Home / Reports / Jul 2, 2020

Thursday, July 2, 2020

376 commits had been pushed across 26 repos by 56 authors. There were 45,575 additions and 21,336 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:19:12 [e20045c8] Utilizes per API key rate limiting db lookups (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [63b55bcf] Bumps node, wallet, iohk-nix to support node 1.13.0 (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [c8b5caa9] Adds shelley faucet support in crystal (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [75501f48] Adds fee padding to avoid FeeTooSmallUTxO tx errors (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [6612e3be] Bump node to 1.11.0 and wallet to v2020-05-06 (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [2cbdc114] Refactors the script into multiple files (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [2fd30574] Adds shelley patched wallet and mods (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [f49b5208] Adds parameter and apikey file support for RBAC apiKeys (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [c449d111] Adds parsing support for the updated apikey file format (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [2982e2d7] Implements enforced auth mode, auth and no-auth lovelace yields (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [5ff48739] Adds shelley support to faucet packaging and bash (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [d58ab0d9] Improve the README.md and mod a nixos option (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [5638d47b] use from-recovery-phrase (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [c57ccfbe] Merges the nixos module faucet service files (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [150db4f4] Mods errors for increased verbosity via 500 RCs (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [4ed17bb8] Re-{factor,format,package} to crystal v0.34.0 (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [1a91e63f] Adds nix and service ENVs for 4 new faucet options, WIP (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [c9d86639] Bumps wallet to pin at v2020-06-05 (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [187b60c0] Bumps iohk-nix for updated cardanoLib env names (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [69d7e670] Adds cardano-cli to nix-shell (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [a66047b4] Adds cardanoEnvAttrs for custom envs not in iohk-nix (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [6c5cf5d7] Adds RBAC based API key support in crystal faucet (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [cec0790a] Adds restart support for wallet_not_responding status (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [a0918662] bump to 1.14.0 (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [c06b7b4a] Adds rate limit based on send to address in addn to ip (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [47971d47] Mods a script to support the latest wallet byron CLI (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [f34e3aca] Adds sqlite apikey support in faucet (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [1dfc1186] Adds support for rateLimitOnSuccess option (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [483bbb00] Adds faucet cli tools to systemPackages (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [ea0fb088] Adds IP logging for apiKey faucet use (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [0a088fef] Adds faucet pre and post Tx fund logging (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [aa475b71] Crystal format and misc updates (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [9ce37df5] Adds comment, address and txid columns to sqlite db (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [3f90897a] Updates for a wallet API change (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [c714b3d8] Adds an amount column to sqlite (cardano-faucet)
