Home / Reports / Jul 10, 2020

Friday, July 10, 2020

576 commits had been pushed across 34 repos by 67 authors. There were 923,342 additions and 29,419 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:14:12 [5688c704] mainnet-candidate: 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0 (iohk-nix)
00:16:19 [0d517b87] bump iohk-nix (cardano-node)
01:00:49 [3c070818] Merge pull request #313 from cardano-community/redoracle-patch-column (guild-operators)
01:03:16 [c0575c3c] Automatic update for Fri Jul 10 01:03:16 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:07:36 [122a5b28] implement v2 endpoint (yoroi-mobile)
01:16:21 [ccf171d9] Automatic update for Fri Jul 10 01:16:20 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:18:21 [319abfa2] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:30:11 [cf1a92d4] fee tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
01:57:00 [6d9dc140] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
01:57:21 [331fad35] Add tmp and hie.yaml to .gitignore (cardano-node)
01:57:32 [ed3d323c] [DDW-283]: Fix wallet dropdown style (daedalus)
01:57:58 [cef769f8] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to defined build and test tasks (cardano-node)
01:59:52 [15d1794b] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
01:59:52 [8d81ff6a] Add tmp and hie.yaml to .gitignore (cardano-node)
02:01:23 [363888b7] unclaimed rewards in update go to treasury (cardano-ledger-specs)
02:04:35 [68c691fa] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
02:07:09 [af1c3c5b] fee tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:03:00 [412345b1] Add tmp and hie.yaml to .gitignore (cardano-node)
03:04:36 [998dc714] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
03:04:40 [ca2a238b] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
03:09:46 [dc1b90eb] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
03:09:48 [7aa2f71a] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
03:18:18 [78dfefae] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
03:18:21 [47c94065] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
03:20:23 [6c31f231] Improve tx submit api and port tx submit cli to new api (cardano-node)
03:24:10 [868f85e4] fee tests (cardano-ledger-specs)
03:27:48 [b0a537ac] Revert "Improve tx submit api and port tx submit cli to new api" (cardano-node)
03:31:07 [8beeaa30] Improve tx submit api and port tx submit cli to new api (cardano-node)
03:42:20 [7eea5364] Don't attempt to execute a nested query. (cardano-wallet)
03:46:08 [8b79a284] more typos (#757) (haskell.nix)
03:46:28 [30e3471b] Try #1847: (cardano-wallet)
03:46:37 [94282936] Update gh-pages for 8b79a28 (haskell.nix)
04:01:03 [69919de9] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
04:01:03 [73df7ea3] Add tmp and hie.yaml to .gitignore (cardano-node)
04:02:20 [37fc6bf6] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
04:02:20 [0ddefbbc] Add tmp and hie.yaml to .gitignore (cardano-node)
04:02:20 [72bce2f2] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
04:15:23 [801d1aaa] Don't attempt to execute a nested query. (cardano-wallet)
04:21:34 [81c4a869] Rename to `PoolRegistrationStatus` to `PoolLifeCycleStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
04:21:44 [23bbd373] Improve tx submit api and port tx submit cli to new api (cardano-node)
04:33:14 [60ff9f91] Improve tx submit api and port tx submit cli to new api (cardano-node)
04:39:46 [67a874f6] Add output file option to Shelley address info command (cardano-node)
04:39:46 [7de905b2] JSONify output for Shelley address info command (cardano-node)
04:39:46 [a275dc15] Add tmp and hie.yaml to .gitignore (cardano-node)
04:39:58 [e7d885fa] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
04:40:03 [d9be9df4] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
04:40:14 [9bc2c4c3] Test for existence of cabal file instead of directory because accidentally creating a sub-directory called cardano-cli can easily throw the setup off. (cardano-node)
04:41:41 [4c056a3a] cargo clippy (jortestkit)
04:49:36 [620f136b] cargo clippy (jortestkit)
04:57:59 [c4745203] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
04:57:59 [054eaf5d] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
04:57:59 [75f347e8] Add tmp and hie.yaml to .gitignore (cardano-node)
04:57:59 [4f0618e5] Test for existence of cabal file instead of directory because accidentally creating a sub-directory called cardano-cli can easily throw the setup off. (cardano-node)
04:58:58 [77e17b62] Merge pull request #15 from input-output-hk/jor_test_kit (jortestkit)
05:00:22 [8681dbec] Mark task to return real retirement status in API as complete. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:43 [9e632822] Simplify `determinePoolRegistrationStatus` pattern matching. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:44 [d3e968e6] Revise comment within `monitorStakePools`. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:44 [a5fad69b] Document different cases in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:44 [fbb8d8a9] Promote `CertificatePublicationTime` into a concrete data type. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:45 [54cdff9e] Revise comments and errors in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:45 [10703594] Move types to `Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types`. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:46 [ebaf58b5] Show certificate publication times in error messages. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:46 [8ed1e7ce] Simplify definitions of `readPool{Registration,Retirement}`. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:46 [f1002900] Inline `SlotInternalId` type into `CertificatePublicationTime`. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:47 [674bef28] Be more specific when deleting entries from the PoolOwner table. (cardano-wallet)
05:00:47 [1ff71906] Use more precise sort order when listing pools. (cardano-wallet)
05:01:44 [cbf18bcc] Don't attempt to execute nested pool DB queries. (cardano-wallet)
05:01:52 [80e20645] ACTUS generator endpoint (plutus)
