Home / Reports / Feb 20, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

796 commits had been pushed across 106 repos by 135 authors. There were 10,256,546 additions and 647,365 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:00:25 [afdb58ce] Add scripts/check-cabal-plan.sh (cardano-haskell-package-repo)
00:04:33 [d5c642a8] chore(deps): bump blinklabs-io/go from 1.23.6-1 to 1.24.0-1 (adder)
00:04:42 [a064b1a7] chore(deps): Bump github.com/blinklabs-io/gouroboros (#280) (nview)
00:05:23 [e18a4597] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:07:24 [07a3db20] WIP - `CertState` type family (Mary) (cardano-ledger)
00:07:24 [86528857] WIP - `CertState` type family (Alonzo) (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:07:24 [a571ab62] WIP - `CertState` type family (Allegra) (cardano-ledger)
00:07:24 [61d70edd] WIP - Make `CertState` a type family (cardano-ledger)
00:07:25 [56aae6f6] WIP - `CertState` type family (Conway) (cardano-ledger)
00:07:25 [17f36ed4] WIP - `CertState` type family (Babbage) (cardano-ledger)
00:07:25 [2415b4cb] WIP - `CertState` type family (misc.) (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:07:25 [d5bcf4cf] WIP - `CertState` type family (constrained) (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:07:25 [6d789a7d] WIP - `CertState` type family (conformance) (cardano-ledger)
00:07:25 [894418b3] WIP - Clean up (cardano-ledger)
00:07:25 [fe183733] Fix tests (cardano-ledger)
00:07:26 [12459df7] Remove unused pragmas (cardano-ledger)
00:07:26 [c165b4c5] Update `CHANGELOG`s (cardano-ledger)
00:07:26 [39754e7e] Apply suggestions from code review (cardano-ledger)
00:07:26 [c9024195] Update eras/shelley/impl/src/Cardano/Ledger/Shelley/CertState.hs (cardano-ledger)
00:07:26 [7867dbcf] Minor (cardano-ledger)
00:07:26 [56425ebc] Add `EraCertState` to `EraGen` (cardano-ledger-specs)
00:07:26 [f379078f] Remove `Proof` from `CertState` pretty printer (cardano-ledger)
00:08:55 [c500a2aa] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:08:55 [624ef2ed] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:10:14 [3aadf7ad] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:10:14 [0af78c08] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:11:34 [9773ba2f] Automatic Update (stackage.nix)
00:13:11 [f6fa73f3] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
00:22:01 [00c26899] :card_file_box: Update status summary [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:22:01 [5d4e28b3] :pencil: Update summary in README [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
00:27:45 [1e848e2b] Add scripts/local-ci.sh (cardano-haskell-packages)
00:28:28 [132d8a18] :bento: Update graphs [skip ci] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
00:30:15 [eff00b44] chore(deps): bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action (plutus)
00:45:02 [216c5c31] chore: bump pallas to 0.32.0 (aiken)
00:47:23 [8e3c5448] improve contribution guidelines (gerolamo)
00:51:48 [bcdb3dfd] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
00:54:01 [7ebf4071] Merge pull request #182 from blockfrost/fix/metrics (blockfrost-platform)
00:55:00 [888f5dcd] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
01:15:07 [b6fcd4f0] feat: define TX witness types (gouroboros)
01:19:04 [423ffb0d] Update hackage to include v1.10.1 (plutarch)
01:19:37 [75c06ef1] Merge pull request #819 from Plutonomicon/staging (plutarch-plutus)
01:25:36 [672c08d8] Update gh-pages (plutarch)
01:33:08 [a8bbc08a] Merge branch 'staging' into seungheonoh/easyBench (plutarch-plutus)
01:46:14 [fb8af36b] Update cabal-fmt.nix (iogx)
01:48:44 [b7f1ab36] Update fourmolu.nix (drop patch specific version) (iogx)
01:50:33 [d72031a7] Update mkShellWith.nix (default to ghc 9.6) (iogx)
01:57:32 [9f98a9e1] Convert `CertState` to a type family (#4861) (cardano-ledger)
01:58:04 [782bf582] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
02:01:03 [d94dfe1b] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 9f98a9e15d8220ccc4940935efdce8dc69a63c22 (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:02:24 [02f44122] bugfix (formal-ledger-specifications)
02:10:04 [4bc8f193] feat: define TX witness types (gouroboros)
02:12:49 [205a9f2d] fix: better handling for arbitrary CBOR data structures (gouroboros)
02:56:45 [4c14bcb7] fix: better handling for arbitrary CBOR data structures (gouroboros)
03:00:36 [bf39b7ca] feat: define TX witness types (gouroboros)
03:10:48 [e74ca665] chore: configure golangci-lint and enable gosec (#354) (snek)
03:16:58 [f339451e] chore: configure golangci-lint and enable gosec (adder-library-starter-kit)
03:18:32 [611b82de] byron-to-alonzo: switch to dynamic utxo/lovelace selection (cardano-node)
03:19:09 [8fd9d41e] nix flake update iserv-proxy (haskell.nix)
03:19:57 [46b41161] add mithril in roadmap (gerolamo)
03:21:07 [ffad6cfb] chore: configure golangci-lint and enable gosec (cardano-models)
03:22:31 [ae5c6a8e] byron-to-alonzo: fix mint and burn during mary era (cardano-node)
03:27:04 [7dea6db0] chore: configure golangci-lint and enable gosec (txtop)
03:29:20 [3fe06485] fix: better handling for arbitrary CBOR data structures (#896) (gouroboros)
03:30:12 [d99f377d] feat: define TX witness types (#897) (gouroboros)
03:35:33 [73e9e7de] bump: iohk-nix min node version update (cardano-parts)
03:39:57 [2c723329] wip(rust/signed_doc): add atomic variables for live check, update endpoint and middleware (catalyst-voices)
03:51:15 [da6d0bdd] fix: guard txsubmission server against int overflows (gouroboros)
03:52:09 [5eedd468] book: bump min node version, pre-release version (cardano-playground)
04:01:11 [b4361a2f] book: deploy min node version, pre-release version chgs (cardano-playground)
04:01:45 [19ca9366] Remove all existing files (cardano-ledger)
04:01:45 [76cc0f69] Add CNAME and .nojekyll (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:01:54 [d8819daf] feat: cardano-node 10.2.1 (#227) (docker-cardano-node)
04:02:07 [4aeb51b6] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 9f98a9e15d8220ccc4940935efdce8dc69a63c22 (cardano-ledger)
04:02:09 [847ee309] Updated from 9f98a9e15d8220ccc4940935efdce8dc69a63c22 via push (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [ba04aa27] Reorganize so no FunSym instance is an orphan (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [098eec1f] Replaced CxtList with CList, better toCtx function (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [7387c64a] before TermE experiment (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [f6cc9ebe] Progress on Simplify, propagation type checks (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [f54f5186] Added moved semantis to Witness, added Constraint parameter to FunctionSymbol (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [5df8a50f] Added GenExperiment, added HasSpec Bool instance in NumSpecExperiment (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [e586a592] Added a version of extractFn (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [a92eedd9] Completed the Foldy methods, cleaned up (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [948d14e8] Removed (All HasSpec dom) (HasSpec rng) from Function symbol, but addded them to App, This makes is easier to make FunctionSymbol instances, maybe? (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [f93923ee] Added Constrained.Experiment.Specs.Pairs, extractDom (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [57be732b] Most of BaseExperiment is working, Better Contexts (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [d3ad6ffb] Just before removing c from FSPre, and adding it to Context (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [ac338206] Added NumSpec and functions compose id flip, New file NumSpecExperiment.hs (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [28d1ea80] Better constraint story (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [899f7fe9] Added Constrained.Experiment.Specs.Generics (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [10f2bf08] Union, To, From type checking, some semantics still to go. (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [edba5fc5] Added extractAll view pattern (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [34de840f] Finished SyntaxExperiment, started SimplifyExperiment (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [1f33c77a] Cleaned up, Lots of work on Foldy, introduced the Fun type, added Evidence to Contexts. (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [5442eecf] Added Specs.Size, finished Specs.ListFoldy (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [a6f44369] Moved things to Experiment directory (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [dc19fa1c] Moved toCtx to TheKnot, added Specs.Pairs to repo, experiments have all worked out. (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:31 [53308a21] Knot tying, completed FunctionsSymbol instances for NumOrdW (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [98938e7e] Syntax, NumSpec, Conformance Experiment to the build chain, working on Simplify and Sum Experiment. (cardano-ledger)