00:19:12 [f689d029] Adds enhanced internal faucet error handling (cardano-faucet)
00:20:59 [012705e3] Bumps faucet niv pin for byron/shelley cluster compat (cardano-ops)
00:46:09 [eeff15e8] Use nixpkgs instead of nixpkgs-default for niv (haskell.nix)
00:57:54 [7da04815] Purges old clusters and related config (cardano-ops)
01:11:43 [ab8c2252] Automatic update for Thu Jul 2 01:11:42 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:13:47 [94d758d1] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:55:47 [159401f3] Adds shelley_testnet /pool metadata (cardano-ops)
02:06:23 [3b132a5f] Rolled back nixpkgs so graphql-engine builds (cardano-graphql)
02:10:19 [2c3419f7] tests for reward calculation (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:02:35 [de733cff] Reverted yarn2nix bump (cardano-graphql)
03:06:34 [1a8cb8dd] Bumped yarn2nix (cardano-graphql)
03:09:56 [30df20ad] ifdLevel 2 (haskell.nix)
03:33:17 [df16541c] Localize devDeps required by npm scripts. This is only needed for yarn2nix (at least this implementation), as yarn workspaces symlinks the bins usually (cardano-graphql)
03:35:03 [d4985ca0] fixing hydra eval (cardano-graphql)
03:46:20 [069664b7] Added builtin=false (cardano-graphql)
04:02:41 [1c09aab0] Reverting yarn2nix entirely (cardano-graphql)
04:04:30 [08329422] Merge pull request #206 from input-output-hk/fix/missing-dev-deps (cardano-graphql)
04:17:41 [2a561bd7] ...and back to nix-community (cardano-graphql)
04:35:51 [50738c15] Corrected required (cardano-graphql)
04:43:43 [482a1a14] ifdLevel 3 (haskell.nix)
04:56:44 [74c48d2b] Reformat code to comply with coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
04:56:44 [8c6e1d27] Removed upstream yarn2nix (cardano-graphql)
04:56:45 [92838b16] Simplify function `putPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
04:56:45 [9f7533de] Add `PoolRetirement` SQLite table. (cardano-wallet)
04:56:46 [c2d4c300] Call `putPoolRetirement` on encountering a retirement certificate. (cardano-wallet)
04:56:46 [e7a07088] Add {put,read}PoolRetirement DB operations. (cardano-wallet)
05:19:30 [2b1efea2] Update dependencies and Hackage index-state (cardano-shell)
05:23:42 [d7c86fcf] Nix voodoo (cardano-shell)
05:39:05 [36a0563b] Add missing voodoo (cardano-shell)
05:45:19 [154522be] add virtual gallery link (symphony-2)
05:50:53 [03eae167] soft-fail shc (cardano-shell)
05:51:23 [8688e23b] Apply cabal voodoo (cardano-shell)
05:54:42 [5571ffdd] More cabal voodoo (cardano-shell)
05:59:48 [5e00b384] Fix failing tests (cardano-shell)
06:00:49 [122209fa] DO NOT MERGE: Added mDbHeight debug (cardano-db-sync)
06:11:27 [c2c68278] Working state (cardano-shell)
06:11:50 [7c12afad] Added new relay for CENT (cardano-ops)
06:17:01 [0bfe9e10] Add tx & certificate related golden tests using hedgehog (cardano-node)
06:17:14 [485f7c72] [SRE-124] implement yarn workspaces (cardano-graphql)
06:24:26 [a123ce2a] Remove orphan instance from latency benchmark (cardano-wallet)
06:24:29 [f0f8e6a6] Move common latency benchmarking code to core-integration package (cardano-wallet)
06:26:47 [9a940304] Next working state (cardano-shell)
06:31:50 [a224a521] Next working (cardano-shell)
06:31:54 [19310c07] wip: Add latency benchmark for shelley (cardano-wallet)
06:36:19 [3d9c1ef5] Next working (cardano-shell)
06:36:32 [3e2996c9] Add tx & certificate related golden tests using hedgehog (cardano-node)
06:37:57 [f60f8566] Remove upstream yarn2nix to resolve this eval: (cardano-graphql)
06:38:28 [c83a473c] Add tickChainDepState (ouroboros-network)
06:44:43 [f347c0e8] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