05:01:58 [8a7f71af] Rename to `PoolRegistrationStatus` to `PoolLifeCycleStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:04:52 [44f6bc53] Merge pull request #2450 from input-output-hk/remove_blocking_code_legacy (jormungandr)
05:04:57 [c77ecf7a] Rename to `PoolRegistrationStatus` to `PoolLifeCycleStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:09:54 [d913ce4f] Create tx builder (cardano-serialization-lib)
05:14:06 [d3a2302f] Move coins to utils file (cardano-serialization-lib)
05:20:57 [c12c9cd0] Merge #2378 (ouroboros-network)
05:23:54 [ccb18c52] Rename to `PoolRegistrationStatus` to `PoolLifeCycleStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:32:19 [05f8cc14] Don't attempt to execute nested pool DB queries. (cardano-wallet)
05:32:23 [2f7b1cae] Rename to `PoolRegistrationStatus` to `PoolLifeCycleStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:43:13 [0c044aca] Merge pull request #1891 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/1885/staging (cardano-wallet)
05:44:02 [4d231c15] 0c044aca134d832678020a5acb017048b2e88846 (cardano-wallet)
05:44:03 [44ad0ef9] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
05:46:22 [fdf6dcf5] Reformat code to comply with coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:25 [b5dc4f32] Add `PoolRetirement` SQLite table. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:26 [27d09b9a] Simplify function `putPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:26 [73be2461] Add {put,read}PoolRetirement DB operations. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:26 [da006348] Call `putPoolRetirement` on encountering a retirement certificate. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:27 [7b0b3d8e] Make `SlotInternalIndex` values persistable. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:27 [3ab1f9f8] Introduce type `SlotInternalIndex`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:28 [2be0f9c8] Introduce type `PoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:28 [55aaf7b7] Add `slot_internal_index` fields. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:28 [95dd4eb9] Record the order in which certificates appear. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:29 [a608e916] Return the real retirement status in ApiStakePool. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:29 [2a40b694] Rename stake-pool-related data types. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:29 [6fae219f] Rename stake-pool-related record fields. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:30 [ad7ad190] Introduce `CertificatePublicationTime` type. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:30 [d701eae0] Use identifier names that are consistent with types. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:31 [7da2c796] Add error checking to `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:31 [7d8b772f] Add `slot_internal_index` field to `PoolOwner` table. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:31 [0a1e729c] Reinstate foreign key constraint for `PoolOwner` table. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:32 [2865b448] Generalize the type of time in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:32 [1c18d97a] Delete retirement certificates when cleaning the SQLite database. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:32 [baeb875e] Remove retirement certificates during database rollback. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:33 [15dc0307] Add `Arbitrary` instance for `PoolCertificate`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:33 [f0c6a15d] Add `Arbitrary` instance for `PoolRetirementCertificate`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:34 [7b303d5c] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_orderCorrect`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:34 [ef5a8d77] Use OverloadedLabels extension to avoid ambiguity. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:34 [b32e7fd1] Extend `prop_poolRegistration` to verify certificate publication times. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:35 [98c20418] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_differentPools`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:35 [4c3fbcf5] Add property `prop_poolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:35 [e614cf72] Add property `prop_determinePoolRegistrationStatus_neverRegistered`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:36 [252e7b4e] Add property `prop_multiple_putPoolRegistration_single_readPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:36 [dc4d3c96] Add property `prop_readPoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:37 [53140a04] Add property `prop_multiple_putPoolRetirement_single_readPoolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:37 [9675a8dd] Add further explanatory comments to properties. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:37 [26424480] Add property `prop_rollbackRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:38 [98daf5c4] Verify persistence of `SlotInternalIndex` values. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:38 [7a86bad1] Mark task to return real retirement status in API as complete. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:39 [9d0eb0ad] Simplify `determinePoolRegistrationStatus` pattern matching. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:39 [f85fbe12] Revise comment within `monitorStakePools`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:39 [74a3e7d6] Document different cases in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:40 [369107dd] Move types to `Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:40 [1a5bd383] Revise comments and errors in `determinePoolRegistrationStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:40 [b37d269a] Promote `CertificatePublicationTime` into a concrete data type. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:41 [8c32c35e] Simplify definitions of `readPool{Registration,Retirement}`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:41 [ea293e2e] Show certificate publication times in error messages. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:42 [1ec3d9fd] Inline `SlotInternalId` type into `CertificatePublicationTime`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:42 [218557fd] Be more specific when deleting entries from the PoolOwner table. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:42 [8c8d6b5b] Use more precise sort order when listing pools. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:43 [3091cf09] Rename to `PoolRegistrationStatus` to `PoolLifeCycleStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