04:05:31 [716eb7c4] Added NumLike instances, added Constrained.Experiment.API (cardano-ledger)
04:05:32 [33e64235] replaced simplepropagate with propTypeSpec and propMemberSpec. (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:32 [c3148f3a] Added Constrained.Experiment.Specs.Map, also more Arbitrary instances. (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:32 [d220cd91] Added patterns ToGeneric, FromGeneric, Equal (cardano-ledger)
04:05:32 [a22807a4] Added Constrained.Experiment.Specs.Num, renamed Constrained.Experiment.Specs.Sum to Constrained.Experiment.Specs.SumProd (cardano-ledger)
04:05:32 [6bd8044b] Added fst_, snd_ pair_, for Haskell pairs (a,b) not (Prod a b). (cardano-ledger)
04:05:32 [89f2eb04] Removed Witness.hs, moved Specs.Generics to Specs.Sum (cardano-ledger-specs)
04:05:32 [9ae6d34f] Removed helper propagate functions, now you must implement propagate. Lots of examples. (cardano-ledger)
04:05:32 [39be0479] Added (HasSpec Set) SetSpec and FunSym instances for Sets (cardano-ledger)
04:05:32 [3ecd119b] Simplified ToGenericW and FromGenericW (cardano-ledger)
04:05:32 [d9e17ab1] Removed Equal, To, From, as Term constructors (cardano-ledger)
04:07:12 [a0f50f9d] fix(ui): prevent biometrics auth modal open after user cancel it (cf-identity-wallet)
04:32:05 [cdec5e6b] fix(ui): fix biometric auth still enable when user cancel it (cf-identity-wallet)
04:39:02 [4c97fe0a] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
04:44:35 [ced29137] deploy: 7c3c3cb949b438ce277ac5c0a5378d53d743844a (hydra-poc)
04:54:27 [f65a7c74] Update Content - Lucid Evolution (developer-portal)
05:06:27 [649755f4] Create e398b834d7091c0e932e56285b9e9a184dc5d60e6a155e49ab976471.38342D42697420436174.json (cardano-token-registry)
05:09:40 [ce7ee75b] e398b834d7091c0e932e56285b9e9a184dc5d60e6a155e49ab97647138342d42697420436174.json (cardano-token-registry)
05:12:03 [02285840] fix: imports (developer-portal)
05:14:03 [9bcfd6f7] e398b834d7091c0e932e56285b9e9a184dc5d60e6a155e49ab97647138342d42697420436174.json (cardano-token-registry)
05:18:08 [37d64342] e398b834d7091c0e932e56285b9e9a184dc5d60e6a155e49ab97647138342d42697420436174.json (cardano-token-registry)
05:54:14 [b7fef80d] add git tooling (cardano-haskell-action)
07:24:23 [f67cb68f] add mappingtoken for XRP and AZVADA (cardano-token-registry)
07:35:04 [9479990a] fix: [lw-12325] fix code duplications reported by sonarcloud (lace)
07:39:10 [0cec4b1b] Adapt to more recent haskell.nix (#107) (iogx)
07:50:40 [2685a2f2] refactor snapshot encoding of merge types (lsm-tree)
07:50:40 [0816766f] add type param to Merge (lsm-tree)
07:50:40 [85278f76] store general MergeType in Merge (lsm-tree)
07:50:40 [82eb423d] add type param to MergingRunState (lsm-tree)
07:52:07 [5264e1b5] Merge pull request #7158 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2282 (cardano-token-registry)
07:52:30 [448b9d38] chore: update @intersect.mbo/pdf-ui to 0.6.2 (govtool)
07:52:33 [d4138a2d] Merge pull request #7159 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2283 (cardano-token-registry)
07:54:18 [95a6d195] Merge pull request #7160 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2285 (cardano-token-registry)
07:54:47 [a912912d] Merge pull request #7164 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2289 (cardano-token-registry)
07:55:26 [fdb0107e] Merge pull request #7161 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2286 (cardano-token-registry)
07:56:48 [b78d880d] Merge pull request #7162 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2287 (cardano-token-registry)
07:57:14 [9c76309e] Merge pull request #7166 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2295 (cardano-token-registry)
07:57:38 [9c926d9e] Merge pull request #7174 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2297 (cardano-token-registry)
07:58:07 [fa8de309] Merge pull request #7186 from CardanoTokenIO/add-a-new-token-2311 (cardano-token-registry)
08:02:21 [9fa823a1] Merge pull request #7181 from mackieq/master (cardano-token-registry)
08:02:53 [914713d0] Merge pull request #7165 from cardanative/token-85bb89 (cardano-token-registry)
08:07:08 [8f3eea94] test(cat-voices): Added readme file for integration tests (catalyst-voices)
08:09:34 [cc60af79] feat: add logger injection helper function (govtool)
08:11:38 [5220cd11] add type parameter to MergingRunState (lsm-tree)
08:11:43 [c62c743e] feat: integrate logger injection into Playwright test fixtures (govtool)
08:11:45 [7e9207bf] add type parameter to Merge (lsm-tree)
08:11:48 [2a7b2a09] store general MergeType in Merge (lsm-tree)
08:11:48 [71f01da2] refactor snapshot encoding of merge types (lsm-tree)
08:12:13 [4c27cdc1] refactor: remove unused failureWithConsoleMessages function from exceptionHandler (govtool)
08:14:19 [0a106a9d] chore(cat-voices): update launch.recommended.json (catalyst-voices)
08:16:14 [63779b1c] fix condition (yoroi-frontend)
08:16:28 [5a30e6b2] Merge pull request #3033 from IntersectMBO/fix/3022-helper-buttons-are-sometimes-inaccessible-on-the-screen-due-to-clipping (govtool)
08:16:39 [246ad659] Merge pull request #3036 from IntersectMBO/feat/3031-use-location-specific-ada-amount-formatting (govtool)
08:16:51 [579577b1] Merge pull request #3040 from IntersectMBO/chore/@intersect.mbo/pdf-ui-0.6.2 (govtool)
08:18:04 [ca3a2fc2] feat(#3035): improve default formatting of DRep directory (govtool)
08:19:11 [c65a62c4] fix: [lw-12325] fix code duplications reported by sonarcloud (lace)
08:19:12 [5167e710] Merge pull request #3041 from IntersectMBO/feat/3035-improve-default-view-and-filtering-in-drep-directory (govtool)
08:19:35 [3a9a132e] test: lw-12256 add tests for debugging switch (lace)
08:20:57 [5666e267] wb | run: fetch-analysis maintenance (cardano-node)
08:21:01 [e99e0b87] test: documents and drafts dao (catalyst-voices)
08:21:43 [ea722865] WIP: quick query and plotting (cardano-node)
08:22:34 [9f7e3a64] correct forging_enabled metric; fixes #6113 (cardano-node)
08:23:25 [3116950f] feat(cat-voices): proposal editor validation snackbar (#1865) (catalyst-voices)
08:23:36 [e3a68f12] Merge branch 'main' into feat/proposal_builder_publish_new_iteration (catalyst-voices)
08:24:40 [1cb00c49] feat(sync): cache epoch lengths and refactor slot calculation (cardano-sync-tests)
08:25:04 [9b265313] feat(sync): improve wait_for_node_to_sync function (cardano-sync-tests)
08:25:04 [99aea209] refactor(sync): simplify waiting for complete sync logic (cardano-sync-tests)
08:25:52 [3a2cffaa] feat(sync_tests): refactor testnet args handling (cardano-sync-tests)
08:26:25 [9d28e6bb] fix: publish dialog return type (catalyst-voices)
08:26:31 [dca704c6] Merge branch 'feat/proposal_builder_publish_new_iteration' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/catalyst-voices into feat/proposal_builder_publish_new_iteration (catalyst-voices)
08:38:57 [bced960a] refactor snapshot encoding of merge types (lsm-tree)
08:38:57 [3311b71b] add type parameter to Merge (lsm-tree)
08:38:57 [d24f84cf] add type parameter to MergingRunState (lsm-tree)
08:38:57 [c34c8759] store general MergeType in Merge (lsm-tree)
08:39:58 [377b1f06] fix typos in comments (cardano-node)
08:41:22 [3ffa2a6f] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
08:41:27 [244bc92e] Refactor conformance to use GOV rule from Ledger (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:41:27 [f0f1090f] Inline Equivalence.Base (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:43:48 [12fbdcd4] feat: Adapt client downloading when Unknown location (mithril)
08:45:31 [1ea90cfa] docs(experience): Update Readme, point to new repo locations (#198) (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
08:48:33 [96e1013a] Merge branch 'main' into 1872-update-launch-recommended (catalyst-voices)
08:53:48 [a3bb2c41] chore(cat-voices): updated with additional comments on some args (catalyst-voices)
08:54:33 [e23a38b3] chore(wallet-mobile): Disable push notifications for nightly (yoroi-mobile)
08:55:31 [5943b7b3] Merge branch 'master' into carlos/refactor-gov-conformance (formal-ledger-specifications)
08:58:29 [95b52d05] Merge pull request #6095 from IntersectMBO/smelc/cardano-testnet-custom-output-dir (cardano-node)
09:04:41 [25d8e2f3] Add grapesy-etcd as dependency (hydra)
09:05:00 [046ab67c] refactor: constant docs + export (catalyst-voices)
09:06:46 [240af37a] chore: remove mock delay (catalyst-voices)
09:08:03 [ee82a43b] Merge branch 'main' into perf-snapshot-optimisation-mainnet (catalyst-voices)
09:08:18 [df26893a] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@9cdf6b15394cbba54705a36376e18fb28d88919b 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
09:09:14 [33d82340] tweak IsMergeType class (lsm-tree)
09:13:18 [931d87d6] Inline Equivalence.Base (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:17:19 [5ecd7ea4] Refactor conformance to use GOV rule from Ledger (formal-ledger-specifications)