06:50:01 [bbb79d9b] Testing source of yarn eval error (cardano-graphql)
06:54:30 [de113157] CAD-1196 dynamic configuration of RTview from user input (cardano-benchmarking)
06:54:30 [8eea94f8] CAD-1196: AppImage for NixOS. (cardano-benchmarking)
06:54:30 [e1682bf8] CAD-1196 simple setup for creating Cardano_RTview-x86_64.AppImage (cardano-benchmarking)
06:56:21 [a1e39d7a] Testing source of yarn eval error (cardano-graphql)
07:07:50 [bf820e3b] Bump chrono from 0.4.11 to 0.4.12 (jormungandr)
07:07:52 [862a9540] Next working (cardano-shell)
07:08:43 [50fdd86e] Add latency benchmark for shelley (cardano-wallet)
07:10:19 [414ba038] Move common latency benchmarking code to core-integration package (cardano-wallet)
07:10:28 [be73fd4d] Merge #111 (cardano-benchmarking)
07:11:41 [c39123cf] Add latency benchmark for shelley (cardano-wallet)
07:12:36 [0a78a7a7] Disable tests for source dependencies (ouroboros-network)
07:12:55 [d5df17e1] WIP rewrite Windows CI, include consensus (ouroboros-network)
07:15:30 [f6394b53] WIP rewrite Windows CI, include consensus (ouroboros-network)
07:18:45 [dc16b97d] Working state (cardano-shell)
07:18:49 [cd9adafe] Next working state (cardano-shell)
07:18:52 [fa03de62] Next working (cardano-shell)
07:18:54 [f471e215] Next working (cardano-shell)
07:18:56 [447a44bd] Next working (cardano-shell)
07:22:54 [3efb6920] Old cabal.project conf (cardano-shell)
07:36:29 [41c00e0f] Fix coverals using an older version of Stack (cardano-shell)
07:37:45 [5aa0ec37] Old cabal.project conf (cardano-shell)
07:38:34 [c1607f45] Add tickChainDepState (ouroboros-network)
07:39:38 [93cc2782] WIP disable failing ouroboros-network-framework (ouroboros-network)
07:44:33 [dc31f7b9] Add latency benchmark for shelley (cardano-wallet)
07:50:25 [1b501154] Try SSL CERT (cardano-shell)
07:52:01 [602319af] Oops (cardano-shell)
07:55:19 [2ebe96f7] WIP (cardano-shell)
07:55:21 [1740c6fd] Bump nixpkgs to 20.03 (cardano-graphql)
07:58:21 [37d65348] WIP (cardano-shell)
08:00:14 [dd81839a] Fix config (cardano-shell)
08:05:13 [03996ef0] WIP (cardano-shell)
08:05:14 [845b1417] Move ShelleyGenesis and tests from cardano-config to cardano-api (cardano-node)
08:07:59 [b1b29671] Bump cardano-node to include a fix on non-myopic member reward ordering (cardano-wallet)
08:08:42 [721596d6] Merge #1841 (cardano-wallet)
08:09:44 [a48248bc] again? (cardano-shell)
08:10:31 [886ed81b] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
08:11:23 [7e9429a3] AGAIN (cardano-shell)
08:12:28 [19269cbd] Move Cardano.Config.Logging to cardano-node (cardano-node)
08:12:38 [7abec680] Rodney changes (cardano-shell)
08:19:18 [6abf7c11] Revert "Rodney changes" (cardano-shell)
08:22:45 [ea12dbc3] Add tickChainDepState (ouroboros-network)
08:24:43 [e5d78a77] export? (cardano-shell)
08:25:20 [4c19e7bd] update compatibility matrix (cardano-wallet)
08:27:38 [2452e43c] [DDW-283]: Remove opacity of link button color on dark blue theme (daedalus)
08:30:18 [7500d79d] Introduce type `Precedence`. (cardano-wallet)
08:30:19 [049d3b6b] Make it possible to persist values of type `Precedence`. (cardano-wallet)
08:30:41 [5ad9904f] WIP: Add `precedence` fields to DB pool certificate tables. (cardano-wallet)
08:40:06 [d90d7bc0] Refactor project structure (vit-servicing-station)
08:43:27 [b536883b] Do not attach link to accordion items without content (testnets-cardano-org)
08:43:51 [aace023c] Add latency benchmark for shelley (cardano-wallet)
08:44:04 [d185ab5b] Include shelley latency benchmark in nightly run (cardano-wallet)
08:44:16 [2d65eb26] Make it possible to persist values of type `Precedence`. (cardano-wallet)
08:44:16 [08e28003] Introduce type `Precedence`. (cardano-wallet)
08:44:17 [e8fe751e] WIP: Add `precedence` fields to DB pool certificate tables. (cardano-wallet)