05:46:43 [63ae553f] Don't attempt to execute nested pool DB queries. (cardano-wallet)
05:50:13 [aca65b5d] Fix totalDeposits and re-enable generation of Updates in Txs (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:53:30 [01fbd65d] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
05:57:54 [988cf035] Fix totalDeposits and re-enable generation of Updates in Txs (cardano-ledger-specs)
05:59:25 [cb90e02e] Merge pull request #1631 from input-output-hk/uroboros/1624/clarify_update_nonce_state (cardano-ledger-specs)
06:10:21 [cac16270] fix(address-introspection): refactor to spawning a child process (daedalus)
06:11:40 [84251fab] Add genesis-create hedgehog test (cardano-node)
06:11:43 [613a97f5] Add Visual Studio Code configuration file to define build and test tasks (cardano-node)
06:11:43 [d5904068] Test for existence of cabal file instead of directory because accidentally creating a sub-directory called cardano-cli can easily throw the setup off. (cardano-node)
06:13:25 [845aade5] added file utils and predicates (jortestkit)
06:13:43 [1e33ceaa] single method for openssl (jortestkit)
06:16:53 [58ce16ca] single method for openssl (jortestkit)
06:20:12 [9f25d685] fix(address-introspection): refactor to spawning a child process (daedalus)
06:23:32 [df4ed496] Merge pull request #16 from input-output-hk/openssl_single_method (jortestkit)
06:30:08 [6250ecc6] Fix #758 (haskell.nix)
06:38:12 [c6f4c210] WIP (cardano-node)
06:50:33 [1c07e95e] Fix typos and some links (technical-docs)
06:59:10 [efb9d77b] Merge #2377 (ouroboros-network)
07:04:33 [dddef063] Fix #758 (#759) (haskell.nix)
07:04:49 [07eae290] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
07:05:08 [db836d36] Update gh-pages for dddef06 (haskell.nix)
07:07:36 [cb1561ba] Merge #1424 (cardano-node)
07:08:37 [9abe1ed0] Remove extraneous whitespace (cardano-node)
07:16:22 [85d7c5f0] WIP: Add support for specifying protocol in Shelley tx submission command (cardano-node)
07:16:25 [eab2547a] WIP: Add support for specifying protocol in Shelley query command implementations (cardano-node)
07:20:59 [c1de2177] WIP: Utilize Protocol data type (cardano-node)
07:31:54 [aff40c4e] Make Ticked a type family (ouroboros-network)
07:33:03 [7ef0f150] Be more specific when deleting entries from the `PoolOwner` table. (cardano-wallet)
07:33:13 [126a7029] Don't attempt to execute nested pool DB queries. (cardano-wallet)
07:33:13 [cd5223a3] Rename to `PoolRegistrationStatus` to `PoolLifeCycleStatus`. (cardano-wallet)
07:33:13 [967a2f58] Use more precise sort order when listing pools. (cardano-wallet)
07:35:52 [70cea924] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
07:37:49 [dfaf106a] Make Ticked a type family (ouroboros-network)
07:38:51 [3df6364c] do not spit back malformed network tag when given gibberish (cardano-addresses)
07:41:15 [598c7c85] remove unused pragma (new HLint is better at catching those) (cardano-addresses)
07:43:10 [f9f0079a] added jortestkit submodule (vit-servicing-station)
07:46:29 [f60cca83] Alternate treatment of Just (cardano-node)
07:47:50 [aacaf2f5] Remote tasks.json (cardano-node)
07:49:25 [dd19ec1d] Force input/output text encoding to be utf-8 (cardano-addresses)
07:50:35 [0ec1ea11] Register the stake credentials for initial stake. (ouroboros-network)
07:50:54 [7e73c473] CAD-1347 cli shelley address info: also print the base16 form (cardano-node)
07:53:27 [dd85293f] Stuff (cardano-node)
07:55:11 [cd632f10] chairman: relax the default progress requirement by one slot more (cardano-node)
07:58:26 [d88d443a] Merge #1433 (cardano-node)
08:01:51 [550467ee] Move genesis create test to proper location (cardano-node)
08:02:18 [c471118d] added tls handling for rest client (vit-servicing-station)
08:03:25 [2489ef9d] Increase the integration test timeout to 5 minutes. (cardano-wallet)
08:03:33 [3c7fa7c9] bootstrap server from settings files (vit-servicing-station)
08:03:46 [bbc59a11] tls simple test case (vit-servicing-station)
08:04:51 [c1d75e8a] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
08:09:20 [464e822c] Add function to validate the genesis config. (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:13:22 [902336ba] Merge pull request #1594 from input-output-hk/better-error (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:14:04 [c20ae252] remove feeEstimator and use fee endpoint (cardano-wallet)
08:18:36 [26949a5f] Remove some parsers from cardano-config and consolidate orphans in cardano-config (cardano-node)
08:21:37 [2ea7639d] Remove Cardano.Config.Orphanage (cardano-node)
08:22:39 [38082c74] Merge pull request #1642 from input-output-hk/jc/unclaimed-rewards-to-treasury (cardano-ledger-specs)
08:26:46 [93bbaf50] fixed url in .girmodules (vit-servicing-station)
08:28:12 [49e827ca] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
08:38:08 [d1f430a4] New article added (technical-docs)
08:38:36 [40aa6af3] Merge branch 'sphinx-build' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/technical-docs into sphinx-build (technical-docs)
08:39:20 [30278a27] added checkout submodule action (vit-servicing-station)
08:40:00 [e0b4180e] Update (technical-docs)
08:49:50 [72027866] SCB: Improved formatting of active endpoint hooks. (plutus)
08:51:29 [eb3784b0] added checkout submodule action (vit-servicing-station)
08:54:58 [04c67378] WIP (haskell.nix)
08:59:26 [ac35bb63] address protocolMagic in computeTxSize (cardano-wallet)
09:12:41 [944f1b6d] Corrected install-nix command (testnets-cardano-org)
