Home / Reports / Sep 14, 2020

Monday, September 14, 2020

411 commits had been pushed across 34 repos by 64 authors. There were 127,089 additions and 76,358 deletions. Official weekly status updates can be found on essentialcardano.io.


Repos Updated

Commit Log

00:21:43 [2b4d425a] Better error message for --tx-in argument parsing (cardano-node)
00:44:17 [be63f7c0] Merge pull request #2 from mmahut/master (yoroi-ergo-backend)
01:03:04 [31fd01e1] Automatic update for Mon Sep 14 01:03:04 UTC 2020 (stackage.nix)
01:12:01 [50f65e10] Automatic update for Mon Sep 14 01:12:00 UTC 2020 (hackage.nix)
01:13:36 [f6663a84] Update Hackage and Stackage (haskell.nix)
01:41:03 [ad0ef8d1] Enable Byron-Shelley test on Windows (cardano-node)
01:57:54 [1e009b13] Add special case for Fedora, eliminate graphql from common prereqs (guild-operators)
02:06:47 [8d816680] Add a warning at the top for GraphQL being outdated, alongwith a brief reason (guild-operators)
03:13:16 [1944ffb3] Redefine `ModelOp` in terms of a state monad transformer. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:02 [5d532e22] Merge #1840 (cardano-node)
03:20:41 [73a7be3f] Rename `mCleanPoolProduction` to `mCleanPoolDatabase`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:41 [ade95f49] Adjust code to comply with coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:42 [fc86224d] Redefine `readPoolLifeCycleStatus` in terms of the DB model. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:42 [1942bd00] Move `lookupLifeCycleStatus` to the top level. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:43 [515019ee] Redefine `listPoolLifeCycleData` in terms of the DB model. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:44 [f3916d95] Redefine `removeRetiredPools` in terms of the DB model. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:45 [8108fe28] Remove boilerplate from `mRollbackTo`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:45 [f52f47e0] Remove boilerplate from `mPutPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:46 [8a8e3859] Remove boilerplate from `putPoolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:46 [7b1bbc75] Remove boilerplate from `mReadPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:47 [4fc23df7] Remove boilerplate from `mReadPoolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:47 [de71ecee] Remove boilerplate from `putPoolMetadata`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:47 [06d1a66a] Remove boilerplate from `mRemovePools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:48 [e7deaac2] Extract out function `listRetiredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:48 [9161c4e2] Extract out function `listRegisteredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:49 [8a647ea2] Make `mListRegisteredPools` into a `ModelPoolOp`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:49 [7f486bf9] Remove state from `mListPoolLifeCycleData`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:50 [39f37384] Make `mListRetiredPools` into a `ModelPoolOp`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:50 [acc1a3c0] Rename `ModelPoolOp` to `ModelOp`. (cardano-wallet)
03:20:51 [7207f84e] Remove unused LANGUAGE directive. (cardano-wallet)
03:21:07 [68b96a35] Redefine `ModelOp` in terms of a state monad transformer. (cardano-wallet)
03:22:54 [18678137] Simplify some code in chairman tests (cardano-node)
03:26:14 [ecdfcad4] Change operator to =~ (guild-operators)
03:28:20 [6a29ef89] Relax hlint's attitude to multi-way if statements. (cardano-wallet)
03:33:43 [92066148] Move threadDelay to own module (cardano-node)
03:42:54 [5467f8ca] Var empty may not work for certain conditions, moved checks to like operator instead (guild-operators)
03:51:12 [99149950] Update doco, minor fixes (haskell.nix)
03:51:54 [3d853581] Fix tests (haskell.nix)
03:52:01 [589f6f0c] Remove override modules (haskell.nix)
03:57:40 [4ca1706d] db-sync: Config refactoring to allow generation of LedgerState config (cardano-db-sync)
03:58:51 [a8d20198] Documentation (cardano-node)