08:45:39 [7ed2c93a] Fix weeder (cardano-wallet)
08:46:19 [3ed66aff] Fix! (cardano-shell)
08:46:39 [def7b827] Assign precedence values to pool certificates extracted from Shelley blocks. (cardano-wallet)
08:54:42 [499d4eb7] correct buildable (cardano-wallet)
08:55:46 [ffc11102] Fixed Link component for hash links (testnets-cardano-org)
08:56:28 [067edbfe] Merge #1827 (cardano-wallet)
08:57:16 [2ea80062] Added missing cargo files (vit-servicing-station)
08:59:56 [ad743f9b] Update cabal project? (cardano-shell)
09:04:51 [5b9a9da7] Epoch: Fix the epoch update logic (cardano-db-sync)
09:06:52 [310c9e82] Update hashed (cardano-shell)
09:11:04 [ddd677b6] Old (cardano-shell)
09:11:59 [0c5d602e] [DDW-283]: Adjust styles of stake pool ranking panel (daedalus)
09:12:57 [7d675080] Revert "Old" (cardano-shell)
09:15:54 [e22830a2] Try preCheck (cardano-shell)
09:20:11 [13a14b28] Fix failing tests (cardano-shell)
09:39:49 [79d59b17] [DDW-283]: Fix input element style of wallet selector on state ranking screen (daedalus)
09:40:51 [638ce787] fix graphql-engine build (cardano-graphql)
09:42:59 [03d24fc7] add README.md for the shelley tx-generator (cardano-benchmarking)
09:44:46 [a3a5564b] [DDW-283]: Fix slider handle style (daedalus)
09:48:29 [912cc890] add README.md for the shelley tx-generator (#123) (cardano-benchmarking)
09:49:32 [6bda1a38] fix graphql-engine build (cardano-graphql)
09:57:24 [4d0be79a] ChainDepState and LedgerView must already be aligned in update (ouroboros-network)
10:03:36 [b0d9bc73] Update index.rst (technical-docs)
10:03:56 [9a556140] ChainDepState and LedgerView must already be aligned in update (ouroboros-network)
10:04:22 [ce246626] Update (technical-docs)
10:07:55 [50948baf] Implement update-scenario generation [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
10:08:33 [752f4406] fix graphql-engine build (cardano-graphql)
10:09:02 [a082564e] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-wallet)
10:09:04 [262bd84a] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] -bors-staging-tmp-1827 (cardano-wallet)
10:09:07 [6918c67f] Merge #1827 (cardano-wallet)
10:22:07 [b278bd21] READMEs: links, RTView documentaion. (cardano-benchmarking)
10:36:01 [d5607d09] READMEs: links, RTView documentaion. (cardano-benchmarking)
10:36:42 [19a6e32c] Clean up the Single/LedgerEraInfo helpers (ouroboros-network)
10:42:48 [a0669cb4] 6918c67faebfb35360add120620c01e038dc6ab2 (cardano-wallet)
10:42:48 [f7e5c320] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
10:43:09 [3251004f] Updated shell.nix (cardano-graphql)
10:47:01 [8554f294] Add TICKN transition. (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:47:42 [f0d4c988] tip-sample: client (ouroboros-network)
10:47:42 [28c63db2] typed-protocols: unsafeIntToNat (ouroboros-network)
10:47:42 [89e0498e] tip-sample: codec (ouroboros-network)
10:47:42 [e2cea9f4] tip-sample: protocol (ouroboros-network)
10:52:04 [a819ccf6] [SRE-124] implement yarn workspaces (cardano-graphql)
11:00:03 [335cb7e8] Construct correct Mismatch (ouroboros-network)
11:04:15 [7d4f929f] Merge #2352 (ouroboros-network)
11:14:16 [8f04cacf] Update 2020-05-04_08-00-00_modelling-financial-products-in-marlowe-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:14:30 [3d30f76c] Move more modules from cardano-config into cardano-node (cardano-node)
11:17:18 [087b84eb] WIP (cardano-base)
11:18:18 [f4c727b6] [DDW-283] Animate stake pools list (daedalus)
11:19:07 [575466cc] [DDW-283] Animate stake pools list (daedalus)
11:20:25 [16a8c422] tip-sample: server (ouroboros-network)
11:23:39 [fba92489] Update 2020-05-04_08-00-00_sample-marlowe-smart-contracts-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:25:36 [3e9a1e21] Move more modules from cardano-config into cardano-node (cardano-node)