09:15:11 [47ab7276] Merge pull request #38 from danielSanchezQ/fix-#31-api-token-playground (vit-servicing-station)
09:15:29 [a3b0e267] Merge #2357 #2374 #2377 (ouroboros-network)
09:15:54 [cc23accc] use different submodule action (vit-servicing-station)
09:16:15 [811d8315] Increase the integration test timeout to 5 minutes. (cardano-wallet)
09:17:55 [71e43e87] WIP (haskell.nix)
09:21:31 [bf74a9a0] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
09:22:06 [42d39e6e] Working in a hacky way without exclusion of test modules (haskell.nix)
09:24:22 [d6dbaafb] added checkout submodule action (vit-servicing-station)
09:32:22 [1c49dc70] added checkout submodule action (vit-servicing-station)
09:39:18 [c0dbab19] Better doc for totalDeposits (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:40:12 [9a4abf11] Write a property to check that SIP's are approved. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
09:41:06 [2978a223] add tx witness tag (cardano-wallet)
09:41:06 [af3c5781] mkWitness -> mkShelleyWitness (cardano-wallet)
09:41:07 [ebfe5876] introduce mkByronWitness (cardano-wallet)
09:41:07 [34d1f4c0] specialize witness creation in mkTx depending on witness tag (cardano-wallet)
09:41:07 [aae24941] add test in TransactionSpec for byron witness (cardano-wallet)
09:41:08 [2a9e2f2d] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
09:41:08 [af140bb1] sneaking witness tag into _minimumFee and _estimateMaximumNumberOfInputs (cardano-wallet)
09:41:09 [bcd7c5ca] dependant computeTxSize on witness size (cardano-wallet)
09:41:09 [0f6f7cc4] make Byron witness rountrip in TransactionSpec working (cardano-wallet)
09:41:09 [e7d84752] make shelley integration main compile (cardano-wallet)
09:41:10 [24053289] add integration test with byron witnesses (cardano-wallet)
09:41:10 [61cbcb0f] add toHDAddressPayload (cardano-wallet)
09:41:11 [d02d3b44] add Byron & Icarus faucet wallets to Shelley genesis (cardano-wallet)
09:41:11 [3370b50e] correct partially dummy values (cardano-wallet)
09:41:11 [ea17c781] sign Byron transaction with unencrypted private keys! (cardano-wallet)
09:41:12 [c49c69a4] do not create actual Byron witness when estimating (cardano-wallet)
09:41:12 [d2927235] make sure to unwrap the nested HDPayload when deconstructing Byron addresses (cardano-wallet)
09:41:13 [076a866c] address protocolMagic in computeTxSize (cardano-wallet)
09:41:13 [d22c284e] remove feeEstimator and use fee endpoint (cardano-wallet)
09:41:13 [bece3fce] remove traces and fix fee estimation for Byron wallets (cardano-wallet)
09:41:14 [28a2f9fd] add tests for both testnet and mainnet (cardano-wallet)
09:41:53 [1a3d0518] Fix totalDeposits and re-enable generation of Updates in Txs (cardano-ledger-specs)
09:42:16 [25c0980b] Bring back proposals i64 attributes serialized as numbers instead of string (vit-servicing-station)
09:43:04 [ae086137] Try #1849: (cardano-wallet)
09:46:53 [3317f349] Fix macOS release package (cardano-wallet)
09:50:35 [e712bd6b] cntools: fix use of Lovelace unit instead of ADA (guild-operators)
09:50:43 [a8f78488] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
09:50:43 [2db24f7f] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
09:50:43 [ae29b9b4] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
09:50:43 [04f239a6] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
09:50:44 [c45dabc9] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
09:50:44 [c71c4ee6] peer-selection: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
09:53:51 [a426e059] cntools: add changelog entry for new ADA values formatting (guild-operators)
09:54:27 [fa093980] handshake: add exports (ouroboros-network)
09:54:27 [88e36037] connection-manager: types & core implementation (ouroboros-network)
09:56:06 [93cedf04] fix test, the change made the last already confirmed but not not pending (chain-wallet-libs)
10:04:44 [9b09e290] cntools: add changelog entry for new ADA values formatting (guild-operators)
10:07:23 [61485560] Use message in response for server error on faucet (testnets-cardano-org)
10:08:47 [c6b39f51] SCB: Removing the `ContractStateTransition` event. (plutus)
10:08:47 [ddea8b8f] WIP: SCB: Streaming websockets. (plutus)
10:08:47 [8c472b63] SCB: Refactoring some pretty rendering code that can be reused. (plutus)
10:08:47 [8623ac74] SCP-839: Don't display completed contracts. (plutus)
10:08:47 [ca5aa66b] SCB: Adding some `StrictData` pragmas. (plutus)
10:08:48 [6e48881e] SCB: Improved formatting of active endpoint hooks. (plutus)
10:09:31 [774dfa3d] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
10:09:33 [f7bcefc8] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
10:09:33 [f4c60028] connection-manager: numberOfConnections (ouroboros-network)
10:09:33 [7462a4c5] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
10:09:33 [bf01bb8f] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
10:12:39 [184fd1de] Increase the integration test timeout to 5 minutes. (cardano-wallet)
10:13:41 [88d20a82] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
10:14:14 [6df6ec05] Versions: mapWithVersion (ouroboros-network)
10:16:24 [8da428c3] Merge pull request #54 from danielSanchezQ/bring-back-bigints (vit-servicing-station)
10:18:04 [b2415bf3] Hot / Warm / Established distinction (ouroboros-network)
10:18:06 [7211d6c4] connection-handler & server: use the introduced api (ouroboros-network)
10:20:41 [64d44196] update tx-generator-shelley (cardano-benchmarking)
10:20:56 [a1d3dfcb] addded exact version for npm pacakges (yoroi-mobile)
10:23:54 [5754b634] Merge pull request #1640 from input-output-hk/uroboros/fix_unexpected_deposit_pot (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:24:20 [055c2cae] Update docker-compose.yml (cardano-rest)
10:26:06 [75f8c0da] update ProtocolParameters by adding minimum utxo value (cardano-wallet)
10:27:29 [7269db12] CAD-1347 cli shelley address info: also print the base16 form (cardano-node)
10:28:57 [5bde0d2a] Rename RunOrStop as ControlMessage (ouroboros-network)
10:28:59 [87bb2d69] connection-handler: include ConnectionId in MuxPromise (ouroboros-network)
10:28:59 [64411a6f] Unversioned - align code (ouroboros-network)
