Home / Reports / Aug 1, 2024

Thursday, August 1, 2024

792 commits had been pushed across 94 repos by 137 authors. There were 19,950,435 additions and 1,592,210 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:45 [7cb7d1c4] 🟥 preview - API is down (200 in 633 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:01:03 [c95cbed2] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:01:03 [f6844eaf] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:05:13 [bf8d9e1c] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:07:41 [01eb88f2] cleanup/remove unused imports (formal-ledger-specifications)
00:09:51 [31eadb3d] Added reward_stake_deposit to store fetched delegation deposit, initializing stake_deposit now in light mode using that to fix de-registration of wallet (guild-operators)
00:09:52 [b96e71f1] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:09:52 [388166c0] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:12:40 [d386afd6] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:13:20 [9f46258e] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-explorer-status)
00:13:48 [35c33ad6] fix: update dependencies (hermes)
00:13:48 [2d3428d4] feat: add hermes_ipfs::IpfsBuilder type (hermes)
00:13:48 [de859834] feat: add unpin function to WIT (hermes)
00:13:48 [71075e6e] fix(bug): disable TLS and QUIC from HermesIpfs transport (hermes)
00:13:49 [52082724] feat(wip): add crate::ipfs module (hermes)
00:13:49 [d809d34a] feat: add HermesIpfs::list_pins (hermes)
00:13:49 [492b00f0] fix: add missing dev dependencies (hermes)
00:13:49 [890ef961] fix: refactor hermes_ipfs crate to simplify downstream types (hermes)
00:13:49 [883443b2] feat: add fn for listing pinned files (hermes)
00:13:49 [6752b818] feat(wip): refactor task and api into crate::ipfs (hermes)
00:21:02 [dd27a670] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:21:02 [e54f014f] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:28:04 [3792dab1] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:28:04 [d38aadae] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
00:32:34 [89d2ad3c] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@64e5a80d1f078b9ef569d34a874e6d24dd067e9e 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
00:43:42 [8e5e78e2] fixup! feat: add web socket based transactions by addresses provider (cardano-js-sdk)
00:44:00 [5941afe8] Add state query for `RatifyState` (cardano-ledger)
00:44:00 [99f8d49b] Add state query for proposals (cardano-ledger)
00:44:20 [46bf25df] Add docker-alpha for manually publishing changes to docker (guild-operators)
00:50:42 [d501b2b4] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:07:33 [4bb76fbc] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
01:08:52 [57e30445] Merge pull request #6279 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1773 (cardano-token-registry)
01:17:32 [4c68138d] andByteString conformance cases (plutus)
01:18:44 [60ae3930] Add param_proposal data to proposal_list endpoint (webartifacts)
01:29:53 [be628bdf] Add Ledger team update for 2024-07-31 (cardano-updates)
01:33:29 [618e76f5] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
01:33:50 [746cf022] fix: add array support for type any (hermes)
01:34:03 [85f0d9e8] Move each case to its own directory (plutus)
01:35:46 [570863ce] Merge branch 'feat/auto-sync-mithril' into feat/x509-metadata-decode (hermes)
01:42:23 [a04cb753] feat!: implement signCip8Data for LedgerKeyAgent and InMemoryKeyAgent (cardano-js-sdk)
01:43:08 [bd5a2c89] fix: spelling and typo (hermes)
01:51:59 [8f98709e] fix computational instance for Certs.Haskell (formal-ledger-specifications)
01:52:22 [a2ad385d] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
01:52:53 [0e6cc873] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
01:52:53 [651bcd74] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
01:53:11 [d8c2fa42] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for bca8e2ba66b3e65ebc548e1a43eb62d0ca3cd893 (cardano-ledger)
01:53:14 [3c0d0c84] Updated from bca8e2ba66b3e65ebc548e1a43eb62d0ca3cd893 via push (cardano-ledger)
01:54:58 [d71d6557] reorg and add Haskell computational instances to Everything (formal-ledger-specifications)
02:04:01 [1e36f5f2] Merge pull request #1393 from input-output-hk/feat/lw-11066-implement-ledger-sign-data (cardano-js-sdk)
02:05:15 [6cd7944a] fix: typo (hermes)
02:06:06 [026d8211] feat: periodic log message during catch-up sync (#181) (cdnsd)
02:17:20 [5a66f919] ci: publish packages [skip actions] (cardano-js-sdk)
02:22:18 [901177a7] deploy: 1e36f5f24bc1acea3352c6936260d14f3aee68f3 (cardano-js-sdk)
02:22:45 [5bc2c270] Merge branch 'develop', remote-tracking branch 'origin' into feat/remove-prefix-for-credential-ids (cf-identity-wallet)
02:30:42 [0aa19e95] Merge pull request #6280 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1774 (cardano-token-registry)
02:42:57 [744dde64] Merge pull request #6278 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1772 (cardano-token-registry)
02:47:44 [5b89a704] test: add MET-2283 add automation NS and SC (cf-explorer-frontend)
03:03:51 [92dc17ca] group contest rewards to payout by user (bug-bounty)
03:08:36 [0440dde2] fix: add a condition to the join query to filter gov actions (cf-explorer-api)
03:16:34 [4612772e] copy wallet address to clipboard (bug-bounty)
03:18:30 [fd8fb6cb] invalidate queries in usePayReward (bug-bounty)
03:26:01 [2fc8da0c] feat: add migration ts for credential: prefix (cf-identity-wallet)
03:31:08 [5cd6091e] Merge pull request #6275 from customorders/add-a-new-token-620 (cardano-token-registry)
03:35:02 [d1251cf3] Move each case to its own directory (plutus)
03:35:34 [db5fbc5e] 1 old + 1 new candidate CIP PR closure (CIPs)
03:37:31 [737fb872] Conformance for orByteString (plutus)
03:38:06 [1e5eef79] [IS-177] Fix error eslint typescript (cardano-ibc-incubator)
03:40:09 [85768b4b] Conformance for xorByteString (plutus)
03:41:28 [48c5fd38] Merge pull request #4514 from IntersectMBO/ldan/govstate-queries (cardano-ledger)
03:44:28 [1894fed2] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 48c5fd384a29bef3ac56f47426765a4daddf30b7 (cardano-ledger)
03:46:27 [b7578ada] De-duplicate database_url between ENV and config.ymls (#196) (carp)
03:48:10 [fead20c9] Conformance cases for complementByteString (plutus)
03:55:33 [3d4cb1ed] chore: update application.yml (cf-ledger-sync)
03:57:07 [620664d7] Conformance cases for readBit (plutus)
04:01:42 [56438fc9] Conformance cases for writeBits (plutus)
04:05:09 [97df3564] fix(ui): fix password reset alert redirect after dismiss (cf-identity-wallet)
04:14:44 [39d6f92d] Conformance for replicateByte (plutus)
04:14:59 [22c1c3ef] fix tests (bug-bounty)
04:19:09 [76021357] Conformance for shiftByteString (plutus)
04:25:01 [e7c7ceb0] Conformance for rotateByteString (plutus)
04:28:13 [63cc8edd] build(deps): bump crs-k/stale-branches from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 (catalyst-voices)
04:31:17 [a2f6e412] Conformance for countSetBits (plutus)
04:34:33 [0d5e8eb0] Conformance for findFirstSetBit (plutus)
04:34:42 [bd0c5638] refactor: update getConnectionShortDetails to get status by pending field (cf-identity-wallet)
04:36:52 [1a786970] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:41:45 [c784220f] Merge pull request #209 from cardano-foundation/issue_186 (cf-ledger-sync)
04:51:52 [c7c2a331] chore: adjust action paths. So that all paths are relative to the root (cardano-rosetta)
04:59:55 [83c13522] chore: adjust action paths. So that all paths are relative to the root (cardano-rosetta)
05:02:07 [881ef764] feat(wip): bootstrap IPFS node into Hermes top-level (hermes)
05:02:43 [542cf9e1] deploy: 30e72ea02c0d9296df504a6feb868ee094cc78b9 (hydra)
05:03:24 [85de66c9] scale: preview, 1 relay per pool group for post-hf increased cpu/gc (cardano-playground)
05:12:17 [4fd7c5a8] chore: bump cardano-js-sdk versions (lace)
05:12:18 [7667c850] fix: fix UI defects for hardware wallet (lace)
05:17:20 [87cf4632] Fix drep update min fee calculation (guild-operators)
05:26:58 [3c3856f9] Separate lists of expected failures for evaluation tests and budget tests (plutus)
05:27:39 [7f90f683] chore: right tokenregistry is used now (cardano-graphql)
05:28:00 [9707e670] Remove temporary test data (plutus)
05:37:21 [8515b170] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
05:38:29 [bcafb397] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
05:38:29 [f04df7ad] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger)