11:28:41 [0c4abd9e] Add comment why deprecations are disabled in memory-example (cardano-base)
11:31:03 [da6336b2] [DDW-283]: Fix wallet selection dropdown style on stake pools ranking panel (daedalus)
11:31:18 [09be700b] Update ff-peers.nix (cardano-ops)
11:31:31 [7140627f] Merge branch 'feature/ddw-283-stake-pool-ranking-based-on-delegated-amount' of github.com:input-output-hk/daedalus into feature/ddw-283-stake-pool-ranking-based-on-delegated-amount (daedalus)
11:46:41 [b47c3560] State machine: Add a PingPong contract (plutus)
11:46:41 [c626e77b] UI fixes (daedalus)
11:50:20 [6c04b851] Update 2020-05-04_08-00-00_using-the-marlowe-playground-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
11:56:28 [7cf01fdb] tip-sample: direct (ouroboros-network)
12:02:32 [8c945387] Comment fix (cardano-base)
12:02:40 [9b48ebdf] Sphinx doc site (plutus)
12:02:45 [22101466] Rename ByteString imports from as SB to BS (cardano-base)
12:04:14 [f4eef57b] READMEs: links, RTView documentaion. (cardano-benchmarking)
12:04:43 [eb1cb244] [issue-306] Upgrade to Next.js 9.4 (cardano-explorer-app)
12:06:31 [9ffbafb8] Wallet row fixes (daedalus)
12:06:43 [ccc14b55] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/fix/wallet-css-fixes' into fix/wallet-css-fixes (daedalus)
12:08:07 [0b87dde3] checkpoint: (react-native-haskell-shelley)
12:08:18 [a35a9bbf] READMEs: links, RTView documentaion. (cardano-benchmarking)
12:11:36 [0ab29e41] Add pending test that wallet with existing stake key can delegate (cardano-wallet)
12:17:30 [8c9bee44] Add pending test that wallet with existing stake key can delegate (cardano-wallet)
12:17:53 [57c2c121] nix (plutus)
12:19:19 [80492d74] comment (plutus)
12:23:46 [befd33a5] Fix: in , is indeed added to ghc-pkg as per documentation specification (haskell.nix)
12:28:44 [1a1115aa] READMEs: links, RTView documentaion. (cardano-benchmarking)
12:39:00 [3cd75ab6] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/cardano-addresses-integration (daedalus)
12:39:39 [27e15093] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/cardano-addresses-integration' into feature/cardano-addresses-integration (daedalus)
12:39:59 [1350693b] Fix #742 : packages in `additional` in `shellFor` are indeed added and displayed by ghc-pkg list as per documentation specification (haskell.nix)
12:46:59 [84116f7f] the initial contract was 'Escrow' instead of the Escrow contract (plutus)
12:47:07 [d8c69c9d] Refactor nonce transitions in the exec spec. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:52:49 [e11586ae] warning (plutus)
12:53:46 [5ec80382] Try #1842: (cardano-wallet)
12:58:25 [01332ad0] fix attribute for cardano-graphql-server (cardano-graphql)
13:18:11 [32de8813] Note that on Cabal 3.0 you can just use "cabal build" (haskell.nix)
13:20:06 [d23fa071] State machine: Add a PingPong contract (#2128) (plutus)
13:23:24 [69999f51] Fixed epoch graphic (Emurgo-Research)
13:29:28 [7c9c98c3] fix attribute for cardano-graphql-server (cardano-graphql)
13:31:21 [6187f6f5] Merge pull request #2129 from input-output-hk/fix-initial-marlowe-contract (plutus)
13:33:53 [cde9f95d] Refactor nonce transitions in the exec spec. (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:36:45 [7cdbef18] Update to latest c-l-s (ouroboros-network)
13:37:03 [7112c67e] add witness tag and constraint (cardano-wallet)
13:38:05 [d6145bc6] Fix staking center redirect (daedalus)
13:48:37 [0b7ff7f8] Bump cardano-wallet rev via nix-shell -A devops --run "niv update cardano-wallet (daedalus)
13:53:56 [10a61522] Move docs -> notes (plutus)
13:53:56 [b21872d9] Sphinx doc site (plutus)
13:54:53 [a5ffc0bb] Update 2020-05-04_08-00-00_links-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