09:28:56 [41d5393b] cardano-tracer: Create symlink for logging directory. (cardano-node)
09:30:33 [c4c1aaf7] Remove redundant constraint from DecCBOR instance for AlonzoTxWitsRaw (cardano-ledger)
09:30:36 [86861217] Extract local bindings used to build TxWits decoder as function (cardano-ledger)
09:30:57 [79902e4b] Rename `segwitTx` to distinguish `Annotator` from simple version (cardano-ledger)
09:30:58 [2e2ed3ee] Small improvements and better names in `Annotator AlonzoTxSeq` decoder (cardano-ledger)
09:30:58 [809d1787] Fix handling of deserialization failure in `AllegraTxAuxDataRaw` (cardano-ledger)
09:31:22 [f3dd2dca] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-core` (cardano-ledger)
09:31:23 [62a759d0] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-shelley` (cardano-ledger)
09:31:42 [b9195888] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-allegra` (cardano-ledger)
09:32:02 [c87019a0] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `MaryTxBody` (cardano-ledger)
09:32:36 [f0b42688] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-alonzo` (cardano-ledger)
09:32:54 [218d040b] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `BabbageTxBody` (cardano-ledger)
09:33:15 [ec895b7b] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `ConwayTxBody` (cardano-ledger)
09:33:31 [2d13833e] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `BHeader` (cardano-ledger)
09:39:02 [6bd49583] fix: remove exposure of private getter (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-ts)
09:46:35 [a8ff4ba6] Fixes for search (plu-ts-docs)
09:52:49 [6f87b4ba] chore(cat-voices): update launch.recommended.json (#1873) (catalyst-voices)
09:54:20 [d1722a86] feat: submit proposal for review dialog (catalyst-voices)
09:55:14 [75d2d8c6] Merge branch 'main' into feat/proposal_builder_publish_new_iteration (catalyst-voices)
09:55:58 [7ddc3e03] Merge pull request #185 from blockfrost/chore/git-rev-in-version (blockfrost-platform)
09:56:00 [6575f8cd] perf(run futures concurrently): invalid and valid queries (catalyst-voices)
10:01:09 [e80c634a] Temporarily disable `prop_MergingTree` (lsm-tree)
10:06:49 [e66997e6] QLS: make file system and reference checks configurable (lsm-tree)
10:06:51 [f42bd3d1] Fix build problems (formal-ledger-specifications)
10:07:42 [0135693e] QLS: make property cleanup checks configurable. (lsm-tree)
10:10:26 [f254e7fe] Update tables again (catalyst-voices)
10:10:26 [ec76c9f2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@424706338ff5d20dd3bd499f0e0e95b26e7f9092 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
10:11:35 [c27a2f87] change constants to bytearray as g1/g2 elements are not in flat encoding (stdlib)
10:11:43 [6323dfd2] WIP (cardano-ledger)
10:12:47 [1554198f] Merge branch 'main' into perf-snapshot-optimisation-mainnet (catalyst-voices)
10:13:23 [109d5db5] fix: removing final keyword to border in proposal page and adding optional padding to campaign timeline (catalyst-voices)
10:13:34 [009a4675] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
10:13:48 [a18a3295] Merge pull request #3043 from IntersectMBO/develop (govtool)
10:15:45 [0f09c9f9] chore(wallet-mobile): Disable push notifications for nightly (#3841) (yoroi)
10:17:04 [6d99aedb] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
10:18:26 [f2de02d8] chore(wallet-mobile): bump v5.3.0 (yoroi)
10:18:26 [798e4fdf] chore(release): nightly (yoroi)
10:21:17 [329ae27a] chore(release): nightly (yoroi-mobile)
10:25:32 [546f6790] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@5167e7109a2982a30d993431c5e66de884a2ec7f 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
10:27:02 [78831112] [Builtins] [Bug] Tweak 'dropList' costing and else (#6862) (plutus)
10:30:00 [2e066b80] WIP (cardano-ledger)
10:31:54 [54177e4e] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
10:37:13 [8e73360c] fix: use showGeneralDialog to stop making snapshot of inherited themes which doesn't allow widgets to refresh after dark/light mode changes (catalyst-voices)
10:37:41 [958032aa] feat: improve windows managemet when switching to popup [LW 12347] (#1728) (lace)
10:41:06 [1088f2ff] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
10:42:52 [3922cfbb] [LW-12358] Update cardano-node to 10.2.1 (daedalus)
10:49:06 [e70f13d5] chore(outcomes): sync yarn.lock changes (govtool)
10:49:06 [06fec9eb] chore(outcomes): upgrade outcomes package to latest version (govtool)
10:49:06 [11aca6fc] chore: import gov actions ui package dynamically (govtool)
10:51:07 [54c7c339] feat(castor): now castor and agents can create a did with any keys (atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift)
10:52:11 [a649cec6] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
10:53:04 [c14cac93] Clean up mkHotKey code (ouroboros-consensus)
10:53:22 [750c432b] test: increase timeout for visibility assertions in delegation and proposal tests (govtool)
10:57:33 [e39650c4] Merge branch 'main' into 1864-document-integration-tests (catalyst-voices)
10:59:02 [1c416493] Merge branch 'feat/proposal_builder_publish_new_iteration' into feat/proposal_builder_publish_final (catalyst-voices)
10:59:23 [655179c7] cardano-tracer: Create symlink for logging directory. (cardano-node)
11:00:13 [d822d140] Refactor conformance to use GOV rule from Ledger (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:03:15 [51218f8c] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/govtool@5167e7109a2982a30d993431c5e66de884a2ec7f 🚀 (govtool-test-reports)
11:06:40 [15019698] prototype: carefully bound size of arbitrary trees (lsm-tree)
11:07:42 [2717da9c] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
11:09:38 [cf231cd0] Import code and create flake for it (cardano-deposit-wallet)
11:09:42 [73e12492] refactor: improve error handling of extension tab api interactions (lace)
11:14:56 [e7e7bab4] fix: add `check-all-features-set` in `mithril-client` and fix code under features (mithril)
11:14:59 [5bb82b0a] fix: [lw-12325] fix code duplications reported by sonarcloud (lace)
11:15:14 [0d5c1d90] Move Show instances for snapshot types into tests (lsm-tree)
11:15:50 [2658e0fd] Expand on p2p topic (developer-portal)
11:16:01 [63508f1e] Generate code for 2acac55a9e833418a83d864b3f3e14de98cc777b (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:16:58 [a5fc57ac] Regroup code for IncommingRun type and utils (lsm-tree)
11:17:33 [7bb1a119] chore(cat-voices): Additional info in readme (catalyst-voices)
11:20:18 [eb788ff2] fix: add unit tests for MultiSigExn (cf-identity-wallet)
11:20:49 [e0fbad4b] docusaurus: enable mermaid in markdown (cardano-updates)
11:22:04 [94158eb0] test(extension): adjust hardcoded fee value [quick fix for LW-3761] (lace)
11:22:46 [f418911f] QLS: add `prop_noSwallowedExceptions` (lsm-tree)
11:22:56 [d2c32342] fix: add missing route settings (catalyst-voices)
11:25:02 [250c5fae] bugfix (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:25:05 [1fb40072] Add new IncomingRun construction and helper functions (lsm-tree)
11:25:55 [d4cb3c6c] fix: a typo (blockfrost-platform)
11:26:56 [41969c35] feat: don't allow to submit if agreement not confirmed (catalyst-voices)
11:29:02 [f5bf7504] fix: hide snackbar (catalyst-voices)
11:29:13 [0e0a5671] Network update: sprints 80 & 81 (cardano-updates)
11:29:28 [4b886668] chore: exploratory work (cardano-ibc-incubator)
11:30:10 [98c415be] fix/worker-service-duplicate-unique-key: pass through each vote instead of in a transaction (cc-portal)
11:33:57 [76631fb2] Apply second part of reviews by Olga and Neil (cardano-api)
11:35:29 [6cdd0d01] docusaurus: enable mermaid in markdown (cardano-updates)
11:35:29 [b514a4a7] Network update: sprints 80 & 81 (cardano-updates)
11:37:05 [263821ce] Use the new IncomingRun functions for new merges and snapshot restore (lsm-tree)
11:37:36 [9f53bb95] add git tooling (#212) (cardano-haskell-action)
11:39:35 [b30ad65b] deploy: b514a4a7aa5134b3622e721f423db5022235e660 (cardano-updates)
11:40:09 [43c6aa58] Create dedicated file for log analysis functions (cardano-sync-tests)
11:42:32 [0b32d292] comprehensive spelling review (developer-portal)
11:43:24 [50516e7d] Extend IncomingRun representation with NominalDebt and NominalCredit (lsm-tree)
11:43:35 [de9131fd] fix-master/retrieve-data-from-ipfs-with-axios (cc-portal)
11:45:23 [107a123e] Rename MR.Credits to MergeCredits (lsm-tree)
11:46:51 [5dcc1e2c] feat: allow to save when fields are invalid (catalyst-voices)
11:50:10 [c190b084] refactor(ci): use cache-version instead of 'v0-' in rust cache key prefix (mithril)
11:55:19 [a644e617] docs: fix (catalyst-voices)
11:57:39 [8a2a8b18] final edits to remove some warnings in tex output (formal-ledger-specifications)
11:59:37 [80bf3b2e] Deploying to gh-pages from @ IntersectMBO/plutus@78831112ce4fde3f041aa083694c6b77c1bf3f6d 🚀 (plutus)