05:38:47 [24a01d83] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 48c5fd384a29bef3ac56f47426765a4daddf30b7 (cardano-ledger)
05:38:49 [61d8116b] Updated from 48c5fd384a29bef3ac56f47426765a4daddf30b7 via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:39:03 [a55b8eca] Fix memory usage for lists in Agda (plutus)
05:44:13 [0d8115dc] chore: adjusted adapots table name (cardano-graphql)
05:59:12 [d91f945a] chore: adjusted adapots table name (cardano-graphql)
06:03:46 [34219e83] Bump base dependency for cardano-ping (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:07:44 [9757078f] replace unnecessary bash math syntax with direct variable mapping (guild-operators)
06:09:06 [9194a1f4] feat(hermes-lib): Use symlink for pre-downloaded archive file. (hermes)
06:10:24 [e535f97d] Bump base dependency for cardano-ping (cardano-haskell-packages)
06:16:08 [d3136a67] Update from e535f97d4f5a7d3e8b568e27643a50038e2c51f7 (cardano-haskell-packages-tmp)
06:16:08 [d23b8208] add corrupted_share_dir_test test (hermes)
06:18:54 [834f966b] Forgot about haskell-steppable-conformance (plutus)
06:20:47 [501ebe9b] fix-test: accept integers when expected type is float (govtool)
06:52:30 [7c2705a8] fix isCostModelV3 (cardano-costmodels-ts)
06:54:01 [a76f8fac] Merge branch 'main' into feat/lw-10949-generate-json-file-in-activity (lace)
06:56:45 [82a5e04e] new v3 cost functions (plutus-machine)
06:58:36 [efd27383] refactor app package tests (hermes)
07:02:13 [9ab4cf32] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@d23b820818bf129ea6a9fa0c8a6c3009287b4a53 🚀 (hermes)
07:03:24 [91b2fea1] Merge branch 'develop' into pr/3530 (yoroi-frontend)
07:08:01 [ea24748b] refactor(cardano-services): optimize get gov_action_proposals query (cardano-js-sdk)
07:12:42 [867ee64c] refactor(cardano-services): optimize get stake certificates query (cardano-js-sdk)
07:15:19 [54146741] fix: linter (hermes)
07:15:55 [0733158a] ledger and yoroi-lib update (yoroi-frontend)
07:17:46 [1e18d607] feat: MET-2101 create page gov actions details (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:19:42 [3dd31a6f] Should not try to apply decommit tx again (hydra)
07:21:04 [2feb0842] Merge pull request #3743 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2276-Fetch-and-index-data-reference-by-anchor-link (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:22:37 [ad4788b5] chore: adjust action paths. So that all paths are relative to the root (#568) (cardano-rosetta)
07:24:38 [6e9e79e7] Make it build with ghc-9.10 (cardano-cli)
07:25:29 [e71aa799] CI: Add ghc 9.10 to the build matrix (cardano-cli)
07:27:28 [2ebc3ef1] yoroi-lib update (yoroi-frontend)
07:29:26 [28b81c0f] fix: resovle conflict (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:31:23 [fb1506da] Merge pull request #3746 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2101-governance-action-details (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:31:52 [7dae7edd] chore: replace hard coded network value with constants (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
07:32:42 [bf1c6e06] Merge pull request #3732 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2245-Number-of-transactions-per-day (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:33:01 [5745fe0b] update: add test for pending connection (cf-identity-wallet)
07:37:31 [2199390d] feat(ui): add aid info modal (cf-identity-wallet)
07:37:49 [fa34a4cc] Nix updates (cardano-cli)
07:42:08 [6f1cb19a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@efd27383ff897968349e9022385f2bb95564f7bd 🚀 (hermes)
07:43:52 [bffed90f] fix address type (cardano-wallet)
07:44:16 [fcf21f12] chore: attempt to trigger a build (cf-explorer-frontend)
07:45:47 [13d80f51] feat(ui): disable delegate aid and update aid type name (cf-identity-wallet)
07:48:28 [4550661f] refactor(extension): remove duplication of pgp public key handler (lace)
07:52:18 [2dd8f13e] fix(core): return correct pending status for connections (#625) (cf-identity-wallet)
07:54:15 [f3f1600b] update check_integrity fn (hermes)
07:55:52 [26cc5072] Merge pull request #2505 from saratomaz/fix_test_register_hot_key_no_cc_member (cardano-node-tests)
07:56:31 [62057d46] chore(gha): testing self-hosted macos runners (cf-identity-wallet)
08:00:23 [5ecef17d] chore(gha): testing self-hosted macos runners (cf-identity-wallet)
08:03:46 [913dd3ce] Merge pull request #3566 from Emurgo/pr/3530 (yoroi-frontend)
08:07:29 [f36acaab] Merge branch 'feat/auto-sync-mithril' into feat/x509-metadata-decode (hermes)
08:07:46 [56ed47c6] fix(swap): card background color (yoroi-mobile)
08:08:41 [d6c9837c] chore: taking schedules down (cf-explorer)
08:09:52 [df619096] blockfrost: fix build errors tests (tests fail) (cardano-js-sdk)
08:10:53 [95f21671] chore: infrastructure adjustments of metadata-validation service usage (govtool)
08:10:53 [8acaa8e6] fix: move validation requests to frontend service fixing metadatas (govtool)
08:11:30 [5ebebeaf] WIP (govtool)
08:12:27 [d8f9e6c1] Merge branch 'main' into test/wasm-module (hermes)
08:14:32 [4bfd0188] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
08:16:28 [2015603b] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
08:18:05 [348ea9a1] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
08:20:21 [8498bc19] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
08:22:03 [9082d306] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
08:22:32 [d9ebb8e8] Merge pull request #6284 from cardanative/token-38c30 (cardano-token-registry)
08:23:58 [328ce8bf] Merge pull request #6285 from cardanative/token-6abd (cardano-token-registry)
08:29:44 [5644a2cf] New translations en-us.json (Hungarian) (yoroi-frontend)
08:29:46 [34d08f18] New translations en-us.json (Vietnamese) (yoroi-frontend)
08:31:13 [3d198594] feat: update sample cert (catalyst-voices)
08:33:52 [13fb4c7f] chore: fix colors (catalyst-voices)
08:35:42 [daad813c] test: env debug log (lace)
08:36:28 [7f9d024c] feat(ui): fix issue about UT (cf-identity-wallet)
08:37:30 [89bf4420] CR: update (yoroi)
08:37:38 [bc72f702] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:37:38 [08249dae] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@d8f9e6c1fdf641e1e60c9fc1b508f854b1bc6f9d 🚀 (hermes)
08:42:43 [da9d2890] Factor out common UPLC logic for converting Data to Bool. (aiken)
08:43:51 [36225f0b] [IS-177] Handle UI when choose network and token SWAP page (cardano-ibc-incubator)
08:49:31 [1fed2feb] Add anchor file for off chain action data tests (cardano-node-tests)
08:49:32 [9a2c5e8f] update: changes to steps (cf-identity-wallet)
08:54:41 [14ec30fb] chore: using block and upper case SQL statement (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
08:56:21 [7f2b6e7f] chore: rename showSnackBar to show (catalyst-voices)
08:56:22 [b8ebcb31] remove console.logs (bug-bounty)
08:59:31 [3ff4e748] use ServerError instead of getApiError (bug-bounty)
09:00:34 [67181c21] chore: tolerations (cf-explorer)
09:01:49 [cf892806] add formatAddress isntead of formatTxHash for wallet address (bug-bounty)
09:03:26 [8b23b182] contest title redirect to contest details page (bug-bounty)
09:04:39 [c24bc013] fix: clean up + add test (hermes)
09:06:56 [30bf94ef] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@7f2b6e7fec9f02ad64cfaf70fe389bc497770ad9 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
09:09:10 [ddaf3741] Allow for different DB paths for immutable and volatile data (ouroboros-consensus)
09:09:56 [5a6c8737] Update libs/cardano-ledger-conformance/src/Test/Cardano/Ledger/Conformance/ExecSpecRule/Core.hs (cardano-ledger)
09:10:29 [3a3bee62] Implement the Cached index using TVars (ouroboros-consensus)
09:10:59 [61efbf3c] Merge branch 'master' into artur/update-info-action-test (cardano-node-tests)
09:11:00 [6a2ebcf4] Submit HTTP request for POST /commit (hydra)
09:11:00 [273fe916] Fix up the change to `CommitInfo` in the tests (hydra)
09:11:00 [432ac642] Starting incremental commit end-to-end test (hydra)
09:11:00 [7cf21626] Working on incremental commit protocol specification (hydra)
09:11:00 [2fd84534] Finish off the basic end-to-end test (hydra)
09:11:00 [564343c7] Update projection for drafting commits to provide CommitInfo (hydra)
09:11:39 [0f227521] Add cli ui port option (cardano-wallet)
09:11:44 [398a96a5] Move non api server related functionality to exe package (cardano-wallet)
09:11:44 [7be5065c] Move Cardano.Wallet.Api.Http.Server.Tls to exe package (cardano-wallet)
09:11:44 [0c0fcbe3] Enable ui service stub (cardano-wallet)