13:59:23 [781cd746] Refactor nonce transitions in the exec spec. (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:59:38 [9a131108] Bumps ops-lib niv pin (cardano-ops)
13:59:42 [2be9cf8e] CAD-944 bench: multiple block sizes & intelligent redeploy (cardano-ops)
14:02:12 [bc578c87] CAD-944 bench: change log storage scheme (cardano-ops)
14:02:16 [7870818a] CAD-992 bench: minor fixes & improvements (cardano-ops)
14:02:16 [69818b16] CAD-1070 bench: re-enable log metrics (cardano-ops)
14:02:16 [2d5ccfb4] CAD-944 bench: ensure that node logs don't rotate out too soon (cardano-ops)
14:02:17 [1e95475f] CAD-1073 bench: anomaly detection (cardano-ops)
14:02:17 [e9d50332] CAD-1073 bench: obtain db-sync logs (cardano-ops)
14:02:17 [73a0c7d0] CAD-1073 bench | db-sync: more precise verbosity settings (cardano-ops)
14:02:17 [b8418fac] CAD-1073 benchmarking: bump for more analysis (cardano-ops)
14:02:17 [50aef932] CAD-967 bench: further documentation updates (cardano-ops)
14:02:17 [2fd0ee51] CAD-1067 bench: compute the pbft threshold from cluster size (cardano-ops)
14:02:17 [0dc2671e] CAD-1073 bench | db-sync: run as cardano-node (cardano-ops)
14:02:18 [39427597] CAD-1073 bench | sanity checks: detect dbsync slot span divergence from nodes (cardano-ops)
14:05:23 [0e12d62f] READMEs: links, RTView documentaion. (#124) (cardano-benchmarking)
14:06:42 [890edfb4] add tag dependency to mkWitness (cardano-wallet)
14:10:36 [db50de93] If the keepAlive client is going down, take down blockfetch too (ouroboros-network)
14:12:34 [0216d9a5] Sphinx doc site (plutus)
14:15:13 [d841f305] try resolutions (cardano-graphql)
14:15:58 [bd924bbc] Create Exchanges > Get Started > Listing ada (technical-docs)
14:20:16 [a7e656ee] Fix prettier formatting (cardano-explorer-app)
14:22:32 [ebba2845] Refactor nonce transitions in the exec spec. (cardano-ledger-specs)
14:24:43 [311add3c] If the keepAlive client is going down, take down blockfetch too (ouroboros-network)
14:27:23 [ec09e9ab] [issue-302] Cleanup footer links (cardano-explorer-app)
14:31:31 [e317925e] If the keepAlive client is going down, take down blockfetch too (ouroboros-network)
14:38:16 [9fbf105b] Fix prettier formatting (#315) (cardano-explorer-app)
14:38:28 [080159d7] Merge branch 'develop' into fix/issue-302-cleanup-footer-links (cardano-explorer-app)
14:38:49 [16d371b6] Merge branch 'develop' into chore/issue-306-uprade-to-nextjs-9-4 (cardano-explorer-app)
14:40:14 [1ce48f07] Fix CHANGELOG (daedalus)
14:40:18 [37a953be] resign from mkWittness and prepare to add mkByronWittness (cardano-wallet)
14:40:47 [07e5f167] Bump Daedalus version (daedalus)
14:57:07 [693c0710] change blockly colours (plutus)
15:02:42 [fc27ff16] Move more modules from cardano-config into cardano-node (cardano-node)
15:05:15 [3da7af6f] Fix rewards tooltip (daedalus)
15:07:16 [1858ea82] [DDW-290] UI fixes for delegation screens (#2049) (daedalus)
15:12:36 [10c77e82] Move more modules from cardano-config into cardano-node (cardano-node)
15:16:13 [0a0cb7c7] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-db-sync)
15:16:15 [074866df] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] -bors-staging-tmp-164 (cardano-db-sync)
15:16:18 [f23bd798] Merge #164 (cardano-db-sync)
15:18:31 [8cef048b] Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 (daedalus)
15:21:05 [b3111673] Rename ChainState -> ChainDepState (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:24:35 [e67046b6] Update README.md (cardano-node)
15:24:38 [b0eed4b9] Update README.md (cardano-node)
15:24:39 [5ecb21ce] Update README.md (cardano-node)
15:24:48 [94f1f933] implement mkUnsignedByronTx (cardano-wallet)
15:25:43 [09968c5a] Merge #1361 (cardano-node)
15:34:08 [f6f50e08] [DDW-283]: Fix wallet selector and slider styles on stake pools ranking panel (daedalus)
15:34:37 [5e16b874] SCP-735 Haskell.nix (#88) (marlowe)