12:01:46 [7d62f720] Merge branch 'master' into 341-reference-previous-specifications-other-material (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:04:47 [e7fd36b9] Add GHC update 42 (engineering)
12:05:18 [b5de2876] chore: fixed ID-111 (cardano-ibc-incubator)
12:05:19 [840098ef] Include deserialisation of stake keys in deserialiseAnyVerificationKeyTextEnvelope (cardano-api)
12:06:48 [877897e8] Update test/Test/Util/FS.hs (lsm-tree)
12:06:56 [7812d29d] refactor(ci): use a repository var instead of a secret for cache version (mithril)
12:07:06 [655ff8d6] Update test/Test/Util/FS.hs (lsm-tree)
12:07:26 [35e1b454] Replace old MergeSchedule.Credits newtype with new NominalCredits (lsm-tree)
12:08:00 [2745e88c] add Plutus Benchmarks (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 78831112ce4fde3f041aa083694c6b77c1bf3f6d (plutus)
12:09:41 [1920ba10] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@2de59fbbfdcb02f93dc29f1e073ed2b088305941 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
12:12:25 [6eae0c98] Update 2025-02-20-ghc-update-42.md (engineering)
12:12:37 [ff6a0548] add changelogs (ouroboros-consensus)
12:12:37 [25caf96b] use NodeToClientV_20 (ouroboros-consensus)
12:12:37 [0f2a474b] snapsnotTxs / snapshotTxsAfter return TxMeasures instead of ByteSize (ouroboros-consensus)
12:12:37 [0e412639] allow-newer: network for ouroboros-network deps (ouroboros-consensus)
12:12:38 [7b22e055] fix: [lw-12325] fix code duplications reported by sonarcloud (#1731) (lace)
12:14:17 [d2a5bbc5] feat(issue558): add corruptSnapshot to IsTable (lsm-tree)
12:14:17 [e2aa833f] feat(issue558): add snapshot corruption to state machine tests (lsm-tree)
12:14:17 [07fdff62] refactor(issue558): extract flipRandomBitInRandomFile from prop_flipSnapshotBit (lsm-tree)
12:14:17 [2b010ec1] todo(issue558): highlight mismatch (lsm-tree)
12:16:25 [81a3f81a] Update 2025-02-20-ghc-update-42.md (engineering)
12:18:46 [77024ddc] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@afa97105fe5f47c4e5b19b7d896a92cf800ec880 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
12:19:00 [34e4ebe0] GITBOOK-796: gemma.dakin's Feb 20 changes tender to proposal wording (Intersect-knowledge-base)
12:19:35 [d31449ce] fix: make requested changes from PR review (lsm-tree)
12:20:24 [5b0c6d1d] GITBOOK-797: No subject (Intersect-knowledge-base)
12:20:53 [cd723440] Update 2025-02-20-ghc-update-42.md (engineering)
12:24:29 [36669dfb] site: add CPS reference; add parent menu for tools (ouroboros-leios-sim)
12:25:40 [de0c850a] WIP (cardano-ledger)
12:26:41 [a20e28bf] deploy: 36669dfb14525171f7dd4d797ded6990834cfdf3 (ouroboros-leios-sim)
12:27:16 [fc57086e] docs: add CPS reference to README (ouroboros-leios)
12:28:55 [ae413559] add test transactions to repo (credential-manager-app)
12:29:17 [ca0fe955] Include deserialisation of stake keys in deserialiseAnyVerificationKeyTextEnvelope (cardano-api)
12:31:04 [9561be85] Build cardano-api (cardano-api)
12:31:52 [1b1fad09] Improved fee calculation (pluts-emulator)
12:32:47 [d14e9fb0] Create dedicated file for log analysis functions (cardano-sync-tests)
12:32:48 [7a585e5a] Change the data structure of the .signature file (credential-manager-app)
12:33:44 [3d0a23da] updated InputWithLabel component (dapp-example)
12:36:32 [2d37e161] Merge pull request #82 from IntersectMBO/create_dedicate_file_to_analize_logs (cardano-sync-tests)
12:36:32 [ca1cf407] refactor: improve error handling of extension tab api interactions (lace)
12:39:10 [16a339af] fix Byron transfer for ledger (yoroi-frontend)
12:41:00 [2780fa25] Merge pull request #564 from IntersectMBO/wenkokke/issue558 (lsm-tree)
12:41:50 [78cbcf06] Introduce a MergeDebt newtype and use it instead of NumEntries (lsm-tree)
12:41:52 [fc119af2] Merge pull request #2323 from input-output-hk/djo/ci/simplify-rust-cache-key (mithril)
12:41:53 [3295ab2a] Reference previous specifications & other material (#659) (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:42:24 [ab66d138] Generate code for GH-659 (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:43:02 [1ce134f3] Use proper versions for catalyst-libs (catalyst-voices)
12:43:12 [17142ce1] Addresses #681 (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:43:13 [757f3386] Merge pull request #6118 from IntersectMBO/smelc/remove-unused-cardano-testnet-feature (cardano-node)
12:49:57 [f9caf4c2] deploy: fc119af25fbd2305da20fe3a33e4e743fc7b91b6 (mithril)
12:50:37 [fe405915] Merge branch 'main' into fix/rbac-indexing (catalyst-voices)
12:50:42 [befc1969] Updated for 3295ab2a2aad061fcc4ee10f5cb650af29fb92aa (formal-ledger-specifications)
12:51:49 [78119156] test(cat-voices): Added readme file for integration tests (#1867) (catalyst-voices)
12:52:20 [4200df36] Merge branch 'main' into fix/test-report-workflow (catalyst-voices)
12:52:56 [8b98c520] Port Etcd client to using grapesy-etcd (hydra-poc)
12:54:05 [ef850d1b] fixed issues (yoroi-frontend)
12:54:31 [5b289882] Port Etcd client to using grapesy-etcd (hydra)
12:55:18 [3f622c78] Update mithril-stm/src/error.rs (mithril)
12:56:53 [e134907d] remotely configure buying side of swap (yoroi-mobile)
12:56:57 [a88bd98f] chore: re enable api tests coverage (catalyst-voices)
12:57:22 [d61b79d5] Merge branch 'main' into fix/rbac-indexing (catalyst-voices)
12:57:58 [00552127] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
12:58:33 [5e2cfa73] Add GHC update 42 (#103) (engineering)
12:59:35 [b9740e04] Build cardano-api (cardano-api)
13:00:40 [e92573a8] Apply suggestions from code review by Olga (cardano-api)
13:01:29 [588c5d2e] build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1 (#355) (cardano-up)
13:02:12 [c5f7e2a8] Merge branch 'master' into 681-use-latex-best-practices-and-packages (formal-ledger-specifications)
13:04:53 [de5424f5] build(deps): bump blinklabs-io/go from 1.23.6-1 to 1.24.0-1 (#354) (cardano-up)
13:05:08 [49cd7a4f] fix: remove comments (cf-identity-wallet)
13:06:57 [531d9f91] chore: use global contributing doc (cardano-up)
13:07:00 [fd2821f1] fix: remove unused id (cf-identity-wallet)
13:07:02 [12d21458] fix: add SDJWT value to the OAS enum validation in IssueCredentialRecord and CreateIssueCredentialRecordRequest (open-enterprise-agent)
13:08:47 [0a74c1b3] Moved Topology files to ouroboros-network (ouroboros-network)
13:09:58 [30f01a72] feat: common interface for accessing TX witnesses (gouroboros)
13:10:41 [e4fb1ac6] updated to int (dapp-example)
13:11:05 [7b721ebb] string instead of number (dapp-example)
13:11:54 [057f864c] added token minting with native script (dapp-example)
13:11:59 [d7be706f] chore: bump cardano-js-sdk [LW-12198, LW12296] (#1726) (lace)
13:14:40 [8d0abfc4] Add centralized config module for environment variables and paths (cardano-sync-tests)
13:19:45 [5d434c2b] Update mithril version following security advisory (cardano-wallet)
13:20:35 [455a7257] Fix duplication introduced by #659 (formal-ledger-specifications)
13:23:02 [cfc02e11] GITBOOK-798: gemma.dakin's Feb 20 changes adding FAQ doc (Intersect-knowledge-base)
13:23:05 [7b174883] Merge branch 'main' into perf-snapshot-optimisation-mainnet (catalyst-voices)
13:23:58 [0b6fbc8d] fix: add SDJWT value to the OAS enum validation in IssueCredentialRec… (#1533) (open-enterprise-agent)
13:26:26 [95be66d0] feat: scaffold `download` command for `cardano-db-v2` (mithril)
13:26:27 [91ceff5f] refactor: separate disk space verifications and prerequisite checks (mithril)
13:26:27 [bd92c508] feat: implement full restoration process for incremental Cardano database download command (mithril)
13:26:27 [17624dee] feat: add `--start`, `--end`, `--include_ancillary` and `--allow_override` options for `download` command (mithril)
13:26:28 [6fe0fb9f] feat: scaffold new Cardano database snapshot restoration events with the feedback receiver (mithril)
13:26:28 [cd401e94] test: verify cardano-db-v2 `download` command in the E2E test (mithril)
13:26:28 [f3fa4649] test: add new verification steps for `cardano-db-v2 download` command in Mithril Client multi-platform test (mithril)
13:26:28 [fd2c14cb] feat: implement aggregator statistics updates for Cardano database snapshots (mithril)
13:26:28 [e6a4c253] feat: update restoration metrics by calling the client library (mithril)
13:26:29 [cba3e16b] refactor: moving the responsibility of event sending from the clients to the downloader (mithril)
13:26:29 [1db86bf2] feat: add `MultiProgress` to `IndicatifFeedbackReceiver` (mithril)
13:26:29 [31787250] feat: add `size` variant for `DigestDownloadStarted` event (mithril)
13:26:29 [55d44d9c] feat: add size to `DigestDownloadStarted` event (mithril)
13:26:29 [d58c4b5d] feat: add started and completed event builders to `DownloadEvent` (mithril)
13:26:30 [35d01f76] [WIP] create `MultiDownloadProgressReporter` (mithril)
13:26:35 [779734bb] Merge branch 'main' into fix-api-key-enable-flag (atala-prism-building-blocks)
13:26:52 [7441f4ff] adjust height property for visibility (developer-portal)
13:30:14 [6f4f4a82] key as input of blst_err_to_mithril (mithril)