03:59:19 [751be20b] Adjust code to comply with team coding standards. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:29 [244fca80] Move `lookupLifeCycleStatus` to the top level. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:29 [e7a89e99] Rename `mCleanPoolProduction` to `mCleanPoolDatabase`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:30 [8763d3f2] Redefine `readPoolLifeCycleStatus` in terms of the DB model. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:30 [eee5a6fb] Redefine `listPoolLifeCycleData` in terms of the DB model. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:31 [2045a1b0] Redefine `removeRetiredPools` in terms of the DB model. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:31 [7405d3b4] Remove boilerplate from `mRollbackTo`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:31 [df940814] Remove boilerplate from `mPutPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:32 [8a236d22] Remove boilerplate from `putPoolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:32 [5abcf2b2] Remove boilerplate from `mReadPoolRegistration`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:33 [fa3a910a] Remove boilerplate from `mReadPoolRetirement`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:33 [ca3188ab] Remove boilerplate from `putPoolMetadata`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:34 [97b947f2] Remove boilerplate from `mRemovePools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:34 [5fe01606] Extract out function `listRetiredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:34 [a0c5d60e] Extract out function `listRegisteredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:35 [15b20d22] Make `mListRegisteredPools` into a `ModelPoolOp`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:35 [1739fedb] Remove state from `mListPoolLifeCycleData`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:36 [0c89a541] Make `mListRetiredPools` into a `ModelPoolOp`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:36 [d8f9f691] Rename `ModelPoolOp` to `ModelOp`. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:37 [efc5db52] Redefine `ModelOp` in terms of a state monad transformer. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:37 [5de8811d] Relax hlint's attitude to multi-way if statements. (cardano-wallet)
03:59:37 [e732a3ce] Remove unused LANGUAGE directive. (cardano-wallet)
04:02:19 [df7795ee] tip-sample: TipFragment (ouroboros-network)
04:17:11 [d2960dfa] ifdLevel 0 (haskell.nix)
04:20:32 [69902c74] Update doco, minor fixes, remove override modules (haskell.nix)
04:21:37 [3eef9a58] [SRE-134] Update cardano-explorer-app for explorer (cardano-ops)
04:22:37 [87aa1f51] Minor changes (cardano-shell)
04:26:17 [e10f65ef] Rename coveralls script (cardano-shell)
04:27:07 [e25c1355] WIP (cardano-shell)
04:28:40 [b7365a0b] WIP (cardano-shell)
04:33:42 [62bbd656] tip-sample: client application (ouroboros-network)
04:33:42 [989cdb0a] tip-sample: TipRegistry (ouroboros-network)
04:33:42 [3f617f46] tip-sample: server application (ouroboros-network)
04:33:42 [a00fb108] tip-sample: TipFragment tests (ouroboros-network)
04:33:43 [f39ff49b] ChainFragment: export lookupBySlotFT (ouroboros-network)
04:33:43 [49d4b226] tip-sample: TipRegistry tests (ouroboros-network)
04:34:42 [08165a6c] Use haskell.nix for coverage (cardano-shell)
04:35:33 [337f57aa] fix local types (yoroi-ergo-backend)
04:39:04 [6bdae6ac] Merge pull request #3 from Emurgo/fix-local-types (yoroi-ergo-backend)
04:39:52 [7d347385] Redefine `ModelOp` in terms of a state monad transformer. (cardano-wallet)
04:40:15 [e6efd0d3] Relax hlint's attitude to multi-way if statements. (cardano-wallet)
04:40:41 [660a3152] Bump node-fetch from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 (yoroi-ergo-backend)
04:43:31 [9d2ed678] tip-sample: tipSampleClient integration test (ouroboros-network)
04:44:07 [7f782338] Updated submodule vit-servicing-station-tests/jortestkit (vit-servicing-station)
04:47:06 [d76778b3] bootstrap in passive mode (jormungandr)
04:47:06 [dd81fae6] unignore nightly_e2e_stake_pool test (jormungandr)