15:36:42 [157074c7] Support ticking the Shelley ledger state. (ouroboros-network)
15:38:04 [2d79cad7] extend 'CoinSelection' type to carry an extra reserve amount that can be used as input (cardano-wallet)
15:38:04 [73415e89] do not mutate the reserve as part of the fee balancing process (cardano-wallet)
15:38:04 [21d8af19] move prop_rebalanceSelection from byron package to core package (cardano-wallet)
15:38:04 [ed61502c] rename 'rebalanceChangeOutput' in 'rebalanceSelection' and allow picking from the reserve (cardano-wallet)
15:38:04 [80cc8986] generate arbitrary selection with reserve, add more classification and assertions to properties (cardano-wallet)
15:38:04 [7d2d04ff] expand 'reserve' to also cover deposit and reclaim (cardano-wallet)
15:42:37 [1c069142] Add golden test for stake pool metadata hash command (cardano-node)
15:42:50 [4d758f3b] mod - telling git to ignore vim swp files. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:42:51 [6c9c65c2] Fix show instance (cardano-base)
15:43:15 [ab17e11a] tip-sample: tests (ouroboros-network)
15:43:43 [7c29a289] mod - fixing utxoForAddresses graphql query (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:47:38 [0e0f65e8] Merge pull request #2131 from input-output-hk/SCP-842 (plutus)
15:49:32 [bdd6735e] Implement JSON output support for Shelley tip query command (cardano-node)
15:51:48 [90975a9c] Add arbitrary instance (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:53:22 [5c36fbf5] Move more modules from cardano-config into cardano-node (cardano-node)
15:53:29 [cf4e2685] WIP: Add SerialiseAsBech32 typeclass (cardano-node)
16:05:51 [945bc355] Add golden test for stake pool metadata hash command (cardano-node)
16:07:44 [c375ef6c] CAD-1073 analyse.sh: more data in JSON to feed sanity checking (cardano-benchmarking)
16:10:34 [bcea55fd] add cabal -V (technical-docs)
16:11:22 [0558c514] CAD-1073 scripts | analyses: simplify automation (cardano-benchmarking)
16:11:34 [588f13a1] Merge #1369 (cardano-node)
16:11:39 [4b8880ea] CAD-1073 analysis: count the unavailable Txs as well (cardano-benchmarking)
16:15:01 [8c5396ca] Support ticking the Shelley ledger state. (ouroboros-network)
16:17:17 [b39db4b2] add - indexes for block(time) and tx_out(address). (cardano-db-sync)
16:22:21 [12b13f39] Refactor nonce transitions in the exec spec. (cardano-ledger-specs)
16:27:55 [a5fb288a] only count reclaim and withdrawal as part of the input balance if there's already a UTxO input (cardano-wallet)
16:27:55 [5516e561] extend transaction layer with an 'initDelegationSelection' (cardano-wallet)
16:27:55 [f77a67a3] tweak arbitrary coin selection generator to produce more realistic cases (cardano-wallet)
16:37:42 [e01dc740] [DDW-283]: Update locale handling on stake pools ranking panel (daedalus)
16:38:11 [51304bf2] Support ticking the Shelley ledger state. (ouroboros-network)
16:46:05 [fefe72eb] [DDW-283]: Fix missing theme variables (daedalus)
16:46:53 [b89db7e8] Send code from Haskell Editor to Blockly (plutus)
16:50:38 [15782760] [DDW-283]: Update create theme (daedalus)
16:56:04 [06b0cac8] [DDW-283]: Run translations manager (daedalus)
16:56:53 [484f4a4b] [issue-232] Do not use trailing slashes for routes (cardano-explorer-app)
17:01:06 [45fae987] [DDW-283]: Merge develop (daedalus)
17:03:43 [e030bca7] Merge pull request #1607 from input-output-hk/nc/tickCS (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:04:09 [50614bb6] CAD-1073 analyses: disable TraceMempoolRejectedTx (cardano-benchmarking)
17:04:11 [1361bb92] Merge #2321 (ouroboros-network)
17:10:45 [e9ab645a] small renamings (plutus)
17:14:22 [681e7638] Merge pull request #2132 from input-output-hk/SCP-436 (plutus)
17:18:23 [5e61bc9c] Implement DSIGN (cardano-base)
17:18:54 [c1738ded] [issue-306] Upgrade node, jest and typescript (cardano-explorer-app)