13:32:50 [7fbbd6c4] Merge branch 'main' into feat/openapi-examples (catalyst-voices)
13:33:14 [9759adbd] Add space before equal to `genRandomSimpleScript` (cardano-api)
13:35:12 [8c97cb49] Generate code for 1dd7329a295f7d9819861a37d5c48b880db611b4 (formal-ledger-specifications)
13:36:50 [2b75f9ed] use real url (yoroi)
13:37:17 [c3ab6c34] Remove two SuppliedCredits newtypes that were not pulling their weight (lsm-tree)
13:37:31 [dace47b5] Merge branch 'main' into feat/proposal_builder_publish_new_iteration (catalyst-voices)
13:37:38 [7ea483d2] Merge branch 'feat/proposal_builder_publish_new_iteration' into feat/proposal_builder_publish_final (catalyst-voices)
13:38:37 [62d5e351] feat: only show publish/submit dialogs if the document is valid (catalyst-voices)
13:39:35 [021dcb8f] Merge pull request #37 from HarmonicLabs/fix/search (plu-ts-docs)
13:40:14 [b66c2704] network-mux: provide a way to run bind a mini-protocol to a capability (ouroboros-network)
13:42:26 [cf0af8ad] Add haddock explaining why we have the `hasEmptyAnys` argument (cardano-api)
13:42:37 [14fd208d] Merge pull request #10 from HarmonicLabs/feat/improve-fee-calculation (pluts-emulator)
13:43:27 [c20311c5] ouroboros-network-framework: added ForkPolicy (ouroboros-network)
13:47:30 [2298370b] feat: Implement an Unknown variant in the artifact locations (mithril)
13:47:31 [49de7654] chore: Improve comments (mithril)
13:47:31 [cba385f4] feat: Adapt client downloading when Unknown location (mithril)
13:47:31 [bfe5e529] refacto: split cell content format and row format (mithril)
13:47:32 [c71501f0] fix: add `check-all-features-set` in `mithril-client` and fix code under features (mithril)
13:48:28 [ab12310d] refactor: documents sync errors handling (catalyst-voices)
13:48:54 [b6bb7eda] Merge branch 'main' into feat/documents_sync_1764 (catalyst-voices)
13:49:21 [59188fa7] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/engineering@5e2cfa7333e9499b740b9ac2847e2256a5e8e0c0 🚀 (engineering)
13:49:22 [3305710a] Add comment explaining why we use the inequality check `<=` instead of `==` (cardano-api)
13:50:46 [0ed1f87d] error handling (dapp-example)
13:51:23 [b61aa259] Merge pull request #752 from IntersectMBO/nm/update-chap (cardano-api)
13:51:59 [6ff813d3] chore: move `binary_or_hex_heuristic` under API, and proptest it (blockfrost-platform)
13:55:07 [b347c015] handling all requests to dapp connector (dapp-example)
13:55:43 [6881bed9] feat: improve tappable area (catalyst-voices)
13:56:17 [2f5d5d47] Merge pull request #968 from cardano-foundation/feat/DTIS-1896-biometric-still-enable-afte-user-cancel (cf-identity-wallet)
13:56:24 [63adf872] refactor: reorganize artifact location structure (mithril)
13:57:32 [745cabf5] Redrew two figures for slides; renamed database (ouroboros-leios-sim)
14:01:06 [b84ff656] Refactored folders (ouroboros-leios)
14:02:55 [2688817c] chore: fixed destructuring warning (cardano-ibc-incubator)
14:04:15 [85643c6b] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@41cc244ec53e4a41c678e4782807d4638bb780a0 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
14:05:05 [9a17334a] feat: common interface for accessing TX witnesses (gouroboros)
14:07:33 [dfe1dc9c] WIP (cardano-ledger)
14:08:09 [af1e007e] wip(rust/signed_doc): add atomic variables for live check, update endpoint and middleware (catalyst-voices)
14:08:09 [c5a6d5c2] wip(rust/signed_doc): reset live counter (catalyst-voices)
14:08:24 [55d828bc] Further extend and tweak the credit tracking commentary (lsm-tree)
14:08:52 [0247ef36] Merge pull request #27 from Emurgo/denis/tokens (dapp-example)
14:08:54 [2abebb2e] feat: upgrade cabal to (docker-haskell)
14:10:31 [1fc1077a] check expected error (mithril)
14:11:07 [967978e9] fix: guard txsubmission server against int overflows (#898) (gouroboros)
14:15:16 [d39e877f] correct box usage for errors (mithril)
14:15:16 [44938ab5] refactor: reorganize artifact location structure (mithril)
14:15:26 [f5c34034] fix: Fixed Constitution sidebar (cc-portal)
14:16:19 [ddd2106f] Move `Cardano.Api.Internal.Experimental.Eras` to `exposed-modules` section for it to show in haddock (cardano-api)
14:16:34 [beea29cf] chore(common): moved logger helpers to common (yoroi-mobile)
14:16:54 [52ba6456] Merge pull request #555 from IntersectMBO/fix/fix-constitution-sidebar (cc-portal)
14:19:56 [e0549d42] WIP (cardano-ledger)
14:21:45 [6e3e92f0] wip (zeko)
14:23:07 [cf8177df] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@376e3dd428cc392e97c1893ae2f765c1d0b4d882 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
14:26:40 [1b5eb279] Update 2025-02-20T14:26:40Z (capkgs)
14:27:27 [712314b4] diffusion: removed NonP2P diffusion (ouroboros-network)
14:27:27 [77f15298] ouroboros-network-framework: removed various NonP2P components (ouroboros-network)
14:27:28 [99288f9c] ouroboros-newtwork-framework: added Ouroboros.Network.Server.Simple (ouroboros-network)
14:27:28 [c9a95dce] Updated documentation (ouroboros-network)
14:27:28 [91479216] ouroboros-network: removed NonP2P components (ouroboros-network)
14:27:28 [960a23f0] ouroboros-network-framework: renamed Ourboros.Network.Server2 module (ouroboros-network)
14:28:40 [d919802f] add eras (cardano-ledger-ts)
14:29:53 [f12962f1] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
14:32:55 [5de37a98] inbound-governor: expose PublicState's tvar (ouroboros-network)
14:32:55 [01c84a57] diffusion: added/improved comments (ouroboros-network)
14:32:55 [ad51a390] ouroboros-network-framework: added network state (ouroboros-network)
14:32:55 [f150c0ff] ouroboros-network-api: RemoteAddressCBOR newtype wrapper (ouroboros-network)
14:32:56 [6521f0b6] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
14:32:56 [942dd3b3] testnet: enhanced counterexample for unit_peer_sharing (ouroboros-network)
14:32:56 [a20af165] ouroboros-network-api: public NetworkState (ouroboros-network)
14:32:56 [23920958] outbound-governor: CapturePublicState (ouroboros-network)
14:32:56 [9d082849] diffusion: public network state (ouroboros-network)
14:32:56 [997ed553] Added NodeToClientV_21 (ouroboros-network)
14:32:57 [21f67ea9] ouroboros-network-api: renamed Ouroboros.Network.PeerSelection.PeerSharing.Codec module (ouroboros-network)
14:32:57 [fd594481] NetworkState - ToJSON instances (ouroboros-network)
14:32:57 [3274aadf] WIP: added TODO (ouroboros-network)
14:37:15 [6821f5a3] Test cardano-testnet executable (cardano-node)
14:37:59 [62ed3be3] sim-tests-lib: code style (ouroboros-network)
14:37:59 [02553649] ouroboros-network: renamed sim-test-lib as testlib (ouroboros-network)
14:37:59 [81b89adc] peer-selection: import and export lists (ouroboros-network)
14:43:05 [500ce34a] Add dependency constraints on `cardano-wallet-network-layer` (cardano-wallet)
14:46:20 [1a91b95e] feat: common interface for accessing TX witnesses (#899) (gouroboros)
14:47:01 [36cba0ca] deploy: b61aa259432a0ada01f18fa7285149fcb5ba5f67 (cardano-api)
14:47:17 [25b6941a] Everything builds. Now need to see how it fits in with the old api (cardano-api)
14:49:36 [2af40a51] fix(cat-gateway): typo (catalyst-voices)
14:53:47 [ab2d1a77] fix: types, remove comments (blockfrost-platform)
14:55:38 [6c0a2726] Remove dependency on `mtl` in `network-layer` (cardano-wallet)
14:55:56 [aae637a0] Modify code to add voter key hash on .signature file (credential-manager-app)
14:56:38 [c6bfde67] Make the da node db operations async (zeko)
15:03:44 [14fc4943] deploy: 757f3386fc39dfeadb184d87e06bbf310d58344f (cardano-node)
15:03:45 [007371e2] test ready (catalyst-voices)
15:07:43 [2cae78c6] chore: initial optimise marshal. writing tests to ensure logic is same (cardano-ibc-incubator)
15:08:00 [377a6b78] Merge branch 'main' into 1828-discovery-space-tests (catalyst-voices)
15:08:26 [87bc6876] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
15:09:48 [e24edca5] add MsgGetMeasures to bench-cddl (ouroboros-network)
15:09:52 [60706376] fix: mnemonic_to_private_key (blockfrost-platform)
15:11:00 [341300b7] WIP (cardano-ledger)
15:13:14 [ff917164] Add equivalent non-Annotator cbor roundtrip tests (cardano-ledger)
15:13:17 [457199d4] Move Arbitrary instance for `Data`, `BinaryData` and `Datum` to core (cardano-ledger)
15:13:17 [2cd20684] Add check for non-Annotator version of golden serialsation tests (cardano-ledger)
15:13:17 [0a7435bc] Add functions to test the equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances (cardano-ledger)
15:13:18 [8484523d] wip - revert embedTripAnnExpectation (cardano-ledger)
15:13:18 [3ad0625b] Move Arbitrary instance for `PV1.Data` to core (cardano-ledger)
15:13:18 [f1b0221f] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR`instances via cddl and Huddle (cardano-ledger)
15:13:18 [b871059d] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances via `Arbitrary` data (cardano-ledger)
15:14:42 [aa26737d] chore: guard localtxmonitor server against int overflows (gouroboros)
15:17:26 [e3e3bce8] fixup: remove fail in decoding (ouroboros-network)