10:30:27 [02f10a07] Merge pull request #225 from cardano-foundation/faucet-errors (testnets-cardano-org)
10:40:12 [2cd855a0] Moved locales dependency removal to Removed section (guild-operators)
10:41:19 [ad067623] Merge pull request #315 from SmaugPool/genesis (guild-operators)
10:45:16 [3b90b706] Version bumped to 2.0.0 (guild-operators)
10:48:17 [58c91f0f] update core unit tests and swagger (cardano-wallet)
10:49:39 [627d7215] Don't combine ticked LedgerView and ChainDepState (ouroboros-network)
10:57:56 [614d2cd9] set/implement minimumUTxOvalue for byron/shelley/jormungandr (cardano-wallet)
10:59:09 [c2650edd] use v2 instead of v1 (vit-servicing-station)
10:59:12 [668574e2] Merge #1430 (cardano-node)
11:07:08 [8fb216fe] extend integration test for shelley, fix unit tests for jormungandr (cardano-wallet)
11:09:09 [3a6924d1] added function fo generation forst external byron address from mnemonics (yoroi-mobile)
11:13:03 [0a0f47d8] seba's feedback (yoroi-mobile)
11:24:43 [2d8b3b09] CAD-1347 cli shelley address info: also print the base16 form (cardano-node)
11:31:32 [75c4ceee] update api test snapshot (yoroi-mobile)
11:35:41 [d3ea3232] SCP-644 - Simplify Scale implementation (marlowe)
11:38:55 [67aee6a4] Merge #1418 (cardano-node)
11:41:57 [f7d7aa68] absorb minUTxOvalue in dustThreshold (cardano-wallet)
11:53:53 [16d61bf7] Don't combine ticked LedgerView and ChainDepState (ouroboros-network)
11:54:49 [14cb481e] some adjustements in testing (cardano-wallet)
11:54:53 [a49b29ac] Merge #2380 (ouroboros-network)
11:58:10 [f662d73b] Try #1894: (cardano-wallet)
11:59:25 [5db3811f] chore: add Github issue templates (cardano-graphql)
12:12:42 [a8ecac42] CAD-1347 ouroboros-network: bump for ouroboros-network/pull/2374 (cardano-node)
12:17:23 [3abc351d] test Icarus wallet (cardano-wallet)
12:21:37 [b90ee76c] hydra: Prevent caching of shelley integration test failures (cardano-wallet)
12:23:53 [c3eeddc6] Merge #1847 #1849 #1887 (cardano-wallet)
12:30:00 [955cdba4] Replace master pins in docker-compose with latest, configure log rotation (cardano-rest)
12:30:46 [eb825e86] Remove legacy hydra-eval-errors Buildkite step (cardano-rest)
12:34:38 [210f3922] Merge #1847 (cardano-wallet)
12:38:29 [582c3cec] Merge pull request #33 from input-output-hk/pin-latest-docker-deps (cardano-rest)
12:42:13 [8685d1b7] add function to access the utxos (chain-wallet-libs)
12:44:49 [85b095c0] merging language-plutus-core-prop-test into language-plutus-core-test (plutus)
13:02:51 [59ab5582] factor out common code in database migration (cardano-wallet)
13:03:53 [080f990b] camera ready folder (decentralized-software-updates)
13:06:38 [5537ab34] updateMaterialized, stylishHaskell (plutus)
13:09:46 [d65c9d08] new environment: mainnet_candidate (iohk-nix)
13:10:37 [7f75f878] Disable assertions in benchmarks (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:12:45 [f4a4b545] Merge #1849 #1887 (cardano-wallet)
13:13:09 [c25ba60e] 210f39220f46018eaf7f775873c816601fbe2cca (cardano-wallet)
13:13:10 [b06fe602] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
13:16:59 [00fb9991] Shelley address generation - proof of concept (adalite)
13:17:23 [751a6087] Merge #30 (cardano-rest)
13:18:34 [ec3686f7] Adds support for HFC Cardano protocol in mkConfigHtml (iohk-nix)
13:20:02 [487bb4f9] handle migration (cardano-wallet)
13:20:43 [16cbbb26] add - api endpoint for importer healthcheck (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:21:25 [cc676732] mainnet-candidate: respin (cardano-node)
13:21:26 [860383d1] new shelley params (cardano-node)
13:21:27 [d7af0b53] bump iohk-nix (cardano-node)
13:21:30 [96e421bc] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
13:21:31 [125e4b6b] peer-selection: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
13:21:31 [7fcb4c81] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
13:21:31 [cccd15f4] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
13:21:31 [c286bace] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
13:21:31 [2c5077fb] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
13:22:22 [8a5cfcf2] update ProtocolParameters by adding minimum utxo value (cardano-wallet)
13:22:22 [65445408] update core unit tests and swagger (cardano-wallet)
13:22:23 [8c94230b] extend integration test for shelley, fix unit tests for jormungandr (cardano-wallet)
13:22:23 [7c7e70ab] absorb minUTxOvalue in dustThreshold (cardano-wallet)
13:22:23 [bcdd4362] set/implement minimumUTxOvalue for byron/shelley/jormungandr (cardano-wallet)
13:22:24 [11aba2e6] some adjustements in testing (cardano-wallet)
13:22:24 [616c3899] factor out common code in database migration (cardano-wallet)
13:22:25 [ac66d37f] handle migration (cardano-wallet)
13:25:24 [7bc40b60] nix(os) script and service: allow running with asserts (cardano-node)
13:26:32 [9a910e72] Addressed comments (plutus)
13:29:01 [c5db70c5] implement v2 endpoint (#846) (yoroi-mobile)
13:33:46 [3c69ac37] Update Exercise-4.md (cardano-tutorials)
13:33:58 [8c17fc62] SCB: Streaming JSON data via websockets. (plutus)
13:33:58 [25008093] SCB: Refactoring some pretty rendering code that can be reused. (plutus)
13:33:58 [7ba55080] SCP-839: Don't display completed contracts. (plutus)
13:33:59 [e59e4734] SCB: Removing the `ContractStateTransition` event. (plutus)
13:33:59 [733ea9e8] SCB: Improved formatting of active endpoint hooks. (plutus)
13:33:59 [d86b2c7a] SCB: Adding some `StrictData` pragmas. (plutus)
13:34:17 [193adf30] handle migration (cardano-wallet)
13:34:17 [41c78c05] HLint suggestions. (plutus)
13:36:24 [f0be1f9d] Try #1894: (cardano-wallet)
13:37:07 [50ac0463] factor out common code in database migration (cardano-wallet)
13:37:08 [3f9005aa] add withdrawals to API & core transaction data types (cardano-wallet)
13:37:09 [6eeb563c] upgrade Byron & Jormungandr compatibility code with empty withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
13:37:10 [3633c7c0] wire withdrawals in Shelley compatibility code (cardano-wallet)
13:37:11 [c672b67c] include withdrawals where relevant in test and arbitrary generators (cardano-wallet)