04:47:38 [394571a0] Merge pull request #4 from Emurgo/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-fetch-2.6.1 (yoroi-ergo-backend)
04:48:42 [61bf2988] Unversioned - align code (ouroboros-network)
04:48:42 [dc539033] handshake: add exports (ouroboros-network)
04:48:42 [af34ff8c] connection-manager: types & core implementation (ouroboros-network)
04:48:42 [bbd5a63b] Hot / Warm / Established distinction (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [1a1f3ef9] connection-manager: numberOfConnections (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [33dc08d7] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [e4161583] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [44659840] Versions: mapWithVersion (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [e7a55552] p2p-governor: implement PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [26c33e91] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [34ed214a] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [73f2d1aa] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [aac6cd34] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
04:48:43 [a5615378] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
04:48:44 [607c9259] peer-selection: peer selection without gossip (ouroboros-network)
04:48:44 [e1780ea7] connection-manager: documentation (ouroboros-network)
04:48:44 [49eeb083] connection-manager: docs improvment. (ouroboros-network)
04:48:44 [1e9da81f] diffusion: use connection-manager (ouroboros-network)
04:48:44 [2664a3d8] peer-selection: localRootPersProvider (ouroboros-network)
04:51:24 [b0b3e690] Use haskell.nix for coverage (cardano-shell)
05:16:36 [a2ca4b3f] Fix shell command substitution (cardano-shell)
05:22:44 [b24ef5fb] ouroboros-consensus: updated to the new diffusion interface (ouroboros-network)
05:22:46 [1338ba7e] TxSubmissionClient: respond to ControlMessageSTM (ouroboros-network)
05:22:46 [25eab368] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
05:22:46 [ff2b6721] keep-alive: export constructors of TraceKeepAliveClient (ouroboros-network)
05:22:46 [46609736] BlockFetchClient: respond to ControlMessageSTM (ouroboros-network)
05:22:46 [7e6a04d8] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [ba40502f] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [ef2b9fcd] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [7b3480ab] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [4c643acb] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [30eaa3ba] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [b497e7ea] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [a7ddfb94] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [55d8f346] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [302e5d0d] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [6ceefb72] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
05:22:47 [ac7edaca] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
05:22:48 [6287e08a] p2p-governor: refactor governor invariant (ouroboros-network)
05:37:31 [c341726a] Add static placeholders to avoid prereqs overwriting specific section to cnode.sh.templ (guild-operators)
05:38:05 [3f8ae117] Generalise (cardano-node)
05:39:07 [90858e5a] p2p-governor: test asynchronous demotiions (ouroboros-network)
05:39:07 [7977a7a0] p2p-governor: fix acounting of established peers (ouroboros-network)
05:39:07 [f43643f4] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
05:39:07 [8e461fbc] p2p-governor: fixed setConnectTime (ouroboros-network)
05:39:08 [927673bb] p2p-governor: exp. backoff in failures of cold to warm transition (ouroboros-network)
05:39:08 [11a2a6ee] p2p-governor: prop_governor_nolivelock - use timeout (ouroboros-network)
05:39:08 [affea848] p2p-governor: DebugPeerSelection - include Time (ouroboros-network)
05:39:08 [07564d50] p2p-governor: TimedDecisions (ouroboros-network)
05:39:08 [e95c7614] p2p-governor: public root peers (ouroboros-network)
05:39:08 [3c1fe379] p2p-governor: resetFailCount (ouroboros-network)
05:39:08 [4e14e2be] p2p-governor: fixed setCurrentTime (ouroboros-network)
05:39:09 [837abf06] p2p-governor: asynchronous demotions to cold state (ouroboros-network)