09:11:45 [935c5561] Fix latency bench to reflect the move of modules to the exe package (cardano-wallet)
09:11:45 [199fa356] Fix tests to reflect the move of modules to exe package (cardano-wallet)
09:12:07 [0eb399f6] chore: node selector (cf-explorer)
09:14:38 [855eeb69] fix(ui): fix style for card section header (cf-identity-wallet)
09:14:49 [8576f15f] fix: last block read by Chain Reader in Block Streamer is strictly above the limit (mithril)
09:14:49 [c2dceb5c] chore: bump crates versions (mithril)
09:16:45 [5e086aaf] group rewards by findings.rewardWalletAddress (bug-bounty)
09:16:51 [ce130e14] fix(ui): fix style for header (cf-identity-wallet)
09:16:57 [2dd7b1cd] Remove suprious s (plutus)
09:19:35 [6775533c] Merge branch 'main' into feat-regex-valid-paths (hermes)
09:19:52 [2c5152cc] REVERT: enable demo to run on linux/amd64 platform (hydra)
09:19:52 [f53657b0] Refactor bench to work with demo cluster running on devnet (hydra)
09:22:07 [f7154824] Merge pull request #508 from cardano-foundation/feat/MET-2247-block-distribution-per-epoch (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
09:24:13 [6dbdd126] Version bump: 5.2.300 (yoroi-frontend)
09:25:26 [6cdcb882] addmissingfields (cardano-api)
09:27:27 [5bb93e92] More NFData instances (lsm-tree)
09:27:48 [8ade28e5] Comparative benchmarks for normal vs. monoidal tables (lsm-tree)
09:28:47 [4c9ae912] remove ResolveMupsert from config, pass (lsm-tree)
09:31:20 [5bf6a352] refactor AppModuleInfo visibility (hermes)
09:32:11 [9b023303] chore: only vm on mainnet (cf-explorer)
09:37:20 [62d2dc50] PR review changes (hydra)
09:37:53 [b3b1c28a] chore: typo (cf-explorer)
09:38:02 [ee4b60db] New CRC32C functions that use `hGetBufSome` (lsm-tree)
09:38:07 [37ca4936] Add `hAdvise` compound functions (lsm-tree)
09:38:10 [a8cee0f2] Use `hAdvise` and co for reading and writing runs (lsm-tree)
09:38:37 [b7ec26fc] Merge pull request #626 from cardano-foundation/feat/DTIS-1038-disable-delegate-aid-and-update-aid-type (cf-identity-wallet)
09:39:10 [fcb52c2c] chore: remove unused (cf-ledger-consumer-schedules)
09:42:19 [d18ce629] chore: -psql preprod (cf-explorer)
09:43:42 [ad4dc56c] Made conformsToImpl discard generator failures (cardano-ledger)
09:43:47 [decc491a] chore: restore psql preprod (cf-explorer)
09:46:33 [95daa009] [BUBO-101] Judges payout rewards (#74) (bug-bounty)
09:47:07 [2f4b9d6a] test: build -dev -staging (lace)
09:47:50 [7677bdc6] Merge pull request #624 from cardano-foundation/fix/DTIS-1147-password-reset-alert-redirecting-on-dissmissal (cf-identity-wallet)
09:48:26 [9c5803c2] chore: proper credentials (cf-explorer)
09:49:13 [0b2ade1c] Merge pull request #309 from IntersectMBO/jdral/fadvise (lsm-tree)
09:49:58 [ce583160] blockfrost: fix remaining build errors tests (tests fail) (cardano-js-sdk)
09:51:29 [bee2a35e] Should not try to apply decommit tx again (hydra)
09:54:23 [0140f761] Add more context to invalid snapshot events (cardano-node)
09:55:02 [d6d6feda] wip (hermes)
09:56:57 [5f2b4c5b] Merge branch 'cip005-drep-hash-update' into gov-identifiers (CIPs)
10:00:44 [5701f261] fix dialog checkbox (yoroi-frontend)
10:01:03 [b56a6132] Update docker tests (cardano-node-tests)
10:01:14 [764dba27] fix(wallet-mobile): dapp theme (yoroi-mobile)
10:01:58 [659b6942] Merge branch 'main' into fix/remove_GITHUB_TOKEN (open-enterprise-agent)
10:07:14 [7082fd30] Update voices_snackbar_type.dart (catalyst-voices)
10:08:52 [723b87fe] docs: adding a disclaimer that db-sync snapshot isn't working for now. We will release a hotfix as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience. (cardano-rosetta)
10:09:01 [50a4de28] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (cardano-rosetta)
10:11:01 [57134897] Update spec/onchain.tex (hydra)
10:11:50 [eb2767ca] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cardano-foundation/CIPs into gov-identifiers (CIPs)
10:12:35 [789a0cb4] Merge and include changes from master (cardano-node-tests)
10:13:40 [4acf590d] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
10:15:50 [c38cbb80] Made conformsToImpl discard generator failures (cardano-ledger)
10:15:59 [66e6911c] utility update (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:15:59 [34b7862b] Merge branch 'master' into artur/tests-proposal-refunds (cardano-node-tests)
10:16:04 [237c4298] Initial commit (committeess-groups-documentation)
10:16:17 [aa5979c2] utility update (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:16:24 [8ecd2206] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@7082fd302f615218ff320b32fb17097519ce76eb 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
10:17:03 [a0d5ce16] dependence update (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:17:41 [a079ac1c] byron file structure update (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:18:13 [e9bf5e9f] byron file structure update (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:18:22 [cebd1007] sort completed orders (yoroi-frontend)
10:18:44 [9d6f854a] Remove geth nix reference (zeko)
10:18:55 [9104aa06] file structure update (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:19:36 [860e4dae] byron file structure update (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:19:58 [de0f08aa] Use mlocked KES (#1077) (ouroboros-consensus)
10:20:24 [84fdb5a9] header interfaces implementation (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:20:40 [43c85d79] imports update and minor fixes (cardano-ledger-ts)
10:24:26 [818c4e83] swagger update (cardano-wallet)
10:24:31 [6f665a0c] api changes - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:31 [27ee78d9] api changes - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:32 [2a61c1d2] IO Deleg functions (cardano-wallet)
10:24:32 [b7334c6e] simplify IO Deleg (cardano-wallet)
10:24:32 [2d9c0271] joinDRep - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:33 [e4345761] extend Link and DSL (cardano-wallet)
10:24:33 [cfc729ef] use joinDrep in Server (cardano-wallet)
10:24:34 [282763d0] integration test 3 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:34 [70c7e14f] integration test 1 (cardano-wallet)
10:24:34 [a90e43e8] integration test 2 (cardano-wallet)
10:25:05 [3ac477a6] update 105 spec, update tests (CIPs)
10:25:22 [d7c67584] updates (CIPs)
10:28:37 [7a3b7bbf] Allow for different DB paths for immutable and volatile data (#1199) (ouroboros-consensus)
10:29:34 [ef3b7d17] Refactor unknown_data_to_type, break down into smaller functions. (aiken)
10:30:00 [c769f2f5] fix(swap): card background color (#3474) (yoroi-mobile)
10:30:12 [38d8f040] chore: pushing latest Ls to preiew (cf-explorer)
10:30:31 [992ddfd3] fix(theming): announcement illustrations (#3473) (yoroi)
10:30:49 [e2e3724c] Made conformsToImpl discard generator failures (cardano-ledger)
10:30:50 [9fcaf42f] feat: sign ballot (cf-cardano-ballot)
10:32:08 [7e0a8a95] test: build -dev -staging (lace)
10:32:15 [a4d348ef] Fix demo seed-devnet script (hydra)
10:32:47 [75e2f8a9] Merge branch 'develop' into sorin/YOEXT-1279/swap-ui-fixes (yoroi-frontend)
10:36:00 [05cc42f7] add share and www dirs usage in app package tests (hermes)
10:37:01 [5fcfffa5] Merge pull request #1403 from input-output-hk/refactor/small-optimizations (cardano-js-sdk)
10:39:46 [3ae55efd] [IS-174]: Add Transfer Result (cardano-ibc-incubator)
10:40:48 [2809cc03] update CIP number (CIPs)
10:41:06 [6812ab58] fix: remove view json (cf-identity-wallet)
10:43:24 [ffc61a54] Merge pull request #1392 from input-output-hk/fix-logger (cardano-js-sdk)
10:43:26 [120be88c] Remove geth nix reference (zeko)
10:43:50 [737d84ea] GITBOOK-131: remove unecessary page (committeess-groups-documentation)
10:44:55 [fb0091e2] GITBOOK-131: remove unecessary page (committeess-groups-documentation)
10:46:39 [f0bf9b5c] fix(extension): wait for full scan before trying to decode message (lace)
10:50:25 [da994fb4] chore(theme): drop contrast c_X (yoroi-mobile)
10:52:04 [8f0de784] add todos (cardano-cli)
10:53:51 [8bddc454] fix: refactor code and add test sign data (catalyst-voices)
10:54:05 [14928086] Add files via upload (cardano-token-registry)
10:54:46 [0eb13349] fix text alignment (yoroi-frontend)
10:55:36 [cf44d99d] deploy: 5fcfffa597832f99d83f475bf193b676cfd87dd9 (cardano-js-sdk)
10:56:29 [46feb5fe] Re-added quantification to RATIFY (formal-ledger-specifications)
10:56:44 [b34ce2a7] Merge pull request #6286 from veritasver/master (cardano-token-registry)
10:57:22 [2d4a7341] formal-ledger-specification commit 46feb5fe4c1b60a4bed1d709a94eb1427b2280ab (cardano-ledger-executable-spec)