15:19:19 [7b874821] Merge branch 'master' into carlos/refactor-gov-conformance (formal-ledger-specifications)
15:24:09 [fe4ca47b] fix (catalyst-voices)
15:24:56 [ecae0168] GITBOOK-800: gemma.dakin's Feb 20 changes Privacy Policy (Intersect-knowledge-base)
15:25:45 [0b4458eb] WIP (cardano-ledger)
15:28:01 [f8e3470a] GITBOOK-801: gemma.dakin's Feb 20 changes membership agreement (Intersect-knowledge-base)
15:28:34 [72847a1b] Move Byron code to `Ouroboros.Consensus.Byron.ByronHFC` (ouroboros-consensus)
15:29:26 [5a1908eb] Added GetLedgerConfig top level query (ouroboros-consensus)
15:29:29 [41f707b4] Satisfy serialization instances for LedgerConfig in tests and the query to the Golden tests (ouroboros-consensus)
15:29:30 [0f3d678e] Add roundtrip tests for LedgerConfig (ouroboros-consensus)
15:29:40 [2eac0365] GITBOOK-203: Fergie's Feb 20 changes - WP25 updates (committees-groups-documentation)
15:34:09 [f2c40682] fix: sign key (blockfrost-platform)
15:36:05 [bbdbea30] Fix links to the Registry example (quickcheck-dynamic)
15:37:03 [ceef5dbc] chore: refactor coverage names (catalyst-voices)
15:45:33 [e53f3eae] ci(golangci-lint): explicitly add default linters to enabled (snek)
15:49:48 [a5aefa98] chore(deps): bump blinklabs-io/go from 1.23.6-1 to 1.24.0-1 (#346) (adder)
15:50:58 [a06459f3] simulation: report-data takes output-dir rather than prefix. (ouroboros-leios)
15:55:02 [c1ef0144] GITBOOK-83: No subject (budget-documentation)
15:56:01 [c7e4e8fc] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@28b08c98978bab6678056d2f8dfb3b70e9c1815d 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
15:57:08 [2d6f00cf] refactor: reorganize artifact location structure (mithril)
16:01:09 [742432b5] Update function: check_cncli_send_tip(), within: healthcheck.sh (#2) (guild-operators)
16:03:20 [49cc3f4b] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
16:05:59 [ef70105d] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-core` (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:05:59 [468f6419] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-shelley` (cardano-ledger)
16:06:00 [c89f5b6d] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `BabbageTxBody` (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:06:00 [c7e00246] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `MaryTxBody` (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:06:00 [cee9f6ad] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-allegra` (cardano-ledger)
16:06:00 [663e4371] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-alonzo` (cardano-ledger)
16:06:01 [3a0411fb] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `ConwayTxBody` (cardano-ledger)
16:06:01 [3f90033d] Add equivalent non-Annotator cbor roundtrip tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:06:01 [a6314822] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `BHeader` (cardano-ledger)
16:06:02 [ceb2924e] Move Arbitrary instance for `PV1.Data` to core (cardano-ledger)
16:06:02 [805ce940] Add check for non-Annotator version of golden serialsation tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:06:02 [0f785974] Add functions to test the equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances (cardano-ledger)
16:06:02 [86a6626c] Move Arbitrary instance for `Data`, `BinaryData` and `Datum` to core (cardano-ledger)
16:06:03 [8af583ea] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR`instances via cddl and Huddle (cardano-ledger)
16:06:03 [933dc9c9] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances via `Arbitrary` data (cardano-ledger)
16:06:46 [024f958b] wip - revert embedTripAnnExpectation (cardano-ledger)
16:07:50 [3b2c3e83] Merge pull request #79 from IntersectMBO/improve_wait_for_node (cardano-sync-tests)
16:08:47 [9f6be2c2] docs: scaffold 'Mithril certification' section (mithril)
16:09:42 [25620708] Add dependency constraints on `cardano-wallet-network-layer` (#4988) (cardano-wallet)
16:13:09 [dd13ba37] src/eras/cddl-files (cardano-ledger-ts)
16:13:41 [eb9d0897] refactor(utils): raise exception if executable not found (cardano-sync-tests)
16:14:54 [d16f4fc6] adding this PR as initial discussion (CIPs)
16:19:19 [0431af99] Merge pull request #85 from IntersectMBO/find_exe_exception (cardano-sync-tests)
16:19:58 [2886c08c] fix: remove package.json and lock from root (blockfrost-platform)
16:22:17 [bf7fb256] feat(sync_tests): unify node start command (cardano-sync-tests)
16:22:42 [3f17588f] fix: serialization lib version (blockfrost-platform)
16:23:03 [a76f89dd] Q2 roadmap (gerolamo)
16:24:48 [8363d90c] chore: finalize tx builder (blockfrost-platform)
16:24:49 [ec00ce78] WIP (cardano-ledger)
16:24:59 [c62048c8] Fix witness error in compatible transaction transaction-sign in shelley era (cardano-cli)
16:25:27 [4dc494a0] Merge pull request #86 from IntersectMBO/start_node_cmd_unif (cardano-sync-tests)
16:28:20 [40ec8b25] chore: updated quota to cap (boros)
16:28:34 [a90ea2fc] docs: updated priority docs (boros)
16:29:21 [9d4a1456] Split compatible transaction building into separate building and witnessing functions (cardano-api)
16:29:45 [d7aea027] Fix duplication introduced by #659 (#692) (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:30:15 [8891aea5] Generate code for GH-692 (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:31:31 [dc126113] refactor: remove build_mode from node sync tests (cardano-sync-tests)
16:32:35 [6e799203] Bump hackage and chap state-index (cardano-wallet)
16:32:35 [feb8a33e] Bump haskell.nix (cardano-wallet)
16:38:39 [941a5517] trying ttl based on time. (cardano-rosetta-java)
16:39:15 [d1578a51] chore: wrong assert (blockfrost-platform)
16:40:04 [fbf2899b] Updated for d7aea0277e56d682c432273d56fed8ca9297cf48 (formal-ledger-specifications)
16:41:54 [31381fad] refactor: improve error handling of extension tab api interactions (lace)
16:42:43 [a1ba5b5a] Merge pull request #750 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/fix/compatible-tx-build (cardano-api)
16:43:59 [4c34b059] Scheduled update (pool_groups)
16:44:45 [52878a7c] Update to use consts for performance (stdlib)
16:45:57 [c3159cf0] ouroboros-network-framework: added ForkPolicy (ouroboros-network)
16:48:09 [8f623067] feat: Adapt client downloading when Unknown location (mithril)
16:48:10 [ea3cf6c0] fix: add `check-all-features-set` in `mithril-client` and fix code under features (mithril)
16:51:48 [7bcdc9d9] fix: assert (blockfrost-platform)
16:52:12 [49916f45] cardano-tracer: Create symlink for logging directory. (cardano-node)
16:53:38 [3b62be37] fix: adds workaround for missing ip tables (catalyst-voices)
16:58:21 [69057a04] feat: add openapi builder (catalyst-voices)
16:59:14 [cc07f667] fix: remove false flag (catalyst-voices)
17:01:28 [e7fab315] fix: assert (blockfrost-platform)
17:02:30 [88f2d796] Redirects for v2025-02-19 (cardano-wallet)
17:02:36 [7cd2b7db] Merge branch 'main' into fix/final_border_proposal_card (catalyst-voices)
17:02:48 [5dbf0ecc] Merge pull request #87 from IntersectMBO/rm_node_build_mode (cardano-sync-tests)
17:03:22 [8f5391cb] Release v2025-02-19 (cardano-wallet)
17:03:57 [edf709b9] refactor(sync_tests): simplify argument handling (cardano-sync-tests)
17:05:01 [df125cd3] feat: sign shared wallet tx with ledger (cardano-js-sdk)
17:05:54 [f9095652] Conformance testing (#134) (ouroboros-leios)
17:06:12 [1c821825] Remove placeholder for stake credential on download button (credential-manager-app)
17:07:26 [67cb19bb] fix: use anyhow to make code more readable (blockfrost-platform)
17:08:26 [828ae0d4] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-core` (cardano-ledger)
17:08:26 [21352c4a] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-allegra` (cardano-ledger)
17:08:26 [8749bae5] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-shelley` (cardano-ledger)
17:08:27 [4a3dd40d] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `BabbageTxBody` (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:27 [7cfc619e] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `MaryTxBody` (cardano-ledger)
17:08:27 [78a24c66] Add `DecCBOR` instances for types in `cardano-ledger-alonzo` (cardano-ledger)
17:08:27 [b84ca750] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `ConwayTxBody` (cardano-ledger)
17:08:28 [ca9592a5] Add check for non-Annotator version of golden serialsation tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:28 [33b2e680] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `BHeader` (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:28 [9d58676e] Add equivalent non-Annotator cbor roundtrip tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:29 [d598a32e] Move Arbitrary instance for `Data`, `BinaryData` and `Datum` to core (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:29 [ec83d3c9] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances via `Arbitrary` data (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:29 [3df7278b] Add functions to test the equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:29 [34ae9062] Move Arbitrary instance for `PV1.Data` to core (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:08:30 [a7f8f6f9] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR`instances via cddl and Huddle (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:09:01 [f29425df] wip - revert embedTripAnnExpectation (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:09:06 [6caa5e6b] fix: polish code (blockfrost-platform)