05:39:09 [025eab28] p2p-governor: inline some of invariant assertions (ouroboros-network)
05:39:09 [133dc88d] p2p-governor: update inProgressPromoteWarm (ouroboros-network)
05:39:09 [b9ac6989] p2p-governor: refactor governor invariant (ouroboros-network)
05:43:00 [17064613] 1varjp (support-faq)
05:43:52 [563682b7] Update _sidebar.md (support-faq)
05:55:32 [c031c227] Update check-bundle.rb to test linking of executables (cardano-wallet)
05:56:23 [e25ba1fe] Fix dylib references of bundled programs on macOS (cardano-wallet)
06:02:43 [53f94d10] Create rewards.md (support-faq)
06:05:11 [bdc01c06] Update list.md (support-faq)
06:07:30 [c6ae8fb1] Renamed SimM as IOSim (ouroboros-network)
06:07:31 [6a9a8eeb] io-sim: removed other-extensions from the cabal file (ouroboros-network)
06:07:31 [f1c2c6e0] io-sim: clean cabal file (ouroboros-network)
06:07:31 [fe15ea10] io-sim: removed commented out examples (ouroboros-network)
06:07:31 [120d5643] Use STMSim instead of SimSTM (ouroboros-network)
06:07:31 [c89ce8d8] io-sim: better haddocs (ouroboros-network)
06:07:31 [c9973b89] io-sim: `IOSim.Internal` module (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [38e6ddf2] io-sim-classes: removed not needed CPP (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [25d787ba] Updated ouroboros-consensus to io-sim-classes- (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [999d1eca] io-sim-classes: added lengthTBQueue to MonadSTM (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [c3233849] io-sim: include readme file (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [d912ca14] io-sim-classes: updated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [007a7ae8] io-sim-classes: MonadEventlog (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [43edbe99] io-sim: updated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [e0e1786a] io-sim-classes: README file (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [8a9eca68] io-sim-classes: throwSTM and catchSTM (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [d8259bd4] io-sim-classes: MonadFork (ouroboros-network)
06:07:32 [9fb9d001] io-sim-classes: included `stateTVar` in `MonadSTM` (ouroboros-network)
06:07:33 [c046c7ef] Updated upstream dependencies (ouroboros-network)
06:07:33 [5801e9dc] io-sim-classes: MonadSTM deprecate functions (ouroboros-network)
06:07:33 [af1e8217] io-sim: added flushTBQueue to MonadSTM (ouroboros-network)
06:07:33 [a906e172] io-sim-classes: deprecated MonadSTM.Strict.updateTVar (ouroboros-network)
06:07:33 [49329b4a] network-mux: prop_timeout_io increase positiveSchedulingTolerance (ouroboros-network)
06:07:33 [c3ee66e0] io-sim-classes: added newTBQueueIO (ouroboros-network)
06:17:43 [0c3c8ce2] Bump testing/jortestkit from `73c3177` to `ac88611` (jormungandr)
06:18:21 [b402e850] Update transfer.md (support-faq)
06:21:29 [2c7f0e6c] Update index.md (support-faq)
06:31:07 [60e83cf0] Use haskell.nix for coverage (cardano-shell)
06:33:02 [251727c3] Documentation (cardano-node)
06:37:03 [ff181966] Merge #2132 (cardano-wallet)
06:37:04 [d87a3a4e] change process_utils (jormungandr)
06:42:25 [4864bdc0] Documentation (cardano-node)
06:46:29 [ba347918] README.md: Include links to network docs (ouroboros-network)
06:46:29 [40a37d70] Renamed network.tex file (ouroboros-network)
06:47:32 [0fc84d6e] README.md: fixed typos (ouroboros-network)
06:50:41 [44325848] Compatibility with cabal-3.4 (cardano-haskell)
07:25:55 [cf75a4db] db-sync: Add CardanoLedgerState mutable variable (cardano-db-sync)
07:26:55 [f384e2bb] Drop jormungandr/jcli from cardano-wallet-jormungandr release zips (cardano-wallet)
07:32:25 [c95d2f21] Merge pull request #2533 from input-output-hk/dependabot/cargo/sled-0.34.4 (jormungandr)
07:47:48 [69ac99fa] ff181966317b50083a61aa3e4f3dfd2ac1bff1a3 (cardano-wallet)
07:47:48 [11e72f6a] Merge branch 'gh-pages-deploy' into gh-pages (cardano-wallet)
07:51:01 [843070cd] XXX debug (ouroboros-network)
08:02:26 [e5f8e4db] Stuff (cardano-node)
08:04:46 [87609c4b] Added "Unlocking The Potential Of The UTXO Model" (Emurgo-Research)