10:57:34 [56f0ec78] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
10:58:37 [24b5977a] Update 03-comp-matrix.mdx (cardano-documentation)
11:00:24 [1e472734] asdf (cardano-api)
11:00:26 [4c3f8374] exec spec (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:01:22 [c5679569] add todos (cardano-cli)
11:01:41 [86324e54] deploy: ffc61a540a3a680563db073cf96b8ae07c1360b4 (cardano-js-sdk)
11:01:53 [5b2aae58] [ADP-2565] Make `runSqlM` atomic (#4702) (cardano-wallet)
11:02:00 [36fee92f] add new test cases, refactor (hermes)
11:02:02 [35e0307f] Merge pull request #627 from cardano-foundation/feat/DTIS-1087-Remove-View-JSON-option-under-Identifier-Credential-options (cf-identity-wallet)
11:05:48 [35cde3d8] fix(wallet-mobile): dapp theme (#3475) (yoroi-mobile)
11:10:43 [62c7fdff] Update 02-release-notes.mdx (cardano-documentation)
11:12:32 [df1d4854] test (cizero)
11:12:47 [9c08cb94] Add acceptance test 106 showing issue with if/is implicit casting. (aiken)
11:12:47 [97d09ed5] Add on more example illustrating if/is issue. (aiken)
11:12:47 [5da640a6] Thread down if/is pattern assignment type down to code-generation. (aiken)
11:12:47 [10b32e0c] Start work on revamping assignment so we can handle soft casting properly (aiken)
11:12:48 [94665671] Only 2 errors and todos left to finish (aiken)
11:12:48 [c89f094e] Factor out common UPLC logic for converting Data to Bool. (aiken)
11:12:48 [8d09f298] Work through all but constr case for expect_type_assign (aiken)
11:12:48 [eb164062] Fix out of order expect check. Also fix no_inline error in code gen. @acceptance_107 (aiken)
11:12:48 [f97b450a] Fix remaining errors and now onto testing (aiken)
11:12:49 [e0bb919f] Fix bool soft-casting. (aiken)
11:12:49 [8e2fe3d7] Refactor unknown_data_to_type, break down into smaller functions. (aiken)
11:16:08 [3963e12b] refactor(app vfs): arc (hermes)
11:17:49 [85dfb541] Bias ratify env generator to generate more valid votes (cardano-ledger)
11:21:22 [38b17de2] [ADP-3339] Prepare UI server support (#4711) (cardano-wallet)
11:22:24 [c59c4907] plutus: 1.30 -> 1.31 (hydra)
11:23:54 [ece4a98a] Update Debian to bookworm in Dockerfile (scrolls)
11:25:06 [8255c827] feat(extension): update wallet ada balance calculation for paper wallet overview (lace)
11:26:16 [bc511b12] chore: address pr comments (catalyst-voices)
11:29:44 [0ae0f314] chore: fixed console log of chainfollower starting point (cardano-graphql)
11:30:20 [f7dce79f] reduce the frequency of client and server diverging before they reach startTick (ouroboros-consensus)
11:34:27 [54f4eaa4] removed console.logs (yoroi-frontend)
11:35:07 [6508b76e] chore(wallet-mobile) tx-details title (yoroi)
11:36:20 [f66f4617] test (cizero)
11:38:33 [c16e541f] add corrupted_module_share_dir_test, fix app auth signature payload generation (hermes)
11:42:30 [16147d1c] Merge pull request #3594 from Emurgo/fix/ledger-update (yoroi-frontend)
11:44:03 [1724bc59] Move cross-compiling logic from project.nix to cabal (plutus)
11:44:03 [5640de29] wip (plutus)
11:44:45 [630e7c13] Add new da node to the nix (#195) (zeko)
11:44:50 [e3a01049] [ADP-2565] Make `runSqlM` atomic (#4702) (cardano-wallet)
11:44:50 [25090fe8] [ADP-2565] Make `runSqlM` atomic (#4702) (cardano-wallet)
11:46:10 [25330cdf] chore: add hideCurrent (catalyst-voices)
11:47:05 [e1318d30] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/production' into develop (yoroi-frontend)
11:47:13 [127cc209] Fix CTL runtime deps in shellFor (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:47:34 [0a1db8e8] fix(swap): tx (yoroi-mobile)
11:48:35 [3c2ef3d8] Update voices_snackbar_type.dart (catalyst-voices)
11:50:43 [02f783ec] package-lock update (yoroi-frontend)
11:50:48 [bb8a146f] WIP: Update spec (incomplete) and formulate a test (hydra)
11:51:08 [f0cd3fd0] feat: Introduce VoicesSegmentedButton (catalyst-voices)
11:51:13 [bc6b3d4e] Merge pull request #3595 from Emurgo/l10n_develop (yoroi-frontend)
11:51:39 [7ba5e861] fix: responsive table (cf-cardano-ballot)
11:53:44 [e4f57616] Merge branch 'develop' into dshuiski/gov (cardano-transaction-lib)
11:53:59 [e73e43a0] Update LoP tests to run 1000 times each (ouroboros-consensus)
11:58:49 [aeb3290d] Run more repetitions of LoE tests (ouroboros-consensus)
11:59:50 [48415a68] Add `HasCallStack` to some functions (cardano-node)
11:59:59 [e823064c] fix: responsive table, position value (cf-cardano-ballot)
12:00:26 [b6be9357] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@3963e12b19985a8e7906a3345ce870cee19d87b7 🚀 (hermes)
12:00:44 [83326aba] Add test for `query spo-stake-distribution` (cardano-node)
12:02:10 [d26d1ebe] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@f0cd3fd0f8ef60e3231cf54b8509d0a07499e1c6 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
12:05:23 [74f399c0] add app module config file usage in tests (hermes)
12:06:24 [63601715] Incremental commits spec changes (#1511) (hydra)
12:07:48 [0a54e970] chore: address more comments (catalyst-voices)
12:07:57 [38e797ac] fix route (yoroi-frontend)
12:08:13 [a2a4e56f] feat(extension): implement paper wallet feature analytics (lace)
12:08:21 [38e98225] Merge branch 'feat/paper-wallet' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/lace into feat/paper-wallet (lace)
12:09:00 [cc71bdc8] fix: responsive table winner in tablet (cf-cardano-ballot)
12:10:11 [a1008ac1] chore(wallet-mobile) tx-details title (#3476) (yoroi-mobile)
12:11:48 [e0e159e0] Merge branch 'main' into feat/paper-wallet (lace)
12:11:53 [3550ce24] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
12:12:29 [51309661] feat: add snackbars (#659) (catalyst-voices)
12:13:15 [d68433ff] Update plutus-scripts.md (developer-portal)
12:13:47 [29171842] Removed draft docs and test reports for feature/snackbars-cat-voices-635 (catalyst-voices)
12:14:35 [da3fc043] Merge branch 'main' into feat/cose-flutter-package (catalyst-voices)
12:14:46 [773c1635] Merge branch 'feat/cose-flutter-package' into feat/cose-sign1-and-verify (catalyst-voices)
12:15:02 [e9a89fd9] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
12:15:40 [2b97315b] Made conformsToImpl discard generator failures (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:16:16 [0ca81a4e] Bias ratify env generator to generate more valid votes (cardano-ledger)
12:16:44 [5d000f0f] [ADP-3339] Prepare UI server support (#4711) (cardano-wallet)
12:19:28 [b072e60d] Update Debian to bookworm in Dockerfile (scrolls)
12:20:11 [1875849c] feat: cose flutter package structure (#649) (catalyst-voices)
12:20:22 [3bec05ad] deploy: 63601715c88c357a44c6ce672185253ab05e1ea5 (hydra)
12:20:29 [fd5cc410] feat: adds flutter coverage tool (catalyst-ci)
12:23:59 [86b51ece] Merge main into feat/segmented_buttons (catalyst-voices)
12:27:52 [93cc8f0d] fix: flutter coverage (catalyst-voices)
12:27:55 [a9ca0f14] test: cleanup logs and turn off fail-fast (lace)
12:30:18 [4735fedc] Made conformsToImpl discard generator failures (cardano-ledger)
12:31:14 [0b6bee85] Added method to compute over-the-wire CBOR encoded transaction size (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:31:32 [786e534b] Add comments to `TestQueryCmds` (cardano-node)
12:32:16 [06af8ac4] Merge branch 'main' into feat/segmented_buttons (catalyst-voices)
12:32:26 [9590c0f0] Added method to compute over-the-wire CBOR encoded transaction size (cardano-ledger)
12:34:02 [1b4d95e9] CR: update (yoroi-mobile)
12:34:08 [405346d5] Update CHANGELOG.md (cardano-transaction-lib)
12:34:27 [3064bb55] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into fix/swap-tx (yoroi-mobile)
12:38:07 [82d7832d] Re-added quantification to RATIFY (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:41:04 [e3a37a68] formal-ledger-specification commit 82d7832dce281977ca180c67229687806675fb28 (cardano-ledger-executable-spec)
12:41:16 [c6a953cf] Wrap error in `patchGovStateOutput` (cardano-node)
12:41:38 [02f4d605] make tests compile (lsm-tree)
12:41:44 [1f8eed27] enable tests (lsm-tree)
12:42:32 [af83b512] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@06af8ac4361569f56d4ce89eff2147f51ea2cc19 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
12:44:53 [0ebb9e5a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-ci@fd5cc4105a36541ef2c00ca04c8ed8afab0c72bf 🚀 (catalyst-ci)
12:49:56 [6797e157] release(wallet-mobile): v4.28.0 (#3470) (yoroi-mobile)
12:52:18 [4dfa01d0] chore: parallel processing (cf-explorer)
12:52:38 [f7e87d50] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:52:44 [b7cff5f2] [ADP-3339] Prepare UI server support (#4711) (cardano-wallet)