17:21:13 [65ee487b] format contract when sending from haskell to simulator (plutus)
17:21:19 [0998cffe] [issue-306] Fix lint issue (cardano-explorer-app)
17:28:48 [991b5d62] Require SodiumDSINGAlgorithm for SingleKES (cardano-base)
17:36:39 [d24d1922] Remove non-existent png (cardano-node)
17:38:05 [319ff3d5] Merge pull request #2133 from input-output-hk/SCP-832 (plutus)
17:40:39 [3a395b8a] Merge pull request #2134 from input-output-hk/SCP-833 (plutus)
17:45:30 [0b8e944a] [issue-306] Final fixes (cardano-explorer-app)
17:52:59 [f4b593c4] Use sodium primitives in SingleKES (cardano-base)
18:02:13 [5ad2959d] Some cleanup (cardano-base)
18:02:30 [632f0775] [issue-306] Re-add support for node 10 (for CI) (cardano-explorer-app)
18:08:08 [6fe78de5] CAD-1073 analyses: disable TraceMempoolRejectedTx (cardano-benchmarking)
18:20:57 [345d99a8] WIP (cardano-node)
18:32:57 [ab0508f4] CAD-1340 bench | pins: update (cardano-ops)
18:33:03 [9ffd72b9] CAD-1340 bench: updates and fixes (cardano-ops)
18:41:21 [b81a9c85] CAD-1070 bench: re-enable log metrics (cardano-ops)
18:41:21 [1727cd52] CAD-944 bench: change log storage scheme (cardano-ops)
18:41:21 [cd1e65a0] CAD-944 bench: ensure that node logs don't rotate out too soon (cardano-ops)
18:41:21 [9f19b5e1] CAD-992 bench: minor fixes & improvements (cardano-ops)
18:41:22 [80d3ff4c] CAD-1073 benchmarking: bump for more analysis (cardano-ops)
18:41:22 [47d42985] CAD-1073 bench: obtain db-sync logs (cardano-ops)
18:41:22 [ae560223] CAD-1067 bench: compute the pbft threshold from cluster size (cardano-ops)
18:41:22 [a7c8850e] CAD-1073 bench | db-sync: more precise verbosity settings (cardano-ops)
18:41:22 [f3a39cf1] CAD-1073 bench | db-sync: run as cardano-node (cardano-ops)
18:41:22 [25d1061d] CAD-1073 bench: anomaly detection (cardano-ops)
18:41:22 [e6f1fa90] CAD-967 bench: further documentation updates (cardano-ops)
18:41:23 [25063dbc] CAD-1073 bench | sanity checks: detect dbsync slot span divergence from nodes (cardano-ops)
18:41:23 [d5d52e62] CAD-1340 bench | pins: update (cardano-ops)
18:41:23 [b4f9c2cc] CAD-1340 bench: updates and fixes (cardano-ops)
18:57:58 [5bcf403f] Update 010_getConfigFiles_AND_Connect.md (technical-docs)
19:49:32 [e392babd] Include Producers topo quantity in relay-update output (cardano-ops)
20:00:55 [12b22d39] WIP (cardano-node)
20:06:41 [a4b2d58d] Merge branch 'develop' into feature/cardano-addresses-integration (daedalus)
20:06:52 [9d0ee168] Wallet row fixes (daedalus)
20:07:09 [a0e9f9e8] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/cardano-addresses-integration' into feature/cardano-addresses-integration (daedalus)
20:07:34 [f974256c] WIP: Add SerialiseAsBech32 typeclass (cardano-node)
20:07:35 [0da8b13e] WIP (cardano-node)
20:25:05 [06dd7cc2] [DDW-254] Integrate latest cardano js and update address validation logic - fixes (daedalus)
21:37:02 [6d0698aa] Update further-reading.md (technical-docs)
21:37:43 [bd4b49d5] Update (technical-docs)
21:39:38 [150ee4bc] Merge pull request #165 from mebassett/feature/block-and-tx_out-indexes (cardano-db-sync)
21:54:29 [f253cf87] cluster: add ability to override supervisor config (cardano-node)
22:06:37 [e0e78baa] [DDW-178] Progress (daedalus)
22:18:35 [76e13925] Note that on Cabal 3.0 you can just use "cabal build" (#744) (haskell.nix)
22:19:12 [ceb224f8] Update gh-pages for 76e1392 (haskell.nix)
22:19:53 [7fec2a15] Fix #742 : packages in `additional` in `shellFor` are indeed added and displayed by ghc-pkg list as per documentation specification (#743) (haskell.nix)
22:55:09 [0cacde72] re-implement shelley's transaction layer accordingly (cardano-wallet)
23:26:12 [886e12ba] Shelley: Add a deposit column to tx table (cardano-db-sync)
23:35:39 [9bc54c41] wip (cardano-db-sync)