44:52 [3e40475b] deploy: 6241e37ea87d4eb618421e898809882040e6e25b (catalyst-core)
18:46:58 [eb9f3948] Merge pull request #3161 from sticky548/master (cardano-token-registry)
18:47:37 [2ee08bbe] Merge pull request #3162 from cardano-tools-nft/3ebdb5ba-403b-431f-ab37-7efcf36d8731 (cardano-token-registry)
18:48:00 [b0cd241b] deploy: 45f33ecfe7a137c792401351a13683d441c9e28d (catalyst-core)
18:48:08 [ab471030] Merge pull request #3163 from ljadfjoazeofz/master (cardano-token-registry)
18:48:39 [0bfb175c] Merge pull request #3164 from jakajakajk/master (cardano-token-registry)
18:49:04 [719612e8] Merge pull request #3165 from chimasivop/master (cardano-token-registry)
18:50:21 [212beeda] Merge pull request #3166 from schaier-io/master (cardano-token-registry)
18:50:55 [bd83b173] Merge pull request #3170 from LybraFinanceCoinADA/master (cardano-token-registry)
19:10:32 [2c0652be] workbench: WIP: add a backend agnostic healthcheck service (cardano-node)
19:11:23 [1d74be03] workbench: indentation, comments and better error messages (cardano-node)
19:21:41 [0da3cd0e] Add `plutarch-ctl-bridge` docs (cardano-transaction-lib)
19:24:38 [6d5dccd3] Add files via upload (metadata-registry-testnet)
19:29:35 [c6b6c031] Delete 494ceaf4b49613388b108d4f51644b2d86e8562f412f9893c4a2e06f5269756d.json (metadata-registry-testnet)
19:37:01 [72541f37] add Ballot types (catalyst-core)
19:46:36 [93b64094] Merge pull request #287 from blinklabs-io/feat/muxer-multiple-protocol-instances (go-ouroboros-network)
19:50:49 [4a5da9f9] deploy: 72541f37ff3c473438a03b256dd83be38f5946d2 (catalyst-core)
20:05:57 [fd9a4662] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
20:10:44 [1fdcda13] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
20:11:41 [4abfc635] Merge pull request #1 from ItsNoah21/ItsNoah21-patch-1 (cardano-token-registry)
20:22:27 [c30ea8e6] Merge pull request #736 from input-output-hk/feat/ADP-2410-stake-pools-metrics-projection (cardano-js-sdk)
20:34:17 [196ecbbc] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:03:07 [86da8be7] Merge pull request #352 from TheGateKeeper1995/master (metadata-registry-testnet)
21:09:59 [a444c714] Add styling to pagination buttons in design (marlowe-explorer)
21:19:26 [8d5c2c18] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
21:34:44 [1f94ff09] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
21:45:41 [f4b6234f] Merge branch 'cardano-foundation:master' into master (cardano-token-registry)
21:49:13 [d35ba807] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
22:06:14 [c6d9e4e4] feat: introduced test-containers support module (hydra-java-client)
22:40:46 [18033fc1] Add styling to pagination in implementation (marlowe-explorer)
22:49:49 [49c5c54f] [Refactoring] [TypeCheck] Get rid of 'dummy' nonsense (plutus)
23:05:19 [c89c483c] 🟩 C1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 126 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:20 [a0f7c456] 🟩 C1 Mainnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 188 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:20 [a032c079] 🟩 C1 Devnet Sidechain Explorer is up (200 in 101 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:20 [8ca7a72b] 🟩 C1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 124 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:21 [2148a510] 🟩 A1 Devnet RPC is up (200 in 427 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:22 [b01b9de2] 🟩 A1 Devnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 569 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:22 [22d009d0] 🟩 A1 Mainnet RPC is up (200 in 112 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:05:24 [02bf13f1] 🟩 A1 Mainnet L2 Explorer is up (200 in 963 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (uptime)
23:27:12 [263507f0] updated colors (milkomeda-documentation)
23:32:18 [8399c472] Add .gitattributes (cardano-cli)
23:44:33 [544d0dc5] updated theme (milkomeda-documentation)