12:53:04 [1a436123] test: cleanup actions (lace)
12:55:16 [f0e5265e] fix: responsive table winner tick (cf-cardano-ballot)
12:55:24 [701d7a0b] add corrupted_module_config_test (hermes)
12:55:39 [34626d01] Merge branch 'main' into ATL-6543-epic-vdr-phase-3 (atala-prism-building-blocks)
12:58:16 [e0a91ae4] Test (and fix) unwrap_or helpers. (aiken)
12:58:27 [52686083] Added method to compute over-the-wire CBOR encoded transaction size (cardano-ledger)
12:58:47 [6d080359] refactor(core): import directly symbols from core package (cardano-js-sdk)
12:58:49 [a48666ee] feat(ogmios): use cbor to deserialize transactions (cardano-js-sdk)
12:59:59 [89269b20] Use `Coin` in `buildTransferTx`, `buildSimpleTransferTx`, and `getTxIx` (cardano-node)
13:00:12 [686de5ab] Made conformsToImpl discard generator failures (cardano-ledger)
13:00:26 [8672e9a7] fix: unit tests (lace)
13:00:46 [a4172527] Bias ratify env generator to generate more valid votes (cardano-ledger)
13:01:42 [e4aad84d] chore: upgrade live-sanchonet@us-east-2 (cardano-js-sdk)
13:02:55 [888411e8] feat: support for multiple TLDs (#180) (cdnsd)
13:03:13 [0ef2f193] Replace custom type ListConcat with DList (ouroboros-network)
13:06:26 [5a98026d] Remane `buildTransferTx` to `spendOutputsOnlyTx` (cardano-node)
13:08:09 [cf3dd298] Rename `PKAddress` to `PubKeyAddress` (cardano-node)
13:08:52 [bb81861b] [plinth][plc][api] Draft implementation of 'modularExponentiation' builtin (plutus)
13:09:02 [f03d551f] wip (hermes)
13:11:52 [a5ba38b8] refactor(app vfs): arc (hermes)
13:14:33 [d7890082] Add comments to `ReferenceScriptAddress` and `spendOutputsOnlyTx` (cardano-node)
13:15:08 [770c3c2f] Remove disable mark related to 9.0.0 (cardano-node-tests)
13:15:42 [a53a17d6] feat: Add more tests for module packaging module (#315) (hermes)
13:17:32 [4596c21a] Add design of failsafe (zeko)
13:18:29 [ae10b57c] Rename `alwaysSucceedsSpendingPlutusPath` to `plutusV3Script` (cardano-node)
13:20:43 [91aa435f] Fix 'multiline' truncating last character of each line. (aiken)
13:21:08 [3c64a18b] chore: dots in documentation (catalyst-voices)
13:21:10 [7b19f008] Revive ghc-8.10.7 support (lsm-tree)
13:21:53 [34d5bc71] Add one more edge-case test for multiline. (aiken)
13:21:54 [be9bdab0] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@a53a17d65b0dad0e5826625d952a9ffe493d279c 🚀 (hermes)
13:23:40 [94d62665] test (cizero)
13:24:14 [8d3b43a9] feat: adds flutter coverage tool (#285) (catalyst-ci)
13:29:39 [b28d4a6e] Add input reference to ReferenceInputNotFound error. (aiken)
13:29:57 [a87aed14] nix-sigstop: discover executable path more portably (cizero)
13:32:04 [e59a9ce4] fix: be more explicit about segmented button example page (catalyst-voices)
13:33:19 [d8318f21] fix: Page appBar title (catalyst-voices)
13:40:19 [71e62d2f] Merge branch 'production' into merge/production-v4.28.0 (yoroi-mobile)
13:42:43 [0fa5d845] chore: update ci version (catalyst-voices)
13:43:18 [949973d7] GITBOOK-468: readiness page update (Intersect-knowledge-base)
13:43:45 [abf4b758] Merge pull request #122 from cardano-foundation/feat/is-199-send-packet-in-legacy-mode (cardano-ibc-incubator)
13:44:05 [6cebfccd] Bias ratify env generator to generate more valid votes (cardano-ledger)
13:44:08 [914c24a1] GITBOOK-466: timeline page update (Intersect-knowledge-base)
13:48:40 [e56f7efb] fix: fix ts erorrs (govtool)
13:49:38 [01df0881] Enforce we have one test per query type (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [f531db3b] Add test for `query tx-mempool` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [9004be22] Add comments to `TestQueryCmds` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [10863eb9] Add test for `query stake-snapshot` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [51fa4cf1] Apply stylish-haskell (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [48cf11cb] Add test for `query stake-address-info` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [f4296db3] Add test for `query committee-state` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [a7c7d0ac] Add `HasCallStack` to some functions (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [787b50bd] Use `Coin` in `buildTransferTx`, `buildSimpleTransferTx`, and `getTxIx` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [5589536f] Add test for `query ledger-state` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [4f341e2f] Add test for `query treasury` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [0cc0cfb4] Add test for `query drep-stake-distribution` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [0cb27cc8] Add comment pointing at slot-number test (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [9dfd9247] Add test for `query protocol-state` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [e05cfe1c] Improve way test waits for transaction and add comments (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [1e1d21a3] Add test for `query leadership-schedule` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [6507ec09] Add comment pointing at tx-mempool test (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [150f663a] Wrap error in `patchGovStateOutput` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [ce227058] Address flakiness in `query gov-state` test (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [190ab7dc] Add test for `query utxo` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [fa656190] Add test for `query ref-script-size` (cardano-node)
13:49:40 [5856cf26] Add test for `query constitution` (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [daf6a7a6] Improve comment for `allTestQueryCmdsConstructors` (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [b117e471] Rename `alwaysSucceedsSpendingPlutusPath` to `plutusV3Script` (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [05f46af6] Rename `PKAddress` to `PubKeyAddress` (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [c94e1138] Remane `buildTransferTx` to `spendOutputsOnlyTx` (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [5f407d50] Add test for `query spo-stake-distribution` (cardano-node)
13:49:41 [a2ae66b8] Add comments to `ReferenceScriptAddress` and `spendOutputsOnlyTx` (cardano-node)
13:49:56 [7e9c69bb] [ADP-3339] Prepare UI server support (#4711) (cardano-wallet)
13:51:53 [5a4ea6cb] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
13:52:25 [6b216349] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-ci@8d3b43a9caf43d9a37e05a9e629f606beb2fb890 🚀 (catalyst-ci)
13:53:54 [2195d2b5] Added method to compute over-the-wire CBOR encoded transaction size (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:59:39 [01a332e8] chore(wallet-mobile) trls (yoroi-mobile)
14:01:03 [fdb31273] Merge branch 'main' into feat-regex-valid-paths (hermes)
14:01:46 [0469d58b] Merge pull request #3596 from Emurgo/sorin/YOEXT-1279/swap-ui-fixes (yoroi-frontend)
14:02:54 [2fceefc4] feat: initial local poc config (catalyst-voices)
14:02:57 [dd0c185e] Merge branch 'main' into test/app (hermes)
14:03:45 [65929569] Merge pull request #124 from cardano-foundation/feat/is-198-unit-test-query.go (cardano-ibc-incubator)
14:04:01 [c0ad4cf3] WIP: a draft for the query layers CIP (CIPs)
14:04:22 [e04bcb4f] Merge pull request #119 from cardano-foundation/feat/is-196-unit-test-connection.go (cardano-ibc-incubator)
14:05:48 [b2b96a45] chore(wallet-mobile): bringing prod back (#3478) (yoroi-mobile)
14:08:04 [7180fbc4] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@0fa5d845a7d062f812340623a16a716627ef599f 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
14:09:09 [32923eab] Fix up JSON; start logic for incremental commit (hydra)
14:12:54 [d79c296f] Re-added quantification to RATIFY (formal-ledger-specifications)
14:16:47 [ed422771] Merge pull request #2500 from IntersectMBO/artur/update-docker-tests (cardano-node-tests)
14:18:49 [322b28b6] Merge pull request #52 from cardanoapi/guardrails-user-stories (cardano-test-plans)
14:19:51 [9ce7ab32] chore: bump crates versions (mithril)
14:19:51 [9655cbd6] fix: last block read by Chain Reader in Block Streamer is strictly above the limit (mithril)
14:23:31 [33ac5935] Update 2024-08-01T14:23:31Z (capkgs)
14:23:44 [847f1f44] ci: enable dependabot weekly updates (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:24:39 [208c9d8f] [ADP-3339] Prepare UI server support (#4711) (cardano-wallet)
14:25:14 [8c371fa3] Draft ALBA CIP (CIPs)
14:25:23 [7e01cad6] fix: fix argument name in dockerfile (govtool)
14:25:46 [e5210654] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