08:09:18 [bb0d7d3c] [Chore] Project build updates (mantis)
08:09:20 [821e35a1] initial nix build (mantis)
08:10:09 [fb1eaa51] RTView releases from cabal-file. (cardano-benchmarking)
08:13:03 [d36e218d] Test the model implementation of the pool database. (cardano-wallet)
08:13:03 [8b4c62b1] Move SQLite-specific testing functions into `SqliteSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
08:13:04 [528d2730] Remove unnecessary ordering restriction from `prop_listRegisteredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:13:04 [1aa5d028] Fix the model implementation of `listRetiredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:14:00 [0dcc4e37] Move SQLite-specific testing functions into `SqliteSpec`. (cardano-wallet)
08:14:45 [963c9bdf] Test the model implementation of the pool database. (cardano-wallet)
08:14:53 [db636922] ignored malformed block path test (vit-servicing-station)
08:15:22 [a2005f6b] Fix the model implementation of `listRetiredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:15:45 [d7b03327] fix indentation (cardano-wallet)
08:17:17 [0322f74f] Bump all benchmarking projects' version. (cardano-benchmarking)
08:17:40 [c4168753] Remove unnecessary ordering restriction from `prop_listRegisteredPools`. (cardano-wallet)
08:38:10 [7d041c41] update dependencies (mantis)
08:39:10 [526be6d1] integrate new block storage (jormungandr)
08:47:10 [ba73c0b4] version v2020-09-11 (ikar)
08:54:26 [87ff370e] Merge pull request #2536 from input-output-hk/fix_non_functional_tests (jormungandr)
09:00:14 [a9d9e902] Merge #2602 (ouroboros-network)
09:01:53 [f9a97208] Debug cardano-wallet-jormungandr on macos (cardano-wallet)
09:09:42 [f4b60610] Move SlotRange to StateMachine input. (plutus)
09:22:04 [77ff5521] move stable/unstable tests (jormungandr)
09:30:15 [1a707edc] Update prereqs.sh to not overwrite static part of cnode.sh (guild-operators)
09:35:07 [669e2bcc] Add a check to backup only if file exists (guild-operators)
09:44:16 [302f7210] Update check-bundle.rb to test linking of executables (cardano-wallet)
09:44:17 [ff40b3dc] Fix dylib references of bundled programs on macOS (cardano-wallet)
09:44:18 [3e4a4ac0] Drop jormungandr/jcli from cardano-wallet-jormungandr release zips (cardano-wallet)
09:50:37 [983607f6] Tidy up chairman tests support code. (cardano-node)
09:58:47 [a73cbcd5] Add POM module with types (cardano-node)
10:01:46 [94341904] Prereqs update - closes #474 and #475 (#476) (guild-operators)
10:03:26 [dadc151d] Formatting (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:03:47 [8c5de284] Add 'registerGenesisStaking' to test library. (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:04:52 [07d47336] Add 'createRUpd' microbenchmark. (cardano-ledger-specs)
10:06:06 [008adac9] Assert that chairman exits successfully (cardano-node)
10:15:54 [8c74a6c2] refinements (plutus)
10:17:15 [53d0fd26] Merge branch 'develop' into update-akka (mantis)
10:24:14 [d07dd8c2] Merge imp/8.10 into hkm/8.10 (plutus)
10:27:19 [996f7f1c] [PLC] [Builtins] Made type tags lists of ints (plutus)
10:44:06 [7667390e] Update prereqs.sh (guild-operators)
10:45:14 [f13a347d] Update prereqs.sh (#480) (guild-operators)
10:51:59 [f8de3359] cardano-ledger-spec changes (cardano-node)
10:51:59 [f8fe6d4d] ouroboros-consensus changes (cardano-node)
10:51:59 [7ead71e8] updated cabal.project and stack.yaml files (cardano-node)
10:52:54 [9eddc523] removing (AlexPosn 0 0 0 <$) and (() <$) (plutus)
11:00:56 [26da3f5a] Run rewrite-libs on darwin release (cardano-benchmarking)
11:02:26 [14f25b3a] [ETCM-107] Backport logging configuration (mantis)
11:04:12 [a8badd9a] [CAD-1358] Return the caching headers for the HTTP server to work with that. (smash)
11:07:08 [b9dc1bf4] wip (plutus)
11:07:08 [fd55907a] try to build new lambda (plutus)
11:07:08 [b85e5642] wip (plutus)
11:07:08 [ac6682e4] wip - marlowe playground lambda (plutus)
11:08:04 [a1fe1470] wip (plutus)
11:08:04 [bd72d9f4] wip (plutus)
11:08:27 [73a12f49] Implement NaCl DSIGN SK forgetting (cardano-base)
11:08:27 [8781d5bd] Cardano.Crypto.KES using libsodium bindings (cardano-base)