13:37:11 [fd55332a] add withdrawals to the API Swagger specification (cardano-wallet)
13:37:12 [a40b93e5] add roundtrip tests for stake address and show that withdrawals are returned from the API (cardano-wallet)
13:38:20 [69600902] Support partial set of keys in Cardano protocol mode. (cardano-ops)
13:38:21 [ba3205bb] Add state/continent info to exposed registered relays topology.json (cardano-ops)
13:42:41 [3f71e9e0] Separate out existing few uses of Protocol type before repurposing it (cardano-node)
13:42:41 [8c24fd80] Add new typed api for building LocalNodeConnectInfo (cardano-node)
13:43:04 [1c8ac4f1] More fine-grained versioning in the HFC (ouroboros-network)
13:46:37 [b10b8a53] Refactor CLI query module slightly in preparation (cardano-node)
13:46:50 [31586611] Convert one sample query to the new API (cardano-node)
13:50:29 [ab7bb2be] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
13:50:42 [2871e020] add - /txs/signed endpoint. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
13:51:55 [1f38eef8] Merge #23 (cardano-rest)
13:52:52 [cd44958c] Revert "Merge #2378" (ouroboros-network)
13:53:32 [6288cd7f] Do not repeatedly hash WitVKey (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:56:01 [f4a4b44e] Merge pull request #1644 from input-output-hk/nc/issue-1516 (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:58:08 [3b85179f] Merge #2381 (ouroboros-network)
14:05:22 [002e52f7] add roundtrip tests for stake address and show that withdrawals are returned from the API (cardano-wallet)
14:13:23 [3b41e283] More fine-grained versioning in the HFC (ouroboros-network)
14:14:26 [b3229170] Merge #2381 (ouroboros-network)
14:16:11 [e8e5ced7] Add state/continent info to exposed registered relays topology.json (cardano-ops)
14:16:48 [bea58f99] add - endpoint for txs/Bodies (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:19:58 [e0375264] Update 2020-05-04_05-00-00_contribute-en.md (testnets-cardano-org)
14:27:57 [a98f93ff] fix (docs-cardano-org)
14:28:01 [2c4f0e85] mod - different error codes for tx/history (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:28:48 [912cf3ad] adjust LargestFirst error handling to return 'not enough money' when there's no UTxO (cardano-wallet)
14:30:06 [ee6d5d8f] [CAD-1348] Add block insertion so we don't sync from scratch. (smash)
14:31:32 [7d88a0a0] Decouple GenTx, ApplyTxErr, and GenTxId from their classes (ouroboros-network)
14:31:34 [77df2042] Decouple Header from its class (ouroboros-network)
14:31:58 [74da63ef] bump version to 2.2.2 (yoroi-mobile)
14:34:09 [4ac17981] U014CQVU4LW can we add an endpoint that behaves [ch5384] (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:35:41 [3af0fedc] add - endpoint for txs/Bodies (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:35:41 [fc9f0ba4] Proper errors when block doesn t exist in [ch5352] (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:35:41 [adb71404] add - /txs/signed endpoint. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:36:02 [44389efe] Merge pull request #226 from cardano-foundation/nahern-patch-20 (testnets-cardano-org)
14:37:17 [e7ad5b50] Decouple Query from its class (ouroboros-network)
14:37:19 [251d5372] Fix pattern matching on QueryIfCurrentByron/Shelley (ouroboros-network)
14:37:19 [d5d74f74] Replace eqQuery with the SameDepIndex class (ouroboros-network)
14:39:12 [df455c96] added custom component for generate wallet icon based on etherium-blockies module (yoroi-mobile)
14:40:02 [42ce9494] revert changes in appfile (yoroi-mobile)
14:40:22 [8d48275d] change icon borders (yoroi-mobile)
14:44:06 [9822a8d2] Fix bug in Query serialisation when the hard fork is disabled. (ouroboros-network)
14:44:06 [ce9f147d] Test backwards compatibility between Byron and Cardano (ouroboros-network)
14:44:43 [a8444642] Merge #1892 #1895 (cardano-wallet)
14:50:15 [d4eafb20] fix - correct return messages in healthcheck when block is stale. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
14:55:38 [0dc1c26e] Allow submitting transactions in all node modes and era (cardano-node)
14:55:53 [4c69b89d] Merge #1887 (cardano-wallet)
14:56:31 [79dce672] [PLC] [Builtin] [Evaluation] Parameterized the builtin application machinery over 'term' (#2116) (plutus)
15:00:11 [22d74ad5] coin selection endpoint for Byron (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:00:11 [59686c7f] adjust tests (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:01:37 [a51e0e8d] Added playground endpoint explanation in readme (vit-servicing-station)
15:01:45 [c947ed4b] Add stake address constraints to Jormungandr and Byron (cardano-wallet)
15:03:17 [bca8fe6e] Fix doc API types (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:05:20 [2ed7b321] More cleanup and fixes for the Shelley-MC spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:06:22 [cdf483c4] [DDW-269] Download progress working (daedalus)
15:07:51 [16bebf96] Propagate protocol to reminaing queries in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
15:09:19 [296af560] Merge pull request #9 from piotr-iohk/update_tests_and_byron_coin_selection (cardano-wallet-rb)
15:13:35 [f42de0d9] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
15:19:46 [fe3eba25] fix (cardano-node)
15:21:42 [a403b093] Fixup some type errors (cardano-node)
15:22:49 [f6e61800] Merge #1849 (cardano-wallet)
15:23:38 [402de431] Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/Emurgo/yoroi-mobile into develop (yoroi-mobile)
15:27:38 [abb968df] Fix bug in Query serialisation when the hard fork is disabled. (ouroboros-network)
15:29:57 [bea40454] Add ToJSON instances for ByronHash and OneEraHash (cardano-node)
15:34:16 [8929cb91] Test backwards compatibility between Byron and Cardano (ouroboros-network)
15:34:58 [03bff10c] Merge #2385 (ouroboros-network)
15:37:48 [30ad7730] fix - proper signed transactions...maybe (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:38:59 [9aa974bd] run integration tests twice if the first time failed (cardano-wallet)
15:41:51 [5d2113d2] SCP-884 - Some editor updates (plutus)