14:25:52 [699f40d9] Merge pull request #637 from input-output-hk/NeilBurgess42-patch-1 (cardano-documentation)
14:26:17 [205e8f9a] remove last clause guards use. (stdlib)
14:26:45 [896cec4e] Remove clause guards. (aiken)
14:28:00 [7009be3e] Merge pull request #6288 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1776 (cardano-token-registry)
14:29:21 [576ea613] feat: [LW 10777] load shared wallet tx (#1336) (lace)
14:32:51 [9aec0318] better separation of concerns between io and pure computation (cardano-wallet)
14:33:39 [311319a5] GITBOOK-467: Update link for committee info (Intersect-knowledge-base)
14:35:11 [bc279e6b] feat: keri voting support (cf-cardano-ballot)
14:36:35 [f2402253] Add a commit client input (hydra)
14:38:35 [5f5f1e2a] Add `Cardano.Read.Ledger.Value` (cardano-wallet)
14:38:36 [7de64277] Add `Cardano.Wallet.Read.Value` (cardano-wallet)
14:39:22 [07d11b22] feat: add SegmentedButton (#660) (catalyst-voices)
14:40:16 [f1d7bc98] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/swap-tx (yoroi-mobile)
14:40:44 [4b4f711a] GITBOOK-5: Correcting some information, including members. (civics-documentation)
14:43:18 [c5ff814b] attempt at pattern (cardano-api)
14:44:50 [a2faf353] Merge pull request #1877 from input-output-hk/ensemble/1875-fix-edge-case-chain-reader-block-streamer (mithril)
14:45:30 [f500de7d] Define a safer API for unwrap_xxx_or and choose_data_xxx (aiken)
14:45:47 [d4606c3b] Version bump: 5.2.301 (nightly) (yoroi-frontend)
14:47:38 [565e828b] test: rework (lace)
14:48:08 [676ec139] Revert checking for negative constr on bool (aiken)
14:48:19 [fa7277e6] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@07d11b221a93ad84e2441e260c03493d626c5e19 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
14:48:34 [a709daff] DO NOT MERGE (mithril)
14:49:48 [e9588e51] test: add more debug logs for ChainReaderBlockStreamer (mithril)
14:49:53 [a7101aa5] Merge pull request #1649 from IntersectMBO/fix/1623-call-to-metadata-validation-service-fails-from-haskell-backend (govtool)
14:51:42 [336769f8] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
14:52:39 [bc3b5949] Merge pull request #6289 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1777 (cardano-token-registry)
14:53:45 [e43c4a98] chore: bump GovTool version to v1.0.12 (govtool)
14:54:58 [c0dc82c4] ci: enable dependabot weekly updates (#38) (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:55:37 [34e7c3a9] Test and fix 'unwrap_void_or' (aiken)
14:55:39 [19d5e496] chore(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:55:40 [f9f580b6] chore(deps): bump node from 18 to 22 (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:55:41 [30f09fd2] chore(deps): bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 1 to 3 (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:55:43 [1586d828] chore(deps): bump docker/build-push-action from 2 to 6 (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:55:45 [f27cfc15] chore(deps): bump docker/metadata-action from 3 to 5 (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:55:47 [3f7861c7] chore(deps): bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 3 (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:55:55 [301262a9] chore(deps): bump axios from 1.6.0 to 1.7.2 in /server (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:00 [33664e2d] chore(deps-dev): bump @types/lodash from 4.14.202 to 4.17.7 in /server (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:05 [c0dac3da] chore(deps): bump lru-cache from 7.14.1 to 11.0.0 in /server (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:10 [c3e92120] chore(deps): bump @reduxjs/toolkit from 1.9.7 to 2.2.7 in /client (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:12 [991b18d8] chore(deps): bump dotenv from 16.3.1 to 16.4.5 in /server (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:19 [7e0f9d78] chore(deps): bump ts-node from 10.9.1 to 10.9.2 in /server (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:22 [804f9c34] chore(deps): bump typescript from 4.9.5 to 5.5.4 in /client (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:35 [b723107a] chore(deps): bump bulma from 0.9.4 to 1.0.2 in /client (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:56:45 [42128291] chore(deps): bump @types/node from 18.19.42 to 22.0.2 in /client (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:57:05 [1b74c22d] chore(deps): bump react, react-dom and @types/react in /client (discoin-vm-frontend)
14:57:41 [24e1ec2d] Merge pull request #1659 from IntersectMBO/chore/bump-govtool-to-v1.0.12 (govtool)
15:00:02 [3186ee3e] chore(gha): refactor (cf-identity-wallet)
15:01:42 [066803f6] Remove clause guards. (aiken)
15:04:22 [fb02f67e] Fix CC members tests (cardano-node-tests)
15:04:38 [389901fc] implement Monoidal API (lsm-tree)
15:05:40 [e6a37654] Cleanup database dirs when smoke testing the wallet in the CI (cardano-wallet)
15:05:58 [6d6f85b8] mem lib: add `copySlicesForwards()` (cizero)
15:06:26 [43fae58f] Add ui package (cardano-wallet)
15:06:27 [e293eff9] Add an initial UI (cardano-wallet)
15:06:27 [0c3ed5af] Enable UI service (cardano-wallet)
15:06:27 [25f62af5] Add UI access to docker instructions (cardano-wallet)
15:06:59 [b100e1d1] make Internal module oblivious to normal/monoidal (lsm-tree)
15:07:24 [2cf68f19] add SPECIALISE pragmas in Monoidal API (lsm-tree)
15:10:45 [25f9b811] Add new error related to Decommit not being settled (hydra)
15:11:21 [f4021b09] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@a5ba38b854b4e5a2dc5dc7bd884b68452ee429ea 🚀 (hermes)
15:11:38 [5ca7afb1] Revive ghc-8.10.7 support (lsm-tree)
15:16:00 [13a75c10] Merge pull request #2510 from IntersectMBO/fix_cc_member_rm_test (cardano-node-tests)
15:16:26 [285e31ce] Merge pull request #1660 from IntersectMBO/develop (govtool)
15:23:04 [b4ade5cc] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
15:25:03 [7e2c11cc] deploy: a2faf3533a46de2235da2530438b0e6b16e23c29 (mithril)
15:25:56 [a9de909c] fix: styles and add AnimatedSwitch (cf-cardano-ballot)
15:26:22 [82192b34] Fix unwrap issues (aiken)
15:28:53 [b921d80f] test(extension): my signed commit (lace)
15:32:22 [642a97ea] Reduce script for size example (hydra)
15:33:35 [0a047759] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@285e31ce816c7cffb0f05b92ca6760895483d636 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
15:34:37 [a0c108e4] fix(core): add circular deps check and fix all revealed issues (cardano-js-sdk)
15:35:36 [99ca0d88] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
15:36:11 [56b07c2e] docs: update scope (boros)
15:36:44 [fb701f31] Add protocol sequence diagram for deposit-based incremental commits (hydra)
15:37:22 [1f3a90ea] Merge pull request #6291 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1778 (cardano-token-registry)
15:37:56 [8215eac9] Merge pull request #1661 from IntersectMBO/test (govtool)
15:38:56 [5d2a6374] test: rework (lace)
15:41:08 [b23fcf84] Move `Block.BHeader` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
15:42:03 [9cdf9945] Move `Block.Block` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
15:42:20 [c339898b] Force unwrap_xxx_or inside function body (aiken)
15:43:09 [a70a089c] Move `Block.BlockNo` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
15:43:14 [448aeb50] added requested changes for epochdata (guild-operators)
15:43:31 [1ce65571] feat: keri voting support (cf-cardano-ballot)
15:44:05 [12679d25] blockfrost: fix failing tests (cardano-js-sdk)
15:44:26 [611862eb] Move `Block.HeaderHash` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
15:45:10 [184d1049] Move `Block.SlotNo` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
15:45:55 [1593d012] wip: replacing text and adding link (cf-identity-wallet)
15:46:13 [87c30014] cardano-api: 8.38 -> 9.1 (quickcheck-contractmodel)
15:46:14 [169d5598] Move `Block.Txs` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
15:46:14 [8d62d4c2] chore: switch to slog for logging (cdnsd)
15:47:13 [efdeb88d] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@24e1ec2d0e37ce80b8282da826b7879193916d9f 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
15:51:52 [99e7f227] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@285e31ce816c7cffb0f05b92ca6760895483d636 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
15:54:49 [059fa581] Add a note on pagination (CIPs)
15:56:05 [d28a325a] Fix `test_committee_min_size` on node 9.0.0+ (cardano-node-tests)
15:56:44 [dd39c61b] Update vva-be to 1.0.12 (govtool)