11:11:57 [08bcf799] Merge pull request #80 from input-output-hk/ksaric/CAD-1358 (smash)
11:12:48 [ec8e4feb] Replace var with const in JS examples (plutus)
11:21:04 [65bbd7e4] hide visualisations (plutus)
11:21:33 [ac7fc7a9] fix (plutus)
11:22:37 [830c605a] Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus into effectfully/builtins/type-tags-are-lists (plutus)
11:22:48 [fe8a4cf3] [Chore] Bump sbt, downscale memory limit (mantis)
11:31:30 [c10aaafe] Remove `Safety` module, which was superseded by `StateChangeValidity`. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
11:34:39 [f03b3122] [Chore] Rollback to sbt to 1.3 (+ increase CircleCI memory) (mantis)
11:35:40 [b97e427b] Updating to the latest foreign-generic library. (plutus)
11:35:42 [0c5fa937] Fixing the package name that PS generator reports for some of our custom types. (plutus)
11:35:42 [c3b64c57] Removing some obsolete JSON wrapper types. (plutus)
11:54:33 [a65982f4] Updated pool ranking document (cardano-ledger-specs)
11:58:12 [636f10df] Merge pull request #2300 from effectfully/effectfully/builtins/type-tags-are-lists (plutus)
11:58:40 [4e7cd229] [Chore] Fix CircleCI (thanks Andrzej) (mantis)
11:59:40 [3e312e20] Do not show the counterexamples of the liveness properties. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
12:00:07 [4dd08f06] Merge #1810 (cardano-node)
12:03:15 [5f55f3fa] release.nix: Fix macos package (cardano-benchmarking)
12:11:44 [9df585b2] Remove warnings. [skip ci] (decentralized-software-updates)
12:12:20 [fc418098] Update to 8.10.2 (plutus)
12:12:20 [a547df22] Fix Marlowe TH for change in handling of 1-tuples (plutus)
12:15:18 [85e899b3] [Chore] Bump sbt, downscale memory limit (mantis)
12:17:47 [6d4aa633] handshake: add exports (ouroboros-network)
12:17:47 [ed9def90] connection-manager: numberOfConnections (ouroboros-network)
12:17:47 [c70d9b82] connection-manager: types & core implementation (ouroboros-network)
12:17:47 [dcc94f92] Hot / Warm / Established distinction (ouroboros-network)
12:17:47 [ba444a38] Snocket.Accept (ouroboros-network)
12:17:47 [2fb4eaca] Unversioned - align code (ouroboros-network)
12:17:47 [34966031] connection-manager: ConnectionHandler (ouroboros-network)
12:17:48 [674d88cf] connection-manager: pure test (ouroboros-network)
12:17:48 [3bdd897a] connection-manager: tests (ouroboros-network)
12:17:48 [124adc02] connection-manager: server (ouroboros-network)
12:17:48 [93fdc3d1] Versions: mapWithVersion (ouroboros-network)
12:17:48 [b6f4a969] export runMuxPeer (ouroboros-network)
12:17:48 [45574b31] p2p-governor: introduce PeerStateActions (ouroboros-network)
12:27:15 [6930bab8] Define function for current circulation (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:27:36 [311ac554] [Chore] Bump sbt, downscale memory limit (mantis)
12:40:45 [0a0d71a5] Add benchmark for 'likelihood'. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:41:03 [f2269241] Renaming some function arguments (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:41:38 [30e3af74] Normalise to total stake in getNonMyopicMemberRewards (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:42:17 [85bdb9cc] using mainnet parameters for kes period (cardano-node)
12:43:36 [bbd6cf01] Merge #1810 (cardano-node)
12:52:49 [a4c0ea06] Performance optimisation of 'likelihood'. (cardano-ledger-specs)
12:57:15 [64775817] [Chore] Project build updates (#660) (mantis)
12:58:19 [367fb891] Merge branch 'develop' into update-akka (mantis)
13:00:06 [dddb5c0a] Normalise to total stake in getNonMyopicMemberRewards (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:02:00 [d78cb15a] Sync from Shelley hard fork on mainnet wrt #1963 (cardano-wallet)
13:07:54 [4a8c44ee] Merge pull request #2227 from input-output-hk/imp/8.10 (plutus)
13:12:31 [cee507b9] Updating to the latest foreign-generic library. (plutus)
13:12:33 [df47b1ff] Fixing the package name that PS generator reports for some of our custom types. (plutus)
13:12:33 [de4b13e7] Removing some obsolete JSON wrapper types. (plutus)
13:17:11 [efdbc606] Use small ada values in tests (plutus)