15:42:33 [fb402a32] fix - proper signed transactions...maybe (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
15:44:41 [1a53abe2] Test backwards compatibility between Byron and Cardano (ouroboros-network)
15:44:51 [68c9633c] cleaned ouroboros-netowrk-framework.cabal file (ouroboros-network)
15:44:55 [3bab62d4] cleaned ouroboros-network.cabal file (ouroboros-network)
15:45:28 [1a9b5f6f] Merge #2385 (ouroboros-network)
15:46:44 [220bc286] WIP towards using mock-server (cardano-benchmarking)
15:56:58 [430ba13d] cleaned ouroboros-netowrk-framework.cabal file (ouroboros-network)
15:58:44 [f67d9147] cleaned ouroboros-network.cabal file (ouroboros-network)
16:04:07 [0409ac08] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:08:14 [1526c725] fix - plugging possible memory leak with wasm (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:09:28 [2f11e40e] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:10:25 [fa1333fb] Merge pull request #5 from Emurgo/feature/new-endpoints (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:11:00 [95538634] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:12:06 [9532b15d] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:15:17 [b135ea12] f6e6180089b5d8e60bf777dcf35607bdc5bdcb25 (cardano-wallet)
16:15:18 [cc175bd7] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
16:15:20 [749c2432] Merge #1857 #1894 (cardano-wallet)
16:15:49 [d87b1ad3] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:16:16 [1c2be5a5] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:18:08 [bcf141ed] GITHUB-1086: shut down the switchboard at exit (cardano-node)
16:20:27 [e27b7eca] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:22:06 [c500e781] fix (docs-cardano-org)
16:23:04 [9260a991] CAD-1347 ouroboros-network: bump for ouroboros-network/pull/2374 (cardano-node)
16:25:59 [d1b0e43e] Propagate protocol to remaining queries in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
16:26:38 [15665db5] fix tests (plutus)
16:30:03 [2d2d089e] fix (cardano-node)
16:30:29 [bd153ba5] cleaned ouroboros-network.cabal file (ouroboros-network)
16:30:29 [6093571c] cleaned ouroboros-netowrk-framework.cabal file (ouroboros-network)
16:31:36 [4cc7f78c] Separate out existing few uses of Protocol type before repurposing it (cardano-node)
16:31:36 [b8952c83] Add new typed api for building LocalNodeConnectInfo (cardano-node)
16:31:37 [e06c01aa] Refactor CLI query module slightly in preparation (cardano-node)
16:31:37 [3bdec800] Convert one sample query to the new API (cardano-node)
16:31:38 [26a5101a] Allow submitting transactions in all node modes and era (cardano-node)
16:31:51 [5d455c8e] Propagate protocol to remaining queries in cardano-cli (cardano-node)
16:34:34 [0c65ac60] fix (cardano-node)
16:36:40 [c926cd73] fix (cardano-node)
16:40:02 [dee2397c] Update 010_getConfigFiles_AND_Connect.md (technical-docs)
16:42:40 [8d70e924] Update 010_getConfigFiles_AND_Connect.md (technical-docs)
16:43:59 [71a8ff2f] [DDW-283]: Adjust spacing on stake pools ranking panel (daedalus)
16:47:35 [af2a9e17] code cleanup (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
16:52:15 [cd9e2745] fix (adrestia)
16:55:57 [fc3bea73] fix (adrestia)
16:57:17 [6d9391a0] Merge pull request #6 from Emurgo/feature/code-cleanup (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:00:21 [1275e023] Merge #1435 (cardano-node)
17:06:11 [ce67ec80] fix (adrestia)
17:06:52 [42c4cca1] fix (cardano-node)
17:09:56 [30190343] Merge #1896 #1897 (cardano-wallet)
17:10:05 [0c7cef43] 749c24323bc884a492229333fc796a86d003096f (cardano-wallet)
17:10:06 [d43e77a5] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
17:12:02 [3c6ff34b] fix (cardano-node)
17:15:14 [31eb16ab] fix (cardano-node)
17:18:08 [11e5609e] Merge #2387 (ouroboros-network)
17:19:43 [9ee7e732] fix (cardano-node)
17:24:05 [c8b6be3b] add more common prefixes (CIPs)
17:28:32 [357bb22a] Rename our SlotNo to SlotInEpoch (cardano-wallet)
17:30:11 [c5d6481b] More cleanup and fixes for the Goguen spec (cardano-ledger-specs)
17:37:51 [a53db3ae] fix (cardano-node)
17:47:29 [c24ab1cc] Merge #1887 (cardano-wallet)
17:49:03 [9d3a8e86] Merge pull request #2155 from input-output-hk/SCP-884 (plutus)
17:52:06 [55b1254d] fix - tx history order should be by block num and tx index. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
17:52:22 [b488ffcf] fix (docs-cardano-org)
17:54:37 [e3afad9f] CAD-1347 cli: fix the 'shelley address info' output missing base16 (cardano-node)
17:55:18 [265b7513] fix (cardano-node)
17:58:14 [39f46fbb] CAD-1347 cli: fix the 'shelley address info' output missing base16 (cardano-node)
18:00:47 [37e876af] add withdrawals to API & core transaction data types (cardano-wallet)
18:00:47 [ec06f31b] upgrade Byron & Jormungandr compatibility code with empty withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
18:01:04 [249c606b] fix (cardano-node)
18:01:24 [75d8bac4] Bump versions to 1.15.1 and update changelogs (cardano-node)
18:03:10 [1e50811f] fix (cardano-node)
18:04:35 [25bd3ef6] wire withdrawals in Shelley compatibility code (cardano-wallet)
18:04:36 [01680644] include withdrawals where relevant in test and arbitrary generators (cardano-wallet)
18:04:36 [c5db57c8] add withdrawals to the API Swagger specification (cardano-wallet)
18:04:36 [95f5271d] add roundtrip tests for stake address and show that withdrawals are returned from the API (cardano-wallet)
18:04:54 [aabb4226] Add stake address constraints to Jormungandr and Byron (cardano-wallet)
18:04:54 [d3447804] extend transaction API to allow filtering by minimal withdrawals amount (cardano-wallet)
18:04:54 [f2e4e1f6] add 'minWithdrawal' query parameter to the swagger specification (cardano-wallet)
18:04:59 [9f1cda57] fix (docs-cardano-org)
18:05:18 [947d418c] CAD-1347 deps: bump for latest node (cardano-benchmarking)
18:05:18 [b5900826] CAD-1347 shelley3pools: switch to genesis-specified pools (cardano-benchmarking)
18:05:18 [07078c57] update tx-generator-shelley (cardano-benchmarking)
18:06:13 [4b3d7bac] Merge #1897 (cardano-wallet)
18:07:06 [88094a49] fix (docs-cardano-org)
18:08:12 [cd32f385] move utf-8 forcing to also surround arguments & options parsing (cardano-addresses)