15:57:04 [2e888de7] chore: Add a new docker-compose.yml and deprecate the old one (cardano-db-sync)
15:59:38 [81df47ae] doc: Reword docker docs (cardano-db-sync)
15:59:38 [0ba1f480] Merge pull request #2511 from IntersectMBO/fix_test_committee_min_size (cardano-node-tests)
16:00:41 [cbe79a02] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 498 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:01:00 [0654c23e] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:01:00 [817a105d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
16:02:07 [5a9f0ce9] We can use default cardano-cli for nightly again (cardano-node-tests)
16:02:53 [e673fd45] fix spelling (hermes)
16:03:16 [d4123b5b] Merge pull request #42 from input-output-hk/lc/cardano-api-9.1 (quickcheck-contractmodel)
16:03:36 [d1d073a4] Update vva-be to 1.0.12 (govtool)
16:04:22 [6d6c78b4] Merge pull request #1663 from IntersectMBO/vva-be-update-1 (govtool)
16:05:35 [a8640d31] Move `Block.SlotNo` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
16:06:08 [97c755a8] Merge pull request #2506 from saratomaz/add_dbsync_mark (cardano-node-tests)
16:06:28 [6fe79735] Merge pull request #2512 from IntersectMBO/remove_unneeded_cli (cardano-node-tests)
16:06:36 [fd66ce9a] Move `Block.Txs` to `Cardano.Read.Ledger.…` (cardano-wallet)
16:09:04 [46b9b852] Make gen_uplc test output more readable + start debugging expect_head_cast_with_tail (aiken)
16:09:19 [8aee782b] Re-enable `test_update_committee_action` (cardano-node-tests)
16:10:41 [dd827c7c] feat: implement `get_cardano_stake_distribution_message` for `MithrilMessageService` (mithril)
16:10:41 [b104a747] feat: create `CardanoStakeDistributionMessage` (mithril)
16:10:41 [90f5e172] feat: implement `get_cardano_stake_distribution_list_message` for `MithrilMessageService` (mithril)
16:10:41 [10748df9] feat: create `CardanoStakeDistributionListItemMessage` (mithril)
16:10:41 [2f694871] feat: implement `get_cardano_stake_distribution_message_by_epoch` for `MithrilMessageService` (mithril)
16:10:41 [06e67d71] feat: add new query to get a signed entity by its inner epoch (mithril)
16:10:42 [249d99f0] test: extend E2E test to check the `CardanoStakeDistribution` certification (mithril)
16:10:42 [bbdb5a38] feat: add migration to create a unique index on `signed_entity` table on `signed_entity_type_id` and `beacon` (mithril)
16:10:42 [3aa5077f] feat: wire `MithrilMessageService` with new implementation to get a `CardanoStakeDistribution` by epoch (mithril)
16:10:42 [8bb0043e] feat: implement routes and update OpenAPI specs (mithril)
16:10:42 [6926fcc8] chore: reference the feature in the CHANGELOG (mithril)
16:10:42 [590d306e] feat: add specific query function to get a `CardanoStakeDistribution` by epoch (mithril)
16:10:48 [430458b1] Add --current-treasury-value and --treasury-donation to transaction build and build-raw (cardano-clusterlib-py)
16:10:53 [e861cac2] adhoc changes for better shrinking (ouroboros-consensus)
16:10:57 [e2f970be] Merge pull request #2513 from IntersectMBO/enable_test_update_committee_action (cardano-node-tests)
16:13:15 [1c01aad1] fix(backend): WIP indexing for stake addresses and unstaked ada (catalyst-voices)
16:14:43 [1ff5343c] Print timestamps for node restarts (ouroboros-consensus)
16:17:17 [11965b8b] test: rework (lace)
16:18:12 [e8ce6527] Added quickcheck-threatmodel-1.3.0 (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:18:12 [8efd1a9a] Added quickcheck-contractmodel- (cardano-haskell-packages)
16:18:13 [ca3263cc] Add a new custom token (cardano-token-registry)
16:20:29 [d13bcf2e] nix-sigstop: simplify code (cizero)
16:22:11 [e17b7da9] Merge pull request #1664 from IntersectMBO/develop (govtool)
16:27:04 [ba64f407] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@e17b7da91647a23b8e7f7d9287196798982d9925 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
16:28:25 [2935e97d] Add Gov.ManageDrepScript example (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:32:58 [18ef9006] remove unused imports (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [d66d7f95] txgen-voting: create pure test harness file (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [50599ef7] txgen-voting: style and warning bikeshedding (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [81558d65] stop disabling warnings (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [3a4fe710] silence hlint warnings and remove suppression (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [7ae86c31] bench: scaffold development-voting profile (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [55cad658] Try something to back out shortly. (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [bc3c6195] txgen-voting: preparatory imports for CLI copying (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [c761554e] remove commented-out code (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [e0d8b4e2] backout as promised leaving visible commit history (cardano-node)
16:32:58 [b1f78672] txgen-voting: make dep version changes nix-visible (cardano-node)
16:37:20 [3410844d] test: improve naming (lace)
16:39:32 [ce647f44] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:41:57 [884e4097] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@6d6c78b4d4227cfad59db2c2c56f827d15db7894 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
16:42:26 [80c95009] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@e17b7da91647a23b8e7f7d9287196798982d9925 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
16:46:08 [a208d3f3] Add nightly conway dbsync workflow (cardano-node-tests)
16:46:21 [6cc9aaaa] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@e673fd45cfd851dea52e20e2ec0ffa001f8d4927 🚀 (hermes)
16:47:03 [ec36b529] update for CLI API change finally propagating (cardano-node)
16:51:54 [4cca0405] use `Seq` instead of `List` for `peersOrderAll` (ouroboros-network)
16:53:11 [b4d796c3] chore: switch to slog for logging (#182) (cdnsd)
16:55:34 [5fdb4064] Handle all supported certificates during balancing (cardano-transaction-lib)
16:57:02 [37564105] Add governance guardrails tests for update pparams (cardano-node-tests)
16:58:23 [f1334080] Merge pull request #1665 from IntersectMBO/test (govtool)
17:10:16 [a6f5be50] Fix test for expect_head_cast_data_with_tail (aiken)
17:11:11 [8fe070d4] Disable mithril signers section in peer analysis (guild-operators)
17:12:02 [935c5f18] Update plutus-scripts.md (developer-portal)
17:14:01 [a3621d8b] Add Gov.SubmitVoteScript example, Update CHANGELOG.md (cardano-browser-tx)
17:23:16 [d7c8e640] Disable mithril signers section in info section (guild-operators)
17:26:17 [9db4fb1a] Update Chang User Stories Template (cardano-node-tests)
17:32:12 [d556633f] Add comments on rollbacks (prism-did-method-spec)
17:32:59 [a86124a1] Merge pull request #2514 from IntersectMBO/update_chang_template (cardano-node-tests)
17:35:13 [8d27f750] Fix submit-api version of `test_register_hot_key_no_cc_member` (cardano-node-tests)
17:36:57 [3d89f3d9] Merge pull request #2515 from IntersectMBO/fix_test_register_hot_key_no_cc_member (cardano-node-tests)
17:37:02 [673274ae] [ADP-3339] Prepare UI server support (#4711) (cardano-wallet)
17:40:54 [78701d0d] blockfrost: move blockfrost client to its own folder (cardano-js-sdk)
17:42:29 [2976cefa] chore(earthly): refactor to use remote functions lib (cf-cardano-ballot)
17:44:00 [47413e8c] chore(main): release 0.2.76 (cf-cardano-ballot)
17:45:12 [98f21020] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-cardano-ballot@2976cefafd5198ed9992737cb98338f9f477a4bf 🚀 (cf-cardano-ballot)
17:46:12 [5cfd4301] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-cardano-ballot@2976cefafd5198ed9992737cb98338f9f477a4bf 🚀 (cf-cardano-ballot)
17:47:52 [44ddcb0d] Deploying to gh-pages from @ cardano-foundation/cf-cardano-ballot@2976cefafd5198ed9992737cb98338f9f477a4bf 🚀 (cf-cardano-ballot)
17:50:14 [1c44c1c9] GITBOOK-89: No subject (core-infrastructure-documentation)
17:56:33 [2a163ab3] Replace filter by assertion when building gross request (ouroboros-network)
17:56:56 [7a65b885] Rework choose_data_xxx API to include force/delay inside functions. (aiken)
18:01:13 [82b4ddb2] chore(earthly): refactor to use remote functions lib (cf-identity-wallet)
18:09:14 [99edbede] Disable boring timeouts in the node restart test (ouroboros-consensus)
18:11:24 [c992c85d] chore: Add a new docker-compose.yml and deprecate the old one (cardano-db-sync)
18:11:28 [44fd949c] doc: Reword docker docs (cardano-db-sync)