13:23:34 [d7299cb8] Fix merge-induced bug (cardano-base)
13:29:48 [89521db3] Define function for current circulation (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:29:57 [4b741738] Renaming some function arguments (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:29:57 [081cce72] Normalise to total stake in getNonMyopicMemberRewards (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:37:35 [c5b33bab] Bundle benchmarking scripts together (cardano-node)
13:38:11 [a1380484] Merge #1810 (cardano-node)
13:38:57 [58267889] Add POM module with types (cardano-node)
13:53:00 [8281dac5] Version control and trap improvement (guild-operators)
13:54:56 [8b885b8e] Implement API endpoint for pool sizes in terms of total stake. (cardano-ledger-specs)
13:54:58 [2173b6f1] SCP-406 SCP-407 cost model for bytestring / crypto (plutus)
13:56:36 [d62f8721] SC2086 fix (guild-operators)
13:58:44 [34dfcd01] apply memory max from job (bitte)
13:59:16 [d5ed80b8] SCP-406 SCP-407 cost model for bytestring / crypto (plutus)
14:01:27 [eecfc658] variable fix (guild-operators)
14:23:44 [30559340] [CHORE] Mordor testnet support (mantis)
14:36:36 [c77ce665] Propagate POM - Types are building (cardano-node)
14:37:02 [43df331d] attempt fixing user and group of sandbox (bitte)
14:39:33 [399730ba] [CHORE] Update akka (v2.6.9), akka http (v10.2.0) (#662) (mantis)
14:39:56 [dcc5b77a] [CHORE] Mordor testnet support (#666) (mantis)
14:45:06 [d7b71b5c] New translations en-US.json (Dutch) (yoroi-frontend)
15:00:38 [785d9d35] keep the root sled db open for the whole chain lifretime (chain-libs)
15:02:07 [2c3bf9b9] Updating to the latest foreign-generic library. (plutus)
15:02:37 [f1004d12] Removing some obsolete JSON wrapper types. (plutus)
15:02:41 [25e94705] Fixing the package name that PS generator reports for some of our custom types. (plutus)
15:03:43 [fe328649] allow better network config for nomad jobs (bitte)
15:12:53 [44fb24b0] Merge #1843 (cardano-node)
15:13:31 [c6a4d0b3] Use newer version of cardano-repo-tool (cardano-haskell)
15:14:43 [41bb1598] Merge branch 'master' into master (cardano-graphql)
15:19:46 [7cc673ea] Incorporated comments into pool ranking doc (cardano-ledger-specs)
15:20:41 [79ef93dd] chain-storage: move all code from lib.rs level (chain-libs)
15:21:04 [199865e7] integrate new block storage (jormungandr)
15:38:12 [0409c2fb] [ETCM-43] Added opt-out field (mantis)
15:57:52 [1a877676] remove unnecessary fuse and pass-by-reference (jormungandr)
15:58:55 [7f4f37d2] Use UPLC in the ledger (plutus)
16:03:15 [c477127c] describe 'address inspect' output as a JSON schema, and change spec to test results against this schema (cardano-addresses)
16:04:03 [7439e5ec] Add command for converting cardano-address signing keys (cardano-node)
16:04:06 [98742b4c] Minor refactoring of ITN key conversion command code (cardano-node)
16:05:06 [c9e5f6a7] Use UPLC in the ledger (plutus)
16:05:59 [e7701bc0] Moved BlockBody to domain (mantis)
16:07:06 [1e2ea501] small typo corrections (Emurgo-Research)
16:08:07 [b070e9de] CAD-1194 adapt to Windows (cardano-benchmarking)
16:09:44 [f7746fbc] SCP-990 Marlowe validator uses StateMachine library. (plutus)
16:16:02 [883c5bb6] f (cardano-benchmarking)
16:24:38 [2406aefc] misc additions and fixes (guild-operators)
16:32:20 [f13b1dfa] SCP-990 Marlowe validator uses StateMachine library. (plutus)
16:36:45 [90b8e25f] try fixing workflow on Windows: install pcre and pkg-config via msys2 (cardano-addresses)
16:38:35 [24721902] Adds node perms to consul admin policy (bitte)
16:40:34 [e88afc21] adjust mantis job (mantis-ops)
16:46:20 [a968bb0e] SCP-990 Marlowe validator uses StateMachine library. (plutus)
17:15:24 [82e3698d] Other changes (mantis)
17:16:40 [a039ebdc] Add a public pattern for TxMetadata in terms of TxMetadataValue (cardano-node)
17:21:05 [c13b981b] remove dbg statements (chain-libs)
17:22:42 [4b9bdf1f] Overhaul the JSON <-> TxMetadata conversions (cardano-node)
17:23:46 [b2cd5635] More improvements (mantis)
17:25:21 [0823f23d] SCP-990 Marlowe validator uses StateMachine library (plutus)
17:30:22 [2300e418] More improvements (mantis)