17:09:29 [5cead0c8] trying ttl based on time. (cardano-rosetta-java)
17:09:51 [c3772f6b] Add missing indexes (dolos)
17:11:33 [54e3c0a4] Add dependency constraints on `cardano-wallet-network-layer` (#4988) (cardano-wallet)
17:11:42 [d78654d1] Add check for non-Annotator version of golden serialsation tests (cardano-ledger)
17:11:42 [adfb324a] Add functions to test the equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances (cardano-ledger)
17:11:42 [14b9a633] Add equivalent non-Annotator cbor roundtrip tests (cardano-ledger)
17:11:42 [58865d05] Add `DecCBOR` instance for `BHeader` (cardano-ledger)
17:11:43 [3e468e2e] Move Arbitrary instance for `PV1.Data` to core (cardano-ledger)
17:11:43 [41169022] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR`instances via cddl and Huddle (cardano-ledger)
17:11:43 [016347a8] Move Arbitrary instance for `Data`, `BinaryData` and `Datum` to core (cardano-ledger)
17:11:43 [6aaba405] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances via `Arbitrary` data (cardano-ledger)
17:11:44 [c59fec1b] wip - revert embedTripAnnExpectation (cardano-ledger)
17:13:21 [2aacc0b9] Add a new token (cardano-token-registry)
17:15:44 [991ca506] feat: update node sync tests CI for changed arguments (cardano-sync-tests)
17:15:45 [4e022d15] Update builtin versions and add write_bits (prelude)
17:17:44 [4377388d] fix: rust coverage path (catalyst-voices)
17:17:45 [21ca7013] first try on bounds (cardano-addresses)
17:19:24 [2e0200dc] Merge pull request #88 from IntersectMBO/node_sync_args_improvements (cardano-sync-tests)
17:19:28 [9b892995] rm redundant mtl dependency (cardano-addresses)
17:20:45 [9d97d0b7] update deps, TODO: --legacy-peer-deps used (cardano-ledger-ts)
17:21:17 [ec6dfce3] fix: removing final keyword to border in proposal page and adding optional padding to campaign timeline (#1874) (catalyst-voices)
17:21:31 [3f9bf9b7] refactor: reorganize artifact location structure (mithril)
17:21:38 [f268b22c] cardano-tracer: Create symlink for logging directory. (cardano-node)
17:21:48 [19957e3d] fix: do not enforce emtpy staking address for asteria (also fmt fixes) (asteria)
17:23:37 [ebe7b375] chore: use the `unreachable!()` macro (blockfrost-platform)
17:24:04 [18164733] add bound on with-utf8 (cardano-addresses)
17:25:01 [007dfcc3] update tsconfig to exclude cddl files in builds (cardano-ledger-ts)
17:25:22 [ee425c43] fix(ci): update workflow parameters (cardano-sync-tests)
17:26:49 [8752f330] Refresh of c (cardano-deposit-wallet)
17:26:49 [1e0252cd] Import code and create flake for it (cardano-deposit-wallet)
17:26:56 [2fa6ffb0] Add a CI step to prove haskell code compilation (cardano-deposit-wallet)
17:28:15 [0d181590] rm dependancy in cabal.project (cardano-addresses)
17:28:16 [2318f1f8] Merge pull request #89 from IntersectMBO/fix_ci (cardano-sync-tests)
17:29:43 [d7a7410d] Add a few more functions (stdlib)
17:30:49 [f83428ca] Merge branch 'main' into fix/test-report-workflow (catalyst-voices)
17:33:41 [09087d30] error handling for multi sig tests (mithril)
17:33:56 [71cc6fdb] test(extension): unblock tests blocked by LW-11786 (lace)
17:34:57 [bc6b3f40] test(extension): unblock tests LW-10262 and LW-10263 (lace)
17:38:11 [0961340d] deploy: a1ba5b5a5a22c80ac2c355adaeb37adc8b5fca0f (cardano-api)
17:38:21 [d0bdb56b] feat(cat-voices): add social media icons (catalyst-voices)
17:41:51 [497dd7c8] Loosen the size constraints on serialized keys (lsm-tree)
17:44:58 [f38ba178] WIP feat: Add uncompressed size for digests, immutable and ancillary files (mithril)
17:45:51 [0f5f3f9f] create `MultiDownloadProgressReporter` (mithril)
17:45:56 [2124ed4e] feat: implement `progress_download` for `MultiDownloadProgressReporter` (mithril)
17:45:56 [21558a7d] feat: implement `finish_download` and `finish_all` in the `MultiDownloadProgressReporter` (mithril)
17:45:56 [6cda77d7] feat: allow `ProgressBarJsonFormatter` to handle both files and bytes downloaded (mithril)
17:45:56 [ce5c1ab9] refactor: remove use of unnecessary `StdResult` (mithril)
17:45:56 [8d3041cf] feat: use the appropriate progress bar kind (mithril)
17:45:57 [329c02ce] feat: wire with the Cardano database events with the `MultiDownloadProgressReporter` (mithril)
17:49:06 [8ba54d5f] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@34a889b2cfa38e6a1b3c1e7c8a6a4e76db84e342 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
17:51:43 [b88e364e] Merge pull request #5069 from IntersectMBO/coot/network-mux-fork-on-policy (ouroboros-network)
17:57:11 [7be6f649] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
17:59:27 [266af9dc] Merge branch 'main' into fix/rbac-indexing (catalyst-voices)
17:59:59 [6b388655] chore: guard localtxmonitor server against int overflows (#900) (gouroboros)
18:00:23 [3fdd9869] Test cardano-testnet executable (cardano-node)
18:04:21 [f8c0b2a5] docs: add Cardano stake distribution certification page (mithril)
18:04:21 [2d32b181] docs: add Cardano transactions certification page (mithril)
18:04:21 [e411ed42] docs: update Mithril certification page (mithril)
18:04:22 [086cada2] docs: add Cardano node database certification page (mithril)
18:07:27 [ce825b92] 1.6.3 - require field in interface (cbor)
18:08:07 [d3f2acf9] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
18:16:02 [3dc4f044] 1.6.5 - (cbor)
18:20:35 [c3ccd725] feat(core): idempotent processing of notifications and operations (cf-identity-wallet)
18:22:41 [c42bdc78] feat: calculate `sync_progress` in the health monitor (blockfrost-platform)
18:36:56 [06168c4a] ci(go-test): configure explicit permissions (node)
18:40:09 [6491f23c] fix: base path (catalyst-voices)
18:40:20 [ab4cb906] ci(golangci-lint): explicitly add default linters to enabled (#355) (snek)
18:43:53 [84b05b3d] feat(utxorpc): 60s read header timeout (node)
18:47:03 [24102ec6] ci(go-test): configure explicit permissions (#420) (node)
18:50:01 [d14b2a65] trying ttl based on time. (cardano-rosetta-java)
18:51:11 [ce937497] feat: calculate `sync_progress` in the health monitor (blockfrost-platform)
18:53:36 [4e7bcfaf] Add fetch-depth: 0 in an attempt to fix wrong order and dates. (cardano-updates)
18:54:04 [f173cea8] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@8fd12d4de4e7fde8a2ae863e396fcd08ce839eb5 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
18:57:39 [1d3a8d60] deploy: 4e7bcfaf6b317ab4687f40afb2e5a3457d00f6ac (cardano-updates)
18:59:03 [a843b33f] Add a few scott encoding instead of option functions to dict and try it out in assets (stdlib)
19:00:41 [da9f1482] feat(cat-voices): creating ui for sharing dialog (catalyst-voices)
19:02:12 [15511f17] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
19:16:57 [d52dcb8d] WIP: improve shrinking, fix bugs exposed by new swallowed exceptions test (lsm-tree)
19:35:24 [a54d1db6] Fix a typo in a GitHub workflow name (cardano-node)
19:37:36 [92a4f2cf] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
19:50:33 [589150fc] Update sorting algorithm (#27) (boros)
19:57:30 [92cb9b6f] chore: adding more tests (cf-cardano-conversions-java)
19:59:06 [f5573c95] You can now propagate (TxIn, AnyWitness era) throughout your tx body (cardano-api)
20:00:33 [8486e223] feat(core): handle case where local identifier deleted before multisig icp (cf-identity-wallet)
20:00:34 [03afec92] Update Rust version and revision (catalyst-ci)
20:10:13 [b2940684] fix Add plutus v3 cost model to local PParams (#606) (pallas)
20:13:44 [5f9cd2e2] feat(codec): allow KeepRaw to own its data (#601) (pallas)
20:17:23 [c4c2efcd] refactor: reduce codec boilerplate (#608) (pallas)
20:17:31 [ac126089] chore(deps): bump cachix/cachix-action from 12 to 15 (marlowe-playground)
20:17:33 [dd0eb6da] chore(deps): bump actions/github-script from 6 to 7 (marlowe-playground)
20:17:38 [a874bdf7] chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 (marlowe-playground)
20:17:39 [5d8449ca] chore(deps): bump cachix/install-nix-action from 20 to 30 (marlowe-playground)
20:17:41 [f7d3f417] chore(deps): bump EndBug/add-and-commit from 7 to 9 (marlowe-playground)
20:17:44 [2a45a750] chore(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35 to 45 (marlowe-playground)
20:24:12 [562f429a] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
20:24:35 [3efd5f37] Merge branch 'main' into perf-snapshot-optimisation-mainnet (catalyst-voices)
20:28:46 [5e692b1b] TOSQUASH HardForks.md: address some of Alexey's comments (ouroboros-consensus)
20:31:56 [b8916844] chore: configure golangci-lint and enable gosec (#32) (adder-library-starter-kit)