18:18:30 [1ad0d180] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
18:26:01 [3d14c37c] chore: Add a new docker-compose.yml and deprecate the old one (cardano-db-sync)
18:29:36 [9c4dd488] doc: Reword docker docs (cardano-db-sync)
18:36:50 [2939cd22] Update Chang user stories report (cardano-node-tests)
18:39:17 [c04d3929] Merge pull request #2516 from IntersectMBO/update_chang_cov_report9 (cardano-node-tests)
18:40:24 [027e6db5] Documentation update (cardano-node-tests)
18:43:06 [0d48b646] Wait sufficiently long after restarting the node at the end of a test (ouroboros-consensus)
18:46:59 [698d4a8e] repace $(cat file) with $(< file) (developer-portal)
18:50:32 [621e9057] docs: add gsm synth breakage note, db-truncater by slot note/issue-ref (cardano-playground)
18:51:30 [3444a79e] rename p2p to topology (developer-portal)
18:52:12 [9180654d] Merge pull request #2508 from IntersectMBO/artur/add-anchor-test-file (cardano-node-tests)
19:01:09 [7cefe1ca] nix lib: implement wire format serialization (cizero)
19:01:51 [d13e1232] nix lib: trivially improve code readability (cizero)
19:09:09 [da370a50] fix(swap): tx (#3477) (yoroi)
19:17:31 [13c6087d] imp: add addnl netstat tcp/tcpExt default scrape metrics (cardano-parts)
19:20:09 [98f196f1] Minor refactoring to add compatability with GHC 9.10 (lsm-tree)
19:21:27 [397e38ae] chore(wallet-mobile): updated license (yoroi)
19:29:41 [5feb67c1] Replace patch with function that waits (cardano-node)
19:35:40 [0523f010] feat: Add support for some math functions (pallas)
19:42:49 [737d314d] Add Ledger team update for 2024-07-31 (#439) (cardano-updates)
19:45:23 [f1f13ee6] deploy: 737d314db287c034523245b64433c56e57e93f3e (cardano-updates)
19:50:53 [a9f01960] Create 79bc81072dd9250d4ac63b8f55fa8670a91d9b0fbd943c57028614de474f4f4659.json (cardano-token-registry)
19:54:08 [21720b4f] chore: increase test coverage (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-kmm)
19:58:39 [77efa00b] swagger update (cardano-wallet)
19:58:40 [4aa8f4e1] api changes - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:40 [6e9b03e7] api changes - part 2 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:41 [7caf9dee] simplify IO Deleg (cardano-wallet)
19:58:41 [2d75ff65] IO Deleg functions (cardano-wallet)
19:58:41 [8e4bdec9] joinDRep - part 1 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:42 [7a10950e] integration test 1 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:42 [5652c750] use joinDrep in Server (cardano-wallet)
19:58:42 [2e93de92] extend Link and DSL (cardano-wallet)
19:58:43 [421322ba] integration test 2 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:43 [7ec923d2] integration test 3 (cardano-wallet)
19:58:44 [79638082] add another integration test (cardano-wallet)
19:58:44 [3b81aee1] better separation of concerns between io and pure computation (cardano-wallet)
19:58:44 [658867ed] fix Malformed (cardano-wallet)
19:58:45 [682fa973] simplify logic (cardano-wallet)
20:02:00 [b8ed29f8] feat: initial regex for input validation and sanitization (#313) (hermes)
20:07:02 [e9d47657] Merge pull request #6294 from adakondacoin/Goofyreal (cardano-token-registry)
20:08:01 [b5a9454e] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/hermes@b8ed29f8a12889e78a6b47f4e55e70fe78b84b20 🚀 (hermes)
20:08:25 [b00b89af] Merge pull request #6293 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1782 (cardano-token-registry)
20:16:40 [974f0343] Merge pull request #6287 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-1775 (cardano-token-registry)
20:16:43 [29ffe928] Replace patch with function that waits (cardano-node)
20:23:13 [b0744915] Don't let GDD drop candidates that do not intersect with the selection (ouroboros-consensus)
20:35:45 [c8375e20] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
21:05:27 [335d9667] Update topology.md (developer-portal)
21:13:16 [737e286b] Revive support for `ghc-8.10.7` (lsm-tree)
21:19:34 [0cef215a] remove some unnecessary duplication (formal-ledger-specifications)
21:28:19 [d8eaf468] Add where to get ada page (cardano-org)
21:30:28 [0c012668] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (200 in 578 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:30:46 [218b39c6] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:30:47 [dc845062] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
21:38:54 [2eb4c698] minor improvements (formal-ledger-specifications)
22:01:01 [e31d323c] governacne queries (developer-portal)
22:01:41 [8b5a32e4] Update gov-queries.md (developer-portal)
22:10:24 [9c9f45da] chore(deps): bump crs-k/stale-branches from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 (hermes)
22:15:23 [c4e2c6da] Update 21d2b384f4fb5317192586effb3269060e8164b13ce89888070cac974a45414c4f5553.json (cardano-token-registry)
22:16:30 [4923d5dd] chore: bump cardano-js-sdk versions (lace)
22:16:33 [499a95d1] Wait sufficiently long after restarting the node at the end of a test (ouroboros-consensus)
22:16:35 [db3eb9f4] Don't let GDD drop candidates that do not intersect with the selection (ouroboros-consensus)
22:17:22 [0ebee9a7] fix: fix UI defects for hardware wallet (lace)
22:21:35 [02fb0728] chore(deps): update libsqlite3-sys requirement in /hermes (hermes)
22:22:46 [c61aae8d] chore(deps): update hyper requirement from 0.14.10 to 1.4.1 in /hermes (hermes)
22:31:28 [ef887a1e] alerts: add cardano-node cardano_node_elevated_restarts alert (cardano-playground)
22:31:40 [f5c1a82c] feat: implement Mithril source stage (#795) (oura)
22:31:49 [3dd49432] tmpl alerts: add cardano-node cardano_node_elevated_restarts alert (cardano-parts)
22:33:02 [ffd97766] chore(deps): bump google-cloud-googleapis from 0.10.0 to 0.15.0 (oura)
22:33:02 [c7ddbb22] chore(deps): bump tonic from 0.11.0 to 0.12.1 (oura)
22:35:18 [2c694350] feat(math): add support for some math functions (#483) (pallas)
22:43:40 [638f3a3f] alerts: add cardano-node cardano_node_elevated_restarts alert (cardano-ops)
22:57:19 [a74d13bf] fix(serve): use correct function to filter utxos by asset (#313) (dolos)
23:01:47 [d129f89b] 🟩 beta.explorer.cardano.org (mainnet frontend) is up (200 in 396 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:48 [8bddbe1f] 🟩 preview.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preview frontend) is up (200 in 514 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:48 [43d4e54b] 🟩 preprod.beta.explorer.cardano.org (preprod frontend) is up (200 in 497 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:49 [5fa10be2] 🟥 mainnet - API is down (200 in 676 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:50 [b7937247] 🟩 mainnet - Auth API is up (401 in 431 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:51 [9dd4420e] 🟩 preprod - Auth API is up (401 in 543 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:51 [99eef6e2] 🟩 preprod - API is up (200 in 594 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:52 [920a2cce] 🟥 preview - API is down (200 in 478 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:01:53 [dcf8d5fd] 🟩 preview - Auth API is up (401 in 585 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:03:57 [d2f73749] 🟩 API (Specific property) is up (204 in 118 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:57 [735f4e74] 🟩 API (Batch) is up (204 in 120 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:03:57 [cc7f743d] 🟩 API (All properties) is up (204 in 729 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:05:51 [25884726] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:52 [b179de1c] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:52 [b86daf09] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:53 [9e645c6c] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:53 [a5357aca] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:54 [6f517df8] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:05:54 [712d4a82] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:16:54 [a9dd644d] Restore auto generation of compiler option table (plutus)
23:21:17 [39c6a9aa] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
23:38:52 [49872d6a] 🟩 mainnet - API is up (200 in 512 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:39:13 [88c7e238] [Refactoring] Use 'KnownBuiltinTypeIn' instead of 'HasConstant' consistently (#6353) (plutus)
23:39:19 [619b5d7c] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:39:19 [f93caf7d] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-explorer-status)
23:54:12 [3911c9d3] Implemented Leios messages. (ouroboros-leios)