18:09:30 [48ff3d8e] hydra: Prevent caching of shelley integration test failures (cardano-wallet)
18:10:19 [9b847695] fix (adrestia)
18:11:24 [5a0826a0] Add low level ChainSyncLog (cardano-wallet)
18:11:26 [925f7c71] More detailed follow-traces (cardano-wallet)
18:11:26 [3f8cdafb] Add note about byron chainsync tracer (cardano-wallet)
18:16:23 [84458e4a] Merge pull request #404 from input-output-hk/mainnet-candidate (iohk-nix)
18:18:50 [580e2db7] add mainnet-candidate environment (cardano-node)
18:27:38 [9db29d6b] fix (cardano-node)
18:33:49 [f3797863] helper functions to get pool id from block headers (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:33:49 [cb730fcf] add - test for /txs/history order. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
18:38:23 [caa85e3e] add - test for /txs/history tx outputs order. (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
18:38:55 [50957025] add mainnet-candidate environment (cardano-node)
18:46:05 [9a6573ac] fix (cardano-wallet)
18:52:32 [ea325b90] camera ready update (decentralized-software-updates)
18:54:15 [2b2d88f2] minors (decentralized-software-updates)
19:02:05 [2ec2dde4] Update to add sinequix nodes. (cardano-ops)
19:02:21 [2b81fcb5] Merge #1826 #1887 #1895 (cardano-wallet)
19:02:41 [aa76190b] 4b3d7bacce4ba50c71e03254e9fa068852e4d824 (cardano-wallet)
19:02:42 [e5ec6889] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
19:05:01 [39d2c745] minors (decentralized-software-updates)
19:09:30 [9ffd7c88] minors (decentralized-software-updates)
19:21:54 [62f93209] Merge #1887 #1895 (cardano-wallet)
19:22:05 [b64a7763] Merge #1438 (cardano-node)
19:22:06 [11d01cc8] CAD-1347 cardano-tx-generator: update to latest node (cardano-benchmarking)
19:28:37 [922f4f32] CAD-1347 cli: fix the 'shelley address info' output missing base16 (cardano-node)
19:49:15 [dc729b0b] Merge pull request #44 from input-output-hk/KtorZ/41/windows-issues (cardano-addresses)
19:51:10 [324d58ca] [DDW-269] Download progress - adjustments (daedalus)
19:52:42 [388afe9f] add mainnet-candidate environment (cardano-node)
19:52:52 [66113456] Merge pull request #1619 from input-output-hk/origin/andre/plutus-spec-changes (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:54:43 [3ceac9ca] fix (docs-cardano-org)
19:55:47 [56fec942] Merge #1436 #1437 (cardano-node)
19:56:34 [2db84b2e] fix (docs-cardano-org)
19:59:32 [d14a5ab8] adjust LargestFirst error handling to return 'not enough money' when there's no UTxO (cardano-wallet)
20:03:26 [b9992cfc] fix 'errMsg403NotEnoughMoney', reverting to what it used to be (cardano-wallet)
20:05:50 [a0f95283] deploy: dc729b0ba5ba112ee2bfe471c4df947ea7c76f28 (cardano-addresses)
20:09:25 [f4811eb4] fix (adrestia)
20:12:24 [5e6befbd] Merge #1826 #1896 (cardano-wallet)
20:13:31 [bfb66a17] 62f93209b0c745594ac8113e0614a1214f5b6821 (cardano-wallet)
20:13:32 [e179799f] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
20:17:52 [675d5072] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
20:32:16 [92188892] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] (cardano-node)
20:32:19 [7d47f7b5] [ci skip][skip ci][skip netlify] -bors-staging-tmp-1425 (cardano-node)
20:32:27 [443790aa] Merge #1425 #1439 (cardano-node)
20:37:01 [16ff6bc4] [DDW-269] Update management - progress (daedalus)
20:44:36 [f1bd109d] CAD-1309: WIP (cardano-benchmarking)
21:04:27 [e68951d4] 5e6befbd898773e9ac77225334094a40a6fd3206 (cardano-wallet)
21:04:28 [94e2701b] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
21:19:49 [6d62b901] Update bootstrap witness definition (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:31:33 [b6bc3e25] fix (plutus)
21:35:23 [3a2f9c10] txsize now just counts the serialized bytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:40:37 [0b7c6350] Added a new function KeysEqual, and made type specific calls of (≍) for it. I tried 4 different (cardano-ledger-specs)
21:50:22 [74abe1ca] add withdrawals to API & core transaction data types (cardano-wallet)
21:50:23 [861a7925] wire withdrawals in Shelley compatibility code (cardano-wallet)
21:50:23 [0211c5c2] upgrade Byron & Jormungandr compatibility code with empty withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
21:50:24 [c36f23a8] include withdrawals where relevant in test and arbitrary generators (cardano-wallet)
21:50:24 [9f6738ed] add withdrawals to the API Swagger specification (cardano-wallet)
21:50:25 [e7fcedb2] add roundtrip tests for stake address and show that withdrawals are returned from the API (cardano-wallet)
21:50:25 [00c2d697] Add stake address constraints to Jormungandr and Byron (cardano-wallet)
21:50:26 [07a0f235] extend transaction API to allow filtering by minimal withdrawals amount (cardano-wallet)
21:50:26 [533b772f] add 'minWithdrawal' query parameter to the swagger specification (cardano-wallet)
21:50:27 [3dd7257a] review integration and unit tests, add additional checks to cover withdrawals (cardano-wallet)
21:52:37 [9623e2d8] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into kwxm/alternative-cek (plutus)
21:53:07 [a7231472] Merge pull request #7 from Emurgo/fix/tx-history-order (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
21:53:23 [34e5deb9] Merge #1892 (cardano-wallet)
22:01:29 [ba460407] txsize now just counts the serialized bytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:03:53 [26064b21] Regenerate nix (cardano-wallet)
22:05:48 [df141f56] Merge #1892 (cardano-wallet)
22:19:12 [89745af6] Move coins to utils file (#19) (cardano-serialization-lib)
22:48:16 [2724f7c8] txsize now just counts the serialized bytes (cardano-ledger-specs)
23:02:38 [74aac771] Add status & importerhealthcheck to API docs (yoroi-graphql-migration-backend)
23:04:01 [527c2e47] df141f5698d0502d9335ff9232f2eb02df37afb2 (cardano-wallet)
23:04:02 [9d704a81] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
23:17:57 [3f7033c8] describe witness types (cardano-serialization-lib)
23:38:19 [8575d0ac] update for 1.15.1 to create wallet (guild-operators)
23:39:06 [cd92f1c1] remove my tweaked config file (guild-operators)