20:32:14 [7a79ec3b] chore: configure golangci-lint and enable gosec (#117) (cardano-models)
20:32:24 [7708ed47] chore: configure golangci-lint and enable gosec (#173) (txtop)
20:32:48 [f22d39bc] chore: use global contributing doc (#357) (cardano-up)
20:33:02 [bfc5694b] feat: upgrade cabal to (#36) (docker-haskell)
20:33:08 [f4003778] feat(utxorpc): 60s read header timeout (#421) (node)
20:33:20 [9356e708] WIP HeadLogicSpec, removed persistence and renamed Api to ApiSink, re-use time from StateChanged (hydra-poc)
20:35:33 [533ebbec] fix: guard against int overflows in database chunk handling (node)
20:39:28 [0de9c59f] fix(txsubmission): guard against int overflow in tx size calc (node)
20:39:33 [5760fe39] Add a CI step to prove haskell code compilation (cardano-deposit-wallet)
20:39:33 [d29888c5] Import code and create flake for it (cardano-deposit-wallet)
20:39:33 [5d6cf886] Refresh of c (cardano-deposit-wallet)
20:39:52 [a19ab348] removed useWasm and updated cslTools (dapp-example)
20:41:44 [f1f624d4] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
20:51:06 [2ddb5b06] feat(primitives): Add catch-all mechanism for unknown cost models (#596) (pallas)
21:28:42 [195e592b] fix `wait-for-hydra` for when there are too many check runs (cardano-node)
21:33:13 [3c1095c0] Fix a typo in a GitHub workflow name (cardano-node)
21:37:08 [d0ae1f68] Apply formatting from 2024 edition (catalyst-ci)
21:42:42 [96a08998] revert (catalyst-voices)
21:46:16 [f3feff20] Use multimap (dolos)
21:48:35 [ad930197] env cfgs: rm shelley_qa, add testnet-template cfgs, mod cfg updater script (cardano-node)
21:49:15 [ed68a83a] byron-to-alonzo: switch from shelley_qa cfgs to testnet-template cfgs (cardano-node)
21:51:29 [04a13f9c] Graceful container shutdown (cardano-db-sync)
21:51:51 [91976b27] improve .gitignore and other minor possible improvements (formal-ledger-specifications)
21:56:15 [a7fbf6a2] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@7a3978b49724b48cbcefba9f3f5fcc33429e820e 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
21:56:17 [c177d5ab] Add functions to test the equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:56:18 [48d62bf4] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR` instances via `Arbitrary` data (cardano-ledger)
21:56:18 [06db334a] Add tests to check equivalence of `DecCBOR`instances via cddl and Huddle (cardano-ledger)
21:56:18 [d443fd7d] Move Arbitrary instance for `PV1.Data` to core (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:56:18 [dbde23a7] Move Arbitrary instance for `Data`, `BinaryData` and `Datum` to core (cardano-ledger)
21:57:05 [9989db0d] envs: rm sanchonet and shelley_qa (cardano-node)
21:58:40 [9e0d8415] Merge branch 'master' into 681-use-latex-best-practices-and-packages (formal-ledger-specifications)
21:58:49 [b3f68326] workbench: remove dependency on iohk-nix testnet env (cardano-node)
21:59:36 [11fdefd5] fix: refactor checks in mine asteria, preparing for fixing AST-302 (asteria)
21:59:36 [58652b38] test: fix mine tests, moving failure tests from spaceship to asteria validator tests (asteria)
21:59:36 [7c2f326a] fix: in mine asteria move checks about mint and ship state from spacetime to asteria (asteria)
21:59:36 [09da2e98] in asteria mine check for exactly one valid ship input and its redeemer, in spacetime mine check for exactly one valid asteria input (asteria)
21:59:36 [b26e7231] fix: in asteria mine do not enforce emtpy staking address for asteria (also add code comments) (asteria)
21:59:36 [8ac63df9] fix: also in shipyard mint check for unique asteria input (asteria)
21:59:36 [df627e74] fix: in asteria mine check for ship input address (asteria)
21:59:36 [c455c848] fix: in spacetime mine check for correct asteria purpose and redeemer (asteria)
22:00:27 [6fa379b3] cleanup: remove shelley_qa and testnet deprecated envs (iohk-nix)
22:02:36 [ab0a9e72] Update editions in standard configs (catalyst-ci)
22:03:48 [3209a7d0] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
22:04:18 [bdb1b912] feat: Alonzo era 'Utxo' validation rules (gouroboros)
22:04:57 [2dcc770c] Fix (catalyst-ci)
22:06:08 [db968ea8] need to finish collateralReturn (buildooor)
22:11:37 [44749547] Update rust version in earthly (catalyst-ci)
22:11:47 [2da7e9a0] Update dependency and fix issues (dolos)
22:13:20 [6535bd7e] fix: guard against int overflows in database chunk handling (#422) (node)
22:13:31 [bb42d473] fix(txsubmission): guard against int overflow in tx size calc (#423) (node)
22:17:29 [00272cf1] chore: golangci-lint configuration w/ gosec (node)
22:18:22 [17b537ac] bump: iohkNix for env cleanup (cardano-node)
22:31:05 [c6bde717] ci: updates for iohkNix bump (cardano-node)
22:33:50 [7ec507d6] fix coverage ext (catalyst-voices)
22:35:59 [3da45d54] fix: base branch (catalyst-voices)
22:39:22 [b0bc53a2] match empty conclusion explicitely (cardano-node)
22:40:30 [33f1c5a0] chore: imports fix (mesh)
22:40:58 [5120d916] chore: switch complete function (mesh)
22:42:40 [072ea90d] extract check name to variable (cardano-node)
22:43:48 [10cfb113] use a more descriptive step name (cardano-node)
22:44:14 [a34aafc1] bump: iohkNix and make mods for cleaned up envs (cardano-parts)
22:52:08 [9e5d489d] Deploying to gh-pages from @ input-output-hk/catalyst-voices@101904ad8a3a6ef81a62ac397145ea78c4c30d5c 🚀 (catalyst-voices)
22:52:48 [ada5cd7a] PSP34 with openbrush (Polkadot)
22:58:30 [8855e818] Apply automatic changes (catalyst-voices)
23:01:19 [03cb2815] fix `wait-for-hydra` for when there are too many check runs (cardano-node)
23:02:28 [8d431fdf] Fix a typo in a GitHub workflow name (cardano-node)
23:02:35 [82611867] match empty conclusion explicitely (cardano-node)
23:02:41 [aa9141d3] extract check name to variable (cardano-node)
23:02:47 [854ed964] use a more descriptive step name (cardano-node)
23:04:30 [787f62db] 🟩 API (Batch) is up (204 in 117 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:30 [deb3ea0c] 🟩 API (All properties) is up (204 in 702 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:04:30 [3cfed603] 🟩 API (Specific property) is up (204 in 116 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-token-metadata-registry-status)
23:06:12 [1fa70a0a] 🟩 voting.summit.cardano.org is up (200 in 570 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:12 [3633173c] 🟥 1694ballot.cardano.org is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:13 [e9f36740] 🟥 event-api is down (404 in 674 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:13 [ade0187d] 🟥 event-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:14 [a1e47d2f] 🟥 login-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:14 [a559cdb2] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:14 [6eec9da4] 🟩 user-verification-api is up (405 in 581 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:15 [dd7fc222] 🟥 cast-vote-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:15 [0489d389] 🟩 login-api is up (401 in 637 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:15 [77591837] 🟥 blockchain-follower-api is down (404 in 523 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:16 [576d2e90] 🟩 get-votes-api is up (401 in 231 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:16 [379a6001] 🟥 get-vote-receipt-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:16 [b775dc93] 🟩 cast-vote-api is up (401 in 329 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:16 [e1e01b10] 🟥 get-votes-api is down (0 in 0 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-cip1694-ballot-status)
23:06:17 [4a94f152] 🟩 keria is up (401 in 581 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:17 [146eb094] 🟩 get-vote-receipt-api is up (401 in 136 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:06:18 [78bbb393] 🟩 keria-provisioning is up (405 in 567 ms) [skip ci] [upptime] (cf-summit-evoting-status)
23:07:11 [529f6d47] feat: Alonzo era 'Utxo' validation rules (gouroboros)
23:18:53 [589d6c8d] fixup! feat: add bitcoin package (lace)
23:23:57 [796ed817] update builders (catalyst-voices)
23:24:19 [de431012] fix(ledger): guard againt int overflows (gouroboros)
23:25:13 [5e8357ef] chore: golangci-lint configuration w/ gosec (#424) (node)
23:30:59 [cab7522c] chore: cardano-node 10.2.1 (ansible-cardano)
23:33:30 [cfd51025] chore(codeowners): update for teams (cardano-compose-stacks)
23:34:14 [5bb8601f] chore: cardano-node 10.2.1 (cardano-compose-stacks)
23:42:32 [acb663d0] chore(deps): bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action (#6868) (plutus)
23:48:25 [0504345b] Merge pull request #4846 from IntersectMBO/td/nonannotator-deccbor-instances (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:51:47 [480cf9b0] add Haskell Benchmark (customSmallerIsBetter) benchmark result for 0504345b2320bb22d56bb1d1252ffbd76c7e426e (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:52:59 [f56832ad] feat: Alonzo era 'Utxo' validation rules (gouroboros)
23:58:14 [0acf63b1] chore: cardano-node 10.2.1 (helm-charts)