17:33:12 [6fc3ce4b] db-sync: support 5.0.0 (cardano-ops)
17:39:16 [b7a7706a] Update KES_period.md (cardano-node)
17:54:03 [305a219c] [ETCM-49] Replace statsd metrics with prometheus (draft) (mantis)
18:02:07 [6271adf5] [ETCM-49] Replace statsd metrics with prometheus (draft) (mantis)
18:14:05 [0e6aba51] Remove optout (mantis)
18:14:16 [7a6f1603] SCP-984 Marlowe FFI implementation (plutus)
18:27:05 [5354cdf9] [CHORE] Refactor block usage and location (mantis)
18:28:26 [3e23224d] [ETCM-49] Replace Stats-D metrics with Prometheus (mantis)
18:33:40 [7851d30f] [ETCM-49] Replace Stats-D metrics with Prometheus (mantis)
18:38:32 [6a2522a7] [CHORE] Refactor block usage and location (mantis)
18:40:17 [03b454a1] f (cardano-benchmarking)
18:44:15 [2f92959c] CAD-1194 adapt to Windows (cardano-benchmarking)
18:49:10 [b02d0092] Use lovelace instead of Ada in the tutorial (plutus)
18:51:54 [d651db76] Merge branch 'master' into cad-1745-debug (cardano-benchmarking)
18:53:22 [3708f6ec] replace overlay schedule with arithmetic checks (cardano-ledger-specs)
18:53:38 [f1e1147d] Merge #164 (cardano-benchmarking)
19:04:51 [725262be] wip (adalite)
19:15:09 [8c314173] Sync from Shelley hard fork on mainnet wrt #1963 (cardano-wallet)
19:15:22 [0f5c3d9e] Configure intellisense for typescript in Monaco editor (plutus)
19:21:23 [a1ddca99] Record byron headers in stake pools DB and use them as sync point wrt #1963 (cardano-wallet)
19:25:19 [df07253f] Add CLI golden tests for new cardano-address key conversion command (cardano-node)
19:29:49 [661ba392] [ETCM-43] Add opt-out field (mantis)
19:34:57 [94f9f128] [CHORE] Refactor block usage and location (mantis)
19:43:56 [9da90a95] Add command for converting cardano-address signing keys (cardano-node)
19:43:59 [a7ab18ab] Add CLI golden tests for new cardano-address key conversion command (cardano-node)
19:43:59 [ce78c115] Minor refactoring of ITN key conversion command code (cardano-node)
19:53:12 [80eaff74] Merge pull request #1849 from input-output-hk/jc/replace-overlay-schedule-with-checks (cardano-ledger-specs)
19:59:40 [cf221605] Issue 29 FR fixed (support-faq)
20:19:28 [3bd12a13] fix indentation (cardano-wallet)
20:20:49 [0d70c797] Add explorer types (yoroi-ergo-backend)
20:28:42 [874754c0] Merge pull request #5 from Emurgo/add-explorer-types (yoroi-ergo-backend)
20:58:50 [a7cf6a58] Refactor Cardano.CLI.Shelley.Run.Transaction (cardano-node)
20:58:54 [4c0a76a4] Update cli's witness creation command to allow multisig scripts as input (cardano-node)
20:58:55 [e44d1a1d] Implement tests for witness creation and assembly of tx body and witness (cardano-node)
20:58:55 [3cd5433a] Allow multi-signature script creation using genesis UTxO keys (cardano-node)
21:04:04 [ed127a23] Update multisig JSON syntax (cardano-node)
21:04:04 [f6271b0a] Update multisig documentation (cardano-node)
21:04:05 [56a05365] Update cardano-cli tests (cardano-node)
21:10:30 [d758f18a] Merge pull request #1850 from input-output-hk/kantp/wallet-api-pools (cardano-ledger-specs)
22:06:23 [31a57f83] Tweak sysctl.conf (Jormungandr-for-Newbs)
22:12:10 [0748909c] Mantis job mem -> 8 GB; adds aws cli to shell (mantis-ops)
22:18:07 [ab5121a1] Add command for converting cardano-address signing keys (cardano-node)
22:18:10 [289de30d] Add CLI golden tests for new cardano-address key conversion command (cardano-node)
22:18:10 [fae5d35e] Minor refactoring of ITN key conversion command code (cardano-node)
22:31:03 [296f98e1] Misc changes (guild-operators)
22:32:36 [c03e50cb] implement tx sending (yoroi-mobile)
22:34:25 [738fc7e6] SC2086 fix (guild-operators)
22:36:58 [9dc4240e] KES expiration calculation (guild-operators)
22:57:01 [ba65cb76] RTT average bug fix in peer analysis (guild-operators)
23:09:10 [546c86b8] [DDW-269] Allow installation postpone (daedalus)
23:10:03 [df4f3d04] Include hydra evaluation in bors.toml (cardano-benchmarking)
23:10:42 [596bd8fc] nix: Fix eval of macos release job (cardano-benchmarking)
23:14:10 [61327b50] Try #175: (cardano-benchmarking)
23:38:36 [648d1d8e] Remove old chairman (cardano-node)
23:41:07 [6edd88b3] Merge #1841 (cardano-node)